Everything big and small in the world. All the best about Russia: amazing records of the largest country in the world

Everyone knows that Russia is the largest country in the world. But we decided to collect other amazing records of our state.

Record holders for length

The Russian state border is one and a half times the length of the equator. The longest border between Kazakhstan and Russia is approximately 7.5 thousand kilometers. The shortest one is with China (less than 40 kilometers).

The longest railway is also in Russia. This is the Trans-Siberian Railway, which stretches for 9289 kilometers. The Great Siberian Road connects Moscow and Vladivostok, and since October 18, 1916, it has been possible to travel from one end of the country to the other across Russian territory.

It is not surprising that the construction of such a gigantic railway gave rise to other records. Thus, the longest railway tunnel in the country is 15,343 meters. The Severomuisky tunnel took 26 years to build and is located on the territory of Buryatia.

The longest river in Russia is the Lena. It is also one of the ten longest rivers in the world.

The longest bridge in the country is located in Ulyanovsk (5825 meters). The Presidential Bridge spans the Volga and connects its right and left banks; it is also one of the longest bridges in Europe.

Height record holders

The tallest building in Europe is located in Moscow, the Federation Tower with a height of 374 meters.

In Russia there is also the highest mountain in Europe - Elbrus, it rises 5642 meters.

Well, if you leave the Caucasus aside, there are other impressive mountains: for example, Klyuchevaya Sopka. The height of this active volcano is 4835 meters.

Russia is also rich in waterfalls. True, no one fully knows the final indicators of the highest: the 600-meter Talnikovy waterfall is located on the Putorana plateau, one of the most inaccessible places not only in Russia, but also in the world.

If we talk about human creations, the highest “artificial” waterfall rises 242 meters above the ground. This is the dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, which is located on the Yenisei.

Record holders for depth

Russia has the deepest metro in the world. The St. Petersburg Metro has 67 stations, and 60 of them are deep (from 22 to 86 meters). The deepest of them is Admiralteyskaya, which goes 86 meters underground.

Another man-made record holder is the “Well to Hell” or the Kola Superdeep Well. It was drilled to a depth of 12 kilometers and 262 meters to study the deep structure of the Earth. Just imagine, Everest and the Mariana Trench are smaller.

But of course, we should not forget about another Russian record holder and our heritage - Lake Baikal. This is the deepest lake on the planet and one of the largest natural reservoirs of fresh water, the maximum depth is 1642 meters.

Record holders for area

The area of ​​Russia is 17,125,191 square kilometers. This is approximately twice the size of Canada, China or the United States.

Russia is also home to the largest region in the world - the Republic of Sakha. Yakutia is larger than Kazakhstan and equal to approximately three Egypts or six Spains.

The largest lake in the world is also located in Russia (as well as on the territory of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan) - the Caspian Sea. Its area (371,000 sq. km) is larger than Germany.

The largest island of Russia is located in the Far East. Sakhalin is approximately the same size as the Czech Republic (76,400 km² versus 78,866 km²).

And the largest peninsula of Russia is Taimyr. It is larger than Norway or Japan.

Russia is also home to the largest nature reserve in the world - the Great Arctic Reserve. Its area is 41,692 sq. km., and it is larger than the Netherlands (41,526 sq. km.)

In Western Siberia, between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, there are the Vasyugan swamps. Their area is 53 thousand square kilometers, and they are one of the largest on the planet. For comparison, Denmark has an area of ​​41,000 sq. km.

As Ostap Bender said, “A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation!” And this phrase is even more true in relation to a bicycle, which today is the most popular way to travel long distances. However, such a practical purpose of a bicycle does not prevent a large number of creative people from experimenting with its design. Today we will find out what the largest bike in the world was created by engineers, designers, cyclists and just eccentric amateurs from different countries.

The world's tallest great

Cuban worker Felix Guirola boasts the largest bicycle in height. The master managed to create a bicycle with a height of 5.4 meters! This whole structure looks very exotic: two familiar wheels at the bottom, but the steering wheel and pedals, and with them the driver, are at the very top of the head, located on a high “mast”. Surprisingly, such a bicycle really moves: you can ride it, even turn it. And in general, if we put aside the strange appearance and unprecedented height, Felix Guirola’s bicycle is a bicycle familiar to us. All the same two wheels, steering wheel, frame. And the principle of the bicycle itself is not violated: it moves due to the pedals, which transmit their movement to a chain that turns the wheels.

According to Felix himself, he has been engaged in such an unusual craft for quite a long time. Back in 1983, he assembled a functioning bicycle with a height of 1.9 m. Since then, the “height” of bicycles has increased, gradually reaching today’s 5.4 m. It is possible that this is not the limit for Felix. I wonder if his bikes will ever reach 10 meters?

The longest bike in the world

Terry Tessman from New Zealand is another oddball designer who loves big sizes. But his bicycles do not grow in height, like Felix’s, but in length. In 1988, the engineer managed to create a bicycle with a length of 22.24 m. The weight of the structure is 340 kg. Of course, such a vehicle had enough space to comfortably accommodate 4 riders. They managed to travel 246 meters. It is under this figure that the name of Terry Tessman is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

Big with the biggest wheels

A giant bicycle with huge wheels is the creation of American engineer Dave Moore from California. The wheels of this bike, designed in 1989, reached a record 3.05 m. Dave Moore called his unusual creation “Frankencycle”. Apparently, by analogy with Frankenstein's monster. Dave himself did not dare to ride his creation, leaving it to his friend Steve Gordon, who successfully rode the big-wheeled bike on June 4, 1989.

The most expensive bike in the world

The biggest bike in terms of price was the Butterfly Trek Madone, created by British designer Damien Hirst. The bicycle was auctioned for a fabulous sum - half a million dollars! Not every luxury car can boast such a high price. What's so expensive about this bike? Oddly enough, it does not differ in special driving characteristics and does not reach sky-high speeds; trimmed with gold, not even gilded, not decorated with diamonds.

Its main feature is decorating the frame and the inside of the wheels with butterfly wings. Yes, it was the butterflies specially grown by Damien Hirst for this design miracle that became the reason for such a high price. By the way, Damien Hirst dedicated his unusual creation to Louis Armstrong, the famous American cyclist.

The absolute record for the fastest speed achieved on a regular pedal-powered bicycle belongs to Fred Rompelberg, a native of the Netherlands. In 1995, on the Bonneville Plain in the USA, the athlete managed to accelerate his bicycle to 268.8 km/h. Yes, yes, this is not a joke, an ordinary bicycle accelerated to such a mind-blowing speed that not every car can do. Even a jet-propelled bicycle could not be accelerated to more than 263 km/h. Of course, a little trick was used: a racing car was driving directly in front of the bike. No, he did not drag the bike on a cable, but it was needed in order to completely eliminate air resistance. And the bicycle was not quite ordinary: at the first glance at it, it becomes clear that the sprockets and gears there are far from like those of the bicycles we are accustomed to. However, this is still a very large figure and, of course, a world record, for which we congratulate Fred Rompelberg.

By the way, on a bicycle with one wheel, a unicycle, the maximum speed was 29.72 km/h. Peter Rosendahl, a native of the USA, almost accelerated this little car to thirty.

The world's largest bike

And finally, the real record holder for the largest bicycle was a giant bicycle from the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The height of the bike exceeds 5 meters, all proportions correspond to the classic model of a bicycle, which means that the bike is truly huge. Can't find anything else in the world. But we hasten to disappoint you, this bike is not running. This is just a metal sculpture dedicated to cyclists around the world. This interesting monument can even be seen from the airplane window when you land at the Jeddah airport - such is its scale.

