What happens after a plane crash: a video was taken of how rescuers enter a plane that has fallen into the water. Recent Plane Crashes: Terrible Aircraft Crashes of Recent Years What Happened to the Flight

October 31, 2015, flight Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg. Someone is reviewing photos on the phone, imagining how they will tell relatives and friends about the vacation. Married couples soothe kids who are behaving too violently in the morning - yes, they are probably afraid to fly. Departure on schedule, drove straight into the sky. The very next day, the media disseminated a photo of the "main passenger" - ten-month-old Darina Gromova. This picture will become a kind of symbol of the fateful Airbus flight 321, from which none of the 224 people returned alive.

"Flight in normal mode"

The plane took off safely and began to climb at 06:50 Moscow time. Everything is running normally, when suddenly, after 23 minutes, the dispatchers lose contact with the crew.

Meanwhile, Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg reports that the flight is delayed "for technical reasons." Time is postponed once, postponed twice ... In Russia, they try not to think about the worst and nervously wait for messages from relatives: about an emergency landing, but about anything, if only they wrote. When the flowers had already begun to fade, and the scoreboard showed a record of another flight postponement, the nerves of the relatives could not stand it: calls to the Kogalymavia airline and the Brisco tour operator rained down. "We find out everything", "Don't worry," people heard in different instances.

And then came the news that flashed through everyone's head, but they refused to believe. The fact that everyone died was not immediately known. One of the rescuers, who immediately after the crash moved to the place, said that he heard the voices of passengers who came from under the wreckage of the liner. Within minutes it turned out: I didn’t hear it, it seemed.

Main Passenger

A photograph of ten-month-old Darina Gromova from Gatchina, taken at Pulkovo Airport, seems to have bypassed all Russian well-known media and was replicated on social networks. The picture became one of the symbols of that terrible tragedy.

Son, Alexei, wanted to be a pilot. Only I didn’t allow it, ”Darina Elena’s grandmother later told Life.

Alexei's father was a military pilot for 30 years. The young man himself unlearned a technical specialty and went to work in an IT company. Here he met Tatyana. Young people got married a little more than a year before the tragedy. On the still accessible page of the young man on the social network, there are many photos of a couple in love taken on their wedding day.

Tatyana named her daughter "the main passenger". Before leaving Pulkovo, she took a picture of a girl who pressed her hands against the glass and posted the picture on social networks.

Darina's grandmother suggested that her parents not take the child on a flight: she would be frightened, she would not tolerate it well. But they did not even listen: the child should bask in the sun.

"I can't live without her"

October 31 was a tragedy for thousands of people. The husband of Svetlana Dudochkina, Anatoly, could not fly with his wife on vacation at that time. The couple had already been to Egypt more than once, so the woman knew quite well how to behave at the resort. All the more strange seemed his warning.

She went on vacation for the first time without me. I told her that if something happened, I would not survive without her. I don’t want to live anymore, I’m not interested,” Anatoly said after the crash.

The woman went to rest in the company of her daughter and two young grandchildren. But the daughter decided to stay for another day or two, as it became possible to rest longer. As a result, only Svetlana got on the fateful flight from the whole family.

Birthday gift

On October 27, the civil wife of the then deputy head of Pskov, Alexander Kopylov, celebrated her birthday. He bought himself and his beloved, Elena Melnikova, tickets. They did not want to let go of work, but the deputy head of the city persuaded him to do this. He argued that the reason was too weighty.

The man met his future common-law wife at work. The fact is that Elena is the head of the personnel department in the Pskov City Duma. Alexander's wife had died a few years before, Elena was divorced. They had been together for about a year by then.

All the time on vacation, Elena told in social networks that they have a very good rest - they swim, sunbathe and generally “break away”. The last time I went online was three hours before the fatal departure.

