How the plane lands. Opening the veil

Have you ever thought about the question of what to do if, in view of the circumstances (loss of consciousness, trauma, shock, death), the pilot cannot land the plane on his own? Agree, the question is of a very sensitive nature, but most likely there is nothing left to do but to land the plane on your own. However, the question will certainly arise here, so that the passengers on board survive and do not suffer. Of course, not everyone can be a pilot, especially since most of them are even closely unfamiliar with how to land a plane in an emergency, but it is worth emphasizing that with the help of the dispatcher's guidance, this can be done, albeit not as professionally as pilots with hundreds of flight hours do, but, nevertheless, thanks to your actions, you can save more than one hundred passengers.

How to land a plane

  1. To begin with, since you are the only one who decided to take on this difficult task, you will need to go to the cockpit, where you will need to take the seat of the commander of the airliner. As a rule, the place of the main pilot is the most loaded with all kinds of buttons, control sticks and levers, so you can hardly make a mistake here. However, and this is important, do not touch the aircraft controls, because if the aircraft is in automatic piloting mode, therefore, you are on this moment you are completely safe, and try to learn that in a complex machine there are no extra buttons - each is responsible for its action, and sometimes for several, and pressing any one can lead to the most unpredictable results. If the pilot of the aircraft is unconscious right in the cockpit, then when taking his place, make sure that in the future the parts of the pilot's body will not overlap the controls - the control yoke, buttons and levers, so how to land a plane in the future, with unexpected problems that have arisen, it will be impossible.
  1. When sitting in the pilot's seat, first of all, once again make sure that the aircraft is in autopilot mode. To do this, you will need to look at the control panel, usually located on the front panel, and if the indicator light is on, then autopilot is in action.

If, when landing in the pilot's seat, you nevertheless touched the aircraft control levers, then most likely this led to the automatic shutdown of the autopilot, and this mode will need to be turned on by pressing the appropriate button, which may be called differently in different aircraft models, but more often in total, the following names are found in Russian aircraft: "Autopilot", "Auto Flight", "ANF", "AR", etc. On aircraft operated by foreign air carriers, the functional name for the automatic piloting mode will be "Autopilot".

It should be noted that in some cases, it may be necessary to adjust the position of the aircraft in space. To do this, you need to look at the attitude indicator, which is usually always easily recognized even by those people who have never been in the cockpit. Please note that the indicator has a static bar indicating the normal position of the aircraft - an artificial horizon.

If the plane deviated noticeably from flatness, then you will need to correct its movement - raise or lower it, or adjust its roll. If the plane is tilted below the normal plane, then you will have to pull the yoke towards you, if it is higher, push it away from you. In the event that the plane is banked to the left, then you need to turn the steering wheel to the right, if on the contrary, it is banked to the right, then turn to the left.

After the aircraft is aligned with the artificial horizon line, you will need to enable the autopilot function, and both a button and a toggle switch can be used as a control. It is worth noting that the function of automatic piloting of the aircraft is used to maintain the normal flatness of the aircraft relative to space, and it is itself designed so that in the event of a critical situation, even a person who does not have any piloting skills can keep the aircraft in the air, however, how to land a plane Since the autopilot cannot do it on its own, then in the future you will still have to take the helm into your own hands.

  1. It is worth noting that the plane will not be able to stay in the air all the time, and sooner or later, you will have to land it, and here, the question of whether how to land a plane on one's own. To begin with, you will definitely need to contact the nearest located air tower to report an emergency on your aircraft. To do this, you will need to take the pilot's headset, press and hold the appropriate "PTT" button on the helm, and broadcast the call sign "Mayday" three times, and then report what happened on board. In the event that the aircraft has left the coverage area of ​​​​the air tower, and you cannot contact the air traffic controller, then you will need to switch to the frequency of 121.50 MHz. After you broadcast your emergency message, remember to release the button to receive a response.

