The tallest fountain in the world has a height. Fahd Fountain - the tallest fountain in the world, Saudi Arabia

Here are ten of the most amazing fountains in the world.

Moonlight Rainbow Fountain (Seoul) - the longest fountain on the bridge

Until 2008, Seoul's Banpo Bridge, which connects the banks of the Han River, was not much different from the others. But with the advent of the unusual Moon Rainbow fountain, it immediately became one of the main city attractions and even managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records. The idea to turn the bridge into a fountain (Banpo also did not lose its function of crossing from one side of the river to the other) came to the authorities of the South Korean capital not by chance. This was done as part of a large-scale project designed to revive the attractiveness of Seoul in the eyes of tourists. The jets of the fountain hit on both sides of the Banpo bridge, throwing out 190 tons of water in one minute. In addition, 10,000 LED lamps color the jets in every color of the rainbow. The Lunar Road Fountain is also distinguished by its ecological “friendliness”: water is taken from the river, where it is then returned already cleaned.

King Fahd Fountain (Jeddah) - the tallest

King Fahd's Fountain, or simply Jeddah's Fountain, is the name given to the tallest fountain in the world. The idea of ​​its construction came to the city authorities in the early 1980s. The city needed the main attraction, and the choice fell on the fountain. His project turned out to be extremely concise: a thicket was installed as a base, made in the form of a traditional incense burner, from which a powerful jet of water was supposed to beat. In 1983, when the fountain was opened, the jet shot up to a height of 120 m, but this was not enough for the authorities. The project was finalized, and two years later the fountain began to throw a water column to a height of 312 m. In addition to the dizzying height, the fountain is also interesting because it is located in the sea, which is very difficult from an engineering point of view. The Fahd Fountain works continuously, and it is turned off only for two reasons: for a scheduled inspection or due to strong winds.

Fountain complex Dubai Fountain (Dubai) - the largest and most expensive

The tallest building in the world, a giant oceanarium, a huge duty free. Dubai authorities love to amaze the imagination of tourists. In 2009, the city hosted the official opening of the largest and most expensive fountain in the world, or rather, a whole fountain complex located on an artificial lake. His project was developed by the Californian company with the speaking name WET, which had previously created the famous Bellagio fountain in Las Vegas. In total, a record $218 million was spent on the construction of the Dubai giant, the size of which is equal to the area of ​​three football fields. After the opening of the Dubai Fountain, it joined the list of world dancing fountains. Its repertoire includes classical, Arabic and pop music, and the fountain “performs” a different dance to each of the melodies. At night, the light show can be seen up to 30 km away and is said to be visible even from space.

Crown Fountain (Chicago) - the most international

In 2004, an unusual art object was opened in Chicago's Millennium Park, combining an interactive fountain and video sculpture. The author of the project was the Catalan artist Jaume Plensa, according to whose idea the fountain was made in the form of two 15-meter towers covered with liquid crystal screens, on which images of Chicago residents are projected. It was not decided to show the faces of ordinary citizens by chance, but to demonstrate the "diversity of the city." For this, 75 public and religious organizations presented their candidates, whose images were used in the work of the fountain. It is interesting that from time to time the lips on the face of one or another city dweller fold into a tube, and a portion of water is spat out at the audience. At first, the Crown Fountain was called the most controversial design of the Millennium Park, but over time people got used to it and even fell in love with it.

Fountains of Peterhof (St. Petersburg) - the most luxurious

The cascade of fountains in Peterhof is called one of the most luxurious and exquisite in the world. And despite the fact that it began to take shape almost three centuries ago. The idea of ​​creating Peterhof fountains belonged to Peter I. The emperor, having gained access to the sea, set out to build an amazing fountain complex on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. Work on its construction lasted more than a hundred years, during which the Grand Cascade acquired 64 fountains, 255 sculptures and numerous other decorative elements. The greatest damage to the fountains of Peterhof was inflicted during the Second World War. The four largest sculptures of the complex, among which were the famous "Samson", "Tritons", "Volkhov" and "Neva", did not have time to evacuate, and they disappeared. But later they were restored according to the surviving photographs. The last large-scale restoration of the Grand Cascade, which lasted seven years, ended with the solemn launch of the fountains in 1995.

