Marble canyon ruskeala how to get. What to see in Ruskeala and surroundings

"Ruskeala" (see photo below) is a mountain park located in Karelia near the city of Sortavala. It was created in 2005.


marble canyon"Ruskeala" (Karelia) began to be developed in the 17th century. The work in those days was carried out by the Swedes. The extracted marble was used for the construction of foundations and in order to make building lime.

Special attention was paid to the marble canyon "Ruskeala" in those days when palaces and cathedrals began to be built in St. Petersburg and its environs. The valuable stone mined in these places was highly valued by architects. Marble slabs were used to decorate their buildings by Montferrand and Rinaldi. This magnificent stone was faced with the Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals, Mikhailovsky Castle, etc.

Before the start of the Russian-Finnish war, the quarries where the valuable stone was mined were flooded by the Finns. According to one version, this was done in order to harm the Soviet troops.

The marble canyon "Ruskeala" is still used today. Material was mined here, which was used for lining the Ladozhskaya and Primorskaya stations of the St. Petersburg Metro.

Exploitation of the surrounding deposits continues today. The former scale, of course, no longer exists, but there is a constant extraction and sale of crushed marble.


Mountain Park "Ruskeala" - a marble canyon, which is a real museum of mining, as well as natural heritage. These places amaze with their beauty. The former quarries today are delightful. They resemble marble bowls that have been filled with bluish-green waters. Nearby adits look like mysterious caves.

Marble canyon "Ruskeala" in 1998 received a new status. It was recognized as part of the Russian cultural heritage.

marble quarry

The place where valuable building material was mined in the past is one of the attractions mountain park Ruskeala. Today the quarry is filled with crystal-clear, emerald-colored water. The splendor of its patterned shores with sheer cliffs pleases the eye. In a former quarry, you can find places where marble shines through right through the water.

There are a number of viewing platforms around the perimeter of the stone quarrying site. From them you can admire the picturesque views. Viewed from these sites are brick ovens built before the 1917 revolution. They were used to obtain lime, which was produced by burning marble chips. The pipes of these furnaces are laid out in the form of a cone and resemble minarets or ancient towers. It can be seen from the observation decks and the old administrative building. It is notable for the fact that it is laid out entirely of marble.

If you want to admire the landscapes of the local nature from the water, you can rent a boat on the pier. Then you can swim into the grottoes located in the sheer cliffs. Such a journey will leave an indelible impression, surprising with the play of light that is observed on the marble ceiling. Even at night, the marble canyon "Ruskeala" will delight you with bright colors. This is due to the artificial lighting arranged here.


Travelers seeking to get to the marble canyon "Ruskeala" (Karelia, Russia) will have to overcome the path along the banks of the Tokhmajoki River. Here, at the Ahvenkoski waterfall, it is worth stopping and admiring the opening landscapes. In order for travelers to relax and gain strength, benches are specially installed on the banks of the river.

Additionally, you can visit the destroyed Finnish power plant. It is located on the Tohmajoki River, just downstream from the waterfall.

Description of the canyon

There is more than one marble quarry in Ruskeal. But on the territory of the mountain park is the most beautiful of them. After the place was cultivated, a guard began to be on duty at the entrance. On the territory of the mountain park, a large number of stalls offering souvenirs to visitors have been installed. Here you can walk along neat paths sprinkled with marble chips, near which there are signposts and fences. Such changes cannot but rejoice. They testify that the Ruskeala marble canyon (see photo below) is under supervision and will retain its condition for many years.


The area of ​​the mountain park is relatively small. Its width is only 100 m, and its length is 450 m. In this regard, excursions conducted in "Ruskeala" (marble canyon) do not take much time.

Several more quarries are located around the park. Interestingly, the color of the water they are filled with is different everywhere. So, in the main quarry, you can admire the emerald greenish tint. The water in adjacent marble bowls is blue or gray with a bluish tint. There is no mystery in this. The shade of the liquid depends on the color of the marble lying here. There are also unflooded adits in the canyon. However, it should be borne in mind that in order to get into them, you must use the services of an escort. You should not do this on your own.

