Map of Lithuania in Russian. Map of Lithuania Detailed satellite map of Lithuania in Russian

Where is Lithuania located on the world map. Detailed map of Lithuania in Russian online. Satellite map of Lithuania with cities and resorts. Lithuania on the world map is an Eastern European state, the capital of which is Vilnius. The western part of the country is washed by the Baltic Sea.

Detailed map of Lithuania in Russian with cities:

Maps of Lithuanian cities:

Lithuania - Wikipedia

Population of Lithuania: 2,826,534 people (2017)
Capital of Lithuania: Vilnius city
Largest cities in Lithuania: Vilnius, Klaipeda, Kaunas.
Lithuania telephone code: 370
National domain of, .eu

Maps of Lithuanian cities.

Sights of Lithuania:

What to see in Lithuania: Vilnius Old Town, Trakai Castle, Neringa, Gediminas Tower, Curonian Spit National Park, St. Anne's Church and Bernardine Church, Kaunas Castle, Amber Park and Museum in Palanga, Aukštaiti National Park, Laisves Alley, Hill of Crosses, Kernavė, St. Stanislaus Cathedral , Old part of the city of Kaunas, Park of Europe, IX Fort of the Kovno Fortress, City of Druskininkai, Sharp Gate, Mountain of Witches, Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, Old Town of Klaipeda, Dzūkija National Park, Ethnographic Museum Rumšiškės, Church of St. Gertrude in Kaunas, Clock Museum in Klaipeda , Devils Museum in Kaunas, Presidential Palace in Vilnius, Zoo in Kaunas, Botanical Garden in Palanga.

Climate of Lithuania: Most of the country has a temperate climate, distinguishing four seasons. On the west coast there is a mild maritime climate. Despite the fact that all seasons in Lithuania are clearly defined, due to the influence of the Baltic, there are no frosts in winter and extreme heat in summer. The average temperature in July is +22 C. In winter, the thermometer does not drop below -9 C.

Relief of Lithuania mostly flat, hilly in places, sand dunes occupy a large area. In Lithuania, they value their unique nature very much and strive in every possible way to preserve this wealth. That's why Lithuania is a country of national parks. The largest and most famous of them are the Kursk Spit National Park, Dzukinsky National Park, the oldest national park in Lithuania - Aukstatii and Historical and Cultural Park, the pride of Lithuania - Trakai. This park also contains Trakai lakes, of which there are about 60.

Majority excursions to Lithuania dedicated to introducing the history and sights of the largest cities. Particularly noteworthy is the capital of Lithuania - Vilnius, founded in 1323. Its streets still retain the charm of the Middle Ages, and on the castle hill you can see the ruins of Gediminas Tower.

The second largest city is Kaunas- a cultural and creative center where artists, poets and writers created their masterpieces. Most of their creations, as well as information about the authors and the history of the city, can be found in the museums of Kaunas. In addition to museums, Kaunas also has a town hall and Kaunas Castle.

In summer Lithuania is becoming a popular beach destination. A very famous and environmentally friendly resort in Lithuania is Neringa. Tourists come here not only to relax, but also for treatment and prevention of various diseases. Resorts such as Palanga and Klaipeda with clean sandy beaches are also known.

Lithuania or the Republic of Lithuania is a Baltic country located on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Lithuania is a European state. The country borders on countries such as Latvia, Poland, Belarus, and the Kaliningrad region of Russia - which is clearly visible on the map of the country.

Lithuania is one of the tourist countries that annually welcomes vacationers from all over the world, mostly from Russia. Vacationers value ecology, nature, and the opportunity to relax on the Baltic Sea coast, which washes the eastern coast of the state. One of the Lithuanian National Parks, Kernavė, is included in the UNESCO Heritage List.

The national cuisine of Lithuania is very similar to the cuisine of Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus, since in this country, special attention is paid to agriculture. The main traditional dishes are prepared from potatoes, meat, vegetables, and grains. Cold borscht, dumplings, potato pancakes are a component of Lithuanian cuisine.

You can find out where Lithuania is using the interactive world map.

A detailed map is presented in Russian.

(Republic of Lithuania)

General information

Geographical position. Lithuania is a country in northeastern Europe. In the north it borders with Latvia, in the south and east with Belarus, in the southwest with Poland and the Kaliningrad region of Russia. In the west it is washed by the Baltic Sea.

Square. The territory of Lithuania occupies 65,301 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. The largest cities: Vilnius (597 thousand people), Kaunas (434 thousand people), Klaipeda (208 thousand people). Administratively, Lithuania is divided into 11 cities of republican subordination and 10 counties.

Political system

Lithuania is a republic. The head of state is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is the unicameral Sejm.

Relief. Most of the territory is occupied by a low-lying plain, hilly in the west and east.

Geological structure and minerals. One of the most important natural resources of Lithuania is amber; there are reserves of peat and building materials.

Climate. The climate is transitional from maritime to continental, continentality increases from west to east. The average temperature in January is -8°C, in July +17°C.

