Sea freight from Mexico. Features of cargo transportation from Mexico to Russia Delivery of groupage cargo from Mexico to Russia

Customs in Mexico: “It’s possible there, but it’s not possible here...”

Let's immediately make it clear that entry into the Mexican Republic is possible only with a visa.
There are several ways to obtain a visa. But we won’t consider them, we’ll just touch on them lightly. It’s better to describe only the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four methods.

This type of permit can be obtained absolutely free of charge and without leaving your home. This is the so-called SAE system. It allows you to obtain a visa without visiting an embassy or consulate. You just need to fill out a standard form on the website of the Mexican Embassy and indicate your email in the details, where you will receive an official response. This letter will need to be printed out on a printer for subsequent presentation when boarding the flight and then directly at customs. Very !


· Registration takes place on-line from any corner of the globe, spending a small amount of time and without much effort. There are practically no refusals of an electronic entry permit. The only exceptions are people with a criminal record;
· Issued completely free of charge;
· There is no need for a visa stamp in the passport, allowing you to keep the page blank.
· The permit is issued for a single entry. The need to re-register for each subsequent trip;
· It makes sense to obtain such a permit less than a month before the intended trip. You shouldn’t arrange it too much in advance;
· It is mandatory to indicate the exact date of arrival and estimated time of stay in Mexico. Although this is practically not controlled;
· According to this document, you can only get to Mexico by plane and only with the help of certain airlines. It has no effect when entering Mexico by land or sea. However, you have the right to fly from any country;
· There is no possibility of obtaining a permit for entities that are not citizens of Brazil, Peru, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. This is not discrimination, it’s just that in the SAE electronic system there is no choice of other states to indicate their citizenship;
· The maximum continuous period of stay in Mexico is only six months. If your period is about to expire, you can travel outside of Mexico, reapply for your permit, and re-enter the country. And you can do this as many times as you like;
· There is no clear indication of the permissible residence time. It happens that the Mexican border guard may limit your stay to just one month. But, as a rule, they set it to 180 days;
· According to reports from the Mexican embassy, ​​all airlines belonging to the IATA association are required to accept this electronic authorization, but in practice this is far from the case.

Official Mexico visa

The form that needs to be filled out is completely different than for the electronic version. You must first fill out a special form, after sending it you will be sent an email containing the login and password required to fill out the form on the embassy website. But you can only do this through one single Internet browser, Internet Explorer.


· Virtually no visa refusals;
· Possibility of advance (a year, two, three...) receipt without specifying the exact date of entry into the Mexican Republic;
· Issued for a period of 10 years. And it remains valid in an expired or invalid passport, but in the presence of a currently valid document;
· The ability to repeatedly cross the Mexican border by land, sea or air;
· The maximum single period of stay in Mexico is clearly indicated. It is the same 180 days, but is not indicated on the visa.


· A lengthy procedure that takes several days and requires a mandatory visit to the Mexican embassy and submission of the necessary documents;
· You will need to formally confirm your financial solvency;
· There is a procedure for taking index fingerprints;
· The cost of the visa is 36 US dollars;
· Recently, the procedure for obtaining a visa has become more complicated. It is necessary to submit a larger set of documents than for a US visa.

Visa for entry into the USA of absolutely all categories


· Ideal option if you are planning to visit not only the USA, but also Mexico;
· There is no need to stamp your passport at the Mexican border;
· No need to pay for a Mexican visa;
· A citizen of any country in the world can apply.


· Obtaining a US visa is much more difficult than a Mexican one;
· The price of a visa is quite high - 180 US dollars
· There is a procedure for taking all fingerprints directly at the US Embassy.

Residence permit in some countries


· Having this status there is no need to apply for a visa.


· Only a permanent, not a temporary residence permit is valid and only for EU countries, Canada or the USA;
· A rather controversial option with the possibility of claims from border guards or airlines.

Customs regulations

When entering Mexico, however, as when entering other countries, there are certain rules for import and export:

· The import of any currency into Mexico is practically unlimited. Restrictions apply only to Mexican pesos. You can take no more than five thousand of them with you (5000 MX$).
· It is mandatory to declare all valuables you are carrying.
· The import of tobacco products is limited and is intended only for non-commercial use, while the export is unlimited. The same applies to alcoholic drinks. Any alcohol is limited to two liters, and cigarettes or other tobacco products are limited to two hundred and fifty grams.

