The most mysterious accidents in domestic tourism. The tragedy in the mountains of Khamar-Daban: what secret is hidden by the “Buryat Dyatlov Pass” The death of a group of tourists in Buryatia

Valentina Utochenko, a survivor of the campaign, told what really happened on Khamar-Daban in August 1993.

For several years, KP has been investigating the most sinister mystery of the 20th century - the death of a group of students at the Dyatlov Pass in 1959. But few people remember that there was a very similar and mysterious case in August 1993 in the Eastern Sayans.

Then six tourists from Kazakhstan suddenly died - an experienced group leader, a master of sports in tourism, 41-year-old Lyudmila Korovina, and with her guys and girls from the Petropavlovsk tourist club "Azimut": Timur Bapanov, Alexander Krysin, Denis Shvachkin, Victoria Zalesova and Tatyana Filipenko.

Only the seventh participant of the campaign - 17-year-old Valentina Utochenko - survived. As they say in such cases - a miracle. And the tourist club itself broke up after the death of the group. This tragedy puzzled even experienced rescuers: how could young, strong guys die in the summer at a relatively low mountain height?

In the press, the death of tourists on Khamar-Daban was dubbed the Buryat "Dyatlov Pass".

Survivor signed a non-disclosure agreement

In Petropavlovsk (northern Kazakhstan), the tragedy made a lot of noise and gave rise to a terrible version that sounds even now: the guys got into the zone of testing a secret weapon. And the surviving Valentina Utochenko was rescued by state security officers and took a non-disclosure subscription from her. Therefore, she left the city and still has never spoken to the press.

Then almost the entire city of 200,000 people came to say goodbye to the dead, eyewitnesses recall. All coffins were closed.

And a few days after the funeral, Komsomolskaya Pravda suddenly published an article in which the author accused the leader of the hikers of the death of the group, Valentina Yaskova, a friend of the deceased Lyudmila Korovina, tells me bitterly.

The city got excited. So that's it, it turns out! Korovina took the guys to the mountains, decided to take a chance, and almost everyone died.

The article was discussed even in trams, - continues Yaskova. - I read it and cried, I could not believe it. But most of all, the article brought grief to the parents of the children.

- Why? Do you think Korovina is not to blame for the tragedy? I wonder.

And you call one of the relatives of the dead, - suggested Valentina Nikolaevna.

The mother of 15-year-old Timur Bapanova Galina Nikolaevna in 1993 was the deputy director of the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical School. I call her directly from Yaskova's house.

- "TVNZ"? I won't talk!

I have a hard time holding it.

- Are you sure that the head of the group is not to blame for the death of your son?

I trusted Lyudmila as myself. Many times with her and Timur we went on campaigns of different categories. She is a professional! And she could not destroy her group.

- Did any of the investigators communicate with you when everything happened?

Why do you think your son died?

The certificate of death says: he froze in the campaign ...

- How can you freeze in the summer? - I barely have time to ask, but the interlocutor has already turned off the phone.

Returning to Moscow, I rushed to the archives, leafing through the Komsomolskaya Pravda file for 1993-1994 all day, but did not find anything. Maybe that note was published in another publication, but Komsomolskaya Pravda had nothing to do with it?

Start preparing six months before

Valentina Yaskova remembers well how Korovina's group was going on that trip. Preparations began six months in advance. Scheduled meals for each day. As usual, Korovina made a clear route with timing by the hour, ordered who should take what things. She knew each of the guys well, because they had been on campaigns with her more than once.

They didn't come back from the trip

Alexander Krysin, 23 years old. In 1993 he studied at Baumanka in Moscow. I met Lyudmila Korovina as a teenager. I came to the tourist club at the age of 12 and since then I have been sick with mountains. That summer I passed the exam and rushed to Khamar-Daban.

Denis Shvachkin, 19 years old. I got into the group by accident. He was also a member of the tourist club, he knew Korovin well. He was taken instead of a guy who was not released by his parents. Like, it's time to go for haymaking, and you're going to the mountains. Denis's parents were at the resort in those days. The son left for Transbaikalia, leaving them a note: "I went to the mountains, I'll be back soon."

Timur Bapanov, 15 years old. You could say I grew up in the mountains. His parents were fond of sports tourism.

