What does a sleeping car mean on a train. What is a wagon on a train

Speed ​​and comfort are the most important things on long journeys. If you have chosen rail transport for yourself, then, of course, it will lose to aviation in terms of speed. However, it can provide more comfortable travel conditions than, for example, a business class on an airplane. This, of course, does not apply to all wagons. Most travelers who value comfort on a trip choose SV for themselves. What's this? We will devote the article to the answer to this question. Consider the characteristics of such cars, services, present photos and reviews of the railway travelers themselves.

What's this?

SW - sleeping car, readers will decide immediately. However, the decoding of the abbreviation is not the only one. It is also historical - it refers us to pre-revolutionary Russia.

What's this? SV - "retinue car". That is, a car for the retinue - representatives of the royal family.

In modern times, this combination of letters means a sleeping car on a train. One that ensures the transportation of passengers in conditions of increased comfort.

What about the last feature? Increased comfort is the following:

Services in a sleeping car

SV car. What is it in terms of services? For passengers here, the rail carrier offers the following:

  • Safe.
  • Television.
  • The bathroom is directly in the compartment.
  • Soaked bed linen.
  • Hygiene items for travel.
  • Providing a variety of hot meals during the trip.

What is this wagon? SV refers to 1st class carriages on Russian railways. However, this introduces some confusion. Indeed, the first class on Russian Railways also includes "Lux" (soft) cars, which are more comfortable than SV.

Service classes

SV car. What is it, we sorted it out. However, this is just a characteristic of the car. Additionally, your ticket will also have a designation of the class of service. The following categories have been introduced for CB cars:

  • 1B. In other words, this is business class. Usually includes coupe air conditioning and a number of additional services.
  • 1E. SV-car of the highest class, designed for VIPs.
  • 1E. This can be called both option 1B and 1E, but only sold for some reason at a reduced cost.
  • 1U. Also a first-class carriage, but with the very minimum of additional services.
  • 1L. SV-type car, but without providing additional services to the passenger.

Let's look at each service class in more detail.


SW - what is it? This is the name of the sleeping car of increased comfort. If you want to purchase tickets for SV 1B, then this will mean the following:

  • Purchasing such a ticket means that you buy the whole compartment. With this in mind, the cost of travel is added.
  • The compartment will have a pleasant microclimate - air conditioning is sure to work.
  • You can carry a small pet in your compartment in a special container.
  • on the entire journey (for example, the Russian carrier CJSC TKS offers passengers a comprehensive breakfast and dinner).
  • Mineral water and various hot drinks (coffee, tea, hot chocolate).
  • Slippers.
  • Shoe horn, paper and wet wipes, comb, shoe polish, toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Fresh linens.
  • Fresh press - magazines, newspapers.

In addition, your compartment will feature the following amenities:


SW - what is it? The decoding, as you remember, is a sleeping car. We list the amenities and services that await you when purchasing a CB 1E ticket:

  • Air conditioning in every compartment.
  • Passenger protection through the use of video surveillance systems.
  • Each compartment has a shower, washbasin and dry closet.
  • In each compartment (compartment) there is also a TV, a safe and individual sockets.
  • The following services will be included in the price of your ticket: hot meals, hot drinks, drinking water, travel kit (hygiene products and an arsenal for shoe care), bed linen.

Such a ticket also implies the redemption of the entire compartment - for one or two passengers. You can travel in 1E, for example, on Moscow-Berlin flights, on Strizh trains (Moscow- Nizhny Novgorod).

1E, 1L and 1U

NE on the train - what is it (photos on the train are presented in the article)? The abbreviation refers to a luxury carriage, for which several classes of service have been introduced. Let's take a look at the last of them:

  • 1E. The same set of services that we have listed for 1B and 1E. There is only one difference: in this case, the passenger does not redeem the entire compartment, but acquires only one seat in it.
  • 1U. The passenger also travels in a first class carriage - SV. However, the price of his ticket does not include a set of additional services (except for bed linen). Some of them he can pay separately at will.
  • 1L. Perhaps you will meet such a class of service. It also involves traveling in a first-class carriage, but with one drawback - there will be no personal dry closet in your compartment. The restroom here is shared by the entire car.