"A little more - and I'll leave aviation"

The senior flight attendant, 38-year-old Valentina Martsevich, who devoted 12 years to the sky, planned to retire from aviation in the near future. I wanted peace, made plans for a quiet family life. Valentina's husband, Maxim, is the commander of the aircraft. He was on a China Airlines flight at the time.

Valentina herself is from Anapa, she worked at the Krasnodar airport when she met her future husband. Soon they moved together to Moscow. He is always on the flight, she is on the next flight. I'm tired of seeing my husband and family snatches.

On October 5, her birthday, she flew home to hug her mother. Friends later recalled that she behaved rather strangely: she spoke strangely, smiled strangely, and took many pictures.

During the return to Moscow, shortly before the fatal flight, the woman for the first time in her life was frightened during the landing. She told her friends how the liner was shaking and she was afraid that the pilots would not land successfully.

"Fluffy, Waiting"

Flight attendant Marina Okhotnikova was supposed to meet her husband, steward Andrey Belomestnov, at Domodedovo on November 1. The plan looked like this: Andrei lands at Pulkovo, rests, and then goes to Moscow as a passenger. 20 minutes after the arrival of his board in the capital, she lands. Young people planned an unforgettable weekend.

The couple had a tradition: all four years that they were together, Andrei sent SMS to his beloved during such "crossings" with the same text: "Fluffy, I'm already waiting for you." This time there was no message. In November, Andrei was supposed to turn 30 years old ...


Experts considered four main versions of the crash: a technical malfunction, pilot error, that the plane was shot down and an explosion.

Technical malfunction

The first version that investigators began to consider was a technical malfunction. Allegedly, the liner had defects. For example, even 14 years before the tragedy, in November 2001, at the Cairo airport, the liner landed unsuccessfully and touched the ground with its tail section. Then it still belonged to Middle East Airlines. After the incident, the aircraft was repaired and sold. After that, he was chartered various airlines until, finally, it "settled" in "Kogalymavia" in 2012.

You can say anything about this airline, but any aircraft of any carrier is tested before a new flight. In addition, technical checks are carried out on the sides. So, the engines of the liner were examined five days before the tragedy. And it is unlikely that the experts would have missed such a significant malfunction, due to which the plane could crash. This point of view was confirmed by the airline. In addition, pilots with great experience have said more than once that none of the crew members will risk their own lives, but simply refuse to fly in case of doubt.

Another fact speaks against the version of the malfunction: on the eve of the crash, the Airbus flew from Sharm el-Sheikh to Samara and back. After that, at the Egyptian airport, he underwent maintenance, no critical problems were recorded.

A week after the tragedy, representatives of the IAC said that until the recording of the registrars was stopped, the flight took place in the normal mode, information about the failures of the aircraft's systems and assemblies was not recorded on the parametric registrar.

Crew error

This version became the second. Allegedly, the pilots could panic, misbehave in a critical situation. This version was refuted by the Federal Air Transport Agency on the same day. PIC Valery Nemov was originally a military pilot, and after retiring (the man was 48 years old) he retrained as a pilot civil aviation at the AmurAir training center in Turkey. His total flight experience is 3682 hours, of which 1100 hours - as an aircraft commander.

The co-pilot, 45-year-old Sergei Trukhachev, had 5641 flight hours behind him - more than the PIC. He underwent special training in the Czech Republic on the management of the A321.

The Kogalymavia pilots themselves ruled out the version of the mistake: they posted a letter on the Web a few hours after the tragedy, where they claimed that there could be no mistake.

Shot down

Shortly after the crash, ISIS militants claimed responsibility for the plane crash. They even published a video where the aircraft was allegedly shot down. It soon turned out that the video was nothing more than a fake, and no one shot down the Russian airliner.

After a preliminary examination of the wreckage of the aircraft, it became clear to the experts that no one had fired at it.

