Manor "cherished" - palaces and fortresses. Manor "Zavetnoe" - a small Versailles in the Novgorod region

At the beginning of the 20th century, they wanted to include this estate in the art fund of Petrodvorets. And now a unique work of architectural art, once reminiscent of Peterhof and even Versailles in miniature, is in a deplorable state. And only once a year life returns to the abandoned pearl thanks to the efforts of local enthusiasts.

The marvelous place, located on the 37th kilometer of the Okulovka-Kresttsy highway (Novgorod region), near the village of Maly Borok, has been known since the reign of the Enlightener Empress Catherine II. In the middle of the 19th century, the estate was managed by a settler from Estonia. At the beginning of the 20th century, the estate was bought by an aristocrat who resold it in 1914 to the talented engineer M.A. Tokarsky.

A nobleman by blood, who remained after the revolution in the country, dreamed of transforming the estate with a very beautiful name beyond recognition to his liking. A man who proved himself in several areas at once, used for the construction of a new-fangled material at that time - reinforced concrete, which was extremely rarely used in the construction of elegant structures.

The creator who gave birth to the city

Explorer and traveler, architect and writer gained fame in connection with his activities. It is believed that it was Mikhail Antonovich Tokarsky who created Kondopoga, a city in the south of Karelia. At the end of the 19th century, he saw in a tiny village the future industrial capital of the republic and decided to use the forest and water resources the edges. A hydroelectric power station and a paper mill appeared here, as well as a pier, later named after the brilliant engineer.

Unique architectural ensemble

M. A. Tokarsky, who did a lot for Karelia, was in demand everywhere, but it was in the Novgorod region that he left a significant mark. The ensemble of the Zavetnoye estate was a cozy house with a water tower, outbuildings, a gazebo, a bathhouse, a laundry room, a chapel in the form of a castle, a greenhouse, a dam, a whole system of fountains, a beautiful entrance arch with turrets and gates. In addition, a summer theater for 100 seats appeared, where performances by famous artists from St. Petersburg took place, and a dam with a reservoir on Talts - a fast stream. Tokarsky's extraordinary talent was also manifested in the fact that he equipped the housing with steam heating, an electric generator, plumbing, and electricity.

A concrete staircase led to the house with a spacious platform in the middle of the descent. And now the construction, covered with thick moss, can be seen with your own eyes.

It is curious that the found narrow underground passage was concreted. No one knows where it leads, and researchers believe that these are just the remnants of communications.

Secular life in the outback

The news of the unusual dwelling spread instantly, and immediately the estate of Tokarsky "Zavetnoye", which stood out for its unique beauty, was dubbed "little Versailles." In the Novgorod outback, secular life began to boil. The main building of the local attraction resembled a luxurious palace, and the built-in water tower also served as a gazebo. Its floor and walls were lined with black tiles, on which it was no longer possible to make out the half-erased letters.

In the green park of the estate, located 15 kilometers from Okulovka, Novgorod Region, fountains once beat and there were pretty gazebos where you could sit down and relax, enjoying the play of water jets shimmering in the sun.

Currently, one can see one former hydraulic structure, which is a truncated pyramid with drainage ditches in the form of flower petals. Once a complex structure was lined with expensive marble. And from the second fountain, only a round concrete bowl has been preserved, which is hidden in the thick grass behind the stairs.

Unique chapel in the form of a castle

Of course, the main pearl of the Zavetnoye estate, which is described in the article, is a wonderful chapel located not far from the estate, on an artificial hill. Tokarsky, who loves to travel, was very fond of France, and he was especially fascinated by the enchanting beauty of medieval castles, in which the past came to life. Having made many sketches, he already knew in advance what the structure would look like.

To admire the amazingly preserved chapel, you will have to overcome the wooden bridge laid across the Talets stream, which flows in the direction from the lake. Then you need to go along the path overgrown with nettles before the mysterious silhouette of the structure appears. Rising above the forest paths, it immediately conjures up thoughts that after all, a fairy tale sometimes turns out to be a reality.

