A double-decker train in its own skin. Photo report about the trip on the first double-decker Russian Railways train (48 photos) 2-decker Russian Railways trains

It has sleeping and sitting cars, luxury and specially equipped compartments for disabled people and their accompanying persons. The ticket may include not only bedding, but also meals. What does a double-decker carriage look like? The inside view is described in this article.

Types of carriages

Let's start with a general description of the train. The cars are manufactured at the Tver plant. The advantage of the new train is a significant increase in passenger capacity. This allows you to reduce the cost of travel. The cars are presented in several classes:

The photo of the double-decker carriage (inside view) shows that the floors are connected by a small staircase. Regardless of their type - compartment or "sit-down" - they are all located on both tiers. Each train consists of the following cars:

  • 12 compartments;
  • one SV;
  • staff;
  • restaurant.

What are they equipped with?

The train is equipped with air conditioning and dry toilets that do not close at stations, and now you do not have to wait until departure to use them. In single-deck trains, the compartment car has only thirty-six seats. In double-decker trains - twice as much. There are no electrical outlets in the corridors of the second tier, as they are available in each compartment.

The upper and lower floors of the carriages are completely identical. They are almost no different from ordinary standard single-tier trains. But on the second floor there is a slight slope of the roof, which makes it not very comfortable to sleep.

General description of cars

The inside view of a double-decker carriage is almost identical to that of a single-decker. All trains consist of isolated compartments with 2 or 4 seats. Each room has a mirror, bedding, a table, and shelves for small things. All compartments are equipped with lamps. Small stairs are provided to reach the upper places. The numbering remains the same, even numbers are at the top, the corresponding numbers are indicated on the left.

You can enter or leave the premises using special magnetic keys. All carriages have free internet and three dry closets. The train is well heated from the inside. The coupes are equipped with two sockets with a power of up to 100 W. The windows in all carriages are covered with double-glazed windows. The space between cars is hermetically sealed, the doors open automatically after pressing a button. The doors do not open from the inside.

Car Features

The compartment car looks familiar in appearance; the boiling water is located next to the conductors' room. A staircase located at the entrance leads to the second floor. It has a mirror in the middle to prevent passengers from colliding, and there is a small trash bin nearby. The compartment itself has soft seats, but the upper bunks are somewhat cramped. The room is equipped not only with an electric lock, but also with a mechanical lock.

The headquarters car has a navigation and satellite communications system (GLONASS). The inside view of the two-story “seater car” is similar to that of an electric train. The same long seats, located opposite each other, but soft, with high backs and very comfortable. Above the chairs on each side there is a small TV and a mirror. The dining car is located on the second floor and can accommodate from 44 to 48 people. On the first tier there is only a bar counter.

SV and "Lux"

What does a double-decker SV carriage look like? Inside view: Double compartments have LCD TVs. And one for each seat. In the rooms designed for four passengers, almost everything remains the same. The sleeping places and table are located in the same way as in conventional single-tier trains.

The view from the inside of the double-decker “Lux” carriage is not much different from the usual environment. The floor is carpeted and there are a number of additional amenities. And compartments for disabled people are equipped with special devices for the comfort of people with disabilities.

The height of the ceilings on the first floor is two meters, but you won’t be able to sit on the top shelf at full height, only by bending down. This makes the double-decker carriage unattractive for tall people. The inside view shows that for convenience there is not just one trash bin, but several cabinets. All of them are divided into types of waste that must be disposed of: metal, wood, plastic, food waste.

Disadvantages of a double-decker train

The interior view of the double-decker carriage is in some respects negatively different from previous trains. On the ground floor there are no longer any upper ceiling shelves where luggage could be placed and where the conductors would put mattresses and pillows. As a result, all things have to be compacted somehow underneath. There is boiling water only on the first floor.

The space between cars is closed very hermetically, there is absolutely no draft there, so you won’t be able to smoke on the sly. Otherwise, all the smoke will go into the carriages. If there are a lot of passengers on the train, then the service is somewhat delayed, since the number of conductors remains the same (there are two of them per carriage). While the train is moving, it swings a lot and therefore you need to walk on the stairs very carefully, otherwise you can easily get injured.

