Secrets and riddles of the Cheops pyramid. The height of the Cheops pyramid The original height of the Cheops pyramid

In the eastern regions, tourists cannot ignore one of the greatest mysteries of history - the Pyramid of Cheops. The only surviving miracle of the Ancient World, out of seven existing ones, generates the interest of scientists, archaeologists, historians, astrologers and simply fans of mysteries. To questions like: “Where are the pyramids of Cheops?” or “Why is it worth visiting them?”, we will be happy to answer in our article.

What are the dimensions of the Cheops pyramid?

To fully understand the greatness of this architectural masterpiece, it is enough to imagine its dimensions. Just imagine, this is a huge structure weighing about 6.4 million tons, located in Giza, a republic of Egypt. The height of the Cheops pyramid, even after wind erosion, reaches 138 meters, the size of the base reaches 230 meters, and the length of the side edge is 225 meters. And it is with this pyramid that the greatest mysteries of Egyptian history are connected, over which scientists around the world are struggling.

The mystery of the Cheops pyramid - who built it and why?

The most common theory is that the pyramid was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops or Khufu (as the Egyptians themselves call him). Proponents of this theory confirm their guesses with the pyramid model itself. On a base of 53 thousand square meters there are three tombs, one of which houses the Great Gallery.

However, opponents of this version emphasize that the tomb intended for Cheops is not decorated in any way. Which is strange, since, as is known, the Egyptians were adherents of pomp and wealth in the design of the tombs of their rulers. And the sarcophagus itself, which was intended for one of the greatest pharaohs in Egyptian history, was not completed. The edges of the stone box that were not completely hewn and the missing lid indicate that the craftsmen did not take the issue of burial too seriously. In addition, the remains of Cheops himself were not found during any excavations.

Video - How was the Cheops pyramid built?

The version with the tomb is being replaced by the version that the pyramid is an astronomical structure. Astonishing mathematical calculations and the ability to see constellations in the night sky through corridor-type shafts provide astronomers with reasons for debate.

Archaeologists and scientists around the world are trying to unravel the truth of Khufu's pyramid in Giza. However, based on the facts already obtained, we can say with confidence that the author of the project was Hemion, a close relative and, concurrently, the court architect of Cheops. Under his strict leadership for 20 years, from 2560 BC. and until 2540 BC, more than three dozen builders, architects and laborers built a pyramid from huge granite blocks.

Some Egyptians and lovers of occult sciences perceive the pyramid as a religious object. They see a mystical pattern in the intersections of corridors and catacombs. But this idea does not have sufficient basis, as does the version of alien intervention. Thus, a certain circle of ufologists argues that only with the help of alien creatures could such a colossal work of architectural art be built.

What should a tourist know?

Tourists and admirers of Arab culture are only amused and inspired by the difference in versions and general uncertainty that revolves around the Cheops pyramid. Every year, hundreds of thousands of visitors come to the foot of the granite structure to experience history. And local residents are only happy about this - all conditions for educational excursions have been created for visitors.

Twice a day, at 8 and 13 o'clock, a group of up to 150 people comes to the pyramid. They enter inside through a passage located on the north side. But, having finally arrived at the place of a kind of pilgrimage, not all visitors are ready for what the Cheops Pyramid is like inside. The long, low passage, compressed on the sides, causes an attack of claustrophobia for some foreigners. And sand, dust and stale air can cause asthma.

But for those who overcame themselves and withstood the transition inside the pyramid, all the architectural grandeur of Egyptian culture is revealed. Massive walls, the Grand Gallery, the general feeling of antiquity and authenticity - this is exactly what captivates guests.

On the south side, at the exit, tourists are invited to get acquainted with exhibits that are the fruits of many years of excavations. Here you can also look at the Solar Boat - one of the largest floating vehicles discovered in the entire history of archaeological activity of mankind. Here you can buy souvenirs and commemorative figurines, T-shirts and so on.

Those who stay until late in the evening will be lucky enough to see the light show. Under the spotlight, the organizers create a unique, slightly mystical atmosphere and tell mysterious stories about the pyramid and Egyptian culture.

Another point that visitors to the Cheops Pyramid should pay attention to is the issue of photography and video shooting. Inside the building itself, there is a ban on any photography, as well as on the desire of some people to climb the pyramid itself. But, after leaving the tomb and buying a souvenir, you can take countless pictures from any angle. In the photo, the Cheops pyramid will sparkle with new colors and amaze with its geometric shapes.

However, you should be as vigilant as possible and not give your gadgets to strangers, other tourists and, especially, local residents. Otherwise, you risk either never seeing your camera at all, or parting with an impressive amount to get it back.

From a purely practical point of view, there is nothing strange in this. As you know, in any tourist center in the world, the local population prefers to make a profit at any cost. Hence the inflated prices, the tendency to fraud, and a large number of pickpockets. Therefore, you should be as vigilant as possible.

Pyramid of Cheops: interesting facts

The Pyramid of Cheops is a beautiful and amazing creation. She is the object of fascination for scientists, artists, writers, directors and many other people who are not afraid to solve mysteries. And before heading to Giza to the granite massif, it is worth reading the stories about it. There are dozens of movies online for this purpose. Such as, for example, the documentary “Unraveling the Mystery of the Cheops Pyramid” directed by Florence Tran. In it, the author tries to explore as broadly as possible the idea of ​​construction, the mystery of creation and the true purpose of the pyramid of the great pharaoh.

Interestingly, despite the unfinished sarcophagi and the lack of clear information about the architect of the Cheops pyramid, the greatest mystery is the internal shafts. According to experts, reaching a width of 13 to 20 centimeters, the shafts run along the sides of the main rooms and have a diagonal exit to the surface. The specific purpose of these mines is still not known. Either this is ventilation, or secret passages, or a kind of air gap. Until now, science has no specific information on this matter.

Video - Facts about the Cheops pyramid

The same goes for the process of building a pyramid. Materials for one of the seven wonders of the world were delivered from a nearby quarry. But it is still not known how large boulders weighing up to 80 tons were delivered to the construction site. Here again a lot of questions arise about the level of technological progress of the Egyptians. Or to the question of magic or higher intelligence.

What is the Cheops pyramid really? Tomb? Observatory? Occult object? A message from alien civilizations? We will probably never know this. But each of us has a chance to go to Giza and touch history and make our own assumptions.

Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu(Cheops is the Greek version of this Egyptian name) is the most famous and most famous Egyptian pyramid.

First of all, because she - tallest pyramid ever built in the world. Secondly, she became a kind of standard and example for other pharaohs of Ancient Egypt in the construction of their own tombs.

Of course, tombs are a rather arbitrary term, since there is no evidence that they directly served as graves for the mummies of pharaohs, but at the same time, there is every reason to consider them part of funerary-ritual complexes.

Where is the Cheops pyramid located?

It was erected on a stone plateau near the village of Giza, which has now become a suburb of the capital of modern Egypt - Cairo. It is this building that first comes to mind when we hear the words: “Egyptian pyramids”, “pyramids of Egypt”, “great pyramids”, “wonder of the world”.

