What is the role of the Volga in the settlement of the population of the Volga region? Transport artery Questions and tasks.

The Volga River in the minds of every Russian is a symbol of Russia, an integral part of its rich history and unique culture. Every Russian knows the Volga from songs about Stepan Razin, from Repin’s “Barge Haulers on the Volga” or from Levitanov’s “Volga at Ples”.

We also remember the heroic battle on the Volga during the Great Patriotic War. It is difficult to overestimate the role that the Volga has played and continues to play in the life of Russia.

What landscapes can you observe while traveling along the Volga?

Flowing through almost the entire territory of the Russian Plain, the Volga crosses almost all natural zones of the European part of Russia. Not far from the sources of the Volga (near the village of Volgoverkhovye, on the Valdai Upland) is Lake Seliger with its numerous (about 160) islands. From here the Volga makes its way through swamps overgrown with cranberries and cloudberries, among dense alder forests and mossy spruce forests. It is quite narrow, rapids and fast - the drop of the river at 1 km reaches almost 3 m, as if it is trying to quickly escape from this region of swamps and dense forests. From the Rybinsk Reservoir, the Volga heads southeast. Forests (southern taiga and mixed forests) along the banks of the Volga have already thinned out greatly, interspersed with fields and large tracts of meadows. This section of the route is a tourist area. People are attracted here not only by the nature of the region, but also by the old Russian cities - Uglich, Yaroslavl, Kostroma. Volga near Kostroma - the place of Mazai’s grandfather and Nekrasov’s hunt

Rice. 60. Volga in the Ples area

In the segment between the millionaire cities - Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan - the Volga flows in a latitudinal direction from west to east at almost the same latitude on which our capital Moscow stands.

From Kazan the Volga turns south and crosses the forest-steppe zone to Zhiguli. At the Zhiguli, going around them, it makes a steep loop, called the Samara Luka after the millionaire city located on its shore.

Rice. 61. Monument to the defenders of Stalingrad

The Zhiguli Mountains, like other steep slopes on the right bank, are inseparable from the portrait of the Volga itself. They provide the opportunity to experience the breathtaking picture of the Volga expanse.

South of Volgograd lies a semi-desert with patches of fields. Against this dull background, the Volga-Akhtuba Valley stands out as a fabulous oasis with lush floodplain meadows and impenetrable forests on fertile floodplain soils. This is the real breadbasket of the Lower Volga region, its huge natural vegetable garden.

The place where the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea is absolutely unique - its delta, spread over an area of ​​almost 12 thousand km 2, where one of the first nature reserves in Russia was created - Astrakhan.

How did the Volga become the core of a single waterway?

Once upon a time, the Volga was a typical Eastern European river of mixed water supply, with prolonged ice cover, rapid floods and summer water decline. In former times, in years with snowy winters and warm, friendly springs, a huge amount of water flowed into the Volga riverbed. Water level rises in some high-water years reached 14-17 m.

Rice. 62. Transport Volga

Floods were common in both coastal towns and villages. In summer, on the contrary, the Volga became very shallow. For example, in the famous guidebook of the early 20th century. it was said: “From Rybinsk to Tver, shipping has completely stopped... In some places... our mother Volga was forded...”

Now the river (below Tver) looks completely different. A cascade of 11 hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of 13.5 million kW (35% of the capacity of all Russian hydroelectric power stations) was built on the Volga and Kama. The largest reservoirs emerged - real man-made seas. Thanks to them, it was possible to put an end to spills and floods and make the river navigable along almost its entire length. In addition, reservoirs made it possible to irrigate many dry lands and achieve crops that were not dependent on weather conditions. In 1948-1952. The Volga was connected to the Don. The Volga gained access to the open southern seas.

Rice. 63. Hydroelectric power station on the Volga

The Volga was connected to the northern seas much earlier. At the beginning of the 18th century. The Vyshnevolotsk water system was created - a waterway from the Volga to the Baltic Sea. In 1810, the construction of the Mariinsky system was completed - a waterway with 39 wooden locks that connected the basins of the Volga and Neva rivers. In the 1950s-1960s. On the site of the obsolete Mariinsky Theater, the Volga-Baltic waterway, about 1,100 km long, was created.

Thus, the Volga, closely connected with its tributaries and other rivers, became the axis of the Unified deep-water system of the European part of Russia. Peter I's dream of stretching waterways across the entire country and connecting the northern and southern seas with them came true.

