VK pages of the dead over the sinai. Latest photos of passengers killed in plane crash in Egypt

In October 2015, the plane of the Kogalymavia company took off from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg. A bomb planted on board exploded over the Sinai Peninsula, killing 224 people: seven crew members and 217 passengers, 25 of whom were children.

"Paper" talked to the families of the victims and found out how they live two years after the tragedy, why the relatives of the victims are suing for compensation, and how the memory of the biggest disaster in Russian aviation is perpetuated in St. Petersburg.

In 2015, Larisa and Anatoly Pulyanov were going on vacation to Abkhazia. Initially, their son Roman offered to go to Egypt. Larisa categorically refused: she did not want to fly by plane and spend a lot on travel - at the dacha, they then re-trimmed the room for the wedding of Roman and his bride Tatyana Mokievskaya.

Roman with Tatyana, despite the protests of her mother, flew on vacation to Egypt. On October 31, they, along with 222 others on board Flight A321, were killed when the plane exploded.

All these two years we have been thinking about the death of our son: you wake up with this and fall asleep, think about it during the day. We do not go crazy - we cry, it happens. But I understand that this feeling is to the end and it will never let go, - says Anatoly Pulyanov.

Previously, every day began with a call from Roman and his question: “Parents, how are you?”, And ended with: “Parents, how was your day?” Larisa recalls. “My best friend died. Such relationships rarely exist between a father and son, but we had just that, ”Anatoly shares.

Roman and Tatiana

Once Anatoly wandered into an unfinished stoker, where it was dark, fittings and sharp pieces of metal were sticking out from everywhere. However, the man was not hurt. “We think Roman saved it. We try so hard to think so as not to perish. After all, there are already relatives of the victims who died in two years, - explains Larisa. - Things are constantly happening to us that confirm that there is a small connection, and a lot of them have accumulated over two years. I know that death is not the end. I feel it."

Despite the fact that the couple misses their son very much, they are not alone. Roman's good friends constantly communicate with them - one acquaintance, Maria, calls almost every day. The Pulyanovs also go to meetings of members of the Flight 9268 charity fund, which includes the families of the dead passengers. When spouses communicate with them, they feel that they are understood.

How the fund created after the tragedy works

The prototype of the fund was a closed group for relatives, which in the first days after the tragedy was created by St. Petersburg resident Alexander Voitenko. His 37-year-old sister Irina and 14-year-old niece Alisa died in a plane crash. Alexander and his sister lived in different cities, but constantly communicated.

For the first two months they did not give us the bodies. It was necessary to bring everyone together so that we would have a single information space, it's easier that way. And in the end, we decided that we need to create our own fund: when issued entity, it is easier to communicate with the city administration or the UK and provide material and legal assistance.

Photo: Flight 9268 Charitable Foundation group on VKontakte

The headmistress of the St. Petersburg school, Irina Zakharova, became the chairman of the fund's council; her 28-year-old daughter, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Elvira Voskresenskaya, was flying in the plane that exploded. The first meeting of relatives, where it was decided to create a fund, took place in the assembly hall of the school, which is headed by Zakharova.

All the remains were given to relatives only in May. Seven people, according to Voitenko, remained unidentified.

Now the fund group has almost 40 thousand subscribers from Ufa, Belgorod, Voronezh, Kaliningrad and other cities. Voitenko calls them big family where people always help each other. Among them are ordinary Russians who believe that this tragedy has affected them personally. Alexander himself believes that the disaster over Sinai touched everyone in one way or another.

A few days ago, the relatives of the victims were given collections of poems "Stepped into Eternity", some of them were written by a member of the group Arina Korol. Voitenko recalls that she began to offer help to relatives from the first days and still writes poems dedicated to the dead almost every day. And another participant - Irina Solya - helps the foundation organize events: concerts and holidays for children. So, recently, the fund participants planted trees together, and after that they organized a tea party. In the disaster over Sinai, Arina and Irina did not lose loved ones, but they still perceive the tragedy as personal.