So which bike is considered the largest? From the city of Jeddah? So this is an inferior bicycle: just a statue. Maybe then the creation of Felix Guirola? 5.4 meters tall, big enough to be a record. But Terry Tessman’s longest bike then has exactly the same rights to the record. Dave Moore's iron horse, of course, didn't stand out in size, but what numbers! He also rightfully took a place on our list. Or the biggest bike - Damien Hirst's $500,000 designer bike? Yes, it is the largest not in size, but in price. But money is the main thing?

Yes, however, it doesn’t matter which bike is the biggest. The main thing is that there are new and new people who never tire of coming up with something new and interesting in the design of such a familiar and “worn out” bicycle.

2016.08.23 by


The New York metropolitan area ranks first in the world in terms of the number of stations. There are 469 of them. And only 277 of them are underground. There are 34 lines in the metro, but 24 routes. The system there is somewhat confusing. The New York subway is characterized by a fundamental difference between the route and the line.

A line is only part of a route with stations. And the route is the path of the train from the starting to the final stop, which can pass along different lines. Also interesting is the fact that the metro is divided into express trains (stop only at certain stations) and local trains (following all stops).

Formally, it is generally accepted that the metro appeared on October 27, 1904. On this day, the first branch of its underground part was officially launched. But you need to know that this significant event was preceded by the appearance of the first land line on October 9, 1863 (by the way, it is still operational). About 40% of the subway tracks in New York are ground and elevated. But this does not prevent us from calling it Subway (subway in English).

The New York City subway has the largest fleet of cars in the world. In July 2014, he counted almost 6,400 of them. The metro serves 1.7 billion passengers per year. Opening hours are 24 hours a day and all year round. The length of the routes is 375 km. The total length of the tracks is 1362 km. In addition to the usual ways to get on the subway, in New York there are elevators that take a person from the street directly to the station. Naturally, they are intended for people with disabilities.


The tallest tree in the world is the sequoia, growing in northern California (USA). She even has her own name - Hyperion. Apparently, this name was given to her in honor of the mythological character - the titan Hyperion (translated from ancient Greek as very tall). This tree was discovered only on August 25, 2006 by researchers Michael Taylor and Chris Atkins. The height of the tree is 115.61 m. The volume of wood is 530 cubic meters. Approximate age 700-800 years.

They climbed the tree (yes, just like climbing a mountain, with all the attributes of climbers). And as one of the climbers, Steve Silette, noted, judging by the external signs of the needles, the tree has growth potential.

Interesting facts about the tallest tree in the world. Redwoods can live up to 4,000 years. The exact location of this tree is not disclosed due to the danger of a massive invasion of tourists and, as a result, deterioration of the ecological balance.


The largest aircraft in the world today is the Soviet AN-225. The basic geometric data are as follows. Length 84 meters, height 18.2 meters. The wingspan is 88.4 meters. The cargo compartment is sealed and has decent dimensions: height - 4.4 m, width - 6.4 m, length - 43 m. Designed and built back in Soviet times at the facilities of the Kyiv Mechanical Plant in 1984-88.

The main and unique purpose of creating this aircraft is the ability to transport cargo not IN, but ON the aircraft, that is, approximately how you carry belongings to the dacha on the roof of a car. And such an opportunity was necessary within the framework of the development of the Buran program (reusable space shuttle) for transporting various parts of the shuttle and launch vehicle, as well as transporting Buran itself to the cosmodrome in the event of its landing at other airfields. On December 21, 1988, the AN-225 made its first flight.

It should be noted that the Buran aircraft itself was only flown at the Paris Air Show in May 1989 and in April 1991 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The aircraft is equipped with six turbojet engines, which enable the giant to reach a cruising speed of 850 km/h.

Interesting facts about the largest aircraft. The aircraft has a so-called two-fin tail unit (roughly speaking, two tails). The peculiarity of this design is due to the aerodynamic characteristics of the device when transporting cargo directly on the upper part of the fuselage. Now the full name of the aircraft is AN-225 Mriya (translated from Ukrainian as a dream). The aircraft is capable of transporting up to 50 passenger cars at the same time. Total lifting capacity 250 tons.

Moreover, “on the roof” it can transport cargo weighing up to 200 tons. Maximum take-off weight 640 tons. The unloaded weight of the aircraft is 250 tons. The fuel supply on board is 300 tons. The maximum flight altitude is 12,000 meters. Flight range up to 15400 km. All control systems are 4 times redundant (duplicated). About 250 world records belong to the AN-225.


The longest railway tunnel in the world is the Japanese Seikan Tunnel. Its length is 53,850 meters, of which 23,300 are under water. The tunnel goes almost 240 meters deep and 100 meters below the seabed.

The width of the tunnel is 9.7 meters. Height 7.85 meters. The name of the tunnel translates as “Majestic Spectacle.” The tunnel connects the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido, and passes under the Sangar Strait.

The story after which the decision to build this tunnel was made is quite tragic. Previously, passenger ferries operated between these islands. But in 1954, as a result of a strong storm, 5 ferries sank. More than 1,000 people became victims of the crash. The Japanese government decided to create a safe connection between the islands. Design and geological exploration took 9 years. Construction took a total of more than 24 years, from 1964 to 1988. It was not until March 13, 1988 that the Seikan Tunnel was opened to train traffic. The tunnel cost the Japanese treasury $3.6 billion. About 14 million people worked on its creation.

Interesting facts about the longest tunnel in the world. For construction, 17,000 tons of steel structures, 85,000 tons of cement, 2,900 tons of explosives, and 847,000 cubic meters of a mixture of liquid glass and concrete were used. During the work, 630,000 cubic meters of soil were removed. So far, Seikan is the longest railway tunnel in the world. But the Gotthard Base Tunnel, with a length of 57.1 km, is breathing down his neck. (delivery is planned for 2016-2017). To date, the Seikan Tunnel is the deepest tunnel under the seabed.


The northernmost city in the world is Longyearbyen, Norway. It is the administrative center of the province of Svalbard on the island of Spitsbergen. It is located 1305 km from the North Pole. The city was founded in 1906 by John Munro Longyearbyen, after whom it was named.

Initially, coal was mined in the town. Now it is not exported, but the Norwegian authorities still maintain a presence here, and are even trying to develop a tourist destination. The population of the city according to 2008 data is 2040 people. The average temperature in the city is like in your freezer (-16 -20 degrees Celsius), and only in the summer does it rise to the level of your refrigerator (1-5 degrees plus).

The city has the Svalbard International University, which has 360 students. The first thing they teach at this university is to shoot. Since there are a lot of wild and predatory animals on Svalbard (mostly polar bears, of course), the ability to shoot well, and most importantly accurately, will probably help a student get a diploma and not become someone’s lunch. The city has its own airport serving regular flights. As well as a seaport capable of receiving even cruise ships.


The city has a curious law. According to him, a person is forbidden to die!!! in the city. If someone does need to get very sick or even die, then, according to the law, this citizen is transported in any convenient way to the mainland of the country. It would seem a strange law.

But no, everything is determined by the local climate. Bodies at such temperatures practically do not decompose, which in turn attracts the predatory part of the local fauna. That's why there is no cemetery in the city.


