Where is the best place to sit on an airplane? The location of the seats on the plane. Aircraft cabin layout

The question is what better places choose on the plane, relevant only to ensure their own comfort. From a safety point of view, absolutely all seats are in the same position, and for a flight that will last an hour or two, the choice of seat does not seem relevant at all.

But, when flying at 10-12, or even more hours, the choice of a place is really important. To ensure maximum comfort for yourself, you need to choose seats based on two main criteria - personal preferences in flight and the technical features of the seating arrangement.

Locations by preference

Every traveler has their own idea of ​​the perfect seat on a ship. Someone likes to sit next to the window, someone closer to the toilets, as a rule, these are people who do not tolerate flights, who often feel sick, or who have problems with the intestines, and someone likes to fly at the tail of the plane.

In general, all seats according to the preferences of passengers can be divided as follows:

  • next to the porthole;
  • by the passage;
  • In the middle;
  • next to emergency exits and hatches;
  • next to the sanitary zone;
  • ahead, "behind the pilots";
  • at the tail of the liner.

Each of these options has its pros and cons, which you need to know about before the first flight in your life, when your own preferences have not yet been formed.

At the porthole

The window seat is usually loved by children, no matter what transport it is in.

Speaking of adult passengers going on their first flight in their lives, it should be noted that the porthole has only one drawback in flight - it will be difficult to get out of your seat, there are no other drawbacks.

By the passage

At first glance, it seems that nothing good can happen in the flight "in the aisle", but this is not at all the case.

In general, the only downsides are that you have to get up every time those sitting further want to leave and that you will not see clouds outside the window.

Michael Gra/flickr.com

The undoubted advantages include your own freedom of movement around the cabin, at any time you can go to the toilet or to the conductors, without disturbing anyone, and the ability to "stretch your legs" into the aisle. Although “stretching the legs” is relative, because other passengers walk along the aisle, flight attendants with their carts, and in general it does not look very nice.

But if the flight is to be at night, during which almost everyone is asleep, the opportunity to stretch your tired legs from walking on excursions can be simply priceless.

In the middle

With regard to the seats in the liner, the well-known saying about the “golden mean” is completely untrue. This is the most inconvenient position of all possible, of course, if we are talking about a solo flight. If a family or a group of friends is flying, the picture changes.

The biggest disadvantage of sitting in the center is the neighbors. When flying in such chairs, it is exactly what your neighbor will be that completely determines the entire flight. In addition, you will have to get up, releasing those sitting further and disturb those flying closer to the aisle, if you want to get out.

At emergency hatches and exits

In general, the seats are very comfortable. There is an increased space between the rows, almost no one walks by, and when flying to big liner, where many chairs are lined up in a row, there are fewer of them, usually in front emergency exit no more than three seats in a row.

However, the airlines have a semi-legal rule - the elderly, women, children and persons who do not inspire confidence are never put here. As for the latter, it is, in fact, a dress code left to the discretion of the flight attendants.

But representatives of law enforcement agencies or the military, rescuers or athletes, on the contrary, are persistently trying to seat them exactly at the emergency exits.


In flight, hatches have a significant difference from all other seats, which can be both a disadvantage and an advantage. The point is that the chairs located here have design restrictions on opening, that is, on the “lying” position. For those who want to fly in a reclining state, this, of course, is a minus.

But the indisputable advantage of these seats is that women with small children almost never sit here, this is very important for a quiet long flight and the fact that no one in front will throw back the seat, slamming the passenger's laptop.

If you plan to spend most of the flight at the computer, then emergency hatch seats are the best solution.

Close to sanitary area

These chairs are not popular, since flying near the toilet is inconvenient from the psychological side, and passengers often passing to the bathroom do not deliver positive emotions.

But if there are digestive difficulties, for example, arising from nerves, due to excitement or fear, then the aisle seat next to the sanitary zone will become the best option.

The seats “behind the pilots” are good because the very first rows do not have other seats in front of them. You can calmly stretch your legs forward or leave your seat at the porthole without asking your neighbors to get up.


But when choosing these places, you need to specify if there are sockets nearby, since it is almost always not possible to recharge gadgets here.

In the tail

They do not like to fly in the tail of the cabin, but this is an absolutely individual rejection. Since the places here are completely different from all the others.

The opinion that the “tail” shakes much more strongly when it gets into turbulence is completely subjective and does not correspond to reality. As for the opportunity to take photos from the porthole, the places here are no worse. The nose of the plane, of course, will not get into the frame, but the shots of the turbine look no less impressive.