· You can bring one photo and one video camera with you.
· Non-personal items or gifts can be imported in an amount not exceeding three hundred US dollars (US$300).
· The import of any vegetation, as well as vegetable and meat products is strictly prohibited.
· To import medications, medical confirmation of the need to take them is required. The import of narcotic and psychotropic medications is strictly prohibited.
· Import of printed materials with pornographic content is not allowed.
· The import of weapons is only possible with permission from the Mexican Secretariat of National Security. Security check at the airport. Mexico

When crossing customs control at the arrival airport, tourists are asked to press the inspection button. Tourists' luggage is randomly selected for full search. If the red lamp lights up when pressed, the search will be carried out. If the green lamp lights up, there will be no inspection unless customs officers have other suspicions. To avoid customs button procedures in Mexico it is forbidden. The ratio of red to green signal is 1 to 5.

Migration service fees in Cancun for passengers arriving on flights from Russia have been cancelled.

We hope that our tips will be useful for you and will not allow you to get into an unpleasant situation when crossing the Mexican border. Customs in Mexico.

Friends! If you have any questions - don't hesitate! - ask them in the comments below or write to me on social networks!

Online calculator?
Why not...

It is impossible to give even an approximate price for transporting goods from Mexico without taking into account all the nuances that affect the calculation.

It is for this reason that in the freight transportation market today there are essentially no fully-fledged online calculators for calculating delivery prices. Yes, there are separate solutions - such as customs payment calculators (a customs calculator that calculates the cost of customs costs, including fees, duties, excise taxes, VAT), but the costs of customs clearance are only part of the total price for international transportation, and will do little to help you understand the total amount of necessary costs.

We know you are interested in the price. But to immediately answer the question - how much does cargo transportation from Mexico cost, thus issuing an adequate price automatically will not be professional. Simply for the reason that it will only be bait for you as a client. Every logistics professional knows that real costs can only be calculated with a full-fledged manual calculation (taking into account such parameters as the location of the cargo, its route, the date of the next shipment at the consolidation warehouse, the presence...

It is impossible to even give an approximate price for transporting goods from Mexico without taking into account all the nuances that affect the calculation.

It is for this reason that in the freight transportation market, today there are essentially no fully-fledged online calculators for calculating delivery prices. Yes, there are separate solutions - such as customs payment calculators (a customs calculator that calculates the cost of customs costs, including fees, duties, excise taxes, VAT), but the costs of customs clearance are only part of the total price for international transport, and will do little to help understand the overall the amount of necessary costs.

We know you are interested in the price. But to immediately answer the question - how much does cargo transportation from Mexico cost, thus issuing an adequate price automatically will not be professional. Simply for the reason that it will only be bait for you as a client. Every logistics professional knows that real costs can only be calculated with a full-fledged manual calculation (taking into account such parameters as the location of the cargo, its route, the date of the next shipment at the consolidation warehouse, the presence and number of loading and unloading operations, and, of course, cargo nomenclature, dimensions, weight, and customs clearance scheme). Therefore, each time the conditions will be individual, and not for the reason that the carrier wants to try to maximize its profit (although such cases are not uncommon in the market).

For you, dear potential client, we will try to calculate your costs as quickly as possible and appropriate to the situation, but for this you will still have to spend 2-3 minutes filling out the form fields.

To establish strong business connections in Mexico, you need fast and safe transportation cargo from Mexico in Russia. Our employees are ready to help with this. Specialists are responsible for the quality, reliability and urgency of cargo transportation from Mexico. Each order is processed individually.

Background Information: What Mexico Exports

  • Mexico is the largest silver producer.
  • The state, located on the Caribbean coast, supplies large volumes of beer products, cocoa powder, as well as tropical fruits: avocado, papaya, guava and mango.
  • Electronics and household appliances. Mexico is a global supplier exporting digital televisions.
  • Motor transport. Mexican manufacturers are in the top ten in the world for the production of cars and in the top five in the world for their exports.
  • Computer services. This small state ranks third among IT service providers.
  • Medical products. Mexico occupies a leading position throughout Latin America in the supply of medical supplies.

Cargo transportation from Mexico

Delivery from Mexico cargo is possible in several ways. The most efficient of them is air transportation of goods. The full cycle of transportation from Mexico will be completed in 20–25 days.

Container cargo transportation from Mexico takes a little longer. But this method is the most affordable in terms of cost. Our partners include employees of the largest ports of Tampico, Acapulco, Salina Cruz and others. Sea communication is also carried out transportation to Mexico necessary goods. The final destination is the port of the northern capital of Russia or the Baltic harbor. From here, delivery throughout the state occurs using cars.

Delivery of goods from Mexico to Russia or from Russia to Mexico

The company "Universal Cargo Solutions" is ready to offer its clients such a range of services. Among them:

Documentation for cargo transportation from Mexico

  • Cargo customs declaration. Necessary for direct transportation of products across the border.
  • Declaration of customs value.
  • Declaration of adjusted amounts.
  • The codes of the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity are determined.
  • Certificate of state registration of goods. The paper guarantees the safety of this product for contact with people.
  • Consignment note. Focuses on the movement of goods that have a certain material value.