The first double-decker train appeared in Russia. The double-decker train has already departed on the Moscow-Adler route on November 1.

The passengers of the first flight were journalists and volunteers of the 2014 Sochi Olympics. The time spent by passengers on the new train on the road will be 25 hours 19 minutes - a little over an hour less than on a regular train. In the near future, a train will cover the same distance in just 22 hours.

Among the advantages of the new train, Russian Railways notes a smooth ride, free Wi-Fi, 3 toilets instead of two in the carriage, as well as small savings on tickets. The top bunk in a double-decker train compartment will cost 3,206 rubles versus 4,530 in a regular train, writes pro-goroda.ru

At first glance, it seems that a double-decker train has only advantages. But observant Internet users have already discussed the innovation from all sides and found a number of disadvantages that Russian Railways representatives were silent about. A user with the nickname Alexid1 on the yaplakal.com forum clearly described the shortcomings of a double-decker train.

The first drawback. Service There are 36 seats in a regular compartment carriage. The new two-story building has 64 seats. You will have to wait longer for service because there are no more guides. There are still two of them. And there are 28 more passengers in a double-decker carriage. Even more than in a reserved seat carriage with 54 passengers. This means the tea will be brought slower than in a reserved seat. You will also have to wait longer to board the train. And you pay as for an ordinary single-decker compartment car. We are told that there will be more tickets than on regular trains, but this is also not entirely true. No one will drive extra carriages; it’s just that if there are fewer passengers on a certain route, then the number of carriages will be reduced proportionally.

The second disadvantage. Stairs Elderly people and disabled people will be especially grateful to Russian Railways for the need to carry suitcases to the second floor. Even from the first floor there will be a small staircase to get to the exit. Only one carriage in the entire train will be single-decker. And of course, seats in it will be sold out first.

The third drawback. Baggage Speaking of suitcases and bags. The luggage rack above the entrance to the compartment is no longer there. Neither on the first nor on the second floor. It is not clear to 4 passengers where to put large luggage. Also on this shelf, guides usually placed blankets and pillows so as not to occupy the lower shelves. Now they will get in the way.

Disadvantage four. Ventilation I often travel in compartment cars of branded trains. They are all brand new, but the continuous ventilation only works on one trip out of five. Typically, ventilation is turned on in the evening and turned off at night. I'm not talking about air conditioning, but about a banal influx of fresh air. For a long time, sealed, non-opening windows have been installed in compartments, and when 4 passengers are traveling and the ventilation does not work for several hours in a row, there is simply nothing to breathe. I can’t even imagine how asthmatics and heart patients endure such torture. Russian Railways has been getting away with this gross violation of sanitary standards for many years. In double-decker cars it will be even heavier, because... The volume of the compartment has become significantly smaller due to the lower ceiling level and the lack of space where there was a luggage rack. You might think that the ventilation would work in the newest carriages. I very much doubt this, since even on the branded train 01/02 Moscow-Vladivostok, which uses the latest cars with double toilets at one end of the car, the ventilation is not turned on at all for the entire trip! I argued with the conductors many times - they refer to various technical problems. Thus, the risk of literally suffocating with the ventilation turned off increases even more in a double-decker car. Many people are surprised at how tired they feel after traveling on a night train - they wouldn’t have a headache if there was no ventilation all night and the air didn’t meet any sanitary standards!

The fifth drawback. Toilets Look here. A regular compartment car has 36 seats and 2 toilets. This turns out to be 1 toilet for 18 passengers. The double-decker carriage has 64 seats and 3 toilets - 1 toilet for 21 passengers. Toilets will be 15% busier. Not the biggest problem, but in this regard it will become a little worse.

Sixth disadvantage. Tambour and smokers
The vestibule on the opposite side of the conductor's compartment was completely removed. And there is nowhere else to smoke. In theory this is great. And the new Russian law prohibits smoking on trains. I myself do not smoke and cannot stand the tobacco smoke that penetrates into the corridor from the vestibule in ordinary carriages. But the reality in Russia is that many selfish smokers will still want to smoke and will do it in the toilets. And everyone will be forced to be poisoned by tobacco smoke when visiting toilets. And in the vestibule where the carriage enters, the conductors do not allow smoking - they often go there themselves and carry out all sorts of maintenance on the carriage systems.