Fountain of wealth (Singapore) - a fountain built according to feng shui

"Doughnut with legs" and "basketball hoop". Whatever nicknames were given to the famous Singaporean fountain of wealth, which was listed in the Guinness Book of Records in 1998 as the largest in the world, but later lost this title. In fact, the design of the building is symbolic. The four pillars of the fountain correspond to the four peoples and four major religions of Singapore, and the ring, which is equal in size to the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral, is the embodiment of the Indian sacred symbol Mandala and ensures unity and peace. Bronze was chosen as the material, as according to Chinese belief, its combination with water paves the way for success. Singaporeans believe that if you go around the small fountain three times clockwise, putting one hand into the water, it will bring good luck and prosperity. By the way, especially so that everyone can do this, three times a day the jets of a large fountain are turned off.

Bellagio Fountain (Las Vegas) - the most famous dancing fountain in America

In the most wasteful and gambling city of America, Las Vegas, there is one completely free attraction. And, moreover, one that can be compared in popularity with the famous casinos of the gambling capital of the United States. We are talking about the dancing Bellagio fountain, which has been featured in numerous films and TV series. The Bellagio Fountain was launched on October 15, 1998, the day of the opening of the nearby hotel-casino of the same name. The fountain cost $40 million to build, but the money was not wasted, as the Bellagio has managed to become a must-see for all tourists who come to watch the daily performances, which take place to classical music, as well as to the compositions of Elton John, Madonna and Whitney Houston. By the way, a romantic legend is also connected with the fountain: they say that if you make a marriage proposal near the Bellagio, then the marriage will be long and happy.

Soaring fountains (Osaka) - the most airy

Tourists come to Japanese Osaka to look at unusual soaring fountains that have already been exchanged for the fifth decade. No, scientists have not yet succeeded in defeating the force of gravity. But the fountains really seem to be suspended in the air. The idea of ​​their creation belonged to the American architect of Japanese origin Isamu Noguchi, and the opening was timed to coincide with the 1970 World Exhibition in Osaka. The main theme of the exposition was progress, so it was necessary to create something that would capture the imagination of the audience and demonstrate the achieved technological level. The secret of the fountains lies in their support, which is hidden under water and at the same time is absolutely transparent, which creates the illusion that the structure is supported by the pressure of water and soars above the ground. Despite the fact that the fountains were built over 40 years ago, they still look impressive and modern.

Mercury fountain (Barcelona) - the most poisonous

Looking from afar at a small fountain, which is stored today under protective glass in Barcelona's Juan Miro Foundation Museum, one cannot say that it is distinguished by something special. But in fact, it is unique in its kind. Instead of the usual water, mercury flows through the fountain - the only metal that remains liquid at room temperature. The author of the mercury fountain was the American sculptor Alexander Calder, who received an order for its creation from the Spanish Republican government. The fountain was first shown to the public in 1937 at the World Exhibition in Paris, and then it was transported to Barcelona. At first, no precautions were taken for visitors to the fountain. And only in the 1950s, when the toxicity of mercury and its vapors was proven, the fountain was enclosed in a protective sarcophagus. So today its inspection does not pose any danger.

Trevi Fountain (Rome) - the most visited

Rome is often called the capital of fountains, where the title of king is firmly entrenched in the legendary Trevi. It is one of the main attractions the Italian capital, as well as one of the most visited fountains in the world. Its impressive composition was created between 1732 and 1762 by the architect Nicola Salvi. But in fact, the fountain on the site of the current one has existed since the time of Ancient Rome. In the 20th century, Trevi became a real celebrity. He starred in many films, and in Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita he became a full-fledged hero. In addition, a number of beliefs are associated with the Trevi Fountain. So, throwing one coin into it will definitely return to Rome. Two - a love meeting. Three is a wedding. Four is wealth. Five - separation. Not surprisingly, this allowed the fountain to claim the title of one of the most profitable in the world. His annual income to the city treasury is about €700,000.

There are a huge number of the largest fountains in the world (by definition). There are fountains that hold records for the height of the water jets, for the length of the structure, for the area, etc.

And this amazing building (the world's largest fountain), built in the United United Arab Emirates, entered the list of the most famous world record books even before the start of its construction. Even his design solution was impressive. It was built in 2009-2010.