Tatyana Filipenko, 24 years old. She worked as a secretary in a teacher's college. I loved mountains very much. I went with Korovina on hikes of the 1st and 2nd categories. I was going to Khamar-Daban with great passion.

Victoria Zalesova, 16 years old. That's who Korovina did not want to take, so this is Vika. IN winter hike the girl broke down from fatigue and was capricious. Lyudmila Ivanovna did not like this. But Vika wanted to go to Khamar-Daban so much that she begged her mother to call Korovina.

They talked to me, - says Valentina Yaskova. - Mother, a primary school teacher, vouched for Vika that she would no longer be capricious and would not let anyone down. Luda somehow agreed to take Zalesova into the group.

Lyudmila Ivanovna herself was a very enthusiastic person. She lived tourism, mountains. I have been to the Tien Shan, Altai, and Sayan Mountains. In her sports piggy bank there are trips of different categories - from the first to the fifth.

Lyudmila Korovina with her daughter Natasha. Photo: Personal archive of Valentina Yaskova

Survivor Valentina Utochenko was 17 years old in August 1993. She left her native Petropavlovsk immediately after graduating from college. And since then, no one here knows where she lives and what her fate is.

"Why are you bringing me back to this nightmare?"

I shoveled a bunch of articles on the Internet about that tragedy in the hope of finding at least some memories of Valentina Utochenko - in vain. From note to note, journalists write the same thing: she refuses to talk to anyone about what happened at Khamar-Daban. But with the help of colleagues from the Chelyabinsk editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda, they managed to find Valentina in an old shabby food industry hostel.

Immediately seeing me as a journalist, Valya slammed the door:

I'm not going to talk to you!

I stand thoughtfully in the corridor, where, as in that song, “there is only one toilet for 38 rooms.” 10 minutes passed. Suddenly Valya came out to me.

What do you want from me?! - she was very excited.

- I need the truth from the main character, that is, from you. I want to know what happened at Khamar-Daban.

Why are you bringing me back to this nightmare? - Valya suddenly switched to you. - We have been living with my husband for 15 years, he only found out two years ago that I was there too. On TV they showed a program about this case, and in it my photo. Kostya shuddered. I had to tell. Journalists constantly write to me in social networks, I block everyone. I don't want to remember anything.

- Valya, I think you need to speak out. You've been keeping it all in yourself for 25 years!

What's the point? Everything is useless. You won't get them back.

Here she thought. For a long time she looked somewhere through me, and then asked:

Do you want tea?

- Want.

It was just very cold.

Valentina's family - she, her husband and two sons - huddled in two small rooms. Everything is clean and tidy. One feels a firm female hand.

This happened on the fifth day of the campaign, - Valentine began the conversation. - Before that, everything was fine. Korovina made a request to the weather station in advance, and she was assured that the weather would be fine. Therefore, we three groups and went to the routes. No one expected that the weather would change to cold and showers ... Landslides began.

- Are all bands from Kazakhstan?

Yes, from Petropavlovsk. The main route was carried out by a group where Korovina's daughter, Natasha, was walking. She was then 16 years old, and she was the leader. Our task was to insure her group. If something happened, we would come to the rescue.

- Did you have walkie-talkies?

No. But our routes had several points of intersection.

Can you remember the route from the map?

It is unlikely that so many years have passed.

- Was it a difficult route?

No, easy.

- How many times a day did you eat?

Four times a day for sure. Definitely hot food. They lit a fire and cooked. In addition, snacks on halts. We had cereals, powdered milk, crackers, stew, carrots, beets, onions, sweets, chocolates ... In my opinion, the calculation was based on 2400 kilocalories per person per day.

They say that you walked along the loaches, where there is no forest, and therefore cooked on stoves. And supposedly you can’t cook much on them.

I don't remember primus. We went down into the forest and made fires. (In August 1993, in an explanatory note, Valya wrote that the food was cooked on stoves. - Auth.) This was my third trip with Lyudmila Korovina. At first we went not far from Petropavlovsk, then to the Tien Shan. Lyudmila Ivanovna taught us drafting, drawing and physical education. I studied in two specialties - a teacher of school work and an instructor of school tourism, which is why I ended up in a tourist club.

- What kind of person was Korovina?

ABOUT! She was a bright woman. Tall, slim and beautiful. Curls, some obligatory bow with a flower or something else. Extravagant, always well-groomed.