Many people who have never been to Egypt before believe that the great pyramids of Giza (Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin) are located somewhere far away in the desert, and therefore, when heading west along the Sharia al-Ahram road (“Avenue of the Pyramids”) for the first time, they are surprised to see giant figures towering against the backdrop of distant buildings.

The ancient monuments are now actually located within Greater Cairo. On the recommendation of scientists, certain measures are being taken to stop further expansion of the city in this direction in order to preserve the famous pyramid complex.

When was the Cheops pyramid built?

The question is when was this great pyramid of giza built, has been one of the widely discussed issues for a long time - from the very beginning of the birth of Egyptology as a science.

At first, Egyptologists - historians and archaeologists - had serious differences of opinion about her age. However, as scientific knowledge accumulated as a result of archaeological excavations, analysis of found artifacts, and study of the entire complex of documents in professional Egyptology, the following point of view began to prevail. This amazing architectural object - the tallest pyramid in the world - was built during the reign of Pharaoh Cheops of the 4th dynasty (c. 2585-2566 BC).

Some scientific schools believe that the reign of Cheops falls on the 27th century BC. Despite certain discrepancies in the matter of dating, it can be stated that, according to historical science, it was built in the 27th or 26th centuries BC. That is, the age of the Cheops pyramid is about 4600 years.

It would be strange if such an opinion prevailed among the general public, which became keenly interested in Egyptian antiquities, starting with the first publications of Egyptologists of the 19th century. This interest continues even after 200 years.

Among fans of the history of Ancient Egypt, two large groups can be distinguished - those who rely on the conclusions of professional Egyptologists, and those who focus on more “exotic theories” of the origin of these structures, including the Cheops pyramid. The second group of views is based not on a comprehensive and systematic analysis of all the vast material accumulated by Egyptology as a science (this requires a lot of time and preparation), but on the inherent thirst for miracles in human nature.

The pyramids themselves, especially Cheops, are perceived by them as a miracle without any quotation marks. The arguments of scientists seem to them, on the one hand, too complex, on the other, too “down-to-earth”, and therefore not convincing. Much “cooler” seem to them to be the theories of the creation of ancient megastructures by aliens or, for example, by some mysterious civilization that lived long before the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, possessing technical capabilities that are incomprehensible to the mind.

The paradox of the human psyche lies in the fact that it is much easier to believe in a miracle than to admit things that are more or less ordinary. But that's a separate conversation. It only remains to note that there are many non-scientific theories regarding the history and monuments of Ancient Egypt. They call the age of the Cheops pyramid from many tens of thousands of years to 6-7 thousand years, that is, according to these theories, this structure was built much earlier than traditional Egyptology believes.

Despite all the attractiveness and, of course, interestingness, all these concepts have one global drawback - they are based on some assumptions, which, in turn, are not supported by anything. That is, they are suitable for fantasy novels, but not for more or less serious consideration.

Pyramid dimensions

What are dimensions of the Cheops pyramid? It would seem that the answer to this is very easy to get, you just need to take a longer ruler and just try everything on. However, in reality it is not so simple.

Over the almost five thousand years that have passed since its construction, the structure has suffered greatly both from natural disasters and from the barbaric actions of the people themselves. The top of this architectural and construction miracle was originally crowned with a pyramidion - a stone also of a pyramidal shape, presumably carved from red granite. It is gone now, just as the overwhelming number of facing slabs that covered its walls are gone. These polished slabs gave the tallest pyramid, according to Herodotus, a gray-yellow color and shine.

Measurements made using modern equipment showed that its height after completion was 146.5 meters, but even having lost 9 meters in height, it remains the tallest stone structure on earth.

The main dimensions of the Cheops pyramid and its parts:

Height: 146.5 m (currently 137 m)

Side length: 230.38 m (originally 232.5 m).

Side tilt: 51° 50"

Big Gallery:

Height: 8.48 to 8.74 m

Length 47.85 m

Tilt: 26°16" 40"

Queen's Chamber:

Height: 6.26 m

Length: 5.76 m

Width: 5.23 m

King's Chamber:

Height: 5.84 m

Length: 10.49 m

Width: 5.42 m


Length: 825 m

Boat pits (on the northeast and southeast corners of the pyramid):

Depth: 8 m

Length 52 m

Width: 7.5 m

Inside the pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops

The Tomb of Cheops, like all the pyramids of the III and IV dynasties, is an almost solid monolith made of stone blocks. The interior of the pyramid occupies a completely insignificant volume compared to the volume of the pyramid itself. Nevertheless, internal structure of the Cheops pyramid also surprises with its engineering solutions and craftsmanship. It is more complex than the internal structure of the pyramids of Egypt, which were built after it.

Inside the structure there are 4 main rooms, which received the following names in Egyptological literature: the chamber of the king (king), the chamber of the queen (queen), the underground chamber (unfinished) and the Great Gallery.

The entrance is located on its northern side, at a height of 16 meters above the ground. When the first Egyptian antiquity researchers - the French - measured the height, they came up with 12 meters - the base of the pyramid was heavily covered with sand at the end of the 19th century. The original entrance is located above the entrance that tourists now use (it was broken through by the Mamluks of Caliph Al-Mamun in the 9th century AD, because for a long time they could not find the entrance, then hidden under the existing facing slabs).

Boat of Cheops

The tomb of Cheops, like all the pyramid complexes of Ancient Egypt, was surrounded by a wall, of which only ruins now remain. In a southern direction, not far from the wall, in 1954, two large pits lined with stone were found, in which wooden boats, the sacred Solar Boats of the Pharaoh, were stored disassembled.

The pits with boats were closed with huge stone blocks of limestone weighing up to 16 tons. One of the boats was restored (it took 16 years of painstaking work) and put on display in a pavilion specially built for this purpose next to the ancient object.

The boat is made mainly from Lebanese cedar with the use of selected local wood species. Its length is 43.5 meters and its width is 9 meters. The second boat was left in its place, preserved from further destruction. Later, three empty docks were also found, repeating the shape of a boat.

Construction of the pyramid complex

With the exception of a few internal chambers and corridors, the tomb of Cheops is built entirely of dense stone, mainly limestone. Its construction is a unique phenomenon in the history of human civilization.

It is precisely oriented to the cardinal points. The deviation is only 3"43"! And modern builders could be proud of such precision.

Now the creation of Cheops contains 201 rows of stone blocks, but once there were from 215 to 220 rows. The height of the very first row is the largest - it is 1.5 meters, the second row is already smaller in height - 1.25 m, the third - 1.2 m, the fourth - 1.1 m. Further, the height of the rows is even less, as a rule, from 65 to 90 cm. Closer to the top the height of the blocks is reduced to 55 cm.

According to modern estimates (and the first person to do such calculations was Napoleon), about 2,300,000 (2 million 300 thousand) stone blocks and slabs were used for the great construction. The stone blocks necessary for construction were cut down both near the construction site and in the limestone cliffs rising on the eastern (opposite) bank of the Nile.

To clad the main object of the Cheops memorial, sandstone slabs were used, which were mined in quarries, also relatively close to limestone mining. The length of the cladding slabs in the lower rows reached 1.5 m and decreased to 75 cm in subsequent rows. According to estimates, about 115,500 slabs were required for the cladding.

