Canyons in Karelia on the map. Active rest in Karelia in summer

Hello everyone 🙂

Just arrived from a two-day trip to a marble quarry in Karelia (Ruskeala).

For several years we wanted to go and see, but somehow it didn’t work out, we even managed to get to the quarry in Carrara (Italy) faster than to the marble quarry in Karelia 🙂
Wandered, explored and photographed all day long.

I love quarries, for some reason natural stone ledges and outcrops attract me. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved climbing mountains.

In the summer of 2013, we traveled around Europe () and in almost 2 months we traveled more than 14,000 km - climbed to the peaks, visited marble quarries where Carrara, Brecia Sardo, Rosso Levante marble is mined, but we never were on our quarries.

Therefore, in order to diversify the next trip to Finland, we decided to travel more interesting route and stop by a marble quarry in Karelia in the village of Ruskeala.

By the way, we went to Finland in order to open a visa and prepare for a new road trip around Europe.

Let's go for a ride again different countries almost 2 months 🙂 Planned to visit the exhibition MARMOMACC in Verona- This international exhibition natural stone and marble, design and technology for its processing and use.

I’ll write more soon, if you don’t want to miss it, then 🙂

Okay 🙂 it's time to move on to the main topic - a photo report about a trip to Karelia to the Ruskeala marble quarry.

Journey to the marble quarry in Karelia

Our two day itinerary looked like this:

Our route through the marble quarry in Karelia

I will not describe the road itself and how to get to the marble quarry in Karelia. This information is already abundant on the Internet.

But here are a few points.

For example, a few kilometers before Karelia, the usual asphalt road ended and the asphalt began immediately in front of the entry sign "Republic of Karelia" 🙂

After a few kilometers, the asphalt ended again, and so several times. If you look at the map, the road is paved with asphalt dotted line 🙂

But in fact, I really like the roads in Karelia. They are beautiful:

Beautiful roads of Karelia

Before reaching the village of Ruskeala about 3 km., there are waterfalls where the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" was filmed.

Here they filmed "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"

A beautiful place, but a lot of tourists because of this it was somehow uncomfortable.
They didn't last long here.

waterfalls next to the quarry

Immediately after the waterfalls, we stopped at the local hydroelectric power station, where we saw another waterfall. The place is not popular and there were no tourists at all, then we went further to the marble quarry itself.

Entrance to the village of Ruskeala

For normal orientation on the ground, we made a copy of a satellite image of the quarry surroundings with the main points that you need to visit:

Satellite map of the quarry

The quarry has long been closed and flooded. But a few years ago, it was ennobled and made accessible to tourists.

Marble quarry in Karelia works all year round. But time is divided into two seasons (Summer and Winter).
In winter, they turn on the backlight, ride tourists in dog sledding and boats for rent in the summer.

There are constant queues for boats. There are a lot of people who want to.

Tourists swim in a marble quarry in karelia

There are several grottoes at the water level in the marble quarry. This is a system of horizontal adits, in which Ruskeala marble was previously mined.

Tourists on boats often hide in them 🙂

grotto in the marble quarry of Karelia

This photo shows the scale of the quarry.
The height of the marble quarry in some places is more than 50 meters.

The height of the marble quarry of Karelia

The walking route along the quarry leads to one of the adits. The mining system extends for several kilometers, but many adits are flooded and inaccessible.

One of them is above the water and our route lay through it:

Horizontal adit in a marble quarry

Vertical rectangular shaft.
The height is 40 meters, 20 of which are flooded with water.
As far as I understood, there used to be an "elevator" here, which was used to lift the marble and to access the horizontal adits.

Vertical mine marble quarry

Now a metal bridge has been made here, from which you can have a good view of the adit.

Bridge in a marble quarry

Inside, almost everywhere you can see traces of a tool that was drilled into marble to break off blocks.
Diameter approximately 2-3 cm.
I can't even imagine how hard it was.

tool marks in a quarry

Italian marble quarry in Karelia.

