Is there a ban on traveling abroad? Restrictions on traveling abroad: how to find out about the ban, why it is imposed, bypass

Updated 02/07/2019

Is it possible to travel abroad with debts? Any person who has any debt should check their status before traveling outside Russia. Otherwise, a surprise may await you right at passport control. Every year, thousands of Russians are turned away because they do not know the law and have not taken care of a carefree vacation in advance. From the article you will learn how to check whether you will be released abroad with debts, whether there is a difference between debt for housing and communal services and alimony, and also what amount of debt limits travel abroad.

If you plan to travel abroad with debts, you can check their presence or absence in several ways. I’ll tell you about all of them below, but first, let’s figure out which law stipulates restrictions on traveling abroad for debt reasons.

Traveling abroad with debts, or rather not leaving the Russian Federation, is regulated by several laws, including the federal laws “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” and “On enforcement proceedings.” They are written in dry language and sometimes it is more difficult to understand them than the language of aliens who flew from the constellation Alpha Centauri. Therefore, I will explain everything in simple terms.

Temporary restriction of the right to travel outside Russia is considered an effective measure and the Federal Bailiff Service (FSPP) successfully applies it, but many do not know exactly how such a process is launched.

The very fact of debt, be it a loan, traffic police fines or alimony, does not automatically make a person unable to travel abroad. To do this, the amount of debt must exceed a certain threshold, but even after this, a particular citizen may be included in the list of debtors who are prohibited from traveling abroad only after several months, or even years.

Who can be restricted from leaving Russia?

Most Russians do not know what amount of debt limits travel abroad. In 2017, its size changed, causing even more confusion. Although in reality everything is simple.

  1. If we are talking about the collection of alimony, compensation for harm caused to health or compensation for harm in connection with the death of the breadwinner, then I can restrict a person from leaving Russia if the total debt recognized by the court exceeds 10 thousand rubles.
  2. For all other requirements (debts for utilities, bank loans, loans from microfinance organizations, traffic police fines, etc.), the amount of debt for which leaving the country can be prohibited is from 30 thousand rubles.

Statistics from bailiffs say that most often orders banning travel are issued against Russians who are in debt.

  • Bank loan.
  • MFO loan.
  • To the state on traffic police fines.
  • Management companies for utilities.
  • Former spouse and child for alimony.
  • To the state for taxes.

Any of the above categories of debtors does not automatically become prohibited from traveling even if the amount of his debt exceeds 30 thousand rubles. Temporary restrictions on traveling abroad do not always arise even after a court decision is made. There are nuances here too. For example, debts arising from traffic fines do not concern the courts in any way; they are immediately transferred to the FSSP. But in most cases the process goes like this.

  1. A debt case comes to court.
  2. The court makes a decision on forced collection.
  3. This decision is sent to the bailiffs, who must collect the debt using various measures of influence on the debtors, including making a decision to restrict travel abroad.

How quickly is the exit restriction introduced?

Restrictions when traveling abroad due to debts are not introduced automatically, so in each individual case the period for introducing such a restriction may be different. Next, using specific examples, we will analyze situations with debts on loans, fines, alimony, utility bills, and so on.

Traveling abroad with housing and communal services debts

Debt for utilities and traveling abroad are in no way connected with each other. Some Russians do not pay bills for housing and communal services for months and quietly travel around the world. So, traveling abroad with utility debts is quite possible, unless the house management company or the homeowners association of your home has decided to seek debt collection through the courts.

Practice shows that utility companies only go to court if they have large debts. The very fact of the trial is also not a reason for introducing a temporary restriction on traveling abroad. Only after a court decision on forced collection is made, the bailiff service will be able to open enforcement proceedings, within the framework of which it is possible to use restrictive measures.

Where can I check my housing and communal services debt and will I be allowed to go abroad with it if there is enforcement proceedings? If it is less than 30,000 rubles, then no one has the right to restrict you from leaving. But checking the existence of debt for utility bills is quite difficult. More precisely, you yourself know it very well if you receive tickets and do not pay for them. If the house management company goes to court, you should receive a corresponding notification. If the court has made a decision, the service nevylet.rf will help you find out about it. There you can get all the current data at the time of the request. Not only for court decisions, but also for traffic police fines, credit debts, and so on.