The world's largest fountain (in Dubai): a description of the structure

A fountain was built in the largest and beautiful city Dubai located in the United Arab Emirates. This is the most unique and complex

The fountain consists of an artificial lake, many large and small fountains combined into a single complex and controlled by one system. This building is equipped with the most modern multi-stage and multifunctional water filtration system. Huge pressure in the pipes is achieved by installing the most unique pumps. All this makes it possible to raise jets of water to a height of up to 310 meters, and this is even higher than the Eiffel Tower in France. The water at the exit reaches a speed of approximately 400 km / h. It turns out that the world's largest fountain in terms of height is in Dubai.

Performance at the Dubai Fountain

The spectacle, lasting from 18:00 to 23:00 local time, is a gigantic water spectacle, an amazing and delightful grand celebration featuring a huge amount of light from numerous spotlights and top-class musical accompaniment!

Water changes every second, spreading over the entire surface of the water surface, suddenly appearing and also instantly disappearing. Crystalline jets of water either lean from side to side, then rise to an unattainable height, then suddenly collapse back into the lake. In general, the water is dancing!

Fantastic lighting accompanies the fabulous water dance all the time. From time to time, amazing pictures appear above the water: colorful, brightly colored sparkling flowers, a delightful sailboat running along the surface of the water, and much more. In addition, the movement of water jets is in harmony with the music. This building is the largest musical fountain in the world.

Amazing in its beauty, the performance attracts the attention of a huge number of tourists, bringing them into indescribable delight. And you can see all this action even from a distance of 200 miles, as well as from space. This magnificent fountain is given the name - "The Brightest Star in the Middle East."


The fountain was built in 2009 near the Burj Khalifa skyscraper. The latter is also one of the main ones. This skyscraper is the largest in the world (its height is 828 meters). The building consists of 164 floors.

Fahd Fountain

It should be noted that there is another largest fountain in the world, which is equal in height to Dubai. But it is not as effective as the above. In one of the cities there is a fountain called Fahda, built in the 80s. It is named after the king of this country.

This facility operates day and night. It throws only two huge jets of water into the sky, but to a height of 312 m. These jets are visible from anywhere in the city of Jeddah. This world's largest fountain serves as a wonderful landmark for numerous tourists and pilgrims of the country.

Its uniqueness also lies in the fact that its base is a quadrangular bowl, which is made in the likeness of an oriental incense burner for various incense. It is installed in the sea, close to the shore. And the water for the fountain is sea. This water product works around the clock, and it is turned off only for checks and when the wind increases.

Stunning Fountains of the World

All over the world, a huge number of amazingly beautiful unique fountains adorn the appearance of different cities. Consider some of the largest singing fountains in the world.

1. Fountain Bellagio (USA). It is located in Las Vegas on an artificial lake in front of the hotel of the same name. Its peculiarity is large dance and musical performances of water, music and light. Amazing actions take place under the accompaniment of famous world works: “Viva Las Vegas”, “Your Song”, “Luck Be a Lady”, etc.

2. Trevi Fountain (Italy). Trevi is located in Rome. This is also one of the most famous fountains accompanied by music. Its height is 26.3 m, and its width is 49.15 m. It was created in the Baroque style. There is a well-known legend about this very fountain, which says that a coin thrown into the fountain will help you return to Rome.

3. Montjuica (Spain). In Barcelona, ​​there is a magnificent fountain, built in 1929 (at that time there was a International Exhibition). And earlier he presented only a light show. In the 80s of the XX century, the fountain was reequipped and by 1992 (Summer Olympics) it became a color-musical one.

4. Singapore Prosperity Fountain. Singapore's huge shopping center is adorned with the Prosperity Fountain ("Suntec City"). It is an amazing laser show accompanied by live music, light and water dance.

The world's largest new fountain

In Grozny (Chechnya) in October 2015, on the day of the celebration of the City Day, the only water-submersible solid fountain in the world was opened so far. Its structure is 300 meters long and 40 meters wide. Its jets of water are thrown to a height of about 100 meters. According to certain characteristics, it surpasses the world-famous fountain in Dubai.

Represents the color-musical fountain of the Chechen ornament.

Thanks to the enormous pressure, two screens of water are created, each of which has a size of 25 by 18 meters. They broadcast clips and other video materials. Great amount cannons (248) release flames up to 60 meters high. Numerous multicolored spotlights have some of the best color gamuts in the world.