Walks outside the park

The so-called Italian quarries come close to the marble canyon. In them, one can clearly observe evenly cut layers of amazing stone. This spectacle is not limited to the mountain. Near the quarry there is a large number of abandoned marble blocks that were rejected at one time. The adits got their name due to the fact that the first developments on them were carried out according to Italian technologies with the involvement of specialists from this country.

Here you can also admire the marble pool, which is carved directly into the layers.


Diving enthusiasts who managed to visit the marble canyon "Ruskeala" are also satisfied. This place is a real paradise for divers. They are attracted by flooded quarries, which are connected to each other by adits. The majority of visitors do not see the underground horizons numerous tunnels where marble was mined at one time.

The bottom of the main canyon is also of interest to divers. Here is an abandoned technique that was used to extract marble. The attractiveness of the place increases the transparency of the water, due to its low temperature. The fact is that cold springs hit in a career. That is why the water in it is constantly updated.


In "Ruskeala" there are flooded boats. The main one, which is located on the territory of a mountain park, rents out boats. On the banks of the remaining quarries, you can find several places for recreation with a tent. However, you should not count on privacy, as these places are very popular with tourists.

Not far from the park flows a river called Tohmajoki. On its banks you can also find several places for setting up a tent. However, there is a lot of rubbish here.

Visitor impressions

Those tourists who examined the marble canyon "Ruskeala" leave reviews about it as great location recreation. In this regard, the mountain park is very popular. In summer, it is best to come here on a weekday. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid pandemonium. You can visit the mountain park in the early morning, when most of the visitors have not yet arrived.


The marble canyon "Ruskeala" is located at a considerable distance from St. Petersburg. That is why a day trip is very tiring, especially for the driver. In addition, starting from Priozersk, the road is very winding and dangerous.

Caution does not hurt when using mobile communication. There is a border not far from the canyon, as a result of which there is a constant connection of unsolicited Finnish roaming (SMS messages are received from the mobile operator).

It should also be taken into account that the banks of the quarry are sheer steep cliffs. Climbing is prohibited here. There are signs posted all over the place. If you rent a boat, then you should not swim close to the rock. Sometimes stones fall from the tops.

Paid services

There is a small fee for walking around the park. Boat rental is paid. In winter, a skating rink is arranged in the canyon. Skates can be rented here.


So, you have chosen the marble canyon "Ruskeala" as a place of rest. How to get to it? Do it public transport possible, but difficult. To do this, from St. Petersburg you have to get to the town of Sortovala. In this locality northern capital there are regular buses and trains. The next point of the route is the village of Ruskeala. You can get here by bus, which runs twice a day. Its route runs from Sortovala to Vartsila through Ruskeala. A distance of twenty-five kilometers can also be covered by taxi.

There is another option. In St. Petersburg, you need to take a train to Kostomuksha. The distance from this station to the park is eight kilometers. The train arrives in Kostomuksha at one in the morning and at four in the morning. Arriving on it, you can become the first visitors to the park.

It is much easier to get to the marble canyon by private car. At the same time, the route from St. Petersburg will run along the A-129 highway to Sortovala. Having reached this locality, you need to turn north to the village of Ruskevala. On the map, this is the A-130 highway. Not far from the village there is a sign in the direction of the mountain park. The car can be left on the side of the road or in the free parking of the complex. It should be borne in mind that this route is not close. From St. Petersburg to the destination is almost three hundred and thirty kilometers.

Categories of excursions

Has "Ruskeala" (marble canyon) official website (base-ruskeala. rf). On it you can find a lot of useful information for tourists. There is also an opportunity to get acquainted with the categories of excursions offered in the mountain park. Among them are a weekend hike and a long walk, as well as a weekend itinerary.

Where can you stay?

In the village of Ruskeala there is a recreation center of the same name. It works year-round and is designed for ninety visitors. The recreation center has rooms of varying degrees of comfort. There are rooms for newlyweds and couples with babies.

On the territory you can have a picnic with barbecue. For guests there is a bathhouse built on the shore of the lake.