Rice. 64. Volga: river delta (left), flooded bell tower in Kalyazin (right)

How did human activity to transform the great river affect the nature of the Volga region, the life of man himself?

Unfortunately, under the mirror-like surface of the reservoirs, huge areas of valuable floodplain fertile lands were flooded and irretrievably lost. In addition, 2,500 villages and villages, 96 cities and towns were flooded or moved, thousands of historical and cultural monuments - our national treasure - were destroyed.

With the filling of reservoirs, groundwater also rose in vast areas of the Volga basin. Due to flooding, the Volga forests began to die. Due to the construction of dams and severe water pollution, the world's largest stock of sturgeon has begun to decline.

And finally, the problem of pollution of the Volga water has now become one of the most pressing problems throughout Russia, since the Volga flows through the vast territory of the most densely populated region of the country. From the middle of the 20th century. As a result of the discovery and then intensive development of the largest oil fields, the river found itself in the sphere of influence of a huge oil-producing and oil-refining region for many decades.

At many enterprises located in the Volga basin, filtration facilities and treatment facilities are either absent or completely unable to cope with wastewater treatment. As a result, the Volga annually deposits many thousands of tons of suspended solids, phenols, oil products, nitrates and other pollutants at the bottom of reservoirs and “drains” into the Caspian Sea.

How to get out of this difficult situation? First of all, it is necessary to develop and adopt strict environmental legislation regulating the consumption and use of Volga water. There is an urgent need to build the necessary treatment facilities or modernize existing ones. And most importantly, we must remember that the Volga is our common heritage, a priceless gift bestowed by nature itself, and caring for it and its condition should become the responsibility of not just one or a few people, but of all Russian citizens.


The great Russian river has played an exceptional role in the history of the Russian state, its economy and culture for many centuries. The modern Volga is largely a man-made river, put at the service of man. The Volga is bread and oil, fish and electricity, the largest cities and factories, historical monuments and unique landscapes.

Questions and tasks

  1. How and why did the natural features and economic use of the Volga change after the creation of the Volga Cascade?
  2. Give arguments confirming the role of the Volga in the economic life of the population.
  3. What role did the Volga play in the history of Russia?
  4. The Mississippi and its tributaries are considered an analogue of the Volga in the USA. Compare these two rivers. What are their similarities and differences?
  5. Propose your own special tourist route along the Volga, defining the purpose of the trip.

I would not undertake to categorically assert that the mass settlement of people occurred only along the banks of the Volga. On the contrary, more settlements were founded on the tributaries of this river. And the oldest of them was Malykovka, which is located on a tributary of the Bolshoi Irgiz.

History of the settlement of the Volga region and the role of the Volga

The modern population of the region was formed as a result of its constant colonization. The aboriginal peoples of the Volga region are considered to be:

  • Mordovians;
  • Chuvash;
  • Mari.

At the beginning of the 5th century and further, this territory was inhabited by Bulgars, Slovenes, Tatars, Mongols, and Nogais. Naturally, the main reason for creating settlements on the banks of the Volga was the convenience of agriculture and the proximity of the river for fishing. In addition, the river was an excellent transport artery. Since the 15th century, the conquest of the Volga region became a priority for the Russian state. But here one more goal was pursued: fortresses were created on the Volga that served as guards at the natural boundary. These fortified cities include:

The first period of mass settlement of the Volga region by migrants occurred during the reign of Catherine II, when she allowed German colonists to settle there. The second took place in the 30s - it was the “raising of virgin soil.”

Modern influence of the Volga

Today the Volga region is the most densely populated region of the Russian Federation. The population density is 32 people. per 1 sq. km. The Volga River can provide jobs for the Volga region population in the following industries:

  • transport and passenger shipping;
  • hydropower facilities (Volga-Kama cascade of hydroelectric power stations);
  • agriculture at all levels: from large-scale to farm.

In particular, many hydroelectric power stations are built on the Volga tributaries, and any hydroelectric power station requires a huge number of service personnel. And so it happened that the supply stations became the city-forming enterprises of the Volga region.

The urbanization level of 73% in the Volga region indicates the concentration of the population in cities and industrial centers. Population growth in the region continues steadily, but is of a mechanical nature, that is, it is replenished by migrants.

