Abandoned place “Syana’s Caves. Excerpts from legends about the ancient Sayan civilization Magic Grotto "Milky Way"

On the left bank of the Pakhra River near the village of Novlenskie settlements there is the most famous anomalous zone of artificial origin in the Moscow region - “Syana Caves”.

The caves appeared in the 18th century, when white stone began to be mined here for the construction of temples and fortresses. The material for strengthening the airport in Domodedovo was also taken from here, after which the mining was stopped. The total length of the caves lying at a depth of 30 meters once exceeded 90 kilometers, the height of the drifts was up to 3.5 meters. By now, the abandoned caves had partially collapsed; they were completely closed to visitors in 1969 after a child went missing here.

In 1988, enterprising Moscow students opened the entrance, calling it the Cat's Manhole. The youth began to look after the condition of the vaults and little by little unearth some of the littered corridors. Regular visitors to this strange place began to call themselves “system specialists”, and the labyrinth of caves - “the system”. This word refers not only to numerous caves, but also to a system of behavior, rituals and myths that quickly emerged. System engineers have become a popular youth movement.

Most of the drifts accessible for passage are now numbered, marked on the map and have their own names, replete with humor and an excess of student imagination: “Stop of the first carriage”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “SS-20”, etc. On the second Sunday In September, several hundred fans of the original song and speleologists gather in the Syan caves for the opening of the season.

Visitors sometimes include careless novices or tipsy speleologists who get lost in the maze. Therefore, everyone entering the Syan caves is required to note in a special journal the time of their arrival and the expected time of exit. Usually, all those who get lost are found by amateur speleologists. But occasionally state rescue services have to be called for help. This happened in 1998, when the system specialists themselves were unable to find their comrade, and only professional mine rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations found the terrified “fugitive” in a remote drift on the third day of the search.

Legends of Syanovsky Caves

In addition to the usual legends of Russian caves about “white” and “black” ghost speleologists, the Syan labyrinths also have their own characteristics. According to local belief, the very narrow and long drift “Pike Manhole” restores in those who were able to overcome it the memory of the moment of their birth from their mother’s womb. And in the galleries, painted in the spirit of surrealism based on the novel “The Master and Margarita,” there is the spirit of Woland himself. In one cave, a “TV” from the Stone Age, built from stones and bones, is unexpectedly discovered.

In the central drift, on a large limestone stone, sits the local “deity” - an incomplete skeleton named Aristarchus, near whom cheerful students place their gifts. It is not known exactly how Aristarchus got underground, but there are several heartbreaking assumptions. Once upon a time there was another one near this skeleton, presumably a girlfriend. This little skeleton disappeared one stormy Friday night - or so the story goes. Although there is something else - it claims that a famous speleologist was identified in the remains, and he was buried with honors. But this is all mythology: how it really happened is unknown.

Magic Grotto "Milky Way"

The most beautiful place in the Syan Caves is deservedly considered the Milky Way Grotto. The vault of this cave reflects the light of lanterns with thousands of lights. And if you turn off the flashlights, the ceiling glows for some time. This grotto is quite difficult to access, but it is worth a visit - it is an unusually beautiful sight. Regulars affectionately call this grotto “Mlechnik”. And everyone is unequivocal in their assessment that the Milky Way is the temple of Syan, here the higher mind talks to a person. Some even believe that the entrance to other worlds is hidden in this grotto; here you can make your wishes come true - and they come true. Even the biggest skeptics agree that this is one of the most unusual places on Earth, and its secret will never be understood.

A visit to the Syan caves will give you new sensations and will not leave anyone indifferent. But you shouldn’t go there without a guide - after half an hour you can get lost in the dark and dream of only one thing - getting out into the light.

Building material for the fortresses and temples of white-stone Moscow was mined here. In Soviet times, stone was transported from here to strengthen runways; during the war, a hospital was located here, and after that a seismic station. In 1974, the entrances to Syany were filled up (according to the official version, a child disappeared there). By this time, the system of underground passages exceeded 90 km.

The re-exploration of the caves began in 1988, when a group of Moscow students, at their own risk, excavated one of the entrances - the “Cat's Lair”. By this time, the abandoned cave had been reduced to 19 km, but still remained the largest underground system in the Moscow region. Now the Syans are well-trodden grottoes and manholes equipped for various purposes. It has its own Orthodox church with painted walls, a concert venue and something like a hostel - rooms with chairs and sleeping places.

Regular visitors to Syan call themselves “systemists,” following the example of the once powerful Soviet hippie movement. The cave has its own subculture with traditions, rules, myths and rituals. Every second Sunday in September, system specialists celebrate the opening of a new season. Newcomers are brought to an audience with the guardian of the caves - Aristarchus, who is an old overall with a human skull attached to it. It is customary to appease the Guardian with gifts in order to enlist his help in his underground wanderings. As a dedication, the “young Syanovites” are offered to squeeze through the narrowest holes (Pike and Pocket). So it’s better not to overeat before the descent, so as not to find yourself in the position of Winnie the Pooh, who went to visit and found himself in a hopeless situation.

The cave maintains a constant temperature of +10 degrees, so when going there, dress warmly and casually. Before you decide to visit Syany, be sure to find a good guide. Fortunately, finding it is not a problem now; there are many options for excursions on various websites and VKontakte. It is important that your guide not only navigates the dungeons, but also be a good storyteller, because the “system specialists” have many interesting legends. The most popular of them are about the White Speleologist and the mysterious Two-Face, who sometimes rescues good people from trouble, and sometimes lures them into traps.