It seems incredible, but during the construction of an amazing building, as well as when creating other objects of the Zavetnoye estate, the author used thin-walled reinforced concrete. Down to the smallest details in the interior, the chapel, which does not have a single seam, is completely cast from a composite material. It was made according to the drawings of Tokarsky himself, and cast by two masters from the Vologda province - father and son Nogtev.

Description of the building

Two high turrets adjoin the chapel with lancet windows, one of which is decorated with loopholes. And above the entrance you can see the Tokarsky family coat of arms, which creates the complete impression that this is not just a chapel, but a miniature knight's castle. Tall building, within the walls of which one can feel the spirit of the times, seems almost like a toy.

The two floors were separated by a solid inset of bluish glass, which perfectly let in light, and a well-preserved spiral staircase led upstairs. The floor of the chapel is tiled, and the walls, in which niches are cut down, support graceful columns.

It’s easy to climb up the narrow stairs, but you won’t be able to get out onto the open balcony of one of the towers: part of the metal structure has been dismantled. You need to walk very carefully here, along the very edge, since the glass floor has not stood the test of time.

Death of an architect

After the revolution, the estate "Zavetnoye" was donated by its author to the state. During the years of Soviet power, Tokarsky, focused on invention, received many patents. He died during the evacuation from besieged Leningrad, but the exact date of his death is unknown. Unfortunately, no one knows where the grave of the legendary architect, who did so much during his lifetime, is located.

The fate of the Tokarsky estate

In the 20s of the last century, the estate, which was explored by members of the Glavnauka society, wanted to be attached to the art fund of Petrodvorets. However, this did not happen, and the main house of the estate in Okulovka, Novgorod Region, ended up in the ownership of the Novgorod dacha trust. Then the building in which the soldiers lived during the Great Patriotic War was dismantled.

Today, a real architectural masterpiece, which is a rare example of reinforced concrete manor construction, is undeservedly forgotten. However, the silence that reigns in an unusual place is still broken.

Fascinating excursion

About ten years ago, employees of the library and information center of the Okulovsky district organized an exciting tour for tourists called "The Zavetnoye Estate in the Mirror of the Past." The success of the costumed event exceeded all expectations, and it is no coincidence that it is now held annually, gathering an increasing number of connoisseurs of beauty. Once upon a time, St. Petersburg artists performed in the Russian estate, and great amount guests gathered to watch spectacular performances. Contemporaries considered that the estate was unthinkable without a theater, and now performances based on plays by Russian authors are staged on its stage in the summer. Non-professional but enthusiastic actors perform, and every visitor will be able to enjoy their performance.

Tourists who have attended the performance, which is accompanied by the sounds of Russian romance, are immersed in the spiritual atmosphere of bygone days. The hosts of the event, dressed in luxurious costumes, talk about the traditions of manor life in Russia and the history of the creation of the Tokarsky estate. And a large number of old photographs helps to recreate its original appearance in the imagination.

How to get to the Zavetnoye estate in the Okulovsky district?

Tourists who are interested in our past and who want to find themselves in a fairy tale lost in the Novgorod region are concerned about the question of how to get to the Tokarsky estate on their own. A unique object to be proud of is very easy to find. It is necessary to leave Veliky Novgorod in the direction of Moscow. Upon reaching the village of Kresttsy, turn left onto Okulovka. After 500-600 meters you need to turn onto the path leading to the forest on the right side, and follow the sign to the village of Maly Borok, half a kilometer from which there is an abandoned object.

If you miss a turn, then country houses will appear on the way. This means you need to turn around.

Guest reviews

Little Versailles, which must be protected from the destructive influence of time, intrigues already on the way: travelers see a reinforced concrete arch with a tetrahedral tower. Unfortunately, the openwork fence with high pillars decorated with bizarre ornaments and forged sashes have not been preserved. As tourists admit, the feeling of a real fairy tale is immediately created. It seems that the innermost fantasies have come to life, and someone already imagines life in a medieval castle, where knightly tournaments were often held.

