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Language People's Republic Bulgaria (Bulgarian Republic of Bulgaria). In addition to the Bulgarians themselves, the Bulgarian language is common among the Gypsies and Turks living in Bulgaria. At the same time, a lot of words in modern Bulgarian are borrowed from Turkish.

Bulgarian is a language based on the Cyrillic alphabet. Unlike the Russian language, it does not contain letters: e, s, e. Besides, Bulgarian language contains articles (definite and indefinite). Another feature that simplifies the study is the absence of cases in nouns, so the dictionary of Bulgarian words differs from the Russian dictionary, which traditionally indicates the end of a word when it is declined by cases.

The Bulgarian language has many "false friends of the translator", probably due to its closeness to the Russian language. For example, mountain (bg) - forest (ru), stomach (bg) - life (ru), right (bg) - straight (bg). The language is similar to Church Slavonic. For example, in the Bulgarian language, the past tense forms used in the Church Slavonic language (aorist) have been preserved. Or the meaning of the words: an Orthodox person is a person of "direct" correct faith ("right" in Bulgarian means directly). In addition, it is also similar in the presence of the semantic verb az cm (bg) - az esm (Church Slavonic). For learners of Bulgarian, a dictionary is the easiest and most reliable way to remember these exceptions and avoid mistakes in speaking and writing.

The Bulgarian-Russian dictionary online always emphasizes the result of the translation of a word. Many words have a spelling similar to Russian, but a different pronunciation, which, when used, can change both the meaning of the word and the context of the phrase. An example is the word "capital", which in Russian has an accent on the second syllable, and in Bulgarian - on the first.

Sometimes the Russian-Bulgarian online dictionary offers completely unexpected translation options. So, “mobile phone” can be translated as GSM (communication standard), and this is not a mistake: in Bulgaria it is extremely popular to use a common brand or standard as a common name (in Russia, copiers of any brand are similarly called copiers).

The Bulgarian jargons are very interesting and self-sufficient. Since such elements of speech are territorially unique, have differences and features for each locality, the dictionary of the Bulgarian Russian language may choose not to display them, or display them as close in meaning or the most common meaning.

There are several past tenses in Bulgarian: the present tense of the verb (segashno tense), aorist (mino past tense), imperfect (mino past tense), perfect (mino indefinite tense), pluperfect (mino past tense). There is a similar phenomenon in common English, so it will be easy for those who know English to understand how time can be past perfect or past provisional.

You have finally bought the long-awaited tour to Bulgaria! Now, in addition to packing your bags, you need to learn at least a few key words in order to convey your idea in Bulgarian. The main words - Thank you, Please, Hello, How much does it cost - should be in the lexicon. Undoubtedly, one can agree on the fingers in Bulgaria, but civilization has advanced further.

We have selected the main phrases and expressions of the Russian-Bulgarian phrasebook. Some of the words will seem funny to you. Yes, their roots are Slavic, and we would also say, yes, the influence of other peoples took our language in the other direction. But, nevertheless, our languages ​​are very similar.

Most used words and expressions in Bulgarian

Good afternoon! - Dobyr den!
Good morning! - Good Morning!
Good evening! - Dobyr evening!
Goodnight! - Leka nosht!
Ask! - Pray!
Yes, thank you! - Yes, thanks to you!
What time is it now? - How many hours?
I don't understand you - I can't understand you.
Please, give me ... - Pray, give me ...
Tell me, please ... - Please, tell me ...
Speak slower - Speak funny
sorry - sorry
Goodbye! - Goodbye!
Today - Dnes
Yesterday - Yesterday
Day before yesterday - Day before yesterday
Tomorrow - Morning
The Day After Tomorrow - Suddenly
In the morning - Sutrine
Noon - Lunch
Evening - Evening

Here is my passport - These are my passports
Documents for the car - Documents for kolata
I want to exchange money
How many kilometers to.. ? – How far is it to…?
Cigarettes - Cigars
Customs - Mitnica
Toll - Mito
Right - Vdyasno
Left - Left

Path - Kolovoz
Window (in the institution) - Giche
Porter - Nosach
Baggage - Baggage
One ticket for... - One ticket for...
When does the train leave? - When is trygva vlakyt?
sleeping car– Sleeping wagon
Perron – Peron
Buffet - Buffet
Login - Login
Men (men's toilet) – Myzhe
Women (women's toilet) - Zhenya

ask Single Room with a bath (without a bath)
What floor? - Which floor?
A room is booked for me - Imam is a flock
Please wake me up at… hours! - Pray, you will come to me at ... an hour!
Please bring breakfast to your room! - Pray, bring a snack to the flock of mi!
Please put this laundry in the wash! - Pray, give me white for prana!
Please call a taxi! - Please, call a taxi!
Please key! - Please, the key!

Petrol station - Petrol station
Parking place - Myasto for parkirane
I beg you, pour me ... liters of gasoline - Pray, give mi ... liters of gasoline
Please change your oil! - Please, change the oil!
I ask you to clean and wash the car! - Please, clean and grind the kolata!
Please help me troubleshoot! - Pray, help me, the imam is hurt!
I want to go to... - Iskam to otida to...