- Married?

No, she raised one daughter.

Like in a horror movie

- There is an opinion that she is to blame for the death of the guys.

In no case! It was very cold at the top. Early morning. We sleep. Korovina woke us up, ordered us to pack our things and go down into the gorge. She tried to save us. I just didn't have time. The wind was so strong that we were sliding down instead of walking. Suddenly Sasha fell. He was foaming at the mouth. Korovina sat down beside him, hugged him, and that was it. Didn't get up again. And such a madhouse began. And I still don't understand how long it lasted. Like a horror movie. Everyone falls, everyone has blood, foam from the mouth, blood flows from the nose.

- How did you escape?

Denis Shvachkin saved me. He kicked me and said: "Crawl down." I went down. But he didn't come. I got into my sleeping bag and fell asleep. Or not a dream, but oblivion. I do not know. Woke up in the morning. Went upstairs.

- Hoped that someone is alive?

No. I saw that they all died. I got up to get a map and compass. She closed everyone's eyes. And I don’t know how I got to the Snezhnaya River. I remember that I saw poles of power lines and walked along them. Apparently, she hadn't lost her mind at the time. And it was like someone was guiding me all this time.

- Who? There were some strange rumors that the special services were...

- (Smiling.) Guardian angel. Survived with God's help.

- And how long did you walk?

They died on August 5, and on the 9th I was picked up by watermen. So, four days. I remember standing on the shore, and catamarans are sailing along the river.

- Tourist Kvitnitsky, who picked you up, said that you washed in the river and washed your clothes.

I don't know, maybe I really was so weird there. But I remember that I bathed much later, when we rafted down the river together. In general, I remember how stunned they were when they saw me in such a taiga hole. We landed and started asking questions. I'm hysterical. They began to give me valerian and corvalol to drink. I remember how later on the road they fried cakes on the lid of the pot. Water, flour, salt. Now it is called lavash, but at that time there were no lavash yet.

Why do you think they died?

I think pulmonary edema has begun. According to the symptoms, it is suitable - foam, blood from the mouth, insanity.

- What happened when you returned home?

The people of Kiev took me to Petropavlovsk. I didn't say anything to my parents. Silent. Although they saw that I was blacker than clouds. And then someone congratulated them on my second birthday. Then they pressed me: they say, you don’t want to tell us anything? And it broke through me - she told everything as it is, and they cried. After that, my arms, legs, and back immediately failed. She stayed in the hospital for a month or two. I haven't eaten for a long time. Did not want. But cured, put on his feet.

- Why did you leave Kazakhstan?

That's how life turned out. There was no work.

- Valya, why do you think you survived?

I grew up in the countryside. Always on the farm. We have been doing the most difficult work there since childhood. And they grazed cattle, and hayed, and went to the logging site for firewood. I have been skiing since the 4th grade. I have always been hardy, not afraid of difficulties and physical exertion. That's probably why.

Final verdict

It was hypothermia. But where does proteinaceous dystrophy come from? In 1993, Buryat forensic experts found at the autopsy that all the tourists died from hypothermia.

Here is how Konstantin Yugov, head of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Republic of Buryatia, spoke about this:

“When six corpses of tourists came to us for examination, the task was set before the examination - to identify the cause of death. First, could they die from hypothermia? Secondly, could they have been poisoned by something? Thirdly, are there any injuries on the bodies? Before, we have carefully studied the conditions under which this tragedy occurred. It was necessary to determine what could kill the tourists. It all happened high in the mountains with low temperatures and heavy rain. Plus a lot of physical activity and oxygen starvation. Under such conditions, death can occur quickly. There were cases when, under similar circumstances, people died of hypothermia within two hours. At autopsy, signs of general cooling of the body were found. Muscles lack nutrients. And this gave grounds to make a diagnosis - hypothermia. In addition, the experts revealed pulmonary edema and changes in the heart, liver and lungs, characteristic of protein degeneration, in the dead. This only indirectly allows us to say that they could starve.”


So I don't have answers to a few questions. Why did six tourists die in a matter of minutes? Because of what, people of different physical endurance, who had acclimatized in the highlands in 4 days, fell dead? Where did proteinaceous dystrophy come from if, according to Valentina, the whole group ate well on the trip? In the near future, with the help of specialists, I will try to find answers.