When landing, more precisely, after its completion and before takeoff, it makes sense to look around if the seat you have got seems uncomfortable. If there is a place that, in your opinion, is more comfortable, you should not be shy, you should contact the flight attendant with a request to change seats.

Airline employees are completely calm about such movements of passengers, since the calmness and healthy environment on board depend entirely on the comfort of people during the flight.

Video: the best seats on the plane - how to choose?

Design features of seats in the liner

All planes are different, their main difference is how many seats are in a row. They can be 2, 3, 4, 5 - than more liner, the more seats are located between the aisle and the porthole, moreover, the narrower the distance between the rows themselves. In general, flying on large aircraft is less convenient than on small ones.

The location of the sanitary area and service compartments may also differ in different aircraft, as well as the location of sockets, the dimensions of the compartments for hand luggage, monitors and much more.

When choosing the best seats for yourself on an airplane, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Must See detailed plan the cabin of the model of the liner in which the trip is to be - special attention should be paid to the little things - the presence of monitors, sockets, the distance between the rows, and so on, it is not difficult to find cabin diagrams on airline services.
  2. If you want to calmly and slowly choose a seat, you need to book in advance through online services, again guided by the cabin scheme, which are available on almost any portal that sells air tickets.
  3. If there was no prior choice, then seats are allocated “in order of priority” when boarding the plane, the flight attendant will simply show the free seat. But even in the airport building, it is possible to understand which seats on the plane are free and choose the most optimal of them - for this you need to use self-check-in terminals or ask for a diagram with seats at the counter at which check-in is carried out.

In addition to all the details that ensure comfort in flight inside the cabin, it is imperative to take into account such a moment as the direction of the aircraft, this is especially important for those passengers who plan to fly from the window.

it important point, it must be taken into account when choosing which places near the porthole are best for photographs and just admiring the clouds. Regardless of the direction, it can turn out that the sun will blind the entire flight and carefully chosen, the best seats will turn out to be the biggest disappointment.

In recent years, airlines have been very "not fond" of distributing seats directly in the cabin before departure, preferring a preliminary selection of seats by their passengers. In general, this is a good trend, but sometimes there are overlays, that is, several people apply for the same seat.

You can avoid such troubles by making a choice directly on the portals of air carriers. In addition, in all disputable situations, preference always remains precisely for a direct reservation, and not for the one that was made through an intermediary company, regardless of when this very reservation was registered.

The question of which seats are better on airplanes is completely individual and each person decides for himself where exactly it will be more convenient for him to fly, and this will become clear after the first flight. It may well become very comfortable and full of positive emotions if you approach the choice of flight, aircraft model and the location of the seat in the cabin carefully, responsibly and book everything in advance.

In terms of the variety of places, the plane is still slightly inferior to the train. There are no upper and lower rows, as well as the usual places on the side. Passengers can choose from the following seats:
- in the tail of the aircraft;
- at the aisle or porthole;
- in the nose of the aircraft or at the wing.

Before choosing a comfortable seat on an airplane, you need to determine for yourself what your personal preferences are.

The distances between the seats are different, depending on the comfort class. More comfortable seats are located near the exit and in front of the aircraft. If possible, it is better to choose places exactly there in order to settle down with the greatest convenience. If safety is important to you, take a seat at the tail of the plane.

According to statistics, most accidents occur during takeoff or landing. The fact is that during takeoff, the plane can easily catch on the ground with its tail. In this case, the front part, in the event of a break, goes forward and falls to the ground, and the tail part simply remains on the ground.

The undoubted advantage of landing at the beginning of the cabin is that you can stretch your legs and sleep if necessary. At the same time, you will not be disturbed by drafts and the noise of running engines. In addition, the distribution of food and drinks is made from the nose of the aircraft. From this it follows that the front seats are the most comfortable and convenient.

Choosing a seat on an airplane based on your height

When choosing a place, you also need to consider your height. If it is less than 160 centimeters, you can easily fit even in the middle row. You will feel good and comfortable there.

But if your height is much higher than the indicated figures, it will not be so comfortable here. Your legs will rest on your chin, as a result of which you will not be able to relax properly.

Passengers with a height of more than 160 centimeters should choose seats in the bow or at the exit.

Seats at the tail of the aircraft are an excellent seating area. If you prefer to sleep during the flight, by all means go there. As a rule, in this part of the air vehicle there are always empty seats, because many choose the middle and the beginning of the cabin.