The new largest fountain in the world (in Grozny) is installed on the territory of the Grozny Sea (tourist complex).

Even ordinary water, just flowing in the river, attracts the attention of people with its amazing crystal clearness and murmur. Well, fountains, amazing creations of people, attract with their unique fabulous design. And in this fantastic action, the very crystal-clear water created by nature necessarily participates.

A fountain in the city is not only a way to refresh the citizens on hot summer days, but also a great decoration, a source of pride and a creative flight of thought. Naturally, we are talking about really unusual, luxurious and impressive water structures, which, thanks to their scale and the author's idea, managed to become famous not only in their own city or country, but throughout the world!

So, today we will talk about the ten most unusual fountains in the world, they amaze not only with their size, but also with a complex architectural implementation, which only the best of the best architects could handle.

The list, of course, is subjective, because you can argue about art for hours and still not come to a common opinion. However, no one will definitely argue that each of the following top participants is truly magnificent and unique creations of mankind.

The most beautiful fountains in the world... Fountains occupy a special place in the mandatory list of attractions in any country. After all, these are not just streams of water, but unique works of art with their own unique "zest" - color, design, scale, history and architecture.

Our journey will cover different cities and countries of the world - from Vinnitsa to Rome, then we will move to Asia and even America! From the article you will find out in which countries you can see best fountains peace.

Bellagio Fountain (Las Vegas, USA)

The most famous dancing fountain in the world

Do you want to see a stunningly beautiful fountain and a real miracle of engineering? Go to Las Vegas! It is here, in the area of ​​​​one of the artificial lakes, not far from the 5-star hotel-casino called Bellagio, that it is located. The fountain was opened in 1998, and its construction cost the city authorities $40 million. The design of the fountain is unique - it consists of 1,175 water jets that reach a height of 80 meters and hit from the very bottom of the lake.

In addition, the fountain is equipped with dozens of speakers and thousands of light bulbs that create a fantastic show called "Dancing Fountain". Thousands of guests and residents of Las Vegas can watch the amazing beauty of the show near the fountain every day. In the daytime, the performance is repeated every half an hour, and in the evening - every quarter of an hour.

Swarovski Crystal Head Fountain (Innsbruck, Austria)

The most picturesque fountain in the world

And we are moving smoothly to the city of Innsbruck. It was here that the famous Austrian artist Andre Heller came up with a fountain in the form of a green human head. Inside the building is the Swarovski Museum. Swarovski Crystal Worlds is a park and museum of crystals, created in 1995 for the 100th anniversary of Swarovski. Water flows from the “mouth” of this head, and the “eyes” are made of Swarovski glass.

The fountain never ceases to amaze so far. A group of leading designers, sculptors and architects took part in its development. At the same time, the design of the fountain is such that it is also the entrance to the museum of crystals. This is truly a marvel of modern art!

Remarkably, the museum itself is located underground. This design allows the fountain to be the only ground structure of the Swarovski complex. After reconstruction, since May 2015, the Swarovski Museum has been reopened to visitors.

Dubai Fountain (Dubai, UAE)

The most expensive and largest fountain in the world

Dubai authorities love to amaze the imagination of tourists. This fountain, or rather the fountain complex on an artificial lake, was opened in 2009.

The musical fountain in Dubai is located next to another attraction - the world's tallest skyscraper Burj Khalifa (163 floors, 828 meters in height). This fountain is one of the largest and highest in the world, because the height of its jets reaches 150 meters, which is equal to the height of a 50-story building! The fountain is illuminated by 50 colored spotlights and 6,000 other light sources. Every second, it can lift up to 83,000 liters of water into the air!

Guests are offered 10 musical compositions. You can see the unique show of the "dancing fountain" every 20 minutes from 6 to 10 pm on weekdays and from 6 to 11 pm on weekends. Near shopping center Thousands of tourists gather at the Dubai Mall, because it is from this angle that the fountain looks most impressive. A true delight for aesthetes!