The continuation of the route along the marble quarry passed through underground lake, but in summer it can only be viewed from above.
But the "Italian Quarry" is available

pointer to the underground lake

At one time, Italian equipment was brought to this part of the quarry and marble was mined by rope sawing, and not by explosive methods. By the way, that is why it is called "Italian Quarry".

Therefore, here the blocks have already more familiar outlines and the pattern of local marble is visible.

italian quarry in karelia

Having climbed higher, we managed to take a photo of the entire marble quarry.

In the middle you can see the "lake":

Italian marble quarry

The structure and natural pattern of marble on the cut are clearly visible.

By the way, marble from this quarry in Karelia was used for lining some metro stations, the floors of the Kazan Cathedral, during the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral, and even saw it several times.

italian quarry in ruskeala

Drilling marks are clearly visible. Here they are of a larger diameter than in underground adits.
In some places there were cores with a diameter of 120 mm.

this is how marble was mined in a quarry

Characteristic traces of sawing with a rope.
But the edges of the blocks were not very even. In some places the "wave" is almost 100 mm.

Stone crushing plant in Karelia

Through the window you can see the abandoned equipment:

abandoned factory

In general, I liked the trip to the marble quarry. Interesting place. There is something to see.

The marble quarry of Karelia is a great place

On this, the first day of our two-day trip ended, the next day we went to Finland to see the ancient fortress in Savonlinna, but more on that later 🙂 In order not to miss the next photo report - 🙂

Ruskeala, marble quarry and waterfalls - real paradise for those who are tired of the heat, beaches and endless palm trees.

Be sure that in Karelia you will not find anything of this - only northern nature, which will captivate with its severity and incredible beauty.

History of the mountain park

Ruskeala is a relatively young attraction - this park opened its doors to tourists only at the beginning of 2005.

Remarkably, the park is a private property and was built by the Ladoga entrepreneurs, who in two years ennobled the surroundings of the quarry and built tourism infrastructure, spending more than half a million rubles.

But the territories on which Ruskeala Park is today were not always Russian - until the mid-1700s, these territories were assigned to the Swedish side, which were engaged in the development of marble deposits.

Russia, however, gained control over these lands only at the end of the Northern War, but the development of marble deposits was not resumed. They remembered these fruitful places only at the beginning of the reign of Catherine II, who ordered the extraction of marble - then the development of gray, white, gray-blue and green marble was resumed.

The resumption of work was not accidental and was due to the construction of St. Petersburg, which required large material costs.

Today, Ruskeala marble can be seen near the Hermitage - the famous atlantes at the entrance to the museum are made from it, as well as floors in the Kazan Cathedral and wall cladding in St. Isaac's Cathedral. A considerable number of marble elements are also found in the Mikhailovsky Castle. You can meet the materials even in Belarus - there they made decorations for the memorial of the Brest Fortress.

In 1939 work on the extraction of marble in the quarry was again stopped due to the outbreak of war between the Soviet Union and Finland. The end of the Great Patriotic War led to attempts to revive marble quarrying, however, during the work, the aquifer was practically destroyed, and the water began to arrive at an incredible speed - frightened workers abandoned their equipment and hurriedly left the quarry.

Such - filled with water and with abandoned equipment on the banks - Ruskeala Canyon remained until the beginning of the 70s of the last century. In 73, new workings began to be created near the main basin. However, such a close location of the workings to each other and to the main canyon itself limited the possibilities of workers, since the risk of the collapse of the marble walls turned out to be too high, and therefore marble is mined there today, but in very, very small quantities.

The mountain park combined several Karelian sights and made their viewing convenient and - most importantly - safe.

Each of the attractions is equipped with viewing platforms and security fortifications, and guides work in the park to help you not get lost and not miss anything interesting.

So, the first thing tourists go to mountain park- it is, of course, Marble quarry. This is not at all surprising, because even in the photo the canyon impresses with its scale and beauty. What can we say about the sensations that you experience, looking at it with your own eyes?

A truly handmade work of art human hands for many centuries they were knocked out of a monolithic stone, with the participation of nature, which filled the marble bowl with crystal clear water, makes an indelible impression.