If there are any problems with the operation of the radio station, then you can use the transponder, in which you will need to enter the digital code "7700", which will enable the dispatchers to understand that there is an emergency on board your aircraft.

In order for the dispatcher to understand which aircraft is currently communicating with, when sending each message, indicate the call sign of your aircraft before it.

  1. Guided by the help of the dispatcher, do not forget that the aircraft has such a thing as the minimum speed, that is, at which the aircraft is still in the air. You can determine the speed by viewing the same attitude indicator - as a rule, there is an indicator with numbers on its left side, and you should make sure that its readings are in the "green zone".

A spontaneous decrease or increase in speed indicates that the aircraft is either losing altitude, or vice versa - gaining it. In the first case, the speed will increase, and in order to bring it to a normal state, you will have to move the yoke a little towards yourself, in the second case, the plane is gaining altitude, and you will need to move the yoke away from you.

  1. Before starting the landing, the air traffic controller will inform you of all the necessary actions on your part, so how to land a plane not so easy.

To begin with, you will have to reduce the power of the plane's engines - to do this, lower the throttle a few centimeters until you hear that the sound of the plane has become quieter. Please note that at this moment you should not perform any actions with the yoke - the aircraft will level itself in the plane, however, if the aircraft speed falls below the "green zone", then the throttle will have to be slightly forward so that the airliner does not fall.

According to the instructions of the dispatcher, you will need to take the required altitude, for which pay attention to the same attitude sensor, on the right side of which the flight altitude is indicated, and using manual control go to the specified altitude, after which, again, you can turn on the autopilot.

  1. Before, how to land a plane, the tower controller will tell you how to work with the flaps and bars, which are usually located near the throttles, and in preparation for a landing on your own, you need to extend the landing gear of the aircraft. To do this, look for the corresponding lever, located, as a rule, on the right side of the central control panel, which also usually has a corresponding signature.

Before landing, the plane will need to be leveled in the direction of the runway, but only the dispatcher will tell you this in the best way. Then, preparing to land, it will be necessary to raise the nose of the aircraft at an angle of about 7-15 degrees (depending on the type of aircraft).

When landing, it will be necessary to use reverse thrust, the control bars of which are located immediately behind the throttles. In the event that reverse thrust is not provided in the aircraft, then pull the throttle towards you as quickly as possible, thereby reducing its speed to a minimum.

Finally, in order for the plane to start braking, you will need to press on the upper part of the pedal - it is responsible for the brake, however, note that you should brake in such a way that the plane does not skid on the runway.

Naturally, in reality, the solution to the question of whether how to land a plane may not be as simple as indicated, but, nevertheless, the principle will not change at all from this.

From the classic definitions:

Landing is the part of the flight in which the aircraft returns to the ground.
Landing can be: soft, hard, forced and emergency.

The landing phase of the aircraft starts from a height of 15 m above the end of the runway and ends with a run along the runway until it comes to a complete stop aircraft. For light aircraft, the landing phase can start from a height of 9 m.
Landing is the most difficult stage of the flight, since with a decrease in altitude, the possibility of correcting errors by the pilot or automatic systems decreases.

In this video, I filmed the approach and landing of a Pitts S-2C aircraft during the SUN n "FUN (Florida) air show in 2010

Landing is preceded directly by landing approach - part of the flight, which includes pre-landing maneuvering in the airfield area with the landing gear and flaps extended to the landing position.

The landing approach starts at a height of at least 400 m. The approach speed must exceed the stall speed for this aircraft configuration by at least 30%. AT emergency approach speed can exceed stall speed by 25%.

The landing approach is completed either by landing or go-around. The aircraft goes to the second circle when the permissible deviations of the trajectory parameters are exceeded when descending on the glide path from the nominal ones. The pilot must take the decision to land at least at the height of the decision.

