September 11 in America 2. Who really blew up the twin towers in New York? And American intelligence agencies knew nothing

On September 11, 2001, in the United States, al-Qaeda suicide bombers captured four passenger aircraft, — towers of the World shopping center, and the other two - to the Pentagon and, presumably, to the White House or the Capitol. All aircraft, except the last one, reached their targets. The fourth hijacked plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

The victims of the September 11 attacks, including 343 firefighters and 60 police officers. Not only US citizens were killed, but 92 other states. In New York, 2,753 people were killed, in the Pentagon - 184 people, 40 people crashed in Pennsylvania.

19 terrorists were also killed in the attacks, 15 of them were citizens Saudi Arabia, two - United United Arab Emirates, one for Egypt and one for Lebanon.

At 8:46 a.m. (local time hereinafter), an American Airlines Boeing 767 flying from Boston to Los Angeles crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC) on Manhattan Island in New York between the 93rd and 99th floors. On board were 81 passengers (including five terrorists) and 11 crew members.

At 9:03 a.m., a United Airlines Boeing 767 flying from Boston to Los Angeles crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center between the 77th and 85th floors. There were 56 passengers and nine crew members on board.

At 9:37 a.m., an American Airlines Boeing 757 flying from Washington to Los Angeles crashed into the Pentagon. There were 58 passengers and six crew members on board.

At 10:03 a.m., a United Airlines Boeing 757 flying from Newark, New Jersey to San Francisco, crashed into a field in southwestern Pennsylvania, near the city of Shanksville, 200 kilometers from Washington. There were 37 passengers and seven crew members on board.

As a result of a severe fire, the South Tower collapsed at 9.59, and the North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed at 10.28.

At 18.16, the 47-storey building of the World Trade Center complex, located in close proximity to the WTC towers, collapsed. The fire started in it.

The exact amount of damage caused by the September 11 attacks is not known. In September 2006, US President George W. Bush announced that the damage from the September 11, 2001 attacks amounted to the lowest estimate for the United States.

On November 27, 2002, an independent commission to investigate the September 11 attacks (the 9/11 commission) was established in the United States. In 2004, she published the final report on the investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy. One of the main conclusions of the 600-page document was the recognition that the perpetrators of the attacks took advantage of the work of the US government and intelligence agencies.

Zacarias Moussaoui, a French citizen of Moroccan origin, is the only person convicted in the case of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. He was arrested in August 2001 after graduating from flight school in Oklahoma and training in a Boeing 747 simulator in Minnesota. In April 2005, Moussaoui was found guilty of intent to commit a terrorist attack, which was supposed to be the fifth in a series of tragic events on September 11, 2001. On the personal instructions of Osama bin Laden, he was supposed to hijack the plane and go to ram the White House in Washington - about this terrorist.

In May 2006, by decision of the federal court of the city of Alexandria (Virginia), where the trial took place, Zacarias Moussaoui was sentenced.

Six others suspected of involvement in the attacks were arrested in 2002 and 2003, they spent several years in prisons of the CIA, and in 2006 at the American base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

In February 2008, the US Department of Defense committed murder and war crimes as part of its investigation into the September 11 attacks.

The accusations were made against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who according to the 9/11 commission report is a central figure in the preparation of terrorist attacks in the United States; a native of Yemen, Ramzi Binalshiba (another spelling of Ramzi bin al-Sheba), who provided organizational support to the terrorists and transferred money to them; Mohammed al-Qahtani, who, according to investigators, on September 11, 2001, was supposed to become another, the 20th hijacker of four American aircraft; as well as Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, Mustafa Ahmed Khawsawi (another spelling of Mustafa Ahmad Hausawi) and Waleed bin Attash.

Hearings in the case of those accused of involvement in organizing a terrorist act.

In March 2016, New York District Judge George Daniels issued a default judgment ordering Iran to pay $7.5 billion to the relatives and other members of those who died at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities must pay another three billion to insurers who covered property damage and other material losses. Earlier, Judge Daniels ruled that Tehran could not prove its non-participation in assisting the organizers of the terrorist attack, in connection with which the Iranian authorities for the damage caused during it.

