The best countries for international student exchange programs. How to go to America with an exchange family Studying at an American exchange school

Exchange programs in the USA are known to many through FLEX. However, this is not the only organization that helps Russian schoolchildren take part in the cultural exchange program between Russia and the United States. Every year, the Bureau of International Educational Programs “Direct Conversation” organizes the education of adolescents aged 15 to 18.5 years in US public schools for an academic year and half a year with accommodation in an American family. In this article, we answer frequently asked questions about participating in the program.

How much do host families pay per student?

Host families are not compensated for the stay of a foreign student in a family and all expenses associated with it. Instead, they receive various benefits and benefits. However, by voluntarily becoming a host family, people receive a $50 tax deduction per month.

All host families fill out a special form where they enter, among other things, their data and income. This information is used only to ensure that the family will be able to provide for the student's basic needs, including three meals a day and transportation to and from school activities. This form is filled out by all host families without exception. Also, the host family’s application is supported by a detailed resume, which, in addition to the family’s resume, also contains photographs of the exterior and surrounding area, kitchen, student’s room, bathroom and living room, information about the composition of the family and the society in which the family moves. Exchange students cannot come with relatives.

Should exchange students to the US be able to speak English?

Yes, this is necessary, because... The school is taught in English. Students are approved by the admissions committee in America. They have a Skype interview with one of the American administrators. All students speak English, but everyone's starting level is different.

What is required from students?

Students must adapt to the life of the host family, follow the basic rules and participate in family activities. Our students understand that this program is not a tour trip or an excursion, but a study-oriented homestay. Students are expected to help with housework.

What will you have to spend the money on?

All exchange students must have their own pocket money, which is provided by their family. Students pay their own phone bills, school lunches, school fees, and activities such as going to the movies or bowling. (We ask students to have at least $300 monthly).

What should I do if my exchange student gets sick or needs medical attention?

The program is covered by full health insurance with a small deductible. Any costs associated with this are borne by the organization. If you have any questions, please contact your local Exchange Program hotline. A copy of the student's medical examination is included in the student's program application folder.

What to do if students do not have a good relationship with their host family?

If there is any misunderstanding between the student and the family, the local Exchange Program Representative and his or her supervisor will provide advice and support under the direction of the main office. If insurmountable difficulties or unexpected changes arise in the host family, the Program representatives will arrange for the student to be placed with another family.

How old must students be to participate in the program?

Exchange students coming to the US are usually 15-18 years old. The school determines which class the student will be assigned to based on his application.

Does a student need to obtain a visa for their guest?

No. Exchange students coming to the United States will receive a J-1 visa supported by Form DS 2019. All issues and responsibilities regarding visas and any other travel documents are handled by the Program.

What requirements must a host family meet?

  • The family must be aware of the responsibilities associated with the student's residence
  • The family must have two or more family members, married or related by blood (single people can become a host family with the approval of the student's real family)
  • Parents of the host family must be at least 25 years old.
  • Provide the student with a bed and a place to study. The student must have his own separate bed. A student can live in the same room with a brother/sister from the host family of the same gender as the student and with an age difference of no more than 5 years.
  • The family provides the student with breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks. The student buys his own lunch at school.
  • The family must be financially secure and be willing to bear the costs associated with housing the teenager.
  • Many families are happy to include some additional expenses of their choosing.

What families are considered good candidates for the program?

Exchange students enjoy living on farms, in small towns, suburbs and in large cities. Each local community offers its own networking and learning opportunities. Whether the host family is a married couple with children, a single parent, a parent who has already raised their own children or grandchildren, as long as they have a little love that they are willing to give to others - that is all that is required of them!

How much does it cost the host family to accommodate a student?

The financial responsibility of the host family is minimal. If a family is able to provide food, then that is enough. The student's current family will pay all travel expenses, program fees, and health insurance. They will also provide the student with a monthly allowance for school lunches, social events, clothing and other necessities.

How will the student move around the city?

Parents of host families are often busy with work and other activities. The exchange student is not permitted to drive, but will use school and public transportation whenever possible. Students often make friends who drive. No one requires the host family to become chauffeurs, but they should at least offer to give a ride when it is convenient or help organize an alternative method of transportation.

Can a non-traditional family participate in the exchange?