The aerial part of the landing lasts a few seconds and includes:
- alignment - part of the landing, during which the vertical rate of descent on the glide path is practically reduced to zero. Leveling starts at a height of 5-8 m and ends with a transition to holding at a height of 0.5-1 m.
- holding - part of the landing, during which the further smooth descent of the apparatus continues with a simultaneous decrease in speed and an increase in the angle of attack to values ​​at which landing and run are possible.
- parachuting - part of the landing, which begins with a decrease in wing lift and a smooth approach of the aircraft to the runway surface.
- landing - contact of the aircraft with the earth's surface.
Aircraft with a nose landing gear land on the main landing gear, while aircraft with a tail landing gear land on all landing gear legs simultaneously (landing on three points);

Landing on props located ahead of the center of gravity can lead to the re-separation of the aircraft from the runway - "goat".
According to wikipedia

And now I bring to your attention three videos of the landings collector - TheHardLandings:
The first is the most dangerous airfields for landing aircraft.
The second two are rough landings.
In the second video, starting from the 4th minute, historical footage of our Tu-144 is shown

Beautiful takeoffs and soft landings in the New Year!!!

The engine is working, and the plane is taxiing to the starting position. The pilot sets the engine at low speed, the mechanics take away the tragus from under the wheels and support the wings by the edges.

The aircraft is heading for the runway.


On the runway, the liner is placed against the wind, because it is easier to take off. Then the controller gives permission to take off. The pilot carefully assesses the situation, turns on the engine at full speed and presses the helm forward, raising the tail. The airliner increases speed. The wings are preparing to rise. And now the lifting power of the wings overcomes the weight of the aircraft, and it breaks away from the surface of the earth. For some time, the lifting power of the wings increases, due to which the aircraft gains the desired height. When climbing, the pilot keeps the helm slightly tilted back.


When the required altitude is reached, the pilot looks at the altimeter and then slows down the engine speed, bringing it to the average level in order to fly level.

During the flight, the pilot observes not only the instruments, but also the situation in the air. Receives commands from the dispatcher. He is focused and ready at any moment to quickly respond and make the only right decision.


Before starting the descent of the aircraft, the pilot evaluates the landing site from above and slows down the engine speed, slightly tilts the aircraft down and starts the descent.

For the entire period of descent, he constantly makes a calculation:

What is the best way to land

Which way is better to turn

How to make an approach so that when landing you go against the wind

The landing itself mainly depends on the correct calculation for landing. Errors in such a calculation can be fraught with damage to the aircraft, and sometimes lead to disaster.

As the ground approaches, the plane begins to glide. The engine is almost stopped, and the landing begins against the wind. Ahead is the most crucial moment - touching the ground. The plane is landing at high speed. Moreover, the lower speed of the aircraft at the moment the wheels touch the ground, gives a safer landing.

As it approaches the land, when the ship is only a few meters away, the pilot slowly pulls back on the yoke. This gives a smooth lift of the elevator and the horizontal position of the aircraft. At the same time, the operation of the motor is stopped and the speed gradually decreases, therefore, the lifting power of the wings is also reduced to nothing.

The pilot still pulls the steering wheel towards himself, while the bow of the vessel rises, and her tail, on the contrary, falls. The lifting power to keep the aircraft in the air is exhausted, and its wheels gently touch the ground.

The airliner still runs some distance on the ground and stops. The pilot revs the engine and taxis to the parking lot. Mechanics meet him. All stages completed successfully!

Once the landing of the aircraft is learned on the simulator, the pilot proceeds to training on the real machine. Landing of the aircraft begins at the moment when the aircraft is at the starting point of the descent. In this case, a certain distance, speed and altitude must be maintained from the aircraft to the runway. The landing process requires maximum concentration from the pilot. The pilot directs the car to the start point of the runway, the nose of the aircraft is kept slightly lowered during the entire movement. Movement - strictly along the strip.