Traveling abroad with alimony debt

Is it possible to travel abroad with alimony debts? It is definitely possible if the debt on them is less than 10,000 rubles. In other cases, there is a high risk of becoming temporarily banned from traveling abroad. Court proceedings for alimony payments are usually resolved quite quickly, and bailiffs make a decision to restrict travel even faster. Therefore, if you ask whether alimony workers who do not pay are released abroad, I will answer that they are reluctant to do so and alimony debt is one of the most problematic.

Will they be released abroad with loan debt?

Surprisingly, there are Russians who ask more knowledgeable people on the Internet whether they will let them go abroad if they have a loan. There is only one answer: 1000 times “Yes.” Even if you have 10 loans, but you regularly pay them, you can safely go to any country - the border guards will not grab your hand, shake their fingers and turn you back for having a loan.

It’s another matter when debtors going on vacation ask whether they will let them go abroad with unpaid loans. Here it is important to understand what the people asking the question mean by the phrase “unpaid loan”. If it’s just the fact of having a loan, then see the paragraph above. If you have a loan debt, then whether you will be allowed to go abroad or not depends on the stage of your relationship with the bank. But I emphasize once again that without a court decision and open enforcement proceedings, neither collectors nor representatives of the bank’s security service have the right to restrict your departure from Russia.

The presence of loan debt and the recognition of this debt by the court significantly reduces your chances of traveling abroad. Again, if the loan debt is less than 30,000 rubles, even the bailiffs on duty at the airport will not be able to stop you.

Therefore, to the question “Will they let you go abroad if you have a loan?”, the answer is an unequivocal “They will let you out,” but to the question “You have a debt on a loan, will you let you go abroad?”, everything is not so clear.

It doesn’t matter what type of loan you owe. This could be a personal loan, mortgage debt, or credit card debt. Without FSSP enforcement proceedings or if the loan debt is less than 30,000 rubles, all Russian airports are open to you.

Abroad with fine debts

Do they let you go abroad with traffic police fines? Getting a fine from traffic cops is easy these days. There are so many video cameras and violations installed that you just have time to receive letters of happiness. Of course, someone will say, follow the traffic rules and sleep well. But situations are different and sometimes committing a minor offense simply cannot be avoided. On the other hand, if there is a threshold of 30,000 rubles, you have to be a very persistent traffic violator in order to be included in the list of travel bans.

Perhaps you consider yourself one of these people, and you are planning to travel abroad with debts? You can check all unpaid traffic fines in different ways, including through the government services portal, but the Nevylet.rf service will help you identify all your debts at once. Since on federal websites the relevance of the data is 2 weeks, and on the Nevylet.rf service the data is current on the day of access.

You must remember that you have 60 days to pay administrative fines, including traffic police fines. Two months after the fine is issued, the debt, bypassing the court, is transferred to the FSSP. This is bad for the debtor, but there is also a positive aspect. Bailiffs cannot restrict a citizen who has unpaid administrative fines from leaving the country. The need to establish such a ban is determined by the court, where FSSP employees must apply.

How and where to find out about the ban on traveling abroad

Will they be released abroad? How to check? Where to see? This is the question asked by everyone who feels the potential to be on the travel ban list, even temporarily. There are several options for checking the presence of debts, which may be the reason for imposing a travel restriction. I'll tell you about them all, their pros and cons.

Website of the Federal Bailiff Service

The FSSP website is located at and immediately on the main page it offers information about your debts. It is enough to enter your last name and first name or individual entrepreneur number and also indicate the territorial authority (your region). The system will then ask you to enter a letter code and display the search results.

Your personal data may coincide with the personal data of another debtor, so to clarify, use the advanced search, indicating the middle name and date of birth.

The system shows enforcement proceedings that have been opened against a citizen over the past few years. Including those already closed. There is an opportunity to pay the debt, but please note that a commission is charged.