Please note that all the above classes of service allow the passenger to carry small pets in special containers.

Let's also introduce the reader to a worthy analogue of SV, first-class carriages. These are trains with RIC layout cars. They boast the following: 10 double compartments (upper and lower shelves), bathroom, armchairs, washbasin.

Comparison with a reserved seat car

You and I already know that these are seats on the SV train. Let's compare them with other types of wagons to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages.

If we compare the SV with the reserved seat (second-class open car), then the sleeping car will win here in almost everything:

  • Isolated, completely closed personal space from other passengers.
  • Wide sleeping shelves, their convenience and softness.
  • Everything you need for traveling in your compartment - a bathroom, sockets, a compartment for luggage and outerwear, armchairs, a washbasin.
  • The ability to adjust the microclimate parameters according to your own, and not according to the general desire.
  • The level of service, the attentive attitude of the conductors.

reserved seat wagons they are good only in one indicator - a trip in this class will cost you about three times cheaper than in NE. But the economy is only good for short trips. To spend more than 2 days in a reserved seat is a real test.

Coupe comparison

What is this, a NE seat on a train? Many decide - the same coupe, but only with a set of additional services.

Not certainly in that way. Over a closed second-class carriage (compartment), a sleeping car (CB) has a number of significant advantages:

  • The number of passengers in your compartment. The most unexpected neighbors will go with you in a compartment. In SV you can fully redeem a compartment for yourself and your family. If you are traveling 1U, 1E, then you will have only one companion (as practice shows, if other compartments are free, then a person will choose the one where he will go alone, rather than traveling with a neighbor).
  • The maximum level of services, the provision of food, the care of the conductors.
  • Increased comfort and safety.

There is only one plus for the coupe in front of the SV - the cost. A trip in a closed second-class carriage will cost you 2 times cheaper than in a sleeping one.

Comparison with "Lux"

Now let's compare the SV with the carriages of a higher class - "Lux". Here the sleeping car will already play:

  • The coupe "Lux" is 1.5-2 times larger than the standard one.
  • There is a comfortable bathroom equipped with a vacuum toilet.
  • Safe.
  • Individual air conditioning system.
  • TV, video player.
  • Meals and drinks (up to alcohol) included in the price.
  • Fresh press.
  • Extended hygiene kit.
  • Bar in the car.
  • Fellow travelers are excluded - the coupe is redeemed here only in its entirety, without exceptions.

As for the cost, a trip in the "Lux" car will cost you 1.5-2 times more than in the SV.

Earlier, in pre-revolutionary Russia - retinue.

This is a sleeping car that provides transportation of passengers in conditions of increased comfort.

The concept of "increased comfort" includes a smaller number of beds (their number can be from 1 to 3), comfortable soft shelves, a dressing room for storing clothes, basic and individual (for reading) lighting, etc. The space is divided into 9 double compartments, the number of seats is 16 or 18.

What is included? In branded trains, the equipment and the range of services provided to passengers may vary. In particular, the compartment can be equipped with a bathroom, safe and TV, and the ticket price includes not only the provision of bed linen, but also hygiene items and meals.

According to the classification, it belongs to the SV (Luxury) category, it is marked as a class 1 carriage.

Important! In the classification of categories there are Lux (Soft), also related to class 1, which introduces some confusion for passengers. They suggest a higher level of comfort, and it is for them that the term "Lux" is more suitable, which will be used in the future.

How are they deciphered by classification?

For CBs used in passenger traffic within the country, a division into classes of service has been introduced. It determines not only the list of services provided, but also the layout.

Explanation of abbreviations:

Buying tickets at the box office 1B involves the redemption of the entire compartment(the cost of the ticket is determined from this calculation). The microclimate parameters are supported by the air conditioning system. The package of additional services includes food and drinks, the latest press, the issuance of hygiene items. Transportation of a container with small pets is provided.

Seats 1B are also provided in branded trains of the Russian passenger railway carrier ZAO TKS. Tariff plan 1B "Business TK" implies the provision of a range of services, including:

  • meals throughout the journey (breakfast and dinner);
  • hot drinks (tea, coffee, chocolate) and mineral water;
  • fresh publications;
  • linens;
  • slippers;
  • travel kit - napkins (hygienic and paper), comb, toothpaste and brush, cream and shoehorn.