The first thing the pilot does at the very beginning of the movement to the runway is to extend the landing gear and flaps. All this is necessary, including in order to significantly reduce the speed of the aircraft. The multi-ton vehicle begins to move along the glide path - the trajectory along which the descent occurs. Using numerous instruments, the pilot constantly monitors the altitude, speed and rate of descent.

Especially important is the speed and rate of its decline. As you approach the ground, it should decrease. Do not allow too sharp a decrease in speed, as well as exceeding its level. At a three-hundred-meter height, the speed is approximately 300-340 km per hour, at a two-hundred-meter height, 200-240. The pilot can control the speed of the aircraft by applying gas, changing the angle of the flaps.

Bad weather landing

How does a plane land in strong winds? All basic actions of the pilot remain the same. However, landing an aircraft in cross or gusty winds is very difficult.

Directly near the ground, the position of the aircraft should become horizontal. In order for the touchdown to be soft, the aircraft must descend slowly, without a sharp drop in speed. Otherwise, it may hit the strip sharply. It is at this moment that bad weather in the form of wind, heavy snow can cause maximum problems for the pilot.

After touching the surface of the earth, the gas must be released. The flaps are retracted, with the help of the pedals the plane taxis to the parking lot.

Thus, the seemingly simple process of landing actually requires great piloting skills.

Those who live in the area of ​​airports know that most often taking off liners soar up a steep trajectory, as if trying to get away from the ground as soon as possible. Indeed, the closer the earth, the less the ability to respond to an emergency and make a decision. Landing is another matter.

A 380 lands on a runway covered with water. Tests have shown that the aircraft is capable of landing in crosswinds with gusts up to 74 km/h (20 m/s). Although FAA and EASA regulations do not require reverse braking devices, Airbus designers decided to equip two engines closer to the fuselage with them. This made it possible to obtain an additional braking system, while reducing operating costs and reducing preparation time for the next flight.

Modern jet passenger liner designed for flights at altitudes of approximately 9-12 thousand meters. It is there, in very rarefied air, that it can move in the most economical mode and demonstrate its optimal speed and aerodynamic characteristics. The interval from the completion of the climb to the beginning of the descent is called cruise flight. The first stage of preparation for landing will be the descent from the flight level, or, in other words, following the arrival route. The final point of this route is the so-called initial approach checkpoint. In English, it is called Initial Approach Fix (IAF).

A 380 lands on a runway covered with water. Tests have shown that the aircraft is capable of landing in crosswinds with gusts up to 74 km/h (20 m/s). Although FAA and EASA regulations do not require reverse braking devices, Airbus designers decided to equip two engines closer to the fuselage with them. This made it possible to obtain an additional braking system, while reducing operating costs and reducing preparation time for the next flight.

From the IAF point, movement begins according to the approach to the aerodrome and landing approach, which is developed separately for each airport. The approach according to the scheme involves further descent, passing the trajectory set by a number of control points with certain coordinates, often making turns and, finally, reaching the landing straight. At a certain point on the landing straight line, the liner enters the glide path. Glide path (from French glissade - glide) is an imaginary line connecting the entry point to the start of the runway. Passing along the glide path, the aircraft reaches the MAPt (Missed Approach Point), or go-around point. This point is passed at the decision altitude (CLL), i.e. the height at which the go-around maneuver should be initiated if, prior to reaching it, the pilot-in-command (PIC) did not establish the necessary visual contact with landmarks to continue the approach. Before the PLO, the PIC should already assess the position of the aircraft relative to the runway and give the command “Sit down” or “Leave”.

Chassis, flaps and economics

On September 21, 2001, an Il-86 aircraft belonging to one of Russian airlines, landed at Dubai Airport (UAE) without releasing the landing gear. The case ended in a fire in two engines and the decommissioning of the liner - fortunately, no one was hurt. There was no question of a technical malfunction, just the chassis ... they forgot to release it.