The abandoned estate, which is now becoming a venue for cultural events, welcomes guests every summer. Both theatrical events and poetry meetings are held here, and among all excursions in the Novgorod region, this one is distinguished by its novelty.

It is no coincidence that tourists are especially interested in annual performances organized by employees of the administration of the Okulovsky district and employees of the library and information center. Guests who have already visited the estate know that not only spiritual food was taken care of here. After the end of theatrical events, visitors are treated to homemade pies and fragrant tea from a samovar.

Unfortunately, time, which creates an unusual atmosphere around the estate, gradually destroys it. Concrete fragments lie in dense thickets of grass, tourists leave their autographs on the walls, and someone even looks for a secret passage, destroying the walls and floor of the estate.

I would like to believe that soon the estate, created in imitation of Versailles, will come to life, and everyone will be able to admire the architectural masterpiece that has not lost its beauty.

What travel can teach

Why do people travel? Is it really just to take a break from work for 2 weeks, spend the money accumulated over six months and create the illusion that “they can afford it”?

You get off the couch.

Thinking about the upcoming voyage, we begin to worry about the difficulties that lie in wait for tourists. We are worried that we will not find a place to sleep, we will not be able to communicate with the inhabitants of another country in our broken English. What does travel teach? The fact that all of the above fears are in vain. Gather your courage, put aside your worries, focus on your goal and hit the road. It's a mistake to think that travel is either a round-the-world trip where you burn all your bridges or a package vacation that limits you to an all-inclusive package. How much do you know about the surroundings of your city? About the life of the inhabitants of neighboring villages? Surely, there are many interesting things near you. Start discovering the world small.

Travel changes the worldview

The first thing he learns after visiting different states is that exotic places are not as dangerous as they seem. In any city you can feel comfortable. This rule applies to wildlife: following the basic safety rules, you are guaranteed to avoid trouble. Moreover, in a metropolis, a person is more likely to die (for example, getting hit by a car) than in a desert or forest.

You will constantly expand your horizons

What is travel for? To know the world and get acquainted with the culture of other peoples. Do not worry about the friendliness of people: the natives always treat travelers with courtesy and try to help them. If you are not from the category of fans of "Tagil", do not spoil their heritage and do not grin at the culture of the country in which you are a guest, then traveling will definitely bring you new acquaintances and faith in people. Many people will gladly provide you with accommodation, show you the way, tell you about the interesting sights of their country.

You don't have to be a millionaire to see the world

Travel more and you will realize that you do not need to spend millions for this. Big money is needed only for those who dream of a sea cruise on exotic islands. Although, if you make friends with local residents and these expenses can be easily avoided. Organizing travel yourself, you only need to have a small amount of cash to buy food, pay for transport and hotel rooms or places in hostels. Living in the latter, by the way, despite its cheapness, can give you a huge amount of experience and impressions.

Things are just things

Beginner tourists consider it their duty to take on the road 10 suitcases with outfits for all occasions and full equipment in case of the end of the world. But over time, travel teaches that an abundance of luggage only gets in the way. A person on the road (as in life) needs a minimum of clothes, two pairs of shoes, hygiene products, money and documents. When you start traveling, you will realize that you absolutely do not need most of the things you have, and you can safely get rid of them, freeing up space in the closet. The same applies to unnecessary emotions, unnecessary worries, uninteresting people and habitual obligations - by getting rid of such "trash", you will make room for the new.

Learn the difference between a tourist and a traveler

Travelers and tourists are not the same thing. The former communicate with local residents, get acquainted with traditions, make new acquaintances, change their worldview and improve their lives. The second timidly glance at everything that happens from the windows of the bus. Tourists are "bred" by locals for money, and they share food and shelter with travelers. Traveling changes people and teaches them to be simpler and not be afraid to learn new things, teach them to be open with others and appreciate every person who appears in life.

Leaving your familiar surroundings, even for a short time, turn your life into a journey full of uncertainty, and you will be able to know yourself from the most unexpected sides.