In September 2016, the US Congress passed a law allowing the heirs of the victims of the September 11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, whose citizens were most of the terrorists who carried out the attacks. Already in early October 2016, an American woman who lost her husband during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack filed the first lawsuit against Saudi Arabia. In March 2017, relatives of the victims in the United States. In April, it became known that more than two dozen U.S. insurance companies filed a lawsuit against two Saudi Arabian banks and companies associated with the Osama bin Laden family, as well as against several charities, totaling at least $ 4.2 billion in connection with the attacks.

September 11, 2001 was a special day in the history of the United States: until that moment, the country had not been subjected to a massive attack on its continental territory. However, two dozen terrorists were enough to carry out the largest terrorist attack in history, cause significant destruction to downtown New York and destroy lives. three thousand human. The content of that tragic day was five events, in which three buildings and four aircraft were involved.

Event 1

The main event is the death of the two twin towers of the World Trade Center (each 110 floors high), which occurred sequentially at 9 hours 59 minutes local time (south tower) and at 10 hours 28 minutes (north tower). The collapse of the Twin Towers was the result of a battering ram by two captured suicide bombers. passenger aircraft. The collisions led to a strong fire and damage to the supporting structures of the towers, which together led to a chain reaction - the upper floors (those that were above the collision site) collapsed on the lower ones, they could not withstand the load and the buildings collapsed entirely. There is a popular alternative theory according to which the collapse of the towers only as a result of a collision with aircraft was impossible, and there was a pre-planned undermining of buildings from the inside.

Event 2

American Airlines Flight 11 is the first plane hijacked by terrorists on the morning of 9/11. The plane was heading from Boston to Los Angeles and was hijacked at 8:14 am. By the way, it later turned out that the terrorists' luggage was additionally checked during landing, but no suspicious items were found. After the hijacking, the terrorists announced to the passengers that the plane had been hijacked and was returning to the airport to make some demands. U.S. authorities received word of the hijacking, but the radar transponder was disabled on board, so it was not known exactly where Flight 11 was heading. 8 hours 46 minutes crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Until the second attack, this incident was considered an aviation accident.

Event 3

United Airlines Flight 175 was also en route from Boston to Los Angeles and was hijacked between 8:42 a.m. and 8:46 a.m. The terrorists killed the commander and co-pilot and abruptly changed course. This was noticed by controllers who tried to contact the aircraft, but no one answered them. On the way to the World Trade Center, the plane almost collided twice in the air with other planes - this was only avoided thanks to a preliminary warning from the air traffic control service about the “out of control aircraft”. In order to hit the south tower, the terrorists made a sharp turn at the very last moment. The collision itself took place at 9:30 a.m. and was practically shown live to the whole world (the first such precedent in history) - a television broadcast began in connection with the incident with the north tower. There were 65 people on board the plane, including the terrorists.

Event 4

American Airlines Flight 77 was en route from Washington to Los Angeles and was hijacked by five terrorists about half an hour after takeoff. At 9:37 a.m., he purposefully crashed into the Pentagon building, located in Arlington, a suburb of Washington. A total of 189 people died - 64 people on board the aircraft, 125 of those who were in the US War Department building. There is a version according to which the Pentagon was a backup target for terrorists and was chosen for attack only after the terrorist who was flying the plane could not find the visual coordinates of the main target - the White House.

Event 5

United Airlines Flight 93 was the last of the planes hijacked by the terrorists. The terrorists established control over it at 9:28 am and turned the plane from its previous course to San Francisco in reverse side, on Washington. However, the passengers of the plane managed to contact their relatives by phone, who informed them about the fate of other hijacked planes (by that time, collisions with the twin towers and the Pentagon had already occurred). In this situation, the hostages tried to regain control of the plane, which, according to investigators, was supposed to hit either the Capitol or the White House. As a result of the struggle between the terrorists and the hostages, Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania with 37 passengers (including four terrorists) and crew members on board.