Modern liners, compared to aircraft of past generations, are literally packed with electronics. They implement a fly-by-wire electrical remote control system (literally “fly on the wire”). This means that the rudders and mechanization are set in motion by actuators that receive commands in the form of digital signals. Even if the aircraft is not flying in automatic mode, the movements of the steering wheel are not directly transmitted to the rudders, but are recorded in the form of a digital code and sent to a computer that will instantly process the data and give a command to the actuator. In order to increase the reliability of automatic systems, two identical computer devices (FMC, Flight Management Computer) are installed in the aircraft, which constantly exchange information, checking each other. In FMC, a flight task is entered with the indication of the coordinates of the points through which the flight path will pass. Electronics can guide the aircraft along this trajectory without human intervention. But the rudders and mechanization (flaps, slats, spoilers) modern liners are not much different from the same devices in models released decades ago. 1. Flaps. 2. Interceptors (spoilers). 3. Slats. 4. Ailerons. 5. Rudder. 6. Stabilizers. 7. Elevator.

Economics is at the heart of this accident. The approach to the airfield and landing approach are associated with a gradual decrease in the speed of the aircraft. Since the amount of wing lift is directly related to both speed and wing area, in order to maintain enough lift to keep the car from stalling into a tailspin, the wing area needs to be increased. For this purpose, mechanization elements are used - flaps and slats. Flaps and slats perform the same role as the feathers that birds fan out before falling to the ground. Upon reaching the speed of the start of the release of mechanization, the PIC gives the command to extend the flaps and almost simultaneously - to increase the engine operation mode to prevent a critical loss of speed due to an increase in drag. The greater the deflection angle of the flaps/slats, the greater the mode required by the engines. Therefore, the closer to the runway the final release of mechanization (flaps / slats and landing gear) takes place, the less fuel will be burned.

On domestic aircraft of old types, such a sequence for the release of mechanization was adopted. First (for 20-25 km to the runway) the chassis was produced. Then for 18-20 km - flaps at 280. And already on the landing straight, the flaps were fully extended, into the landing position. Today, however, a different methodology has been adopted. In order to save money, pilots tend to fly the maximum distance “on a clean wing”, and then, before the glide path, reduce speed by intermediate flap extension, then extend the landing gear, bring the flap angle to the landing position and land.

The figure shows a very simplified approach to landing and takeoff in the airport area. In fact, the schemes can differ markedly from airport to airport, as they are drawn up taking into account the terrain, the presence of high-rise buildings near and no-fly zones. Sometimes there are several schemes for the same airport depending on weather conditions. So, for example, in the Moscow Vnukovo, when entering the runway (VVP 24), the so-called. a short circuit, the trajectory of which lies outside the Moscow Ring Road. But in bad weather, planes enter in a long pattern, and the liners fly over the South-West of Moscow.

The crew of the ill-fated IL-86 also used the new technique and extended the flaps to the landing gear. Knowing nothing about new trends in piloting, the Il-86 automation immediately turned on the voice and light alarm, which required the crew to release the landing gear. So that the signaling would not irritate the pilots, it was simply turned off, just as a boring alarm clock is turned off when awake. Now there was no one to remind the crew that the chassis still needed to be released. Today, however, copies of the Tu-154 and Il-86 aircraft with modified signaling have already appeared, which fly according to the approach method with a late release of mechanization.

Based on actual weather

In information reports, you can often hear a similar phrase: "Due to the deterioration of weather conditions in the area of ​​​​airport N, crews make decisions about takeoff and landing based on the actual weather." This common stamp causes domestic aviators to laugh and indignant at the same time. Of course, there is no arbitrariness in the flying business. When the aircraft passes the decision point, the aircraft commander (and only he) finally announces whether the crew will land the liner or the landing will be aborted by a go-around. Even with the best weather conditions and the absence of obstacles on the runway, the pilot-in-command has the right to cancel the landing if, as the Federal Aviation Rules say, he is “not sure of the successful outcome of the landing.” “Go-around today is not considered a miscalculation in the work of the pilot, but on the contrary, it is welcomed in all situations that allow for doubt. It is better to be vigilant and even sacrifice some amount of burned fuel than put the lives of passengers and crew at even the slightest risk,” explained Igor Bocharov, Head of Flight Operations at S7 Airlines.