Along the quarry throughout its entire length (and it is nearly 500 meters long) a path has been laid from which you can see absolutely the entire canyon, its grottoes and caves, mines and drifts.

There are places on the coast entrance to which is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that relatively recently several tens of tons of earth went into the water.

Also on the territory of Ruskeala there are small quarries - some of them are abandoned, and some are still being developed.

Slightly inferior in popularity adits. On the territory of the park there is only one unflooded adit, inside which you can go even without an instructor. The rest were buried under the water column by the Finns after the war with the USSR.

Adits are a special type of workings. Their distinctive feature is the presence of an exit to the surface, that is, they are through holes in the marble firmament of a horizontal or vertical orientation.

Inside the adit is always damp, water drips even from the ceiling. In summer, snow can be found in its depths.

The third most popular Ruskeala failure, the appearance of which dates back to the 60s of the last century and is due to numerous explosions carried out to create new workings.

Today it is allowed to descend into the failure with the help of a special rope. But this is not just entertainment - going down, you will find yourself in a tunnel that will lead you to the very "heart" of the marble mine.

More recently, the failure made it possible to go to the main career, but now the passages were littered.

In winter, fans of extreme recreation on the slopes take their skates with them and arrange mass skating in the sinkhole.

And closes the number of attractions Ruskeala Park italian canyon. In this territory, relatively recently, the Italians began to develop marble, but its quality turned out to be extremely low, which did not justify the cost of work and the hopes of the foreign guests themselves.

This is due to the fact that in order to obtain high quality material, it is necessary to extract it from maximum depth. Marble in the upper layers of the earth is too fragile.

But thanks to them, today's tourists of the mountain park can look at the marble in the section.

Rest in the Marble Quarry

Undoubtedly, the most popular pastime among visitors to Ruskeala is excursions, of which the park offers a large number. However, fans of extreme recreation do not like such events.

For such visitors have also developed many ways to relax. The first of these is diving in the pool of the main marble quarry- or, in simple terms, immersion in water.

Often, visitors come to the Mountain Park precisely for the sake of these descents - a considerable number of so-called speleologists or tech divers love to dive in the reservoir. People come here from all over the country, but most often from the two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg, for the reason that the Karelian marble canyon is the only place that has underwater caves and has almost crystal clear water.

So, in the quarry pool itself, visibility under water is 13 meters, but in adits it is much higher - more than 17 meters.

But do not flatter yourself - if you do not have enough experience in diving, no one will let you into the caves.

It will be interesting to dive also because at the bottom of the canyon there is a large number of abandoned equipment. It is of Finnish origin - it was this people that flooded a large number of cars, motorcycles and even a crane, before the start of hostilities with the Soviet Union in 39 of the last century.

To date, there are several routes for underwater explorers, which differ, first of all, in the degree of difficulty.

The second most popular entertainment in the park is ropes and bungees.

The first one is used for zip line- flying over the canyon on a rope. With bungee ropes, they jump from certain sites.

Rowing boats are also in great demand. walks on the pond. From mid-May until the end of September, equipment rental is open, with which you can get to know this natural beauty better. In addition, you get the opportunity to swim inside the grotto.

But be prepared for the fact that you will have to row yourself.

In winter, there is another unusual attraction - husky sledding. The track for sledding has a length of almost 3 kilometers.

Karelian waterfalls

Karelian waterfalls are considered to be one of the the most beautiful places Russia, which attract crowds of tourists. In addition, waterfalls are a great way to diversify your vacation.

The first most popular waterfall is Kivach. It is the second largest in the entire European territory, second only to the Rhine Falls. The height of the Russian one is about 11 meters, and it is located on the Suna River.

There is a legend about the origin of this miracle of nature among the Karelian people. According to it, in ancient times there were two rivers - Suna and Shuya, which were sisters. They constantly kept close, but at one point Suna got tired and, in order to rest, left the channel, giving way to her sister. But she rushed forward from her sister - in the morning Suna noticed the loss and rushed after her, sweeping away everything in her path. so, the place where she punched block of stone and there was a waterfall.