The FSSP website explains: “The entry in the Data Bank will be deleted or changed (in case of partial repayment of the debt) within 3 to 7 days from the date of payment, since the funds must be transferred to the deposit account of the bailiff department, distributed, and transferred to the recoverer.”

Government services website

If you are registered on the government services website, you can check your debt here. The site shows debts not only by the bank of enforcement proceedings, but also by other databases: traffic police fines, tax debt, court debt.

You need to search in the relevant sections of the government services catalog (in the screenshot below I noted where to click). Traffic police fines are searched in the “Transport and Driving” section, tax debts in the “Taxes and Finance” section, court debts in the “Safety and Law and Order” section.

I will not provide instructions for searching for debts on the government services website, since everything there is quite simple and clear. If you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

The main advantage of the two above sites is that the check is absolutely free. The main disadvantage is that the information may be out of date, and the delay in updating data can be up to two weeks. That is, it is quite possible that the database on the FSPP website will show the absence of enforcement proceedings, but at the border they will tell you the opposite. And prove to the border guards that “I am not me and the fur coat is not mine.”

Service Nevylet.rf

The Nevylet.rf service was created for the same purpose. You will be able to assess the possibility of traveling abroad with debts and check the presence of debt by:

  • Credits.
  • Taxes (transport, land, property, etc.).
  • Bailiffs.
  • Alimony.
  • Traffic police
  • Administrative fines.

But unlike federal websites, the service presents current data at the time of the request. As they say, you have to pay for relevance, so checking on the site is paid. All details are in the link or click on the widget below.

I would especially like to note that the personal information you provide when filling out the form is not transferred to third parties.

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A ban on traveling abroad is a measure that bailiffs apply to debtors, thereby forcing defaulters to return unpaid amounts. The method is regulated by the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”. The defaulter is deprived of the opportunity to cross the border of the Russian Federation until he fully repays the debt. Meanwhile, not every tourist thinks, am I a traveler? You can check the ban on traveling abroad in a couple of minutes using the online service or this form:

Being on the “black list” is unpleasant. It’s even more unpleasant to find out about this during passport control at the airport. Practice shows: from time to time it will not be superfluous to check the absence of your own last name in the bailiff database.

The procedure for imposing a ban on leaving Russia is complex and not quick. The court imposes restrictions. The reason is the debtor’s failure to fulfill monetary obligations. This usually applies to citizens who have evaded payment for a long time and have accumulated significant amounts of debt.

For respectable payers, the prospect of being on the “list not allowed to travel” is small. And the probability of getting there without your own knowledge tends to zero. However, cases are known. Therefore, I need to check whether I can travel beyond the border before buying tickets and planning a trip.

Types of debts

Restrictions on travel threaten persons with debts under various headings. These are alimony, taxes, overdue loans, unpaid fines and even housing and communal services.

Rulings on administrative violations also become grounds for initiating enforcement proceedings. Issued by different authorities: traffic police, tax service, police, customs, labor inspectorate, etc.

Thus, the traffic police can send material to the bailiffs if the fine for violating traffic rules is not paid within 30 days. Theoretically, doubts about whether I am traveling should arise in everyone who has neglected the rules and deadlines in everything related to money.

  • Employees with access to state secrets. The ban applies during the period of tenure and for some time after dismissal.
  • Conscripts for military and alternative service.
  • Persons suspected of committing a crime, accused or convicted.
  • FSB employees.
  • Persons who were convicted of forgery during the preparation of exit documents.

Procedure for imposing restrictions

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the initiator of a ban on traveling abroad can be a court or a bailiff. In real life, courts initiate the procedure very rarely. In the vast majority of cases, travel restrictions are issued by a bailiff, based on a court decision or order. There are differences between the documents.

This is what a travel ban order looks like

  1. A court decision is the result of a court hearing. The debtor is notified in advance. He then decides whether to attend the hearing or not. If the defaulter is not present at the meeting, this does not exempt from subsequent punishment.
  2. The court order does not require the presence of the citizen. The order is sent in the form of a notification.