Sand and limestone blocks were transported across the Nile on transport ships, and overland they were dragged on large wooden sleds and moved on stone rollers and balls. Granite, used in the construction and decoration of internal corridors and chambers, was also delivered along the Nile, but from afar - from the south, from the outskirts of present-day Aswan, located at a distance of about one thousand kilometers from the construction site.

To build such a colossus, ancient builders had to move and raise to a height a volume of stones that weighs approximately 6 (six) million tons. To transport such cargo by rail today would require 100 thousand railway platforms (such as a 4-axle platform for heavy-duty containers, model 13-470, with a carrying capacity of 60 tons), loaded to the maximum.

And yet, the most difficult and difficult work was not the delivery and transportation of stone blocks to the construction site, but their direct extraction in quarries by cutting down and further grinding to precise sizes. At that time, they had not yet learned how to make iron and steel tools - the Iron Age was ahead. Egyptians in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. they didn’t even know bronze. They made their tools from almost pure copper, so the tools quickly became dull and became unusable. And, of course, copper was expensive. Judging by archaeological finds, stone tools made of flint were therefore widely used: knife blades, drills, saw teeth, etc. That is, the stone was processed with stone, although it was harder than the one being processed.

The average volume of the blocks from which the tomb of Cheops is made is approximately equal to one cubic meter, weight - about 2.5 tons. But there were, as an exception, some blocks weighing 50 tons. For comparison, this is the weight of the modern T-90 Vladimir tank. It is impossible to lift and drag even the smallest of these blocks with your bare hands: this requires so many people that they simply cannot all fit together. Certain technical means were needed to lift and carry these blocks: all kinds of levers and rollers, goats and sleds, strong ropes and, of course, a huge number of people who had to pull these ropes, straining all their strength. But the unlimited power of Pharaoh Cheops, the resources that the ruler of Egypt had at his disposal - human and material - allowed him to attract tens of thousands of people to the construction of his own tomb at the same time.

How many years did it take to build the tomb of Cheops?

According to Herodotus, it took about twenty years to build. Modern research and calculations show that the ancient Greek thinker and historian named a very real figure for the duration of construction of the tallest stone structure in the world.

Who built it

We will leave fantastic hypotheses about mythical giants, aliens from outer space and even about the inhabitants of the mysterious Atlantis alone. Who built the pyramid of Cheops according to historical science? Somehow it happened that there is a fairly widespread opinion that it was built by slaves (this opinion usually extends to other pyramids in Egypt).

However, scientific data allows us to say quite confidently that these objects are largely the result of the labor of Egyptians, who were not slaves. Of course, they also cannot be called free in the full sense of the word - they were forced people, under the authority of dignitaries, priests and, of course, the pharaoh.

During the construction process there were cyclical periods associated with the annual flood of the Nile. At this time, thousands and thousands of peasants were involved in the construction, who performed unskilled work dragging and moving stone blocks.

Craftsmen who worked in quarries, stone carvers and polishers worked constantly, all year round. This was the work that they knew how to do, for which they received food, shelter, clothing, etc. Construction experience, skills and work techniques were passed on from generation to generation.

The total number of builders of such an important object for Cheops during the Nile flood period reached 100 thousand people. This figure was first cited by Herodotus, but modern calculations and archaeological finds show that it is quite plausible.

But in whose head was the architectural design of such a grandiose structure born? Who was able to organize the work of thousands and thousands of people over several decades? From the depths of centuries the name of this great man has reached us. His name was Hemiun. He was a dignitary and vizier under Pharaoh Cheops.

His tomb is located near the western side of the tomb of Cheops himself. A statue of this architect has reached us, which was found in his tomb. It is interesting that both Hemiun and the other pyramid builders were, so to speak, part-time architects. Along with construction management, they performed a host of other duties. The profession of an architect in Ancient Egypt never acquired the status of an independent activity.

An example of construction excellence and creative genius

The ancient builders of both this and other pyramids took care of everything. For example, crypts located deep in masonry or underground had ventilation ducts. The interior of the pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was supplied with air through two small sections of the channel, which passed through the entire thickness of the structure, and went outside on the eighty-fifth layer of masonry on the southern and northern sides of this wonder of the world.

Although the first Europeans who explored the pyramids were faced with the fact that in the underground passages of the tomb of Cheops it was difficult to breathe due to the stale and suffocating air, this happened not because there was no ventilation, but because over the past almost five thousand years the ventilation passages clogged with dust and waste from bats and other living organisms - insects, bacteria, which found suitable conditions here. One of the still unsolved mysteries of the Cheops pyramid is that similar channels go from the queen’s chamber, but... they do not go outside (see diagram of the interior above).

Protection from water was also carefully thought out. For facing masonry, the blocks were selected especially carefully. If necessary, the stone was additionally cut on site and then polished. Therefore, the stones were adjacent to each other so tightly that water simply could not get between them. All the water running down the lining was collected in the ditches below. The ditches are made with a slope towards the deeper ditches with which the ditches are connected. In this way, water was diverted away from the tombs and their foundations. About 300 such ditches and ditches for receiving rainwater were discovered around the three largest pyramids of Giza alone.

For many centuries, the pyramid complexes of Giza have stood with damaged cladding due primarily to human vandalism rather than natural disasters. And one can only be amazed at the margin of safety that the ancient builders put into their creations.

The ritual-funeral memorial of Cheops has remained, in many ways, an unsurpassed example of “pyramid architecture” for the entire era of the construction of such objects.

In a word, it was not without reason that the Great Pyramid of Giza was recognized as one of the main wonders of the world back in ancient times. Without any technical supervision, the ancient Egyptians built their amazing creations in such a way that they still stand today, which cannot be said about many, many relatively modern structures, whose construction and engineering miscalculations and shortcomings led to death and destruction.

History of the construction of the Cheops pyramid

The construction of the pyramid began around 2560 BC. The architect was Hemion, the nephew of Pharaoh Cheops, who managed all the construction projects of the Old Kingdom at that time. The construction of the Cheops pyramid took at least 20 years, and, according to various estimates, more than one hundred thousand people were involved. The project required a herculean effort: workers extracted blocks for construction elsewhere, in the rocks, delivered them along the river and lifted them along an inclined plane to the top of the pyramid on wooden sleds. To build the Cheops pyramid, more than 2.5 million granite and limestone blocks were needed, and at the very top a gilded stone was installed, which gave the entire cladding the color of the sun's rays. But in the 2nd century, when the Arabs destroyed Cairo, local residents dismantled the entire cladding of the pyramid to build their houses.

For almost three millennia, the Cheops pyramid occupied the first place on Earth in height, giving the palm only in 1300 to Lincoln Cathedral. Now the height of the pyramid is 138 m, it has decreased by 8 m compared to the original one, and the base area is more than 5 hectares.

The Pyramid of Cheops is revered by local residents as a shrine, and every year on August 23, Egyptians celebrate the day its construction began. No one knows why August was chosen, because no historical facts have been found to confirm this.