For vacationers, excursions to the marble canyon, to waterfalls or to Lake Valaam are arranged. For those who come by their own car, there is a guarded parking lot. There is a rental center at the recreation center "Ruskeala" that provides sports equipment - footballs and volleyballs, bicycles, skis and skates. Picnic equipment is also provided here.


Marble canyon "Ruskeala" is popular all year round. There are many interesting places and amazing views. So, when visiting the mountain park and its environs, do not forget to take your camera with you. According to most tourists, the marble canyon is one of the most interesting places in Karelia.

A trip to the former, and now flooded marble quarry. Photo report from the trip.

There were small debts according to reports from summer trips. Then there was no time to spread it, but now, in rainy autumn weather, it’s very nice to look at sunny pictures and remember those feelings. Therefore, I will continue the story of the trip to Karelia...

We went to Ruskeala the next day after Valaam. On the way we stopped at a waterfall, where the film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" was filmed. Beautiful place..

Then, having driven literally five kilometers, we got to Ruskealy. It is necessary to explain what it is - this is a former marble quarry, now flooded. From here, blocks were obtained for facing the majestic St. Isaac's Cathedral with grayish-green and light gray marble. Ruskealy the halls of the St. Petersburg metro stations "Primorskaya" and "Ladozhskaya" were decorated. Now they have done national park for tourists.

Arriving at the park, the first thing we took boats, 1 hour 200 rubles like. Swimming in a boat is very cool, steep cliffs surround you, and under you there is greenish, clear water.

There is a small grotto in the rocks, you can get into it only by boat.

It's so beautiful inside - the ceiling of the grotto shimmers with reflections of the sun in the water.

After swimming for an hour in the quarry (but it won’t work anymore - it’s small in principle), we went for a walk along its perimeter. Along the entire quarry there is a hiking trail with observation platforms, from where wonderful views open up.

Halfway along the quarry, we climbed into an abandoned adit.

And then we deviated from the route and went to those places that are usually not shown to tourists. We came across underground caves flooded with water. It looks very impressive - I wish I could swim there on a boat!

Then we came across a marble deposit, there is also something to see.

After walking a bit around the neighborhood, we eventually returned to the path to the career.

Mountain park "Ruskeala" is the main pride of Karelia. This is an amazing combination of marble mountains, turquoise lakes and lush greenery. Looking around the surroundings, it is difficult to imagine that a few centuries ago this place was an ordinary adit, where marble was mined under the most difficult conditions.

Prices in the mountain park "Ruskeala" in 2019

  • The cost of an individual visit for an adult is 300 rubles per person
  • For students - 150 rubles per person
  • For schoolchildren - 100 rubles per person
  • For participants in the Great Patriotic War, blockade survivors, prisoners of concentration camps and children under 7 years old, admission is free
  • For residents of the Sortavala district, a visit to the park will cost 50 rubles per person
  • The cost of visiting as part of excursion groups is from 150 rubles for schoolchildren and from 450 rubles for adults

Additional services

From May 1 to October 1, you can rent a boat on Marble Lake (for 1 hour). The cost of the trip is 600 rubles for a four-seater boat.

Diving enthusiasts will have to pay 300 rubles for the opportunity to dive from the pier once.

Tours and routes

For independent tourists, two types of routes are offered - short and long. You can go to them yourself or in a group of 5-20 people with a guide. The first one will pass along the "Marble Canyon" around the quarry, the second - "The road of mountain masters with a halt" and a visit to the "Italian quarry". It is also possible to go along the route "Underground Ruskeala", which will take about 1 hour.

Residents of St. Petersburg and others major cities can go to sightseeing tour in Ruskeala, having bought a ticket from local tour operators.

All excursions in the Ruskeala mountain park differ from each other in the length of the route (from 1.3 kilometers) and duration (from 1 hour).

Note! All year round the temperature in the adits is kept at + 7 degrees Celsius. Even in summer it is highly recommended to have warm clothes with you. For safety reasons, children under 3 years old are not allowed on the route.