Travel is not vacation

You have probably heard more than once how travel changes many people, making them stronger and more resilient. And you yourself actively travel to Cyprus and Turkey, but you don’t notice any changes ... And this is not because hiking in the mountains or tundra with a heavy backpack is a workout for the body. Not because in the most harmless resort town you can be left without money or get into difficult situation. It's just that when traveling, you don't aim to "lie down" under a palm tree, relieving stress from work or family. You are changing the very way of life from the usual to an improved version of it. Travel can be physically hard, but it can be mind-numbing. Therefore, they are not looking for physical relief, they give much more than relaxed muscles.

You are your best friend and companion

Can't find fellow travelers to go on the road with a fun company? This is only to your advantage. Not better way understand yourself, the world, define life goals and cultivate fortitude than solo travel. Traveling alone is an experience like no other. Relying only on your own strength, you will begin to believe in yourself more and learn to make responsible decisions on your own. This will help you connect with new people more easily, try new things, and take on unfamiliar roles because you won't have to look back at anyone or be afraid of anyone's judgment.

small world

Long journeys have changed the minds of millions of people that our planet is vast. It only seems like that when you watch other countries on TV. In reality, it is possible that you will meet your acquaintances when you leave for Cambodia, India or Kamchatka. Or, in a quiet, remote corner of the world, meet someone from your hometown.
Travel more and don't be afraid to communicate with people, look for new acquaintances. Perhaps one of the billions of people who will change your life will meet you where you did not suspect.

The joy of returning

No matter how good it is on the way, returning home is a joyful moment for every person. Arriving at native city, you will be glad to meet with relatives, colleagues at work. And the changes that will happen to you on the journey will certainly affect your life. And if you want to change your life now, try to start at least with a short trip to an unfamiliar place.

At the beginning of the 20th century, they wanted to include this estate in the art fund of Petrodvorets. And now a unique work of architectural art, once reminiscent of Peterhof and even Versailles in miniature, is in a deplorable state. And only once a year life returns to the abandoned pearl thanks to the efforts of local enthusiasts.

A bit of history

The marvelous place, located on the 37th kilometer of the Okulovka-Kresttsy highway (Novgorod region), near the village of Maly Borok, has been known since the reign of the Enlightener Empress Catherine II. In the middle of the 19th century, the estate was managed by a settler from Estonia. At the beginning of the 20th century, the estate was bought by an aristocrat who resold it in 1914 to the talented engineer M.A. Tokarsky.

A nobleman by blood, who remained after the revolution in the country, dreamed of transforming the estate with a very beautiful name beyond recognition to his liking. A man who proved himself in several areas at once, used for the construction of a new-fangled material at that time - reinforced concrete, which was extremely rarely used in the construction of elegant structures.

The creator who gave birth to the city

Explorer and traveler, architect and writer gained fame in connection with his activities. It is believed that it was Mikhail Antonovich Tokarsky who created Kondopoga, a city in the south of Karelia. At the end of the 19th century, he saw the future industrial capital of the republic in a tiny village and decided to use the forest and water resources of the region. A hydroelectric power station and a paper mill appeared here, as well as a pier, later named after the brilliant engineer.

Unique architectural ensemble

M. A. Tokarsky, who did a lot for Karelia, was in demand everywhere, but it was in the Novgorod region that he left a significant mark. The ensemble of the Zavetnoye estate was a cozy house with a water tower, outbuildings, a gazebo, a bathhouse, a laundry room, a chapel in the form of a castle, a greenhouse, a dam, a whole system of fountains, a beautiful entrance arch with turrets and gates. In addition, there was also a summer theater designed for 100 seats, where performances by famous artists from St. Petersburg took place, and a dam with a reservoir on Talts - a fast stream. Tokarsky's extraordinary talent was also manifested in the fact that he equipped the housing with steam heating, an electric generator, plumbing, and electricity.

A concrete staircase led to the house with a spacious platform in the middle of the descent. And now the construction, covered with thick moss, can be seen with your own eyes.