But special subtleties must also be taken into account. Some aircraft have engines located at the rear. Because of this, you will always hear the noise of running engines. If you are very sensitive, you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep and have a good rest.

According to statistics, for many passengers, the question of whether to sit on an airplane is still not the most significant - the neighbor with whom they fly is more important to them. After all, it is with him during the flight that you can talk and have a great time.

Hour queues at the airport - this is no longer for you! It's time for modern technology. The fastest way to get the best seats on a plane is to check in online in advance. You will need a reservation number, passport details and a number electronic ticket. On the airline's website, you can check in online in a day and get the seats you deserve. Airplane seating is subjective.

Safety first!

Someone chooses the safest seats on the plane. According to statistics, these are places in the tail of the aircraft. About 67% of the passengers who survived the crash were sitting there. These places are also most often empty, and you can comfortably sit on three chairs. Sleep, lie down, stare out the window.

View of the planet Earth

Which seats to choose on the plane is up to you. If you are planning the entire flight to read a book or watch the continents and seas float under the iron bird, you should go to the window. This is a rather secluded place, but there is a minus: you will have to get out into the passage through two passengers.

Places for the restless

There is a category of passengers for whom freedom of movement is important even in flight. Side seats- for them. You can stretch your legs into the aisle, you can go into the salon without touching your neighbors. The downside is the food and drink carts that can hurt you and other passengers rushing to their needs.

"Beau monde"

places, in front of which there is no other row of seats. For the entire flight, someone's shiny bald head or incredibly smelling hairstyle will not loom in front of you. One of the significant disadvantages: passengers with small children are usually accommodated here. This neighborhood is not suitable for everyone, so immediately assess the strength of your nerves and resistance to crying. You may also have a galley or toilets in front of you, so consider your sensitivity to smells.

neutral waters

Middle seats in a row of seats. It is far from the passage and the porthole. It's easier to get out, no one pushes you. Here you can use the "cheat code". There are two of you and you are flying in the same direction. Book a window seat and an aisle seat: in most cases, the seat between you will remain free.

Emergency situation

Places near emergency hatches. Perhaps the most controversial places. Here the backs of the seats are fixed, but the space in front of the previous row is increased. You can’t come here with children, you can’t block the passage with bags and you can’t bring animals. In the event of an accident, you will have to open this hatch, so airlines sometimes reserve these seats for the most physically fit passengers.

If you still got to the wrong place, on unloaded flights you can independently transfer to a free and more comfortable spot. You have approximately 5 minutes after the end of boarding, because after takeoff these seats will “leave” agile passengers.

Which are the best seats on an airplane is a decision that is ultimately up to you. The location of the seats on the plane is always different, so if you know the model of the plane in advance, look at the diagram. Perhaps this will help you become the most enviable traveler who will advise all your friends on where to sit on the plane.

In an era of relatively affordable flights, it is quite possible to travel to the other side of the earth. We tell you what are the pros and cons of different places and what is the ideal scheme for choosing the best seat on an airplane.

The safest place

Aircraft manufacturers unanimously argue that there is no safer seat on board an aircraft than any other, and the chances of survival or surviving unscathed depend more on following the instructions of the airline staff than on the location of the seat. Nevertheless, although minimally, you can still increase your chances of a successful outcome if you choose the following places.

Closer to the tail of the plane

A claim backed by bare statistics: A study by Popular Mechanics magazine, whose purpose was to analyze air crashes from 1971 to 2007, showed that 69% of passengers survived in the tail of an aircraft versus 56% in the wing area and 49% in the nose.

Window seat

Suppose the plane has landed hard, the person is safe and sound, but then your bag with 5 bottles of cognac purchased in duty free falls on your head from the luggage rack. Such a “gift” is unlikely to arrive to a passenger at the window, but for an aisle seat this is quite a common situation in such cases.

A seat at the emergency exit or in the rows closest to it

Being one of the first to leave the plane can be vital, because the panic in such situations is sometimes worse than the accident itself.

The most comfortable places

The most comfortable seats are in first class, and it's hard to argue with that. However, most people are still not ready to give half the annual salary for the chance to fly on vacation in a prone position with a bottle of champagne in their arms. Even in economy class, you can sometimes feel great if you know how to find good seats.

Seats behind emergency exits

  • huge legroom
  • in case of an accident, you can be the first to escape
  • generally not possible to select remotely (not at the airport)
  • luggage cannot be placed under the seat in front of you
  • Passengers with children and elderly people are not allowed to such places.

