The largest island in the world. What is the largest island in the world? One of the largest islands on earth

Greenland is actually the most largest island in the world, since Australia is considered by most scientists to be a continent. Three quarters of Greenland is covered by permanentice sheet, the onlyoutside Antarctica . With a population of approximately 56,480 (2013), she is least populous country in the world. Greenland located between the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. It is an independent territory of Denmark.

Interesting facts about Greenland

  • Greenland is an island, not a continent.
  • A total of 57,600 people live on a vast territory of 2,130,800 square kilometers.
  • Greenland is home to the second largest ice sheet in the world after Antarctica.
  • Greenland National Park is the largest and northernmost national park in the world.

2. New Guinea, 785 thousand square kilometers

The island of New Guinea in the western Pacific Ocean is the second largest island in the world.This island includes a total area of ​​785 thousand square kilometers.New Guinea is administered by two countries - the western part belongs to Indonesia and the eastern part belongs to Papua New Guinea. WITH read by the easternmost islandMalay Archipelago, lies to north of Australia

New Guinea is an amazing island because contains a huge number of types of ecosystems, these are: glacial, alpine tundra, savanna, montane and lowland rainforest, mangroves, wetlands, lake and river ecosystems, seagrass and some of the richest coral reefs on the planet.

Interesting facts about the island of New Guinea

  • The island is dominated by high mountains and volcanoes.
  • Humans inhabited the island more than 40,000 years ago.
  • New Guinea has large reserves of copper and gold.

3. Borneo Island, 748 thousand square kilometers

The island of Borneo is the only island in the world that is administered by three countries - Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Borneo is surrounded by the South China Sea to the north and northwest, the Sulu Sea to the northeast, the Celebes Sea to the east, and the Java Sea to the south. To the west of Borneo is the island of Sumatra. In the south and east are the islands of Indonesia: Java and Sulawesi.

With an area of ​​743,330 square kilometers, it is the third largest island in the world, and is the largest island in Asia. Its highest point is Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia with an altitude of 4095 meters.

Borneo has significant cave systems and one of the world's longest underground rivers. Dir Cave is home to more than three million bats.

Interesting facts about the island of Borneo

  • Borneo's rainforests are over 130 million years old.This is the oldest tropical forest in the world.These forests are also home to 15,000 plant species, 221 mammal species and 420 bird species.
  • Mount Kimabalu, the highest peak in Southeast Asia, is located on the island of Borneo.
  • Endangered orangutans and fruit bats are found only in the forests of Borneo.

4. Island of Madagascar, 587 thousand square kilometers

Madagascar is an island located on the east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean.With a total area of ​​587 thousand square kilometers, it is the fourth largest island in the world.The island of Madagascar was formed about 88 million years ago as a result of separation from the Indian subcontinent.This island is home to many unique plant and animal species.Madagascar is also called the "eighth continent" or "alternate world".

Interesting facts about Madagascar

  • Madagascar is home to 250,000 animal species.70% of them are found nowhere else in the world.
  • There are 14,000 different plant species on the island of Madagascar and 90% of them are endemic.
  • Ring-tailed lemurs can only be found in the forests of the island of Madagascar.
  • The coral reef in southwest Madagascar is the third largest coral reef in the world.

5. Baffin Island, Canada, 507 thousand square kilometers

Baffin Island, located in Nunavut, is the largest island in Canada.Baffin Island is almost 507 thousand square kilometers. OnThe island in the Arctic archipelago receives extremely cold weather with an average annual temperature of -8 degrees Celsius. On the islandmany fjords and freshwater lakes.

Interesting facts about Baffin Island

  • Baffin Island is named after British explorer William Baffin.
  • You can see amazing manifestations northern lights , So how most parts of Baffin Island lie tonorth of the Arctic Circle.

6. Sumatra, Indonesia, 480 thousand square kilometers

With its 480 thousand square kilometers, Sumatra is the second largest island of Indonesia and the most a large island in western Indonesia, which is part of the Sunda Islands. It is the largest island that is entirely within Indonesia (the two major islands, Borneo and New Guinea, are divided between Indonesia and other countries) and the sixth largest island in the world.