If the need arises, our company provides cargo insurance services against unforeseen circumstances, and also carries out full product certification.

Customs clearance from/to Mexico of cargo and goods

Entrust customs clearance of goods transported from Mexico to experienced professionals who “ate the dog” in this lesson. Our center staff will help reduce financial losses without sacrificing time.

Our company provides an impressive range of services necessary for delivery from Mexico products and equipment.

Cargo transportation from the country of the azure sea is something we have to deal with very often. Experience and high quality of services make our company an excellent partner and agent. We offer assistance in legal support of goods, insuring them for various occasions, and in the quick assembly of large, perishable goods.

Benefits of working with us

  • We work 7 days a week 365 days a year
  • Highly qualified specialists with extensive experience
  • We bear full responsibility for the clearance of goods at customs
  • We process any goods at any customs in Russia

Terms and costs of international cargo transportation from Mexico

Price or cost of international transportation services cargo from Mexico, is the lowest and is discussed individually!

We are sure that the timing, cost and quality of services will pleasantly surprise you!

, what to bring from Mexico instead of the boring tour set - poncho, sambrero and tequila. This time, at our request, she compiled a list of edible Mexican “souvenirs” - unique products that are worth bringing them from the other side of the world - for yourself and friends.


Mexico is the birthplace of cocoa, and not trying it here or not taking it with you is a real crime, because the cocoa and chocolate here are really excellent. Interestingly, what is extremely popular in the country is not the simple cocoa powder familiar to Russians, but pressed cocoa powder mixed with sugar and cinnamon. Locals call these bars “chocolate” and drink them by melting them in hot milk. By the way, you can also bring cocoa butter as a gift to a girl - a universal thing that can be used for both cooking and cosmetic purposes.


Instead of the national flag, which tourists often buy as a souvenir, it’s better to bring a “part” of it - Nopal, Mexico’s most famous cactus, depicted on the country’s flag. Nopal: boiled as a side dish, added to salads, or, dried and ground into powder, consumed as a healthy miracle drink - diluted with water and mixed in a blender. And you can buy fresh cactus for mere pennies in the markets, and in powder form in regular grocery stores.

Nopal at the San Juan market in Mexico City. Photo: katiebordner


If you find yourself in the southern states of the country, do not miss the opportunity to try the Mexican grasshoppers “chapulines”. For example, in the state of Oaxaca they cook soups, salads and pasta with grasshoppers. So feel free to bring chapulines to exotic lovers - well fried, seasoned with salt, pepper and lemon juice, grasshoppers will be an excellent snack, for example, with beer and the right accompaniment to travel stories.

Chapulines at the Mercado de Benito Juarez in Oaxaca. Photo: William Neuheisel

Spices and sauces

If grasshoppers are too much for you and your friends, for whom you are going to bring something very authentic from Mexico, take spices and hot sauces based on them, which are called “salsa” here. The variety of pepper varieties in Mexico is amazing: this is “chile chipotle” with a very spicy aroma, and “jalapeño” with a bright, memorable taste, and the record holder for the spiciness of “chile habanero”. You can also buy avocado tree leaves at the markets (they are sold as “bay leaves”) and epazote seasoning for cooking Mexican beans.

Sweets with pepper

Such sweets are common in Mexico. Even when you buy fruit on the street, you may be offered to pepper it. Almost any store will stock dried fruits coated in chili, such as mango or tamarind. Such a “souvenir” will not take up much space in your luggage, but it is guaranteed to convey the Mexicans’ favorite combination of sweet and spicy.

Mole sauce

By the way, the famous Mole chocolate sauce is famous for exactly this taste - sweet and spicy. According to one legend, its recipe appeared thanks to the nuns from the city of Puebla, who devoted a lot of time to the culinary art within the walls of their monastery. They revived the ancient Aztec sauce recipe, which originally included several types of chili, but added other ingredients of their own: chocolate, cinnamon, sesame seeds and peanuts. This is how Mole sauce was born, which won recognition. Today you can buy it ready-made in stores. When you arrive home, all you have to do is pour it over baked chicken or turkey and treat your family and friends to a real Mexican dish.

Ready-made Mole in one of the supermarkets in Mexico City. Photo: Luigi Guarino

Healthy foods

Followers of a healthy lifestyle and PT in Mexico also have something to profit from, because it is here that chia seeds, stevia, used as a natural sweetener, agave, from which syrup is made, coconut oil and amaranth, known for its amazing medicinal properties, grow (and therefore are much cheaper). properties.

If you are sorely short of time to go to markets and shops and search for everything listed, but still have space in your suitcase, just buy exotic fruits. Depending on the season, you can buy breathtakingly delicious mangoes, ripe papaya, guava or mamei very inexpensively. Just don’t forget to hide them at the very bottom of your suitcase, otherwise you’ll have to give them to a strict customs officer - you can export fruits from the country, but importing them into Russia is officially prohibited. They say that rarely does anyone check this, but if they do check it, they have the right to confiscate it.