Inland waters. Lithuania is characterized by an extensive river network; the rivers belong to the Baltic Sea basin. The largest river is Nemunas (Neman). There are about 3 thousand lakes in Lithuania, which occupy 1.5 percent of the republic's territory. The deepest is Tauragnas (60.5 m).

Soils and vegetation. The soils are podzolic. 25% of the country's territory is occupied by forests, 17% by meadows and pastures, 7% by swamps.

Animal world. The fauna is characterized by representatives of taiga and deciduous forests: brown hare, fox, wolf, elk, red and sika deer, wild boar, raccoon dog, mink, beaver, lynx, marten, otter, etc. The rivers are rich in fish: bream, pike, perch , eel, trout, roach, etc.

The population is about 3.6 million people, the population density is 55 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Lithuanians - 80%, Russians - 8.6%, Poles - 7.7%, Belarusians - 1.5%, Ukrainians - 1.2%. Languages: Lithuanian, Russian, Polish.


The bulk of the population are Catholics.

Brief historical sketch

The first feudal state that emerged on the territory of modern Lithuania was the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Formed in the middle of the 13th century, the principality included during the reign of Prince Gediminas the Lithuanian and Belarusian lands, as well as part of the territory of modern Ukraine.

The struggle of the Lithuanian princes against the knights of the Teutonic Order ended with the defeat of the latter in 1410 at the Battle of Grunwald. In 1569, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania became part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, according to the Treaty of Lublin.

In 1795, Lithuania was annexed by Russia and remained part of the Russian Empire until 1918.

After the occupation of the country by German troops during the First World War, the Soviet regime was established in the country in December 1918, which, however, was overthrown in the fall of 1919.

In 1926, as a result of a military coup, dictator Voldemaram came to power, who was replaced in 1929 by Smetoy.

In July 1940, Soviet troops were introduced into the country, and Lithuania became a republic within the USSR.

In 1941, Lithuania was occupied by German troops, and Soviet power was restored after the country was liberated in 1944.

In 1990, Lithuania was the first republic of the Soviet Union to declare its independence, which was recognized by the Soviet government in 1991.

Brief Economic Sketch

Lithuania is an industrial-agrarian country. Leading industries: mechanical engineering and metalworking (instrument, machine tool, shipbuilding, electrical engineering, etc.), chemistry and petrochemistry (production of artificial fibers, mineral fertilizers, etc.), light (knitted, cotton, etc.), food (meat -dairy, butter, cheese, fish, etc.). Oil refining industry. Production of building materials. Artistic crafts (products made of amber, ceramics, etc.) are developed. The main branch of agriculture is livestock farming (dairy and beef cattle breeding and bacon pig farming, poultry farming). Crops of grain (barley, rye, wheat), fodder crops. Fiber flax, sugar beets, potatoes and vegetables are also grown. Export: products of mechanical engineering, food, light industry.

The monetary unit is lit.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Among the country's attractions are the Baltic beaches in Palanga, where the famous Amber Museum is also located.

Vilnius. Gediminas Tower; Gothic Church of St. Anna; The sharp Brama-arch of the gate in the Old Town, in which the miraculous icon of the Ostrobramsky Mother of God is located. Near Vilnius is a medieval castle in the town of Trakai. Kaunas. Remains of a 14th century castle; Vytautas Church in the Lithuanian Gothic style (XV century); 17th century monastery; the Zmuidzinavicius Museum, better known as the “Museum of Devils”; the largest collection of paintings by Čiurlionis.

Literature. E. Mezhelaitis (1919-1997) - poet, author of the collections “Lyrics”, “Man”, etc., as well as lyrical prose interspersed with poetry, and journalistic and autobiographical essays; J. Avižius (b. 1922) is a writer who depicts the dramatic fates of heroes in difficult moments in the history of Lithuanian society (“Glass Mountain”, “Village at the Crossroads”, “Lost Blood”).

Lithuania is one of the Baltic countries with its capital in Vilnius. A small state in Northern Europe occupies 65.3 thousand square meters. km, the number of citizens is about 3 million. The length of the Baltic coast is 99 km, Lithuania borders on, and (Kaliningrad region).

The country is located on a plain, most of the land is occupied by fields and meadows, a third of the territory is covered with forests. Aukštojas Hill near Vilnius is the highest point in Lithuania and does not exceed 294 m. There are many small lakes in the country, the largest is Drukšiai, occupying 45 square meters. km. Large rivers are the Neman and Viliya.

In small Lithuania, the coastal climate is somewhat different from the continental one, but in general it is mild, without heat and frost - in summer +17–23 °C, in winter the thermometer rarely drops below −3–4 °C. Frosts occur in the middle of the country, but winters are usually warm and humid. There is more precipitation on the seashore, but prolonged rain and fog are common in the Baltic countries. In July and August, the sea water warms up to +22 °C; the short beach season attracts those who prefer to relax without the scorching sun and heat.