Visiting Syany is an interesting adventure. It’s easy to breathe here, despite the high humidity, but be prepared for the fact that there may be many people of completely different groups in the caves. You should also follow safety precautions when visiting quarries: do not remove stones from the rubble and vault. Be sure to take two flashlights (main and spare) with you on your hike, as well as food and water just in case. And before you go, tell your loved ones where you are going.

You can get to the Syana caves from the Domodedovskaya metro station by taking any bus going to the village of Leninskie Gorki.

In the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the foothills of the Sayan Mountains, about 5 thousand followers of Vissarion’s sect live compactly. Two years ago a tiny Orthodox church appeared here. What could come out of such a neighborhood, the NS correspondent found out.

"Temple" of the Church of the Last Testament and a school building in Cheremshanka. Photo from the official website of the "Church of the Last Testament"

The Great Exodus

The hall is full of people, there is an excited buzz, and there is a gathering of citizens in the cultural center of the village of Cheremshanka. Only “Vissarion” remains silent and motionless, the one who proclaimed himself the messiah. He sits on stage on a wooden throne and looks down at the excited people with a smile. Most of them are Old Believers. Here, in a Siberian village, there is neither a priest nor a temple, and the Old Believers are the unconditional authorities for fellow villagers in religious matters. People gathered to decide whether to allow followers of the self-proclaimed messiah into their village. According to the law, it is impossible to restrict movement, but the Old Believers still want to do something. Vissarion does not respond to questions from the audience or remarks addressed to him, and one gets the feeling that he is holding these people for nothing. The elder of the Old Believers rises, the conversations die down. He approaches the stage: “I’ll now ask you one question, based on the Bible, and you must answer it.” And he asks loudly and clearly, so that everyone can hear. Vissarion does not answer. Then the Old Believers silently stand up - almost the entire hall - and leave.

“I was little then, but it became clear to me - since the headman asked, and Vissarion did not answer, it means he is an impostor,” Olga Latushkina shakes her head, recalling this story from twenty years ago.

Olga owns a store next to the Orthodox Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in honor of the “Healer” icon and is one of fifteen parishioners of this small church seven by eight meters. Before her eyes, in the nineties, Cheremshanka was covered by the first wave of Vissarion’s followers, while the Old Believers were leaving the village en masse.

“They were visible, followers walking along the roads, flying on planes, riding trains, riding bicycles, like ants from all over the world,” recalls another eyewitness. The people of this first wave were characterized by a feeling that the end of the world was imminent, so they burned all their bridges behind them: they left their jobs, their families, sold their apartments and went to the “Promised Land” (aka ZO or “zone”), seeking salvation from the impending Armageddon. Today, about a thousand people live in the village, up to 800 of them are followers of the “Church of the Last Testament.” They call everyone who is not in the Center “local”. The division between “followers” ​​and “locals” exists, and it is very clear. At a local school, for example, children eat separately: followers receive a vegetarian lunch, and “meat eaters” receive a regular one. Even their time is different - followers live according to “natural time,” which differs by an hour from the state “Krasnoyarsk” time. The locals, at least in Cheremshanka, do not go to Vissarion; during all this time only one woman turned to him. But the cooling of followers towards the teaching and the “teacher” (as Vissarion is called here) is gradually happening, especially in the last two years, when priest Alexey Reshetnikov, by the way, Vissarion’s childhood friend, appeared in the village.

Two comrades

About ten years before his ordination, Father Alexey, a teacher by training, worked part-time on the railroad. “One night I pass through a village. I got out of the car, climbed onto the overpass and saw lights in the distance. Well, I think I’ll definitely never end up here again, in this wilderness,” he recalls. Having become a priest and received an appointment to a parish, Father Alexey was surprised to discover that he would have to serve in that very village. “I remember it was May, it was snowing and raining. I come to this Irba, there is a hut there - a temporary church. I was in a disgusting mood—Lord, where have I ended up,” recalls Father Alexei. “And now that we have built a new temple, for me this is the most important place on earth.”

At first, there were several Vissarion families in Irba, but after the liturgy began to be celebrated regularly in the village, Vissarion said that the place was ecologically unclean, and all his supporters left the village. “I think that’s good. Vissarion is now far away, in Cheremshanka, let the other priests sort it out there, but I serve myself in my church, I don’t care about anything,” the priest laughs. “And in 2010, the bishop issued a decree to appoint me to Cheremshanka, to this very parish of my “stupid friend.”

In the early nineties, Alexey and the future Vissarion, and then Sergei Torop, a policeman, self-taught artist and “ufologist,” moved in the bohemian circles of Minusinsk. Then Father Alexei lost sight of his friend for two years. The new meeting of friends was strange. “I look at him and don’t recognize him - he has a beard, a red tunic,” says the priest. - I say: “Seryoga, what happened?” And he told me in the most serious tone: “I’m not Sergei now. I am Vissarion!” Father Alexey, by inertia, continued to joke: “Well, come on, I’ll come in now, you’ll tell me what kind of Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky you are.” But everything turned out to be very serious.

This extraordinary event, as Sergei told a friend, happened in 1991. It must be said that at about the same time several more “messiahs” appeared in Minusinsk, but all of them subsequently lost the crimson tunic to Sergei Torop. One night, Sergei heard some voices, the ceiling above him opened up, and with smoke smoking in clouds of steam, angels descended to him and said something like this: “It’s you now Sergei, but in a past life you were... Jesus Christ!”
“I say: “Seryoga, you said before that in a past life you were Rembrandt!” “Well, I was just saying that,” recalls Father Alexey.