Waiter - Kelner
Breakfast - Snack
Lunch - Lunch
Dinner - Supper
Snack - Presentation
Chicken Soup - Soup Pileshka
Vegetable soup – Gradinarska supa
Omelet - Omelet
Fish - Riba
Hens, chicken - Kokoschki, pile
Tomatoes - Domati
Mushrooms - Gybi
Spinach - Spanak
Apricots - Caissia
Peaches – Praskovi
Orange - Portocal
Grapes – Grozde
Cherry - Cheresh
Strawberries - Berries
Raspberry – Malini
Apples - Apples
Pears - Pears
Plums – Plums
Watermelon - Dinya
Melon - Pypesh
Potato - Potato
Language - Ezik
Meat - Meso
Veal – Teleshko
Pork - Pork
Lamb – Agnieszko
Ice cream – Sladoled
Pancakes – Palachinki
Bun – Kifla
White wine - White wine
Red wine – Red wine
Beer – Bira (beer)
Anise vodka - Mastic
Fruit juice – Fruit juice
Glass of water – Bowl of water
Carbonated water - Gaziran water
Milk - Mlyako
Tea - Tea
Coffee - Coffee
Cake - Cake
How much do I need to pay? - How much shaking and paying?

Butcher Shop - Mesarnitsa
Dairy shop – Mlekarnitsa
Cafe-confectionery - Sladkarnitsa
Bakery – Bread products
Household goods store - Domakinski potrebi
Hairdresser, beauty parlor - hygiene services

doctor - physician
Dentist - Zybolekar
Children's doctor - Children's doctor
Internal Diseases
Gynecologist – Gynecologist
Surgeon - Surgeon
Head, stomach, heart - Head, stoma, raw
Nose, throat, ears - Nose, throat, ears
I have pain in ... - Imam Bolki in ...
I ask you to notify the embassy ... - Please, notify the embassy ...

Do you have a remedy for...? - Do you have a remedy against ...?
Headache - Headache
Cough - Cough
Toothache - Zybobol
Burn - Izgaryan

Square - Ploshtad
Street - Street
Crossroads, alley - Krystopyt, bastard street
Parallel - Comfortable
Museum - museum
Taxi, Tram, bus – Taxi, tram, bus
Park - Park

One - One
Two - Two
Three - Three
Four- Four
Five - Pet
Six - Six
Seven - Sedem
Eight - Osem
Nine - Devet
Ten - Deset
Eleven - United
Twelve - Dvanadeset
Thirteen - Trinadeset
Twenty - Twenty
Hundred - Hundred
One hundred and thirty - One hundred and trideset
two hundred - two hundred
Five hundred - Petstotin
Thousand - Khilyada
First - Purvi
Second - Second
Third - Thirds
Fourth - Fourth
Eleventh - United
Twenty-third - Twenty and thirds
One hundred and twelfth - One hundred and twelve

Monday – Monday
Tuesday - Tuesday
Wednesday - Row
Thursday - Thursday
Friday - petyk
Saturday - Sybota
Sunday - Week
January - Januari
February - February
March – March
April - April
May – May
June - Uni
July - Yuli
August - August
September - Septemvri
October - Octomvri
November - Noemvri
December - Dekemvri
Year - Year
Quarter - Trimesechie
Season - Season

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Reviews about Bulgaria

Today, August 22, 2019, tourists from Bulgaria, a man and a woman, using the entertainment "flying by parachute behind a boat on a rope" broke away from the boat and flew on an uncontrolled parachute at high altitude towards the forest and mountains!!! Miraculously, they fell and did not crash, they remained alive! Bruises and abrasions... The cable came off the boat! And if there were children on this "walk"? No one here monitors the quality of the equipment when providing these extreme services. It was in Sozopol, the boat took away those who wanted to "fly" from the Kavatsi beach. Then they flew for a long time ... fortunately there was wind ... without wind, the parachute would have folded at a height and they would have collapsed to the ground like a stone ...
Kirill, 42, Moscow

I rested with my daughter in Balchik in August. I was struck by the dishonesty of the local population. Everywhere they hang out, the waiters are boors, they immediately take 1 or 2 leos from the building, the bill, of course, they always round up. give change 1leo. In shops, buses, everywhere change is given incorrectly.
Tatyana, Minsk, 41 years old

The sea is gentle. The air is very warm. We speak Russian. The food is delicious. Fruits and vegetables are ripe and juicy. Pure pleasure! Rest costs the amount that you live at home for the same period, but all products are real and of high quality. For lovers of jamon and parmesan - expanse! They do exist! At pre-crisis prices, which is amazing! I recommend!
Mira, 59 years old, Moscow

I visited Bulgaria for the first time. Of course, Bulgaria cannot be compared with the beauty of exotic islands such as the Canaries or Madeira, for such money the rest is quite acceptable. Bulgarians are hospitable people, and this is reflected both in the service and in the general atmosphere at the resort and at the hotel. I was in Bulgaria in September, there were few tourists, I was able to enjoy the tranquility and the warm sea.
Anton. 32 years old, Saratov

A friend advised me to go to Bulgaria. She said that the Bulgarians are temperamental men, you won’t be left without a romance. I wanted to see this miracle. Didn't regret it. The holiday was great, made a lot of friends. I advise you to go to Bulgaria in June, I liked it in June, not so hot and not so many people on the beach.
Nelya. 27 years old, Bryansk