The largest vehicle in the world is the BelAZ 75710 mining dump truck. In the fall of 2013, our Belarusian brothers produced the first such truck, commissioned by the Siberian Business Union holding company. The carrying capacity of this miracle of technology is 450 tons. Length 20.6 m, width 9.75 m, height 8.17 m. The weight of the giant is 360 tons. Despite its impressive size and weight, the dump truck is capable of reaching speeds of up to 67 km/h. As you might guess, the car is all-wheel drive, which is very important when traveling around quarries.

The truck entered the Guinness Book of Records in January 2014, transporting a load of 503.5 tons across the test site. The car has two diesel engines, each with a power of 2330 hp. Fuel consumption is approximately 1300 liters per 100 kilometers. The tank can freely accommodate 5600 liters of fuel. The oil system contains 538 liters of oil.

The total weight of the dump truck with a load is 810 tons. The Belaz has tires with dimensions 59/80R63. Wheel height - 4.02 meters. The tire width is 1.47 meters, weight – 5.75 tons. The designers also took care of the driver. The package includes air conditioning, a blind spot monitoring system, proximity sensors to a high-voltage line and fire extinguishing systems. The truck can operate in the most difficult conditions, both in open-pit mines and in deep quarries at temperatures from -50 to +50 degrees.


The largest cruise ship at the moment is Allure of the seas (translated as Charm of the Seas). Its main parameters are as follows. Length 362 meters. Width 60 meters (waterline 47 meters). Height 72 meters - from the keel to the end of the pipe. Draft 9.3 meters. Displacement 225,282 GRT. Here's a little more detail about GRT (gross register ton) - a unit of volume equal to 100 cubic feet, that is, 2.83 m³.

The displacement of a ship is the amount of water displaced by the underwater part of the hull. The mass of this water is equal to the weight of the entire ship, regardless of its size, shape and material. That is, in simple words, the weight of such a vessel is about 637,548 tons, plus or minus several tons of passengers with crew and fuel and food supplies.

The crew consists of 2384 people. The ship is capable of carrying 6,296 passengers. The liner flies under the Bahamian flag. Home port of Nassau. Manufactured in Finland by order of the American shipping company Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. On November 21, 2009, it was launched, but put into operation only a year later, on November 29, 2010.

Allure of the seas cruises to the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and also operates a transatlantic voyage to Barcelona from Fort Lauderdale. He also has routes around the Mediterranean Sea. By and large, this ship is identical to its brother Oasis of the seas. It has the same 25 cafes and restaurants, climbing walls, a basketball court and 7 different zones. But when measuring the length, “Charm of the Seas” turned out to be 5 cm longer. Most likely, the difference in length is due to the temperature during measurements.


The ship has a central park with about 12,000 plants, 60 of which are trees. You can go shopping during your cruise. There are boutiques of famous brands here. The power of the ship's engines is 97,000 kW or 131,920 horsepower. The money used on board is American dollars. Thanks to cooperation with the DreamWorks film studio, Princess Fiona from the cartoon Shrek became the godmother of the ship. There is its own Aqua Theater on board.


The most important thing that I want to emphasize is to consider the largest lottery winnings per person. In my opinion, it is unfair to talk about a large jackpot if several people shared it among themselves. So, the largest win in the lottery was $590 million.

On May 18, 2013, the famous American lottery Powerball won such a significant jackpot. The winner was 84-year-old resident of Zepherhills (Florida, USA) Gloria S. McKenzie. As Gloria recalls, perhaps she was lucky because the man standing in front of her in line for tickets (oh how! they have a line for lottery tickets) let her go ahead.

According to a lottery spokeswoman, “The winner took a lump sum payment of $370.8 million instead of 30 annual payments of $19 million.” Gloria donated about $2 million to repair the roof at the school where her daughter teaches biology. She also finally exchanged her small apartment for a respectable mansion worth $1.2 million. Despite persuasion, the winner refused to give a press conference and asked in every possible way not to interfere in her life. Which is quite understandable and explainable.


The longest word in the world consists of 189,819 English characters. This word means a chemical compound better known in the world as Titin (it is also called titin or connectin) - the largest protein known to science. Titin consists of 38,138 amino acids. The chemical formula of this protein is C132983H211861N36149O40883S693

There is no point in citing this word in its entirety here, since you will spend 3.5 hours of your time just reading it. And pronunciation of the names of such complex chemical compounds is only good for training the muscles of the tongue. Let me just say that it starts with Methionyl and ends (after 3.5 hours) with Isoleucine. The word takes up about 30 sheets of standard typewritten text.


An Austrian parachutist from the city of Salzburg, Felix Baumgartner, made a parachute jump from the highest altitude, thereby setting a world record.

This event happened on October 14, 2012. The jump was made from a height of 39,450 meters from the stratosphere. None of the modern aircraft for transporting people is capable of reaching such a height. To deliver the jumper to this height, a special space capsule was required, which was lifted by a balloon filled with helium. The jump was also made in a spacesuit, since it is no longer possible to breathe at such a height.

During the fall, the Austrian reached a speed of 1357.6 km/h, thereby exceeding the speed of sound. The athlete spent 4 minutes and 20 seconds in free fall.


The Austrian became the first person to overcome the speed of sound in free fall, and also broke the record for the fastest free fall and the highest flight on a stratospheric balloon. Felix Baumgartner is often called an "adrenaline junkie." On July 31, 2003, he became the first person to fly across the entire English Channel using a special wing.


The largest animal in the world is the Blue Whale. The whale is an animal, not a fish, since it is a mammal. The length of this giant can reach 33 meters and weight 190 tons. The maximum length was recorded in 1926 and was 33.58 meters. The habitat of this giant is almost the entire World Ocean.

The whale feeds on plankton, krill and crustaceans, and less often on small fish and cephalopods. It eats from 3.5 to 8 tons of food per day. The stomach of an adult whale can contain up to one and a half tons of food.

The whale has poor eyesight and smell, but a very well developed sense of touch and hearing. The lifespan of a blue whale is about 80-90 years, but long-livers of 110 years have also been encountered. The blue whale is a loner. Occasionally there are groups of 2-3 individuals. There are cases of detection of numerous groups of 60-70 individuals, but, as a rule, this is due to the presence of abundant food in such places.


When exhaling, the blue whale releases a vertical fountain of water in the form of a narrow, expanding upward cone or column up to 10 meters high. Female blue whales are larger than males. There are beliefs that specimens up to 37 meters long have been encountered.

The tongue of such a whale alone can weigh 4 tons, which is already the weight of an adult elephant, and quite a large one at that. An adult blue whale has more than 8,000 liters of blood in its body. The heart weighs up to 1 ton and beats approximately 5-10 beats per minute. Blue whales can communicate with their fellow whales at a distance of up to 33 km. The whale is capable of diving to depths of up to 500 meters. The whale breathes 1-4 times per minute.


So, if you are planning to swim to your heart’s content in clear sea water, without fear of sharks and coastal waves, then welcome to the Pacific coast in the city of Algarrobo, which is located one hundred kilometers west of the capital of Chile, Santiago. This is where the largest swimming pool in the world is located, San Alfonso del Mar.

The maximum length of the pool is 1013 meters (3323 English feet). The area of ​​the water surface is 8 hectares. It is very clearly visible even from space.

The volume of liquid (in this case, filtered ocean water) is 250 million liters. The water is purified, filtered and supplied to the pool directly from the Pacific Ocean. The water temperature in it is quite comfortable - 26 degrees Celsius. It should be noted that the depth in it is not as impressive as the overall size. The maximum depth is only 3.5 meters. But this doesn’t stop us from even going on boat trips (in the pool!!!).