The main goal of the foundation is to preserve the memory of all those who died. On October 28, at the Serafimovsky cemetery, a monument “Folded Wings” was opened over the grave with unidentified remains of the victims of the disaster, it was created with the money of the authorities of St. Petersburg. On the anniversary, October 31, a memorial "Garden of Memory" was opened on Rumbolovskaya Hill.

How the city supports the families of the victims and what it does to preserve memory

When everything just happened, the psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, high-level professionals helped us a lot: they took people out of a state of shock. Then the baton was picked up by the psychologists of the district social security services: social psychologists were assigned to all those in need. After a year and a half, we realized that ties with specialists have weakened, and time does not heal, social support is still needed, - says co-founder of the foundation, HSE Professor Valery Gordin.

According to him, after they announced a program under which the foundation was ready to pay for anonymous consultations of psychologists, several dozen people applied for them. Psychologists, according to Gordin, say that relatives of the victims have phantom pains.

Valery's son, 28-year-old Leonid, died in a plane crash along with his fiancee Alexandra Illarionova. Lenya was very fond of animals and was, as his father recalls, a natural animal rights activist. Once, when Gordin was about to get a cat, he persuaded him not to buy a pet, but to take it from a shelter. And when the cat Kysya was lost at Leonid himself, he was looking for a pet along with volunteers.

Then the father treated Leonid's convictions with irony and did not follow the advice. After the death of a young man, he decided to organize the Lenkin Cat fund, which helps animals.

The Lenkin Cat Foundation at the Night of Museums

Gordin is still in charge of Lenkin's Cat, his attitude towards animal protection has changed. The man says that he approaches the matter pragmatically, and details how the fund has changed. He plans to open a second veterinary equipment rental center to make it easier for veterinary clinics and those who want to help, and a school for animal volunteers who will help stray cats.

Valery believes that after the tragedy, the city authorities behaved with dignity, always responded to the requests of relatives. Now the deputies, together with Vice-Governor Albin, are helping to build a temple in the area of ​​the Baltic Pearl. At the temple, they plan to equip an educational center, where social assistance will also be provided.

“Not only to the relatives of the victims, but also to the residents of the district. In my opinion, this is very important and symbolic,” notes Gordin.

A year ago they opposed the construction of the temple locals, who claimed that he had nothing to do with the Baltic Pearl, and the issue of construction was decided without consulting them.

Gordin says that the opponents "to some extent" remained:

Some people like the idea of ​​saving memory, others think that it should be pushed further into the box. We met and explained our position. I really hope that the temple will be built in the near future,” Gordin explained.

Petersburgers feared that the construction of the temple would delay the creation of schools and clinics. According to KP, those who were dissatisfied addressed Vladimir Putin in a letter.

What kind of support do the relatives of the crew receive in Moscow and what is known about the payments to them

What they do in St. Petersburg to perpetuate is all the great merit of the foundation. For us, this is of great importance. If they also build a spiritual and educational center for us, this will be another place where we can come and bow to the memory of relatives and friends, - says the father of 25-year-old flight attendant Alexei Filimonov, Muscovite Andrei Filimonov.

Andrey says that these two years he has been regularly calling up and writing off the relatives of the crew. Almost all of them live in Moscow and the Moscow region, they try to meet more often and support each other. Sometimes they come to fund meetings in St. Petersburg.

25-year-old Alexei, according to his father, got on board at the last moment: he was not supposed to work on this flight: on the way to the airport, his car broke down on the Moscow Ring Road, as a result, the young man missed his flight and ended up on reserve. He was called 12 hours before departure to replace another flight attendant.

The crew's relatives have their own separate VKontakte group, and all these two years they have been supported by subscribers. The families of the victims are now personally acquainted with some of them and meet regularly. Andrei is presented with icons and poems about his son, souvenirs are sent from St. Petersburg.

Andrey and Alexey Filimonov

Previously, our accidents were mainly due to the fault of the crew. But in this case, our loved ones found themselves in the same situation as the passengers. It was terrorism. There was no chance of salvation. The main thing is not to forget us.

