India. Many-sided and colorful India Indian bazaars and beggars

India is one of the most colorful and original countries in Asia. One can only laugh at those who assure that they know everything about it, having visited, for example, Goa. After all, the heart of India is not at all beautiful beaches, and inviting caves where you can meditate for hours, the fascinating Golden Triangle, the luxurious Taj Mahal.

Landmarks of India

There are even more attractions in India than beaches. The most popular among curious tourists is the route along the so-called Golden Triangle. During such a trip, you can see the sights of Old Delhi, and the Taj Mahal, located in fabulous city Agra, and Ancient Jaipur, where you can get acquainted with the traditional Indian culture that has developed thousands of years ago. It is these three cities that are the "tops" of the golden triangle.

India, Taj Mahal.

If you deviate from the usual route and go to explore other parts of India, you can also find a lot of interesting things. On the border with Pakistan is one of the most beautiful sights of India - Jaisalmer Fort. Its yellow sandstone walls are especially impressive at sunset. Because of the distance from the usual tourist routes There are not too many guests here, which makes visiting the fortress even more tempting.

India, Jaisalmer fortress.

India is one of the most interesting countries whose history is full of mysteries. Here, according to historians, is the most ancient city in the world - Varanasi. Today, pilgrims come here to swim in the waters of the Ganges River and bow to the shrines kept in local temples.

The search for truth in the mountains

India is not only sights and beaches. Many come here in search of truth and in the hope of knowing the higher mind. Yoga tours are becoming increasingly popular, not only in Russia, but all over the world. The best place for this - the center of the country with numerous caves and the mountainous part - mysterious and even a little mysterious. It should be borne in mind that a yoga tour can be purchased in Russia as an independent trip, or you can order a short program during your vacation in India.

Beaches in India

Of course, despite the abundance of attractions, the first thing tourists associate with India is the beaches. The most popular region from this point of view is Goa. By the way, many mistakenly believe that this is an island in Indian Ocean. In fact - just a small state located on the coast. Conventionally, it is divided into two parts: southern and northern. The first is more suitable for quiet and a relaxing holiday, which, albeit with a stretch, can be called elite. The second is endless open-air parties, nightclubs and bars, world-famous DJs at the console. In general, a place for those who are not used to sleeping at night.

On the beach in India.

Deciding to take a vacation Goa beaches, many of which resemble a picture from a Bounty advertisement, it should be borne in mind that the level of many hotels leaves much to be desired. Most of them fall short of the announced stars. But the prices are also encouraging - they are quite democratic, which makes India a popular beach destination after the closure of beloved Turkey and Egypt.

India is a colorful country with a centuries-old culture and interesting history. She is known in the world for her colorful films, incendiary dances, famous Indian sweets, bright holidays.

Indian culture is interesting and unusual. Here in the foreground are family values, respect and honor for elders. This is the basis of Indian society. Indian women proudly wear the national attire - the sari. And they do it not on holidays, but on a daily basis.

Tours to India are organized all year round. Moreover, you can buy such a tour quite inexpensively if you follow the link But you need to know that from June to October here is the rainy season. It is on the territory of India that the rainiest place on earth is located - this is Cherrapunji.

This country is also famous national cuisine. The main national dish is rice, which is seasoned with various kinds of spices, pepper, kitchen roots. This dish is served in expensive restaurants and on street stalls.

Tourists can get acquainted in India with the variety of exotic wildlife. Its largest and most famous representatives are the Indian elephant and the Bengal tiger.

The city of Varanasi is one of the most visited. It is located on the sacred river Ganges and, according to the legend of the Indians, was built by the Gods themselves. This is the oldest city in the country, personifying Indian culture. It is a noisy and bustling city with uncontrolled traffic. But this does not prevent the sacred Indian animals - cows, from resting in the middle of any street. Varanasi is a city where life and death meet. Thousands of Indians come here to find their last refuge. Locals consider their city the oldest on earth and sacred.

Varanasi is full of legends, myths and at the same time interesting sights. There are several hundred temples here, which are many hundreds of years old.

Silk products are usually brought home from India. Scarves, shawls and other items made by craftswomen will be the best present brought from India.