Alisa Obolonskaya

Multimodal cargo transportation

Transportation of cargo using 2 or more types of transport (we have the option of transporting by plane + truck). For example, goods are transported from Moscow to Riga by car, and from Riga to New York they are delivered by plane.

Groupage cargo transportation

An option when you do not pay for the entire container, but only for the volume of your goods. Consolidated cargo is transported by plane or truck. Suitable for non-urgent delivery, because... The container is sent only after it is completely filled.

Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU

Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union. The EU Unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity is a system for describing and coding goods. Used to classify goods for the purpose of applying customs tariff regulation measures, export customs duties, prohibitions and restrictions, measures to protect the domestic market, and maintaining customs statistics.

It can be used for the purposes of taxation of goods and for other purposes provided for by international treaties and acts constituting the law of the Union and (or) the legislation of the Member States.

Export declaration

the most important customs document confirming the legality of export of products from the exporting country and import into the importing country. This document informs customs authorities about the goods being exported. In accordance with the international set of conditions INCOTERMS 2010, an export declaration can be issued by the seller or buyer of products. If, according to the terms of the transaction, the seller will be responsible for processing this type of customs declaration, then he entrusts this function to the company to the carrier or forwarder. Each state or economic association of countries has its own requirements for export declaration and document form. Therefore, when deciding to export goods from a particular country, you need to study the regulatory requirements in force there.

international consignment note. Compiled when transporting goods by road, between points located on the territory of different states. This invoice is unified for all international carriers and is issued according to general rules.


a transaction between two or more business entities of foreign states. In private international law, as well as in the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are no mandatory requirements for the name of a transaction. This could be a contract, agreement, treaty, protocol, etc. The main thing is the content, from which the intention of the parties to establish, change or terminate civil rights and obligations should be clear.

a document provided by the seller to the buyer and containing a list of goods and services, their quantity and the price at which they were delivered to the buyer, formal features of the goods (color, weight, etc.), delivery conditions and information about the sender and recipient. The issuance of an invoice indicates that (except for cases where delivery is carried out on an advance payment basis) the buyer has an obligation to pay for the goods in accordance with the specified conditions, and also that the goods were shipped in accordance with the delivery conditions.

In Russian practice, there is no document similar to an invoice. An invoice is a document used exclusively for tax control purposes and therefore cannot be considered an analogue of an invoice. In this regard, in Russia an invoice is usually used for international deliveries of goods. In terms of its accounting and legal aspects, it is more likely to correspond to the document “Service Acceptance Certificate” or “Bill of Lading” than to the “Invoice for Payment”.


international rules recognized by government agencies, law firms and traders around the world as the interpretation of the most applicable terms in international trade. The scope of Incoterms extends to the rights and obligations of the parties under a sales contract regarding the supply of goods (conditions for delivery of goods). Incoterms are a trademark of the International Chamber of Commerce. ICC Rules for the Use of Trade Terms in National and International Trade.

Certificate of origin

(Also certificate of origin) a document indicating the country of origin of the goods. Customs duties and the possibility of receiving benefits under trade agreements depend on the country of origin of the goods. The certificate is issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation when this document is required in accordance with the contract or regulations. There are several certificate options:

  • form “ST-1” for goods intended for export to CIS member states (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan);
  • form “ST-2” for goods intended for export to Serbia;
  • Form “A” for goods intended for export to the countries of the European Union (Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, the Netherlands, Greece, Belgium, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Slovakia , Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Estonia, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta), USA, Canada, Turkey and Japan);
  • certificate of origin of a common form for all other countries.

There are also several special types of certificates for certain steel products and furs intended for export to the EU. When importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation, customs authorities request a certificate:

  • for goods from countries that have received customs preferences from the Russian Federation;
  • for goods whose import is limited by quotas or other measures;
  • in cases where the origin of the goods is unknown or doubtful;
  • other cases provided for by legislation and international agreements of the Russian Federation.

Temporary importation

a customs procedure in which foreign goods are used for a specified period in the customs territory of the customs union with conditional exemption, full or partial, from payment of import customs duties, taxes and without the application of non-tariff regulation measures, followed by placement under the customs procedure of re-export.

In a number of cases, if it is necessary to use foreign goods on the customs territory of the Customs Union temporarily, for example, when organizing exhibitions, importing goods for use by representative offices of foreign legal entities on the territory of the Customs Union, etc. It is advisable to use the customs procedure of temporary import, which involves the use of full or partial exemption from customs duties and taxes during the period of temporary import.

(See also Chapter 37 of the Labor Code of the Customs Union and Chapter 33 of the Federal Law)