Certainly! Host families come in all shapes and sizes. They may consist of a single parent, parents with older children, families with young children, and many other combinations.

Does the host family become the student's legal guardian?

No. The student's legal guardians remain his biological parents. The Student Exchange Program assumes legal responsibility for the duration of the program. Each student has a health certificate so that the host parent can arrange medical assistance in case of emergency.

Can an exchange student drive a car during the program?

The student may NOT drive a vehicle while enrolled in the program. If time permits, the student can attend a driving school and drive only the instructor's car.

How long can a student live with a family?

Students coming for 10 months are in the USA from August-September to May-June. Semester exchange students come for 5 months and stay in the US from either August to January or January to June. Students from countries in the Southern Hemisphere can participate in 12-month programs and arrive in January.

Do young children benefit from having a foreigner in the family?

Many of the exchange students participating in the program indicate that they are interested in families with young children. As for children in a host family, their curiosity and interest in another language and culture is greatest at a young age.

A student exchange program is a procedure when a student from one university for a certain period has the opportunity to attend classes at another educational institution with which the home university has an agreement. Student exchange can be carried out between universities of the same state or different ones.

Some programs (for example, Work and Travel USA) are designed for the summer period, during which the student does not study, but works with a permit in another country.

Why exchange programs are needed

You should look into a student exchange program abroad if you:

  • Ambitious
  • Efficient
  • Do you want to see the world
  • Intend to make a career
  • Do you dream of learning something new in your specialty?
  • Do you want to improve your knowledge of a foreign language(s)
  • Are you interested in and easily adapt to other cultures?
  • Communicative

Countries and programs offering student exchange

All European countries are participants in international student exchange. The European Union operates the Erasmus program, in which the first place in the number of students admitted annually is occupied by Germany, Spain and France. Funding is provided by the European Union and the university from which the student came.

Many students study exchange in Germany with the support of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). The organization provides financial support. The Moscow representative office of DAAD operates in Russia. The advantage of the program is that students, graduate students, doctors and professors from other countries can receive support within its framework.

AIESEC is an international European student organization that helps everyone find internships abroad. Its members include thousands of universities around the world. AIESEC has a representative office in various cities of Russia.

Those wishing to become exchange students in Japan can count on receiving a scholarship from the Japanese government. For detailed information and submission of documents for participation, please contact the Japanese Embassy in Russia.

In Korea, foreign exchange students receive scholarships through the Korea Foreign Exchange Student Support Program. The Korean Embassy can provide detailed advice on the possibility of participating in the exchange.

In the USA, you can become a participant in the Global UGRAD program for exchange studies. In addition, for those who dream of visiting America, it makes sense to take part in Work and Travel USA, a program under which students go to work in the United States during the summer. Of the five months, four are reserved for work and one for travel.

There are local organizations that help students go abroad. It is convenient to use the Internet to find them. In addition, information on which programs are most convenient for students of your home university to participate in, and on what grounds, can always be found in the dean’s office of the educational institution.

How to get into the exchange program

There is a competition for participation in student exchange programs. Each state prefers to accept talented and interesting students from another country.

The most common requirements for candidates:

In each individual case, the university or the state (if it is a state program) sets its own conditions regarding the motivation and level of training of exchange participants. Typically, exchange candidates write an essay or other competitive work, undergo an interview, and based on the results of all tests, the host country decides whether it can provide the student with the opportunity to study with them.

What documents are often required to participate in an exchange program?

  • Student identification document
  • A document confirming study at an accredited university (plus a certificate of academic achievement)
  • Certificate of passing an exam on knowledge of a specific foreign language (according to international standards)
  • Health certificate
  • Visa for host country

How much will exchange training cost?

Most often, when deciding whether to participate in a program, the issue of money is important. For example, student exchange in France receives state financial support, which means that the program participant has every reason to count on a state scholarship.

The issue of student exchange in England is decided at the university level, i.e. each university is free to choose whether it can and wants to accept students from other countries, and on what basis. Certain universities offer scholarships to exchange participants; to receive them, they must win a grant from an English university. In addition, international students receive a work permit (twenty hours a week during the semester and unlimited during the holidays).

Exchange students in Korea and Japan receive government scholarships.

Often exchange participants can receive financial support from government and non-government international organizations specializing in this.