If you have something to add on this tragedy, as well as on similar ones, write to us: [email protected]

Natalya Varsegova

August marks the 24th anniversary of mysterious death in the mountains of the Irkutsk region of six tourists from Petropavlovsk - Victoria, Denis, Alexander, Timur, Tatyana and their experienced leader Lyudmila Ivanovna Korovina. According to Sputnik, the tragedy occurred in the Khamar-Daban mountains, the oldest massif on the planet, encircling Lake Baikal from the south. Only one participant of the campaign remained alive then - 18-year-old Valentina Utochenko, who could not shed light on the mystery of the death of her comrades.

… There are legends around these places, the degree of mysticism of which goes off scale. From reliable it can be noted that it was here that for almost half a century a large pulp and paper mill smoked, which closed after a series of gloomy forecasts of environmentalists that stretched for decades. Here, according to the weather station, up to 800 earthquakes per year are recorded. Around the bonfires, legends are told here about a bigfoot walking through the local forests. In television programs from the category of incredible facts, they talk about alien aliens landing somewhere nearby. It seems that the more conversations, the less chance to make out - how much truth is in everything, and how much is fiction.

The story about the death of a group of Petropavlovsk tourists who conquered local peaks in August 1993 is an absolute truth. People who knew them closely are still uncomfortable with the memories of this tragedy. A couple of years later, a hundred meters from the ill-fated place, a memorial obelisk with the names of those who did not return from the mountains will be erected here by the friends of the victims. Well, the cause of their mysterious death is still being investigated ...

Hello from Dyatlov

In conversations about this story, analogies very often flash with another, more famous case of the death of tourists in the mountains - the Dyatlov group.

It happened 34 years earlier - in 1959, on the Ural slopes, at an altitude not too sky-high (just over a thousand meters), but the site was classified as of increased complexity. The group of "Dyatlovites" consisted of 10 people, then only one survived (due to illness, he was forced to interrupt the ascent and return back).

Then, only three and a half weeks later, the bodies of skiers began to be found in the snow, with injuries to internal and external organs. Many did not have outerwear. The tent was cut from the inside, personal belongings were left behind. It seemed that the tourists were very frightened and left the tent in a hurry. Official version death - an elemental force that people were not able to overcome. Death was due to massive frostbite.

However, over the decades, this story has acquired many legends, mysteries, versions - where the elements, the human factor, the anthropogenic factor, and even foreign spies and mysterious aliens from outer space were to blame. A book was written about this case, a film was made and a number of television programs were made.

The tragedy that happened on August 5, 1993 is not pampered with such increased attention, even in the homeland of the victims - in Petropavlovsk - few have heard of it, although there are no less mystics in this story.

They were a real family...

...Then the so-called "Turiada" took place in the country - mass trips to forests and mountains. The group of Lyudmila Korovina, a 41-year-old helmsman of the Petropavlovsk tourist club "Azimut", which operated at the pedagogical school, also participated in them. In the early 90s, there were several groups of people in Petropavlovsk who were fond of and engaged in tourism. But the brightest leader was and remains precisely Lyudmila Ivanovna Korovina.

The head of the tourist club "Azimut" Lyudmila Korovina / Photo:

One of her students at that time was Evgeny Olkhovsky, a researcher of those events, through whose efforts this story was not forgotten. He recalls how out of them - young and idle hooligans - being in the club made real people.

She knew how to rally everyone, make a team. I believed in people, I believed in people. She could make a person become who he really is. Under her mentorship, each of us managed to maximize our abilities, grow in all areas of life. Thanks to her, how many people have become excellent teachers, athletes, created families, learned to play the guitar, draw, become stronger, bolder, more correct! We were all like adopted children to her, she was worried about everyone, sent guys and met from the army, - Evgeny recalls.

Lyudmila Ivanovna was a master of sports of international class in hiking. The geography of campaigns expanded every year - Western Tien Shan, Western Sayan, Northern Urals, Subpolar Urals, Mountain Shoria, Karakum, Altai. Not for the first time in August of the 93rd she went to Khamar-Daban ...