In the section on the question, evaluate the role of the Volga River in the life and activities of the population. given by the author ~zaichisha~ =) The best answer is I’ll try in my own words, as a resident of one of the cities located somewhere in the middle of the Volga. Since ancient times, people have built cities near rivers. The river is both drinking water and the presence of fish and a transport artery. everything connected with the Volga before 1991 is characterized by the growth and development of cities. Trade between cities was active, fish was caught, the Volga really played an important role in people's lives. The Volga United River Shipping Company was one of the largest transport organizations in the country. Passenger water transport was established between the cities, and the volume of cargo transported was enormous. As a child, I loved to watch how ships moved along the river in a continuous stream. Now the importance of the river has greatly decreased. boats on the river are rare. VORP collapsed into dozens of small shipping companies. Passenger transportation is no longer carried out in such volumes. life on the Volga may be in full swing in the lower reaches. a cruise on a motor ship on the Volga will cost a tidy sum. I stopped swimming in the Volga a long time ago. The only thing that is fully used by humans is hydroelectric power stations. something like this. I hope that everything will change in the near future.

Answer from ensilage[guru]
axial transport and migration artery for central Russia.

Answer from Stretch[guru]
The Volga flows for more than 3,500 kilometers among the vast Russian Plain.
Its drainage area covers 136 million hectares. This great basin is home to 60 million people, produces a quarter of agricultural and industrial production and more than 20% of the fish caught in the country's rivers.
More than 70% of cargo transported by river transport is transported along the Volga and its tributaries. The famous Russian river brings the Caspian an average of 240 cubic meters per year. meters of water, which is collected for it by 150 thousand rivers, streams and springs.
River ports of the Volga basin, the main water transport centers organizing the transportation of goods and passengers along the river. Volga and its tributaries, connecting the industrial regions of the Volga region, Center, Kama region and the Urals with riverine points of the basin. With the creation of a unified deep-sea transport system and the completion of the construction of the White Sea-Baltic and Volga-Don shipping canal. V.I. Lenin, Volga-Baltic Waterway named after. V.I. Lenin of the Volga basin river ports are connected with all the seas of the European part of the country: White, Baltic, Azov, Black and Caspian.
Up the Volga they supply oil, petroleum products, salt, gravel, coal, bread, cement, metal, vegetables, fish, etc. Down the Volga they supply timber (on ships and in rafts), lumber, mineral and construction cargo, and industrial materials. Down the Kama - coal, timber, lumber, sulfur pyrites, metals, chemical cargo, mineral construction materials, oil, petroleum products. Top - salt, vegetables, industrial and food products.

The Volga is truly of great importance for Russia. For Russia, the Volga is not an easy river, not just water, not just a waterway. The Volga is a historical path, where the past and present of the Russian people and all large and small nations inhabiting the Volga banks converge, where the old and the new, the great and the eternal, are woven together. The Volga is an exceptional natural phenomenon that links together different geographical zones: the forest Non-Black Earth Region, the steppe Saratov Trans-Volga region, semi-deserts. The Volga is a unique economic potential, incorporating plants and factories, hydroelectric power stations, old and new cities, a first-class river fleet, and a generous grain field. But the Volga is not only the center of economic power and the basis of independence in the past, from time immemorial it has also been the breadwinner of the country. The history of the Volga and Volga region is the history of the formation of the Russian state. The Volga is the source of our statehood and culture. She is a symbol of the spirit, a symbol of the Russian state, a symbol of the nation.

Questions and tasks

1. How and why did the natural features and economic use of the Volga change after the creation of the Volga Cascade?

A cascade of 11 hydroelectric power stations with a total capacity of 13.5 million kW (35% of the capacity of all Russian hydroelectric power stations) was built on the Volga and Kama. The largest reservoirs emerged - real man-made seas. Thanks to them, it was possible to put an end to spills and floods and make the river navigable along almost its entire length. In addition, reservoirs made it possible to irrigate many dry lands and achieve crops that were not dependent on weather conditions.

2. Give arguments confirming the role of the Volga in the economic life of the population.

The huge basin of the Volga River (1,360 thousand sq. km) makes up a small part - only about 8% - of the territory of Russia. At the same time, over 42% of the country’s total population lives here. Over 20% of the country's industrial and agricultural products are produced here.

3. What role did the Volga play in the history of Russia?

The history of the Volga and Volga region is the history of the formation of the Russian state. The Volga has long been a place of attraction for the population. The river is an important transport artery. The Volga River in the minds of every Russian is a symbol of Russia, an integral part of its rich history and unique culture. Every Russian knows the Volga from songs about Stepan Razin, from Repin’s “Barge Haulers on the Volga” or from Levitanov’s “Volga at Ples”. We also remember the heroic battle on the Volga during the Great Patriotic War.