Today the waterfall is located on the territory of the reserve of the same name.

Next in popularity Ruskeala waterfalls. There are practically no excursions on them, since the Tohmajoki River, on which they are located, is perfectly visible from the highway. Near it there are equipped parking lots, which allow you to view the natural landmark in more detail and soak up its energy.

The complex includes four waterfalls up to four meters high. Additional fame brought them the shooting of the film "The Dark World", held on their territory.

Of particular interest for rafting lovers is the Ahvenkoski waterfall.

The third most popular place is occupied by another complex - White Bridges. It consists of two waterfalls located at a small distance from each other. They got their name from real bridges - unfortunately, today only fragments remain of these Finnish buildings.

The height of the fall is about 20 meters, which makes the White Pillars one of the highest in all of Karelia.

There are always very few tourists on their territory - this is due to the fact that the road to the sights has become unusable for a long time, and public transport does not go there.

But in summer, waterfalls provide a unique opportunity to get unique sensations - during this period, the water level in it decreases and this allows you to rinse under falling water, as if in a shower.

Mountain park "Ruskeala" in the Republic of Karelia

Ruskeala (Republic of Karelia) is a magnificent park and a unique marble quarry with clear emerald water and underground caves. The history of this place began several centuries ago, and today one of the most beautiful natural parks in our country is located in this amazing mountainous area.

Quarry history

The Ruskeala marble quarry is a huge thicket cut down by human hands, almost 500 m long. Initially, the area belonged to the Swedes, where they mined high quality banded marble. After the end of the Northern War, the border Russian Empire expanded significantly. Karelian quarries ended up on Russian territory. Peter I presented these lands to one of his close associates. So in these places the Ruskeala settlement was formed.

Active development of the quarry resumed during the reign of Catherine II. The Empress ordered the use of Ruskeala marble deposits in the construction of new palaces and cathedrals. The facade of St. Isaac's Cathedral is decorated with stone, the building of the Hermitage is lined with it, and the floors in the Kazan Cathedral are laid out.

403 Forbidden

403 Forbidden


In the middle of the XIX century. Marble mining ceased, and the once valuable mineral began to be broken into rubble and used for the production of building lime. The misfortune that occurred during the Russian-Finnish war helped the career to turn from an abandoned quarry into a pearl of Ruskeala nature. A huge pit during the demolition work was simply flooded with the waters of a nearby river.

However, the Soviet government could not abandon the mineral-rich region of Karelia - the marble quarry was reopened and partially restored. Mining has resumed. They led it in several ways at once. It was during this period that a whole network of underground passages, adits, tunnels and caves appeared in the mountain range.

The war with fascist Germany caused irreparable industrial damage to the marble canyon Ruskeala, Karelia was almost completely bombed by enemy aircraft. On the former scale, stone mining was no longer carried out, although they still had time to revet several stations of the St. Petersburg metro. A new milestone in history locality Ruskeala in Karelia began in 2002. picturesque places turned into a mountain park with a recreation center. Now here everyone can rent a cottage and relax among the amazing Karelian nature.


Today, the Ruskeala mountain park is well organized. Everything has been done in it for the convenience of vacationers, but with minimal damage to natural beauties. Guarded parking, Russian-style houses and cottages, an open-air kitchen, a wood-fired sauna and even a small amusement park - tourists do not have to worry about anything. Nevertheless, most visitors come to the park not to relax in comfortable conditions, but to admire the local nature. Fantastic waterfalls, some of which do not freeze even in winter, clean rivers, mountains surrounded by centuries-old forests - there is something to see here.