The structure of the Cheops pyramid

Inside the Cheops pyramid, the most interesting are the three burial chambers, which are located one above the other in a strict vertical line. The lowest one remained unfinished, the second belongs to the pharaoh’s wife, and the third belongs to Cheops himself.

To travel along the corridors, for the convenience of tourists, paths with steps were laid, railings were made and lighting was provided.

Cross section of the Cheops pyramid

1. Main entrance
2. The entrance made by al-Mamun
3. Crossroads, “traffic jam” and the al-Mamun tunnel made “bypass”
4. Descending corridor
5. Unfinished underground chamber
6. Rising corridor

7. “Queen’s chamber” with outgoing “air ducts”
8. Horizontal tunnel

10. Pharaoh's chamber with “air ducts”
11. Prechamber
12. Grotto

Entrance to the pyramid

The entrance to the Cheops pyramid is an arch formed from stone slabs, and is located on the north side, at a height of 15 m 63 cm. Previously, it was filled with a granite plug, but it has not survived to this day. In 820, Caliph Abdullah al-Mamun decided to find treasure in the pyramid and made a seventeen-meter gap 10 meters below the historical entrance. The Baghdad ruler found nothing, but today tourists enter the pyramid through this tunnel.

When al-Mamun made his passage, a fallen block of limestone blocked the entrance to another corridor - an ascending one, and behind the limestone there were three more granite plugs. Since a vertical tunnel was discovered at the junction of two corridors, descending and ascending, it was assumed that granite plugs were lowered down through it in order to seal the tomb after the funeral of the Egyptian king.

Funeral "pit"

The descending corridor, which is 105 meters long, descends underground at an inclination of 26° 26’46 and abuts another corridor 8.9 m long, leading to chamber 5 and located horizontally. There is an unfinished chamber measuring 14 x 8.1 m, running east to west in shape. For a long time it was believed that there were no other rooms in the pyramid except this corridor and chamber, but it turned out differently. The height of the chamber reaches 3.5 m. At the southern wall of the chamber there is a well about 3 m deep, from which a narrow manhole (0.7 × 0.7 m in cross-section) stretches southward for 16 m, ending in a dead end.

At the beginning of the 19th century, engineers John Shae Perring and Richard William Howard Vyse dismantled the floor of the chamber and dug a well 11.6 m deep, in which they hoped to discover a hidden burial chamber. They were based on the testimony of Herodotus, who claimed that the body of Cheops was on an island surrounded by a canal in a hidden underground chamber. Their excavations came to nothing. Later studies showed that the chamber was abandoned unfinished, and it was decided to build the burial chambers in the center of the pyramid itself.

Interior of the burial pit, photo from 1910

Ascending Corridor and Queen's Chambers

From the first third of the descending passage (18 m from the main entrance), an ascending passage (6) about 40 m long, ending at the bottom of the Great Gallery (9), goes up at the same angle of 26.5° to the south.

At its beginning, the ascending passage contains 3 large cubic granite “plugs”, which from the outside, from the descending passage, were masked by a block of limestone that fell out during the work of al-Mamun. It turned out that for almost 3 thousand years scientists were sure that there were no rooms in the Great Pyramid other than the descending passage and the underground chamber. Al-Ma'mun was unable to break through these plugs and simply carved out a bypass to the right of them in the softer limestone.

In the middle of the ascending passage, the design of the walls has a peculiarity: in three places the so-called “frame stones” are installed - that is, the passage, square along its entire length, pierces through three monoliths. The purpose of these stones is unknown.

A horizontal corridor 35 m long and 1.75 m high leads to the second burial chamber from the lower part of the Great Gallery in a southerly direction. It is traditionally called the “Queen’s Chamber,” although according to the ritual, the wives of the pharaohs were buried in separate small pyramids. The Queen's Chamber, lined with limestone, measures 5.74 meters from east to west and 5.23 meters from north to south; its maximum height is 6.22 meters. There is a high niche in the eastern wall of the chamber.

Grotto, Grand Gallery and Pharaoh's Chambers

Another branch from the lower part of the Great Gallery is a narrow, almost vertical shaft about 60 m high, leading to the lower part of the descending passage. There is an assumption that it was intended to evacuate workers or priests who were completing the “sealing” of the main passage to the “King’s Chamber.” Approximately in the middle of it there is a small, most likely natural expansion - a “Grotto” of irregular shape, in which several people could fit at most. The grotto (12) is located at the “junction” of the masonry of the pyramid and a small, about 9 meters high, hill on the limestone plateau lying at the base of the Great Pyramid. The walls of the Grotto are partially reinforced by ancient masonry, and since some of its stones are too large, there is an assumption that the Grotto existed on the Giza plateau as an independent structure long before the construction of the pyramids, and the evacuation shaft itself was built taking into account the location of the Grotto. However, taking into account the fact that the shaft was hollowed out in the already laid masonry, and not laid out, as evidenced by its irregular circular cross-section, the question arises of how the builders managed to accurately reach the Grotto.

The large gallery continues the ascending passage. Its height is 8.53 m, it is rectangular in cross-section, with walls slightly tapering upward (“false vault”), a high inclined tunnel 46.6 m long. In the middle of the Great Gallery, along almost the entire length, there is a square recess with a regular cross-section, 1 meter wide and 60 cm deep, and on both side protrusions there are 27 pairs of recesses of unknown purpose. The recess ends with the “Big Step” - a high horizontal ledge, a platform of 1x2 meters, at the end of the Great Gallery, immediately before the hole into the “hallway” - the Antechamber. The platform has a pair of ramp recesses similar to those in the corners near the wall. Through the “hallway” a hole leads into the funeral “Tsar’s Chamber” lined with black granite, where an empty granite sarcophagus is located.

Above the “Tsar’s Chamber” are discovered in the 19th century. five unloading cavities with a total height of 17 m, between which lie monolithic slabs about 2 m thick, and above there is a gable ceiling. Their purpose is to distribute the weight of the overlying layers of the pyramid (about a million tons) in order to protect the “King’s Chamber” from pressure. In these voids, graffiti was found, probably left by workers.

A network of ventilation ducts leads from the cells to the north and south. The channels from the Queen's Chamber do not reach the surface of the pyramid by 12 meters, and the channels from the Pharaoh's Chamber reach the surface. Such branches have not been found in any other pyramid. Scientists have not reached a unanimous opinion whether they were built for ventilation or have anything to do with Egyptian ideas about the afterlife. At the upper ends of the channels there are doors, most likely symbolizing the entrance to another world. In addition, the channels point to the stars: Sirius, Tuban, Alnitak, which makes it possible to assume that the Cheops pyramid also had an astronomical purpose.

Surroundings of the Cheops Pyramid

At the eastern edge of the Cheops pyramid there are 3 small pyramids of his wives and family members. They are located from north to south, according to size: the base side of each building is 0.5 meters smaller than the previous one. They are well preserved inside; time has partially destroyed only the outer cladding. Nearby you can see the foundation of the mortuary temple of Khufu, inside of which were found drawings depicting a ritual performed by the pharaoh, it was called the Unification of the Two Lands.