In August 1993, Eugene was also supposed to go on a campaign with a group to Khamar-Daban. There was a route of the third category of complexity. But the circumstances turned out differently: “On the campaign,” he recalls, “then I prepared in detail - I wanted to get a discharge. But a month and a half before departure, I found out that I would have to go to the construction team. When I was already there, I was also“ buried ”, they called my mother constantly. Maybe fate. But rather I think - if I were there, everything would have turned out differently ... ".

death halt

So, in early August of the 93rd, a group of seven people (already quite experienced tourists aged from 17 to 20 years old) led by Lyudmila Korovina went to the mountains from their starting point - the village of Murino. By the way, at the same time, another group of our tourists traveled along a different route in the same region, which included the 17-year-old daughter of Lyudmila Ivanovna. Even before the trip, mother and daughter agreed to meet at an agreed place at the intersection of two routes in the mountains.

5-6 days after the start, the Korovina group managed to overcome a significant part of its path - about 70 km. On August 4, the group arranges a halt at the top of 2300 m. Their last halt ... It is noted that this place is a completely bare part of the mountains, it is even compared with Martian landscapes - there is practically no vegetation and living creatures are almost never found, only stones, grass and wind. The group spent the night at this place. The weather stubbornly hindered the group of travelers day and night. Contrary to quite optimistic forecasts, the Mongolian cyclone then came to the Irkutsk region - from August 3, it rained with snow around the clock.

Why did a group of tourists stop at such an open, windy place? From that moment on, history begins to acquire legends and conjectures. On the one hand, the group could descend 400 m lower, to the forest zone - for this it was necessary to overcome 4 km of clear distance. In such conditions, it was already possible to dream of a saving fire. There was, according to local rescuers, another option - to climb to the top, where a special platform was located. There were firewood, a place to rest. It took only 30 minutes to get to this point.

According to Vladimir Zharov, a well-known journalist and traveler in Buryatia, the reason could be the inaccuracy of the map, which was not uncommon at that time. The spread between the data on the map and what was in reality was 100 meters. In the mountains, this is not such a small distance as it might seem. Finally, it is worth considering the factor that the tourists were so tired and cold that they decided to stop for a while.

By the way, this place already had a bad reputation - here on August 3, 1914, he died in a snow blizzard. famous explorer A. P. Detishchev ...

What I wanted to forget

About what happened the next day, August 5, it became known to local rescuers only after almost two weeks - from the words of the only surviving girl. Her stories subsequently did not dazzle with a large number of details. One day, Valentina remarked briefly and clearly: "Do you think I want to remember this nightmare? I had to leave, change my whole life. I don't want to remember this."

If we collect the memories of different people who happened to hear the girl's story about what happened, we get the following picture.

... On the night of August 4-5, the weather was bad - a thunderstorm thundered, a hurricane raged below so strong that it felled trees ... In the morning, at 11 o'clock, Alexander, the oldest and strongest of the guys, became ill. He fell. Nose, mouth and ears were bleeding. It is worth noting here that the head of the group raised the guy from childhood and therefore practically considered her son. She decides to stay with him, and instructs the other guys to try to go down to the edge of the forest zone. Appointed Denis as the senior. But - after a while, two girls fall at once. They begin to ride, tear their clothes, grab their throats. Timur fell after them with similar symptoms. Valentina stayed alone with Denis. He suggests - grab the most necessary things from the backpacks and run downstairs. Valentina bent down for a backpack to pull out a sleeping bag. When the girl raised her head, Denis was already lying on the ground. Grabbing her sleeping bag, Valentina ran downstairs. She spent the night under a rock, on the edge of the forest zone. Trees fell nearby like matches. The next morning the girl got back up - Lyudmila Ivanovna was still alive, but - on her last legs. She showed me how and where to go."

Here is how the events that happened are described from the words of the surviving girl in the report on search and rescue and transportation operations: “It is difficult to explain what happened in the mountains - in front of V.U. "Denis began to hide behind the stones and run away, Tatyana hit her head against the stones, Victoria and Timur probably went crazy. Lyudmila Ivanovna died of a heart attack."

The alleged place of death of tourists / Photo:


After collecting food and taking a card in the things of the leader, on August 6, Valentina set off in search of salvation. The search dragged on for three days.

The girl went down to the Anigta River, where she spent the night of August 7th. The next day, she stumbled upon an abandoned relay tower at an altitude of 2310 meters, where she spent another night all alone. The next morning, noticing the poles going down, the tourist, in the hope that they would lead her to the people, set off on the road. However, the houses to which the wires were laid turned out to be abandoned.