According to Filimonov, Kogalymavia never paid any compensation to any of the relatives of the dead crew members. About the same in the charity fund group

In contact with


The tragic An-148 flight brought together very different people, but by an absurd accident, their lives were cut short on Sunday, February 11th. The journalists collected the stories of 19 passengers of the crashed liner, about whom they managed to find information up to this point.

The co-pilot of the crashed An-148, 44-year-old Sergei Gambaryan, lived in Moscow. He studied flying at St. Petersburg State University civil aviation and Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation. On the aircraft type An-148 he had 812 flight hours.

Flight attendant Victoria Koval was only 22 years old. As a friend says, she loved her job: “When she started flying, she said that it was scary, and then she said that she was not afraid and she liked it. We used to joke with her that the most important thing is to take off and land.”

Another flight attendant - Anastasia Slavinskaya - did not wait at home for her husband and little son. A couple of minutes before takeoff, a 29-year-old girl went to her page in social networks.

The tragedy claimed the life of 22-year-old Daria Tolmasova from Novosibirsk, who was the girlfriend of the defender of the Vladivostok hockey team Admiral Sergei Ilyin. Hockey agent Shumi Babaev wrote about this on his Instagram.

Among those killed in the crash was 79-year-old Boris Karmaleev, who was a lecturer at the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. According to the official website of the St. Petersburg university, Karmaleev was an honored pilot of the Russian Federation, as well as a candidate of technical sciences.

Tatyana Sinitsyna, 51, flew to Orsk via Moscow from Turkey, where her daughter lives. There the woman saw her little granddaughter for the last time.

Ilya Stavsky is on the list of those killed in the crash of the An-148 liner. On the day of the crash, he was 33 years old. He was driving home to celebrate his birthday. Ilya studied in Chelyabinsk at the Energy Department of the South Ural State University, then worked in Yekaterinburg at the UMMC. Ilya called himself a "power engineer in every sense," as he had recently studied esotericism.

In the liner was the head of the city department of the Federal Treasury for Orenburg region, wife of the ex-deputy head of Orsk Vasily Kozupitsa Antonin Kozupitsa. In April, the woman would have turned 56 years old.

The head of the Central Orsk market, 68-year-old Viktor Anokhin, and his 67-year-old wife, Zoya, were flying in the wrecked liner.

The tragedy claimed the lives of 60-year-old chief power engineer of the Orsknefteorgsintez company Vladimir Normantovich, as well as his 36-year-old son Alexander, who also worked at the Orsk oil refinery.

Yulia Dmitrenko was heading from Moscow to her friend in Orsk. The relatives of the 29-year-old girl hoped until the last moment that she was alive.

We all hope. There's quite a bit of snow there. Maybe someone is alive, - Yulia's grandmother Lydia Dmitrenko told reporters and burst into tears hopelessly.

The youngest passenger was only 5 years old. Baby Nadia was with her mother, 32-year-old Oksana Krasova.

Oleg Kurepov, 49, died in a tragedy in the Moscow region. In 1992, the man graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Recently lived in Moscow.

44-year-old Yuri Yamaev was a coach in Moscow in a large commercial bank - he conducted trainings for staff. As colleagues noted, he flew to Orsk on a business trip.

Among the dead is also a native of the Bashkir city of Mezhgorye, 26-year-old Kristina Alekseenko.

Our Mezhgoryevskaya girl, our classmate, a wonderful, cheerful and sympathetic little man ... The kingdom of heaven to you ... School No. 2 and we all remember you ... It is impossible to describe the pain that parents and relatives are currently experiencing ... We mourn and share this great, terrible grief together with them, - Christina's relatives noted in the public “Overheard Mezhgorye”.

29-year-old Alexei Nikitchenko is remembered in Ulyanovsk, where he was born and raised, in Yaroslavl, where his mother lives, and in Moscow, where an enterprising and purposeful young man built his career - he was the general director of O2Consulting. Alexei was heading to Orsk on business, he had a business trip planned. By a fatal coincidence, about 10 years ago, Alexei's father died in a helicopter crash.