The pool was put into operation in December 2006. Construction cost Crystal Lagoons $2 billion. One water filtration system cost about $3.5 million. The pool costs $4 million to maintain annually.


The Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon from the 1992 harvest is considered to be the most expensive wine in the world. This wine was produced in the Napa Valley of California (USA) where it was subsequently sold. At a charity wine auction in 2000, a 6-liter bottle of this noble drink went under the hammer for $500,000. The lucky winner was Cisco Systems top manager Chase Bailey.

It is worth noting that Screaming Eagle appeared on the market relatively recently, in 1992. And after 2 years it was already on the list of the best wines in the world.

But the contender for the title of the most expensive wine remained a contender. In 1989, New York citizen William Sokolin tried to sell a bottle of Chateau Margaux from the 1787 vintage with the initials of Thomas Jefferson himself (3rd President of the United States, one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence) for the same $500,000.

It should be noted that there was no queue for this wine, and he came with a bottle to the reception hosted by Chateau Margaux at The Four Seasons restaurant. Everything would have been fine, but the waiter somehow managed to break this exhibit. Nevertheless, Sokolin received $225,000 from the insurance company, since he managed to insure the wine for a decent amount. The fate of the waiter is kept silent.


The deepest place in the world is the Mariana Trench. It is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean near the Mariana Islands, after which it was named. The length of the Mariana Trench is about 1500 kilometers. The bottom is flat, 1-5 km wide. Recently, the presence of mountains up to 2.5 km high was discovered at the bottom. According to 2011 research, the maximum depth of the Mariana Trench at its deepest point, called the Challenger Deep, is 10994 with an error of +/- 40 meters.

The depression was formed at the junction of the Pacific and Philippine tectonic plates. The discovery and first measurement of the depth of the Mariana Trench occurred in 1875. Then the British measured 8367 meters. And in 1951 they found a depth of 10,863 meters. For the first time, people sank to the bottom of the Mariana Trench on January 23, 1960 on the bathyscaphe Trieste.

These were explorer Jacques Piccard and US Navy lieutenant Don Walsh. Then it was proven that life exists even at such depths. At the bottom, fish as flat as flounder and various living organisms were found.


The pressure at the bottom is 108.6 MPa, which is 1072 times more than atmospheric pressure at the level of the World Ocean. That's why the fish there are probably flat as a pancake. To date, only three people have visited the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

There are many legends and myths about the existence of various monsters, dinosaurs and other cute creatures there. If you throw a metal ball weighing 1 kg, it will reach the bottom only after 64 minutes. The depth of the Mariana Trench is greater than the height of the tallest mountain, Everest.


The largest airport in the world is Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. Located 11 kilometers from Atlanta, the capital of the state of Georgia, United States of America. The airport occupies a leading place in the world not only in passenger traffic but also in the number of takeoffs and landings. Passenger traffic through the airport annually amounts to about 90 million passengers, and according to the latest data it is already approaching 100 million. The number of takeoffs and landings hovers around 900,000, sometimes approaching almost 1 million. Most airport flights are domestic.

The airport has five concrete runways and one helipad. The length of the strips is from 2743 to 3776 meters.


The first landing at the airport was made by a Florida Airways mail plane on September 15, 1926. The airport has 196 gates. The original name of the air harbor is Candler Field, named after the owner of the site, the founder of the Coca-Cola company and former mayor of Atlanta Asa Candler, who initially leased this site and then gave it for the construction of an airfield. The airport employs approximately 55,000 people.


The tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa, a skyscraper with a height of 828 meters located in Dubai. In shape it is very similar to a stalagmite, or a very large toothpick. The significant opening took place on January 4, 2010 in the largest city of the United Arab Emirates - Dubai.

The building has 163 floors and 57 elevators, but only one service elevator can take you from the first to the last floor, while the rest will require transfers. From the very beginning, this complex was planned as a “city within a city”, with all the corresponding infrastructure. Construction began in 2004.

The building grew by 1-2 floors per week. The foundation of this monster is not anchored to the rock. So-called “hanging piles” 50 meters long and 1.5 meters in diameter were used as the foundation. And there are 192 such piles. 330,000 m3 of concrete and 39,000 tons of steel structures were used during construction. Construction took 22,000,000 man-hours.

Up to 12,000 workers worked on construction every day. Moreover, there is evidence that the workers were not paid that much, so there were periodic riots at the construction site.

As a result of titanic efforts and huge financial investments, the tallest building in the world was finally built and delights tourists and local residents. And now it tops the list of the tallest buildings in the world.


Previously, the height record belonged to the Warsaw radio mast with its “pathetic” 646.38 meters. But it so happened that in 1991 it collapsed. The original name was “Burj Dubai” (translated as “Dubai Tower”). But then it was renamed “Burj Khalifa” (respectively “Khalifa Tower”) in honor of the UAE President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The cost of this mega-miracle is estimated at 1.5 billion US dollars.

The hotel's design was designed by Giorgio Armani. The Burj Khalifa's glass is washed every day, although it takes about three months to wash the entire surface of the building. More than 26,000 glass panels were used for glazing. Construction took 22 million man-hours. That is, one person will build this in just 22 million hours or ... 2511 years, and this is subject to round-the-clock work.

In addition to hotels, restaurants and offices, the complex has 900 apartments. The entire floor at number 100 is owned by Indian billionaire B. R. Shetty. In March 2011, the famous “Spiderman” Alain Robert conquered the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in about six hours.


The tallest waterfall in the world is located in Venezuela, and is named Angel, in honor of the pilot who discovered it, James Angel (in the local dialect Angel). He first told the world about this miracle in 1933.

The waterfall is lost in the jungle of southeastern Venezuela, and is included in the Canaima National Park. The mountains in which Angel is born are called tepuis (the so-called table mountains, stunning in their beauty, have flat tops and steep slopes). The mountain itself, from which the highest waterfall falls, is called Auyantepuy, which translated into Russian means “Devil’s Mountain”. The highest point of the waterfall is considered to be 979 meters high, but the water falls from a height of 807 meters.

Getting to the waterfall is quite difficult. There are no roads in this area. But on the other hand, this is even for the better; you will see the highest waterfall in the world in its natural, pristine beauty. Tourists are usually transported by small planes and offered to view it from the window. The best way to get to know the waterfall is by boat tour (usually lasts 2-3 days).


Water, falling from such a height, practically does not reach the ground, breaking up into small particles in flight, forming something similar to fog, which spreads for several kilometers around. The waterfall flow rate is approximately 300 m3 per second. On November 16, 1933, James Angel discovered this waterfall, and only returned to it on October 9, 1937. But during landing the plane was damaged and the pilot and crew had to walk 11 days to reach civilization.

James's aircraft rested where he left it for 33 years. Then, however, he was nevertheless moved by helicopter to the aviation museum of the city of Maracay. There is a mention that in 1910 the waterfall was discovered by explorer Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz, but for some reason it was Jace Angel who managed to attract attention to it.

The waterfall is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. On December 20, 2009, Hugo Chavez (then President of Venezuela) renamed Angel Falls to Kerepakupai-meru, which corresponds to one of its local names.