Hotels and recreation centers

In the immediate vicinity of Ruskeala there are many places where you can stay overnight or just relax. One of the nearest recreation centers is "Ruskeala". The complex is located on the shore of the lake, not far from the town of Sortavala, just two kilometers from the famous marble canyon. There are also hotels and guest houses near the park.

points of attraction

The main asset of the park is the combination of marble rocks that come to the surface, with the greenery of the surrounding vegetation and the turquoise of lake water. Marble hills have different colors - white, black, bluish, the colors are constantly alternating, so that the emerging picture seems a bit fantastic.

The water-filled marble quarry in Korelskaya Ruskeala is a lake, above which 25-meter marble cliffs rise deep under the emerald water. Rows of slender firs rise directly above the marble.

The canyon is made up of rock workings that create amazing arches, marble-columned halls, and caves that are man-made but look natural. Only a small part of them is accessible for human visits. Most of the grottoes are closed for safety reasons and inaccessibility. Some can only be seen by scuba diving.

You can enter the adits dungeon in the northern part of the canyon. Here are the most frequently photographed cliffs - Ivan da Marya and Catherine II. But the most unusual sensations remain from walking along underground lake by pontoons.

marble quarry in Ruskeala they are also called "Italian quarries", this name came from the first developers of this place. Here you can see smooth cuts of marble, huge stone blocks, water-filled marble pool, brick kilns for firing.

Ruskeala Mountain Park: Google Panoramas

This post is a continuation of the article about our trip to the Marble Canyon. Read the beginning with a story about the road to Ruskeala, the arrival at the Korela fortress and the Ruskeala waterfalls.

After driving a couple of kilometers from the waterfalls, we saw the village of Ruskeala itself.

It is difficult to skip the turn to the village, there is a large green sign right on it, which says that you have reached the Mountain Park.

Well, here we are! Here it is - the beautiful Marble Canyon, which even in the photo impresses with its beauty and majesty, what can we say about the real picture.

Now I'm not talking so much about the size, because there are much larger canyons in the world, but about the totality of the atmosphere, nature, strict vertical cliffs and history. I could not tear myself away when I looked at the steep slope, illuminated by the rays of the sun.

When we arrived, it was already evening. The clock was a little over four o'clock, and there was not much time left for a walk, since we still had a way back. But there was still plenty of time before closing. Since September, the park has switched to the autumn mode of operation - until 21.00. In the summer it worked until midnight, and in the winter it will work only until 19.00.

My companions distracted me from contemplation, and we went to buy tickets. Entrance to the park for adults without benefits costs 150 rubles. The ticket office is located to the right of the entrance and is a small wooden building, in the same style as the rest of the buildings in the area in front of the park. And there are plenty of them: these are houses with souvenirs, and cafes, and even a toilet - everything looks like a small log street. Most of the souvenirs, by the way, are made from marble mined here.

What to do in Ruskeala park.

In general, it is clear that the infrastructure of the park is actively developing, therefore, various excursions and entertainment for tourists are organized here for an additional fee. Hiking and water routes have been developed. They can be passed both independently and as part of an excursion group.

The walking route is a walk around the canyon with a tour of the available attractions, including a descent into a dry adit - a horizontal working that has access to the surface of the earth.

The rest of the adits have been flooded for a long time and you can get to them only by water, and inside they are accessible only to divers.

(I took it from

Boat rentals are available for boat trips. There is a small boat station here. A boat trip costs 400 rubles and is designed for one hour. Moving closer to the right bank, you can approach the marble wall, swim into the marble grotto.

Previously, in order to get the opportunity to take a boat ride, it was necessary to book it 2-3 days in advance, but now there is no preliminary reservation. During the time that we spent near the Canyon, there was not a minute that the water surface was not disturbed by bursts of oars. There were enough people who wanted to take a walk, but there were still free boats.

Water excursions are possible not only on the surface of the lake. There is also entertainment for diving enthusiasts. They have the opportunity to explore the underwater labyrinths of flooded adits and drifts.

According to one version of the flood (yes, there are several of these versions), before the start of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. the Finns, who were actively working on the extraction of marble, left the quarry. When the work was stopped, they destroyed all the documents on the location of underground adits, and, leaving mining equipment here, flooded the quarry, connecting it with the Tohmajoki River.