The plane broke up in the air. Initially, the tail section was torn off, and then the entire liner began to disintegrate. The wreckage of the aircraft was at a distance of about 40 km from each other, the tail and nose were at a distance of 5 km.

terrorist attack

This version is prioritized. The fact that there was a bomb on board, the media began to write a few hours after the tragedy. Within a month, Russian experts confirmed the fact of the explosion. So, on November 16, 2015, the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, at a meeting in the Kremlin, officially announced for the first time that what had happened was a terrorist attack.

The bomb was originally thought to have been planted between passenger seats in the 30th row. However, later the experts came to the conclusion that an improvised explosive device with a capacity of up to 1 kg in TNT was in the tail section, next to the baby carriages. The timer set in the bomb counted how many more minutes 224 people would live. After the explosion, the tail section of the liner was torn off, and it went into an uncontrolled dive.

For a long time, Egyptian officials did not officially recognize the incident as a terrorist attack (according to one version, fearing multimillion-dollar lawsuits from the relatives of the victims). Cairo urged to wait for the official results of the investigation, which, by the way, are still missing. However, in February 2017, Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid admitted in some way that a terrorist attack had taken place on board.

Dozens or even hundreds of people became victims of terrorist operations, including as a result of the fall of a Russian airliner in the Sinai, he said.

* The organization is banned in Russia by decision of the Supreme Court.

Today there was a tragedy: a passenger plane " Saratov Airlines"Crashed in the suburbs. An-148 was flying from the capital to Orsk. 71 people were on board: 65 passengers and 6 crew members. There are no survivors.

The president expressed condolences to the families of the victims. In connection with this tragedy, Vladimir Putin changed his schedule: a working trip to Sochi was postponed. According to the Kremlin press service, in order for the president to be able to directly coordinate the work of a special commission to clarify the causes of the tragedy. The commission was created on behalf of the head of state.

These shots were taken by eyewitnesses a few minutes after the disaster. The wreckage of the plane is scattered in a snowy field, around, at least at first glance, there are no signs of a fire or explosion. As if he just fell to the ground from a height. At the same time, the picture at the crash site - the wreckage is scattered over a radius of a whole kilometer - suggests that the liner collapsed while still in the air. And eyewitnesses say that before the fall, the plane seemed to be engulfed in flames.

Data on how long the plane has been in the air is still different. At first it was reported that the flight lasted about seven minutes. It was later reported that it had crashed just two minutes after takeoff. One way or another, the crash site is the vicinity of the village of Argunovo in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region - located just 30 kilometers from the Domodedovo airport.

“After a very strong cotton, we went to look for the place where this cotton was found. The entire field is sized - approximately, offhand I give - these are two football fields", - said an eyewitness.

The Moscow-Orsk flight took off from Domodedovo airport at 14:21. And soon disappeared from the radar screens. Internet publications publish the words of an air traffic controller, allegedly the one who monitored the air situation in the crash area - the plane took off normally, then began to descend, but no longer contacted and did not respond to requests. Even an audio recording of the negotiations has appeared on the Web, although it is not yet possible to guarantee its authenticity.

One thing can be said for sure: the crew did not report any malfunctions on board, although the breakdown of the aircraft, along with piloting error and adverse weather conditions, are now the three main versions of the disaster.

According to Svetlana Petrenko, the official representative of the Investigative Committee, operational documentation is being confiscated at the Saratov Airlines company, and its employees are being interrogated. In addition, the investigators began interrogating the employees of the Domodedovo airport, who were preparing the aircraft for flight.

So far, too little is known about the last flight of the crashed plane, but experts have already drawn attention to its strange trajectory. According to the Flytradar service, after taking off from Domodedovo, it began to rise to a mark of 1800 meters, then dropped to one and a half thousand, then climbed again, and after that the plane went down sharply. Because of these conflicting data, at first there was even a version that the An-148 could collide with a helicopter in the air. But later these rumors were denied.

Experts in the field of aviation are now suggesting that icing of the liner could be the cause - in the event that a piece of ice got into the engine.