Official version This is an official lie!

US Army Sergeant Donald Buswell was disciplined "for using a government-owned email address to send messages hostile to the United States." The veteran of the Iraqi campaign had the imprudence to doubt the official version of the events of September 11, 2001. In particular, he wrote to the editors of the information resource “It is worth weighing all the circumstances, and it becomes clear that a few Arabs sitting in caves with mobile phones could not organize this.” Literally, the name of the site, which became fatal for Donald, is translated as "September 11 - the truth"

New Pearl Harbor

Americans trust their government. But not all. America's dissidents have more than enough reason to doubt that they are always being told the truth. The assassination of President Kennedy is still a mystery with many unknowns. The counting of votes in the last presidential elections is shrouded in fog ... And the biggest American disaster - Pearl Harbor? Then, in December 1941, the Japanese seemed to be invited to attack the main US naval base. It was necessary to get a reason for war, regardless of the number of their own victims. The tragedy of September 11, 2001, similar in scale, also raised a lot of questions.

Four passenger Boeings were hijacked within an hour by 19 Arab terrorists armed with cardboard cutters. The suicide pilots took control of the planes and changed course for New York and Washington. Two Boeings were sent to the twin towers of the World Trade Center. A fire broke out in the skyscrapers, causing their complete destruction. The third Boeing crashed into the Pentagon. Passengers on the fourth plane fought the hijackers, causing the plane to crash in Pennsylvania. It was an attack on America, planned by Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda, an international terrorist organization composed mostly of Arabs.

This is the generally accepted version of events. It finally took shape within a few days after the disaster, becoming official.

Calls from hijacked planes are fake

There were 256 people in four Boeings. A total of 13 calls were made from the aircraft. The investigative reports have detailed description Arab hijackers, minute by minute description of their actions. In the absence of surviving passengers, their "witness testimony" was the recording of telephone conversations, on which the official version largely rests. During the investigation of the tragedy, they were reproduced in front of relatives, who, in the interests of the investigation, were forbidden to transmit the content of the conversations. However, there was a leak to the press, and Newsweek magazine told what the doomed were talking about ...

Among the callers was the wife of US Deputy Attorney General Ted Olson, lawyer Barbara Olson. She called him twice from a plane the terrorists were using to attack the Pentagon. Only passenger Melissa Bowie managed to contact ground services - she got through to the dispatcher. The call lasted 4 minutes 2 seconds and ended halfway through the phrase.

Following Newsweek, the conversations were quoted by many publications. The last words of the flight attendant just before the plane turned into a fireball after colliding with a skyscraper: "God, God ... I see buildings ... Water." Or a very simple phrase: “Hi, mom, this is Mark Bingham” ...

It is strange here not even that a person introduces himself to his mother by his first and last name, but that he was able to get through at all. At the beginning of the decade, the probability of a successful connection from a cell phone from a jet airliner flying on a normal cruising speed and height, was about 1 in 100. The probability of two connections is 1 in 10,000. The probability of thirteen is negligible.

As the plane descends, it seems to be easier to get through on a mobile phone. However, other factors come into play. At a lower altitude, a jet aircraft leaves the limits of one cell within 1-8 seconds. During this time, the phone manages to establish contact with it, but it is already in the zone of another cell ...

These data are confirmed experimentally thanks to the professor of two universities at once A. Dewdney. He approached the study of the issue in a scientific way. He assembled a group of researchers and flew three times during 2003 on rented planes to check how communication is carried out from different phones (in the third experiment, let's say, five handsets were involved - three Motorolas (i95cl, StarTac, Timeport 8767), as well as Audiovox-8300 and Nokia-6310i Dewdney called his research "Project Achilles" - clearly meaning that the invincible ancient Greek hero had one weak spot.

Only in 2004-2005, a number of companies began to develop equipment to ensure sustainable mobile communications in airliners - Boeings and Airbuses.