Seats in front of emergency exits

  • proximity to the emergency exit, the ability to be one of the first to leave the aircraft in case of an emergency
  • a small angle of inclination of the seats or the inability to lean back at all

The last row

  • because of the disadvantages of these places, few people want to sit on them, but if no one sat down, then, as a rule, you can sit on three or four seats at once, which allows you to forget about the disadvantages
  • seat backs may recline little or not recline at all
  • often close to a toilet

Seats in the tail section of the aircraft

  • statistically the safest seats, and also closest to the emergency exit for most types of aircraft
  • at some airports, people are also let out through the rear exit, which allows you to leave the plane faster
  • if the flight is not fully loaded, often the last rows are empty, so you can take adjacent seats
  • if passengers are released only through the front door, you will have to wait a long time for the exit, which can be critical for short connections
  • if meals are distributed starting from the front of the aircraft, some goodies may simply “not reach”

Seats located in front of the cabin

  • a full range of food and beverages is generally available
  • the opportunity to be one of the first to get off the plane
  • such seats are often full even on relatively unloaded flights, so there is less chance of stretching your legs under an empty seat in front or taking adjacent seats
  • here, many companies install cradles for children, so the chances of flying to a symphony of tearing children's screams increase dramatically

First row next to business class

  • Many airlines offer these seats with more legroom.
  • no one will recline the back of the chair, as there is a partition in front and there are no chairs
  • it is almost inevitable that there are cradles for children, so there is every chance to listen to a heartbreaking symphony

Window seat

  • in the case of traveling over the mountains and other beauties of our planet, a window seat can greatly brighten up the time spent in the air
  • this is perfect place in order to sleep, since no one will interfere with requests to skip to get out
  • there is more sunlight during the daytime, which is good if you want to read
  • going out for a walk or going to the toilet is fraught with anxiety for the neighbors, who may, for example, sleep
  • you will have to get off the plane a little later than those who are sitting at the aisle

Aisle seat

  • the most mobile place: you can safely get up, stretch your legs into the aisle
  • allows you to get off the plane faster
  • outstretched legs can be stepped on, run over by carts
  • many passing passengers will be offended. However, for some, such physical contact will be a plus.

How not to miss the best place

As you can see, even in economy class, seats can vary greatly in comfort, and therefore there is always a chance to get the coveted seat before others, and the longer the flight lasts, the more relevant this is.

Online check-in

In most cases, a passenger has the right to choose a seat from the moment online check-in for a flight begins, and for this it is very important to be in time for it.

Not all airlines start online check-in a standard 24 hours before departure, which you should know and use.

Seat selection prior to online check-in

For example, the Dutch KLM gives you the opportunity to choose a seat immediately after buying a ticket, and usually all the “sweet” seats have already been sorted out by the time registration begins. So it's always a good idea to go to the airline's website well in advance of your trip and check if there is such an option in the Manage Booking menu.

Many companies offer to choose a seat when buying, and this service usually costs money. It is not uncommon for the airline to indicate on the website which seats are more comfortable, and in this case it is also possible to purchase such a seat with a surcharge.

In the airport

At the check-in desk, you can always ask to be seated in a specific seat (for example, a seat after an emergency exit). Usually, airport employees do not refuse, and under certain circumstances (for example, traveling with children) they can put them in the seat occupied during online check-in, transferring the passenger who occupied the seat to another seat.

Self-check-in terminals are also useful, but are not much different from online check-in.

In airplane

If you get to treasured place failed, then even if you are already on the plane, all is not lost. If the flight is not fully loaded, it makes sense to inspect the cabin for empty seats or even rows. After the message “boarding completed”, there are a few minutes to transfer to a more comfortable free seat.

It seems that they didn’t fly for long, but it felt like they spent a day in a crowded minibus. Familiar sensations? You just sat in the wrong chair.

What are the best places on the plane to choose in order to fly as comfortably as possible? You will probably be disappointed, but, alas, there is no ideal or most convenient seat in the economy class cabin. It all depends on personal preferences, so we will consider all possible options, and which one to choose is up to you.

The first row has many advantages. To begin with, there are no seats in front of you, which means that no one will rest against your knees with a reclined back. Even the tallest passengers will be able to calmly stretch their legs and relax in a comfortable position. You will receive food and drinks first, which means you can choose from the entire range available.

Passengers with small children it will be especially comfortable to sit here, since there are fasteners for baby carriages directly opposite them. Plus, it's close to the bathroom from here. And after landing, you have every chance to be the first at the exit.