Sumatra has a wide range of different plant and animal species, but has lost almost 50% of its rainforest in the last 35 years, and many animal species are endangered, such as the Sumatra ground cuckoo, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran rhinoceros and orangutan.

It is also the westernmost island of the Indonesian archipelago.Sumatra is prone to strong earthquakes and tsunamis.This is because this island lies in the subduction zone of the Indo-Australian and Eurasian tectonic plates.However, the island of Sumatra is home to amazing wildlife and rich forests.

Interesting facts about Sumatra Island

  • Most of the island of Sumatra is covered with tropical forests.Unfortunately, due to resettlement and oil extraction, the island lost almost 50% of its forest between 1985 and 2007.
  • Sumatra contains large reserves of gold and silver.
  • Some of the best oilseeds and coal deposits are also located on the island of Sumatra.

7. Honshu, Japan, 225 thousand square kilometers

Located between the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Japan, Honshu Island is Japan's largest island.Honshu has great historical significance, since Japanese civilization was formed on its territory for many years. Heaccounts for about 60% of Japan's total size.

Interesting facts about Honshu Island

  • The island of Honshu is home to some of Japan's important cities, including Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Yokohama and Osaka.
  • The island of Honshu is the second most populous island in the world after Java.
  • The largest mountain in Japan, Mount Fuji is located on this island.
  • Japan's largest lake, Lake Biwa, is also located on Honshu.

8. Victoria Island, Canada, 217 thousand square kilometers

Victoria is the second largest island of the Canadian Arctic archipelago. Victoriawas discovered by polar explorer Thomas Simpson in 1838. Most of the island's landmass consists of peninsulas.These include the Prince Albert Peninsula to the northwest, Wollaston Peninsula to the southwest, Collinson to the east, and a large unnamed peninsula east of Hadley Bay.The coastline is heavily indented, forming bays along the edges of the island.

Interesting facts about Victoria

  • Victoria Island was named after Queen Victoria.
  • As of 2006, only 1,875 people live on this large island.

9. Great Britain, 209 thousand square kilometers

Despite the fact that the island of Great Britain in our Top 10 occupies only 9th place, but in terms of importance it can safely be put in first place. Primarily because during archaeological excavations sites of ancient man were discovered that date back to 500,000 BC. And secondly, because Great Britain once ruled half the world, and even now the English Queen Victoria has power, in addition to Great Britain, over Canada, Australia, New Zealand and smaller countries.

Interesting facts about Great Britain

  • The UK is the most populous region in Europe.
  • London is the largest city in Great Britain.

10. Ellesmere, Canada, 196 thousand square kilometers

The northernmost of Canada's islands and belonging to the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Ellesmere Island is the third largest island in Canada and the 10th largest island in the world.It is located in the province of Nunavut in Canada.This is the highest mountain region in Canada's Arctic archipelago. More than one fifth of Ellesmere is protected asNational reserve, which includes yourself seven fjords and manyglaciers Most of the island is covered with glaciers and ice. Ellesmere is home to only 146 people, and the island was featured in the Hollywood blockbuster Man of Steel.

  • A chain of sedimentary rocks located in the northern regions of Ellesmere Island that are more than 100,000 years old.
  • Ellesmere Island contains remnants of the last ice age.
  • At 2,616 m, Barbeau Peak is the highest point in the province of Nunavut.
  • Arctic willow is the only tree species found on Ellesmere Island.

12/1/2015 at 00:40 · Pavlofox · 27 620

Top 10 largest islands in the world

An island is a piece of land separated from other continents. There are more than half a million such land areas on planet Earth. Moreover, some may disappear, others may appear. So the youngest island appeared in 1992 as a result of a volcanic eruption. But some of them are striking in their scale. In the ranking largest islands in the world the 10 most impressive positions in .

10. Ellesmere | 196 thousand sq. km

Opens ten largest islands on the planet. Its territory belongs to Canada. It is the third largest island of this state with an area of ​​just over 196 thousand sq. km. This piece of land is located north of all the Canadian islands. Due to the harsh climatic conditions, it is sparsely populated by people (the average number of inhabitants is 200 people), but is of great value to archaeologists, since the remains of ancient animals are constantly found there. The land has remained covered in ice since the Ice Age.