4. The Mississippi and its tributaries are considered an analogue of the Volga in the USA. Compare these two rivers. What are their similarities and differences?

In terms of its role in the life of the American people, the Mississippi has the same significance as the Volga for the Russian people. No wonder the Indians who once lived on its banks called the Mississippi the father of waters.

5. Propose your own special tourist route along the Volga, defining the purpose of the trip.

The Volga occupies a special place in the tourism sector. In particular, such areas as fishing, diving and cruises are developed. The so-called vacation at (distant dachas) - land plots near the river, prepared for the construction of estates for recreation on the river, is becoming increasingly popular. One of the options is the Volga cruise “Saratov – Samara – Ulyanovsk – Kazan”.

Saratov – sightseeing tour with visits to individual objects (Museum of A.N. Radishchev, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Temple of Soothe My Sorrows)

Samara - Samara Embankment, like the stands near the Mausoleum in Moscow, is made of granite prepared by Hitler for the Palace of Nations. There are cafes and fountains on the Embankment. There are beaches nearby. And the picturesque view of Zhiguli will not leave anyone indifferent. Not far from the Embankment is the ancient Strukovsky Park. Many tourists will be interested in Stalin's Bunker, built in 1942 in secret. The bunker, located at a depth of 37 m, has become a museum, which displays an exhibition about the Great Patriotic War (For reference: the depth of Hitler's bunker in Berlin is 16 m). An unusual monument in Samara - Rocket. This is a real launch vehicle made for the Plesetsk training ground for combat crew training. The total height of the rocket together with the frame metal building is 68 meters, weight is 20 tons, weight of the supporting structure is 53 tons.

Ulyanovsk - Among the interesting places of the city, we note the embankment of the Volga River in the Leninsky district. It is located at an altitude of 350 m above the river, and it offers a stunning panorama of the Volga. Alexander Park is just the place where you can not only relax, but also have something to see. The park's area is 15 hectares and includes a beach with a water park, many fountains and sculptures, playgrounds, cafes and restaurants, 4 parking lots and even a hotel. There are quite a lot of monuments in Ulyanovsk. Two of them especially attract the attention of tourists - a monument to the letter “Y” on the embankment, and a monument to a student freebie in the form of a woman with wings near Ulyanovsk State University.

Kazan - pedestrian Bauman Street, Palace of Farmers, Kazan Kremlin, Kremlevskaya embankment, Temple of All Religions.

I had a chance to see the Volga River only once when I visited Samara. Compared to the river in my city, the Volga seemed like a whole sea to me. The river itself has long played a key role in people's lives, and its development began in the 9th century, when Russians began to settle en masse along its banks.

Economic significance of the Volga for humans

This river attracted people to the lands along its banks favorable for agriculture, and also became the main source of fishing and shipping. The Volga acquired the status of a major water transport artery in the 13th century with the opening of the Volga trade route. And to this day it is considered the main navigable river of the country. Currently, its economic importance is confirmed by the following:

  • the river is the axis of the deep-water river system of the European part of the Russian Federation;
  • the rivers of the Volga-Kama basin lead in the number of all river cargo and passenger transportation in the Russian Federation;
  • on its banks there are 4 millionaire cities (Samara, N. Novgorod, Kazan and Volgograd);
  • There are 11 hydroelectric power stations installed on the river, which generate 35% of all energy in the country.

In terms of its importance, the Volga is often compared to the Mississippi in the USA.

Shipping on the Volga

This type of activity on the river is a priority. At one time, the river was extended by as much as 160 km due to the construction of many reservoirs. This raised the water level, making the river more accessible to large barges. The same factor allowed high-speed passenger ships to operate on the river, which increased passenger traffic. Up the Volga they deliver:

  • petroleum products;
  • gravel;
  • bread;
  • metal;
  • vegetables.

Below are delivered:

  • mineral and construction cargo;
  • lumber;

On the basis of the Volga, a unified deep-sea transport system was organized, which included the Volgo-Balt and Belomorkanal canals, as well as the Volgo-Don, which expanded transportation possibilities. Therefore, the cities on the Volga began to be called “ports of the five seas.” The river is also a concentration of shipbuilding yards for river transport. The largest university of river and water transport in Russia is located in Nizhny Novgorod.