Pharaoh's boats

The Pyramid of Cheops is the central figure of a complex of buildings, the location of which had ritual significance. The procession with the late pharaoh was transported along the Nile to the west bank on numerous boats. In the lower temple, to which the boats sailed, the first part of the funeral ceremony began. Next, the procession headed to the upper temple, where the prayer house and altar were located. To the west of the upper temple was the pyramid itself.

On each side of the pyramid, boats were walled up in rocky recesses, on which the pharaoh was supposed to travel through the afterlife.

In 1954, archaeologist Zaki Noor discovered the first boat, called the Solar Boat. It was made of Lebanese cedar, consisted of 1224 parts, and had no traces of fastening or joining. Its dimensions are: length 43 m and width 5.5 m. It took 16 years to restore the boat.

On the southern side of the Cheops pyramid there is a museum of this boat.

The second boat was found in a mine located east of where the first boat was found. A camera was lowered into the shaft, which showed traces of insects on the boat, so it was decided not to raise it and to seal the shaft. This decision was made by scientist Yoshimuro from Waseda University.

In total, seven pits were discovered with real ancient Egyptian boats, dismantled into parts.

Video: 5 Unsolved Mysteries of the Pyramids of Egypt

How to get there

If you want to see the Great Pyramid of Cheops, you need to come to Cairo. But there are practically no direct flights from Russia and you will have to make a transfer in Europe. Without a transfer, you can fly to Sharm el-Sheikh, and from there travel 500 kilometers to Cairo. You can get to your destination by comfortable bus, the travel time is approximately 6 hours, or you can continue the journey by plane, they fly to Cairo every half hour. In Egypt they are very loyal to Russian tourists; you can get a visa right at the airport after landing. It will cost $25 and is issued for a month.

Where to stay

If your goal is ancient treasures and you come to the pyramids, then you can choose a hotel in Giza or in the center of Cairo. There are almost two hundred comfortable hotels with all the benefits of civilization. In addition, Cairo has many attractions; it is a city of contrasts: modern skyscrapers and ancient minarets, noisy colorful bazaars and nightclubs, neon nights and quiet palm gardens.

Reminder for tourists

Don't forget that Egypt is a Muslim state. Men should simply ignore Egyptian women, because even an innocent touch can be considered harassment. Women must follow dress codes. Modesty and once again modesty, a minimum of bare areas of the body.

Tickets for organized excursions to the pyramids can be purchased at any hotel.

The pyramid area is open to the public in summer from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in winter it is open half an hour less; the entrance ticket costs approximately 8 euros.

Museums are paid separately: you can see the Solar Boats for 5 euros.

To enter the Pyramid of Cheops you will be charged 13 euros; visiting the Pyramid of Chefre will cost less - 2.6 euros. There is a very low passage here and be prepared for the fact that you will have to walk 100 meters in a half-bent position.

Other pyramids, for example, the wife and mother of Khafre, can be viewed for free by presenting an entrance ticket to the zone.

The best time to view them is in the morning, immediately after opening. It is strictly forbidden to climb the pyramids, break off a piece as a souvenir and write “I was here...”. You can pay a fine for this that will exceed the cost of your trip.

If you want to take a photo of yourself against the backdrop of the pyramids or just the surrounding area, prepare 1 euro for the right to take photographs; photography is prohibited inside the pyramids. If you are offered to take a photo of you, do not agree and do not give the camera to anyone, otherwise you will have to buy it back.

Tickets to visit the pyramids are limited: 150 tickets are sold at 8 a.m. and the same number at 1 p.m. There are two ticket offices: one at the main entrance, the second at the Sphinx.

Each of the pyramids is closed once a year for restoration work, so you are unlikely to see everything at once.

If you don't want to walk throughout the Giza area, you can rent a camel. Its cost will depend on your bargaining ability. But keep in mind that they won’t tell you all the prices right away, and when you ride around, it turns out that you have to pay to get off the camel.

Tricky tip: The toilet is located in the Solar Boat Museum.

On the territory of the pyramid zone there are cafeterias where you can have a good lunch.

Every evening there is a light and sound show lasting one hour. It is held in different languages: Arabic, English, Japanese, Spanish, French. On Sundays the show is performed in Russian. It is recommended to separate your visit to the pyramids and the show over two days, otherwise you will not be able to fit in as many impressions.

) is truly a wonder of the world. From the foot to the top it reaches 137.3 meters, and before it lost the top, its height was 146.7 meters. Just a century and a half ago, it was the tallest building in the world, only in 1880 it was surpassed by two superstructured towers of the Cologne Cathedral (by 20 meters), and in 1889 by the Eiffel Tower. The sides of its base are 230.4 meters, the area is 5.4 hectares. Its initial volume was 2,520,000 cubic meters; now it is about 170,000 cubic meters smaller, because for centuries the pyramid was used as a quarry. About 2,250,000 stone blocks, each with a volume of more than a cubic meter, were used for its construction; this material would be enough to build a city with a population of one hundred thousand. Its weight is 6.5-7 million tons. If it were hollow, it would fit a space rocket launcher. According to experts, even an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima would not have destroyed it.

It was built, according to the most common dating, in 2560-2540. BC e., although some scientists give dates about 150 years earlier. Inside the pyramid there are three chambers corresponding to the three stages of its construction. The first chamber is carved into the rock at a depth of about 30 meters below the base of the pyramid and not exactly in the middle of it; its area is 8 x 14 meters, height is 3.5 meters. It remained unfinished, as did the second, which is located in the core of the pyramid, exactly below the top, at a height of about 20 meters above the base; its area is 5.7 x 5.2 meters, the vaulted ceiling reaches a height of 6.7 meters; it was once called the “tomb of the queen.” The third chamber is the king’s tomb; unlike the other two, it is finished; the sarcophagus of Cheops was found in it. It was built at a height of 42.3 meters above the base and slightly south of the axis of the pyramid; its dimensions are 10.4 x 5.2 meters; height – 5.8 meters. It is lined with immaculately polished granite slabs carefully fitted to each other; There are five unloading chambers above the ceiling, the total height of which is 17 meters. They take on the weight of approximately a million tons of rock mass so that it does not press directly on the burial chamber.

The pharaoh's sarcophagus is wider than the entrance to the chamber. It is hewn from one piece of brown-gray granite, without a date or inscription, and is quite badly damaged. It stands in the western corner of the tomb, right on the floor. It was placed here during construction, and apparently no one has moved it since then. This sarcophagus looks like it was cast from metal. But the body of Cheops himself is not in it.

All three chambers have "hallways" and are all connected by corridors or shafts. Some mines end in a dead end. Two shafts lead out from the royal tomb to the surface of the pyramid, going out approximately in the middle of the northern and southern walls. One of their purposes is to provide ventilation; perhaps there were others.

Discovery: Exploding History. Secrets of the Great Pyramid

The original entrance to the pyramid is located on the north side, 25 meters above the base. Now there is another entrance to the pyramid, made in 820 by the Caliph Mamun, who hoped to discover the countless treasures of the pharaoh, but found nothing. This entrance is located about 15 meters lower than the previous one, almost in the very center of the northern side.