The purpose of the documents is the same: to force the citizen to pay the debt. Having received a court decision or order, the bailiff prepares a resolution and notifies the debtor that the court has examined the case and decided to collect a sum of money. Otherwise, he faces a ban on traveling abroad.

The bailiff's order specifies the period allotted for the transfer of money, the amount and details for payment. A minimum of 5 days is given for repayment. If the money is not received, the bailiff prepares a second resolution, which imposes a restriction on travel. Copies are sent to the debtor, FMS employees and the border control service.

The border guards' database contains lists of persons subject to a travel ban. It does not matter how the citizen planned to leave the territory of the Russian Federation. Your passport will be checked in any case. If a corresponding entry is found in the database of enforcement proceedings, the flight or departure will have to be cancelled. The citizen will not be released abroad.

The law established a minimum amount, starting from which the defaulter will not be allowed abroad. In 2020 it is 10 thousand rubles. The period for which the travel ban is imposed is not specified in the law. By default, it is assumed that a person can obtain admission immediately after paying the debt. However, if the amount is large, it is rarely paid immediately and in a short time. Therefore, the citizen remains restricted from traveling for six months. After 6 months, the bailiff issues a new ruling - and so on an infinite number of times.

Remember: until your “debt” history is in the hands of the bailiffs, no one has the right to prohibit you from leaving the territory of the Russian Federation. If the executors have paid attention to you, the ban on traveling abroad should be preceded by a large number of notices, notices and letters demanding repayment of the debt. Therefore, it is difficult to get on “black lists” and not know about it.

How to get rid of the ban

There are different ways to lift the ban on traveling abroad. The first and most correct is to eliminate debt. This must be done in advance so that the bailiff issues a decree on removal and sends it to the FMS and the border service. Those, in turn, must check the list of people for whom travel is prohibited and cross off the former debtor.

The second way is to file a complaint against the actions of the bailiff. The method is risky. Suitable for those who are extremely confident that they are right and can prove it. In other cases, actions are doomed to failure in advance.

Everyone leaving for another country should check in advance whether I am traveling abroad or not (there is a convenient website for quick checking). The bureaucratic machine is designed in such a way that it is impossible to immediately lift the restriction on traveling abroad. As in the case of imposition, the decision to remove is the prerogative of the bailiff.

The Main Directorate of the FSSP enters information into a unified register, then sends the information to FMS specialists. This takes 3 weeks. A citizen who goes abroad and doubts whether he can travel abroad should take this into account.

In 2020, 24-hour duty of bailiffs was introduced at airports. This is done so that the citizen can pay off the debt immediately before departure. This method is quick, but also takes time. On average, it takes 5-6 hours to process the payment and change the data. Therefore, you will most likely have to miss your plane.

Verification methods

Mobile application for debt checking

There are different methods for finding out if there is a travel ban. The surest way to never face the question “Am I traveling or not?” – this is not accumulating debts. Pay alimony, loans, utility bills on time. Enforcement proceedings are launched not because a person has a debt, but because the debt is being serviced with violations.
The fastest way to check is an online service from our partners.

Another way is to use a special service on the website of the bailiff service. The check works online. The user is required to enter the region, last name, first name and date of birth.

If the system does not produce a match, it means that there is no such person in the database, travel abroad is allowed. If information, on the contrary, is found, it must be verified by contacting the bailiff in person.

Explanations for using the service

A detailed instruction for the user of the production data bank is posted on the official website of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia Federal Law No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings” allows creating a database of debtors. A publicly accessible part is posted on the site (you can check it through this service). The details of court proceedings and documents are not posted on the Internet.

You can check whether I can travel abroad if you refer to the search section for individuals. The region of registration or location of the property should be indicated. Citizens do not have to mark their date of birth. It is designed to identify users with the same first and last names.

If the debtor knows the enforcement proceedings number, he can start a search by number. The data that the user enters into the form is not saved or transmitted to third parties by the system.

If information is available in the database, travel abroad is prohibited. The Bailiffs Office recommends that those who find themselves on the “black list” pay off the debt. This can be done online on the website using electronic payment systems or a bank card.