9. Victoria | 217 thousand sq. km

Ninth place among largest islands on earth takes . Like Ellesmere, Victoria belongs to the Canadian Islands. It got its name from Queen Victoria. The land area is 217 thousand sq. km. and is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. The island is famous for its numerous fresh water lakes. The surface of the entire island has virtually no elevations. And only two settlements are located on its territory. The population density is very low, as just over 1,700 people live in this zone.

8. Honshu | 28 thousand sq. km

Eighth in the ranking largest islands located, belonging to the Japanese archipelago. It covers an area of ​​228 thousand sq. km. The largest Japanese cities, including the capital of the state, are located on this island. The highest mountain, which is the symbol of the country, Fuji, is also located on Honshu. The island is covered with mountains and has many volcanoes, including active ones. Due to the mountainous terrain, the climate on the island is very changeable.
The area is densely populated. According to the latest data, the population is about 100 million people. This factor puts Honshu in second place among the islands in terms of population.

7. UK | 230 thousand sq. km

, ranked seventh on the list largest islands in the world by area, is also the largest among the British Isles and in Europe as a whole. Its territory occupies 230 thousand sq. km., where 63 million people live. Great Britain owns the bulk of the United Kingdom. The high population makes Great Britain the third largest island in the world in terms of population. And this is the most densely populated region in Europe. The capital of the Kingdom, London, is also located on the island. The climate is more temperate than other lands in this natural area. This is due to the warm Gulf Stream current.

6. Sumatra | 43 thousand sq. km

settled in sixth position in the ranking largest islands on the planet. The equator divides Summata into two almost equal halves, so it is located in two hemispheres at once. The island's area is more than 443 thousand sq. km., where more than 50 million people live. The island belongs to Indonesia and is part of the Malay Archipelago. Sumatra is surrounded by tropical vegetation and washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. It is located in an area of ​​frequent earthquakes and tsunamis. Sumatra has large deposits of precious metals.

5. Baffin Island | 500 thousand sq. km

Opens the top five largest islands. This is also the largest island in Canada, whose territory exceeds 500 thousand sq. km. It is covered with numerous lakes, but is only half populated by people. The population of the island is only about 11 thousand people. This is due to the harsh climatic conditions of the Arctic. The average annual temperature remains at -8 degrees. Here the weather is dictated by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Baffin Island is cut off from the mainland. The only way to get to the island is by air.

4. Madagascar | 587 thousand sq. km

Next on the list the most impressive islands in terms of area - Madagascar. The island is located east of Africa; it was once part of the Hindustan Peninsula. They are separated from the mainland by the Mozambique Channel. The area of ​​the site and the state of the same name Madagascar is more than 587 thousand sq. km. with a population of 20 million. Locals call Madagascar the red island (the color of the island's soil) and the wild boar island (due to its large wild boar population). More than half of the animals found in Madagascar cannot be found on the mainland, and 90% of the plants are found only in this geographic area.

3. Kalimantan | 748 thousand sq. km

Third level of rating largest islands in the world occupied with an area of ​​748 thousand sq. km. and with 16 million inhabitants. This island has another common name - Borneo. Kalimantan occupies the center of the Malay archipelago and belongs to three states at once: Indonesia (most of it), Malaysia and Brunei. Borneo is washed by four seas and covered with dense tropical forests, which are considered the oldest in the world. The landmark of Borneo is the highest point in Southeast Asia - Mount Kinabalu with a height of 4 thousand meters. The island is rich in natural resources, particularly diamonds, which give it its name. Kalimantan means diamond river in the local language.

2. New Guinea | 786 thousand sq. km

- second place on the list largest islands in the world. 786 thousand sq. km. located in the Pacific Ocean between Australia and Asia. Scientists believe that the island was once part of Australia. The population is approaching 8 million people. New Guinea is divided between Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. The name of the island was given by the Portuguese. "Papua", which translates to curly, refers to the curly hair of the local Aboriginal people. There are still places in New Guinea where no man has ever been. This place attracts flora and fauna researchers, as they can meet here the rarest species of animals and.