The compartment has a TV and free Wi-Fi. There is a safe and individual sockets for powering mobile devices and laptops. A magnetic card is used for access.

Seats 1E are provided in high-speed trains"Swift" on the routes Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow - Berlin. They have air conditioning. For the safety of passengers, security is provided, control is carried out using video monitors.

What is in 1E? Dry closet, shower and washbasin are located directly in the compartment. In addition, individual sockets, a TV, a safe are installed.

The fare includes meals, drinks, drinking water, bed linen and a travel kit (sanitary and hygiene products and shoe care products).

Ticket 1E implies the redemption of the compartment as a whole (for 1 or 2 passengers).

1e - includes the entire set of services 1E or 1B. The only difference is that the passenger does not redeem the entire compartment, but one seat in it.

Service conditions 1U correspond to the first class, however, all additional services (except for bed linen) are purchased separately by the passenger. The same conditions are received by persons who have purchased a 1L ticket. The main difference is the lack of a dry closet.

For your information! All passengers are allowed to carry small pets in special containers.

On the international routes you can buy tickets for the RIC layout cars. According to the conditions of the first class (similar to SV), there are 10 double compartments with upper and lower shelves, an armchair, a bathroom and a washbasin.

Photo on the train

You can see with your own eyes in the photo what it is and what real comfort means when traveling by rail:

You can see more photos of the luxury compartment and the sleeping car inside.

Differences from other types

The main difference from other types of cars is the level of comfort.

Comparison with a reserved seat (open, class II), he literally wins in everything:

  1. isolation of space;
  2. width and finish of soft shelves;
  3. the availability of everything necessary for a comfortable trip - a place for luggage and a wardrobe, a bathroom, chairs for sitting, sockets, etc.;
  4. maintaining the optimal level of microclimate parameters;
  5. service level.

If a long, more than 1-2 days, journey in a reserved seat becomes a real test, then in the conditions of NE, as close as possible to the usual household, it becomes an exciting vacation.

The price of tickets also differs accordingly - SV seats are 3 or more times more expensive than reserved seats.

Closed class II (compartment) is also inferior to the conditions of the SV. The main difference is the number of passengers. If it is not difficult to find a common language for a long trip with one companion (provided that the CB does not belong to the business or VIP class), then a noisy company of 4 people in a compartment can turn the trip into a difficult test.

Both the level of comfort and the maximum range of services offered are important in order to give preference to class I carriages.

At the same time, the fare twice (at least) higher turns out to be not too high a price for convenient and safe travel.

Comparison with Lux

In terms of comfort, it is inferior only to the Lux class.

In them, the compartment exceeds the standard one by 1.5-2 times in area, there is a comfortable bathroom with a vacuum toilet, an individual air conditioning system, a safe, a TV, a DVD player, etc.

A salon-bar can be equipped directly in the carriage. For more high class service is also provided - the fare includes food and drinks, up to alcohol, fresh press, an extended hygiene kit, etc.

Redemption of the coupe is possible only in its entirety, which excludes the appearance of random fellow travelers. However, this level of comfort costs 1.5-2 (and on some trains even more) times more expensive.


For those who wish to travel in comfort and safety, you should pay attention to the ST. They are distinguished by the optimal ratio between the quality of services provided and the cost of tickets, as well as accessibility - such seats are provided in all branded trains Russian carriers(Russian Railways, CJSC TKS, etc.), operating both on long-distance domestic and international routes.

The SV carriage is convenient, first of all, by the presence of personal space. There are only 8 compartments in the SV car. Each is designed for two passengers. It is especially convenient to travel together. The atmosphere during the whole trip is calm and quiet. There is a division of men's, women's and mixed compartments.

Inside the compartment is much cleaner and nicer than in other types of cars. The photo was taken in the SV carriage branded train Tomic

SV RZD car inside

Comfortable beds with soft backs, a spacious table, mirrors on the walls and compartment doors looked quite cozy and pleasant. Things can be placed in a niche under the bed. Pleased with the presence of a TV, now you can entertain yourself with interesting programs and films on the road.