After payment is accepted, the record is stored for another 4-7 days, after which it is deleted. This happens when the money arrives in the account and goes to the recipient. After this, the debtor can send a request again, assessing whether I am traveling beyond the border. If problems arise, it is better to contact the bailiffs in person.

In 2020, mobile applications became widespread, making it easy to access the data bank. Programs on mobile phones and social networks allow you to subscribe. When your name appears in the database, you will immediately receive a notification by email.

A brand new international passport is in hand, and maybe even with an open visa, but a foreign trip may not take place. The border guards won't let you through. In what cases should you be wary of this and how can you find out if you personally have a ban on traveling abroad in 2020?

At the beginning of January 2020, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, approved the list of countries for holidays for police officers, as well as civil servants. The list includes the following states: Vietnam, Cuba, China, Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, South Ossetia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan.

Reasons for the ban

According to the law, several categories of citizens may become prohibited from traveling abroad. And if for some such a restriction of rights is not news, then others may not even realize that they are included in the “stop list” of the border services.

  • employees of various organizations with security clearance; lifting the travel ban for them is possible five years after dismissal;
  • those who are undergoing military service in the army;
  • persons under investigation or.

How to earn a ban

But the mere fact of having old debts does not mean that you will have trouble when checking your documents at the border. Imposing a ban is a lengthy procedure, and it all starts in court.

Stage one - trial

The resolution is sent in triplicate to the debtor himself, as well as to the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and border guards. An important point: the bailiff has the right to choose such a measure only if the amount of the debt is equal to or more than ten thousand rubles.

As you can see, a lot of time can pass from the moment you write an application to the court until the transfer of the decision to the border guards. You must also remember that the ban is not lifelong, but lasts until you finally pay off your debts. After six months, it loses force, but if the debtor persists, the bailiff has the right to renew the ban, and so on ad infinitum.

Let's check ourselves

How can I find out if travel abroad is closed? The bailiff is required to notify you of the ban by mail. But the letter may get lost, especially if you do not live at the registration address. Therefore, there is a need to check the restrictions on traveling abroad yourself.


How to find out if there is a restriction on traveling abroad without leaving home, online? The first step is to use the website of the bailiff service.

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2018; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

In a special service, enter your region and personal data.

If enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you, the search engine will find you; otherwise, it will display a message that the information requested was not found.

You can, of course, use the advanced search located right on the main page of the site.

But it does not allow you to enter your date of birth, and you will become the proud owner of a list of enforcement proceedings initiated against your namesakes.

Note that even if the answer is positive, this only means the possibility of using such a measure.

But on the main page there is an interactive assistant.

With its help, you can ask a question you are interested in regarding enforcement proceedings or obtain a certificate of absence of debt.

How to find out exactly whether there is a ban on traveling abroad? Most likely, you will have to visit your local office of this service, and then do not forget to take your passport. Whether it is worth seeking a personal meeting with the bailiff who is conducting your proceedings is up to you to decide. However, your visit may well provoke a sanction if it has not yet been applied, and there are grounds for it.

Tax authorities

How to find out if traveling abroad is allowed? Another resource you can use is the tax service website. Here in your personal account you can find out if you have underpaid taxes. To do this, you first need to go to any tax office with your ID and take your login and password.

In your personal account, go to the “Overpayment/Debt” section.

By turning on the filter, get a list of taxes for which you have unpaid debts.

We remind you that the presence of debts through this department also only means the likelihood of a ban.

Public services

How to check the ban on traveling abroad from Russia online on the State Services website? This method is the most convenient. Especially if you already have registration on this resource. The fact is that the process of creating a personal account takes some time.

But here you can find out not only about the existence of enforcement proceedings and tax debts, but also the number of unpaid fines from the traffic police.

All these services are among the most popular and can be found directly on the main page of the site.

At the border guards

Checking with border guards for a ban on traveling abroad is not a good idea. The border service is not authorized to give any information or explanations, so you can only encounter them directly when leaving the country. Thus, you can experimentally find out that the limitation still exists.

