Navalny in Spain. You can’t forbid living beautifully: how Navalny vacationed in Spain for a week

Last week the British Daily Mail, with all sorts of details like the fact that he grows exclusive grapes.

There have been many reprints and discussions, although the topic is not new. Back in 2012, a Spanish publication reported that not just anyone, but Putin himself was building a palace in an elite gated community near Marbella.

At the beginning of last year, publications began to appear with photographs of construction at the resort; the villa was still attributed to Putin.

It is clear that the Anti-Corruption Foundation could not ignore this find.

"Putin's Dacha" was located quite simply. It’s immediately clear from the satellite image that this is not just a dacha, but a whole “Putin’s mountain.” A large and very expensive piece of land (literally a whole mountain was bought) in a super-elite village Zagaleta with an amazing view of the Mediterranean Sea and the coast along which gays and liberals hostile to the Russian people roam.

The village is closed, cooperative, new members must be approved by other residents, the palace is the largest in the area, located on an inaccessible mountain behind barbed wire - the corporate style of our president can be discerned in everything.

To La Zagaleta (they say in Spanish it means " reminiscent of Korsun") a conquistador detachment with a quadcopter was urgently sent.

The first doubts began to creep in when, instead of the Labradorite Koni or FSO employees, right on the territory of “Putin’s dacha” we saw this:

Rudolph, not Kony

We were luckier than the local journalists - the house was already completed, and cosmetic repairs were being carried out on the site. There really was something to see.

A huge villa with several terraces, a swimming pool, underground infrastructure - and all this on top of the mountain. The mountain itself, apparently, was first razed and then filled up again, adding all sorts of multi-level gardens and solar panels.

View of the village of La Zagaleta (golf club)

In general, neither the beauty of the local landscapes, nor the construction site on the top of the mountain, nor the statements of local journalists - nothing indicated to us that it was Putin’s villa. Still, the building intended for it should be protected more seriously and involve all sorts of security measures.

Security of "Putin's Dacha"

A little disappointed, but no less determined, we set out to find out whose dacha we had visited.

For the answer to this question you need to turn to the Spanish cadastre. Here is this area in the cadastral image (you can just estimate what was there before construction).

Here is the same site with a number assigned to it. Total area 17,762 m2.

Screenshot of a cadastral map with a number

An extract from the register of real estate rights indicates that the site belongs to the Xareni Development company.

According to the register of legal entities, this company is run by a girl with the original Spanish name Zoya Ponomareva:

Senora Zoya is a director in several other companies, for example VINO PINO SL, which produces and sells wine. The company is registered at the same address as XARENI, which owns the estate on the mountain.

But what is especially interesting is who Zoya replaced as director in this winemaking office:

In our opinion, the Spanish don Valery Ponomorev is none other than Valery Andreevich Ponomarev, United Russia senator from the Kamchatka Territory.

He just considers himself the most cunning and thinks that no one will find his Spanish property if he assigned it to his daughter.

In 2013, Valery Ponomarev declared income of 408 million rubles, two Bentleys, a Ferrari and a Porsche. But we do not see any foreign real estate and 17,652 m2 of land either in ownership or use.

Valery Ponomarev made his fortune on government contracts - his company Znak LLC supplies government agencies with license plates for cars, as well as all kinds of forms (for diplomas, fines, certificates, etc.) The senator is also a co-owner of the largest Kamchatka fishing enterprise, Okeanrybflot.

Government orders of Znak LLC - 2.7 billion rubles.

Judging by an interview from 2007, Ponomarev was literally forced to go to the Federation Council:

And here is another one of the companies owned by Senator Ponomarev. Its general director is Zoya Ponomareva, already familiar to us.

Zoya Ponomareva's middle name gives it away a little

It turns out that in La Zagaleta, Spain, FBK landed not on Putin’s dacha, but on the dacha of an ordinary Russian patriotic senator, Valery Ponomarev, registered to a company run by his daughter Zoya.

The degree of hypocrisy of this “Kremlin patriot” is characterized not even by the fact that he is a member of the International Affairs Committee, churning out all sorts of “anti-Western statements” seven times a day, while hiding his Spanish real estate, but by his wonderful statements about how good it is in The Federation Council has been tasked with monitoring declarations.