“Sometimes, due to the weather, due to icing, something can happen. The aircraft was poorly handled or got into a sharp, heavy icing. The weather here could play a negative role only if there was an engine failure and the crew did not see the site, could not pick up and land,” says Honored Pilot of Russia Yuri Sytnik.

The crashed An-148 belonged to Saratov Airlines. It had four aircraft of this type in its fleet to this day. Short-haul aircraft, designed to carry 80 passengers. The liner that crashed was produced less than eight years ago. At first, it belonged to the Rossiya airline, flew, including to foreign destinations. Later it was sold to Saratov. And the airlines assure that they have no doubts about the serviceability of the aircraft or the qualifications of the crew.

“There was an experienced crew on board. The commander of the aircraft is Gubanov Valery Ivanovich, who has more than 5 thousand flight hours, and on this type Valery Ivanovich had 2147 flight hours,” said Elena Voronova, head of the press service of Saratov Airlines.

“8 years is, of course, not a term for an aircraft. Moreover, Antonovskaya is a reliable company. Our airworthiness standards are the toughest in the world. Not only to new production aircraft, but to aircraft that are submitted for testing,” said Vitaly Zhiltsov, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR.

Meanwhile, the authorities are already publishing a list of those who died as a result of the disaster. There were 71 people on board the plane - 65 passengers and six crew members. Nobody had a chance to survive.

The head of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, Maxim Sokolov, said that "in accordance with federal law, insurance in the amount of more than 2 million rubles is paid to all relatives of the victims, and the necessary additional decisions in this direction will be made through the subject."

To identify the bodies during the crash of the An-148, a special board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will deliver DNA samples from relatives of the victims to Moscow from Orsk. The identification of the bodies will be carried out at the Moscow Bureau of Expertise.

EMERCOM of Russia opened a hotline. Phone: 8-800-775-17-17.

The hotline is in operation Orenburg region: 8-3532- 308-999.

At the crash site passenger aircraft An-148 in the Moscow region almost 600 rescuers. The wreckage is scattered over a large area, the search operation will be conducted around the clock, one of the black boxes has already been found.

“We have formed operational groups that work here and in Orsk, on the territory of the Orenburg region. The task force operates in Domodedovo and, where necessary, in the Moscow region. I will ask you to provide support for all relatives and friends, taking into account vital indications, to organize the duty of medical teams of social workers and all specialists who are needed for health reasons, ”instructed the head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry Vladimir Puchkov.

At the Orsk airport, the relatives of the victims are provided with all the necessary assistance. The director of the airport, Sergei Sukharev, said that psychologists and doctors work at the first-aid post.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill performed a prayer service for those who died in this crash. Condolences to Russian citizens in connection with the crash of the An-148 aircraft were brought by Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the Foreign Ministers of Turkey, France and Belgium and other countries.

In connection with this tragedy, Channel One changes the broadcasting schedule. Immediately after our program, instead of playing the club “What? Where? When?" - broadcast from the Olympic Pyeongchang

The death of the A-321 aircraft, operating flight 9268 from Egyptian Sharm el-Sheikh to Pulkovo with 217 passengers and seven crew members on board, became the largest aviation disaster in the history of Russia and the USSR. In the Soviet Union, the worst air accident occurred in the Uchkuduk region on July 10, 1985. Then, as a result of the fall of the Tu-154, flying from Karshi to Leningrad, 191 passengers and nine crew members were killed.

The death of flight 9268 of the Kogalymavia (Metrojet) company from the very beginning was accompanied not only by unverified information, but also by outright stuffing. In the first hours after the tragedy, Arab news agencies reported, referring to some rescuers operating at the crash site, that the A-321 fell apart when it fell into two large parts and moans and requests for help were even heard from the tail. A little later, some representatives of the "Islamic State" claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack on board Russian aircraft. This statement was immediately picked up by foreign and some of the domestic media.