It is curious that the found narrow underground passage turned out to be concreted. No one knows where it leads, and researchers believe that these are just the remnants of communications.

in the outback

The news of the unusual dwelling spread instantly, and immediately the estate of Tokarsky "Treasure", which stood out for its unique beauty, was dubbed "little Versailles". In the Novgorod outback, secular life began to boil. The main building of the local attraction resembled a luxurious palace, and the built-in water tower also served as a gazebo. Its floor and walls were lined with black tiles, on which it was no longer possible to make out the half-erased letters.

In the green park of the estate, located 15 kilometers from Okulovka, Novgorod Region, fountains once beat and there were pretty gazebos where you could sit down and relax, enjoying the play of water jets shimmering in the sun.

Currently, one can see one former hydraulic structure, which is a truncated pyramid with drainage ditches in the form of flower petals. Once a complex structure was lined with expensive marble. And from the second fountain, only a round concrete bowl has been preserved, which is hidden in the thick grass behind the stairs.

Unique chapel in the form of a castle

Of course, the main pearl of the "Zavetnoye" estate, the description of which is presented in the article, is a wonderful chapel located not far from the estate, on an artificial hill. Tokarsky, who loves to travel, was very fond of France, and he was especially fascinated by the enchanting beauty of medieval castles, in which the past came to life. Having made many sketches, he already knew in advance what the structure would look like.

To admire the amazingly preserved chapel, you will have to overcome the wooden bridge laid across the Talets stream, which flows in the direction from the lake. Then you need to go along the path overgrown with nettles before the mysterious silhouette of the structure appears. Rising above the forest paths, it immediately conjures up thoughts that after all, a fairy tale sometimes turns out to be a reality.

It seems unbelievable, but during the construction of the amazing structure, as well as during the creation of other objects of the Zavetnoye estate, the author used thin-walled reinforced concrete. Down to the smallest details in the interior, the chapel, which does not have a single seam, is completely cast from a composite material. It was made according to the drawings of Tokarsky himself, and cast by two masters from the Vologda province - father and son Nogtev.

Description of the building

Two high turrets adjoin the chapel with lancet windows, one of which is decorated with loopholes. And above the entrance you can see the Tokarsky family coat of arms, which creates the complete impression that this is not just a chapel, but a miniature knight's castle. A tall building, within the walls of which you can feel the spirit of the times, seems almost like a toy.

The two floors were separated by a solid inset of bluish glass, which perfectly let in light, and a well-preserved spiral staircase led upstairs. The floor of the chapel is tiled, and the walls, in which niches are cut down, support graceful columns.

It’s easy to climb up the narrow stairs, but you won’t be able to get out onto the open balcony of one of the towers: part of the metal structure has been dismantled. You need to walk very carefully here, along the very edge, since the glass floor has not stood the test of time.

Death of an architect

After the revolution, the estate "Zavetnoye" was donated by its author to the state. During the years of Soviet power, Tokarsky, focused on invention, received many patents. He died during the evacuation from besieged Leningrad, but the exact date of his death is unknown. Unfortunately, no one knows where the grave of the legendary architect, who did so much during his lifetime, is located.

The fate of the Tokarsky estate

In the 20s of the last century, the estate, which was explored by members of the Glavnauka society, wanted to be attached to the art fund of Petrodvorets. However, this did not happen, and the main house of the estate in Okulovka, Novgorod Region, ended up in the ownership of the Novgorod dacha trust. Then the building in which the soldiers lived during the Great Patriotic War was dismantled.

Today, a real architectural masterpiece, which is a rare example of reinforced concrete manor construction, is undeservedly forgotten. However, the silence that reigns in an unusual place is still broken.

Fascinating excursion

About ten years ago, employees of the library and information center of the Okulovsky district organized an exciting tour for tourists called "The Zavetnoye Estate in the Mirror of the Past." The success of the costumed event exceeded all expectations, and it is no coincidence that it is now held annually, gathering an increasing number of connoisseurs of beauty. Once upon a time, St. Petersburg artists performed in the Russian estate, and a huge number of guests gathered to watch spectacular performances. Contemporaries considered that the estate was unthinkable without a theater, and now performances based on plays by Russian authors are staged on its stage in the summer. Non-professional but enthusiastic actors perform, and every visitor will be able to enjoy their performance.