Corr.: Have you considered issues of ensuring anti-corruption?

V.P. Of course. In the near future, we will finish work on a package of bills that relate to control over the matching of income with expenses, first of all, of senior officials in the system of state and municipal government.

Let me note that in the upper legislative chamber a commission of the Federation Council has been created and is working to monitor the reliability of information on income, property and property-related obligations submitted by members of the Federation Council.

FBK reminds the senator that according to the law, property is also declared “in use.” So, if he was at this dacha or plans to be (we will find out), he urgently needs to declare it.

This company also owns real estate in Spain, or rather another villa in the same village of La Zagaleta.

Here is this plot and house on the cadastral map:

And here's what it looks like from a satellite:

It's the same here. If the Kamchatka international senator Ponomarev swims in this pool (we have no doubt that he does), then this property should be included in the declaration.

The situation is similar to the already famous one. Once again we see how stupid the declaration system is, which Putin and Medvedev are so proud of. Relatives who have reached the age of majority fall out of it, which makes it possible for swindlers to circumvent the law.

In fact, they violate it, but in the courts they bat their eyes and say (as Neverov did): it all belongs to my mother-in-law, and I don’t even walk on these paths.

In the beautiful Russia of the future, which we will build, we will easily remove these tricks. Please note that we even provided such tricks.

Although the dacha is not Putin’s, Russian citizens should still know more about the lifestyle and real estate of officials in the “hostile West,” so thanks in advance to everyone who will share this post.

Sending it to acquaintances, friends and relatives from Kamchatka and the Far East in general is especially welcome. They will be interested in reading about this, given that none of the regions of the Far East


Opposition leader Alexei Navalny was detained for 30 days. This is the third arrest in 2018. Probably, the politician and everyone around him are already accustomed to regular arrests, so Navalny’s family decided not to cancel their vacation and went to the Spanish city of Malaga. This caused a lot of condemnation: the husband is in prison, and the wife is enjoying a vacation at sea. But the condemners casually mention that Yulia left the day before her husband’s arrest

Navalny himself is constantly accused of having a luxurious vacation: after almost every prison sentence, he and his family go abroad. Journalist Igor Maltsev notes that the politician’s loved ones got used to luxury trips too quickly. Therefore, Yulia did not interrupt her vacation and return to Russia with her children to support Alexei. In addition, there is another reason why Julia is not worried about her husband’s condition. According to the journalist, it lies in the fact that the Russian government actually only protects and supports Navalny.

Don’t give up seafood and sunshine for such a trivial reason as your husband’s imprisonment for 30 days. For our opposition heroes and their families, this is a piece of cake. And not because they are so brave. They just know that everything is going according to plan. And where an ordinary citizen (especially with a criminal record) will receive the full benefit, the sun of oppositional thought will be like Christ in his bosom. Therefore, wife Yulia knows everything that everything is fine, this is how it should be, there is no need to panic, there is no need to carry packages - the client is in good hands.

During Alexei Navalny’s week-long vacation in Spain, the founder of FBK visited Barcelona, ​​walked around Madrid, where he went to the world-famous Prado Gallery, and also dined in some of the most expensive and respectable Spanish restaurants.

On the morning of June 3, Navalny and his wife were spotted at Moscow’s Vnukovo airport. The founder of FBK checked in for one of the international flights and safely left Russia. Thanks to the fact that Navalny was noticed by other passengers on the flight, one of them sent a video through the LifeCorr application.

Initially it was reported that Navalny was heading to France, however, as it turned out, his path lay somewhat further south. Navalny and his wife flew from Moscow to the Spanish city of Reus, from where, upon arrival, they may have gone to Barcelona, ​​on the beaches of which the photograph of Navalny himself and his wife celebrating his 41st birthday, later posted on Instagram, was most likely taken. anniversary

On the evening of June 4, but no later than Monday morning, Navalny left for Madrid, where he spent most of his almost week-long Spanish holiday. It was in Madrid that he was noticed by Russian tourists, who filmed how the politician and his wife were shopping, wandering around the center of Madrid, trying on purchases in shop windows, and also withdrawing money from an ATM, apparently for some purchases ( the citizen journalist who sent the photographs received a reward of 5 thousand rubles).