On the fateful day, the Airbus A-321 took off from the Egyptian airport at 6 hours 51 minutes Moscow time (3.51 GMT), but already at 7.14 (4.14) it did not get in touch with Larnaca airport, and a few seconds earlier the flight disappeared from radar screens.

As a result of the search and rescue operations that have begun, it has been established that the wreckage of the aircraft, scattered over an area of ​​16 to 20 square kilometers, has characteristic signs that the Airbus collapsed while still in the air. Recall that the wreckage of the Malaysian "Boeing-777", which followed the flight MH-17 and died over the south-east of Ukraine, was blown over an area of ​​​​more than 50 square kilometers. Already on November 1, the Federal Air Transport Agency and the Interstate Aviation Committee confirmed that the destruction of the A-321 occurred in the air.

At this moment, despite the fact that the flight recorders, also known as “black boxes”, have not only been found by rescuers, but are already being deciphered, data on the flight parameters of the A-321 Kogalymavia is available only from the FlightRadar24 Internet service.

At 7.12 (4.12) the aircraft was at an altitude of 10,200 meters (33,500 feet), continuing to climb in order to reach the flight level to Pulkovo Airport. The flight speed was approximately 750 kilometers per hour (just over 400 knots), and the vertical speed was unchanged. But exactly at 7.13 (4.13) the airspeed dropped to 170 kilometers per hour (a little over 20 knots) and, according to the calculations of the resource aviation-safety.net (the diagram was obtained as a result of processing FR24 data), the vertical speed began to equal 6000 feet per minute or 30.48 meters per second (a negative reading means the aircraft is descending). It was no longer a decline or a dive, but actually a fall. At this point, the A-321, having lost 5,000 feet, was at an altitude of about 8,600 meters (28,375 feet).

And then the strange begins. In a matter of seconds (from 07.13.00 to 07.13.22), the vertical speed of the liner rose to 4,000 feet per minute (20.3 m / s), then it fell again to 6,000, but then rose sharply to 4,000 feet per minute. The plane went up. But not having had time to gain the lost hundreds of meters, the liner again began to fall at a vertical speed of 6500 feet per minute (33 m / s). And again the fall was replaced by a sharp climb. From 13/07/15 to 13/07/19 the vertical speed increased to 9000 feet per minute (45 m/s). The Airbus went into a sharp climb, which at 07.13.22 again ended in a fall, during which, most likely, the plane began to crumble.

To summarize, in fact, for 22 seconds the plane tried to stop the fall and go into climb, while breaking down each time. But then its vertical speed grew to such an extent that the car reached maximum angles of attack and, accordingly, prohibitive overloads. Further - the fall and destruction of the A-321.

Note that the given vertical speed indicators were obtained from the processing of data from the FlightRadar24 service and in reality could be lower.

The media circulated a message that the crew of the aircraft allegedly turned to air traffic controllers for help. According to some reports, he reported a certain malfunction, according to others, he requested permission to land. But both Egyptian and Russian authorities deny that such a conversation took place.

In the first hours after the tragedy, evidence appeared that the dead A-321 had problems with the engines, which the pilots repeatedly reported to their management. True, already on the evening of October 31, representatives of the carrier announced that there were no appeals, the airliner passed all routine maintenance in a timely manner.


The columnist of the "Military-industrial courier" managed to communicate with employees and personnel of companies operating similar passenger liners, as well as representatives of Russian state bodies responsible for control in the aviation sector.

Most of the interlocutors unequivocally stated that they would not begin to draw conclusions at least until the moment when the transcripts of the flight recorders were announced, but agreed to provide clarifications on the facts already available.

According to aviation-safety.net, although there was a drastic reduction in speed, it is unlikely that one of the IAE V2500's engines had a problem or failed. In this case, the aircraft could not climb several times before crashing. According to one of the representatives of the airline - the A-321 operator, this at least indicates that not only power plants retained traction, but the propulsion automation also worked.