The Great Pyramid was surrounded by no less labor-intensive and expensive buildings. Herodotus, who saw the road leading from the upper (mortuary) temple to the lower one, which was lined with polished slabs and had a width of 18 meters, called its construction a work “almost as huge as the construction of the pyramid itself.” Now only 80 meters of it have survived - the road disappeared at the end of the 19th century during the construction of the village of Nazlat es-Simman, now, like Giza, which has become part of Cairo. Somewhere in its place stood a lower temple, 30 meters high, but it probably fell victim to people looking for building material in ancient times.

Of the buildings surrounding the Great Pyramid, only the ruins of the upper (mortuary) temple and three satellite pyramids have survived. Traces of the temple were discovered in 1939 by the Egyptian archaeologist Abu Seif. As usual, it was located to the east of the pyramid, and its pediment had a length of 100 Egyptian cubits (52.5 meters); it was built of Tura limestone, had a courtyard with 38 square granite pillars, 12 of the same pillars stood in the vestibule in front of the small sanctuary. On both sides of it, about 10 meters, during excavations, two “docks” were found hollowed out in the limestone plateau, where the “solar boats” were probably kept; a third such “dock” was discovered to the left of the road to the lower temple. Unfortunately, the “docks” turned out to be empty, but archaeologists were rewarded by the chance discovery of two more such “docks” in 1954. In one of them rested a perfectly preserved boat - the oldest ship in the world. Its length is 36 meters, and it is made of cedar.

The satellite pyramids also stand east of the Great Pyramid, although they were usually built further south. The pyramids are located from north to south “in height”, the side of the square base of the first pyramid is 49.5 meters, the second – 49, the third – 46.9. Each of them had a stone fence, a funeral chapel and a burial chamber, into which a steep shaft led; in addition, next to the first there was a “dock” for the “solar boat”. Most scientists believe that these pyramids belonged to the wives of Khufu, of whom the first (main), according to ancient custom, was probably his sister. The names of the first two are unknown to us, the third was called Henutsen.

All three satellite pyramids are quite well preserved, only they lack external cladding.

Apparently, it was planned to build another, larger one to the east of the first one, but construction was stopped. According to one hypothesis, it was intended for Queen Hetepheres, the wife of the pharaoh Sneferu and Khufu's mother. In the end, Khufu decided to build a secret rock tomb for her a little further north. This tomb was actually hidden... until January 1925, when the photographer Reisner's tripod fell into the gap between the camouflage blocks. Then members of the Harvard-Boston expedition carried out treasures for three months: thousands of small gold plaques, pieces of furniture and household utensils; gold and silver bracelets, cosmetic boxes with “shadows” for eyeliner, manicure knives, boxes with the name of the queen, filled with jewelry. Canopic jars with her entrails and an alabaster sarcophagus were found, which, however, turned out to be empty. This is the first tomb of a member of the royal family from the Old Kingdom era to be found intact.

The Great Pyramid was surrounded by a ten-meter stone wall. The ruins of the wall show that it was 3 meters thick and was 10.5 meters away from the pyramid. Near it, in the distance, there were mastabas (tombs) of dignitaries: almost a hundred of them have been preserved on the northern side, more than ten on the southern side, and about forty on the eastern side.

The pyramid is called "Akhet-Khufu" - "Horizon of Khufu"(or more precisely " Relating to the firmament - (this is) Khufu"). Consists of blocks of limestone, basalt and granite. It was built on a natural hill. Even though the pyramid Cheops- the tallest and most voluminous of all the Egyptian pyramids, but still Pharaoh Snofru built the pyramids in Meidum and Dakhshut (Broken Pyramid and Pink Pyramid), the total mass of which is estimated at 8.4 million tons. This means that 2.15 million tons were used to build these pyramids. or 25.6% more material than was required for the Cheops pyramid.

The pyramid was originally lined with white limestone, which was harder than the main blocks. The top of the pyramid was crowned with a gilded stone - the pyramidion. The cladding shone in the Sun with a peach color, like “ a shining miracle to which the sun god Ra himself seemed to give all his rays" In 1168 AD. e. The Arabs sacked and burned Cairo. Residents of Cairo removed the cladding from the pyramid in order to build new houses.

Pyramid structure

Strabo Caliph Abu Ja'far al-Ma'mun. He hoped to find the pharaoh's countless treasures there, but found there only a layer of dust half a cubit thick.

Inside the Cheops pyramid there are three burial chambers, located one above the other.

Rice. 2. Cross section of the Cheops pyramid: 1. Main entrance, 2. The entrance made by Al-Mamun, 3. Crossroads, “traffic jam” and the Al-Mamun tunnel made “bypassing” the traffic jam, 4. Descending corridor, 5. Unfinished underground chamber – ( Funeral « pit "), 6. Ascending corridor, 7. " Queen's chamber» with outgoing « air ducts ", 8. Horizontal tunnel, 9. Large gallery, 10. Pharaoh's chamber With " air ducts ", 11. Antechamber, 12. Grotto.

The entrance to the pyramid is at an altitude of 15.63 meters on the north side. The entrance is formed by stone slabs laid in the form of an arch. This entrance to the pyramid was sealed with a granite plug. A description of this stopper can be found in Strabo. Today tourists get inside the pyramid through a 17 m gap, which was made in 820 by Caliph Abu Jafar al-Ma'mun. He hoped to find the pharaoh's countless treasures there, but found only a layer of dust half a cubit thick there.. Inside the Cheops pyramid there are three burial chambers . They are located one below the other - “ King's Chamber(Pharaoh)", " Queen's Chamber», Unfinished underground chamber – (Funeral « pit »).

Grotto, Great Gallery and Chambers (Chamber) of the Pharaoh with sarcophagus

Rice. 3. View King's Chambers ( Rice. 2. – point 10) with an empty sarcophagus. The precisely fitted granite flat blocks from which the walls, floor and ceiling of this room are made are clearly visible. The empty granite sarcophagus is located asymmetrically in relation to the dimensions of the room.

Rice. 4. Big slant Gallery(Fig. 2. – point 9), leading to “ Chamber of the King (Pharaoh)"(Fig. 2. - item 11 and item 10). The walls of the gallery are inclined, tapering upward and have symmetrical protruding ledges. On the right and left sides of the passage, rectangular grooves located at equal distances from each other are also clearly visible on the rectangular ledges. There are 28 pairs of these grooves in total. Since there are grooves, it means that something was definitely inserted there and, probably, was removed. However, the grooves could also perform another function, about which, unfortunately, nothing is known yet.

Another branch from the lower part of the Great Gallery is a narrow, almost vertical shaft about 60 m high, leading to the lower part of the descending passage. There is an assumption that it was intended to evacuate workers or priests who were completing “ sealing " main passage to " King's Chamber" Approximately in the middle there is a small, most likely natural expansion - “ Grotto» ( Grotto) of irregular shape, in which several people could fit at most. Grotto– (Fig. 2 - (12)) located on “ junction» stone masonry pyramid and a small, about 9 meters high, hill on a limestone plateau lying at the base of the Great Pyramid. The walls of the Grotto are partially reinforced by ancient masonry, and since some of its stones are too large, there is an assumption that the Grotto existed on the Giza plateau as an independent structure long before the construction of the pyramids, and the evacuation shaft itself was built taking into account the location of the Grotto. However, taking into account the fact that the shaft was hollowed out in the already laid masonry, and not laid out, as evidenced by its irregular circular cross-section, the question arises of how the builders managed to accurately reach the Grotto.