The conductors are polite, the service is on good level. It is clear that this issue is being addressed. If the bed has not yet been made (for example, the compartment has just been vacated), the conductor will make the bed for you.

Meals in the carriage

In the presence of a travel kit (slippers, napkins, sleep mask), press, drinks and meals. On the short route (8 hours), hot meals were provided once. The menu is quite varied, everything is brought by the waiter from the dining car half an hour after the order. The food is delicious.

Drinks were many and varied.

The proposed menu in the carriage of the SV RZD branded train "Tomich".

Lamp shades hung from the ceiling and every wall. There were also small reading lamps above the beds. There were two toilets in the NE car: one at the beginning and the other at the end. The door had a toilet occupancy indicator and was padlockable. The toilet smelled good and was clean.

Comparison of ticket prices in railway transport SV with the fare in the reserved seat and compartment cars showed that this type of movement is more expensive. The fare is almost 5 times more expensive than in a reserved seat car and 2 times more than in a compartment car.

With the introduction of a new train schedule for 2019/2020. the train formation scheme has been changed. Again, only the cars of the formation of the Moscow branch of JSC FPC (LVCH-3) are included in the long-distance train "RUSSIA". Below are the schemes for the formation of the train "RUSSIA" No. 1 and No. 2, depending on the points (stations) of the circulation of cars (departure and arrival).

Train "RUSSIA" scheme No. 1: included direct cars No. 01/05, 02/04, 03/03, 04/02, 05/01, 07/09, 08/08, 09/07, 50 on the Moscow-Beijing route, which depart from Moscow on Saturdays from 12/14/19 to 12/12/20 in the "head" of train No. 2 "Moscow - Vladivostok", re-trailing according to Art. Chita on Wednesdays from the "head" of train No. 2 Moscow - Vladivostok on train No. 320/20 Chita - Beijing, arrival and departure to / from Beijing on Saturdays and re-trailing at Chita station of train No. 19/319 Beijing - Chita to the "tail" train No. 1 "Vladivostok - Moscow" on Mondays, arrival in Moscow on Fridays from 12/27/19. until 12/25/20 Scheme No. 1 includes: 1 baggage car; 1 dining car; 2 staff cars, in which there are the Head of the train and the train electrician; ; ; the rest (at least 3 - depending on passenger traffic) -

Scheme No. 1
wagon number Wagon type

Number of places

Wagon circulation points
50 Luggage Moscow - Beijing
1/5 TO 32 Moscow - Beijing
2/4 SW 18 Moscow - Beijing
3/3 KRI 18 Moscow - Beijing
4/2 TO 36 Moscow - Beijing
5/1 TO 32 Moscow - Beijing
7/9 TO 36 Moscow - Beijing
8/8 TO 32 Moscow - Beijing
9/7 TO 36 Moscow - Beijing
10 TO 36 Moscow - Vladivostok
11 TO 32 Moscow - Vladivostok
12 SW 18 Moscow - Vladivostok
41 VR - Moscow - Vladivostok
13 KRI 6 Moscow - Vladivostok
14 Pl 52 Moscow - Vladivostok
15 Pl 52 Moscow - Vladivostok
16 TO 32 Moscow - Vladivostok
17 TO 36 Moscow - Vladivostok

Wagon numbering

There are no luxury cars.

cars No. 01/05, 03/03, 04/02, 05/01, 07/09, 08/08, 09/07 - 2U
car No. 02/04 - 1L
cars No. 10, 13, 16-2E
cars No. 11, 17- 2T
cars No. 12-1E
cars No. 14- 3E
car No. 15- 3B

Scheme No. 1 includes: 1 baggage car; 1 dining car; 2 staff cars, in which there are the Head of the train and the train electrician; ; ; the rest (at least 3 - depending on passenger traffic) -
The staff car is adapted for the carriage of wheelchair users and luggage. For the disabled, it has a specially equipped compartment, toilet and. For the carriage of luggage, it has a special compartment with high-precision floor scales for weighing luggage. In addition, this car has a radio compartment, a utility room with a shower, an iron. Thus, the issue of the life of the conductors on the voyage has been resolved.