The most "slippery" questions

The American intelligence services had at least 12 intelligence reports about the possible use of liners as weapons. Buildings were known to be attacked, and the WTC is the first thing that comes to mind. Information came from 1994 to August 2001, when it became known about the plan of Osama bin Laden to send a plane to the US Embassy in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Why was nothing done?

What kind of fire broke out in the White House just between the strikes of the first and second planes? Footage of the fire was broadcast by ABC, and then information about it completely disappeared. Why? And what is the probability that such an emergency at the presidential residence could happen in this particular time period?

The hijackers underwent aerobatic training, but the instructors considered them incapable of flying even light single-engine aircraft. About one of the terrorist pilots in the flight school there was a note: "he cannot fly on his own." But the Arabs took control, having received the necessary knowledge and skills from training courses and textbooks, skillfully flew to the targets and clearly hit them. Why were they able to do this? The wingspan of the Boeing 767-300 is 47 meters, and the width of the tower is 63. The difference, as it is not difficult to calculate, is only 15 meters. Just snipers, not kamikaze! These aces acted with such inhuman precision, as if they were guided by a radio beacon. In the case of a Boeing 757-200 that crashed into the Pentagon, the arithmetic is as follows: the height of the building is 24 meters, and the height of the aircraft itself is more than 13. And this colossus enters the ram strictly horizontally, creeping above the ground in the city limits, and strikes the US military building is exactly at the height between the first and second floors.

However, the damage to the Pentagon is not severe enough to be the result of a collision with a 115-ton aircraft flying at a speed of 400 to 700 kilometers per hour. On the site in front of the wall, not only was there no debris, but on the grass there were traces of burning from the fuel from the aircraft tanks. The surviving photos do not show wings - only a neat hole in the wall. Why? The explosion fell exactly on that sector of the Pentagon, which was under repair. The counterterrorism department was already evicted from there, the Command Center navy not yet universe. Among the 125 dead at the Pentagon, there is only one general, and most of them are civilian specialists.

Fragments of the liner that crashed in Pennsylvania were found 8 miles from the crash site, and locals reported burning debris falling from the sky. How could this be, if the fourth "Boeing" was killed, falling to the ground?

Finally, also on September 11, there was a military putsch in Chile - 28 years before the American tragedy. And 11 years before her, and also on September 11, George W. Bush, speaking to Congress, first uttered the phrase: "The New World Order." But that's just a coincidence.

Works used: J. McMichael, "Muslims repeal the laws of physics" (2001), A.K. Dewdney, Report on Project Achilles (2003), Michel Chosudowski, "Additional Questions to the Official Version: Cell Phone Conversations on 9/11" (Center for Globalization Studies, 2004), prof. Stephen Jones "Why did the WTC buildings really collapse?" (2006), etc. All of these materials - and dozens of others - can be found at (1100 pages and 8400 internal links). top war

Andrey Nazarov

Ten years ago, a tragedy occurred in New York that forever changed the lives of millions of people around the world. All these ten years we have been learning more and more details about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, but no one dares to say that it became completely clear what and why happened on the morning of that autumn day in largest city USA.
We decided to acquaint our readers with an article published on the website of the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, which contains facts that allow us to better understand and feel the horror of the tragedy, symbolized by the two numbers 9/11.

1. The number of children who lost their parents as a result of the tragic events of September 11 was 3051. 17 children were born later to women who lost their husbands during the terrorist attack. Nine months after the attack, the birth rate in New York was 20% higher than a year earlier.

2. According to studies, alcohol consumption in New York in the weeks after the attack was 25% higher than a year earlier. Tobacco use rose by 10%, marijuana by 3.2%, and church and synagogue attendance by 20%.

3. The total value of the works of art lost as a result of the attack exceeds $100 million. Among the lost masterpieces - a series of paintings Entablature by Roy Lichtenstein (Roy Lichtenstein), the work of Pablo Picasso and David Hockney (David Hockney), many other author's items, interior elements and so on.

4. One of the unknown heroes of the day was the guide dog, Labrador Roselle, who led her blind owner Michael Hingson from the 78th floor of the North Tower to his friend's house. The dog recently died.