Tourists who have attended the performance, which is accompanied by the sounds of Russian romance, are immersed in the spiritual atmosphere of bygone days. The hosts of the event, dressed in luxurious costumes, talk about the traditions of manor life in Russia and the history of the creation of the Tokarsky estate. And a large number of old photographs helps to recreate its original appearance in the imagination.

How to get to the estate "Zavetnoye" in the Okulovsky district?

Tourists who are interested in our past and who want to find themselves in a fairy tale lost in the Novgorod region are concerned about the question of how to get to the Tokarsky estate on their own. A unique object to be proud of is very easy to find. It is necessary to leave Veliky Novgorod in the direction of Moscow. Upon reaching the village of Kresttsy, turn left onto Okulovka. After 500-600 meters you need to turn onto the path leading to the forest on the right side, and follow the sign to the village of Maly Borok, half a kilometer from which there is an abandoned object.

If you miss a turn, then country houses will appear on the way. This means you need to turn around.

Mikhail Antonovich Tokarsky- the first entrepreneur in Kondopoga

Tokarskaya pier- this place in the city of Kondopoga is known to everyone, but its name in no way refers to the industrial exploits of JSC Kondopoga: the name of this pier immortalized the founding father of the modern industrial Kondopoga Mikhail Antonovich Tokarsky.
The energy of an enterprising engineer from Petrozavodsk gave impetus and direction to the development of the city of Kondopoga and the Kondopoga region for a century ahead.

The construction of the diversion canal in Kondopoga was preceded by the following events: In 1898 - 90s. St. Petersburg engineer Timofeev determined the thickness of the Kivach, Por-Porog and Girvas waterfalls. He considered the construction of a retaining dam near Sopokha on Sandal and a canal on the isthmus of Nigozero - Kondopoga Bay to be the most promising way to use their energy.

Petrozavodsk process engineer energetically took up the implementation of this idea. Mikhail Antonovich Tokarsky. He participated in the research and carried away the prospect of large profits to the head of the Association of the Krasnoselskaya stationery factory K.P. Pechatkin - and in 1903 the Partnership received a license to use water power in Kondopoga.

The rights of concessionaires were also highly approved:
Pechatkin's rights - 40 thousand rubles, Tokarsky's rights - 34 thousand rubles.
Tokarsky as a plenipotentiary representative of the Partnership: receives the right to a 90-year lease of peasant land in the Kondopozhskaya volost for water-operating factories and plants, provided that a dam near Sopokha is built in the first 5 years and canal in Kondopoga with 4 bridges and a shutter (then the period was extended to 15 years).

The conditions for pulp production were dictated crystal clear waters of Nigozero and its huge hydropower, as well as the prospect of independence from the external market, because. 75% of cellulose for Russia was produced by Finland at the Waldhof and Kissirer factories. Tokarsky leads research and begins to build a dam in Sopokha, builds a horse-drawn railroad through the Nigozero-Kondopoga pass and a pier in the Kondopoga Bay.

From 1901 to 1908, he paid the peasants of the northern end of the village of Kondopoga for the use of mowing and tracts. the sum of 1,190 rubles, and in the future he promises to light up the village, grind flour and cut logs for free, plus an annual donation of 50 rubles to the church.

Tokarsky’s affairs were not going as successfully as the concessionaires wanted, so he decided to revive the ancient craft and ordered to deliver marble from Tivdia for the Exhibition Hall of the Russian Museum named after Emperor Alexander III, which was being built according to the project of L.N. Benois. Through Kondopoga with pier Tokarskogo again went to St. Petersburg finishing stone.

