Popular tourist routes and excursion sites of the region. Tourist excursion route “Our ancient land” educational and methodological manual on history (class) on the topic

Tourist routes belong to linear forms of tourism organization. A tourist route with tourist centers located within it can be defined as a linear-nodal form of tourism organization. Any trips, trips and tours are carried out along predetermined routes. Consequently, a tourist route is a geographically defined route of a hike or trip, tied to a given area and special objects, and described with varying degrees of detail.

Tourist route are defined as a pre-planned route for the movement of tourists over a certain period of time in order to receive the services provided for by the program and additional tourist and excursion services. Tourist routes are one of the main types of services provided to tourists.

Route is defined as the route followed by a tourist, indicated by a list of all geographical points and places sequentially visited by him during his trip, indicating the types of transport used by the tourist to move between stopping points along the route. The starting and ending points of the route are the starting and ending points of the journey. The beginning of the route is the place where the first tourist service specified in the contract is provided to the tourist, and the end of the route is the place where the last tourist service is provided. Depending on the movement along the route, linear, circular, radial and combined types of tourist routes are distinguished (Fig. 7.3.).

Linear route a route, the beginning and end of which occur at different geographical points. This is the most common type of route. The tourist stays in the destination for a certain time, while making one-day excursions from his place of stay. After rest, the tourist returns back to his place of permanent residence.

In this case, one feature of linear routes should be considered. There are two options for organizing them. The first assumes that the starting and ending points of the route do not coincide. For example, the Volga cruise “Saratov – Samara – Ulyanovsk – Kazan” is a classic example of a linear tourist route. The starting point of the journey is Saratov, and the final point is Kazan.

However, there is one thing. Let's assume that a tourist, having reached Kazan, returned back to Saratov on the same ship, visiting the same set of tourist centers as on the way from Saratov to Kazan. In this case, this option should also be considered as a linear tourist route. If a tourist, having reached Kazan by boat, returns home by train, then this option (the second) does not fit into the definition of a linear route, since his path is organized along a circular route.

But this route will only be circular if tourist services continue throughout the entire trip. Most cruises offer one-way service only. The issue of returning home is decided by the tourist independently and at his own expense. In this case, the route remains linear.

1. Linear type of tourist route

2. Circular type of tourist route

3. Radial type of tourist route

4. Combined type of tourist route

Rice. 7.3. Types of tourist routes

Radial route a travel route, the beginning and end of which occur in one geographical point of stay, located in which the tourist travels to other points of stay, returning at the same time to the point of origin of the journey. For example, tourists from Volgograd came to St. Petersburg and after a three-day stay in the city, leaving their pre-booked hotel rooms, they made several trips to Novgorod, Pskov and Pushkin Mountains.

The main condition for the implementation of a radial route is the fact of maintaining a reservation at the hotel of the tourist center from which trips to other tourist centers are made. The presence of overnight stays in permanent accommodation facilities in Pskov and Novgorod somewhat complicates the task, while maintaining the radial nature of movements.

Ring route a route that begins and ends at the same geographic location. A classic example of routes of this kind is the route of the “Golden Ring of Russia” tour, which passes through the following cities: Moscow – Vladimir – Suzdal – Rostov – Yaroslavl – Kostroma – Ples – Ivanovo – Moscow.

The place of arrival at the destination can be:

A) unchanged, when tourists arriving at a tourist destination pass through only 1-2 transit cities. Such cities were called “gateways”. In Russia, the gateways are St. Petersburg and Moscow. Often gateways are cities where large airports or train stations are located - for example, Chicago, Frankfurt am Main, Hong Kong, London, Dublin, etc.

b) different from the place of arrival, when tourists arrive in one city and fly home from another city. For example, a tourist begins a tour of Russia from Moscow, arriving at Sheremetyevo Airport, and ends it, flying home from Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg. These tours are called crossing tours.

Combined route a route that contains elements of two or three other types of routes in one or another combination. For example, you can take a river cruise along the Volga with the organization of transfers by bus to tourist centers remote from the main riverbed of the Volga, such as Rostov, Vladimir, Semenov, Elabuga, Ivanovo, etc.

Tourist routes are divided according to seasonality: year-round, that is, valid throughout the year and seasonal operating during any season. We will highlight in a separate group holiday routes, tied to certain holidays. According to the duration of the trip, routes are divided into multi-day(vacation pay) and weekend routes(weekend tours).