According to another version, the flooding occurred after the end of the Second World War, when there were attempts to restore work in the quarry. The aquifer was so damaged that water began to penetrate into the quarry and accumulate too quickly, and already Soviet workers were forced to quickly leave their place of work, leaving their equipment.

In a word, whether the parting harmfulness of the Finns is to blame, or a combination of circumstances, but the flooding served an excellent service for the formation of a wonderful landscape here. So until now, tourists-divers manage to find those abandoned cars at the bottom of the flooded adits. Also a touch of history in its own way.

For those who are more attracted not by deep darkness, but, on the contrary, by height and a sense of flight, bungee jumps and descents along a rope stretched over the Marble Canyon are organized. We had a chance to observe the descents from the side, and to be honest, this activity did not make much of an impression. The speed was not very high, and judging by the reactions of the “flyers”, who silently glided along the rope, this event did not give a “wow” effect. However, maybe that's how it seemed to me from the outside. In any case, if it didn’t even take your breath away, then just looking at the canyon from such an unusual and unusual angle was probably curious and entertaining. :)

There is also such entertainment as sledding with husky dogs. But as far as I understand, it is available in the winter.

Our walk.

We, like many independent tourists, decided to do without excursions. The overview of the canyon starts from its eastern slope. There are very pretty footpaths around the perimeter, strewn with rubble and bordered with white stone, probably local marble.

Periodically, along the edges of the path, there were some similarities of stone pyramids, apparently laid out by the visitors themselves.

Viewing platforms are located along the paths with a certain interval.

In some places, the slope collapses, so it is forbidden to approach the edge of the cliff, as indicated by the corresponding signs.

And in some places, outside the footpath, there are places chosen by tourists with polished stones or trampled grass. Of course, they are located at the edge of the slope, because the most spectacular and breathtaking views open from there. I didn’t notice the signs there, so we, at our own peril and risk, contributed to polishing the stones and trampling the grass.

The view from the slope is really beautiful. Monolithic marble walls appeared before our eyes, at the bottom of which openings of drifts and adits are visible. All drifts and adits, except for one, are flooded. You can see the entrances to them from a boat, but you can’t get inside - they are closed with bars.

Also, on the opposite slope from the entrance to the park, a marble grotto appeared, into which you can swim by boat

Sights of the Mountain Park "Ruskeala".

There are five main attractions in the park: the Marble Canyon itself, the dry adit, the Ruskeala failure, the ruins of the Marble Factory and the Italian Canyon. All these objects are in general around the canyon, on the way walking route, you don't have to go anywhere. Only in order to reach the Ruskeala failure and the Italian quarry, you need to make a small loop. The marble factory remained a little aloof, but we did not look for it.

The descent into the adits was impressive. When you stand at the top, and only theoretically imagine that such complex work was carried out here, you still remain under the influence of the picture around - the magical nature that surrounds you, you feel the warm rays of the sun on your face, you see the gleam of water scales cut through by the prows of boats , the talk of tourists, the chirping of birds ... But as soon as you go down into the adit, you are enveloped in completely different emotions.

It is clear who is the most curious.

When I was little, I spent every summer in the village with my grandmother, in a big village house. The upper rooms were very bright, always flooded with sun, with windows at a height greater than human height.

I adored this house. But there was one place there that always… confused me, or something. It was a glacier. A small closet in the back wall of the house, on the basement level. There was a deep hole in it with a block of ice inside, which did not melt even in summer.

The glacier played the role of a kind of refrigerator, it stored dried meat, huge bottles, the contents of which remained a mystery to me, and other food, for which I was periodically sent for. I wasn't afraid of this place, no But it seemed to me very mysterious, made me hold my breath. As soon as you enter there, the cold immediately cut through to the bone, and goosebumps ran through the body, although here, literally outside the door, the sun shone and warmed.

So, when we went downstairs, I very clearly remembered this feeling. A huge dark mine, crossed by adits, not letting in light and heat and enveloping in darkness and cold ...

It's scary to imagine how it worked here. Previously, apparently, a mechanism, like an elevator, went along the vertical descent, which moved workers and equipment along horizontal adits. Now one of the adits is equipped with a bridge from which you can view the mine.