The course-glide path system consists of two parts: a pair of course and a pair of glide path radio beacons. Two localizers are located behind the runway and radiate a directional radio signal along it at different frequencies at small angles. On the runway center line, the intensity of both signals is the same. To the left and to the right of this direct signal of one of the beacons is stronger than the other. By comparing the intensity of the signals, the aircraft's radio navigation system determines on which side and how far it is from the center line. Two glide path beacons stand in the area of ​​the touchdown zone and act in a similar way, only in a vertical plane.

On the other hand, in making decisions, the PIC is strictly limited by the existing rules of the landing procedure, and within the limits of this regulation (except for emergency situations like a fire on board), the crew does not have any freedom of decision-making. There is a strict classification of approach types. For each of them, separate parameters are prescribed that determine the possibility or impossibility of such a landing under given conditions.

For example, for Vnukovo Airport, a non-precision instrument approach (according to locators) requires passing a decision point at an altitude of 115 m with a horizontal visibility of 1700 m (determined by the meteorological service). To land before the VLOOKUP (in this case, 115 m), visual contact with landmarks must be established. For an automatic landing according to ICAO category II, these values ​​are much lower - they are 30 m and 350 m. Category IIIc allows a fully automatic landing with zero horizontal and vertical visibility - for example, in complete fog.

Safe hardness

Any air passenger with experience in flights by domestic and foreign airlines has probably noticed that our pilots land planes “softly”, while foreign ones land “hard”. In other words, in the second case, the moment of touching the strip is felt in the form of a noticeable push, while in the first case, the aircraft gently “grinds” to the strip. The difference in landing style is explained not only by the traditions of flight schools, but also by objective factors.

Let's start with some terminological clarity. A hard landing in aviation is called a landing with an overload that greatly exceeds the standard. As a result of such a landing, the aircraft, in the worst case, suffers damage in the form of permanent deformation, and at best, requires special Maintenance aimed at additional control of the state of the aircraft. As Igor Kulik, Leading Pilot Instructor of the Flight Standards Department of S7 Airlines, explained to us, today a pilot who made a real hard landing is removed from flights and sent for additional training in simulators. Before going on a flight again, the offender will also have to test-training flight with an instructor.

The landing style on modern Western aircraft cannot be called hard - it's just about increased overload (about 1.4-1.5 g) compared to 1.2-1.3 g, characteristic of the "domestic" tradition. In terms of piloting technique, the difference between landings with relatively less and relatively more g-loads is explained by the difference in the procedure for leveling the aircraft.

To leveling, that is, to prepare for touching the ground, the pilot proceeds immediately after passing the end of the runway. At this time, the pilot takes over the helm, increasing the pitch and transferring the aircraft to the pitching position. Simply put, the aircraft “turns its nose”, which results in an increase in the angle of attack, which means a small increase in lift and a drop in vertical speed.

At the same time, the engines are transferred to the “idle gas” mode. After some time, the rear landing gear touches the strip. Then, reducing the pitch, the pilot lowers the front strut onto the runway. At the moment of contact, spoilers (spoilers, they are also air brakes) are activated. Then, reducing the pitch, the pilot lowers the front strut onto the runway and turns on the reverse device, that is, additionally slows down with engines. Wheel braking is applied, as a rule, in the second half of the run. The reverse is structurally made up of shields that are placed in the path of the jet stream, deflecting part of the gases at an angle of 45 degrees to the course of the aircraft - almost in reverse side. It should be noted that on aircraft of old domestic types, the use of reverse during the run is mandatory.