After his ordination, Father Alexey did not see Vissarion again. “He is not interested in such people,” says Father Alexey. - A simple village priest, what can you take from me? He needs to meet with presidents and governors. At worst, maybe with the head of the district. But with the Orthodox it is useless.”

Taste of taiga mangoes

The first Vissarion settlers felt a romantic impulse - they followed their “teacher” to the taiga and built the “City of the Sun” during the day, and in the evenings they sang around the fire with a guitar. Father Alexey recalls that on the street one could see how two followers, having met, threw themselves on each other’s necks. It was decided to abolish money and build a new society, independent of the state, based on harmony and love. Vissarion taught that nuclear missiles would explode in Nevada and the climate in Siberia would become much softer and warmer, so people began to grow fruits in greenhouses - peaches, grapes and mangoes.

“We planted thirty acres of potatoes, salted three tubs of cabbage, made jam from honeysuckle, and a bucketful of cranberries, and lived on subsistence farming. And then suddenly Muscovites arrived with two bags and wanted to go into the winter. It was very hard for them, poor things,” recalls Olga, who was then still a little girl. In addition, followers had a special diet that was supposed to help them survive the impending Apocalypse. “The first wave was very hungry; they even forbade their children to drink milk. To wean them off milk, children were told to imagine that it was pus,” says Olga Latushkina. Inspired adults readily accepted the aggressive diet, which could not be said about children.

An acquaintance of Olga’s, who grew up in a Vissarion family, said that she remembers her childhood with horror. Her life was accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger. She still remembers how she and her brother cried when they watched out the window as dad handed out candy to other children. Dad never bought candy for his children. Now this girl has moved away from Vissarion and lives in the Moscow region, sometimes calling her parents. When she left and got married, her father took it as a real tragedy, he even wanted to shoot himself.

“If it weren’t for the sectarians, the village would have disappeared”

The missiles never exploded, Siberia remained Siberia, and the Vissarionites still grow mangoes in greenhouses in anticipation of the “great turnaround” and are gradually improving their way of life. When a Vissarionite was elected head of the district administration, he installed a telephone in the village, laid out a high-voltage line and installed a second transformer - enough electricity appeared in the houses. Before this, the transformer was not provided for ten years. “It’s impossible to say that he goes everywhere and helps, but at least he doesn’t put a spoke in the wheels,” says Olga’s husband Oleg. — With Kolya, the previous head, the roads were cleared only on New Year’s and in the spring, when everything was blocked. And all you have to do is approach it, explain the problem, and if there is an opportunity to help, he helps.” In the nineties, when the collective farm collapsed, Cheremshanka was dying. Now the village is growing and developing again. Followers are prohibited from drinking and smoking, and members of the “single family” are required to go out for community service six times a week. True, population growth is mainly due to newcomers, and there are fewer and fewer of them every year. Last spring, only one family came to Cheremshanka.

The biographies of those who come to the “zone” at Vissarion’s call have many similarities. These are overwhelmingly people 30-50 years old. All respondents noted that on the eve of their arrival they were in an “active search for life.” There are approximately equal numbers of men and women. All residents now have vegetable gardens, two schools and several “temples” have been built, craftsmen and teams have appeared who go to Krasnoyarsk and Abakan to cut log houses, families receive child benefits, and children go to public school. Between 60 and 80 percent of children leave. As for those who remained, they respect the faith of their parents, but they no longer believe in Vissarion. Vissarion himself has five children, but even they do not consider their father to be a prophet.

“They are the same people, they have the same children and illnesses,” Olga describes the relationship between locals and followers. The village children are friends with the children of the Vissarionites and play together. “I can’t say that we have a negative attitude towards them,” says Olga. “We don’t interfere with their lives, and they don’t interfere with ours either.” “They have some kind of shift in their heads, and it’s noticeable,” adds Olga’s husband Oleg. “For example, two followers can discuss a culinary recipe on the bus: “I took potatoes, added a piece of the Milky Way, took salts from the constellation Capricorn.” Vissarion himself almost never appears in the villages of his followers; he lives on Mount Sukhaya and goes out to the people on Sundays. For many, the first meeting with him makes a strong impression.

"He's not human"

This is how one of his current followers, a member of one of the families (28 years old), describes his meeting with Vissarion: “I started listening to the Teacher’s meetings and immediately felt a merger. He says - and I say so. My understanding is the same. The question is asked, he answers, and I understand that I would answer the same way. You have no idea how the Teacher can develop questions. A simple little question can completely cover such a vast area. It’s clear that he’s not human.”

And here’s what Member of the European Parliament Maria Karpinskaya, who moved to the community and was declared “Mary Magdalene”, said: “This is a fairy tale, the author of the fairy tale is Vissarion, and we play some roles in it. I don’t know how it will end, but probably very happily.” After leaving the community, “Maria” looked at herself with different eyes: “For the first two years I was in a state that I call charm and enchantment. A state when you can't hear other people. This is an altered form of consciousness. I look at photographs and don’t recognize myself. Such a sparkle in the eyes. Realizing myself now, I understand that I was taken by Vissarion and his group into another consciousness, so to speak. I only saw the Teacher." Now Maria Karpinskaya, through her website on the Internet, conveys to earthlings “the revelations of the goddess Lilith” in verses that “come to her from the cosmos.” Obviously, she never managed to completely free herself from the influence of the “cosmic lords”.