We can say that for 22 seconds the autopilot of the liner tried to fend off what, according to one of the interlocutors, "it was almost impossible to fend off." But then, instead of stabilizing the liner, the automation, unable to cope, turned the plane into a sharp climb, which led to prohibitive overloads, reaching critical angles of attack, stalling (possibly a spin) and destruction of the structure.

The causes of the impact that led to the death of the Airbus can be both mechanical problems with the elevators or stabilizer, and the failure of the automation itself, it is also EDSU (electronic remote control system). It is possible that the pilots, faced with a malfunction in the control system, tried to hold the plane on their own, parrying the impact.

But a mechanical failure of the rudders or stabilizer could only lead to the plane crashing. The climb in this case is unrealistic. And even a partial failure of the control system causes the occurrence of so-called self-oscillations, which are very similar to the above data on vertical speed.

True, almost all respondents questioned the option of EDSU failure, pointing out that this had not happened during the operation of the A-321, and the Airbus control system itself was very reliable and its most important elements were duplicated.

Representatives of the industry were rather skeptical about the possible defeat of the aircraft from anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as undermining the device placed on board by terrorists. A missile hit, as the example of the Malaysian Boeing 777 showed, would lead to instant destruction of the structure and the fall of the remains of the aircraft over a sufficiently large area, the same can be said about the use of IEDs.


The tragedy of Flight 9268 is still awaiting investigation. Until the data of the flight recorders are published, the wreckage is being collected. The laying out of the remains of the A-321 is ahead, but even now not only experts of varying degrees of awareness, but even various officials are paying attention that the crashed liner survived four owners and the car is already 18 years old - this is not the place in the parks Russian carriers, it is necessary to raise the domestic aviation industry.

A-321 is the largest aircraft of the A-320 family, which is considered the record holder in terms of the number of aircraft produced and operated. "Three hundred and twenty-first" is capable of carrying from 170 to 220 passengers over a distance of up to 5,600 kilometers. At the same time, the Superjet takes from 98 to 108 passengers with a range of just over three thousand kilometers (or 4500 in the Long Range version). Theoretically close performance to put into operation in 1994 "three hundred and twenty-first" should be the newest Russian MS-21, the first flight of which has not yet taken place. Tu-204/214, also capable of carrying over 200 passengers over a distance of six to seven thousand kilometers (depending on the model), are operated by only a few airlines (the most big park at the SLO "Russia" and "Red Wings" - 12 and 8 cars, respectively).

Alas, one thing is already clear: the tragedy of flight 9268 will be used for all sorts of high-profile statements for a long time to come, and the rise of the domestic aviation industry requires painstaking, hard work.


KP/SS , 23:21, November 2, 2015

The plane can be destroyed by a terrorist attack from the outside (to prevent which searches and security services are used), but this is a stupid, let's say clumsy job. But if service specialists are involved in the attack, or rather, an admitted specialist will do a three-second thing - put a device smaller than a matchbox or a “lighter”, the main thing is to the desired unit, then a catastrophe will occur as a technical malfunction. For example, as a version: - the use of a micro explosive device with an SMS receiver, the size and appearance of a lighter. The technician opened the hatch, another one, the third one on the engine, this is his technological duty, look at the oil level there, there -on the state and no leakage, etc. All this happens quite quickly and in the usual mode (there is no flight mechanic or flight engineer in the crew). Let's say he opened an extra hatch on the engine pylon and stuck a micro device on the fire hydrant. In flight, there was a micro explosion in the engine pylon: the fuel wire to the engine was destroyed, the fuel was whipping and burning (there was no fire-fighting system in that area), the hydraulic pipes were destroyed and the aircraft control failed. Before the plane crashes, this place will all burn out and melt (above the engine), no traces of a terrorist attack will be found there (all the more there will be destruction from hitting the ground and again a fire, because the fuel in the wing will not go anywhere). Yes, what can I say: -1000 options to lay down a modern aircraft and it will look like a technical malfunction. Imagine - a joystick controls a computer, it contains a program, parameters from gyroscopes, aneroid sensors and aircraft systems enter the computer. All this, although duplicated 2 or 3 times, ends with the cockpit area. Further, along the optical fiber (via the laser), control signals are sent (like routers) to electronic devices on hydraulic boosters and to steering surfaces. Any failure (lightning strike; blackout; tiny explosion or thermite fire or exposure to corrosive acid) at the right point of intertwining internal wiring in the aircraft - and the aircraft will lose control. It is not just that there is nothing to control it directly (through the steering wheel and mechanical connection, through hydraulic boosters on the surface) as a last chance - it simply does not exist. Airplanes are not currently built to be stable (the stabilizer must press down and take part of the wing lift), but on the contrary, unstable (to obtain the greatest weight return, i.e., a greater payload). Loss of control leads to a sharp maneuver with prohibitive overload and destruction (the Airbus does not have such a margin of safety as a fighter), so that they will not have time to shout into the “air”. I expressed the direction, and the “bookmark” can be done a week or a couple of months earlier (on the same heavy technical regulations, in the country where it is produced).