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The New York metropolitan area ranks first in the world in terms of the number of stations. There are 469 of them. And only 277 of them are underground. There are 34 lines in the metro, but 24 routes. The system there is somewhat confusing. The New York subway is characterized by a fundamental difference between the route and the line. A line is only part of a route with stations. And the route is the path of the train from the starting to the final stop, which can pass along different lines.
Also interesting is the fact that the metro is divided into express (stops only at certain stations) and local trains (follow all stops).
Formally, it is generally accepted that the metro appeared on October 27, 1904. On this day, the first branch of its underground part was officially launched. But you need to know that this significant event was preceded by the appearance of the first land line on October 9, 1863 (by the way, it is still operational). About 40% of the subway tracks in New York are ground and elevated. But this does not prevent us from calling it Subway (subway in English).
The New York City subway has the largest fleet of cars in the world. In July 2014, he counted almost 6,400 of them. The metro serves 1.7 billion passengers per year. Opening hours are 24 hours a day and all year round. The length of the routes is 375 km. The total length of the tracks is 1362 km. In addition to the usual ways to get on the subway, in New York there are elevators that take a person from the street directly to the station. Naturally, they are intended for people with disabilities.


The tallest tree in the world is the sequoia, growing in northern California (USA). She even has her own name - Hyperion. Apparently, this name was given to her in honor of the mythological character - the titan Hyperion (translated from ancient Greek as very tall). This tree was discovered only on August 25, 2006 by researchers Michael Taylor and Chris Atkins. The height of the tree is 115.61 m. The volume of wood is 530 cubic meters. Approximate age 700-800 years.
They climbed the tree (yes, just like climbing a mountain, with all the attributes of climbers). And as one of the climbers, Steve Silette, noted, judging by the external signs of the needles, the tree has growth potential.
Interesting facts about the tallest tree in the world. Redwoods can live up to 4,000 years. The exact location of this tree is not disclosed due to the danger of a massive invasion of tourists and, as a result, deterioration of the ecological balance.


Interesting facts about the largest aircraft. The aircraft has a so-called two-fin tail unit (roughly speaking, two tails). The peculiarity of this design is due to the aerodynamic characteristics of the device when transporting cargo directly on the upper part of the fuselage. Now the full name of the aircraft is AN-225 Mriya (translated from Ukrainian as a dream). The aircraft is capable of transporting up to 50 passenger cars at the same time. Total lifting capacity 250 tons. Moreover, “on the roof” it can transport cargo weighing up to 200 tons. Maximum take-off weight 640 tons. The unloaded weight of the aircraft is 250 tons. The fuel supply on board is 300 tons. The maximum flight altitude is 12,000 meters. Flight range up to 15400 km. All control systems are 4 times redundant (duplicated). About 250 world records belong to the AN-225.


The longest railway tunnel in the world is the Japanese Seikan Tunnel. Its length is 53,850 meters, of which 23,300 are under water. The tunnel goes almost 240 meters deep and 100 meters below the seabed.
The width of the tunnel is 9.7 meters. Height 7.85 meters.
The name of the tunnel translates as “Majestic Spectacle.” The tunnel connects the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido, and passes under the Sangar Strait.
The story after which the decision to build this tunnel was made is quite tragic. Previously, passenger ferries operated between these islands. But in 1954, as a result of a strong storm, 5 ferries sank. More than 1,000 people became victims of the crash. The Japanese government decided to create a safe connection between the islands. Design and geological exploration took 9 years. Construction took a total of more than 24 years, from 1964 to 1988. It was not until March 13, 1988 that the Seikan Tunnel was opened to train traffic. The tunnel cost the Japanese treasury $3.6 billion. About 14 million people worked on its creation.
Interesting facts about the longest tunnel in the world. For construction, 17,000 tons of steel structures, 85,000 tons of cement, 2,900 tons of explosives, and 847,000 cubic meters of a mixture of liquid glass and concrete were used. During the work, 630,000 cubic meters of soil were removed. So far, Seikan is the longest railway tunnel in the world. But the Gotthard Base Tunnel, with a length of 57.1 km, is breathing down his neck. (delivery is planned for 2016-2017). To date, the Seikan Tunnel is the deepest tunnel under the seabed.


The northernmost city in the world is Longyearbyen, Norway. It is the administrative center of the province of Svalbard on the island of Spitsbergen. It is located 1305 km from the North Pole. The city was founded in 1906 by John Munro Longyearbyen, after whom it was named.
Initially, coal was mined in the town. Now it is not exported, but the Norwegian authorities still maintain a presence here, and are even trying to develop a tourist destination. The population of the city according to 2008 data is 2040 people. The average temperature in the city is like in your freezer (-16 -20 degrees Celsius), and only in the summer does it rise to the level of your refrigerator (1-5 degrees plus). The city has the Svalbard International University, which has 360 students. The first thing they teach at this university is to shoot. Since there are a lot of wild and predatory animals on Svalbard (mostly polar bears, of course), the ability to shoot well, and most importantly accurately, will probably help a student get a diploma, and not become someone’s lunch.
The city has its own airport serving regular flights.
As well as a seaport capable of receiving even cruise ships.
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE NORTHERNEST CITY IN THE WORLD. The city has a curious law. According to him, a person is forbidden to die!!! in the city. If someone does need to get very sick or even die, then, according to the law, this citizen is transported in any convenient way to the mainland of the country. It would seem a strange law. But no, everything is determined by the local climate. Bodies at such temperatures practically do not decompose, which in turn attracts the predatory part of the local fauna. That's why there is no cemetery in the city.


The largest vehicle in the world is the BelAZ 75710 mining dump truck. In the fall of 2013, our Belarusian brothers produced the first such truck, commissioned by the Siberian Business Union holding company. The carrying capacity of this miracle of technology is 450 tons. Length 20.6 m, width 9.75 m, height 8.17 m. The weight of the giant is 360 tons. Despite its impressive size and weight, the dump truck is capable of reaching speeds of up to 67 km/h. As you might guess, the car is all-wheel drive, which is very important when traveling around quarries.
The truck entered the Guinness Book of Records in January 2014, transporting a load of 503.5 tons across the test site.
The car has two diesel engines, each with a power of 2330 hp. Fuel consumption is approximately 1300 liters per 100 kilometers. The tank can freely accommodate 5600 liters of fuel. The oil system contains 538 liters of oil.
The total weight of the dump truck with a load is 810 tons. The Belaz has tires with dimensions 59/80R63. Wheel height - 4.02 meters. The tire width is 1.47 meters, weight – 5.75 tons.
The designers also took care of the driver. The package includes air conditioning, a blind spot monitoring system, proximity sensors to a high-voltage line and fire extinguishing systems. The truck can operate in the most difficult conditions, both in open-pit mines and in deep quarries at temperatures from -50 to +50 degrees.