However, this will cost you wasted money on tickets, visas, etc. It is possible to recover the losses incurred only through the court if you can prove that the FSSP employees did not properly inform you or that the ban was imposed on you unreasonably.

By the way, many debtors used to travel abroad through Belarus: there is practically no border control between our countries, and Belarusian border guards had no information about the lists of Russian debtors. Now the situation has changed because a corresponding agreement has been signed between our countries, and both border services can use a common database.

At the migration service

Is it possible to check for a ban on leaving the country at the offices of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (FMS)? Try it. If there is a prohibition, you will be refused to issue this document.

If you are going abroad, it would be a good idea to find out in advance whether you have the right to do so. Citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners are included in border guards’ travel ban lists for several reasons. One of them - unpaid debts- can affect everyone.

Abroad with debts

For debts of any size, it is impossible to put a person in prison; it is impossible to take away his only home, plot of land, tools, household items, food supplies.

There are not many tools to influence the average citizen in this regard. One of the most effective is deprivation of the right to travel abroad.

How is the limit set?

The fifth paragraph of the fifteenth article of Law No. 114-FZ establishes that bailiffs have the right to a person to go abroad to the Russian Federation temporarily limit until he fulfills his financial obligations or reaches an agreement with the creditor. Art. says the same thing. 67 of Law No. 229-FZ. The bailiff service is obliged to send the person a notice of travel restriction, which explains why and for how long the restrictions apply.

It should be noted that the mere presence of a debt or an unpaid loan is not a reason to restrict travel. To order a restriction it is necessary existence of enforcement proceedings for debt collection.

The very bank you owe money to has no right to restrict travel. To do this, the creditor must sue you, submit the writ of execution to the SSP, and then demand that the bailiff take such a measure.

Amounts of debt for not leaving

The amount of debt for the adoption of a bailiff's decision on a travel ban for one or more enforcement proceedings together must be not less than 10,000 rubles.

Exceptions for admission abroad

A ban is a right, but not an obligation of a bailiff. Whether it is worth applying such a measure to you, he decides independently.

Since bailiffs are very busy people, and filing a ban requires time and effort, they usually accept it only at the request of the claimant.

  1. Having debt, even a large one, is still does not guarantee that you are blacklisted by border guards;
  2. If it is really necessary and refusal does not threaten large losses, try to drive, maybe the bailiff didn’t get around to you;
  3. If very valid reasons(death, serious illness of a relative), the management of the SSP department has the right to meet halfway and lift the travel ban;
  4. It should be remembered that cancel the decision the bailiff has the right and without any reason. So it’s always possible to include the human factor;
  5. Bailiffs have the right to restrict travel for no more than six months by one resolution. When its validity period expires, the bailiff writes a new one. But usually this is not done every day, but after a couple of weeks. Is quite real slip through into this “window”. You will be allowed back to your homeland in any case without any consequences;
  6. The most common way to bypass the ban is travel via Belarus. The border between the Russian Federation is not guarded in any way; there are no posts there. Having left for a fraternal country, you have the right to go further wherever you wish. The border guards of the two countries do not have a common database on travel bans, and there is no legal basis for its creation yet. If you are not on the international wanted list, everything will work out. But Interpol doesn’t start searching for debts;
  7. If you have it in hand, it's easy to take a train ticket to and get off at;
  8. When the purpose of travel is Asian countries, choose the next one to another region of the Russian Federation via Kazakhstan. Get off in Petropavlovsk.

Departure from Russia foreign citizens regulated by N389-FZ, Art. 28. If a foreigner in Russia is in debt, his exit also has the right to be restricted.

How to check what you owe?

To find out if you are allowed to travel abroad, you can contact the Border Patrol web reception. Fill out the form and send a request. True, nothing is said on the resource about the time and guarantee of receiving a response.

There, it will not be a computer that will answer you, but real people, since the request is written in the form of a statement that the answer does not speed up.

Wait, find out your debts and take action to their elimination. You still have to give it away.