In many programs, students bear the cost of airfare (relocation) to the host country and medical insurance.

What students say

“As part of a Work and Travel USA exchange, I went to work in San Francisco. I liked the city. However, upon arrival I encountered several problems. Some of my luggage got lost during the flight. But this is not the most inconvenient thing. According to the contract with the employer, he was supposed to provide me with housing. For some reason everything fell through. Thanks to the employee of the company that organized my participation in the program. He found someone who agreed to shelter me in his house. I liked working at the pizzeria; I didn’t experience any language barriers and communicated a lot with the people around me. I learned a lot of cultural experience” - Student from Russia.

“I practiced under an exchange program at a university clinic in Besançon, France. I trained for two weeks in the department of oncology and hematology. Then she practiced in the children's department of oncology and hematology. Participated in daily rounds and examinations of patients along with other students. I managed to work on night duty in an ambulance. I am especially grateful for my practice in the field of psychological assistance to patients. I’m extremely pleased with the trip” - Student at a Russian medical university.

“I studied in Germany with the support of DAAD. The most important thing for participation in the program is to submit all required documents on time and in the correct order. I didn't even have to go through an interview. The scholarship paid (1000 euros) was enough for everything. I am satisfied with my practice in assessing the microclimatic conditions of Kassel. The professor who organized my internship is familiar to me from international seminars in my city. They say that finding a teacher in Germany is difficult. I advise such people to use the search engine that is on the DAAD website. There is all the information: which professor works in which direction. Many people are ready to cooperate with scientists and students from Russia. As a result of such an international project, you can receive a European grant” - Student of a Russian university.

Studying in America today is considered promising, so many schoolchildren and students dream of leaving here. But if for some the dreams remain unrealistic, then other students turn their plans into reality, find exchange programs and leave to conquer another country.

Studying in the USA is available not only for children of wealthy parents; you can even move here for free – as part of interethnic cooperation.

What exchange programs are available in the USA?

Exchange students come to America as part of several programs, some of them are completely free, while others will have to pay a lot of money to participate. But at the same time, they offer an excellent development opportunity for schoolchildren and students.

The following programs are available:

  • AFS is a popular program for teenagers, which is available in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and CIS countries. Intercultural exchange is carried out free of charge, and the child ends up in any family that is ready to provide a decent standard of living;
  • Flex is a non-profit program that involves competitive participation, the main requirement is excellent knowledge of the English language, cultural exchange between the USA and the Russian Federation is not currently taking place, but positive changes may occur;
  • Paid programs - parents can send their child as part of a paid participation, but they will have to bear all the costs themselves. Tuition in a public school costs $7,000 per year, in a private school – over 20,000;
  • UGRAD – exchange study in the USA for students, designed for one semester;
  • Work and Travel - the program involves the student working and resting in the States during the summer holidays, you can spend money on travel, shopping, or you can bring an impressive amount home;
  • Career Training USA is an internship in America that takes place according to the student’s profile. The period ranges from a couple of months to 1.5 years;
  • Au Pair in America - the program is available only to girls who get a job as a nanny for a host family. At the same time, Americans pay for education in the States and give them pocket money.

Exchange students go to America to gain experience, learn a language, and spend time having fun. If you want to learn independence yourself or want this for your own child, participation will be an excellent way to implement your plans.

Features of the AFS program

Schoolchildren aged 15-18 can come to America as an exchange student under AFS. At the same time, the child of American parents also moves to another country to study. How to travel to the States? There is a competitive program, the application is submitted on the official website, and accordingly, the training is sponsored by partners.

Those children who show creative inclinations and study well have a chance to move; children whose parents work in sponsoring companies are also sent to the United States as exchange students.

Participation is available both for residents of megacities and for children from the outback - in this case, the interview is conducted via the Internet.

It is interesting that the program itself is free, and there are also grants, scholarships, and assistance with flight costs for participants. However, children need US visa category j 1, for which you will have to pay a consular fee.

Features of the Flex program

The student exchange program in the USA has been operating for more than half a century; the first students from Russia came here at the end of the last century; today the destination has become very popular. The program is called Flex - study in America, and accordingly, it is available only to schoolchildren.

What is the appeal of studying in the States? A teenager comes to a host family for one academic year, while the children from this family go on exchange to Russia. At the same time, the American schoolchild does not live in a Russian family. During a year spent in America, you will be able to better learn English, learn local customs and traditions, and American history.