The largest cruise ship at the moment is Allure of the seas (translated as Charm of the Seas). Its main parameters are as follows. Length 362 meters. Width 60 meters (waterline 47 meters). Height 72 meters - from the keel to the end of the pipe. Draft 9.3 meters. Displacement 225,282 GRT. Here's a little more detail about GRT (gross register ton) - a unit of volume equal to 100 cubic feet, that is, 2.83 m³. The displacement of a ship is the amount of water displaced by the underwater part of the hull. The mass of this water is equal to the weight of the entire ship, regardless of its size, shape and material. That is, in simple words, the weight of such a vessel is about 637,548 tons, plus or minus several tons of passengers with crew and fuel and food supplies.
The crew consists of 2384 people. The ship is capable of carrying 6,296 passengers. The liner flies under the Bahamian flag. Home port of Nassau. Manufactured in Finland by order of the American shipping company Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. On November 21, 2009, it was launched, but put into operation only a year later, on November 29, 2010.
Allure of the seas cruises to the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and also operates a transatlantic voyage to Barcelona from Fort Lauderdale. He also has routes around the Mediterranean Sea. By and large, this ship is identical to its brother Oasis of the seas. It has the same 25 cafes and restaurants, climbing walls, a basketball court and 7 different zones. But when measuring the length, “Charm of the Seas” turned out to be 5 cm longer. Most likely, the difference in length is due to the temperature during measurements.
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE BIGGEST CRUISE LINER IN THE WORLD. The ship has a central park with about 12,000 plants, 60 of which are trees. You can go shopping during your cruise. There are boutiques of famous brands here. The power of the ship's engines is 97,000 kW or 131,920 horsepower. The money used on board is American dollars. Thanks to cooperation with the DreamWorks film studio, Princess Fiona from the cartoon Shrek became the godmother of the ship. There is its own Aqua Theater on board.


The most important thing that I want to emphasize is to consider the largest lottery winnings per person. In my opinion, it is unfair to talk about a large jackpot if several people shared it among themselves. So, the largest win in the lottery was $590 million.
On May 18, 2013, the famous American lottery Powerball won such a significant jackpot. The winner was 84-year-old resident of Zepherhills (Florida, USA) Gloria S. McKenzie. As Gloria recalls, perhaps she was lucky because the man standing in front of her in line for tickets (oh how! they have a line for lottery tickets) let her go ahead.
According to a lottery spokeswoman, “The winner took a lump sum payment of $370.8 million instead of 30 annual payments of $19 million.” Gloria donated about $2 million to repair the roof at the school where her daughter teaches biology. She also finally exchanged her small apartment for a respectable mansion worth $1.2 million. Despite persuasion, the winner refused to give a press conference and asked in every possible way not to interfere in her life. Which is quite understandable and explainable.


The smallest hotel in the world is the Central Hotel on a quiet street in a prestigious area of ​​Copenhagen (the capital of Denmark). There are, as you might guess, a whole number of rooms in the hotel... one, with an area of ​​12 square meters. meters. But it has everything you need for a comfortable stay: a double bed 1.4 meters wide, an LCD TV (which can be hidden behind a decorative wooden panel if desired), a bathroom with shower, a refrigerator, a telephone and even free Wi-Fi.
The only room is on the second floor of a two-story building. There is a cozy cafe on the ground floor.
The cafe opened in 2010, and only on July 19, 2013, the hotel opened its doors, welcoming its first visitors. A room for up to 2 people will cost DKK 1,800 (EUR 240) per night. And that includes breakfast for two, which is served from 7 a.m. to noon. You can even order it to your room. Despite its modest size, the hotel is very popular. Therefore, if you decide to relax there, make sure to make a reservation in advance. The success of the establishment may have been ensured by the former profession of its owner. Leif Singfeld (the hotel owner) worked in show business, so he knows how to attract the attention of visitors. Every square inch of his property deserves special attention. The hotel even has its own logo.


The longest word in the world consists of 189,819 English characters. This word means a chemical compound better known in the world as Titin (it is also called titin or connectin) - the largest protein known to science. Titin consists of 38,138 amino acids. The chemical formula of this protein is C132983H211861N36149O40883S693
There is no point in citing this word in its entirety here, since you will spend 3.5 hours of your time just reading it. And pronunciation of the names of such complex chemical compounds is only good for training the muscles of the tongue. Let me just say that it starts with Methionyl and ends (after 3.5 hours) with Isoleucine. The word takes up about 30 sheets of standard typewritten text.


An Austrian parachutist from the city of Salzburg, Felix Baumgartner, made a parachute jump from the highest altitude, thereby setting a world record.
This event happened on October 14, 2012. The jump was made from a height of 39,450 meters from the stratosphere. None of the modern aircraft for transporting people is capable of reaching such a height. To deliver the jumper to this height, a special space capsule was required, which was lifted by a balloon filled with helium. The jump was also made in a spacesuit, since it is no longer possible to breathe at such a height.
During the fall, the Austrian reached a speed of 1357.6 km/h, thereby exceeding the speed of sound. The athlete spent 4 minutes and 20 seconds in free fall.
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT JUMPING FROM THE HIGHEST HEIGHT. The Austrian became the first person to overcome the speed of sound in free fall, and also broke the record for the fastest free fall and the highest flight on a stratospheric balloon. Felix Baumgartner is often called an "adrenaline junkie." On July 31, 2003, he became the first person to fly across the entire English Channel using a special wing.


The largest animal in the world is the Blue Whale. The whale is an animal, not a fish, since it is a mammal. The length of this giant can reach 33 meters and weight 190 tons. The maximum length was recorded in 1926 and was 33.58 meters. The habitat of this giant is almost the entire World Ocean.
The whale feeds on plankton, krill and crustaceans, and less often on small fish and cephalopods. It eats from 3.5 to 8 tons of food per day. The stomach of an adult whale can contain up to one and a half tons of food.
The whale has poor eyesight and smell, but a very well developed sense of touch and hearing. The lifespan of a blue whale is about 80-90 years, but long-livers of 110 years have also been encountered. The blue whale is a loner. Occasionally there are groups of 2-3 individuals. There are cases of detection of numerous groups of 60-70 individuals, but, as a rule, this is due to the presence of abundant food in such places.
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE BIGGEST ANIMAL. When exhaling, the blue whale releases a vertical fountain of water in the form of a narrow, expanding upward cone or column up to 10 meters high. Female blue whales are larger than males. There are beliefs that specimens up to 37 meters long have been encountered. The tongue of such a whale alone can weigh 4 tons, which is already the weight of an adult elephant, and quite a large one at that. An adult blue whale has more than 8,000 liters of blood in its body. The heart weighs up to 1 ton and beats approximately 5-10 beats per minute. Blue whales can communicate with their fellow whales at a distance of up to 33 km. The whale is capable of diving to depths of up to 500 meters. The whale breathes 1-4 times per minute.


So, if you are planning to swim to your heart’s content in clear sea water, without fear of sharks and coastal waves, then welcome to the Pacific coast in the city of Algarrobo, which is located one hundred kilometers west of the capital of Chile, Santiago. This is where the largest swimming pool in the world is located, San Alfonso del Mar.
The maximum length of the pool is 1013 meters (3323 English feet). The area of ​​the water surface is 8 hectares. It is very clearly visible even from space.
The volume of liquid (in this case, filtered ocean water) is 250 million liters. The water is purified, filtered and supplied to the pool directly from the Pacific Ocean. The water temperature in it is quite comfortable - 26 degrees Celsius. It should be noted that the depth in it is not as impressive as the overall size. The maximum depth is only 3.5 meters. But this doesn’t stop us from even going on boat trips (in the pool!!!).
The pool was put into operation in December 2006. Construction cost Crystal Lagoons $2 billion. One water filtration system cost about $3.5 million. The pool costs $4 million to maintain annually.