5. It took firefighters 100 days to put out all the fires caused by the attack on the World Trade Center (WTC).

6. The parents of 22-year-old Lisa Ann Frost, who was on United Flight 175, waited almost a year before rescuers sifting through the debris at the crash site could find anything that belonged to their daughter. Only 291 bodies were found not divided into fragments.

7. In total, the workers had to sift through more than 1 million tons of structural debris and debris in search of the remains and objects belonging to the victims of the terrorist attack. They found 437 watches and 144 wedding rings.

8. Three hours before the attack on the World Trade Center, at Princeton University, a system called the Random Event Generator issued a message about an imminent catastrophic event.

9. The section of the Pentagon building hit by the hijacked plane was reconstructed shortly before the attack, during which the walls and windows of the mission were especially reinforced. Some windows near the impact zone remained intact.

10. The top four Google searches in the week of the attack were (in descending order): Nostradamus, CNN, The World Trade Center, Osama bin Laden.

11. The best seller in America in 2001 was a novel called Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.

12. When the leader of the terrorist group, Mohamed Atta, passed through control at the Boston airport on the morning of September 11, the security information system responded to his name and the terrorist's luggage did not get on the plane.

13. Hundreds of monuments, flagpoles and crucifixes around the world are made from metal taken at the site of the terrorist attack. In particular, a monument was made from the metal of the North Tower in the city of Padua, in Italy.

14. The personnel of the employees of the defense system airspace The United States (NORAD - the North American Aerospace Defense Command), a week before the attack, conducted exercises in which officers practiced the situation of the capture of four aircraft by terrorists. Another round of training was scheduled for the morning of September 11th.

15. Six months before the attack, a 99-year lease on the World Trade Center buildings was purchased for $3.2 billion by Larry Silverstein's real estate development firm. He is currently restoring an office and shopping center next to the memorial complex and museum.

16. At the beginning of this year, the number of victims of the September 11 terrorist attack increased by one and reached 2,753 people. A medical center in New York City concluded that Jerry Borg, an accountant and part-time actor, died in late 2010 from a lung disease caused by dust from the ruins of the World Trade Center.

17. Five terrorists lived and prepared for the hijacking, just before the attack, in a motel located near the US National Security Agency (National Security Agency).

18. The black boxes of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon were found on September 12, 2001. As US Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld later reported, the voice recording data from one of these boxes could not be read. It is believed that this is the only case in 40 years when information could not be found on the recording device from the nose compartment of the aircraft.

19. During the collapse of the WTC towers, a store was destroyed where they sold the Koran and there was a prayer room for Muslims.

20. John Patrick O'Neill, an FBI special agent who investigated the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 and the activities of al-Qaeda, left the service due to disagreements with his superiors. Later, he took the position of chief of security at the World Trade Center, where he died on September 11, 2001.

21. Scientists used a three-day ban on air flights over the US after September 11 in order to study the impact of jet aircraft on the climate. They found that during these three days it was somewhat warmer during the day and somewhat colder than usual at night. The researchers saw the reason for this in the traces that jet engines leave in the atmosphere and which are actually artificial clouds. During intense flights, these traces reflect part of the sunlight during the day, and at night, on the contrary, retain heat.

On September 11, 2001, a series of terrorist attacks were carried out in the United States, which resulted in the death of 2977 people. According to the official version, the devastating attacks were carried out by members of the al-Qaeda* group, but there are facts that can refute the generally accepted point of view.

Fast Version

This is the official version of what happened. Early on the morning of September 11, 2001, four passenger Boeings were hijacked mid-air by Arab terrorists. The hijackers were armed only with clerical knives and gas cartridges. Two aircraft attacked the twin towers of the World Trade Center, located in the southern part of Manhattan, the third plane was sent to the Pentagon building, the fourth did not reach the Capitol and crashed in the middle of a field in Pennsylvania.

This version was formed just a few days after the tragedy, and the American government has not changed it again. Such hasty conclusions suggest that Washington was preparing for this in advance.