Disadvantage seventh. Risk of injury Once again about stairs. Unlike Europe, our railway tracks are not so ideally laid out and the carriages are not so thought out in terms of suspension comfort and the carriages sway quite a lot while driving. The risk of injury when going down the stairs when you are going to the toilet is very high. Or if you need to bring hot tea or boiling water. And the second floor will be pumped harder.

The other day I was traveling from Moscow to Kazan on a new double-decker train. Russian Railways has several such trains. They mainly run between Moscow and Sochi, but they also go to Kazan. It was interesting to ride. By the way, the price is less than a regular coupe.

So, in this composition there is no reserved seat. Only coupe and St. Since the carriages are double-decker, it is logical that there are more passenger seats in one carriage than in a regular single-decker. Accordingly, the price should be lower. Let's see.

1. Russian Railways now has a new pricing system. If, for example, you look at tickets for this train, then on Friday it will be more expensive than on Monday or another weekday:

2. This is what the diagram of a double-decker carriage looks like on the Russian Railways website. You can choose your seat when purchasing a ticket:

3. On the platform of the Kazan station, the train looks, to put it mildly, unusual. In aviation parlance, this train is wearing Olympic livery. They launched it for the Olympic Games in Sochi:

4. We go into the carriage:

5. Workspace for conductors. Here, as in the old carriages, there is boiling water. There is no boiling water on the second floor:


7. At the entrance on the left there is a staircase leading to the second floor, exactly the same on the other side of the car. Just below the first floor compartment.

8. Since my ticket was on the second floor, the photos will mostly be from there. The first one is exactly the same. We go up to the second floor. A mirror has been installed to prevent collisions with other passengers. Under the mirror there is a trash drawer:

9. Second floor corridor. There are no sockets in the corridor, because... There are two of them in each compartment:

10. Compartments are opened using magnetic cards. For some reason, these cards were not distributed in our carriage. Perhaps because the travel time to Kazan is only 1 night:

11. I was traveling in the last compartment on the second floor. One:

12. The compartment is a little cramped. This is felt due to the fact that the distance between the top shelf and the ceiling is almost the same as in a reserved seat between the passenger shelf and the luggage rack. Well, maybe a little more:

13. Because downstairs everything is like in a regular compartment. Same volume. Not at all cramped. Sockets on each bottom shelf, very convenient:

14. Probably the biggest disadvantage of double-decker cars is the lack of an upper luggage rack as in a regular compartment. There simply wasn't enough space. All luggage must be placed under the lower shelves:

15. There is also not much space below. There was also some kind of metal casing in my compartment. I suspect that not all compartments have it and, accordingly, there is more space for luggage:

16. One of the advantages is the mattress recessed into the shelf. Now you don’t need to constantly adjust your bed, which treacherously rolled out of its place in the old compartments:

17. There is a mirror on the inside of the door, as before:

18. Electronic lock. There is also a regular, mechanical one:

19. Let's go down to the first floor and look at the toilets:

20. Bio toilets. Does not close at stations. There are 3 of them per car and located in only one place. They are located at the opposite end of the car from the conductor.

21. The toilet itself. Everything is clean, still new and nice:

The train was impressive. In different ways. I didn’t leave anyone indifferent, that’s for sure. A kind of armored train made of tin foil and with plastic inside. I would like it to be made more carefully, especially since this is the first “exhibition” copy. But maybe everything has its time. And the time for truly beautiful and high-quality trains has not yet come. At least this train is better in every sense than a regular train, with the exception of one important nuance - there is very, very little space for luggage in the compartment. But first things first.

Externally, the train looks a little gloomy. Gray bunker on wheels.


Maximum speed 160km/h. It would be very interesting to ride it at such a speed.


The locomotive is ordinary. It is lower than the carriages and it looks unaesthetic (I had no desire to specifically show this, but you can see this difference a little better).
I think some kind of fairing between the locomotive and the carriage would improve the appearance. And in general, the locomotive needs to match such a train, at least in color.