How to become a participant in the program? To do this, you must meet several criteria:

  • Be a high school student – ​​grades 8-10;
  • Have good or excellent grades;
  • Excellent command of English;
  • Be aged 15-18 years.

To participate, you will have to pass 3 language proficiency exams, a psychological test, an interview and obtain a J1 visa to the USA. The selection process begins in October, and the following year, in the spring, the result of admission becomes known.

Russia temporarily suspended participation in the flex program due to the fact that an American family adopted a child who came from abroad, and several other children also did not return to their homeland.

Features of UGRAD

UGRAD is a student exchange program in the United States.

Only third-year students who demonstrate academic success and have creative or scientific achievements can go abroad. The participant is sent not to the USA for a year, but only for a semester.

All student expenses are covered by the host country, America. They will pay for you:

  • Full cost of training;
  • Cost of living;
  • Return plane tickets.

Student exchange is free of charge, and the young person only needs to obtain a foreign passport. The selection criteria for this program are quite strict:

  • Excellent grades in all subjects are required;
  • You need to be interested in student life, be an active student;
  • Confidently communicate and correspond in English;
  • Pass the exam as a competition;
  • Letters of recommendation from teachers are required.

It is noteworthy that exchange children to America can apply for participation online, that is, look for an intermediary, an agency, and there is no need to pay fees - you can go through the entire procedure yourself.

About studying at an American school and host families

Despite the fact that traveling to America and studying in the States is very profitable, convenient and tempting, many parents are afraid to part with their child, because anything can happen in another country overseas.

In fact, worries are in vain for several reasons:

  • Host families are always carefully selected - the desire of Americans to shelter someone else's child is not enough. Children can only be taken into care by families with children, young pensioners who have already raised their own children, grandparents, and single parents. That is, the family must have skills in raising and communicating with the child;
  • Living conditions are checked - the schoolchild and student are accommodated in a separate room, or together with their own children of the same sex. Government authorities carefully ensure that the foreigner is well fed and provided with leisure time, and parents, in turn, must send money for pocket money and school lunch;
  • The receiving party performs such a service completely free of charge, and does this not only out of curiosity and a desire to be useful. Helping a foreigner is a prestigious occupation, the status of the family in the eyes of society immediately increases, the neighbors understand that wealthy and good-natured people live behind the fence;
  • As for studying at school, there are no already formed classes and layers - students usually do not get to know each other in lessons, since the flow of children is extremely large, now the teenager studies with some children, later with others. You can make acquaintances only in additional classes and extracurricular sections.

Accordingly, a student from abroad will be of interest, students will approach him with questions, and then it depends on the child whether he can find contact.

About visas for program participants

How to get a j1 visa to the USA? This question worries the exchange program participants themselves and their parents.

The process of obtaining permission to leave is quite simple, since the participant is sent only for study, he cannot change his status to immigration. j 1 – a visa issued to students wishing to go on exchange. If you have passed the competitive selection process and the sponsor has agreed to pay for your training, then most likely you will be given all the permitting documents.

Another visa - J2 to the USA allows relatives of program participants to move. For example, if a mother is afraid to let her child go alone, she can go with him, having received the appropriate visa. In order for family members to be allowed into the States, you will need to prove the absence of migration intentions and confirm your own financial situation.

Exchange training in the USA is an excellent opportunity to get to know a foreign country better, improve your English, and gain experience and impressions.

International student exchange programs are one of the modern innovations in the educational program of universities and colleges. After all, students are offered the opportunity to study in a completely different country, get something new for themselves and simply travel for free. But there is also a limitation: on an exchange you can fly away only for one semester of study and no more.

To participate in the student exchange program, the educational institution must enter into contracts for cooperation under this program, and students, in turn, must study excellently, be activists, have some leadership abilities, know the English language very well, and much more. Only the first two years of the bachelor's program and the first three years of the specialist program are accepted for exchange.

Students from Russia “scattered” all over the world

Our country, Russia, participates in an international program called “Global UGRAD”. This creates a unique opportunity for Russian students to receive assignments for free, prestigious work or internships. This allows you to develop the horizons of both students and institutions, exchange life experiences, increase the rating and status of your institution and simply demonstrate to the whole world what Russians are capable of.