When Father Alexey first came to Cheremshanka to build a temple, he gave up. “I look, the logs are lying around, rotting, the foundation has burst in two places. I’m sitting on this foundation, among these logs, and I’m thinking: what next?” But gradually, together with the locals, Father Alexey began to serve prayers, read akathists, and a benefactor appeared at the temple - a woman who miraculously managed to leave the sect.

Antonina (at her request, we call her by a different name) ended up in the “Church of the Last Testament” with the first wave. At first, together with everyone else, she built the “promised land,” but gradually became disillusioned. And soon she fell ill and completely separated. She started going to church, and a miracle happened to her - she recovered. Now Antonina is the main patron of the church in Cheremshanka.

In total, there are about ten to fifteen parishioners in the church, among them two are from the Central Prison Center. Sometimes current Vissarion members also stop by. Father Alexey treats them calmly: “One of their “priests” comes to me, Dian, a Bulgarian, and we communicate quite good-naturedly. Recently he asked me for two volumes of Paisius the Svyatogorets, I gave them - let him read. I fully admit that he and I could, for example, drink tea together if the circumstances had been that way. But the inner spiritual component of our life is absolutely opposite, and you can feel it. I, for example, would never be able to attend his “service.” And the point is not even in the canonical prohibition, but in the fact that they worship the Antichrist. Vissarion's dream is power over the whole world. He would like to be the ruler of the whole earth. But so far it doesn’t work out, he controls the zone.”

Father Alexey has been serving twice a month for the past two years.

Around this time, trouble began in the central prison. “Apparently, the grace of God began to be sent,” says the priest. Among the sectarians, some believe that Vissarion himself has exhausted his mission and no longer corresponds to the title of Christ; a new leader is needed. There is no longer unity in ideology as before. A new direction has emerged within the Center, which followers call “The Light,” with its leader. Supporters of the “Light” call for worshiping Lucifer directly (hence the self-name). The worship of Satan is based on the words of Vissarion himself that Orthodoxy supposedly misunderstands the essence of Lucifer, but in fact he is not at all evil and, in general, lives in another part of the galaxy. “If the liturgy is served every Sunday, I think the destruction of the sect will go much faster,” Father Alexei hopes. Recently a priest was ordained to full-time service in the church. But since it has not yet been possible to build housing for the priest at the church, there is no parish car, and anonymous threats began to be received against the priest himself, he was assigned to another parish. The latest news from Father Alexei is this: followers are preparing for the end of the world on December 21, buying weapons and food.

What do the followers of “Vissarion-Christ” believe?
The ideology of the Vissarion movement is based on the utopian desire to create a “new humanity”, free from violence, war and aggression, living in harmony with the environment, which is achieved through the accumulation of “positive energy” and getting rid of “negative”. Vissarion's teaching, like all newest religious movements, is deeply syncretic, based on the occult, and combines belief in karma and reincarnation, alien civilizations and the living "Mother Earth". At the same time, outwardly the teaching is actively disguised as Christianity, has its own “Christ”, “church”, “priests”, “sacraments” and actively uses pseudo-Christian terms and Slavicisms. Vissarion's teaching declares itself to be a single faith that unites other religions. According to this teaching, Orthodoxy- a part of the general truth that has lost its relevance. Moreover, in Vissarion’s teaching itself, Christ is not God. And even God Himself is also not God, but only some entity created by the “absolute”.

How can I help the temple?

Official website of churches in Cheremshanka and Irba

The reserve in the Sayan Mountains - the Ergaki mountain range - is famous for its many huge mountains and rocks of unusual species, pristine alpine and taiga mountain nature. The ridge of the “young” mountains consists of high-energy layers of quartzites and coarse-grained granites. It is located on the body of the Earth in the form of a double horseshoe, with a closed “valley of mountain spirits” inside. It was originally one huge, ancient volcano. Ergaki attracts advanced people with its energy anomalies; in recent years, frequent contacts of stalker guides with the divine inhabitants of these places have become known. In the esoteric environment, “Ergaki” received the name “Siberian Shambhala”, since, perhaps, there is a “Siberian city of gods” that has been constantly operating for millions of years. Perhaps this huge Spiritual magnet harmonizes and strengthens the spaces of Siberia in a single electromagnetic matrix of the Earth. Powerful mountain ranges and a cold climate have reliably sheltered this place for many millennia. Only in our time did the first human contactees appear who visited the “Siberian city of the gods.” However, it is possible to penetrate there and see this world only in an altered consciousness, for pure people with a kind heart. Entering the energy zone of the “city of the gods” and tuning your vibrations to this divine power occurs when you are in the “valley of mountain spirits” and on the “Parabola” rock, as well as in other anomalous points of Ergakov. We invite you to this expedition to gain new Power and Knowledge. In the future, you will be able to use them for your well-being and development.

The entire journey is filled with a multidimensional wealth of energies and colors of a beautiful corner of the Earth, among the grandeur of nature, taiga and steppes, ridges, mountain lakes and rivers, flowers, berries and herbs, permeated with the ringing mountain purity of the Five Elements. Participation without health restrictions for everyone. In the second part of the expedition we will visit the steppe Khakassia, the unique “Temple of the Sun”, the giant astronomical observatory of antiquity “Chests”, a place of paleocontact where the spiritual teachers of Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt laid spiritual magnets of planetary significance. And from the period of the birth of humanity of the fifth race, they taught and helped develop civilizations from the Old Stone Age (about 15,000 BC) to the Middle Ages.


  1. 1 day. 14.07 . Monday.