The smallest city in the world is located in Croatia. It is called Hum and is located in the municipality of Buzet on the Istrian peninsula. Only 17 people live there. Why is it called a city, because it has all the relevant infrastructure - a post office, a museum, a central square, a cemetery, souvenir and wine shops, and as many as two churches.
Khum - located on the top of a hill at an altitude of 349 meters. The city was built on the ruins of an ancient Roman settlement around the 11th century.
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE SMALLEST CITY IN THE WORLD. The maximum number of residents who have ever lived here is 300 people. The city has only 2 streets and 20 buildings. There is a belief that the birth of Huma was a joke of local giants. They built the Khum fortress from several stones left over from the construction of cities in the Mirna River valley. The election of the city mayor, held in June, is quite unique. The men gather and with a sharp object, similar to a small sickle, make cuts on the corners of a special square staff. The number of notches per candidate is then counted. It's a kind of voting. The winner is solemnly presented with a rod, a symbol of power, called a “club”. Let us note that not everyone wants to be a leader, since the population of the city is elderly people with a lot of problems that need to be solved.


The Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon from the 1992 harvest is considered to be the most expensive wine in the world. This wine was produced in the Napa Valley of California (USA) where it was subsequently sold. At a charity wine auction in 2000, a 6-liter bottle of this noble drink went under the hammer for $500,000. The lucky winner was Cisco Systems top manager Chase Bailey.
It is worth noting that Screaming Eagle appeared on the market relatively recently, in 1992. And after 2 years it was already on the list of the best wines in the world.
But the contender for the title of the most expensive wine remained a contender. In 1989, New York citizen William Sokolin tried to sell a bottle of Chateau Margaux from the 1787 vintage with the initials of Thomas Jefferson himself (3rd President of the United States, one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence) for the same $500,000. It should be noted that there was no queue for this wine, and he came with a bottle to the reception hosted by Chateau Margaux at The Four Seasons restaurant. Everything would have been fine, but the waiter somehow managed to break this exhibit. Nevertheless, Sokolin received $225,000 from the insurance company, since he managed to insure the wine for a decent amount. The fate of the waiter is kept silent.


The deepest place in the world is the Mariana Trench. It is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean near the Mariana Islands, after which it was named. The length of the Mariana Trench is about 1500 kilometers. The bottom is flat, 1-5 km wide. Recently, the presence of mountains up to 2.5 km high was discovered at the bottom. According to 2011 research, the maximum depth of the Mariana Trench at its deepest point, called the Challenger Deep, is 10994 with an error of +/- 40 meters. The depression was formed at the junction of the Pacific and Philippine tectonic plates. The discovery and first measurement of the depth of the Mariana Trench occurred in 1875. Then the British measured 8367 meters. And in 1951 they found a depth of 10,863 meters. For the first time, people sank to the bottom of the Mariana Trench on January 23, 1960 on the bathyscaphe Trieste. These were explorer Jacques Piccard and US Navy lieutenant Don Walsh. Then it was proven that life exists even at such depths. At the bottom, fish as flat as flounder and various living organisms were found.
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE MARIANA Trench. The pressure at the bottom is 108.6 MPa, which is 1072 times more than atmospheric pressure at the level of the World Ocean. That's why the fish there are probably flat as a pancake. To date, only three people have visited the bottom of the Mariana Trench. There are many legends and myths about the existence of various monsters, dinosaurs and other cute creatures there. If you throw a metal ball weighing 1 kg, it will reach the bottom only after 64 minutes. The depth of the Mariana Trench is greater than the height of the tallest mountain, Everest.


The smallest country in the world is the Vatican. It is located inside Rome, the capital of Italy. It can hardly be called a country in the usual sense. Even the title “city-country” does not quite suit the Vatican, since it is just a few streets almost in the very center of Rome. The area of ​​the state is 0.44 km2.
Population approximately 840 people. Citizens of this state are recognized as subjects of the Holy See. The country gained independence from Italy only on February 11, 1929. According to the international classification, the Vatican is the sovereign territory of the Holy See and the residence of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. The head of state is the Pope, elected for life by the cardinals.
The Vatican has the only non-profit planned economy in the world. By and large, the country exists on donations and some income from tourists from visiting museums and selling souvenirs.
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE VATICAN. The Vatican has its own radio station, which broadcasts in 47 languages, including Russian. During the times of Ancient Rome, the place where the smallest country in the world is now located was considered holy and was not inhabited. Vatican City citizenship is not hereditary. The length of the state border is 3.2 km. The Vatican has its own bank. True, it is called the “Institute of Religious Affairs.” The Vatican budget is 310 million US dollars. The state has its own railway station and as many as 700 meters of railway tracks.


The largest airport in the world is Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. Located 11 kilometers from Atlanta, the capital of the state of Georgia, United States of America. The airport occupies a leading place in the world not only in passenger traffic but also in the number of takeoffs and landings. Passenger traffic through the airport annually amounts to about 90 million passengers, and according to the latest data it is already approaching 100 million. The number of takeoffs and landings hovers around 900,000, sometimes approaching almost 1 million. Most airport flights are domestic.
The airport has five concrete runways and one helipad. The length of the strips is from 2743 to 3776 meters.
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE BIGGEST AIRPORT IN THE WORLD. The first landing at the airport was made by a Florida Airways mail plane on September 15, 1926. The airport has 196 gates. The original name of the air harbor is Candler Field, named after the owner of the site, the founder of the Coca-Cola company and former mayor of Atlanta Asa Candler, who initially leased this site and then gave it for the construction of an airfield. The airport employs approximately 55,000 people.


The tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa, a skyscraper with a height of 828 meters located in Dubai. In shape it is very similar to a stalagmite, or a very large toothpick. The significant opening took place on January 4, 2010 in the largest city of the United Arab Emirates - Dubai.
The building has 163 floors and 57 elevators, but only one service elevator can take you from the first to the last floor, while the rest will require transfers. From the very beginning, this complex was planned as a “city within a city”, with all the corresponding infrastructure. Construction began in 2004. The building grew by 1-2 floors per week. The foundation of this monster is not anchored to the rock. So-called “hanging piles” 50 meters long and 1.5 meters in diameter were used as the foundation. And there are 192 such piles. 330,000 m3 of concrete and 39,000 tons of steel structures were used during construction. Construction took 22,000,000 man-hours.
Up to 12,000 workers worked on construction every day. Moreover, there is evidence that the workers were not paid that much, so there were periodic riots at the construction site.
As a result of titanic efforts and huge financial investments, the tallest building in the world was finally built and delights tourists and local residents. And now it tops the list of the tallest buildings in the world.
INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE HIGHEST SKYSCRAPER IN THE WORLD. Previously, the height record belonged to the Warsaw radio mast with its “pathetic” 646.38 meters. But it so happened that in 1991 it collapsed. The original name was “Burj Dubai” (translated as “Dubai Tower”). But then it was renamed “Burj Khalifa” (respectively “Khalifa Tower”) in honor of the UAE President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The cost of this mega-miracle is estimated at 1.5 billion US dollars. The hotel's design was designed by Giorgio Armani. The Burj Khalifa's glass is washed every day, although it takes about three months to wash the entire surface of the building. More than 26,000 glass panels were used for glazing. Construction took 22 million man-hours. That is, one person will build this in just 22 million hours or ... 2511 years, and this is subject to round-the-clock work. In addition to hotels, restaurants and offices, the complex has 900 apartments. The entire floor at number 100 is owned by Indian billionaire B. R. Shetty. In March 2011, the famous “Spiderman” Alain Robert conquered the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in about six hours.