Train No. 2/1 is year-round, runs according to scheme No. 2:
- departure from Moscow from 09.12.19. to 10.12.20 on Mondays and Thursdays;
- arrival and departure from Vladivostok from 12/16/19. to 12/17/20 on Mondays and Thursdays;;
- arrival in Moscow from 22.12.19. until 12/23/20 on Sundays and Wednesdays.

Train "RUSSIA" scheme No. 2: included Nos. 15/19, 16/18, 17/17, 18/16, 19/15 on the Chelyabinsk - Vladivostok route, which run year-round by departure from Chelyabinsk at the "head" of train No. 12 Chelyabinsk - Omsk / No. 128 Adler - Krasnoyarsk with transfer across Omsk to the tail of train No. 2/1 Moscow - Vladivostok, arrival in Vladivostok at the tail of the train, departure from Vladivostok at the tail of train No. 1 Vladivostok - Moscow, arrival and uncoupling in Omsk from the tail of train No. 1 Vladivostok - Moscow, departure from Omsk, arrival in Chelyabinsk by train No. 11 Omsk - Chelyabinsk.

Scheme No. 2
wagon number Wagon type

Number of places

Wagon circulation points
47 Mail Moscow - Vladivostok
50 Luggage Moscow - Vladivostok
70 Luggage Moscow - Vladivostok
71 Luggage Moscow - Vladivostok
72 Luggage Moscow - Vladivostok
1 TO 32 Moscow - Vladivostok
2 TO 36 Moscow - Vladivostok
3 SW 18 Moscow - Vladivostok
41 VR Moscow - Vladivostok
4 KRI 6 Moscow - Vladivostok
5 Pl 52 Moscow - Vladivostok
6 Pl 52 Moscow - Vladivostok
7 TO 32 Moscow - Vladivostok
8 TO 36 Moscow - Vladivostok
9 TO 32 Moscow - Vladivostok
10 TO 36 Moscow - Vladivostok
11 TO 32 Moscow - Vladivostok

Wagon numbering starts from the head of the train when departing from Moscow, from the tail of the train when departing from Vladivostok.

Extra comfort carriages - 01, 02, 03, 04, 07, 08, 09, 10.

Service classes are set:
cars No. 16/18 - 2U
cars No. 01, 04, 07, 10 - 2E
cars No. 02, 08, 09, 11 - 2T
cars No. 03 - 1E
cars No. 05 - 3E
car No. 06 - 3B

According to statistics, most of the population prefers to travel by train, as it is one of the safest modes of transport. The total length of Russian railways is about 100 thousand kilometers, which, in turn, allows you to get to almost any settlement.

In our country, there is only one railway company, Russian Railways, which has been serving passengers for many years. The head office of the company is located in Moscow, and local cash desks are located on the territory of railway stations in each city. There, passengers can buy or exchange their ticket at any time.

All trains in Russia, just like airplanes, have a unique structure that divides all transport into several zones that differ in the level of comfort from the inside. This opportunity allows passengers, regardless of their financial affiliation to a certain stratum of society, to choose the fare that best suits their needs.

Many passengers are interested in: "What is this SV-car, and what are its advantages?". This article will focus on the most comfortable and premium class available in the arsenal of Russian Railways. About how the abbreviation CB is deciphered, about the advantages of this tariff and its average cost in the territory Russian Federation- in this article.

SV car - what is it?

Often, a train journey takes several days, so you should thoroughly approach the choice of your bed. Let's start our analysis directly with the abbreviation. Sleeping car SV is a kind of compartment with increased comfort conditions. Earlier in pre-revolutionary Russia, the concept of the SV-car meant “retinue car”.

Unlike reserved seat and coupe cars, which managed to get pretty fed up, absolutely all the nuances are provided here for a comfortable pastime on the way. Russian Railways SV-cars offer their passengers a wide range of different services, including comfortable soft shelves, a wardrobe for storing clothes, a personal bathroom with a shower and a TV. In addition, SV-cars provide a smaller number of berths, which can vary from one to three.

CB tariffs

All sleeping cars also have their own separate subcategory, depending on which certain services are provided. According to the classification of wagons, this type belongs to the 1st class and is marked as a luxury. Some CB tariffs include additional hygiene items and even meals.

So, for RVs used in passenger transportation within the country, a division into classes of service has been introduced. Such a division determines both the layout inside the car and the list of services provided.