Arrival or arrival in Krasnoyarsk - Central Siberia. Start of the expedition in the morning in Krasnoyarsk! We leave for Ergaki by bus (600 km, 8-9 hours drive). On the way, in the village of Tanzybey, we buy strawberries, honey and healing gifts of the taiga: herbal ginseng, mumiyo, stone oil, taiga herbs, roots, balms, oils! Everything is of the highest quality and purity!

We are located in the area of ​​the Tarmazakovsky Bridge (at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level, M = +15) in a comfortable tent camp with a kitchen, dining room, shower and bathhouse.

Option 2 - in taiga houses in 2-4 bed rooms - with full payment for participation until May 15!

  1. Day 2. 15.07 . One-day hike to the observation peak of 1680 m with a full panorama of the Ergaki ridge, Lake Oysk, and the Aradan ridge. On the way we pass the first "Dam of the Giants", an artificial structure 20-40 meters high in different places, 500 m long, made of coarse-grained large-block granite, which is found only at the peaks of Ergakov. The layer of fertile soil covering the entire dam, as well as the sliding of the soil on the slopes, confirms that the possible age of the dam is millions of years.
  1. Day 3. 16.07 . Beginning of the route "Ring of Siberian Shambhala" (7-8 hours). Going on a 4-day hike to an anomalous, energetically charged zone (M=+30 R= unlimited), to the “valley of mountain spirits” - Ergakov Center. Hiking category 1A - 1B, without equipment. The first day we walk through the famous Hanging Stone, through the Khudozhnikov Pass (1850 m, total daily ascent of about 400 m), past the Teachers and Molodezhny peaks, into the Valley of Mountain Spirits. Stop for the night in tents on Lake Artists (1450 m) under the Parabola rock, known as the gate to Shambhala.
  1. Day 4 17.07. Continuation of the route (5-6 hours)! Rest and radial excursion to the places of power of the Valley of Mountain Spirits: to the lake of Mountain Spirits and the highest peak Ergakov Zvezdny (2265 m), to the Parabola rock, to the Tsvetnoye lakes and the Dragon’s Tooth peak (2176 m). Ritual-Initiation "Entering the energies of Siberian Shambhala." Overnight on the lake. Artists at the Gate of Siberian Shambhala, under the Parabola rock.
  1. Day 5 18.07 . Continuation of the route (6-7 hours)! Exit from the Valley of the Mountain Spirits, through the Bird Pass (2080 m, total daily ascent of about 600 meters). From the pass there is a beautiful panorama of the “horseshoe” of the Ergaki ridge, the entire inner valley of mountain spirits and also other ridges of the Western Sayan Mountains. Descent to Lake Svetloye, overnight on Bear Creek.
  1. Day 6 . 19.07 . Continuation of the route (5-6 hours)! Exit to the Jerboa pass (1700 m, total daily ascent 300 meters), descent to the Tarmazakovsky Bridge. In the lower part of the valley of Mount Jerboa we will pass through the second “Dam of the Giants”, 10-20 meters high. Based on the sliding of the soil on the slope where the dam is laid, its inclination, one can conclude that the origin of this object is millions of years old. Return to base camp.
  1. Day 7 . 20.07 . Rest.
  1. Day 8 . 21.07 . Departure to Khakassia to lakes Itkul and Shira (300 km, 5 hours). Accommodation in houses at the Comet camp site.
  1. Day 9 22.07 . Relaxing and swimming on the lake.
  1. Day 10 23.07 . Departure to the "Temple of the Sun" - open-air museum-reserve "Chests". This unique geological object stands like a chain of five mountains among the flat valley of the White Iyus River. The Chain of Chests is directed to the White Horse Mountain, where archaeologists discovered a rare, ancient rock painting from the Stone Age (15,000 BC) that is of great importance for the science of paleoastronomy. The Chests themselves are possibly places of power of planetary significance, with anomalous energetic properties dating back millions of years, dating back to the Lemur-Atlantic period of civilizations. During the period of the birth of people of the fifth race, constant paleocontacts took place here, in which the gods helped people create the foundations of civilization. Therefore, on the rocks of Five Chests there are many rock paintings from different ancient periods. Since ancient times, the complex has been used for sacred purposes; multi-stage initiations took place there, associated with the special energies of each of the five mountains. This is how it received the general name “Temple of the Sun”. Constant astronomical observations were made there at different times of the year.

Multi-stage Natural-Cosmic Initiation of the “Sun - Rod” on all five mountains of the Chests and the White Horse Mountain.

  1. Day 11 24.07 . Rest and swimming in Lake Itkul.
  1. 12 day . 25.07 . Departure to Krasnoyarsk (350 km, about 5 hours). Overnight at the Rechnik hotel.
  1. Day 13 26.07 . Flight home from Krasnoyarsk.

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"

The Sayans are one of the places of Power where age-old secrets and ancient knowledge are kept. Here the rocks are marked with sacred signs of the highest knowledge of the most ancient cultures of mankind and the ascent of the spirit. The greatness and silent power of the Sayan taiga carries the traveler into endless space. The Sayan Mountains are a natural and biosphere reserve of human civilization. They need to be protected, cherished and protected. The Sayans keep a lot of secrets and legends.

There are ancient monasteries here where Tibetan and Tuvan lamas meditated and lived! They prayed for peace and prosperity throughout the world! The Sayans are a majestic and divine temple of the Almighty, created by Mother Nature. Here earth and sky, yin and yang, feminine and masculine principles meet. Here the prayers of great adepts rush upward and unite with Shambhala! The bioenergy of the Sayans is 10 times stronger than in other places, so people who live here and lead a healthy lifestyle live long and do not get sick.