It is worth noting that in Madrid, Navalny and his wife lived in an apartment almost in the center of the Spanish capital, in the Puerto del Sol area. In addition to shopping and visiting some of the most respectable and expensive restaurants in Madrid, the Russian politician also visited the world-famous Prado Gallery, where he could, for example, admire the portrait of Philip III by Diego Velazquez, which is exhibited in the museum for the first time, as well as paintings by old masters, including Botticelli and Titian, and the Flemish collection, the pearl of which are paintings by Rubens, Bruegel and Hieronymus Bosch.

Having stayed in Madrid until June 7, Navalny and his wife flew back to Reus, and from there they went to Barcelona, ​​where the Russian oppositionist checked in with a local doctor, whose visit was the reason for the emergency issuance of a foreign passport to him on his last flight to Barcelona.

The politician is returning to Russia today, and not from Barcelona, ​​but from another point on the Mediterranean coast of Spain - the city of Girona, from where he will fly home at around 11 a.m. Moscow time.

Alexey Navalny returned from Barcelona, ​​where he had surgery on his eye, which was burned with green paint, and on the same day told on his Youtube channel how he managed to get a foreign passport in order to quickly leave Russia for treatment: according to him, it worked for the head of the Human Rights Council Mikhail Fedotov and the head of the Presidential Administration Anton Vaino.

Disputes about how Navalny managed to obtain a foreign passport and visa in a matter of days began at the end of last week. Confirmation of the fact that the opposition leader addressed a letter to Putin's chief of staff - as well as the fact that he did not report this immediately - gave rise to a new wave of criticism and conspiracy theories.

Alexey Navalny returned from Spain today. He admitted that on May 4 he personally wrote a letter to the presidential administration with a request to issue him a foreign passport. I wonder where Vaino or Kiriyenko wrote to the mailbox, electronically, personally (where?)? As usual, everything went unnoticed and the fans ate it up. More and more incomprehensible stories are accumulating around Navalny.

Prior to this, attacks by official TV channels on the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny, did not impress either him, his team, or other opponents of the authorities. Even the sudden receipt of a foreign passport, a Schengen visa and permission for a person with a suspended sentence to travel abroad (all operations took 2-3 days) were presented as a carnival, and in the end it ended with laughter.<...>

We have to agree with the main thesis of Ilya Ponomarev, who believes that Navalny, according to the curators’ project, should “turn into the main oppositionist of His Imperial Majesty, pushing the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov to the margins.” To do this, he will help Bortnikov destroy Medvedev, Shuvalov and the rest of the Kremlin liberals. In turn, the FSB will facilitate the liquidation of the majority of liberal opposition parties (Mikhail Kasyanov’s PARNAS was actually destroyed during a series of special operations) and the transfer of their voters to Navalny.

Navalny turned to Vaino because of his passport. A spineless rag, not an oppositionist.

Record cleanly.

On May 4, Navalny writes in his blog:
“Today there’s a call from the FMS: come and pick up your international passport. Some, I think, pranksters. Still, they haven’t given me a passport for five years.”

A week later, on May 11, Navalny says in his video blog:
“I wrote a letter to the head of the Administration to obtain a foreign passport.”

Didn't understand. Where did “some pranksters” suddenly go?

If you believe the official version of events, Alexey Anatolyevich had exactly two days to obtain a visa to Spain.
Which in turn means one of two things.
Either delicate Spaniards/acting Spaniards at the relevant embassy were served by Alexey Anatolyevich at a special “Supersonic” tariff for special services in the fight against the bloody Putin regime.
Or Alexey Anatolyevich has a residence permit.
I remind you that in 2013, Alexey Anatolyevich was already charged for a residence permit in Spain and, moreover, for real estate in Barcelona.
However, Zayakin came out and said that it was all Nashi photoshop and the story was very carefully hushed up.

Back on May 7, the same day that Navalny flew to Spain, Moskovsky Komsomolets published a note about his appeal to the AP, according to an anonymous source. Many then refused to believe that the letter really took place, and opponents of the oppositionist used the message about it as another argument in favor of the idea “Navalny is part of the political establishment and a project of the Kremlin.”

There are a lot of interesting moments in the story of Alexei Navalny’s departure. We all know that Navalny always calls himself a social and public politician. And, therefore, we have the right to compare his actions with the role he has chosen.