But the contract is completed - and again there is no money. Then Tokarsky came up with the idea - to win over to his side a powerful department - the Main Artillery Directorate. In 1910, he proposed to the GAU the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bconstructing the first nitric acid plant in Russia and presented a calculation for obtaining 70 thousand pounds of nitric acid - 1/3 of Russia's total need in peacetime - "a center for the production of domestic nitrogen for military purposes, completely safe from enemy invasion ...» Estimate for the project - 2 million rubles.

The military reacted favorably to the idea, but were in no hurry to implement it. The war of 1914 dramatically advanced this project, and in 1916, work began to boil in the vicinity of Kondopoga - a team of surveyors by Captain Evdosyev made a breakdown of the highway, leveled the route, felled the forest, wood protection and exploratory drilling along the canal axis.
It was supposed to build a power plant, where 5 turbines with a capacity of up to 5000 hp. they would burn atmospheric air in electric arc furnaces, followed by the absorption of the formed oxides and the production of 40% nitric acid - the basis for the production of artillery gunpowder.

To the north of the village of Kondopoga, a worker's settlement was hastily erected, several houses were also rented in the Northern End. At the same time, work was underway to build a railway line to Sopokha. We were building a road Prisoners of war- mostly Turks, Czechs, Hungarians, Croats: a total of 500 people. at the construction of the railway and 240 - at the construction of a brick factory. Volunteers, local Kondopoga peasants, also worked.

In 1916, the concessionaires finally transferred the license to the Military Department in exchange for the transfer of the lower part of the Segezha River to them. Kondopoga ZAK (nitric acid plant) upheld all the promises of Tokarsky, but already allocated 500 rubles for the needs of the church. annually.

In 1917, almost everything was ready for the construction of a hydroelectric power station: a brick factory, a village, Railway on Sandal, the dam near Sopokha.
The February Revolution, the October Revolution, and the intervention that began then stopped work, in 1919 the construction was evacuated, leaving a small staff of 27 people under the command of engineer Kryukov. Arriving at the ZAK in January 1922, the commission of the RKI, consisting of 1 person, found shortcomings in the safety of the equipment and transferred the case to the Cheka with the corresponding consequences.

In 1923, surveyors had already arrived here with a new task: we would build a hydroelectric power station and a pulp and paper mill. True, the task was not new, and research had already been carried out.
The peasants of Kondopoga began to dress up with the new government for the cut mowing, assuring that they did not receive any money from the previous one. The money was eventually paid to them, the pulp and paper mill was built, but this is already a well-known story.

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Is it possible to build anything really worthwhile out of reinforced concrete?
I think there are few good examples, and the depressing majority are in front of everyone's eyes.
So, we, not far from the village of Maly Borok, have the remains of a stunning estate built in 1914 by process engineer Mikhail Antonovich Tokarsky.
A neat gate, a small chapel on a hill, but the most incredible thing is that a water tower was built into the manor house itself. It's not scary, I wonder if it was like living with constant streams of water behind the wall?

In a short time, a manor house with a built-in water tower, outbuildings, an original chapel and entrance gates made of artistic reinforced concrete, a dam on the Talets stream that formed a reservoir, a system of fountains, park stairs, a greenhouse, gazebos, a bathhouse, a bathhouse, a laundry, and other structures were built .
Water supply, steam heating, and electric lighting were installed.
A summer theater for 100 seats was built, where even artists from St. Petersburg gave concerts. The estate was surrounded by a mesh fence with beautiful pillars.

At the estate there was a small handicraft industry, where they drove turpentine, tar, and in the first world war made high-explosive and shrapnel plugs.

After the February Revolution, M.A. Tokarsky handed over the factory and the estate to local peasants. In addition to property worth half a million in gold rubles, he transferred another 300 thousand rubles in cash, but soon the estate was nationalized. Many times the factory, now producing thread spools, was subject to shutdowns, until in 1925. the sale has not started.
The peasants bought the rest of the factory for 3 thousand rubles and, turning to Tokarsky, set up the production of charcoal, wood alcohol, and acetic acid powder.
The production lasted until 1936, when it was finally liquidated, the machines were sent to Borovichi and Vladimir. The main manor house was transferred to the dacha trust of Novgorod, the furniture was sent to Krestsy. The destruction of the estate continued. During the Patriotic War, soldiers still lived in it, and then the house was dismantled.