But soon the girl went to the Snezhnaya River and went downstream. Here she had to spend the night again in order to continue the search for people the next day. After walking 7-8 kilometers, exhausted, she stopped and stretched her sleeping bag on the bushes near the water. This is how wandering tourists signify their presence. At that time, a group of tourists from Kyiv were rafting down the river, and they picked up the girl. Even in this case, Valentina is extremely lucky - they say that there are rarely people in those places ...

At first, the girl did not talk to the tourists who saved her - she was in severe shock, she was exhausted. As a result, either as she returned "to life", or because of the unwillingness (or prohibition) of the rescuers to search for the dead tourists ... they were found only on August 26.

The truth that no one will tell...

The picture upon arrival at the scene of the tragedy appeared depressing: mummified bodies, grimaces of horror on their faces ... Almost all the dead were dressed in thin tights, while three were barefoot. The leader lay on top of Alexander.

What happened on the plateau? Why did the hikers take off their shoes when freezing? Why did the woman lay down on the dead guy? Why didn't anyone use sleeping bags? All these questions remain unanswered.

The dead were buried only a month later - our delegates for more than two weeks sought the right to take the dead to their native land ...

... The bodies were taken out by helicopter. The head of the Poisk search team, lawyer Nikolai Fedorov, who at that time was in the rescue expedition group, recalls that when information about the tragedy came, he and his colleagues were sent by plane to the scene.

We were all gathered and in a team of six people were sent to the scene. The task was to find the bodies of the dead. When we arrived, the bodies were already prepared. One feature that we were told by those who filmed the dead from the mountain was that the bodies lay in pairs, and at a decent distance from each other (40-50 meters), said Nikolai Fedorov. - The autopsy of the bodies was carried out in Ulan-Ude. According to the conclusion of experts, all died from hypothermia ....

There are many versions of the circumstances that led to what happened. And the fact that in many Russian sources some inaccuracies or disagreements in the testimony are supposedly deliberately allowed suggests that someone wanted to "hush up" the story.

So, in the notes of the traveler Leonid Izmailov, Korovina's group seems to be almost a bunch of teenage schoolchildren with a pioneer leader, while the category of difficulty of the route is indicated as higher. And the death, allegedly, was caused by unpredictable weather and the unprofessionalism of the leader. However, the average age of the participants in the campaign, even without taking into account the "leader", was 20 years. Everyone already had a certain number of solid sorties behind them, careful monitoring of their physical condition and nutrition was provided. A strict taboo against alcohol. All this excludes the possibility of blaming it on frivolity, physical unpreparedness.

They add color and drama to Valentina's stories in the description of the mass psychosis that happened. The time of Lyudmila Korovina's death is vaguely interpreted - was she still alive on the morning of August 6? According to Valentina - was. According to some Irkutsk sources, they seem to be gone. There is an opinion that the rescuers knew about the death that had already occurred on August 10-12, and started searching a week later - someone says that bad weather allegedly interfered, someone - about solving financial issues ... Or maybe the rescuers were waiting for the end the action of certain poisonous substances?

Finally, why did the control and rescue service release groups when they entered their routes if it was known about the approaching strongest hurricane? The forensic medical examination of the dead is questioned and criticized (and what kind of examination can there be after three weeks of finding the bodies in the open air). However, none of the "mere mortals", apparently, saw the details of the investigation. However, now, after so many years, it seems that it is much easier to confuse and catch up with more fog than to dot it all.

Obviously, based on the symptoms described, hypothermia was only a concomitant factor, and not the root cause of the death of tourists.

Evgeny Olkhovsky does not believe in the version of hypothermia. According to him, such a professional as Lyudmila Ivanovna strictly monitored this so that the guys were provided with food and did not freeze.

At Korovina, people didn’t freeze at minus 50, but here on you ... .. I can rather believe in aliens, but in order for Korovina’s people to freeze, I went through a dozen trips with her, and I know what I’m talking about ... Perhaps there was ozone poisoning . There was a strong thunderstorm front, maybe the guys got into a high concentration of ozone, so the body could not stand it, - Evgeny shares his version.