Hence the first question - can a public politician who declares ambitions to become a candidate for the President of Russia openly travel abroad for treatment? Is Navalny’s illness commensurate with the need to receive treatment in a foreign clinic, or was domestic healthcare capable of providing treatment to a public politician? Does this mean that the declaring presidential candidate, due to personal reasons (or perhaps due to personal disgust), does not want to receive the services of domestic medicine like millions of his possible voters; categorically does not believe in the effective treatment of Russian doctors and medical personnel? He chooses Western, expensive and elite. Before our eyes, Alexey Anatolyevich demonstrates the status of being one of those for whom the personal is a priority. What if Navalny has such priorities in both politics and management?

The second question is: should a public politician, a possible presidential candidate, send personal requests to the head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, or should he seek his rights openly (since you are a public politician)? Should an opposition public politician negotiate with the current government on personal issues secretly or should he do this openly and put the interests of society (as a precedent) above personal interests?

The third question is why does opposition politician Alexei Navalny cooperate on personal issues with the leadership of the Administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and does not go to court and receive a decision on permission to leave? Isn’t this a recognition of one’s own “inclusion in the Putin system”, where one, Navalny, is allowed, but thousands who are under conditions are not allowed?

Once again, against the backdrop of constant accusations from Navalny against the Kremlin that, they say, the guys completely crushed me, they don’t allow Russia to rise from its knees, everything turns out to be exactly the opposite.

Suffice it to recall the case of the mayoral elections in Moscow. Seriously? The Kremlin wants to ban Alexey from EVERYTHING so much that it calmly watches him register for the mayoral elections in the capital, and even helps him with the signatures of local deputies, subcontracting United Russia members for this task. Okay, okay. Let's go.

Recent history. Second trial. Navalny is already on condition. A new term automatically means the cancellation of the condition and a new punishment “according to the totality” of sentences (Article 70 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). And how are we doing there? Oh yes, exactly. We continue to make memes on YouTube. OK.

Now for a retrospective. Year 2013. Verdict - guilty under two parts of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for “organizing and directing theft by embezzlement of property” of Kirovles. By the real deadline. The next day, a petition from the prosecutor and a change in the preventive measure to one unrelated to detention. Let me remind you, he was convicted of a serious crime. And a suspended sentence as a result of the results of the consideration of the case by the court of appeal.

All this time, Udaltsov and other defendants in the Bolotnaya case continue to be in prison.

Well, for dessert the most interesting thing. As they say, they will #write. After confirming the diagnosis with the eye, Alexey Navalny writes a letter to the AP asking them to help him get a foreign passport on May 1, that is, on a public holiday and an official day off. On May 2, the letter already receives the visa reviewed. On May 2, around lunchtime, Navalny himself (!) writes a new application to the MFC and on May 4, at noon, receives a new foreigner there (and not at the FMS, from where they allegedly called him). What are 5 years? Well, what kind of fairy tales?

Let's try to answer Comrade Nezygar:

1. Navalny has not positioned himself as a jingoist for many years. And his public persona is cosmopolitan. Therefore, he does not internally contradict himself and his rhetoric at all. Regarding travel outside of Russia for treatment.

2. It is unlikely that he contacted the Presidential Administration to assist in obtaining permission to leave and expedited registration of a foreign passport. Obviously, when he contacted the FMS, this immediately became known at a fairly high level.

3. It is not surprising that a person is willing to sacrifice part of his image to save part of his body. Since this person proceeds from the fact that “a presidential candidate who was treated abroad under special conditions” has a better chance of becoming President than Blind Drink.

And it would hardly be correct to make a humorous campaign to disparage Navalny’s image based on his trip to Barcelona for treatment. And because he wasn’t the one who made his own shower out of brilliant green, at least. And because in his “track record” there are a lot of tougher moments:

1. Does a presidential candidate have the right to lie to everyone about his professional qualifications?
2. Does a presidential candidate have the right to participate in theft, which has been proven by the court and not refuted.
3. Does a presidential candidate have the right to publish incriminating evidence for money, etc.

Navalny’s supporters responded by accusing the anonymous authors of the posts cited above of promoting the Kremlin agenda, but at the same time, some commentators called on the politician not to remain silent.