Andrey 01:30 November 3, 2015

Yes, they blew it up like a drink, the tail flew off the fuselage for 8 km, what kind of breakdown could it be so that the tail was torn off. . And no one will tell us the whole truth so as not to sow panic. They will say a technical malfunction and voila they ate everything.

Vlad391 , 02:45, November 3, 2015

In principle, everything can be allowed, but it painfully looks like the ultimate conspiracy theory, and most importantly - why all this? On the other hand, considerations about the instability of the aircraft are very serious, besides, the machine is old and already breaking down. So overload and destruction suggest themselves. You need to release your own planes and fly them. And already foreign ones, at least acquire new ones, and not broken junk. Transaero with new cars went bankrupt, and do not understand who is killing our people for their profits. What big statements are there.

Andrey , 10:16, November 3, 2015

The rise of the domestic aviation industry in the next 20 years, I'm afraid, is not possible. Judging by the level of education of "people with diplomas" who come to science and production after "universities", they do not even pull on the Soviet eight-year plan. It is necessary to restore the destroyed education with elementary school. A specialist will appear in twenty-five years (if by that time there are still old cadres from whom it will be possible to learn from experience). I judge by young engineers and designers who come after universities to work at the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern.

Sergei , 15:57, November 3, 2015

attacks are made to intimidate and therefore public. hiding a terrorist attack behind a malfunction is complete nonsense

the guest , 16:14, November 3, 2015

unstable aerodynamic schemes are used on military aircraft, in particular on fighters, to increase maneuverability, airliners, weight return - this has nothing to do with it, this airbus is of a normal aerodynamic scheme. And as for the EDSU - yes, I agree, wiring control by wire is cool, modern, efficient, but - in the event of an emergency, a computer failure in the control system - this is the end

Vlad391 , 19:41, November 3, 2015

Guest, you see, Airbus is clearly not a fighter, but what a normal aerodynamic design means is not clear. Our Ils are able to glide in case of failure of all engines, I don’t know about Boeings, they have a lot in common with Ils aerodynamically. Airbus is less stable, and given the dependence on avionics and automation, so beloved by Europeans, we get the very thing that you first refute. By the way, statistics show that the ability of our pilots to master the control of Airbus leaves much to be desired. Finally, I note that wounds have already been found on the corpses of passengers as if from an explosion, and the satellite of our American "colleagues" spotted thermal flash at the moment of destruction of the board. So there are fewer questions.

the guest 00:44 November 4, 2015

For Vlad391, you yourself don’t pay attention that you write nonsense ?! How can a satellite see an explosion of several tens of grams of explosives?! Or do you think there was an IED weighing a ton there? And LifeNews wrote about the explosion and the sauce with a reference to a certain anonymous person and quickly cut the article. Here and without this news over the past day, what kind of shit has not been sketched. On the grain in the mouth drags kaku from the yellow media?