The Ergaki mountain range in Western Sayan is an amazing small country. In the local dialect, “Ergaki” are fingers sticking out of the ground. The area of ​​the array is more than 100 square meters. kilometers, and the shapes of the rocks are completely unusual for granite rocks. Everything here seems to breathe legend - according to legend, it was from here that the Aryan tribes of Hyperboreans came, who brought Vedic knowledge to India. Mountains seem to attract people: many say that in the mountains they reveal their true nature, their abilities, many see interesting dreams about the past and future of great civilizations. This place is like a door to another reality, like a journey into a fairy tale, where dreams come true and a person finds himself in harmony with nature. Such a journey is not for a sleeping mind. It is also for those who believe that nature has not yet fully revealed its secrets, and that there is a lot of mysterious and unexplored things.

Everything is unusual here: many bizarre rock formations are concentrated in a small area, while geologists claim that they are not related to geological processes. Legend says that above the Asian continent there used to be a huge sea - the “Inland Sea”; only the Himalayas, the famous Tibet and the Sayan ranges stretched over the ocean.

Over time, the sea left, the topography of the land changed, but this territory was considered sacred for a long time: shamans and monks came here. Today people come here for knowledge, for the energy of nature, in order to throw off the burden of civilization and touch the unknown. This land still holds the secrets of previous civilizations, traces of which are found in dams that have grown into the ground, huge dilapidated totem animals, regular truncated pyramids and parabolas, possibly used for astrological purposes.

Excerpts from legends about the Sayan civilization.(partially supplemented by information transmitted through contactees).

A long time ago, from 6 to 50 thousand years or more, a civilized world existed on our planet. Ships plied the oceans, vehicles flew through the air, people lived in cities, on the surface of the earth and underground. The Atlanteans lived in Atlantis, the Aryans lived in Hyperborea - where the Arctic Ocean is now, the Incas lived in South America, and the Sayans lived in the Sayan Mountains. That time was turbulent: our planet was shaking, the continents were changing shape, asteroids were often bombed, and the planet Nibiru flew past once every 3600 years. The earth's axis kept changing its position. The poles changed - from north to south, from south to east, from east to west and vice versa. In those days, the change of poles drove people from place to place, and since it, i.e. there was little space, those living on the spot fiercely fought off those who wanted to move to the same place. But since those who wanted to move to a new place were backed up by the water flooding their territory, pieces of lava and ash flew from the volcanoes at their backs, and fire fried those lagging behind, the settlers had nowhere to go except to go where they were not expected.

So, at some time, the prosperous existence of the ancient continent called Hyperborea began to come to an end. Around the same time, the same thing awaited the continent or archipelago called Atlantis. Hyperborea slowly went under water, the Aryans went to the European and Asian continents, and only the island of Poseidonis remained from Atlantis. Quite large, where the center of the Empire was located, and its colonies were located on most of the planet, including in the Sayan Mountains, in the center of the Asian continent.

And you also need to know that, unlike Atlantis and Hyperborea, which were plagued by cataclysms, the Sayan Mountains were the most stable block of the earth’s crust at that time, and they still are. In general, it was much safer to live here. The Sayan colony of Atlanteans controlled the entire Asian continent.

There was no love between peoples at that time. The entire population of the planet mainly belonged to the fourth race, and subraces were distinguished within it. So, the so-called the Atlanteans, and especially the Sayans, belonged to the sixth subrace, and the Aryans either to the seventh subrace of the fourth race, or to the first or second subrace of the fifth race. But this does not matter, the main thing is that they differed from each other in appearance, as well as for ideological reasons. The essence of their disagreement is as follows. Our Creator created a perfect man, in his own image and likeness, and endowed him with the abilities that he himself possessed, as well as the freedom to choose his own path in life. One lives according to the laws of Space and Love, the other lives according to the laws of... well, let’s say “anti-love”, for simplicity. I think you will understand, dear ones, what is good and what is bad in this case. The Aryans adhered to the first path, and the Atlanteans and Sayans deliberately chose the second. The Aryans possessed superhuman (for our time) abilities based on pure thoughts, and the sixth subrace - on the basis of magic and witchcraft. Imagine when people of the sixth race began to master the methods of black magic in the struggle for power and wealth, when these powerful methods were used by greed, hatred, and greed! And in another country, Hyperborea, they lived according to the laws of love, compassion, respect, equality, wishing each other happiness. These were the main ideological differences underlying the cold and hot wars between them.

While Hyperborea, with the Aryans living on it, lived its own life, separated from other continents by oceans, the balance of power and relationships between it and the Evil Empire (Atlantis) was more or less respected. But when the cataclysm forced the Aryans to move to enemy-controlled northern territories, now Europe and Asia, that’s where it began - with the use of all types of nuclear, radiation, psychic, tectonic, meteorological (climatic) weapons. But Mother Earth is alive, imagine yourself in her place. So she shakes them off periodically with cataclysms, not really understanding who is right and who is wrong.