Coming out of the mine, it was insanely nice to feel the warm rays of the sun.

After a short walk along the paths, visiting all legal and illegal viewing platforms, we came to a fork with a sign indicating the new route "In the footsteps of the masters."

From here you can turn left and go to the exit from the park along the western part of the canyon, or you can go straight and see another “window in the dungeon”. This is the Ruskeala failure - an oval hole in the ground, which, in fact, is the failed roof of one of the former adits, now flooded with water.

The depth of the failure to the water surface is about 12 meters.

The Ruskeala failure is interesting because, due to the special microclimate in it, the ice in its remote areas does not melt even in summer. You can get inside only by descending on a rope into a rubber boat, and then landing on the ice.

The career name is easy to explain. Italians mined marble here, and in the process of development, Italian technology was used, which made it possible to use rope sawing instead of the explosive method, which was practiced by the Swedes, Finns and Russians. This is clearly seen in the smoother, clearer contours of the cut blocks.

Leaving the Italian quarry, we again got on the path around the Marble Canyon.

The sun was setting, and its shadow had already begun to touch the eastern slope. Because of this, the colors and colors became deeper and richer.

We admired the beautiful emerald transparency of the water a little more, the whitening sheer mass of marble walls in the gentle frame of the yellowing growth on the slope, watched the drifting boats and headed for the exit.

Initially, of course, my plans included a boat trip, but due to lack of time, it no longer fit in. More precisely, in addition to this, according to the plan, there was also a halt on one of the lakes and barbecues prepared by oneself, but there was time left for one thing, because there was still a way back to St. Petersburg ahead.

I tried to timidly remind about the boat trip, but when I saw how my guys looked at each other, I decided that why do I need three angry hungry men in the boat, especially with a swim in a dark grotto.

Well, it was a pity, of course, to say goodbye to this amazing place, but this is definitely not our last trip to Karelia, and even the first, but not the only meeting with the Marble Canyon.

Before heading back, we found a very picturesque place on the lake for our express picnic. It was not difficult, since the landscapes there are pleasing to the eye - more than enough. While the guys conjured over the barbecue, I walked around the neighborhood.

From sensations and impressions, I wanted to gather my thoughts and think everything over. Well, don’t such landscapes, silence and tranquility around you have this?

And here is the whole honest company at a farewell dinner before the return trip.

By the way, according to tradition, we got home faster. Already more or less knew the road and did without traffic jams.

Karelia is a place where you can see the pristine nature and enjoy the beauty of the Ruskeala waterfalls and the Marble Canyon. Read about it in the article.


This region is called the country of numerous lakes and rivers, the pearl of the Russian North. Karelia with its relict forests and bottomless lakes attracts beauty lovers.

Here the lakes are blue, the rivers are rapids, and the rocks are harsh. Nature is distinguished by untouched purity. Admiration is caused by the Marble Canyon and Ruskeala waterfalls, which are a reserve and custodian of folk art and antiquity.

Ruskeala park

It is a natural landmark of Karelia. Translated from Finnish, it means "brown or brown rock." The location of the Ruskeala mountain park is the vicinity of the village of the same name. The center of the composition is the Marble Canyon, which is currently a natural monument and cultural heritage countries.

The canyon is four hundred and sixty meters long and up to one hundred meters wide. Depth in some places more than fifty meters. The quarry is filled with groundwater, the transparency of which reaches fifteen to eighteen meters.

In addition to the Marble Canyon, there are other interesting places which can be reached along the paved paths. The park is equipped with viewing platforms, lighting, rope descents. Signs are placed everywhere so that tourists do not get lost. It's always clean and tidy here.

The history of the formation of the Marble Canyon

Ruskeala is a village in the Sortavalsky district of Karelia. Its history begins at the beginning of the sixteenth century, when the Swedes were engaged in the extraction of marble. After the lands were annexed to Russia, at the end of the Northern War, all work was suspended. But Petersburg palaces had to be decorated, marble was required. Its mining resumed in the second half of the eighteenth century.