Big Gallery

Rice. 5. Black and white shot of the beginning Great gallery ( Rice. 2. - item 9) with a high step at which the fellah stands. On the right and left, rectangular grooves are clearly visible along the lower part of the side walls of the gallery. 1910

The large gallery continues the ascending passage. Its height is 8.53 m, it is a rectangular cross-section, with walls slightly tapering upward (the so-called “false vault”), a high inclined tunnel 46.6 m long. In the middle Great gallery along almost the entire length, there is a square recess with a regular cross-section measuring 1 meter wide and 60 cm deep, and on both side protrusions there are 27 pairs of indentations of unknown purpose. The recess ends with the so-called. " Big step" - a high horizontal ledge, a platform of 1x2 meters, at the end of the Great Gallery, immediately in front of the hole in " hallway » - Prechamber ( Tsar) (Fig. 2 – item 11). The platform has a pair of ramp recesses, similar to the recesses, in the corners near the wall ( 28th and last pair of recesses BG.). Through the “hallway” a hole leads into the funeral “Tsar’s Chamber” lined with black granite, where an empty granite sarcophagus is located.

Above the “Tsar’s Chamber” are discovered in the 19th century. five unloading cavities with a total height of 17 m, between which lie monolithic slabs about 2 m thick, and above there is a gable ceiling. Their purpose is to distribute the weight of the overlying layers of the pyramid (about a million tons) in order to protect the “King’s Chamber” from pressure. In these voids, graffiti was discovered, probably left by workers.

Rice. 6. Isometric plan with sections Tsar's chambers. On the left you can see the upper end of the inclined Galleries with grooves on the sides, a rectangular step in front of the entrance and a hole into the King's chamber. Bottom right King's chamber granite sarcophagus on the right side of the chamber Tsar. To the right there is a rectangular shaft above the sarcophagus, which ends with a unloading gable " roof "made of granite blocks - "Above the "Tsar's Chamber" are discovered in the 19th century. five unloading cavities with a total height of 17 m, between which lie monolithic slabs about 2 m thick, and above there is a gable ceiling.”

Rice. 7. Black and white photo " entrance and manhole"from inside the King's chamber. 1910

Ascending Corridor and Queen's Chambers

From the first third of the descending passage (18 m from the main entrance), an ascending passage goes up at the same angle of 26.5° to the south (Fig. 2. - p. 6 ) about 40 m long, ending at the bottom of the Great Gallery (Fig. 2. - p. 9 ).

Rice. 8. At its beginning, the ascending passage contains 3 large cubic granite “plugs”, which from the outside, from the descending passage, were masked by a block of limestone that fell out accidentally during the work of Al-Mamun - (Fig. 2 - item 3) Thus, the previous ones are approximately For 3 thousand years it was believed that there were no other rooms in the Great Pyramid except the descending passage and the underground chamber. Al-Ma'mun was unable to break through these plugs and simply carved out a bypass to the right of them in the softer limestone. This passage is still in use today. There are two main theories about traffic jams, one of them is based on the fact that the ascending passage has traffic jams installed at the beginning of construction and, therefore, this passage was sealed by them from the very beginning. The second claims that the current narrowing of the walls was caused by an earthquake, and the plugs were previously located within the Great Gallery and were used to seal the passage only after the funeral of the pharaoh. An important mystery of this section of the ascending passage is that in the place where the plugs are now located, in the full-size, albeit shortened model of the pyramid passages - the so-called. test corridors north of the Great Pyramid - there is a junction of not two, but three corridors at once, the third of which is a vertical tunnel. Since no one has yet been able to move the plugs, the question of whether there is a vertical hole above them remains open. In the middle of the ascending passage, the design of the walls has a peculiarity: in three places the so-called “frame stones” are installed - that is, the passage, square along its entire length, pierces through three monoliths. The purpose of these stones is unknown.

A horizontal corridor 35 m long and 1.75 m high leads to the second burial chamber from the lower part of the Great Gallery in a southerly direction. The second chamber is traditionally called« Queen's chamber“, although according to the ritual the wives of the pharaohs were buried in separate small pyramids. " Queen's chamber", lined with limestone, measures 5.74 meters from east to west and 5.23 meters from north to south; its maximum height is 6.22 meters. There is a high niche in the eastern wall of the chamber.

Rice. 9. Isometric plan with sections Queen's chambers(Fig. 2 - item 7). Shown on the left stepped niche in the cell wall. On the right is the horizontal entrance to the Queen's chamber. Above the walls of the Queen's chamber there are stone blocks in the form of a gable roof to relieve pressure on the chamber. The “air ducts” coming out of the chamber are shown schematically.

Rice. 10. Login type into a stepped niche from Queen's chambers(Fig. 2 - item 7).

Rice. 11. Black and white image of the entrance to the Queen’s chamber from the inclined Gallery (Fig. 2 - item 8). 1910

Ventilation ducts

From " King's Chambers"(Fig. 2 - item 10) and " Queen's Chambers"(Fig. 2 - point 7) the so-called " ventilation » the channels are 20-25 cm wide in diameter. At the same time, the channels « King's Chambers», known since the 17th century, end-to-end, they are open both below and above (on the edges of the pyramid), while the lower ends of the channels " Queen's Chambers» separates about 13 cm from the surface of the wall; they were discovered by tapping in 1872. The upper ends of these channels do not reach the surface of the side faces of the Cheops pyramid. The end of the southern channel is closed with stone " doors", discovered in 1993 using the remote-controlled robot Upout II. In 2002, with the help of a new modification of the robot " door" was drilled, but behind it a small cavity and another " door». What's next is still unknown. Currently, versions are being expressed that the purpose of “ ventilation » channels is of a religious nature and is associated with Egyptian ideas about the afterlife journey of the soul.

Funeral "pit"

A descending corridor 105 m long, going at an inclination of 26° 26'46, leads to a horizontal corridor (Fig. 2. - point 4) 8.9 m long, leading to the chamber (Fig. 2. - point 5), which was named Funeral "pit". Situated below ground level, in a rocky limestone bedrock, it remained unfinished. The dimensions of the chamber are 14x8.1 m, it extends from east to west. The height of the chamber reaches 3.5 m. At the southern wall of the chamber there is a well about 3 m deep, from which a narrow manhole (0.7 × 0.7 m in cross-section) stretches southward for 16 m, ending in a dead end. Engineers John Shae Perring and Howard Vyse in the early 19th century dismantled the floor of the cell and dug a deep well 11.6 m deep, in which they hoped to discover hidden burial room. They were based on the testimony of Herodotus, who claimed that the body of Cheops was on an island surrounded by a canal in a hidden underground chamber. Their excavations came to nothing. Later research showed that the camera was abandoned unfinished, and burial chambers it was decided to arrange it in the center of the pyramid itself.