Ozone poisoning is known to cause massive pulmonary edema and rupture of blood vessels. How lucky was it for Valentina and Lyudmila Ivanovna to survive under such conditions (until the next morning)? According to the researcher, the features of the organism in the first case, its fitness - in the second.

Passers-by in those places (only 1000 m below) write that they fell under the same rain as the dead group, and after that rain all the woolen clothes of the tourists simply spread in their hands, and everyone developed a severe allergy ...

Moreover, there are even suggestions that several more groups actually died in those days. Aleksey Livinsky, one of the local rescuers who participated in the search for the dead, denies this version. True, according to him, it is reliably known that at the same time a guy was found nearby who died with similar symptoms - this is blood from the ears, and clouding of mind with foam from the mouth ...

Livinsky also claims that when their group of rescuers was near the scene, no special logging was noticed. And according to Valentina, the hurricane dropped trees like matches. And again the question arises - why did the rescuers delay their search for so long, since the speech about bad weather is exaggerated? Also, according to Livinsky, the corpses of tourists were not at all eaten away by living creatures, and in general a rare animal appears on that "Martian plateau". And, accordingly, the examination was carried out more than complete and reliable. As for the main ecological disaster in the region - the Baikal pulp and paper mill, it was inactive in those years.

At the campsites of the group, we were, to put it mildly, discouraged by the diet of the group. For dinner and breakfast, one can of canned meat 338 g and one can of fish 250 g were spent. I don’t know what side dish and how much, but there were clearly too few proteins in the diet for seven healthy tired people. The places for overnight stays were on the ridge much higher than the forest zone, and the group probably had problems with cooking, drying clothes, - says the rescuer Livinsky. - And then the pathologist conducting the examination in Ulan-Ude, openly said that there was no glucose in the tissues of the dead, in the liver and somewhere else. Those syndromes that were observed in the group fully correspond to hypothermia plus complete exhaustion of the body.

There was another version of what happened, which was voiced in Petropavlovsk: the alleged cause of death was ... banal poisoning with Chinese stew. However, there were no signs of poisoning in the group, and pathologists did not find poisonous substances in the tissues.

If people eat something that can lead to poisoning, then each body will react in its own way. Poisoning does not affect everyone equally. Then you have to eat something poisoned to such an extent that everyone dies, especially within half an hour. At the expense of hypothermia, it is also unclear, the air temperature could not drop sharply to 5 or 10 degrees below zero. Our assumption is that there was an anticyclone and there was a strong wind. Magnetic fluctuations began, huge air currents set in motion, which created infrasound, and it could affect the psyche. Separate rocks under a strong wind can become an infrasonic generator of enormous power, which causes a state of panic, unaccountable horror in a person. According to the girl who survived, her friends behaved uneasily, her speech was inconsistent, says Nikolai Fedorov, a member of the search group.

It is most often mentioned that tourists could develop vegetovascular dystonia (VSD). This is almost directly indicated by the fact that they tried to undress - in the case of attacks of VVD, it may seem that the clothes are suffocating. However, it was too late to cope with the symptoms - as a result, numerous hemorrhages.

A tragedy could also have happened for man-made reasons, given the large number of closed zones on Baikal. And the rescuers got out to help, having already waited for the emissions to disperse ...

In general, versions, secrets, riddles and - there are much more questions than answers ...

By the way, the club "Azimuth" did not last long after the tragedy - 3-4 years, its old-timers say - there was no worthy replacement for Lyudmila Ivanovna ...

Every year, publications about the death of climbers appear in the media. The most famous and mysterious case is the tragedy that happened to the Dyatlov group in early February 1959. The circumstances that led to the death of nine climbers have not yet been clarified, but the media have paid sufficient attention to what happened. Not so long ago, even the film "The Secret of the Dyatlov Pass" was released. And few people know about the mysterious death of six climbers that occurred in Buryatia at the Khamar-Daban pass.