Participants in the student exchange program in Russia study abroad at prestigious and well-known colleges and universities, constantly take an active part in the life of society and the institution, speak at events, and work on internships. Thanks to interaction with a new, unusual system and native speakers, students from Russia are rapidly improving their skills and knowledge in the field of international language. Abroad, the program for students also includes a special subject “America”, which implies an in-depth study of local standard subjects such as history, art, literature, and the like. The most important thing is that an educational institution abroad is chosen not by students, but by the organizers of the international student exchange program.

Study in Canada

One of the best training programs in Canada is called “Work and Study Canada”. Its difference is that in addition to standard exchange training, the student is also offered the opportunity to later find a job in his specialty in this country. The main areas of study are high technology and programming. Lessons are held in two languages ​​- English and French (depending on the desire of the student and his capabilities). The duration of the program ranges from 6 to 18 months, depending on the specialty and the terms of the exchange agreement. By the way, if desired or necessary, the exchange student is offered assistance with immigration to the country.

Study in the Czech Republic

The most famous educational program in the Czech Republic is called “Erasmus”. If a student of a Russian school or university falls on it, then his training will take place in the interval from 3 months to one year. This period is agreed upon in advance between the two parties who entered into an agreement on the student exchange program. All marks and grades received during this period are entered into the student’s record book in Russia. The Czech Republic has the lowest prices not only for food, but also for housing. There are also a number of benefits and discounts for students, which open up enormous opportunities for a foreigner. The choice of lectures remains up to the student, the main condition is attendance of at least 50% of the total attendance.

Study program in Germany

One of the most popular study programs for students abroad in Germany is “DAAD”. Under this program, training is provided for a short period of up to 4 weeks in the summer. But! Thanks to the DAAD scholarship students receive? This training program in Germany becomes absolutely free. One of the main goals of participating in the program is to gain the opportunity to deeply study the language from native speakers.

In order to become one of the coveted exchange students, you must successfully pass the TOEFL General Test, be an excellent student, be an activist in your institution, actively take a stand and simply promote yourself as the best of the students.

School exchange programs are a great opportunity for Russian teenagers to travel, study and learn about the culture of other countries. Many former participants in such programs admit that the experience of living abroad greatly influenced their lives. Some went to study abroad to receive higher education. GSA specialists explained what school exchanges are and why they are needed.

School exchange programs in Russia

A little over two decades ago, it was difficult to imagine that teenagers from Russia would be able to travel around the world, live with host families and study in foreign schools. Now all doors are open for this. Schoolchildren have the opportunity to go on exchange studies abroad, immerse themselves in the culture of another country, communicate with local residents, gain useful experience of living independently abroad, and improve their level of foreign language proficiency.

One of the most popular programs in the field of international educational exchange is AFS. This is a non-profit organization operating in Russia since 1992. The main goal of AFS programs is intercultural learning and global education. AFS has partner organizations in 56 countries. In Russia it is represented in 20 federal subjects. Thanks to this program, Russian schoolchildren can travel to almost any country in the world. The exchange can take place in several formats - class to class, individual exchange. The length of stay in another state can also vary from several months to an academic year. Enrollment for the program annually begins on June 15 and ends on November 15.

For many years, the American school exchange program FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange) operated in Russia. Russian schoolchildren could travel for free to different states of America, live with local families, and go to a foreign school. Since the program was created, more than 8 thousand Russian teenagers have taken part in it. However, in October 2014, Russia suspended its participation in the US government program. The ban on the program caused disappointment among many students and their parents. At the same time, representatives from Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Moldova still have a chance to study in the USA for an academic year for free.

Now parents who want to send their child to study in the United States have to look for partially paid exchange programs. ACES is such a program; it has been operating in Russia since 2009. Teenagers from 15 to 18 years old are invited to participate. Registration for training, which will take place from January to June 2017, is underway on the program website. The main requirements for applicants are a level of English not lower than intermediate and an average score in their home school not lower than C+. Other requirements include openness, sociability and activity. Another American program currently available to Russian schoolchildren is the New York State program. Here, the age of participants has been reduced by one year; teenagers aged 14-18 years can go to study abroad. However, there is little time left before enrollment ends for this program. Training will begin in September 2016 and will last until June 2017.