We have already encountered a situation where the White House "knew for sure" that Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction, Muammar Gaddafi was sponsoring international terrorism, and Bashar al-Assad was using chemical weapons.

None of these allegations have ever been substantiated. However, these suspicions have become a pretext for the US-sanctioned use of military forces in Iraq, Libya and Syria. It is expected that after the events of September 11, the Americans stepped up military operations in Afghanistan.

Immediately after the explosions, the head of Al Qaeda * Osama bin Laden declared his non-involvement in the attacks. Unusual behavior for a man who has always been happy to take responsibility for the terrorist attacks he was involved in. Later, bin Laden nevertheless admitted his involvement in the events of September 11, however, according to some, this was a person only similar to the leader of Al Qaeda *.

Strange destruction

Probably, not everyone knows that during the attack on New York, three buildings of the World Trade Center (WTC) collapsed. In addition to the well-known twin towers No. 1 and No. 2, there was also a skyscraper No. 7. The government commission set up to investigate the events of September 11 preferred to keep silent about this fact. House number 7 is a 47-story high-rise, noticeably inferior to its twin brothers in growth.

In particular, it housed the New York branch of the CIA headquarters. This building avoided being hit by an aircraft, but by 5 pm it collapsed in the same way as the twin towers.

According to authorities, the cause of the collapse of the building was burning fragments that fell on it from collapsing skyscrapers, as well as the ensuing fire. However, WTC buildings numbered 3, 4, 5 and 6 were much closer to the towers, and they all survived. Maybe the fall of the 7th house had another reason?

As for the twin towers, researchers are still concerned about a curious question: why did not only the upper floors of the building collapse, but also the lower ones? The official version is inexorable: when the building was destroyed, the top carried away the rest of it.

However, here too there is a problem. Parts of the tower structure did not fall in different directions, but formed right under the base, like a house of cards.

The designers of the World Trade Center unanimously declare that when building skyscrapers, the possible hit of an aircraft was taken into account, as is the case with all skyscrapers. If a catastrophic scenario does occur, then, they say, it cannot lead to devastating consequences of this magnitude.

The footage of the disaster clearly shows that the planes crash into buildings in completely different ways: the liner “entered” the northern tower right in the center, the southern one at an acute angle, cutting off the edge of the skyscraper. At the same time, the destruction of the towers was surprisingly uniform and symmetrical, as in a prepared explosion. And then a strange thing happens: the south tower, less affected by the explosion, collapses first, and only half an hour later the north tower falls, where the consequences of the disaster should have been more impressive.

Experts analyzed the video of the collapse of the towers and almost unanimously stated that this is how the industrial demolition of buildings takes place. And indeed, if you carefully look at the slow-motion footage of the disaster, you can see how explosive waves run through the entire height of the building at equal distances - as if a pre-laid charge had detonated.

Here are two more facts that will make you think. Shortly before the attack, the floors into which the planes subsequently flew were closed for repairs. And a few weeks before the tragedy, the owner of the twin towers, Larry Silverstein, insured them for $ 3 billion, and insurance against terrorist attacks was prescribed as a separate item.

Electoral fire

According to the official conclusions, hundreds of thousands of tons of steel structures melted in a monstrous fire, and hundreds of tons of concrete were erased into dust.

Is it possible that ignited aviation kerosene, the combustion temperature of which is less than 1000 ° C, caused hardened steel to “tremble”, which melts at no less than 2000 ° C. At the same time, there was a critical loss of strength of 50 massive load-bearing beams at once, which is possible only if the fuel is evenly spilled over all areas of the floor.

As a result of the explosions, charred and unrecognizable body particles remained from the passengers of both Boeings. Meanwhile, the passport of Mohammed Atta, one of the hijackers, which became one of the main pieces of evidence in favor of the guilt of al-Qaeda *, turned out to be completely unscathed. According to the commission, the document miraculously survived a powerful explosion, fell out of the plane and landed safely near the building.

The US government was in such a hurry to come to the right conclusion that it was not even going to pay attention to such incidents. Further more.