1. Greenland | 2130 thousand sq. km

The largest island in the world is Greenland.. Its area exceeds the area of ​​many European countries and amounts to 2130 thousand sq. km. Greenland is part of Denmark, and several dozen times larger than the mainland of this state. Green, as this island is also called, is washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Due to weather conditions, most of it is uninhabited (about 57 thousand people live) and is covered with ice. Glaciers contain huge reserves of fresh water. In terms of the number of glaciers, it is second only to Antarctica. Greenland National Park is considered the northernmost and largest in the world.

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Islands are small areas of land that are found in almost every body of water, not excluding rivers. They can have different origins - there are volcanic hills that are generated due to magma released during eruptions, and there are others created from areas of land cut off from the coast.

The process of formation of new islands and their absorption by waters occurs constantly, every now and then new heights appear and old ones disappear, and this is completely normal. However, the largest objects remain unchanged. Having examined the top largest islands in the world, you can find out which of them are the most stable - all of them are inhabited by people who are in no hurry to leave their homes.

Fifth place - Baffin Island

The exception is, perhaps, Baffin Island, which is the fifth largest island on the planet, and is located somewhat west of Greenland. The population here is no more than 11 thousand people, and the central part of the territory still remains poorly explored. The reason for this is the harsh climate that characterizes this place. The area of ​​the island is 508 thousand sq. km, and the name was given in honor of William Baffin, the first person to describe the territories. There is simply amazing nature and fabulous views here, and besides, there are places where people have never had time to

Fourth place – Madagascar

The island of Madagascar is located near Africa, and today it is known even to children due to its cartoon about animals. On this island there is a separate state of Madagascar, which has sovereignty, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis land area, which is not of volcanic origin, is 587040 sq. km. It has its own flora and fauna, formed in conditions of isolation; the island is rich in endemic species. There are also a lot of minerals here. By the way, the name Madagascar itself is translated from the local dialect as Boar Island.

Third place - Kalimantan

Island – Kalimantan

The same island is known as Borneo. Its area is 737 thousand square meters. km, making it the third largest in the world. This island is located at a real maritime crossroads; it is washed by 4 seas and 2 straits. It is almost completely covered with forests; up to 80 percent of the territory is impenetrable jungle. There are 3 states on the island that receive large profits from the timber industry and are primarily engaged in this business. But wood, including valuable species, is not everything; there is also oil, diamonds, and gas here, so the subsoil and natural reserves of this place are only encouraging. And its name translates as Diamond River - it speaks for itself. After all, the recreational resource also brings profit here; tourists and vacationers come here.

Second place - New Guinea

Island – New Guinea

New Guinea rightfully took second place, this island is shared by the states: Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. The Portuguese discovered the island in 1526, and before that the European world did not even think that there was such a competitor to the largest island in the world already known at that time. Papua is the first name of the island, which it received due to the curly hair of the local residents.

Papua translates to "curly". This island has an area of ​​786 thousand km, is a tropical paradise with an abundance of vegetation, attracting many tourists. And despite the fact that many plants, animals and insects that are unique to this area have already been found here, new discoveries are made here every year and hitherto unknown species of inhabitants are discovered. Some things simplify the work of researchers - for example, animals here are not afraid of humans, they do not need to be watched.

The largest island in the world

Island – Greenland

The largest island in the world is Greenland. This island is located in northern latitudes. If we translate the name literally, we get Green Land, which in no way agrees with the appearance of snow-covered plains and rocks. Ice covers up to 80 percent of the territory, and the island itself is washed by both the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. The total area of ​​this land is 2,131,500 square meters. km.

Why was the island called “green”? Some scientists say that this is how settlers were lured here, others point out that the climate in this Danish territory was once different. However, it doesn't matter. Today Eskimos live here, here you can see enough of the northern lights and plunge into the darkness of the polar night. There are also plenty of minerals on this island, mainly gas and oil. An important local industry is fishing, as there is also plenty of fish in the surrounding waters.

This is a list of the largest islands that are stable and have not changed for centuries. But who knows what this list will be in the future, because sometimes the face of the planet changes completely suddenly.

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Finding out the exact number of islands on Earth is difficult. It is believed that there are about 2000 islands in the world. They differ from each other in size, topography, climate, flora and fauna. The largest island in the world is named Greenland.