But the main attraction of the complex is, of course, the famous marble quarry with clear emerald water. It is surrounded by neat paths made of Ruskeala marble, in underground labyrinths at a depth of 200 m a safe a tourist route. On summer nights, the quarry is illuminated with multi-colored lights, and in winter it turns into a real ice castle. Tourists in the marble quarry are offered a lot of entertainment, including:

  • Boating and fishing. There are so many people who want to ride on the purest water, the transparency of which allows you to look 15 m deep, that you need to sign up in a queue in advance.
  • Diving. You can not only swim along the canyon, but also dive to the very depths, seeing its underwater world with your own eyes.
  • Rope bridge walk. A special rope bridge with insurance will be stretched across the quarry at a height of 24 m. The tourist walks along one rope and holds on to the other two. You do not need to be a climber and have special skills to see the sights of the park from such a height.
  • Cliff jump. Breathtaking flight from a height of 24m. Free fall distance is 10m.
  • Trolls. This is a passage along a special cable from the lowest point of the quarry to the highest. Another attraction that will take your breath away.

Russia is rich in natural beauties, but Ruskeala Park is amazing place, an analogue of which can hardly be found anywhere else. It is not necessary to rent a cottage to visit the complex. Excursions are regularly arranged in the park for tourists, students, schoolchildren and foreign guests. Moreover, small children and WWII veterans can visit the complex for free. The cost of living in the mountain park includes only rental housing. All services, as well as visits to various facilities are paid separately. A house or a whole cottage for several families can be rented both on the territory of the complex and outside it.

Karelia is a place where you can see the pristine nature and enjoy the beauty of the Ruskeala waterfalls and the Marble Canyon. Read about it in the article.


This region is called the country of numerous lakes and rivers, the pearl of the Russian North. Karelia with its relict forests and bottomless lakes attracts beauty lovers.

Here the lakes are blue, the rivers are rapids, and the rocks are harsh. Nature is distinguished by untouched purity. Admiration causes marble canyon and Ruskeala waterfalls, which are a reserve and custodian of folk art and antiquity.

Ruskeala park

It is a natural landmark of Karelia. Translated from Finnish, it means "brown or brown rock." The location of the Ruskeala mountain park is the vicinity of the village of the same name. The center of the composition is the Marble Canyon, which is currently a natural monument and cultural heritage countries.

The canyon is four hundred and sixty meters long and up to one hundred meters wide. Depth in some places more than fifty meters. The quarry is filled with groundwater, the transparency of which reaches fifteen to eighteen meters.

In addition to the Marble Canyon, there are other interesting places which can be reached along the paved paths. The park is equipped with viewing platforms, lighting, rope descents. Signs are placed everywhere so that tourists do not get lost. It's always clean and tidy here.

The history of the formation of the Marble Canyon

Ruskeala is a village in the Sortavalsky district of Karelia. Its history begins at the beginning of the sixteenth century, when the Swedes were engaged in the extraction of marble. After the lands were annexed to Russia, at the end of the Northern War, all work was suspended. But Petersburg palaces had to be decorated, marble was required. Its mining resumed in the second half of the eighteenth century.

Ruskeala marble decorates St. Isaac's Cathedral, Mikhailovsky Castle. Later, the Primorskaya and Ladozhskaya metro stations were lined with it. The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by a war with the Finns. When they left our country, the marble quarries were flooded. These places were no longer used for industrial purposes. Tourists did not visit them either.

How was the mountain park created?

The beginning of the nineties is the second birth of Ruskeala. One of the private firms took the liberty of equipping a marble quarry for a tourist complex. Here they began to lay routes, build hotels, parking lots for cars. Specialists have developed programs for excursions and organizing leisure activities for future tourists. Thus, the Ruskeala mountain park was created - a favorite place for tourists from various parts of Russia to relax.

marble canyon

Marble Canyon and Ruskeala waterfalls are a sight of Karelia. The canyon is clearly visible before entering the park. The sight surprises with its beauty. The rugged banks are framed by sheer gray-white marble cliffs that break right into crystal-clear turquoise water, similar to the Northern Lights.

Currently, only one mine remains unflooded. It is clearly visible from above if you climb the hiking trail. It can be seen if you make a trip across the lake. Using a boat, you can get to any of its places, and even swim under the rocks. The park can be visited at any time of the year, only the schedule changes. In winter, the water in the canyon is covered with ice. As soon as darkness falls, artistic lighting turns on. The canyon at this time is extraordinarily beautiful, it glows with bright colors of different shades.