Trevi Fountain (Rome, Italy)

The most exquisite and visited by tourists fountain in the world

Rome has the title of "King of Fountains", but the Trevi Fountain (Italian: Fontana di Trevi) is firmly entrenched among all the city's fountains. It is one of the main attractions of the Italian capital, as well as one of the most visited fountains in the world. Its impressive composition was created between 1732 and 1762 by the architect Nicola Salvi. The construction of the fountain took as much as 30 years: from 1732 to 1762.

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the source: the most popular - Latin experts claim that the Italian "trevi" actually came from a distortion of the Latin "trivium", that is, "three ways". In addition, a number of beliefs are associated with the Trevi Fountain. So, throwing one coin into it will definitely return to Rome. Two - a love meeting. Three is a wedding. Four is wealth. Five - separation. The city's treasury fills up with € 700,000 every year, due to the fact that tourists throw coins into the fountain!

Agree that this large-scale and spectacular attraction is more reminiscent of a scene from an ancient play, made in stone, rather than a source of clean water.

Fountain "Moon Rainbow" (Seoul, South Korea)

The longest fountain on the bridge

Fountain and beautiful bridge- the combination is not quite usual. Until 2008, Seoul's Banpo Bridge, which connects the banks of the Han River, was not much different from the others. But with the advent of the unusual Moon Rainbow fountain, it immediately became one of the main city attractions. The idea to turn the bridge into a fountain came to the authorities of the South Korean capital not by chance (at the same time, the bridge did not lose its main function - crossing from one side of the Han River to the other).

This was done as part of a large-scale project designed to revive the attractiveness of Seoul in the eyes of tourists. The jets of the fountain hit on both sides of the Banpo bridge, throwing out 190 tons of water in one minute. In addition, 10,000 LED lamps color the jets in every color of the rainbow. The Lunar Road Fountain is also distinguished by its ecological “friendliness”: water is taken from the river, where it is then returned already cleaned.

Fountain in Vinnitsa (Ukraine)

The largest fountain in Europe

The fountain was opened in 2011 next to Lake Kempa on the Southern Bug River and became a symbol of the city of Vinnitsa. You can enjoy this wonderful fountain any day from 14.00 to 22.00, on Saturday and Sunday from 12.00-22.00, but only in spring and autumn. After all, the fountain is open during the season - from April 25 to October 18 annually. The most beautiful, of course, evening shows with music and light effects start at 20.15 pm.

The Vinnitsa fountain is the largest in Europe, and according to experts, it is among the ten best and most spectacular fountains in the world. The height of the central jet of the fountain reaches 65-70 m, the size of the water projection screen is approximately 16 m in height and 45 meters in width, and the frontal jet of water beats to a height of 140 meters.

A great place to start exploring "singing" fountains!

Fountain of Montjuic (Barcelona, ​​Spain)

The most aristocratic fountain in the world

This magnificent fountain is located on the Montjuic mountain of the same name and is one of the most famous sights in Barcelona. Built to celebrate the Great World Exhibition in Barcelona in 1929, the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc is a canvas for colorful light and sound performances. Water cascades and fountains start in two Venetian towers on Plaza España and smoothly go all the way to the Museum of Catalonia.

The fountain uses recycled water, you can safely drink it directly from the pool. This is one of the favorite attractions of tourists from all over the world, a great way to relax in the evening and feel the unique atmosphere of the Catalan capital. About 2.5 million tourists visit the Fountain every year!

An interesting fact: more than 3,000 workers were involved in the construction of the Montjuic fountain, the work was completed in just 10 months. Incredible, as for the beginning of the twentieth century!

The show starts with music from the 70s and 80s and ends with classical and contemporary music. Entrance to the Magic Fountains is free. In December, the shows give a Christmas atmosphere. The performance takes place on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as on December 25th and January 1st from 19.00 to 21.00.

"Fountain of Wealth" (Singapore)

Feng shui fountain

It is also called the "basketball hoop" or "bagel with legs." What nicknames did not come up with this famous fountain, listed in 1998 in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest fountain in the world. Of course, over time, the fountain lost this honorary title.

The design of the fountain of wealth is very symbolic. The four pillars of the fountain correspond to the four peoples and four major religions of Singapore. The ring embodies the Indian sacred symbol Mandala and means unity and peace. The architect chose bronze as the material, because according to Chinese belief, the combination of bronze and water paves the way for success. Singaporeans believe that if you go around the small fountain three times clockwise, putting one hand into the water, it will bring good luck and prosperity. By the way, especially so that everyone can do this, three times a day the jets of a large fountain are turned off.