Silence on the sidelines

On August 24, 2001, the crew of an Airbus A330 flying from Toronto to Lisbon discovered a fuel leak in one of the tanks. It took place in the sky over the Atlantic. The commander of the ship, Robert Pish, decided to leave for an alternate airfield located on one of the Azores. However, on the way, both engines caught fire and failed, and there were still about 200 kilometers to the airfield. Rejecting the idea of ​​landing on the water, as giving almost no chance of salvation, Pish decided to make it to land in gliding mode. And he succeeded! The landing turned out to be hard - almost all the pneumatics burst - but the disaster did not happen. Only 11 people received minor injuries.

Domestic pilots, especially those operating Soviet-type airliners (Tu-154, Il-86), often complete the alignment with the holding procedure, that is, for some time they continue flying over the runway at a height of about a meter, achieving a soft touch. Of course, holding landings are more popular with passengers, and many pilots, especially those with extensive experience in domestic aviation, consider this style a sign of high skill.

However, today's global trends in aircraft design and piloting prefer landing with an overload of 1.4-1.5 g. Firstly, such landings are safer, since holding landings contain the risk of rolling out of the runway. In this case, the use of reverse is almost inevitable, which creates additional noise and increases fuel consumption. Secondly, the very design of modern passenger aircraft provides for a touchdown with increased G-force, since the operation of automation, for example, the activation of spoilers and wheel brakes, depends on a certain value of the physical impact on the landing gear (compression). This is not required in older types of aircraft, since the spoilers are switched on there automatically after turning on the reverse. And the reverse is turned on by the crew.

There is another reason for the difference in landing style, say, on the Tu-154 and A 320, which are close in class. Runways in the USSR were often notable for low cargo density, and therefore in Soviet aviation they tried to avoid too much pressure on the surface. The Tu-154 rear pillar bogies have six wheels each - this design contributed to the distribution of the weight of the machine over a large area during landing. But the A 320 has only two wheels on the racks, and it was originally designed for landing with more overload on stronger lanes.

Isle of Saint Martin Caribbean, divided between France and the Netherlands, gained fame not so much because of its hotels and beaches, but thanks to the landings of civilian liners. In that tropical paradise heavy wide-body aircraft such as Boeing-747 or A-340 are flying from all over the world. Such cars need a long run after landing, but at Princess Juliana airport the runway is too short - only 2130 meters - its end is separated from the sea only by a narrow strip of land with a beach. To avoid rolling out, Airbus pilots aim at the very end of the strip, flying 10-20 meters above the heads of vacationers on the beach. This is how the trajectory of the glide path is laid. Photos and videos with landings on about. Saint-Martin has long bypassed the Internet, and many at first did not believe in the authenticity of these filming.

Trouble on the ground

And yet, really hard landings, as well as other troubles, happen on the final leg of the flight. As a rule, not one, but several factors lead to accidents, including piloting errors, equipment failure, and, of course, the elements.

A great danger is the so-called wind shear, that is, a sharp change in wind strength with height, especially when it occurs within 100 m above the ground. Suppose an aircraft is approaching the runway at an IAS of 250 km/h with zero wind. But, going down a little lower, the plane suddenly runs into tailwind having a speed of 50 km/h. The pressure of the incoming air will drop, and the speed of the aircraft will be 200 km/h. The lifting force will also drop sharply, but the vertical speed will increase. To compensate for the loss of lift, the crew will need to add engine power and increase speed. However, the aircraft has a huge inertial mass, and it simply will not have time to instantly gain sufficient speed. If there is no headroom, a hard landing cannot be avoided. If the liner encounters a sharp gust of headwind, the lift force, on the contrary, will increase, and then there will be a danger of a late landing and rolling out of the runway. Landing on a wet and icy strip also leads to rollouts.