Airplane " Saratov Airlines”, which was heading from Moscow to Orsk, crashed at 14:21 Moscow time on February 11 near the village of Stepanovskoye near Moscow. 65 passengers were killed, as well as 6 crew members. On this incident, a criminal case was initiated on violation of the rules of traffic safety and operation of air transport, which negligently caused the death of two or more persons.

We express our condolences to the families and friends of the victims.

The plane crash in Egypt claimed the lives of 224 people. Among them are residents of different regions of the country. Most - from St. Petersburg. Whole families were on board - someone went on a trip with a child, someone just went to Egypt to visit the sea for the first time.

Yuri and Olga Sheiny with their daughter Nastya

Irina Zavgorodnyaya and Alexander Semenov

They loved to travel. Romantic candlelit dinners were held by the sea in Egypt. Irina's last message on VKontakte is "Home... Into the cold".

Irina had a daughter, Natasha, in St. Petersburg. Now the girl is supported by users of social networks. The child cannot believe in the death of his parents.

Tatyana and Alexey Gromov and their daughter Darina

Little Darina - became a symbol of a terrible tragedy with the Kogalymavia aircraft on Sinai Peninsula. Her mother Tatyana, before flying to Egypt, left a photo on VKontakte with the entry #main passenger. The girl turned 10 months old on October 26. This is the smallest passenger on Flight 9268.

Alexander Kopylov and Elena Melnikova

The touching story of the deputy head of Pskov Alexander Kopylov and his beloved Elena Melnikova has already spread around the Internet. A trip to Sharm El Sheikh was a treasured gift from Alexander to Elena. She dreamed of going to the sea for so long...

Victoria Sevryukova

It becomes uncomfortable when you read the latest VKontakte entries by 24-year-old Victoria Sevryukova.

"I didn't think that Egypt would cause me so many positive emotions! Do I want to live here? No. Will I come back here? Definitely"

Elena Tomina

Elena by registration - Tyumen. But recently she lived with her daughter in St. Petersburg. She worked as an SOS-mother - she helped orphans. She died at the age of 46. In St. Petersburg, she left a daughter who did not go with her mother to Egypt because of her studies.

31.10.2015 - 19:59

News of Egypt. A tragedy that claimed 224 lives. On board were 200 adults, 17 children and 7 crew members. The bodies of those killed in the crash on Saturday evening began to be delivered to the Zenhom mortuary in Cairo.

A search and rescue operation continues at the crash site of a Russian airliner in Egypt.

Recall that a passenger plane en route from resort town Sharm El Sheikh to Saint Petersburg, . The airliner disappeared from radar screens less than half an hour after departure. Before that, the car began to lose altitude sharply.

According to the latest data, 220 Russians, three Ukrainians and .

It is already known that most of the passengers of the ill-fated flight were from St. Petersburg. Each line in the list of the dead has its own story. Someone spent a vacation in Egypt, someone - a wedding anniversary, someone celebrated a birthday. By and large, many came to a hot country as tourists.

Literally half an hour before the tragedy, this photo appeared on the page of a resident of St. Petersburg.

A beloved husband holds his beloved daughter in his arms. Their family turned four on October 27. Olga and Yuri, according to friends, were an incredibly happy couple, appreciated and respected each other. Three glorious children were born in love (all three rested with mom and dad in Egypt). They loved to travel, preferred beach activities.

Olga Sheina with her daughter

In July we rested in Cyprus, in October we have long planned a trip to Egypt.

Tatyana and Alexey Gromov

As Tatyana wrote on her page on the social network, “ flew to warm up". It was their first family trip. Before the flight from St. Petersburg, the happy mother took this photo.

Darina rests her hands on the glass and carefully examines the plane.

The grandmother of the "main passenger" did not want to let her granddaughter go to Egypt, they say, she is still a baby, let her grow up a little. Darina's parents insisted: " Mom, nothing will happen. Let's help our feet in the sea and return».

Darina Gromova

The day before, Alexei called home and said that this vacation was the best and most significant, because the first trip “ at full strength».

His father was a military pilot. Alexei wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, but changed his mind. As a result, he built a career in an IT company.