The largest island is Greenland

This autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark is least densely populated area in the world. The population density of the island is 0.028 / km 2, and the number of people living there is 57,728 people. And these, for the most part, are not Europeans, but Greenlandic Eskimos (Kalaallits) or descendants of mixed marriages between Danes and Eskimos. In 2009, the Greenlanders gained the status of a separate people, and Denmark was assigned the protection of Greenland and the management of foreign affairs.

“Sandwiched” between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, Greenland is not a very hospitable land against the backdrop of even harsher waters. However, this island has long attracted the attention of polar explorers and is currently positioned as a place for adventure tourism.

Total area of ​​Greenland

Greenland covers 2,130,800 km². Moreover, 81% of the island area is covered by ice cover. If we imagine that this ice completely melted, this would lead to a rise in global sea level by 7 meters.

Where did the name "Greenland" come from?

This name, which is more reminiscent of “false advertising,” has generated controversy among researchers. Some believe that at the time of the discovery of Greenland, the local climate was much milder, and the coastal areas in the southwest of the island were generously covered with vegetation, while others believe that the name “Greenland” was chosen by the discoverer Eirik the Red in order to attract settlers to the island. The source of the second version is the work of Ari the Wise, an Icelandic chronicler of the 11th century. However, the first copy of his work dates back to the 13th century, and it is believed to have been supplemented by various authors. Therefore, one can be skeptical about this explanation of the name “Greenland”.

But Iceland was much more unlucky than Greenland. This land, washed by the warm Gulf Stream, was called “ice” because the settlers landed on it during severe frosts.

Photos and videos about Greenland

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10 largest islands in the world by area

10. Sulawesi – 180,681 km²

The ranking of the largest islands on Earth opens with the Indonesian beauty, which is one of the most popular tourist destinations. It offers excellent conditions for diving in coral thickets, clean beaches, exotic fauna and lush tropical forests. Those who are more interested in architecture and culture than nature can visit the Rotterdam Fort, the palace and tomb of the Govan kings and take part in the magnificent local ceremonies.

The main religion of the island is Islam, so locals do not drink or sell alcohol to tourists.

Another feature of Sulawesi is its unusual shape. This island is adjacent to four more peninsulas, making Sulawesi resemble an orchid on the map.

9. Ellesmere – 183965 km²

Like another participant in the ranking of the largest islands in the world (namely Victoria Island), Ellesmere also lies entirely within the Arctic Circle. It is not surprising that it is very sparsely populated - only 146 people. It is also the most mountainous island in the Canadian Arctic archipelago and quite inhospitable, so it’s hardly worth going here for entertainment.

8. Great Britain - 209331 km²

Is the largest island in Europe. Its territory includes England, Scotland and Wales.

Great Britain is a less impressive island than most of the islands on this list. There are no active volcanoes, exotic flora or ferocious animals on its territory. But it does have rolling hills, rocky coastlines, picturesque villages and the best tea in the world.

7. Victoria – 217291 km²

The largest island in the world, of those that are entirely within the Arctic Circle. However, despite its size, Victoria Island is surprisingly small, with fewer than 2,000 people living there.

Instead of people, Victoria was overrun by tens of thousands of caribou and musk oxen, both of which are endemic to Canada.

6. Honshu – 225800 km²

Honshu is the largest of Japan's four main islands. It is also the most densely populated island on the list of the largest islands in the world. The population of Honshu is 103 million people.

It is the second most populous island on Earth after the Indonesian island of Java with its 139 million inhabitants. This is not surprising, given that the metropolis of Tokyo, home to 38 million Japanese, is located on Honshu.

The island has excellent conditions for skiing and mountaineering, as all 30 of Japan's highest peaks are located on Honshu (including Fuji).

5. Sumatra – 443066 km²

Eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis are typical for Sumatra, but this does not stop tourists from wanting to experience the wild and mysterious nature of the jungle. Orangutans, tigers, rhinoceroses and elephants inhabit the forests of Sumatra, and picturesque beaches will provide rest for weary travelers. Water sports are also very developed in Sumatra, including surfing and diving.

4. Baffin Island – 507451 km²

Canada has the longest coastline in the world and an unknown number of islands. The largest of them is Baffin Island. It is distinguished by mountainous, harsh and primitively beautiful landscapes. Almost the entire population of the island, which is over 10 thousand people, lives on the coast. Only scientific expeditions are sent to the central part of the island to study nature, which is almost untouched by human influence.