Man and machine

Approach types fall into two categories, visual and instrumental.
The condition for a visual approach, as with an instrument approach, is the height of the base of the clouds and the visual range on the runway. The crew follows the approach pattern, focusing on the landscape and ground objects, or independently choosing the approach trajectory within the allocated visual maneuvering zone (it is set as a half circle centered at the end of the runway). Visual landings allow you to save fuel by choosing the shortest approach path at the moment.
The second category of landings is instrumental (Instrumental Landing System, ILS). They, in turn, are divided into accurate and inaccurate. Precise landings are made using a course-glide path, or radio beacon, system, with the help of course and glide path beacons. The beacons form two flat radio beams - one horizontal, depicting the glide path, the other vertical, indicating the course to the runway. Depending on the equipment of the aircraft, the course-glide path system allows for automatic landing (the autopilot itself steers the aircraft along the glide path, receiving a signal from radio beacons), director landing (on the command device, two director bars show the positions of the glide path and heading; the task of the pilot, operating the helm, is to place them accurately in the center of the command device) or beacon approach (the crossed arrows on the command device depict the course and glide path, and the circle shows the position of the aircraft relative to the required course; the task is to combine the circle with the center of the crosshairs). Inaccurate landings are performed in the absence of a course-glide path system. The line of approach to the end of the runway is set by radio engineering means - for example, installed at a certain distance from the end of the far and near driving radio stations with markers (LBM - 4 km, BBM - 1 km). Receiving signals from the "drives", magnetic compass in the cockpit shows whether the plane is to the right or left of the runway. At airports equipped with a course-glide path system, a significant part of landings are made on instruments in automatic mode. The ICFO international organization has approved a list of three categories of automatic landing, and category III has three subcategories - A, B, C. For each type and category of landing, there are two defining parameters - the horizontal visibility distance and the height of vertical visibility, it is also the decision height. In general, the principle is as follows: the more automation is involved in the landing and the less the “human factor” is involved, the lower the values ​​of these parameters.

Another scourge of aviation is side wind. When the aircraft flies with a drift angle when approaching the end of the runway, the pilot often has a desire to “tuck” the steering wheel, to put the aircraft on the exact course. When turning, a roll occurs, and the aircraft exposes a large area to the wind. The liner blows even further to the side, and in this case the go-around becomes the only correct decision.

In a crosswind, the crew often tries not to lose control of the direction, but eventually loses control of the height. This was one of the reasons for the Tu-134 crash in Samara on March 17, 2007. The combination of "human factor" with bad weather cost the lives of six people.

Sometimes a hard landing with catastrophic consequences results from incorrect vertical maneuvering on the final leg of the flight. Sometimes the plane does not have time to descend to the required height and is above the glide path. The pilot begins to "give the helm", trying to enter the trajectory of the glide path. In this case, the vertical speed sharply increases. However, with an increased vertical speed, a greater height is also required, at which alignment must be started before touching, and this dependence is quadratic. The pilot, on the other hand, proceeds to equalize at a psychologically familiar height. As a result, the aircraft touches the ground with a huge overload and crashes. History of such cases civil aviation knows a lot.

Airliners of the latest generations can be called flying robots. Today, 20-30 seconds after takeoff, the crew can, in principle, turn on the autopilot and then the car will do everything itself. Unless there is an emergency, if an accurate flight plan is entered into the on-board computer database, including the approach path, if the airport of arrival has the appropriate modern equipment, the liner will be able to fly and land without human intervention. Unfortunately, in reality, even the most advanced technology sometimes fails; aircraft obsolete designs, and the equipment of Russian airports continues to be desired. That is why, rising into the sky, and then descending to the ground, we still largely depend on the skill of those who work in the cockpit.

We would like to thank the representatives of S7 Airlines for their help: Pilot Instructor Il-86, Chief of Flight Operations Staff Igor Bocharov, Chief Navigator Vyacheslav Fedenko, Pilot Instructor of the Flight Standards Department Directorate Igor Kulik