I unsubscribed from Nezygar, this is just some kind of Nashi-Matveychev garbage dump, undisguised. If Navalny and his headquarters are to blame for anything, it is only that they were the first to not tell all the details of the trip and treatment. But everyone else spoke, oh yeah.

We join the questions of NEZYGAR and the “mouse in the vegetable garden”, even if they are agents of influence at least twice. You can be a populist, a nationalist, you can be an expensive distributor of negativity (by the way, Navalny’s keyword is “almost”... almost exactly about VTB, almost certainly about Shuvalov’s apartment, almost caught Medvedev - but there is no final “exactly them, I guarantee” ).
But you can’t be a candidate who ignores direct questions, even if they sound like forward questions. Even if they are asked by “Ilya” “Craft” or Oleg “sat on the thieves’ lane” Lurie, APsh cockroaches, Ortega or a conventional schoolboy from a street lamp on Tverskaya.

Navalny was also blamed for his decision to operate his eye abroad.

Navalny flew to Spain for treatment. For 95% of Russians, he is also nomenklatura.

A number of anonymous Telegram channels voiced a version that Navalny did not go to Barcelona for treatment.

if Navalny urgently needs treatment for his eye, which we were told he might lose, then what does the May holidays and Barcelona have to do with it? I don't know a single great ophthalmologist in Catalonia

As we remember, Navka and Peskov are in Barcelona, ​​and their vacation coincided with Navalny’s trip. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guys just decided to get high together (with the condition that Anatolyich is a Kremlin project)

If I were compiling temniks for the AP, I would now say that “you are sitting freezing under the May snow, and your Ololosha has fled to bask in Spain, while Putin remained with his people and will, as always, receive the parade with his head uncovered.”

Alas, I do not compile AP topics and do not even receive them.

Navalny’s defenders spoke out no less emotionally than his critics.

I changed my mind and repent.
At first, after reading Nezygar’s questions to Navalny about his trip to Barcelona, ​​I thought, well, people will ask them, it’s better to answer. But this is not human. There cannot be a pragmatic approach here. We are talking about health, which cannot be compared with any presidency, so the attitude can only be human. Health, Alexey and all of you.

Fanatics were waiting for Navalny to actually insert a glass eye into himself and place a parrot on his shoulder for the amusement of the crowd, so that those who wish could post memes. I wouldn’t be surprised if those who idolized Navalny yesterday will call him “pathetic” tomorrow.

I have always been interested in the phenomenon of betrayal. I had a priest I knew, he was so cheerful. He was in charge of the youth department, there were always dozens of young students around him, he gave them tea and devoted most of his free time. And then suddenly he accepted Islam. Well, not suddenly, but first he traveled to Islamic countries, he liked it. Well, this happens. Personal choice. He stopped being a priest. So his friends turned away from him. They could not accept his personal choice. I met with him after that, he could not understand why those who were his friends yesterday turned their backs today.

Now something similar has begun to happen to Navalny, he is not needed as an individual, as a person with his own interests, with responsibility to his family, and his family needs him healthy.

This amazing blindness of our compatriots. Which need a leader, a Fuhrer, but don’t need a person.

They've gone completely crazy. Do you even understand what it’s like to lose almost half of your vision overnight? Do you realize what a [nightmare] this is? Navalny wants to try to save his health (that’s what it’s called), without neglecting anyone’s interests or destroying any political projects. Without running away from the barricades, which are not there anyway. Without withdrawing your candidacies from any elections. It’s just that while there is an opportunity to try to save my eyesight.

It seems as if Navalny is being reproached for this Barcelona flight by old revolutionary fighters who survived prison tuberculosis, with bones broken by batons, wearing scars under their clothes from contacts with electroshock torture. Nameless and almost nameless dandruff of all kinds flooded Telegram with Nashi slop.

Some commentators believed that the politician could take advantage of his departure to hide abroad - or even assumed that the authorities had issued him a passport precisely for this purpose and he might not be allowed back into Russia.

What's unclear? There is a reason to give Navalny the opportunity to really treat his eye and “get out.” He took advantage of her, ok.
But if he returns, and his patrons convince him to “open the gate home” (in a week, get your security officers to check the list of those denied entry) - well, that means he has chosen.
Hodor could also have flown away, but he self-confidently chose to “stay,” considering himself an invulnerable winner with connections, huge money, press, and influence. It broke down - even the international resonance did not help, the NATO landing in the Kremlin did not happen.