India is a colorful country that attracts tourists with its mysteries. In addition to beautiful temples and cultural monuments, there are a huge number of natural structures, they have been created for decades and are a subject of admiration for all tourists. In the north-east of India, at an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level, inquisitive travelers can see extraordinarily beautiful and mysterious "living" bridges. These natural structures were built by local residents of the Indian state of Meghalaya - Khasi. The climate there is warm, high humidity, all this contributes to the active growth and development of rubber ficuses. The very living bridges are obtained from the roots of these plants. There are no such structures anywhere in the world.

How are living bridges grown?

The Khasis have long noticed that ficus roots have a secondary root system and are able to grow outwards. So, living bridges were created, which after many centuries attract the attention of tourists from all over the world. Over 500 years, a huge number of bridges have been formed.

The very technology of growing such a bridge is incredibly complex - one bridge takes 10-15 years of work. The roots of rubber plants grow along the banks of rivers, then they are placed in hollowed-out betel trunks. This is how the necessary direction of plant growth is created.

The time comes when flexible and massive roots grow to the opposite bank of the river, then they are rooted there with the help of huge boulders. This is how a strong natural crossing is created - safe and environmentally friendly.

Every year the living bridge becomes more reliable and stronger, this is due to the fact that the roots continue to grow, they become wider and thicker. The result is a bridge that can support up to 50 adults at the same time. Now there are a lot of tourists there, they are all amazed at the talented invention of the inhabitants of the town of Cherrapunji.

As for the size, the length of the live crossing reaches 30 meters. And the most interesting thing is that you don’t need to spend money on the design at all. The bridge does not require repair, and it also looks great, because the structure is completely natural and merges with nature.

What rubber bridges look like in India

In India, rubber bridges are popular, even for local residents they are a matter of pride. Although the Khasis see the bridges every day, they are something magical for them. The rainiest place on the planet is the city of Cherrapunji, where there are living bridges. Once they decided to replace them with iron ones, but, as a result, the natural crossings remained safe and sound.

Not far from the city there is a resort for tourists, its owner convinced the administration and all local residents that the bridges are real centuries-old relics. They are a reflection of the life of ancient ancestors, evidence of their diligence and skill. In addition, the city will lose its former appearance, become uninteresting for tourists and travelers. Living bridges are something that needs to be preserved and increased.

In addition to all this, travelers and visitors to India are always eager to visit these unique living bridges. Literally works of art were created by human hands; there are no more such bridges in the world. The local population makes money on the influx of tourists, so bridges are an important and vital detail for them. The population not only protects the bridges from destruction, but also creates the same new, modernized crossings - more durable and beautiful. Any tourist in India can enjoy the views of living bridges, walk along them and bring cool vacation photos. Let's hope nothing happens to the unique crossings.

India is a colorful, beautiful, mysterious country, which everyone has probably dreamed of visiting at least once. Despite tales of poverty, wandering cows, filth and various diseases, India also attracts the popularity of this tourist destination only increases every year. Of course, for a trip to a colorful and ambiguous country, you need to prepare so as not to be disappointed.

You can go to India at any time of the year, but the most suitable time is from October to March, but the summer months are also suitable for high mountain areas. As for vaccinations, you can not do them if you strictly follow all the rules of hygiene:

  • you can not drink water from the tap;
  • fruits and vegetables need to be washed;
  • purchased products should be consumed only after heat treatment;
  • to gradually get used to the local food, you need to start eating in restaurants.
India is a very fragrant country and at first smells will haunt you everywhere and even in your sleep. It is a mixture of spice aromas and stench coming from landfills. There are a lot of people in India and for some it may seem too much, so you need to change the urban area to the countryside more often.

For a comfortable stay and communication in the country, it is not necessary to know Hindi, just a few on-duty phrases in English language. Indians will always ask to be photographed with you, you should not be shy about it, you need to agree, because Indians believe that a photo with a European person brings good luck.

Indian bazaars and beggars

Not to visit Indian bazaars means not to visit India. The famous Indian bazaars filled with color and fragrant spices are what you need. Chandi Chowk is considered the most colorful and original. It must be remembered that in Indian bazaars, as well as in Turkish, you need to bargain, because here prices are 10 times too high.

You should not succumb to the plaintive requests to help beggars, if you help one of them - a crowd of beggars will not let you through. There are a lot of monkeys here, so you always need to stay on the lookout, as these thieves are mostly trained by local hooligans to steal expensive equipment from tourists. Take more photos and get new impressions. We also advise you to watch a video that tells about this amazing country of India.