  • 1B or Business class.
  • 1E or VIP area.
  • 1E. Similar to the previous options, only at a reduced cost.
  • 1U. Reduced cost and minimum set of services.
  • 1L. Sleeping car, providing for the absence of additional services.

You can get acquainted with the SV-car inside remotely in the photos below.

SV car (1B)

The most premium class, of course, is considered to be 1B, since it involves the full redemption of the entire coupe as a whole. There are air conditioning systems that maintain normal air temperature throughout the journey. Food and drinks, hygiene items, and various reading materials on the road are available to passengers. Passengers are allowed to bring pets with them in appropriate carrying containers. The cost of the tariff directly depends on the size of the bed, so it varies very often.

Category 1E

Class 1E seats are very common on international trains such as Moscow-Berlin. Of the additional services provided by the company, passengers are under round-the-clock security throughout the journey, which controls the situation in the car using video monitors. The ticket price includes meals, drinks, a private bathroom and the necessary hygiene kit.

The cost of a sleeping car of category 1E on international trains is about 50 thousand. Depending on the season, the ticket price can vary from 50 to 80 thousand.

Category 1E

This category is no different from the previous ones, the only difference is that the passenger buys only a sleeping place, and not all the compartments of the SV car. In this case, the passenger still has access to a wide range of services provided by the company's employees. Of course, category 1E is great for those travelers who want to save a little on a ticket. This is a great option for traveling in comfort and at a reduced cost. Usually the number of seats in the CB car is more than enough. Perhaps no one will be placed with you, because, as statistics show, such tariffs are in rather low demand. This is how the SV car looks like inside.

Category 1U

The terms of service in this case remain the same except for all additional services. Passengers of this category are provided with a set of bed linen, and water, food, drinks and other accessories are purchased separately.

Category 1L

The simplest option among sleeping cars. Only a basic set of services is provided here, everything else is paid on the spot and at will. The only negative is the lack of a dry closet in the compartment.

Tickets for the SV-car of various categories can be purchased at the Russian Railways ticket office at the station. Or on the official website of the company. A photo of a simplified category SV car can be found below. Clean and comfortable.

SV RZD car inside

The standard SV-car has 9 double compartments and two toilets on the territory of the whole car. As we already mentioned, category 1L is not equipped with its own bathroom, here the main focus is on a limited number of passengers in a compartment. Some passengers sometimes redeem a whole CB for one person in order to get the most out of the trip. It is worth noting that such actions are much cheaper than buying a business class ticket (1B).

The toilet in the SV-car is equipped with a hygienic film on the toilet seat and a separate faucet. Conductors throughout the journey try to keep cleanliness and order, and are also very attentive and polite to their passengers. As you can see, this is not a luxury car, so when buying a ticket, you should always pay attention to the scheme presented on the website.

Why SW?

Russian railways offer their passengers to purchase tickets for any type of carriage, it all depends on their preference and price category. On the this moment All wagons are divided into the following types:

  1. Sedentary.
  2. reserved seat.
  3. Coupe.

The seated fare implies moving over short distances, in such cars it is impossible to move to a horizontal position and, accordingly, bed linen is not provided. From the inside, the car resembles the structure of an aircraft cabin, since all the seats are arranged in two rows.

The reserved seat and coupe are the most common fares in Russia. These wagons are designed for long distance and equipped with sleeping quarters. The main difference between these tariffs is the presence of compartment doors and the absence of side shelves.

Why does SV win absolutely in all respects? This is an isolated space with soft and comfortable beds, its own wardrobe and bathroom, as well as free access to the shower. Here you don't have to stand in line waiting for a free socket in the vestibule or wake up a few hours before the train arrives at the station in order to get to the toilet before the queue forms. For some travelers, reserved seat cars can be a whole test, delivering a lot of inconvenience and a feeling of endless discomfort, at a time when a trip in a SV car will bring a lot of impressions and pleasure.

The only competitor that surpasses the sleeping car (CB) in terms of comfort is the luxury category. The dimensions of the compartment are several times larger, and there is also a private bathroom with a vacuum toilet, a safe and a TV. This is a full-fledged mobile apartment in which each passenger can feel comfortable and safe.