The Commission of Inquiry announced the identification of some of the passengers and crew members of the aircraft by the "remains of DNA." And this is after the fire actually completely destroyed the body of the liner, made of aircraft-grade aluminum resistant to high temperatures.

It is curious that despite the “remnants of DNA” preserved in a fantastic way, the black boxes were recognized as completely destroyed by fire. Looking at this, it only remains to believe that the fire acted selectively, completely not guided by the laws of the physical world.

No trace

The third hijacked Boeing, flying American Airlines Flight 77, crashed into the Pentagon, according to official figures. In order to inflict the most sensitive damage to the building and people, the terrorists sent the liner along the lowest possible trajectory. It is known that the height of the Boeing 757 is 13 meters, the Pentagon - 24 meters.

Based on this, the final kilometers of the flight of the liner had to pass at a height of only a few meters above the ground, which is an almost impossible task for pilots who have just completed express courses.

Moreover, such a maneuver was absolutely unjustified, since, according to many experts, it would not lead to such damage as when falling at an angle. In this case, it would be difficult even for an inexperienced pilot to miss, given the impressive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Pentagon - 117,363 sq.m. It turns out that the terrorists, who carefully planned the attack, chose a more complicated and less effective path.

However, the main incident is ahead. Independent researchers who studied photographs of the disaster were alerted by the fact that the Boeing did not leave traces of the wings when it hit the building. Their fragments were not found nearby either. Moreover, even inside the destroyed section of the building there were no hints of aircraft fragments. According to official findings, they were all destroyed powerful explosion and fire, which is very doubtful.

All of these facts suggest another reason for the destruction in the Pentagon - a planned explosion. But if we assume that the Boeing 757 did not crash into the Pentagon, where did the car itself disappear with the passengers and crew of this ill-fated flight?

As for the fourth "Boeing", which did not reach the Capitol and crashed in the fields of Pennsylvania, it is the least of all questions. However, there are still inconsistencies. Authorities claim the ground impact was the cause of the deaths, but no significant number of aircraft fragments have been found at the alleged crash site. Eyewitnesses say that the wreckage was scattered for many kilometers. According to the assumption of researchers who do not share the official point of view, the liner could have been hit in the air by a rocket fired from a fighter.

The official version says that the passengers, having contacted their relatives by mobile phones, learned that two planes had already crashed into buildings in Manhattan and decided to prevent the plans of the hijackers. It was as a result of the struggle ensued on board that the plane went off course and went into a steep dive. However, experts say that the ability to use cellular communications in flight has appeared only since 2005.

Avoid inconsistencies

Everything in this story is alarming, including the behavior of top American officials. For example, President George W. Bush for a long time ignored the invitation to speak before Congress, but when he agreed to a meeting, he set conditions that seemed to be incomprehensible at first glance. He insisted on limiting the conversation in time - no more than an hour and the obligatory invitation to the event of Vice President Dick Cheney. At the request of the head of the White House, only two people were to be present from the commission investigating the tragedy.

After a long debate, it was still possible to agree on the participation of 10 members of the commission and remove the time limit. During the meeting, everyone expected to hear from the president exhaustive, and most importantly, reliable information about what had happened, but everything turned out to be much more complicated. Bush did not allow the meeting to be videotaped, audiotaped, or even transcribed. In addition, Bush and Cheney refused to take an oath that could assure listeners of the veracity of what was said.

In April 2004, the performance finally took place. However, to this day it is not known what Bush and Cheney said to the congressmen. Many draw attention to the absurdity of this situation. It looks like this if one witness agreed to speak in court only in the presence of another witness. Why is this needed? Probably in order to avoid inconsistency in testifying.

Every year, the belief grows stronger in the world that the attacks were planned by the US intelligence agencies in order to justify the actions of the US military in the Middle East. But it is premature to draw final conclusions. So far, we can say with certainty only the following: if the US authorities did not stage the attacks themselves, then at least they did not interfere with their planning.

* Al-Qaeda is a terrorist group, banned in the territory of the Russian Federation