Tatyana and Alexey Gromov

« They seemed to be the happiest in the world. Both of their eyes shone with happiness.", - this is how colleagues respond

about 62-year-old Alexander Kopylov, deputy head of Pskov, and his wife Elena.

On October 27, the woman celebrated her 53rd birthday. Trips to Egypt were a gift from her husband in honor of his wife's birthday.

Elena's daughter, like dozens of daughters and sons whose lives were forever taken away by the ill-fated flight from the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg, refuses to believe in what happened.

Among the passengers Airbus aircraft A321 turned out to be a participant in the popular TV show "Top Model in Russian" Elena Domashnaya.

Colleague of Elena Domashnaya on the project "Top Model in Russian". Social media post

After the TV show, Lena did not abandon the modeling business, continued to take part in photo projects, and received a diploma in journalism.

Elena Domashnaya

In two weeks, the beauty would have turned 25 years old. The girl planned to have a big party.

Elena flew to Egypt on vacation. She was accompanied by a friend and colleague Ksenia Ogorodova.

Ksenia Ogorodova

Ksenia called the autumn spent in a corner of paradise “ideal”. Palm trees, sea and sun. A few days ago, the girl boasted that for the first time in Egypt she caught the rain.

One of the Egyptian photos of Xenia Ogorodova shows how four young guys throw a girl, probably Xenia herself, into the pool, and two fall after her. " Rescue of a drowning man. Very cheerful Polish families that don't let you get burned”, – so the girl signed this photo.

This frame was the last.

32-year-old Katya Murashova was a participant in the beauty contest among married women - "Mrs. Pskov-2014".

Ekaterina Murashova

As Ekaterina's friends say, traveling was literally the meaning of her life. She worked in the state administration of social protection of the Pskov region, and devoted her free time to trips with her family to different countries and cities. " Very sociable, open and kind person”, - so colleagues characterize Katya.

Nikolai Korolev, organizer of the beauty contest (for the Pskov Information Agency):
She was a loving mother and an optimistic person. Catherine always did everything well. She was a stubborn, hardworking, kind and sympathetic woman. Even without winning the competition, she was not upset, because the very process of growth and self-development was important to her. I remember her as a loving mother - she and her daughter had a very warm relationship. She was an optimistic, cheerful woman who loved life.

Ironically, one of the last entries left by Ekaterina Murashova on a page on a social network is an airplane icon and a song with a sad, and, as it turned out, prophetic title “I know that I won’t be back.”

In the 27th year, the life of Alina Gaydamak from St. Petersburg ended.

Alina Gaydamak

Finland, Estonia, Cyprus, Thailand. The girl visited a dozen countries and dreamed of visiting as many more, definitely no less. A trip to Egypt appeared in her plans spontaneously.

Alina went on a trip to Israel. On the way back I decided to fly through Egypt.

Elena and Alexander

Anniversaries were celebrated in Egypt. The family planned to return home on October 31 in order to have time to finish preparations for another significant date. November 1, Elena would have turned 35 years old.

Desperate hope "what if it's a mistake?" relatives and friends of the Belarusian Roman Seredinsky live.

A 28-year-old young man was awarded a trip to Egypt for his good work. The fact that the rest will end in such a tragedy, no one could have imagined.

Roman Seredinsky

Natalya Melnichenko has known Roma since school. Studied together since first grade. He remembers going on tours of memorable places Belarus, went hiking and to the river. About 10 years ago, a childhood friend left for St. Petersburg. All this time .

Natalya Melnichenok, classmate of Roman Seredinsky:
Roma was and will forever remain a good, cheerful person for us.

The son of the dean of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management was vacationing at the resort with his beloved Alexandra.

Sasha Illarionova shared her impressions and posted photos on her Instagram page underwater world. Lenya and Sasha have recently become seriously interested in diving.

A week ago, Olga Kirillova enthusiastically told her friends that there is nothing better in the world than a vacation at sea.

Olga Kirillova

She calmly endured the heat and noted more than once how much the sun adores her. The girl always came home with a luxurious tan.

She smiles in numerous photos. Olga loved when people around smile, then work is a pleasure. She made magnificent bouquets of flowers, buyers left enthusiastic comments on social media pages.