Tourist routes must also be classified according to the types of transport used. There are aviation, railway, bus, road, river, sea and combined tourist routes.

Aviation tourist routes are reduced to use as the main air transport and are implemented in two forms: a) regular air routes and b) air routes on charter flights (irregular, by appointment). The duration of air routes can vary widely, although the actual air transportation process is quite short - no more than 10-12 hours.

Railway tourist routes involve the use of railway transport in two main forms: a) regular tourist routes and b) special tourist and excursion (charter) trains. The duration of train tours is usually quite long - from one to two weeks or more.

Bus tourist routes There are organized trips for tourists using tourist buses. Bus tours can be either regular or irregular. The duration of bus routes can vary widely - from a one-hour excursion to three-week bus tours throughout Europe.

Unlike buses, automobile tourist routes involve travel of unorganized groups of tourists both in their own and rented cars. The duration of such trips is determined by tourists independently and can vary widely - from one day to six months.

River And sea ​​tourist routes are based on the travel of organized groups of tourists using sea and river transport as the main modes of transport. Travel by water transport is carried out in three forms: a) sea and river cruises; b) excursion and pleasure flights; c) yachting and individual travel. The duration of water travel can be very different - from one day (excursion and pleasure cruises) to six months (expensive cruises).

Combined tourist routes involve the use of two or more modes of transport in various combinations. Multimodal transportation has become widespread in the practice of the tourism business, as it allows optimizing the structure of the tour and the time costs for its implementation.

Considering the spatial organization of tourist routes, it should be noted that it is the completeness of their system that is the factor that helps to distinguish tourist areas and especially microdistricts. When delineating a territory with a completed system of routes, an elementary territorial tourism system is actually created. The system, in addition to the network of tourist routes, will also include settlements as places of demand generation, as well as transport communications as a means of communication between the destination and the place of demand generation. We will talk about tourist centers and destinations in the next paragraph.

Tourist and excursion route “Historical and architectural guide for children “I love you, my land Dergachevsky”. Target audience: schoolchildren aged 1417 years Murzakova Daria Sergeevna Route length: 1 km. 4th year student, group 421 (pedestrian) SSU named after. N. G. Chernyshevsky Institute of History and International Transport Relations (bus) - 220 km. from the city of direction “Tourism” Saratov to the river. Dergachi village Scientific supervisor: -220 km. from r. Dergachi village to Saratov Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Total: 440 km. Institute of History and International Relations SSU named after. N. G. Chernyshevsky Duration of the excursion (including Koroleva Oksana Vladislavovna interactive lesson and picnic) - 3 hours Saratov

Project objectives: 1. Involvement of new tourist sites in the tourism space of the region. 2. Expanding knowledge about the cultural and historical values ​​of the Saratov region, namely the Dergachevsky district. 3. Increasing the tourist attractiveness of the Dergachevsky district. 4. Educational tasks. 5. Drawing attention to the history of the native land from schoolchildren. 6. Introduction of new technologies, namely the use of interactive classes for schoolchildren in a game format. Project goals: To create a unique project guide for schoolchildren to the significant sights of the village of Dergachi, Saratov region, using interactive lessons.

In the village of Dergachi, Saratov region, there are a large number of unique historical and architectural attractions. All of them are “long-livers” of the village. The uniqueness of the architectural heritage of Dergachi and its significance not only for the residents of the Dergachevsky district, but also for the entire Saratov region, lies in the fact that the village preserves buildings built more than two hundred years ago, which preserve the history of that time. There are not many similar architectural structures left in the Saratov region. Getting to know the architectural and cultural structures on the territory of the Dergachevsky district will allow children to more fully learn the history of their native land, the life and way of life of the people who inhabited the Dergachevsky district

The minimum number of tourists in a group is 30 people Meals - 6,000 rubles (for the whole group) Transport services - 10,800 rubles Excursion services - 500 rubles Additional expenses for the group - 150 rubles (for each excursionist). Total 4500 rubles Total direct expenses - 21800 rubles Profitability (15%) - 3270 rubles Total cost of servicing the group - 25070 rubles. . The cost of the 1st tour package is 726 rubles

The number of tourists and the number of groups is 30 people; 22 groups Total tourists on the route - 520 people Start of service on the route - May 16, 2016 End of service on the route - October 24, 2016

Sightseeing. Object 1: Building of the Dergachevsky Children's Home for Mentally Retarded Children (Lva Tolstoy St., 68)

Object 3: Sculptural composition “1941 -1945.” To the Dergachev soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War" (Maxim Gorky St.)