Find out your tax debt online

To find out your tax debt online, you need to register on the official website Federal Tax Service. When registering, you need to know your TIN (tax number). You can find information on this service on the following types of taxes:

  • On land;
  • On income of individuals;
  • On property;
  • Transport tax.

Familiarization through the public services portal

Information about unpaid taxes, fines imposed for this, and accrued penalties is obtained on the portal public services. To register there, you need to know your SNILS, have an email address or a mobile phone serviced by an operator from the list provided on the site.

Information from bailiffs

To find out about debts of all types for which enforcement proceedings have already begun, contact the office. website FSSP Russia. In the “Individual Entrepreneur Data Bank” section, enter your personal data and receive a complete list of debts.

At the office The FSSP website is bailiff phone numbers responsible for each of your debts. Surely you know them from the reminder letters that came to your apartment. However, it is not recommended to contact the bailiff himself to find out whether he issued a decision to restrict the right to leave.

If he couldn’t stand it, then after your call or visit he definitely will. After all, he is the face interested collect interest from you after collecting the debt. It is better to quietly, without attracting attention, find out about the same in the office of the SSP.

Repayment terms

Pay the debt at the border or just before departure - losing option. According to all bureaucratic canons, at least two weeks will pass from depositing money in the cash register to being removed from the blacklists of border guards. Naturally, all tickets, vouchers and plans will be lost; no one is obliged to compensate for your losses. Even a certified copy of the bailiff’s decision to lift the ban on the checkpoint will not yield anything until your data from the list is officially removed in accordance with all the rules of the FSB.

Next to your debts at the office. posted on the FSSP website requisites, according to which you can pay for them. They can also be found directly at the SSP branch.

After payment, immediately take a copy of the payment document to the bailiff. Get it from him a copy of the decision to lift the restriction to leave the Russian Federation, have it certified by a senior bailiff with an official seal. Check with the bailiff for the deadline for sending the document to the border service and wait. The procedure for lifting the ban will definitely not take less than 10 days.

A few tips that, if followed, will allow you to avoid the prospect of a ruined vacation or a disrupted business trip:

  • View the FSSP website should be done regularly. Display the shortcut on your monitor and click periodically. You will always be in the know;
  • The same operation should be done with the office. website of the justices of the peace site to which you belong geographically. Check the section periodically "Judicial Proceedings", entering your last name there. This way you will know about the debt before it gets into the BSC;
  • Have a good relationship with your bailiff. He is also a person, and nothing in this regard is alien to him. If the debts are of such a size that it will take years to pay off, you will have to contact him repeatedly;
  • Don't remind yourself bailiff unless absolutely necessary. Remember the proverb about a lying stone. Perhaps he was too lazy to write or extend the ill-fated decree, and the creditor did not think to demand this;
  • If you are absolutely sure that the debts were attributed to you in vain, with malicious intent or negligence, your first assistant is prosecutor. It is not difficult to write a complaint to the local prosecutor and drop it in the mailbox;
  • You can also send a complaint through the website of the regional prosecutor's office. It's free and easy. Then the process will go on by itself.

  • Pay off your debts as soon as possible. The need to travel abroad may arise unexpectedly; you must always be prepared for this option.

If you still have a debt, there is a risk of being refused when traveling abroad. How to avoid an unpleasant situation at the airport? After reading the article, you will receive answers to the questions: “In what situations will travel be prohibited”, “How can I find out on the Internet whether I will be allowed to go abroad” and “Are there exceptions for debtors”.

When is it prohibited to leave Russia?

The procedure for citizens traveling abroad is regulated by Federal Law No. 114-FZ. According to Art. 15, it is prohibited to leave the country if:

  • Signing a contract that states the requirement to maintain state secrets.
  • Charges in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure (before sentencing).
  • Unfinished bankruptcy case, etc.

In addition, people with unpaid taxes, traffic police fines, loans, housing and communal services, alimony, and administrative fines will not be allowed to travel abroad. The condition of the ban is a documented decision on debt collection and the institution of enforcement proceedings.

Sometimes a person does not realize that he is a debtor. How to find out? Using Internet services that allow you to check whether you will be released abroad. We recommend that you use official resources, since the information on others may be unreliable.