It will be funny if Navalny tries to return to Russia two weeks before the action on June 12, he will not be allowed in and the action will be held under the slogans “Putin, let Navalny in” or something like that.

Navalny has returned, but everyone is silent for some reason, especially those who wrote yesterday that he was in Barcelona for two months.

For some reason, no one writes that Navalny decided to return to Moscow immediately after the publication of information about his “vacation in a five-star hotel.”
Moreover, the attack is obviously weak. But the coincidence is obvious.

Well, Navalny was released and allowed in, despite everyone’s fears.
Because it also happens that the interests of Putin and Navalny coincide. I’m not talking about “bought by the Kremlin,” of course, but simply that neither Navalny nor Putin wanted Russia’s main opposition politician to become a one-eyed romantic pirate.

Navalny promptly returned to Moscow from Barcelona. He did not organize events with foreign politicians or press conferences for Western media in Spain.
This suggests that he has a political sense and that he continues to hope for self-realization in the domestic Russian context.

A separate discussion thread was built around a post by journalist Tatyana Felgengauer, who criticized Navalny for his manner of communicating with the press.

Navalny, of course, has an original relationship with journalists. And lately, absolutely. Today, after seeing a post on Twitter about returning to Moscow, they called Alexei Navalny’s press secretary. Well, this is a standard story - you need a voice comment for the final news release. We're radio! But we did not receive any comment. But we received a recommendation to watch Navalny’s weekly program on his YouTube channel. A great recommendation considering the show airs at 8:18 pm and our episode starts at 6:00 pm. But I still watched Navalny’s program. And I even chose a couple of fragments for news. However, this is not what this is about. As a result of this whole story, I had a couple of questions: why does Navalny need a press secretary at all? Why does Navalny need journalists at all? So convenient! You choose the questions you answer. You decide for yourself whether your answer is sufficiently detailed and well-reasoned. No one interrupts or interferes. Well, that's great. I don’t understand and don’t share this strategy of communicating with journalists (they themselves will quote Twitter and find something to take from the show). In my opinion, if you call yourself a federal-level politician who is fighting the current government, you don’t need to treat journalists like this very government. And then there’s Putin in a straight line, surrounded by a crowd of enthusiastic fans.

Navalny goes to the Trump model; in the Internet era, it is the most effective for any bright, charismatic politician. He has long been his own media and can communicate with journalists not when they want, but when he wants. As a journalist, I am not very happy and pleased to realize this, but if I were him, I would do exactly the same thing. Maybe even harsher, and comparisons with Putin, it seems to me, are not the most successful here. Why should he take into account any of our interests, since we don’t serve his interests either, right? In order not to get up twice, I’ll write here about THAT SAME LETTER. This is what worries me. Before leaving, Alexey kept silent about the letter. It is not clear for what reasons. How should we feel about this? After all, he didn’t exactly lie, but he presented the story as if this passport had fallen on him on its own. And he admitted about this damn letter after it was leaked to anonymous channels. But he wouldn’t have said anything, right? Just in case, for the completely stupid: I do not condemn the very fact of the appeal; in the end, he simply asked them to do their job, and not to provide some illegal service. The only question is how and when he considered it necessary to tell us about it. In any case, I wish Alexey a speedy recovery of his eye and further promotion of his wonderful Navalny Live.

Navalny decided to work with journalists in the style of Donald Trump - instead of individual comments, they are sent to watch his public speeches for everyone on YouTube. Some “rulers of thought” immediately found a reason to be offended and accuse Alexei Anatolyevich of authoritarianism almost exceeding Putin’s. After all, what an unheard of thing, respectable paper scribblers and button pushers were put on the same level as mere mortals! From our point of view, Navalny is doing everything right, the era of traditional modern journalism and the caste elitism that accompanies it are becoming a thing of the past, modern technologies are gradually eroding this specialty, and by addressing voters directly and without intermediaries, Alexey demonstrates his true democracy, which does not divide citizens into privileged and tax-paying classes.

The arguments in defense of Navalny remained largely the same as last week, but now political analytics have been added to them.