Practical application of the tourist excursion route “Historical and architectural guide for children “I love you, my land of Dergachevsky” Before starting to write a tourist excursion project for children and schoolchildren, I asked myself, do Dergachi schoolchildren know the history of their native land and the most significant sights? Based on this, we conducted a sociological survey among schoolchildren aged 11-17 years. The questionnaire contained 6 questions: 1. What is patriotism? 2. Do you consider yourself a patriot? 3. Do you know the history of our village, its name? 4. What do you know about the streets of our village? 5. Do you know the sights of the village? 6. Please indicate your age.

57 people took part in the survey. All of them are schoolchildren of MKOU Secondary School No. 1 district. Dergachi village, Saratov region. Analysis of the data obtained showed that 95% of the schoolchildren surveyed are familiar with the concept of patriotism. 57 out of 57 (100%) of the schoolchildren surveyed consider themselves patriots of their country and native land. To the question “Do you know the history of our village, its name in the past? ", only 45% of schoolchildren gave the correct answer. 67% of schoolchildren are familiar with the sights of the Dergachy district, but 23% of respondents do not know at all about the historical values ​​of the village of Dergachi.

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that not all schoolchildren are familiar with the history of their native land. Many people don’t even have an idea about the sights of their home village. Having identified the current problem, it was decided to develop a tourist excursion route for children, the main goals of which are to attract attention to the history of their native land from schoolchildren and expand knowledge about the cultural and historical values ​​of the Saratov region, namely the Dergachevsky district

Based on the information from the Dergachevsky Museum of Local Lore, the text of the excursion was compiled based on historical data, facts and legends. The tourist excursion route “Historical and architectural guide for children “I love you, my land of Dergachevsky” is a unique project-guide for schoolchildren to the significant sights of the village of Dergachi using interactive activities for children.

On November 8, 2014, the implementation of the project “I love you, my land Dergachevsky” took place. There were 23 schoolchildren aged 15-17 years present. The objects of the display were: - the building of the military commissariat of the Dergachevsky and Ozinsky districts; Church of the Archangel Michael; -Dergachevsky Museum of Local Lore; -Efim Fedorovich Morkov's estate; -house of landowner Koltunov. At the end of the excursion, an interactive lesson was held using outdoor games and an educational quiz, the participants of which could show their knowledge acquired during the excursion.

World Travel


01.03.16 10:16

We've become so lazy lately! Travel agencies offer us to visit the most prestigious resorts in the world: airport transfer, personal guide, all-inclusive system, 24-hour butler - a lot is available for money. But there are still those among us who prefer to create their own routes or take “advice from experienced people” and feel like real travelers by going on a long hike. Tourist routes in Russia - both traditional, operating in the pre-war USSR, and relatively new ones - are a real adventure!

Time-tested: All-Union routes

Let’s start with those “remnants of the Soviet past.” One of the most interesting of these Russian routes was shortened due to a tragedy that occurred in the early 1970s (on the Fisht glacier). Tourists start in Adygea and finish in Dagomys, near the Black Sea. The 20-day “All-Union Route No. 30” was created back in the early 1930s. It runs through the famous Caucasian Nature Reserve. You will pass through several climatic zones, breathe in clean mountain air, and the landscapes of the subtropics will be imprinted in your memory forever. The only inconvenience (unless, of course, you are afraid of hiking in the mountains) is that you will have to pay a fee for each day you stay in the reserve.

There are several options for passing the All-Union Route No. 77. It runs through the Altai Mountains, the Katun River (rafting along it is very dangerous) and Lake Teletskoye, the pearl of these places. Tourists can visit the Denisova Cave (it was opened not so long ago) and see with their own eyes the Ukok plateau, on which the legendary “Altai Princess” (the mummy of a girl discovered in 1993) was buried. We warn you right away: this tourist route in Russia has always been considered the most difficult, so many people prefer a simplified pedestrian crossing - from the settlement of Edigan to Lake Teletskoye. And still, on this not very long path you will see one of the most beautiful natural areas of the country - Altai is magnificent!

Riches of the ancient land: “Rings of Russia”

There is no need to introduce the “Golden Ring of Russia” for a long time - a lot has been said and written about it. Stopping points are ancient cities with many temples, craft centers, museums, and cultural monuments. You will cross the borders of several regions (“The Golden Ring” “embraces” the Moscow, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Tver and Yaroslavl regions). Every stop is admiration and delight. But even if you are not a fan of ancient architecture, local archaeologists can show you a lot of interesting things. For example, the notorious Vladimir Central was also located on the territory of the Ring. Historians will show you the paths along which prisoners escaped from dungeons. You might even be lucky enough to find a treasure!