Bailiffs website

The first way to find out about the ban on traveling abroad is to open the page How to check whether you are traveling abroad or not on the bailiffs website:

  1. Select "Services" from the main menu.
  2. Go to the “Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” section.
  3. Select the search method (IP number, ID number, individuals or legal entities).
  4. Write your territorial authority, full name, date of birth and click the “Find” button.

The system will display details of enforcement proceedings, as well as the start and end dates. If the case is officially closed, then you cannot but be released abroad.

State Services website

The portal allows you to find out about tax or legal debt for free. The service is available to legal entities and individuals. How to check the ban on traveling abroad through the government services website:

  1. Pass authorization and enter your personal account.
  2. On the main page, select the section with debt (tax or judicial) from the menu.
  3. Set the method of receiving the “Electronic” service.
  4. Fill out and submit the application.

The results of the verification are sent to your personal account. You will receive an alert in the mobile app or by email. Print the document you receive to have official confirmation that you have no debt.

Federal Tax Service website

You can find out your debt for free using a special service for taxpayers. Only registered users can access the service. Next steps:

  1. Open the page
  2. Enter your username and password to log into your account.
  3. Find the section on taxes/debts/overpayments and select the “Accrued” tab to view information about the debt.
  4. Select the “Debts” tab and see overdue payments.

On the website of the Federal Tax Service you can check the presence of debts and also pay them. The online service will help you generate payment documents and make cashless payments.

Check the ban on Non-flight.RF

You can find out whether there is a ban on traveling abroad from Russia online through Nevylet.RF. The service provides complete information, considering many sources. Including closed ones. You can quickly get a report on all debts, find out which of them are critical and see the likelihood of departure.

The Internet service comes in handy when the time before the trip is too short. The fact is that information on government portals is updated within 2 weeks. Nevylet.RF provides up-to-date information within 2 minutes and allows you to instantly pay off your debt. The service is paid.

How to check the ban on Non-flight.RF:

  1. On the main page, click “Check all debts for 299 rubles.”
  2. Enter personal data into the form.
  3. Specify your email address.
  4. Click on the “Pay” button.

The system will first collect information about debts, calculate the probability of departure and generate a report. After payment for the service, it will be sent to the e-mail specified in the form. The document will allow you to clearly understand whether a person is traveling abroad or not.

How to find out your loan debt

Many people are concerned about whether they will be allowed to go abroad if they have a loan. Of course, such people are released. The presence of debt or arrears is not a basis for restricting travel abroad. The only reason for refusal is a court decision and the statute of limitations.

If you are going to repay your loan debt, look at the information through:

  1. Internet banking of a credit organization. You will need to register on the site and log into your borrower account. Download a document reflecting the movement of funds under the loan agreement.
  2. Bailiffs website, which we talked about earlier.
  3. Credit history bureau. You will need to open the page and log in. Then submit your application.

Exceptions for debtors

The legislation provides relief for those against whom enforcement proceedings have been initiated. Since 2018, on the basis of Art. 67 FZ-229, with a debt of up to 30,000 rubles. in some situations it is prohibited to restrict travel outside the Russian Federation. The person remains “traveling”.

Pay attention to Article 46 “On Enforcement Proceedings”. If certain cases occur, the case may be closed. For example, at the request of the claimant or when it is impossible to perform the required actions - this is what Art. 46 clause 1 and clause 2.

What does Art. 46 part 1 point 3? If it is not possible to understand where the debtor is located, as well as obtain information about funds and deposits, the case is closed. The writ of execution is returned to the claimant. A similar situation arises when there is no property on which foreclosure is possible. This is stated in Art. 46 part 1 clause 4.

Border guards only consider court decisions. Complaints, applications and appeals will not affect the decision.

In 2018, more than 1.8 million people were unable to travel abroad. To avoid getting into a similar situation, pay off your “critical” debt in advance. Preferably 14 days before departure. Then your trip will not be cancelled, money for the ticket will not be lost and you will not have to use paid Internet services.