3. Madagascar – 587713 km²

Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world and the largest island in the Indian Ocean. This incredibly diverse area contains 5% of all known animal and plant species.

2. Borneo – 743330 km²

The world's third largest island after Greenland is made up of three countries, although about 73% of Borneo is Indonesian territory. The sovereign state of Brunei makes up just one 1% of the island, and the remaining territory is Malaysian.

Borneo is home to one of the oldest tropical forests in the world. It is also home to many exotic and rare wild animals: proboscis monkeys, gibbons, Malayan bears and saltwater crocodiles that lie in wait in the waters of the South China Sea.

1. New Guinea – 785,753 km²

On this island is the highest mountain in Oceania - Jaya.

New Guinea is also a world-famous diving destination, with excellent diving conditions throughout most of the year.

The underwater world is teeming with colorful corals and colorful fish. And after World War II, a large number of shipwrecks remained in the waters near the island.

List of islands by area, comparison table

IslandArea (km²)A country
1 Greenland2130800 Greenland, autonomous province of Denmark
2 New Guinea785753 Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
3 Kalimantan748168 Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia
4 Madagascar587713 Madagascar
5 Baffin Island507451 Canada
6 Sumatra443066 Indonesia

Every year new islands appear in the world, but the largest ones still remain in their places. Below is a list of the ten largest islands in the world by area.

Ellesmere – 196,236 km. sq.

Ellesmere is the northernmost Canadian island, with a total area of ​​196,236 km. sq. It is the third largest island in Canada and the tenth largest in the world. Despite its vast territory, as of 2006, only 146 permanent residents live on the island, in three settlements - Gris Fjord, Alert and Eureka.

Victoria Island – 217,291 km. sq.

Victoria is the second largest island in Canada and the ninth in the world (according to various sources it is the eighth or ninth). Located in the Arctic Ocean and located in the southwestern part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The island was named after Queen Victoria of England in 1839. It has a total population of 1,707 people (2001).

Honshu – 227,970 km. sq.

Honshu is the largest island in Japan (approximately 60% of the entire country's territory). Located south of the island of Hokkaido. The population of Honshu as of 2010 is about 100 million people, making it the second most populous island in the world (after the Indonesian island of Java).

Great Britain – 229,848 km. sq.

Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles, stretching northwest of mainland Europe. 95% of its entire territory is divided between England, Scotland and Wales, which are part of the United Kingdom. It has a population of about 63 million people and ranks third in the world in terms of population after the islands of Java and Honshu.

Sumatra – 480,848 km. sq.

Sumatra is the sixth largest island in the world. Entirely part of Indonesia. The number of inhabitants living on the island as of 2010 is more than 50 million people, making it the fourth most populous island in the world.

Baffin Island – 507,451 km. sq.

Baffin Island is an island that is part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. It is the largest island in Canada and the fifth largest island in the world. It is home to just over 11,000 people (as of 2007) in eight communities, the largest of which is Iqaluit.

Madagascar – 587,713 km. sq.

Madagascar is a large island located in the Indian Ocean, off the east coast of Africa. Although Madagascar is located close to Africa, the island's flora and fauna are unique - it contains 5% of all species of flora and fauna in the world, 80% of which exist only on this island.

Kalimantan (Borneo) - 748,168 km. sq.

Kalimantan or Borneo is the third largest island in the world and the largest island in Asia. Located in the center of the Malay Archipelago in Southeast Asia. Divided between Indonesia (73%), Malaysia (26%) and Brunei (about 1%). The island is home to one of the oldest tropical forests in the world. It has 19,800,000 inhabitants (as of 2010), most of whom live in coastal cities. The population density in Borneo is 26 people per square kilometer.

New Guinea – 785,753 sq. km.

New Guinea is the second largest island on earth, located in the western Pacific Ocean north of Australia. Divided approximately equally between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The island's current population is approximately eleven million (2015). It has large natural reserves of oil, gold, copper and other ores.

Greenland – 2,130,800 sq. km.

Greenland is the largest island on Earth. Located in the northeast of North America and washed by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. It is part of Denmark as an autonomous unit. The population of the island as of July 2010 is 57,600 people.