Now about the shortcomings, where without them. For the aforementioned reasons, the front seats on the plane are usually occupied by travelers with children under two years of age. And this means that it may not work out not only to sleep, but also to relax. The closeness to the toilet also has its own “charms”, in the form of a constant queue and slamming the door.

Thus, it is better to choose seats on the first row in an airplane:

  • tall people;
  • passengers with a child;
  • those who are in a hurry to get out as soon as possible;
  • those for whom the quality of the flight is inextricably linked with the assortment of what they fed.


We are talking about seats in the front of the economy class cabin. They have all the pros and cons of the front row, with the exception of the absence of those sitting in front. Accordingly, it is better to choose these seats on the plane for all the above categories, with the exception of the "giants". It is perhaps worth mentioning one more feature of the bow: turbulence is the least felt here. No wonder business class is located right here.

Golden mean

Armchairs in the middle of the cabin are not distinguished by any significant advantages and disadvantages. Toilets are far away, but here, as they say, a matter of taste. But what you should pay attention to is the fact that it is in this part that the engines are located, which will emit an annoying hum. In addition, the view from the porthole will be partially or completely covered by the wing.


Seats at the tail of an aircraft are not unreasonably considered the least comfortable, because it is here that turbulence is most felt. In addition, again, the proximity of the toilet with the same queues. In particular, you should not take the last row, because there the backs may not recline at all or have a limited angle. Well, the worst news for gourmets: by the time the flight attendants get to you, the choice of food and drinks can be pretty thin.

However, the seats in the rear are not completely hopeless. Firstly, taking a seat in the tail on an empty flight, you have the opportunity to take, in addition to your seat, also neighboring, empty ones, and stretch out to your full height, to the envy of everyone. Secondly, the "stern" is considered the safest part of the aircraft.

View from the window or freedom of movement?

Most passengers prefer to take a window seat on an airplane. Undoubtedly, watching the clouds and the cities flickering below is very exciting. You have only one neighbor, and if you wish, you can turn away from that, pretending to be asleep. Here it is comfortable to read a book in daylight, you do not need to let anyone out or let anyone in.

However, this medal has another side. If you feel the urge to go to the bathroom or just stretch, you have to disturb two people at once. And, sitting on the aisle, you can not be afraid to straighten your legs and get up when you want. After landing, you do not have to wait for the neighbors to leave. Plus, you won't feel constricted from all sides, which is especially important for people who suffer from claustrophobia.

Places in the middle are usually chosen by sociable people, because there is a chance to chat with two neighbors at once. Even if the person sitting at the porthole pretends to be asleep, the poor fellow on the aisle will not go anywhere.

Seats near emergency exits

Many experienced tourists choose these seats on the plane. The main thing is not to confuse, this is not about the last row before the emergency exit, in which, often, the backs do not recline. Comfortable is considered the next, going immediately after the emergency exit. Additional space is provided here, allowing you to calmly straighten your legs and get up without disturbing your neighbors.

Taking these comfortable seats on the plane is not an easy task, because there is an unspoken rule of the airlines, according to which they choose physically strong men on them, based on the fact that, in the event of an emergency, they will be able to independently open the hatches and participate in the evacuation.

Other nuances of choice

Pay attention to what font is used in the numbering, because the letters can be both Latin and Cyrillic. This is easy to calculate already by the first three letters. If it is A, B, C, then the Latin script is used, respectively, A is a window seat, B is the middle seat, C is the aisle. The Cyrillic alphabet is the same, only the letters will be A, B, C.

If you do not want to squint all the way from the blinding sun, you need to take into account this factor. When flying west, the sun will be on the left side, and if you are flying east, then on the right side. When flying south, early in the morning the sun will be on the left, and in the evening - on the right. When moving north, the opposite is true.

How to book selected seats

So, following the above recommendations, you have chosen the best place in airplane. Or rather, not the best, but the right one for you, because, as you can see, the most convenient place really does not exist. It's up to you to book your cherished seat, because other passengers can also apply for it.

The choice of a seat on the plane is carried out during check-in for the flight. Please note that airport employees are not at all obliged to ask about your preferences, and “by default” they seat passengers according to their own, only known to them scheme. Therefore, if you want to choose a specific place, it is better to tell about it in advance.

In order to get ahead of other comfort hunters, there are some simple but effective ways.

If the airline provides such an opportunity, use the services electronic registration, at which you will see the scheme of the aircraft.

Try, if possible, to choose less busy flights that depart at lunchtime, from Monday to Thursday. The busiest times are usually from Friday to Sunday, especially in the morning and evening.