Fountain Jet d'Eau (Geneva, Switzerland)

The most sustainable fountain in the world

Jet d'Eau (Jet d'Eau) - the largest fountain in Geneva, built at the end of the 18th century. It is considered one of the main symbols of the city, but few people remember the prosaic history of the fountain. Jet d'Eau was not built for decorative purposes at all, but as an additional building of a local hydraulic factory. His task was to discharge excess water into the lake, which accumulates on weekends and in the evening in the hydraulic system. Initially, the height of the fountain was only 30 meters, but even in this form, the residents really liked it. Therefore, by the end of the 19th century, the municipality refurbished the fountain and equipped it with beautiful decorative lighting.

In the 20th century Jet d'Eau was equipped with modern technical innovations. It “shoots” water to a height of 140 m, and 500 liters of water per second flows through its pipes. Today, the fountain is part of the image of not only the city, but the whole country. The most important political and cultural events are accompanied by symbols depicting a large fountain.

Be sure to admire the beauty of the fountain against the backdrop of the Swiss Alps!

Crown Fountain (Chicago, USA)

The most creative fountain in the world

In 2004, an unusual art object was opened in Chicago's Millennium Park, combining an interactive fountain and video sculpture. The author of the project was the Catalan artist Jaume Plensa, according to whose idea the fountain was made in the form of two 15-meter towers covered with liquid crystal screens, on which images of Chicago residents are projected.

It was not decided to show the faces of ordinary citizens by chance, but to demonstrate the "diversity of the city." For this, 75 public and religious organizations presented their candidates, whose images were used in the work of the fountain. It is interesting that from time to time the lips on the face of one or another city dweller fold into a tube, and a portion of water is spat out at the audience. At first, the Crown Fountain was called the most controversial design of the Millennium Park, but over time people got used to it and even fell in love with it.

Aquanura Fountain (Tilburg, The Netherlands)

The newest "singing" fountain in the world

Aquanura is the name of the fountain system and the water show itself in the Efteling theme park in the Netherlands, which was opened on May 31, 2012, in honor of the park's 60th anniversary. These fountains are the largest in Europe and the third largest in the world. They are located in the pond fabulous city Fata Morgana. The composition of 200 fountains and 900 lights is a real water show and attracts 6500 spectators a day.

Last year, the world-famous DJ Tiesto recorded a mix of classical melodies in modern processing especially for Aquanur. It is not possible to see the Aquanura water show to the music of Tiësto every day. Usually, musical fountains in the Efteling park are turned on during various events and holidays, although they can also work on the opening or closing days of the park, during spring vacation or on Saturdays during the summer festival.

Fahd Fountain, Saudi Arabia

a true engineering masterpiece

The next unusual fountain is located on the territory of the city of Jeddah, from which, by the way, it got its second name. On the this moment is the highest in the world: just think about it, a jet of water shoots up to a height of 312 meters, which is comparable to the height eiffel tower, for example, however, without an antenna. By the way, initially the water flow shot up to 120 meters, but after reconstruction and improvements, such an impressive result was achieved.

Fountains in Xi'an, China

The most musical fountains

Another fascinating sight is the singing fountains, which are located near the Wild Goose Pagoda. It rightfully claims to be the largest singing fountain in all of Asia, which is decorated with the longest illumination. The design provides 22 types of different sprays, thousands of tourists gather here every evening and local residents who want to enjoy an extraordinary show

Fountains of Peterhof, St. Petersburg

The most luxurious fountains

The fountain complex, built on the orders of Peter I, rightfully occupies a place in the lists of one of the most beautiful and extraordinary creations of mankind. The complex was built over a hundred years, during which time it was decorated with 176 fountains and 255 unique sculptures, the luxury and splendor of which awarded them world fame and fame. Today this place is called the "capital of fountains".

Soaring fountains, Japan

The most unusual fountains

Air structures, which seem to float in the air only due to the buoyancy of water, have already celebrated their fiftieth anniversary, but this does not make them less impressive. Their discovery was timed to coincide with a science fair in Japan, which needed to show something completely new, as a result of which these floating cubes appeared on pillars of water. True, the scientists did not manage to defeat the force of attraction: the whole secret is that the transparent support is hidden under water, and the impression is created that the structure is literally held in the air.