In addition to the Golden Ring, there is also the “Silver Ring of Russia”, which runs through the lands that in ancient times were part of Novgorod Rus', the richest principality - now these are the lands around St. Petersburg. The route begins in Veliky Novgorod and ends in Tikhvin. You will see not only Pskov, Pechory (Pushkin’s places with interesting monasteries), but also “pro-Western” Vyborg, Kingisepp and Ivangorod, located on the Estonian border. In the vicinity of St. Petersburg, Finnish and then German troops hid stolen goods from the richest ancient churches and monasteries. So there are plenty of treasure hunters here too.

Are you a romantic and love poetry? You will definitely like the Pushkin Ring of the Upper Volga region route, opened 45 years ago. You will visit many settlements - local estates, hotels, former forges and travel palaces still remember the great classic. Alexander Sergeevich visited the Tver province often - he visited his friends in the period from 1811 until his death. You will feel like a character in the poet’s works, taste delicious shanezhki, drink some water in healing springs, and visit not only the manor houses, but also the poet’s two museums (in Torzhok and Bernovo). The length of the route is approximately 250 km - not very tiring!

The legendary path from the Varangians to the Greeks

The Blue Road route is the only one in our ranking of the most interesting routes in Russia that “wanders” abroad, or rather, it begins there (on the Norwegian coast, in Mo i Rana), and continues in Sweden and Finland. But it finishes here in Karelia. Why did the route get this name? It’s just that its two thousand kilometers are mainly located on the banks of lakes and rivers. This is the same path “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, so popular among our distant ancestors. The former trade “tract”, now a very popular route crosses almost the entire Karelia (from the border with Finland to the Arkhangelsk region). These are very beautiful protected places!

The newest route: the virgin nature of Lake Baikal

Unlike other interesting tourist routes in Russia, this “Great Baikal Trail” is still in its infancy. But several small ecological “trails” have already been opened. When everything is completed, the total length of the route will be about 1800 km. According to plans, the route will pass through the territories of three national parks and three nature reserves. The idea to develop such a “trail” was born in the 1970s, but almost thirty years passed before enthusiasts began to implement it. Visit this wonderful world - Baikal does not need any special compliments or advertising. The fauna and flora of both the lake itself and its shores are largely endemic and simply amazing. What is especially captivating is that there are no factories, sanatoriums or holiday homes near the route; this is a virgin region, not disfigured by civilization.

On the border of Europe and Asia

Are you a seasoned hiker? Then you will not be scared by the multi-day route “Big Ural Ring”, which passes through populated areas of the Sverdlovsk region and Perm region, including Perm itself, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Solikamsk. The road lies through the middle Urals. But risky travelers take the opportunity and be sure to turn towards Miass, because in its vicinity there is a unique natural monument, Lake Turgoyak, one of the largest freshwater bodies of water in the country. It is not for nothing that it is called the “Pearl of the Urals”: ​​the crystal clear water can compete with Lake Baikal. It was in these parts that Pyotr Bazhov was inspired to later write his wonderful tales (several mines for the extraction of semi-precious stones still exist here). It was these lands that Ermak once conquered. And it is here that the memorial sign “Border of Europe and Asia” is located. Stand on it and make a wish!

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Tour operating is a type of tourism business that packages tours from services offered by partner service provider organizations (transport companies, hotel companies, excursion, entertainment companies, etc.). However, in reality, tour operating is much broader and involves providing tourists with both basic (tour package) and additional (consumed on the spot for cash) services.

The development of tourism within the country, including domestic and inbound tourism, is impossible without the development of domestic tour operating. There are two models of tour operating on the market - proactive and receptive. Initiative tour rating is tour rating at departure, receptive - at reception. In a general sense, both types of entrepreneurial activity in the tourism market are defined as the activities of tour operators, i.e. activities to complete the tourism product. However, despite the general similarity of the activities of proactive and receptive tour rating, there are still significant differences.

Sending tourists abroad, an enterprising tour operator forms its tourism product from a set of services of receptive tour operators at reception in the countries visited, transport, visa, insurance and some other services. The service infrastructure for its consumers is created by service providers.