Nowadays, trips to Germany as part of school exchanges are very popular among Russian students. The reason for its popularity is high standards of education and free training. The German-Russian International Exchange Foundation operates in Russia. The Foundation is the central coordination center for school exchanges with Russia throughout Germany. Since its founding in 2006, thousands of Russian schoolchildren have visited Germany. A popular school exchange program is “German-Russian Exchange” (“Deutsch-Russischer-Austausch”). Participants spend the entire academic year or several months in Germany. By the way, this same program gives schoolchildren the opportunity to travel to Austria. In these countries, teenagers live in guest families and study in local schools and improve their German language skills. In order to go under this program, you need to fill out an application, pass the selection process, sign an agreement, fill out forms in German and wait for the guest family’s form.

How to go to study under the school exchange program?

Different programs have different requirements for the age and abilities of participants. They can be viewed on the official websites of the programs. The organizers pay attention to the level of foreign language proficiency. High requirements for language proficiency in the USA. Other countries have less stringent requirements. Potential program participants must also do well, if not excel, in school. If the program is paid, parents will be required to cover the costs associated with the trip: visa, tickets, health insurance and administrative costs, as well as fill out the application form on time. The organizers pay great attention to the student’s desire to participate; he must have strong motivation. Sociable, positive, open-minded teenagers who are able to quickly adapt to a changing environment have a better chance of getting into the program. It is important to be able to overcome difficulties that may arise along the way.

Those wishing to go to study abroad must undergo a pre-selection. What he really is? Most often this means filling out a questionnaire and undergoing an interview. During the interview, the candidate shows his communication skills, flexibility of character, willingness to change and learn. Next, a host family is selected for the teenager. This is a careful selection process. The receiving party tests a family that is ready to accept a student. Testing ensures that these people have only honest intentions and will be happy to welcome a foreign guest into the family. Often these are families with small children or with children the same age as program participants, “young pensioners” whose children have grown up and left their parents. The organizers tell the host families about their rights and responsibilities in their relationship with the child. ACES requires children to have their own room or a room with a child of the same sex. Teenagers eat with their host family, and school lunches are paid for with money sent by their parents.

Where can I find information about school exchanges? You can view the websites of foreign embassies. Also ask head teachers and foreign language teachers about this opportunity. If your school has well-developed activities in the field of international exchanges, teachers will help you navigate the process of preparing documents and entrance examinations. In schools with in-depth study of the language, which actively interact with their foreign colleagues, in order to go abroad on an exchange program, students simply need to study well and know the language at the proper level. Another way is to contact special agencies involved in international school exchanges. If you thoroughly understand the topic, you can pass the program on your own.

Exchanges are financed through various funds and programs in which schools participate, as well as at their own expense. Students live with another family for anywhere from a few weeks to an entire academic year.

Stories of school exchange participants

Anastasia Platovskikh
student at the European University Viadrina, Germany

I participated in school exchange programs 3 times. I visited Berlin, Munich and Vienna. I lived in each city for about 7-10 days. I was lucky with all three host families. All family members were very hospitable and friendly. They showed me the city and introduced me to the national cuisine. As for studies, there were no fundamental differences from Russia. Classes there start at 8 am and end at 1 pm. There are schools with a five-day school week. Pupils do not wear school uniform.

The curriculum is extended, so students have more free time for other activities. To get into the school exchange program, I did not take any exams or write applications. I just had a strong desire to participate, to go travel. A big role was played by the fact that I studied at a school with in-depth study of the German language. The exchanges helped me understand why I need language and “removed” the language barrier. The attitude towards the German language as a subject that needs to be passed just for show has outgrown a love for it that continues to this day.

Ksenia Barinova
school graduate

I went on a school exchange program to Brazil (state of Santa Catarina, city of Sao Miguel do Huesci) and lived there for 11 months. The trip was organized by the Interculture Foundation (AFS). A school in Brazil is not one educational building, as we are used to seeing in Russia, but a whole complex of buildings: one building for high school and middle school students, another building for junior school, a third for computer science lessons, laboratory work, dance classes, a fourth - for the assembly hall, and there is also a gym with a nearby open stadium.