Mercury Fountain, Barcelona

The most dangerous fountain

It is difficult to call it the most majestic or the most beautiful, but the fact that it is the most unusual and, by the way, very poisonous, is for sure. This unique creation was first shown at the Paris exhibition in 1937, and after that it was transferred to Barcelona. For a long time, no precautions were taken, and only in the 50s was its poisonousness proven: the structure was placed under a glass sarcophagus, so today its inspection does not pose any danger to others.

Trevi Fountain, Rome

The most legendary fountain

One of the most famous and legendary fountains in the world, which has firmly established the title of the most visited attraction in the Italian capital. In the center of the impressive composition is King Neptune in a sea shell, which is harnessed by tritons. Many beliefs are associated with Trevi, in addition, he became an object and even a full-fledged participant in many films of world cinema.

This time we will talk about another wonder of the world - the world's highest Fahd Fountain in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Where is the King Fahd Fountain

It is located in the city of Jeddah - the western part of Saudi Arabia. Water is “knocked out” of the earth with force and rushes to the sky in a stream. Looking from afar, I just want to say:

And there the geyser went berserk! Again throws jets of water into the air.

You will not find similar analogues, even if you make trip around the world. This is the only fountain whose waters are continuously ejected to an incredible height of 312 meters. The spirit is captivating!

How the tallest fountain in the world of King Fahd was created

The history of the creation of this miracle is not so simple and primitive. The authorities of Jeddah wanted to make the fountain the main attraction of a large and developed city. And by 1980-1983 it was built. It, of course, differed from the current one, if only by the fact that the flow of water rose to the sky by only 120 meters. This did not surprise or impress the people and tourists of Saudi Arabia. I wanted something "more powerful and cooler"!

Therefore, it was decided to improve the local attraction. And first of all - to "bring" to the sky at least another 180 meters.

This unique fountain was created during the reign of King Fahd ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud. That is why it is called "Fahd Fountain".

Features of the creation of the highest fountain of King Fahd

Of course, without a huge pumping station, there would be nothing to talk about here. At first, the whole structure was in sight. It spoiled the view a bit general impression, but later it was partially flooded. A fountain jumps out of a golden bowl.

At a great height, 652 liters per second are thrown into the sky, and the speed is 375 kilometers per hour!

The most interesting thing is that the fountain works non-stop. And if they turn it off, then in especially extreme cases: during a routine check of equipment and a very strong wind from the south. His condition is controlled by computer technology.

There are no laser lights, there are no light shows, but this does not spoil the impression. No wonder they say: “Everything ingenious is simple!”

Maybe someday he will get into the Guinness Book of Records, but so far the official “championship” belongs to the fountain in Arizona, which raises water to a height of 171.2 meters for just 15 minutes a day. By the way, a.

Sometimes I admire people who bring to life ideas that at first glance seem impossible. There is this saying:

A man is great in his plans, but he is weak in their implementation.

So, be great not only in your plans, but also in your implementation. And continue to travel with us and learn a lot of interesting things about the amazing corners of the globe!

Where is the highest fountain of King Fahd located on the map

Fountain of Wealth, located in Singapore in shopping complex Santec City is the largest fountain in the world.

The Fountain of Wealth was so huge that it was even noted in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest fountain in the world. The base of the fountain occupies an area of ​​1683 m 2, above which rises - a structure weighing 85 tons. The fountain is presented in the form of a giant bronze ring on four inclined legs, the height of which is as much as 13.8 m. Water flows from top to bottom from the bronze ring.

Design - The Fountain of Wealth was made exactly according to Feng Shui, decorated with various Asian symbols that attract prosperity. Water flows to the center - this is a symbol of the accumulation of wealth.

The four large legs represent the four major religions and four peoples of Singapore. The bronze ring - the symbol of the Indian sacred Mandala - symbolizes peace and unity. Bronze was not chosen as a material by chance, the Chinese firmly believe that the combination of water and metal in the required proportions can pave the way to success.

The fountain in Suntec City is turned off three times a day, and in its very center, a small fountain continues to work. Everyone who wants to go around the fountain counterclockwise and dip their hand into the water, then it will bring them prosperity and well-being.