Clearly something is missing in the design of the carriages. Yes, it’s cheaper, but it still looks ugly.


Let's get into the carriage.




It looks nicer from the inside than from the outside.



This is a regular coupe. The ceiling is unusually low. And there is clearly not enough space under the lower luggage racks. Only a small photo case would fit there in height, but a large one would not fit. In general, it is designed for travelers with small suitcases. And it is advisable that there should be no more than 1 small suitcase per person, otherwise there will be nowhere to put your luggage.



Actually, it's nice.



Let's look at the 2nd floor.



The compartment is on the 1st floor.




Toilet on the 1st floor. Quite neat, not like the old trains. True, there is not much ventilation there, and there are no windows. And very stuffy. However, the entire carriage was very stuffy. Maybe the air will be fresher while driving. On the other hand, remembering the old trains, it is impossible not to shudder - there is generally a gas chamber there in the summer.


While we were examining the carriages from the inside, the official part of the event took place outside.


Then they started handing out gift calendars. At first there was just a crush. And then it almost turned into a real fight. I felt sorry for the worker handing out calendars and ashamed for the people pushing and snatching calendars greedily, as if it were an unprecedented value without which they could not live.



Here, a little later, it was possible to forge gift commemorative coins.






There are places for disabled people on the train. More precisely, 1 place for 1 disabled person. But everything seems to have been thought out. There is even a lift.




This is the lift, as seen from the carriage.


Compartment for a disabled person and an accompanying person.


It's the same from a different angle.


The toilet is quite spacious, with special grab bars.


There is a shower.


And this is the compartment of the SV carriage.



There is even an ironing board. There is another shower in the background.


We are in the dining car. On the 1st floor. There is a bar, a kitchen and office space.





Let's look into the service room in the dining car.





The restaurant itself is located on the second floor.







The impression from the train is twofold. It seems to be clearly better than the old trains. But it doesn’t cause delight either.

Yesterday I took a ride on the Moscow-Adler double-decker train. Now I'm telling you the whole truth.
It’s good that it’s only 8 hours from Voronezh to Rostov. I have absolutely no desire to ride it anymore.
On the website it is advertised as a Premium class train.
I’ll say right away - Never buy top shelves. Otherwise, your trip will turn into HELL.
But first things first.

If you do not start from Moscow, then you will have to jump on the go. Because parking is about 3 minutes.

The website states free Wi-Fi all the way. It really is there, it connects, but it doesn’t work.
He's not there. Don't get your hopes up like me.

Second floor corridor.

Descent to the first floor

There are 3 toilets per carriage, which is even less than in a regular carriage. There are 2 on one floor.

By the way, there is no place for smoking in the carriages and vestibules. So everyone smokes in the toilets. It's quiet, that's why it's smoky in there.

Waste distribution. Metal, Glass, Paper... Although there is a regular bag, where all the garbage is thrown out.

But let's go up to the second floor again. Here you have to somehow squeeze through with your suitcase.

The coupe is ordinary. But the space for the top shelf is very small. Less than twice as much as in a regular coupe. It is impossible to sit on it. Just lie down. There is no space for luggage at all. And if a person is about eighty meters tall, then there is nowhere to put his legs.

What about legs? On the second floor there is a sloping roof. And because of this, you can’t even raise your head. I really can’t imagine how to sleep there. There is no overhead slope on the ground floor, but the space above is even smaller.

Restaurant. Bar on the first floor. On the second there is a small hall.

Menu with Olympic symbols.

They also give you an amenity kit on the train.

some water.

They could have done it better, like on an airplane, for example.

This is a vestibule.

There are also places for disabled people.

First floor corridor.

1. It is not possible to ride on the upper shelves. Riding them is a complete pain.
2. There is no space for luggage. So there are large suitcases in the aisle.
3. There is no Internet. At all.
4. Parking lots are small. It is impossible to buy anything on the road. All that remains is the restaurant car. Or take food with you right away.
5. There is one place for smoking, near the restaurant carriage. And the rest smoke in the toilet.
6. Despite the fact that he is a Fast Train. It goes just as slowly and sways.

As for the rest of the Beautiful Marquise... everything is fine...