The Tohmajoki River features many waterfalls and steep rapids. There are three waterfalls in the Ruskeala complex. The largest and most beautiful is the Ahvenkoski waterfall. It is called the Okunev threshold or the waterfall at the three bridges. The banks of the riverbed, where the waterfall drains its waters, are rocky. But there is a small area with a sandy beach. It is used by tourists as a beach.

Driving along the highway, the banks of the river overgrown with pines and firs are clearly visible. This is an impressive sight. Car parking is organized here, gazebos for recreation, shops selling souvenirs are built.

If you go down the river, you can see the Ryumyakoski waterfall. It is difficult to get to it, so tourists go to see the beauty on foot. This waterfall is the remains of a Finnish hydroelectric power station. On the territory of Ruskeala village there is another waterfall. Noise and splashes of foaming water are carried throughout the district.

Ruskeala waterfalls got their name from the village located next to them. The waterfalls are powerful, full-flowing, with a height of rapids up to three or four meters. They are characterized as flat. Ruskeala waterfalls are famous for the fact that such a box-office film as “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” was filmed in these places. The filming of the film "The Dark World" also took place here.

Tourists admire the Ruskeala waterfalls from the observation deck. But if you cross the river on the bridge and go deeper into the forest, you can see the waterfalls from the other side. Natural beauty is simply mesmerizing.

Tohmajoki freezes in December, but the waterfalls continue to live until February. Ruskeala waterfalls are beautiful in winter: falling streams of red water hit the stones with force. Foam spray freezes icicles on tree branches. Peat water resembles silky hair braided into a braid. Looking at the water, the soul is cleansed, as if bells are ringing or a fire is burning, the sparks of which pierce the heart.

How to get from St. Petersburg to the city of Sortavala?

Ruskeala waterfalls and the Marble Canyon of Sortavala can be visited by car, regular bus or fixed-route taxi. Distance from cultural capital country to the city of Sortavala three hundred kilometers. From him to Ruskeala - thirty. The whole journey takes up to four and a half hours.

If you have a desire to visit the Ruskeala waterfalls, read the article on how to get there. Traveling by car is the most common mode of transport. First you need to get to the city of Priozersk, following the highway of the same name. Then turn onto the A-129 highway and drive to the city of Sortavala. From here, along the A-130 highway to Vartsila, from where the road leads directly to the village of Ruskeala. Travel time from the city of Sortavala takes twenty minutes.

If for some reason a trip by a private car does not suit you, you can take a regular bus, which leaves from the Devyatkino metro station every day at ten in the morning. People go back to St. Petersburg by the same bus, which departs from the city of Sortavala at sixteen o'clock. Flights are daily. If you have the funds, you can go on a trip by taxi. Flights are daily. You stop any taxi, agree on a price, and go.

In 1765, marble deposits were discovered in the Ruskeala region. This white-gray stone with shades from light gray to greenish was found in a hill overgrown with coniferous forest not far from the picturesque Ruskeala waterfalls. Soon the industrial production of marble begins. Ruskeala gray marble was widely used in the construction of St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, Marble, Tauride and Winter Palaces in St. Petersburg.

The marble quarry operated until 1939, was flooded by the Finns, but at present it is a deep marble canyon of old marble quarries, which has found new life: Marble lake attracts great amount tourists with the beauty of the steep marble shores that go into the emerald clear water, the opportunity to sail on a boat through the marble grottoes, admiring the amazing variety of shades of marble, or go down the mine and follow the path that marble was once taken out for the construction of temples and palaces.

Now the excursion path is made for tourists around the Marble Canyon, allowing you to admire the unique spectacle from the observation decks. A sophisticated lighting system under water, on the surface and along the walls of the canyon (operates during dark nights) provides a round-the-clock overview of the unique cultural monument. In winter, the Ruskeala mountain park also opens its doors to all lovers of winter landscapes, and artistic lighting creates a fairy tale around. Night tours of this wonderful place captivate the eye, leaving pleasant memories for a lifetime (on request).