Homestead immediately after construction

View from the lake

Now it’s not easy to get to the estate - around the windbreak, swampy meadows and a road that you can’t drive through

The "romantic" entrance gate, in imitation of medieval forms, has a tetrahedral tower with lancet windows and battlements along the top. Above the arch of the gate is an open gallery. Wrought iron gates have not been preserved.

Further on in the clearing rises the skeleton of a water tower, which also served as a belvedere of the main house. Nearby are the remains of a fountain in the form of a truncated pyramid with petal-shaped cuvettes. The fountain was formerly lined with marble and decorated with sculptures. The remains of another fountain are in the parterre in front of the former facade of the house. A wide staircase leads to it.

This is how this place looked almost 100 years ago:

The fountain that is visible on old photo above:

stairs closer

Going down even lower, to the bank of an overgrown and swampy stream, you can hardly find the concrete steps of the bath. Higher up the stream is a reinforced concrete dam with a reservoir now lowered ...
The pearl of the estate is a miniature chapel made of thin-walled reinforced concrete, standing on an artificial peaked hill (hill). It was cast according to the drawings of M.A. Tokarsky, like the other buildings of the estate, by a craftsman from the Vologda province Andrei Nogtev and his son. Cast from concrete to the smallest detail in the molding of the interior and the rustication of the outer walls, the structure has not a single seam. This chapel should be considered as a variant of the park pavilion, a "knight's castle" in miniature. It consists of two towers: round and square in plan. The square tower has four lancet windows and a parapet with slots in the form of loopholes (mashikuli) on top. It is completed by a small round semi-tower. The round tower adjoins the corner of the square tower and has an entrance to the chapel and the balustrade. The spiral staircase inside the round tower has 21 steps. There is a round window at the level of the second floor of the tower. The round tower is completed by a machicol and a low tent with a cross and a crescent. Outside, the walls are rusticated, the windows are flat-framed, the plinth is processed to look like squares of gray granite. Above the entrance is the place of the family coat of arms.

Now it is rather difficult to distinguish it from afar among the dense spruce branches.

View from the cliff

Inside the chapel (chapel) is very good. Shading inside and the forest behind the lancet windows - with different lighting - create a special mood. There is a large square opening in the ceiling, into which blue glass was inserted, which also served as the floor of the balustrade.
Thin columns with Corinthian capitals along the walls, intertwining ribs and oak leaves form lancet niches - three on each wall. The lower part of the walls with elongated speaker bases is finished in gray marble. The floor is tiled in pink and black.



Text in italics from L.E. Bricker. Guide to the Okulovsky district. Okulovka, 2007.

Manor Zavetnoye- one of the most beautiful abandoned mansions that have ever been seen. It was built by engineer Mikhail Tokarsky just before the revolution from a new material at that time - reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete was then made of high quality, because they did not steal, all this beauty is hidden in the Novgorod forest and does not even collapse with time. Only the manor house did not survive, and the gates, the water pump, the stairs and the amazing beauty of the chapel are as good as new. We were in Zavetnoe for the second time and on a frosty sunny day we liked it here even more than in autumn.

The unlucky engineer Mikhail Tokarsky almost did not manage to live in the estate. As soon as it was finally built, a revolution happened and the estate was nationalized.

After the revolution, Mikhail Tokarsky continued to work as an engineer.
He proposed such original ideas as the conversion of former temples into crematoria.

Having hardly stuck the car on the side of the road, we went to the estate. Someone good has trodden a path through the deep snow through the entire estate and further through the forest to the chapel. It's good to go without failing)

The charm of the winter forest.

Entrance gate. They have been standing for more than a hundred years without any repair.

There used to be a fountain here in the clearing. A staircase has been preserved below, but it is not visible under the snow.

You don’t expect to see such beauty in the deep forest, it’s impressive.