In the end, in a stubborn struggle, having lost their continent, the Aryans occupied, pushing the Atlanto-Sayans slightly to the south, the territory from Baikal to the Rhine, making their main capital a city in the area of ​​the village. Okunevo, in the Omsk region (I’ll tell you about it later, as a place of the Power of Siberia). It was there that their powerful weapon was kept - a magic crystal made of pure quartz of enormous size, which could transmit energy of incredible power over vast distances - either across the planet or into space. This energy was possessed only by a select few, the so-called. dedicated priests. To maintain the balance of power, a crystal of exactly the same size, with the same abilities, was located on the island of Poseidonis in Atlantis, in the capital of the main enemy. Smaller magical “crystals” were also in service in the Atlantean colonies, the same Sayans, but you understand, the caliber is not the same and the strength is not the same.

Well, the Atlanteans, Aryans, and Sayans would have lived peacefully, but the representatives of the sixth subrace of the fourth race had no love for the Aryans. And they decided to have a monopoly on the world. So the idea of ​​a worldwide “socialist” revolution did not suddenly appear on its own; it had long lived in the consciousness and subconscious of some. And what’s interesting is that the methods remained the same - to scare each other with a superbomb, or even destroy each other.

So, one fine day or night, the priests of Atlantis (“dark-faced”, according to the chronicles) activated a magic crystal and directed a super-laser beam directly at the capital of the “light-faced” Aryans. But they, in turn, having learned in advance about the malice of the Atlanteans, managed not only to put a protective screen in the path of that beam, but also, precisely at the same moment, activated their magic crystal and directed the beam towards the enemy beam. And Mother Earth got so tired of it that she killed both of them. What Plato told us about in one story, and Mikhail Rechkin in another.

It must be said that not all was well in the Evil Empire, some of the Atlanteans categorically disagreed with the ideology of the majority, and since they professed Love and purity of thoughts, they were given a forecast from the Almighty for the development of events. Therefore, in advance they, the “light-faced” among the “dark-faced,” built the Egyptian pyramids (20 thousand years ago), an underground city of 12 floors (the entrance is under the left paw of the Sphinx), and before the very last cataclysm, which was followed by the disappearance of Fr. Poseidonis, they fled, taking with them every single aircraft. Thus, that part of the planet was cleared of darkness and ignorance.

At the same time, the Aryans from the territory of present-day Siberia moved south, because the north has once again become cold and wet due to the pole shift, as evidenced by mammoths, geological signs, archaeological finds and much more. The epic of the Aryans' advance to the south, through Central and Central Asia, is described in the epic "Mahabharata". Anyone who reads this work in the Soviet edition, translated from Sanskrit into English, and then into Russian, may not agree with me. There are no vimana aircraft, no lasers, no atomic bombs, no warhead carriers... There, half-naked people with bows and arrows and clubs fought almost hand-to-hand. And if suddenly one comrade rose in a chariot into the sky and with one blow destroyed many thousands of opponents with a “big arrow”, from a “big bow” and even with a “fiery arrow” (and on the ground with a “big club”), then this is an epic, this it’s a myth... Well, how can the orthodox Scientific Council in Soviet times agree with the translation of a work that features types of weapons that even we don’t have in service!

But let’s not get distracted, because we are talking about Ergaki!So, at that time, in an area of ​​​​approximately 2000x500 kilometers in the mountains of the Sayan-Altai region, people lived in underground cities, villages and farmsteads - representatives of the sixth subrace of the fourth race, the main ideological components of which were witchcraft and magic with the goal... yes, the same as here in Russia, for example. E.P. also called them “demons of the depths.” Blavatsky in her work "The Secret Doctrine". They were evil. That world was “civilized”, they owned technology that we only imagine, and even if we see it, we still can’t believe it. Society was differentiated, the poor lived in forests and steppes in the lowlands, while the highest caste lived in the mountains. They built cities with 5-10 or more floors; for their construction they chose granite massifs, as the most stable magmatic bodies in geological structures. Those in power used air transport and flew in vimanas. They were mostly disc-shaped, but they could also look like an airplane. They flew underground into huge holes in the mountains, hundreds of meters in diameter. Water was supplied from artificial reservoirs that were built at the top; food was provided by the valley subjects.

The Sayans worshiped totems in the idea of ​​animals made directly from rocks. The technique for this is described in one of the books by E. Muldashev, as well as by L. Rampa. The capital of the Sayan state was in the city of “Ergaki”: it was here that their highest clergy was located, from here, from the center of the Asian continent, their subordinate territories were governed. It was from here that military operations were controlled.

Almost immediately after the destruction of Poseidonis, the Aryans launched powerful air strikes on the cities of Ergak, Sabylkias, Tegir, Mun and other populated areas. Do you want to give these cities different names? Yes please…

At that time, the Saiyans did not have high-frequency generators capable of creating illusions, in other words, masking entrances (“entries”) into dungeons, so they were known to the enemy. This is where the controlled warheads flew in 6-12 thousand years ago, causing collapses and burying most of the evil magicians and sorcerers in the dungeons. Perhaps the explosions were nuclear, they were very powerful. So, the surviving Sayan people were given life below, in the steppes of Khakassia, Tuva, Mongolia, some went north and were divided into Evenks, Dolgans, Nenets, Chukchi, Yakuts, Hittites, and those who moved to America became the Eskimos. In the east these are the Buryats and Evens, in the south – the Mongols and Tuvans. (Note: the Chinese and Japanese appeared later.) They were deprived of their former glory and power, left to survive, as a result of which their traditional way of life was formed. Former surviving priests passed on their knowledge from generation to generation, and that former ideology of the Sayan state is called shamanism today. But where are the Aryans themselves? Those who went south? Those who won? The surprising thing is that none of the esotericists in the world have ever even suggested that they themselves became extinct or died. There is a point of view that all light-faced people - both Europeans and Slavs, as well as residents of Tibet and India - are descendants of Asians, but no one said that they are the result of the degeneration of those representatives of Hyperborea who won the world war. For some reason, none of the vimanas that participated in those wars have been found. Well, so, my dear readers: the Hyperborean-Aryans did not die and did not disappear along with their achievements of science and technology. On the contrary, over the past 6-12 thousand years they have gone even further, living here on Earth, creating their own parallel world, invisible to our eyes. They live mainly in underground city-countries, one of them is called Shambhala. The cities are connected by tunnels crossing vast spaces. They simply occupied a number of cities, but they also built quite a few new ones. From time to time they are forced to come out to us, to representatives of the fifth race, to teach reason, or rather, to try to reason. Often they have to directly interfere in our affairs, including political ones.