Ruskeala marble decorates St. Isaac's Cathedral, Mikhailovsky Castle. Later, the Primorskaya and Ladozhskaya metro stations were lined with it. The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by a war with the Finns. When they left our country, the marble quarries were flooded. These places were no longer used for industrial purposes. Tourists did not visit them either.

How was the mountain park created?

The beginning of the nineties is the second birth of Ruskeala. One of the private firms took the liberty of equipping a marble quarry for a tourist complex. Here they began to lay routes, build hotels, parking lots for cars. Specialists have developed programs for excursions and organizing leisure activities for future tourists. Thus, the Ruskeala mountain park was created - a favorite place for tourists from various parts of Russia to relax.

marble canyon

Marble Canyon and Ruskeala waterfalls are a sight of Karelia. The canyon is clearly visible before entering the park. The sight surprises with its beauty. The rugged banks are framed by sheer gray-white marble cliffs that break right into crystal-clear turquoise water, similar to the Northern Lights.

Currently, only one mine remains unflooded. It is clearly visible from above if you climb the hiking trail. It can be seen if you make a trip across the lake. Using a boat, you can get to any of its places, and even swim under the rocks. The park can be visited at any time of the year, only the schedule changes. In winter, the water in the canyon is covered with ice. As soon as darkness falls, artistic lighting turns on. The canyon at this time is extraordinarily beautiful, it glows with bright colors of different shades.

The Tohmajoki River features many waterfalls and steep rapids. There are three waterfalls in the Ruskeala complex. The largest and most beautiful is the Ahvenkoski waterfall. It is called the Okunev threshold or the waterfall at the three bridges. The banks of the riverbed, where the waterfall drains its waters, are rocky. But there is a small area with a sandy beach. It is used by tourists as a beach.

Driving along the highway, the banks of the river overgrown with pines and firs are clearly visible. This is an impressive sight. Car parking is organized here, gazebos for recreation, shops selling souvenirs are built.

If you go down the river, you can see the Ryumyakoski waterfall. It is difficult to get to it, so tourists go to see the beauty on foot. This waterfall is the remains of a Finnish hydroelectric power station. On the territory of Ruskeala village there is another waterfall. Noise and splashes of foaming water are carried throughout the district.

Ruskeala waterfalls got their name from the village located next to them. The waterfalls are powerful, full-flowing, with a height of rapids up to three to four meters. They are characterized as flat. Ruskeala waterfalls are famous for the fact that such a box-office film as “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” was filmed in these places. The filming of the film "The Dark World" also took place here.

Tourists admire the Ruskeala waterfalls from observation deck. But if you cross the river on the bridge and go deeper into the forest, you can see the waterfalls from the other side. Natural beauty is simply mesmerizing.

Tohmajoki freezes in December, but the waterfalls continue to live until February. Ruskeala waterfalls are beautiful in winter: falling streams of red water hit the stones with force. Foam spray freezes icicles on tree branches. Peat water resembles silky hair braided into a braid. Looking at the water, the soul is cleansed, as if bells are ringing or a fire is burning, the sparks of which pierce the heart.

How to get from St. Petersburg to the city of Sortavala?

Ruskeala waterfalls and Sortavala Marble Canyon can be visited by car, regular bus or fixed-route taxi. Distance from cultural capital country to the city of Sortavala three hundred kilometers. From him to Ruskeala - thirty. The whole journey takes up to four and a half hours.

If you have a desire to visit the Ruskeala waterfalls, read the article on how to get there. Traveling by car is the most common mode of transport. First you need to get to the city of Priozersk, following the highway of the same name. Then turn onto the A-129 highway and drive to the city of Sortavala. From here, along the A-130 highway to Vartsila, from where the road leads directly to the village of Ruskeala. Travel time from the city of Sortavala takes twenty minutes.

If for some reason a trip by a private car does not suit you, you can take a regular bus, which leaves from the Devyatkino metro station every day at ten in the morning. People go back to St. Petersburg by the same bus, which departs from the city of Sortavala at sixteen o'clock. Flights are daily. If you have the funds, you can go on a trip by taxi. Flights are daily. You stop any taxi, agree on a price, and go.