The tallest waterfall in the world is located in Venezuela, and is named Angel, in honor of the pilot who discovered it, James Angel (in the local dialect Angel). He first told the world about this miracle in 1933.
The waterfall is lost in the jungle of southeastern Venezuela, and is included in the Canaima National Park. The mountains in which Angel is born are called tepuis (the so-called table mountains, stunning in their beauty, have flat tops and steep slopes). The mountain itself, from which the highest waterfall falls, is called Auyantepuy, which translated into Russian means “Devil’s Mountain”. The highest point of the waterfall is considered to be 979 meters high, but the water falls from a height of 807 meters.
Getting to the waterfall is quite difficult. There are no roads in this area. But on the other hand, this is even for the better; you will see the highest waterfall in the world in its natural, pristine beauty. Tourists are usually transported by small planes and offered to view it from the window. The best way to get to know the waterfall is by boat tour (usually lasts 2-3 days). INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE HIGHEST WATERFALL IN THE WORLD. Water, falling from such a height, practically does not reach the ground, breaking up into small particles in flight, forming something similar to fog, which spreads for several kilometers around. The waterfall flow rate is approximately 300 m3 per second. On November 16, 1933, James Angel discovered this waterfall, and only returned to it on October 9, 1937. But during landing the plane was damaged and the pilot and crew had to walk 11 days to reach civilization. James's aircraft rested where he left it for 33 years. Then, however, he was nevertheless moved by helicopter to the aviation museum of the city of Maracay. There is a mention that in 1910 the waterfall was discovered by explorer Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz, but for some reason it was Jace Angel who managed to attract attention to it. The waterfall is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. On December 20, 2009, Hugo Chavez (then President of Venezuela) renamed Angel Falls to Kerepakupai-meru, which corresponds to one of its local names.

There are many wonders in the world built by nature and man. Here you can learn about the greatest wonders of nature and engineering created so far.
The world's largest photo

The largest photograph to date is a 320 gigapixel panorama of London, which was compiled from 48,640 individual images. All images were shot with four Canon EOS 7D cameras and combined to create this 360-degree creation. If this was a physical photograph, it would be the size of Buckingham Palace. It's worth noting that the photo was taken from the roof of BT Tower.
The largest ship in the world

The largest ship, larger than the Empire State Building, was launched in South Korea. The Prelude is 488 meters long and 74 meters wide. When fully loaded, the ship weighs about 600,000 tons.
The largest airliner

Together with her twin brother, the Oasis of the Seas cruise ship is currently the largest passenger ship on the planet. Its length is 360 meters, and its twin brother Allure of the Seas is only 5 cm longer.
The largest lake in the world

The Caspian Sea is the largest lake on our planet. It is located at the junction of Europe and Asia. Today, the area of ​​the Caspian Sea is about 371,000 square meters.
The largest river

In terms of the size of the basin, as well as the depth and length of the river system, the Amazon is the largest river on Earth. The river has a length of 6992.06 km. In 2011, the Amazon was recognized as a natural wonder of the world.
The largest plane in the world

At the moment, the An-225 Mriya is rightfully considered the largest aircraft. This transport jet aircraft was developed by the Design Bureau named after. O. K. Antonova. It was designed and built in the USSR at the Kiev Mechanical Plant between 1984 and 1988. Today, only one copy flies, which is in operation by Antonov Airlines.

The largest machine in the world (the largest excavator)

The Bagger 288 excavator was built in 1978 by the German company Krupp for the Rheinbraun company. The vehicle is larger than NASA's crawler transporter, which is used to transport the shuttle and Apollo rockets to the launch pad. Bagger 288 is used for mining and digging large trenches. Every day it is capable of extracting 230 tons of coal.

The biggest ball

In 2002, a team of NASA engineers developed the world's largest hot air balloon, with a volume of 1.7 million cubic meters. m. The entire structure weighs 690 kilograms. It was launched as part of the LEE (Low Energy Electrons) program, and the ball was able to rise to a height of 49 kilometers. Research has shown that this balloon can be used to deliver equipment to record heights.
The largest book in the world

The largest book measures 5m x 8.06m and weighs approximately 1,500kg. It contains 429 pages and was created by Mshahed International Group, in Dubai, UAE on February 27, 2012. More than 50 people participated in the creation of the book, which was called “This is Muhammad”.
Biggest screen

The largest screen on Earth can be seen in Kazan. Large plasma panels were installed at the Kazan Arena stadium, and the total screen area is 3,622 square meters.

The biggest store

The Shinsegae department store was included in the Guinness Book of Records in the category “Largest Store in the World.” It was built in Busan, South Korea. It is worth noting that Busan is the second largest city in South Korea and the largest seaport on Earth. Shinsegae Department Store covers an area of ​​293,905 square meters. The opening took place in 2009 - it was then that the store broke the record of 100,000 square meters, previously held by Macy's department store in New York.
The largest stadium

At the moment, of the huge number of stadiums built for various sporting events, the May Day Stadium in Pyongyang (DPRK) is in the lead. This stadium can accommodate 150,000 spectators. It was built back in 1989 to host the XIII Festival of Youth and Students. It is worth noting the design feature of this stadium - 16 arches that form a ring. Thanks to these arches, the shape of the stadium resembles a magnolia flower. Despite the fact that the DPRK national football team plays at this stadium, it is mainly used for the massive Arirang festival.

The largest water park

Tropical Islands is the largest water park. It is located in Halbe in Brandenburg, Germany. Previously, the water park building was used as a hangar for airships. It is also worth noting that this building is the largest self-supporting hall in the world. The complex can accommodate up to 6,000 people per day. It employs about 500 people.

The largest aquarium

In Singapore, you can visit the Marine Life Park. Built on Sentosa Island, this aquarium is the largest in the world. The opening took place on November 22, 2012. The park consists of 2 parts: the S.E.A Aquarium and the Adventure Cove Waterpark. In the first, you can see more than 100,000 marine animals of 800 species living in a large aquarium filled with 45,000,000 liters of sea water.

The largest museum

One can argue for a long time which museum is the largest, but most opinions agree on the Louvre Museum (Musee du Louvre), which was visited by 9,720,260 people in 2012. Its area is 160,106 square meters. On an area of ​​58,470 sq. meters are the expositions.
The largest library

The Library of Congress is the largest in the world. This US national library is located in Washington DC and is the scientific library of the United States Congress. It is used by representatives of government agencies, research institutions, scientists, private firms, as well as industrial companies and schools.

The British Library can also be included in the same category. This national library of Great Britain is the second largest library in the world.
Largest airport

The Guinness Book of Records notes that the largest airport in the world by area is King Fahd International Airport (KFIA). It is located 25 kilometers from the city of Dammam (Saudi Arabia). Its area is 780 square meters.

In terms of passenger traffic and takeoffs, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is currently the busiest airport on Earth. It has several names: Atlanta Airport, Hartsfield Airport, Hartsfield-Jackson and it is located 11 km from the central business district of Atlanta, in the state of Georgia, USA.
Largest tomb

The tomb of the 16th Emperor of Japan, Nintoku (or O-sazaki), is one of the three largest tombs in the world, along with the Pyramid of Cheops and the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, ruler of the Qin kingdom (from 246 BC) , which stopped the centuries-long era of the Warring States. The Tomb of the Japanese Emperor is located in Sakai near Osaka and is the largest kofun in Japan (kofun is an ancient burial mound in the land of the rising sun). The tomb is 1,600 years old and looks like a keyhole when viewed from above. It occupies an area of ​​464,124 square meters.
Largest building

The Boeing 747, 767, 777 and 787 Dreamliner are some of the largest airliners in the world, and they are assembled at the Boeing Everett Factory, near Everett, Washington. The plant has a volume of more than 13 million cubic meters and an area of ​​almost 400,000 square meters, making the Boeing Everett Factory the largest building in the world.