One of Olga's latest works

In Egypt, Olga Kirillova was vacationing with her best friend, 25-year-old Zhenya Sologubova.

They said about them, "do not spill water." Indeed, the friendship between the girls was the strongest. " In any vacation, the most important thing is - good company “, the friends said.

Evgenia Sologubova

On the last day spent at the resort, Evgenia left a note on her web page with the words “ out of range” and a few graphic emoticons. The girl, of course, said that she was out of the zone for the duration of the flight.

21-year-old table tennis coach Yevgeny Yavsin was vacationing in Egypt with his girlfriend Alexandra Chernova.

Evgeny Yavsin and Alexandra Chernova

Evgeny Yavsin

For the wards, friends and relatives, the news that the cheerful and purposeful Zhenya and Sasha are no more was a real shock.

According to Russian publications, referring to the couple's friends, Eugene called Alexandra to rest in Egypt to propose to her.

« Lovely friendly family”, – such was remembered by the Golenkov family from St. Petersburg.

Vladimir and Victoria Golenkov took their granddaughter Diana with them to the warm sea. In September, the baby turned four years old.

Olesya Kosorukova from Novgorod is sure that time will not be able to reconcile with pain. Her mother Natalya Rostenko was on board the Airbus A321.

In August, the woman retired and promised her relatives that she would take a break and, upon her return, would help with her grandchildren. Natalia has five of them.

Natalya Rostenko during one of the trips

In Sharm el-Sheikh, she rested seven times, was delighted with the resort and planned to return here in January to celebrate her birthday.

« I never thought that Egypt would cause me so many positive emotions. Do I want to live here? No. Will I return here? Necessarily," she wrote on Thursday evening.

24-year-old resident of St. Petersburg on her page in the social network.

Victoria Sevryukova shared photos from the trip with her virtual friends. The girl enjoyed life and literally accompanied every picture with the hashtags “happiness is here” and “I don’t want to leave.”

Friends remember: Vika always traveled with her favorite pink suitcase.

Victoria Sevryukova

This thing seemed to confirm: the hostess never has a bad mood.

Aleksey and Oksana Semakova are another married couple who have been registered on board.

Spouses Semakovs

Both have uniforms: he is a fire inspector of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, she is an interrogating officer of the police department. They escaped from cold Belomorsk to warmer climes for only seven days. Happy and rested, Oksana and Aleksey planned to enter the service with new forces the other day.

They were expected home with a lot of new experiences and gifts. But none of the passengers of flight 9268 were destined to be met by relatives and friends at the Pulkovo airport.

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Ten-month-old Darina Gromova was the youngest of 29 children who died in the plane crash. The bodies of her parents were also found.

The lists for the identification of those who died on October 31 in a plane crash in the Sinai include the Gromov family - Alexei, Tatyana and their ten-month-old daughter Darina.

Literally a few hours before the departure of the special flight of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to St. Petersburg on November 1, it became known that the body of the smallest passenger and her parents had been found. 10-month-old Darina Gromova, who was the victim of a plane crash in Egypt, was the smallest child on board the plane.

The first "main passenger" Darina Gromova was named by her mother Tatyana when she posted a photo of a girl at the airport on Instagram. It was the first time the baby had seen planes so close, and she was surprised to see how huge cars move along airfield. Darina was to make the first in her life big Adventure- from St. Petersburg to Egypt.

Darina's grandmother admitted in a conversation with LifeNews that she was very worried about how the baby would endure the flight, and offered the young couple - Alexei and Tatyana - to leave their 10-month-old granddaughter with her for the duration of the trip, but they refused . Also the womanAzala that her husband and grandfather Darina was a military pilot and retired with the rank of colonel. Her son Alex also wanted to become a pilot, but she did not allow him. As a result, he went to work in an IT company.

The Airbus-321 aircraft, making flight 9268 Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg, crashed on October 31. Shortly after departure from the Egyptian airport, the crew of the liner stopped communicating. It was reported that the plane dropped sharply by 1.5 kilometers, after which it disappeared from the radar screens. Before the loss of communication, the pilot