Rice. 12. Black and white image of the interior " underground» cameras. 1910. On the left you can see half the body of a fellah leaning out of the passage into the cell.”


Now we can show on the plan the Pyramid of Cheops in the matrix of the Universe the position “ Libra in h ale Judgment Maat over the hearts of Ab (Ab)Living creatures" Figure 13 shows a cross-section of the Cheops pyramid according to Weiss. It is more accurate than the one shown in Figure 2 from the free encyclopedia Wikipedia.

Rice. 13. Section of a pyramid Cheops (Khufu, Khufu) in Giza. According to Weiss.

Rice. 14. The figure shows the result of combining a section of the Cheops pyramid (according to Weiss) in Giza with “ energy matrix of the universe "or simply the matrix of the Universe. This drawing is similar to Figure 8 from our work - Amun-Ra discovered the secret of the original floor plan in the Cheops pyramid. All the main elements of the section of the Cheops pyramid are located in the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. The top of the vault above The King's Chamber" aligned with the third position from the left on the 7th level, base " King's Chambers"with a sarcophagus combined with the 10th level. Base " Queen's Chambers» – with the 12th level, the base of the pyramid – with the 14th level. Passage to the gallery - from level 13, passage to " Lower horizon"in the rocky base of the pyramid - with the 14th level, and the " Lower horizon"combined with the 17th level of the Lower World of the matrix. The remaining elements of combining the cross-sectional plan of the pyramid with the matrix of the Universe are clearly visible in the figure. Angles of inclination of the side of the pyramid Khufu and the matrix pyramids are clearly different. Right side of the pyramid section Khufu is directed to the north, and the left side is directed to the south.

Now the Egyptian pattern of weighing the heart is compatible with the matrix of the Universe Ab from our work - The Mystery of the Tombstone of the Italian sculptor Antonio Canova together with a plan of the section of the pyramid Khufu, which is shown in the previous Figure 14.

In the well-known Egyptian The myth of Osiris « Council of the Gods"in the retinue of Osiris ( Asar) was called – “ PoutPaut" Their total number was - 42. « Council of the Gods“helped Osiris analyze and evaluate the affairs of a deceased person during his life. The number 42 exactly corresponds to the sum of the “positions” of levels 13, 14 and 1513+14+15 = 42 – The lower world of the matrix of the Universe. In the same area of ​​the matrix of the Universe was located “ Double Hall » Maati (goddess of truth and truth), where “ heart » – Ab – Ab – (aspects of a creature's soul). On one pan of the scales there was placed Maati feather, and on the other side of the scale was placed “ heart » Ab. If " heart » Ab it turned out to be harder" feather Maati ", or Maat herself with open hands on the scales, ( the creature sinned a lot), then this is the heart " ate " creature Ammit with the head and half of the body of a crocodile, and the back half the body of a hippopotamus.

Rice. 16. The figure shows the result of joint combination of the pyramid plan in the matrix of the Universe Khufu and Egyptian scene drawing " weighing the heart » « Ab" It is clearly visible that the vertical axis of the scales is aligned with the vertical axis of the matrix pyramid and the section of the Khufu pyramid, and the transverse crossbar of the scales is aligned with the 14th level of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe, which is also the base of the Khufu pyramid on the rocky plateau. The remaining alignment details are visible in the figure.

Now let’s write the word on top of this picture in Egyptian hieroglyphs Paut, which will show us the location area in the matrix of the 42 gods - advisors to Osiris.

Rice. 17. The figure shows the recording of the word WEBPAUT Egyptian hieroglyphs into the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe, which “ will determine Osiris (Asar). The lower hieroglyph is in the form of a “circle with a square inside” “ defines "in the matrix of the Universe, the area where the 42 gods - advisors are located Osiris (Asar). Hieroglyph T(t) combined with the Queen's camera. Hieroglyph U(U) practically occupied the entire space from the base of the King's chamber to the sharp top of the rectangular shaft above the sarcophagus in the King's chamber. The mine ends with an unloading gable " roof "made of granite blocks - "Above the "Tsar's Chamber" are discovered in the 19th century. five unloading cavities with a total height of 17 m, between which lie monolithic slabs about 2 m thick, and above there is a gable ceiling.” The position of the remaining hieroglyphs is clearly visible in the figure. If we assume that the word Pout (Paut) was for the priests of Egypt one of the " prayer words » inside the Cheops pyramid, for example, when they were indoors Tsar's chambers in front of the sarcophagus, which could simply be open, then such a ritual can be called an appeal to advice 42 gods - assistants of Osiris (Asar). Wherein Pyramid of Khufu, How " resonant device "in its likeness translated the words of the prayer into the matrix of the Universe. If we add the Egyptian word to the words of the prayer appeal of the priests Paauta, meaning like " creature male" and " creature woman"(Fig. 13) from our work - Who are you Russians, and we know who they are! , then you get the following meaningful prayer appeal, for example, “ We pray to Osiris and his council of gods (Pout) about sending forgiveness and blessing to the soul of the King - Pharaoh and/or to his close associates for future incarnation into a human being - (Paauta)". Wherein Khufu's pyramid again, How " resonant device "in its likeness translated the words of the prayer into the matrix of the Universe. Although our assumption seems fantastic, it may correspond to the true state of affairs, and determine the real purpose of construction pyramids of Khufu. Probably other Egyptian pyramids too. This is indicated by the surprisingly accurate results of combining the plan of the Khufu pyramid, Egyptian drawings and Egyptian words written in hieroglyphs in the matrix of the Universe. Additional " resonant devices ", which could be installed in the grooves of the inclined Gallery, strengthened " Effect "such a connection. Thus, all Pyramid of Khufu and its specific interior spaces constituted a single “ resonant device " to contact " subtle worlds of the Universe "and their inhabitants. The priests of ancient Egypt were wise scientists, possessed sacred knowledge, and, for sure, knew how to work with this even “ hermetically sealed » « resonant device " Today, with the availability of a large number of " destruction - changes in the parameters of the resonant device "its quality may be " impaired or deteriorated ».

Figure 18 shows the result of writing the word Paauta - “male being” in Egyptian hieroglyphs into the matrix of the Universe and comparing it with the writing in Sanskrit of the word Jiva Loka - “ Jiv space - Shower"in the matrix of the Universe.

Rice. 18. This is how the Egyptian priests understood what “ Creature Man" The picture on the right shows an ancient hieroglyphic inscription Paut – PaautaPaauta – « Creature Man" It was enough to change the last hieroglyph to the image of a woman and the hieroglyphic entry would read: “ Creature Woman", and it would sound the same - Paut – PaautaPaauta. On the left in the figure is the word written in Sanskrit - Jeeva Loka- space Shower – Jeev in the matrix of the Universe. Comparing the hieroglyphic notation on the right and the Sanskrit notation on the left, we see that the upper hieroglyph Pa (Pa) in the form of a bird with open wings means opportunity Souls - Jivas rise above the previous space and rush further into the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. Egyptian priests knew about this possibility for Souls - Jivas, which the Lord gave her, and reflected it in hieroglyphic text.