The peculiarity of this ridge is, first of all, the numerous lakes, intricately located on the slopes of the mountains: Raduzhnoe, Mountain Spirits, Fairy Tale, Ice, Svetloe, Lazurnoe, Khudozhnikov, Tsvetnoe lakes. Despite the close distance between them, all lakes differ in shape, color, and “emotional mood.”

Rock "Sleeping Sayan". Even on the approaches to the Ergaki mountain range, you can see a huge statue of a lying man - interestingly, the face of the Sleeping Sayan seems to be alive - it seems that this is not just a rock formation and a successful combination of blocks, reminiscent of a person. From all angles, from any point near and far, even from the other side of the pass, the face of the Sleeping Sayan remains a face - forehead, humped nose, like an Indian, chin, lips, straight hair. Why is Sayan sleeping? And what will happen when he wakes up? There are many legends about this. According to one of them, he protects the ancient city and the knowledge stored in it from the hands of the uninitiated; according to another legend, he is a fallen prince, a descendant of giants from the past. But why don’t we call the “Sleeping Sayan” a sphinx?! The huge head on the surface of Mars is called the “Martian Sphinx”, and its face is turned to the sky. The “Sleeping Sayan” has exactly the same position and even dimensions. Maybe they are looking at each other?

“Menagerie” An amazing phenomenon can be found on Ergaki - this is a huge stone zoo, just look at the variety of shapes and names: Dinosaur Mountain, Rhinoceros Peak, Bird Peak, Camel Peak, Horse Peak, Whale Rock, Turtle. The “menagerie” on Ergaki goes against traditional ideas about rocks and mountain peaks. As a rule, the principle of energy saving is implemented in nature - the shape of a piece of rock is formed as a result of weathering, shapes tend to be round as the most energy-saving. Here we see complete absurdity and a clear contradiction of natural principles - fantastic wings, tails, ears. It seems as if someone gave these rocks this shape. Indeed, ancient civilizations often worshiped animals, choosing them as totemic signs. Ergakov’s stone sculptures of animals make one think about such a relationship; such animals seem too bizarre and “characteristic.”

A special attraction in Ergaki is the “Whale” rock. The figure is located at the top of the array. A cone-shaped pedestal is clearly visible, like the lower part of a stone sculpture, on which the second part rests as a separate block. The body is curved like a cat's, ending with a tail. The forehead, brow ridge, cheekbones, nose, and chin are visible. Here is the second giant Sphinx. This rock is also surprising in that under a thin shell, a granite shell, only one to several meters thick, there are metamorphosed shales. That is, the inside of the figure does not consist of granite. This is a unique phenomenon in nature and how can it be explained? Scientists find it difficult to explain this natural phenomenon.

Much in the Sayan Mountains seems to have been made either by human hands or at the behest of the mind: in particular, among the mountains there are unusual smooth platforms made of slabs fitted to each other. The tops of some mountains appeared to be neatly cut off by unknown forces: the resulting areas were flat, as if intended for UFO landings.

Another “natural” wonder of the massif is a huge hanging stone. On a rock, a huge block weighing 500-600 tons stands on a thin edge on a sloping plane, and it seems that if you touch it with your finger, it will fall down and fall into the abyss. It is known that in the 70s the block swayed, driven by the force of the hand. They tried to throw off the stone, but it didn’t work, they just jammed its movement with small stones so that the block no longer sways, but still does not fall. There are a huge number of such swinging, hanging, and also standing monoliths on a thin leg. Who set them at such a point of balance that they seem to barely touch the ground? It is assumed that in ancient times such “moving stones” were used for fortune telling and magical rituals. It is curious that such blocks can be set in motion by the slightest touch of a finger, however, they would not yield to the efforts of twenty people if they tried to move them.

No less interesting structures were discovered by Krasnoyarsk scientists, one of them is the remains of an ancient dam 760 meters long, up to 40 meters high (according to calculations, the original height of the structure is about 50 meters), built according to all the laws of hydraulic engineering. The dam blocks the valley at its narrowest point; at the inflection point of the dam there is a stream bed. The dam is made of rocks uncharacteristic for the area. The layer of soil and vegetation on the dam indicates its age - approximately 10,000 years, which by the standards of modern civilization seems simply incredible. According to calculations, this reservoir could provide water to a city of 200,000 people per year at the current urban consumption rate.

The rock called “Parabola” is so unusual in shape that experts cannot explain its formation by ordinary rock weathering processes or tectonic ones. If you imagine, it resembles a dilapidated huge “donut hole” leading into the bowels of the earth. And the granites at the bend are so polished that associations arise with molten and subsequently solidified lava. But we know that this does not happen in nature; granites are not volcanic rocks.

(Based on materials from the White City website)