Excursion to the marble canyon "Ruskeala"

Marble Canyon Prices (Ruskeala Mountain Park)

Individual visit
300 rubles/person, students 150 rubles/person, schoolchildren 100 rubles/person, children under 7 and veterans
Excursion Adults 450 rubles/person, students 250 rubles/person, schoolchildren 150 rubles/person, children under 7 years old b/p

Boat trip on Marble Lake

600 rubles / 1 boat / 4 people

Offer for divers

use of the pier for diving - 200 rubles / person

Secure parking

free for visitors

Summer cafe services

open from 10:00-21:00

Sale of souvenirs

How to get to Ruskealka marble canyon:

By car - from St. Petersburg (via Priozersk)

From St. Petersburg - along the Federal Highway A129 (Priozerskoye Highway) to the city of Priozersk and further to the city of Sortavala. In Sortavala, you need to move along the main road in the direction of Petrozavodsk. At the 10th kilometer from Sortavala there will be a left turn to the village of Vartsila, highway A-130. The distance from St. Petersburg to the marble canyon is 300 km. Travel time 5 hours.

By car - from Petrozavodsk:

From Petrozavodsk through Pryazha, Kolatselga and Lyaskelya (P21) - in the direction of the village of Vartsila. The distance from Petrozavodsk to Ruskeala Mountain Park is 255 km. Travel time - 4 hours.

By train - from St. Petersburg:

The easiest way to get to Sortavala from St. Petersburg is by train "St. Petersburg - Kostomuksha" (from the Ladozhsky railway station). The train does not run every day. Exit - at the station "Sortavala", then you can order a taxi to the Mountain Park (on average, the cost of a taxi is 550 rubles / sedan, waiting is 300 rubles / hour)

By train - from Petrozavodsk:

Train No. 680-Ch Petrozavodsk - Sortavala (via Kaalamo) - to the station. Caalamo. Further - by registered transport (taxi)

By bus - from Petrozavodsk:

Buses run from Petrozavodsk to Sortavala and fixed-route taxis(on the way about 5 hours) Cost from 500 rubles / person. There are also buses going to Vartsila via Ruskeala.

You can see the beauty of the marble canyon in spring by going rafting down the river

There is a unique place in Karelia - Marble Canyon (Ruskeala mountain park), in general, Karelia is interesting for its natural beauty. If you have never been to the Republic, then you should definitely go here.

The marble deposit in the Ruskeala region was discovered in 1765 and was used until 1939. A beautiful stone with numerous shades was used in the construction of Isakievsky and Kazan Cathedrals. Now the Ruskeala mountain park pleases tourists with its marble sheer shores, a well-groomed path around the canyon, and the opportunity to go boating on the azure lake.

Address and opening hours of Ruskeala mountain park

Navigator coordinates: 61.936192, 30.589610

Opening hours depend on the season:

  • Winter (from November 1 to February 28): from 10.00 to 19.00

In winter, every Friday and Saturday, the artistic illumination of the entire Marble Canyon is open.

  • Spring (from March 1 to April 30): from 10.00 to 21.00
  • Summer (from May 1 to August 31): from 09.00 to 24.00
  • Autumn (from September 1 to October 31): from 10.00 to 21.00

How to get to Ruskeala marble canyon

By car

There are 2 options:

  • through Priozersk along the A129 highway. Before turning to Kuznechnoye (outside Priozersk), the road is excellent, then from the border of Karelia to Sortovala, the coverage is good, from Sortavala to Ruskeala, the road is a little broken.
  • along the E105 highway in the direction of Petrozavodsk (the road is gorgeous, but the ride is much longer)

by train

from the Ladoga railway station the train "St. Petersburg - Kostomuksha" goes. Need a Sortovala station

Where to stay in Ruskeala

We stayed at the Ruskeala recreation center, which is a five-minute walk from the Marble Canyon.

On the territory there are all the accessories for barbecue, you can rent a sauna near a small pond. It is advisable to book the time in advance by phone, as there are many people who want to, and there is only one bathhouse.