The tourism product (tour) consists mainly of transportation, accommodation and entertainment. Aviation, sea, railway, automobile companies, as well as hotels and other accommodation facilities, work to produce the tourism product. museum and excursion business, places of mass entertainment, sports, resort organizations, etc. Manufacturers of tourism products - tour operators (TOs) sell their products both directly to the buyer and indirectly - through travel agents (TA). (see diagram in Fig. 1).

A tour operator is a travel company (organization) engaged in arranging tours under contracts with service providers and in accordance with the needs of tourists. A tour operator is a manufacturer of a tourist package. He is engaged in the development of tourist routes and tour packages; ensures their functioning, organizes advertising, calculates prices for tours on these routes, sells tours directly to tourists or through the intermediary of travel agencies. The tour operator provides tourists with a variety of choice of tourist services and at the same time simplifies the ordering of services in other cities and localities, taking on these functions.

The functions of a tour operator in the market can be compared with the activities of a wholesale trade enterprise: it purchases large volumes of services from hotels, transport and other tourism industry enterprises and combines them with its own tour programs, which it sells through travel agencies or directly to the consumer (tourist).

Figure 1 shows a diagram of the formation of a tour (tour package) and its implementation.

The functions of the tour operator are:

1. Studying the needs of potential tourists for tours and tourism programs.

2. Drawing up promising service programs, tours and testing them on the market in order to identify compliance with the needs of tourists.

3. Interaction with service providers for tours on a contractual basis, with:

Hotels - to provide tourists with accommodation;

Catering establishments - providing food to tourists;

Transport enterprises, firms and companies - to provide transport services to tourists;

Excursion companies, museums, exhibition halls, parks and other institutions - to provide excursion services to tourists;

Firms providing various household services - for appropriate services to tourists;

The administration of sports facilities - on the opportunity for tourists to use sports facilities;

Managers of shows, cinema, video, theatrical enterprises - for tourists to visit them;

Directorates of nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, gardening, hunting and fishing farms - in order to provide tourists with recreation and services in such areas;

1.1 Tour content

As already said, " package of services"is one of two components tour, which in its content, functional and quality properties should satisfy the traveling tourist. The first component of the tour is tourist route, which plays a big role in giving it the necessary attractiveness, satisfying the dreams, wishes and interests of tourists.

Package of services– this is the second component of the tour, which in its content, functional and quality properties should satisfy the traveling tourist. Service packages can have a wide variety of options depending on the quantity, functional properties and quality of the services included in them. A typical package model is a complex that includes accommodation, meeting and sending services, meals and excursions (see Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Components of the service package.

Based on the interests of tourists, availability of free time and financial capabilities, tour operator companies should present various tour options, for example:

Tours of various durations (7, 10, 14 and other number of days);

Tours with a different range of services (bed plus breakfast, half board, full board, all inclusive);

Tours of various classes (accommodation in hotels of various classes);

- various excursion options;

Tours at different times of the year (seasonal, off-season, off-season travel).

Technological documents of the tour are regulated by GOST R 50681-94.

In table 1 shows the priorities of tourists depending on age.

Tour development is a complex and time-consuming process, since during the development process it is necessary to take into account many details in order to ultimately develop and put into operation a competitive tour.

The tour development technology includes 18 main stages, including:

- tourist and excursion service program: days of service, list of excursion topics, duration of excursions;

Route map;

Reference materials along the route.

If the tour operator does not have its own excursion department, then an agreement is concluded with excursion company, which includes the following items:

Name and duration of excursions, method of transportation (bus, pedestrian, motor ship, etc.);

Prices for excursions;

Number of tourists in the group on each excursion

Financial liability for the failure of the excursion (the fault of the excursion company or tour operator).

Agreement with the museum. The agreement with the museum includes:

Options for excursions and their topics;

Number of excursionists in the group;

Prices for excursions (differentiated - for group and individual, by age, etc.);

Discounts for group visits to the museum;

Deadlines for submitting applications for excursions;

Deadlines for cancellation of applications;

Financial liability for disruption of a museum excursion due to the fault of one of the partners, etc.

We should not forget about additional services, i.e. those that are not included in the tour package. They are provided to tourists on site for an additional fee. These are usually specific excursions, shows, sea, mountain or river walks, visits to water parks, national parks and reserves, safaris in the mountains and deserts, hunting, fishing and much more. Separate agreements are drawn up with enterprises providing these services in order to provide them to tourists and receive preferential prices by purchasing tickets for a group visit.

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