In August 1993 to Irkutsk from Kazakhstan railway a group of tourists of seven people arrived in order to go to the Khamar-Daban ridge. Weather forecasters promised suitable weather for climbing, and the group went to the mountains. It consisted of three boys, three girls and 41-year-old leader Lyudmila Korovina, who had the title of master of sports in hiking. The Khamar-Daban ridge does not shake with its height. The most high point- 2 396 meters. Located in ledges, with pointed peaks and ridges, the ridge is one of the oldest mountains our planet. These Beautiful places visited annually by thousands of tourists. Nothing foreshadowed trouble. The group advanced from the village of Murino to one of the most high mountains mountain range called Hanulu. Its height is 2371 meters. After walking about 70 kilometers in 5-6 days, the tourists stopped for a halt between the peaks Golets Yagelny (2204m) and Tritrans (2310m). Weather forecasters, however, did not guess. For several days in a row it snowed with rain and the wind blew. What made the experienced leader set up camp on the bare part of the mountain, one can only guess. Just four kilometers down the slope grew a forest, in which one could hide from the weather and build a fire. Approximately at 11 o'clock in the afternoon on August 5, when the tourists were about to leave the temporary parking lot, a young man named Alexander became ill. Suddenly, blood poured out of his ears and foam came out of his mouth. He died just a few minutes later. All members of the group were horrified. Something strange began to happen. Fell, losing consciousness, the leader of the group. A mass hysteria ensued. The young man, whose name was Denis, ran and hid behind the stones, one of the girls (Tatiana) beat her head against the stones. Two girls fell to the ground and began to tear their clothes and grab their throats with their hands. After a while, another young man fell. The remaining guy and girl decide to take only the most necessary things with them and go downstairs. While the girl puts extra things out of her backpack, the guy with the same symptoms falls to the ground. The girl, seized with fear, runs down, but does not reach the forest. She sees hurricane-force winds breaking trees and knocking them to the ground. Hiding under a large stone, the girl spends a sleepless night, and in the morning decides to return to the camp. Rising, Valentina found that all the participants in the campaign were dead. And I decided to look for people. Noticing the old repeater tower, the girl managed to orient herself and went to the Snezhnaya River. Pillars stretched down from the tower. Reasoning that they could lead her to housing, Valentina went, focusing on the electric wires. And she came to the houses, but they were abandoned. Two days later, she was found, barely alive, near the Snezhnaya River by a group of tourists from Kyiv. Valentina was very lucky - people rarely visited those places. The dead were taken out by helicopter. The bodies were autopsied in Ulan-Ude. According to the conclusion, all died from hypothermia. The only survivor, Valentina Utochenko, does not like to remember what happened. Overpowering herself, she said that it all started with the death of Alexander, the strongest and strongest guy in the group. According to her, he had a heart attack, which is why he suddenly died in front of everyone. The leader of the group, Lyudmila Korovina, who treated Alexander like a son, ordered the group to go down and leave her with the deceased. And then died herself. And then the mass hysteria began. Seeing how the members of the group fall to the ground one by one, Valya rushed down. After Valentina's story, the conclusion about the cause of death of the tourists is questionable. If Utochenko believes that both Alexander and Korovina died of a heart attack, then why is it written in the conclusion given by the doctors of Ulan-Ude that all members of the group died as a result of hypothermia? And why did they fall one after another in a short space of time, foaming at the mouth and bleeding from the ears? Perhaps the reason for their death lies in something else?
Someone put forward a version that the participants in the events could have been poisoned by an unknown gas. Someone believes that as a result of a strong wind and a specific terrain, an infrasonic wave was formed, which killed the tourists. It is also surprising that there were no warm clothes on the bodies of the dead. They were wearing only light tights. And three of the dead were found barefoot at all. Why? What made them, dying of hypothermia, take off their outer clothing? There are many questions. There are just no answers. The death of six people at the Khamar-Daban pass has remained an unsolved mystery ....

At the end of the summer of 1993, tourists from relatively distant Kazakhstan arrived in Buryatia. There were 7 of them: 3 guys, 3 girls and their leader Lyudmila Korovina. We note right away that all young people, despite their age, were already quite experienced travelers. And Korovina herself, who was 2 times older than her wards, by that time had already earned the title of master of sports in hiking.

The travelers went to the previously mentioned peak-lord of Khan-Ula. The weather was not favorable for the campaign: it was snowing, the wind was blowing. But the band members did not want to give up. Along the way, they tripled the camp between the peaks of Golets Yagelny and Tritrans. And then something inexplicable happened. One of the young people became ill. He was bleeding from his ears and foaming at the mouth. He fell and began to roll in the snow. Other tourists followed suit. They ran back and forth, threw off their clothes, grabbed their throats, bit, said something indistinct. Some hit their heads against rocks.