You can also book a room in the nearest city — Sortavala. If a trip to Karelia is planned during the high season, weekends or holidays, then it is better to look for a room in advance, after all, there are not so many of them in the whole town. Links to hotels in Sortavala:

  • Hotels in Sortavala on
  • Hotels in Sortavala on
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What to see in Ruskeala and surroundings

It is very beautiful here - the marble canyon will not leave anyone indifferent. We visited the park during the "golden" autumn. Gray marble, turquoise lake and golden trees around - a complete delight.

A trail is equipped around the canyon, where there are viewing platforms with gorgeous views of the water surface, grottoes, caves and, of course, marble rocks.

Be sure to take a boat and swim in Marble Canyon Lake.

For lovers of extreme sports created trolls across the lake.

Adits at the Ruskeala quarry

An adit is a horizontal or inclined mine working that has direct access to the earth's surface. In simple terms, an adit is a mine where marble was mined.

In Ruskeala, there is only one adit left, which is open to the public.

The Ruskeala failure was formed due to explosions in neighboring quarries, with the help of which they simplified the extraction of marble. The collapsed part of the rock revealed the interweaving of a large number of flooded adits.

In summer and winter, those who wish can go down a special rope and find themselves in the very center of marble mining.

The Ruskeala Gap is carefully monitored: here you can find carved figurines and interior items made of ice.

Italian Quarry

The path along the Marble Lake, which I mentioned earlier, will lead to the Italian Quarry. The Italian quarry is the last place in Ruskeala where marble was mined.

Now there is an exposition "The path of a stone through time." It is amazing how evenly the stone is cut. The feeling that these are slices of cheese, not marble.

Do you know why the quarry was named "Italian"? It is because of these very machines that could cut stone perfectly like this, and they were made according to Italian technology.

Marble-lime plant in Ruskeala

The entrance to the territory of the plant seems to be closed, as our guide told us (I advise you to take a tour, it is inexpensive, but it is really interesting to listen). But we managed to walk near the plant and take pictures of it.

The Finns built the factory in 1896. First, lime was created here by firing calcite marble in a special kiln. Then they began to produce facing stone, white and gray marble chips.

The marble mined at the quarry was delivered to the factory with the help of a suspended railway. The plant completed its activities in 1990.

Filming location of the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” – Ruskeala waterfalls

“And the dawns here are quiet…” I remember how in a literature lesson in high school, we were shown this film. Everyone sobbed, and the boys were stronger than the girls. It was very interesting for me to visit the same waterfall. Finding this place is very easy. There are many tourists here, so there are corresponding signs on the road. From the Marble Quarry to the waterfalls about 2-3 km

We need Ruskeala waterfalls - Waterfall on the river Tohmajoki

The address: 86Đš-332, Ruskeala, Rep. Karelia, 186759

Ruskeala waterfalls coordinates for the navigator:

61°54"58"N 30°37"38"E

Now there is paid equipped parking, gazebos, souvenir shops, cafes and much more.

Things to do in Ruskeala Mountain Park

Diving in the marble quarry of Ruskeala

Ruskeala is a very favorite place of entertainment among divers, because at the bottom of Marble Lake you can see a lot of interesting things. For example, underwater caves and mines. A large number of different equipment flooded by the Finns before the war.

The organizers can offer you routes with varying degrees of difficulty.

Rope descent and bungee jumping on Ruskeala

For daredevils, they came up with the attraction "Jump over the canyon." There are no such queues as for a boat, but nevertheless this service is popular.

Canyon boat trips

The boat can be rented for 1 hour / 400 rubles. Maximum 4 people per boat. Issuing life jackets for everybody. Boat rental is open from 18 May to 30 September.

In high season, you may have to stand in a long queue for the boat. However, it's worth it. After all, you can swim on your own on the lake and swim into the grottoes, examining them from the inside.

Dog sledding

Walking on Siberian Husky is relevant in winter. The cost is 1000 rubles / adults and 800 rubles / children.

Huskies are incredibly beautiful dogs with unforgettable blue eyes, you even want to take a picture with them

We were in Ruskeala in autumn, but I really want to go there also in winter, as our guide praised the artistic lighting, and I have never ridden a dog sled in my life.