One of the most significant differences between Russian and Brazilian schools is the freer relationship between teachers and students. For example, my history teacher very often sat on the teacher’s desk and explained the topic of the lesson, joked with the guys, expressed his personal opinion and listened to the opinions of the students. And my chemistry teacher and I often had lunch at a restaurant between morning and afternoon lessons. Students also affectionately call their favorite teachers “profi” (from the word “professor/professora” - teacher/teacher in Portuguese). The school has a lot of young and active teachers. Brazilian students are given almost no homework.

The school year in Brazil begins in mid-February and ends in early December. December, January and half of February are holidays during the hottest time of the year. In Brazil there is a 10-point rating scale. Anything less than 7 points is considered below the norm. It is worth noting that graduating classes take the Unified State Exam (ENEM) in December and a special university exam - vestibular, which can take place both in summer (December - January) and winter (June - August). A special exam is considered more important than the Unified State Exam.

Another interesting point is that in terçeirão or third year of high school (graduating year), students design a T-shirt and sweatshirt specifically for their class. The names of students and teachers are written on the back of the clothing, and on the foreground are elements, designs and symbols that characterize that class. The school uniform itself is particularly different from the Russian one. Each student has several T-shirts with the school logo, a sweatshirt, leggings, shorts, and pants. School shoes - comfortable, beautiful and fashionable sneakers. By the way, in a Brazilian school you can spend the night at school and have pajama parties with your class.

I noticed that in the south of the country students study much harder than in the north of Brazil. I went to school for two weeks in the hot north of the country, and what I immediately noticed was that in the class several people were sleeping, several were playing on the phone, others were listening to music or talking, and only 5 students were studying.

Brazilian people are very religious, so they also have religious instruction in school. In addition, at my school, every morning before the start of the school day, the director reads a prayer on the radio, and everyone quietly repeats the words behind her. This is completely voluntary, which means that non-believers or students with other religious beliefs do not have to pray before the start of lessons.

During my entire year of studying in Brazil, I had two host families. I lived in the first one for about 4 months, but we didn’t get along with each other. It was very difficult to adapt to the way of life, to the rules and daily routine of this family, especially when a person is alone in a strange place, and all problems need to be solved by himself, and no one can help. However, it builds character well, I gained experience, and now it seems to me that there is no problem that I cannot solve!

Then I changed my family. I fell in love with my parents, grandmother, brother and sister very much. They always treated me with understanding, helped me, we traveled and communicated a lot. I am very grateful to them for this. When I think about my Brazilian family, a very warm memory comes to mind associated with my Brazilian mother. Before going to bed (and during greetings and farewells), Brazilians hug and kiss on the cheeks. And one day my mother asked me how they say good night in Russia. Then I said that dad privately kisses me on the forehead and wishes me pleasant dreams, and after that May the Brazilian mamãe also began to wish good night in this way. There is always warmth and an atmosphere of love in Brazilian families.

Daria Bushmeleva
student at St. Petersburg State University, currently studying under a student exchange program at the Sorbonne University in Paris

I went on a school exchange program to France in 2010. I lived with a French family for 2 weeks. It was here that I felt the differences in mentalities. For example, it is not customary here to pay too much attention to the guest, to feed him in a special way and to prepare for his arrival. At a French school I studied rare languages; I could choose Greek or Latin.

At school I really liked the canteen, it was very large and the food there was incredibly tasty, and lunch lasted a whole hour. To go on a school exchange program, I entered the bilingual Russian-French department at my school, for which I had to pass an exam on knowledge of the French language. I think school pushed me to continue my studies in France.

Anna Saltykova
schoolgirl from Ukraine (Flex, USA)

I went to study at an American school in Beaver, Pennsylvania in 2015. The program was designed for 10 months. The American education system is completely different from what I'm used to. A wide selection of subjects, school clubs, and interest clubs are available. In each class there are different people who themselves chose to study this subject. There is a great working atmosphere.

The family I lived with was simply wonderful. They supported me and helped me with everything. If I lived on my own, it would be much harder for me. To go to America under the Flex program, I passed 3 qualifying rounds. All necessary documents were prepared by the program office. The trip had a positive impact on me, I want to change and change, to contribute to society! When you already have experience studying abroad, you want to get a higher education there. However, in America education is very expensive. After graduating from school, I plan to try to win a scholarship to study abroad, and if I’m unlucky, I’ll be glad to stay in my homeland.