Is there an infection in the Black Sea. In the infection of the Black Sea with Escherichia coli found a bureaucratic trace

“I am in complete shock: why is everyone silent?”

Black Sea resorts of Russia are captured by an intestinal infection

AT Krasnodar Territory- an outbreak of intestinal infection. Tourists complain that the sea is polluted with sewage and algae, and talk about overcrowded hospitals. Local authorities do not recognize the problem: official comments say that there are no mass cases of diseases. In the meantime, a collection of signatures began on the Internet for a petition in which the Russians ask President Vladimir Putin to save the Russian resort from an environmental disaster.

“It turns out you can’t go to the sea”

“The situation is simply catastrophic! Being with a small child in Adler for only two days and swimming in the sea, instead of rest, we got an intestinal infection and a tour to the infectious diseases hospital on Kirova 50, which turned out to be crowded with vacationers, sick children lie even in the corridors, there are not enough places! Everyone has one story: they swam in the Adler Black Sea, where sewage is poured and where E. coli is teeming! People come from all over the country and spend their holidays in the infectious diseases department. Little children and their parents lie under droppers and do not get off the pots! And this is in post-Olympic Sochi, where they did everything for the guests of the Olympiad, but for their children they cannot create conditions for safe rest!” says a petition posted on by Norilsk resident Larisa Yangol. With her petition, she is trying to attract the attention of President Vladimir Putin and the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, whom Yangol asks to "stop the intestinal infection in the Black Sea." So far, only 778 people have supported the petition, but the number of signatories is growing.

Social networks and blogs are full of tourists' stories about the epidemic of intestinal infection in major resorts Black Sea: Anapa, Sochi, Gelendzhik and others.

In the public domain, you can find hundreds of similar messages about how tourists, having swum in the sea, suffered from diarrhea and vomiting, waited for an ambulance for hours, and spent most of their vacation in the hospital. Basically, parents of preschool children complained about the spoiled vacation.

The situation with the incidence of intestinal infection is observed on the coast for the third year in a row

Perhaps the most replicated in social networks is the post of Angela Alekseenko from Petrozavodsk. She is indignant that for the sake of profit, the authorities, doctors and the media are hushing up information about the epidemic on the Black Sea coast. She was vacationing in Sochi with her two-year-old son. After a trip to the sea, he had a fever, diarrhea and vomiting began. The baby, along with his mother, was taken by ambulance to the emergency room of the infectious diseases hospital, where they had to wait three hours to see a doctor in the company of other vacationers with similar problems.

“A bunch of parents, all the kids are in their arms, they are constantly vomiting, they are exhausted and cannot stand on their feet. Poor doctors, who do not have time to do anything, try to be kind, understanding. But tired as hell. And today is the fourth day in the hospital, periodically I roar, in complete shock, why is everyone silent, ”writes Angela Alekseenko.

According to Alekseenko, 60 children are admitted to the hospital every day with one diagnosis - an intestinal infection.

“It turns out that you can’t go out to the sea, it’s dirty, children get poisoned, their small, fragile body fails! And everyone is silent! Hospitals are overcrowded, people are lying in the corridors, I see this nightmare myself. Dirt, stuffiness, there is no refrigerator or microwave in the whole hospital,” the woman is indignant. The ambulance doctors told her that this situation had been happening since the beginning of summer. “Why are you silent? “Then you won’t come to us,” they answer. This is fine? All summer such nonsense, poor children are poisoned, someone vomits blood, and everyone sneezes, because money! ”, - Alekseenko is indignant. Her post was reprinted by the media and bloggers, but later, for unknown reasons, it was removed from Facebook. the site tried to contact Angela Alekseenko through the social network, but at the time of preparation of the material, she did not respond to a personal message.

“They called back from the ambulance, they said that the doctors would not come”

Tourists faced similar problems throughout the summer and in other resort towns Krasnodar Territory. According to the site, Denis Stepanchenko, a Sverdlovsk resident, who was vacationing with his family in the village of Vityazevo near Anapa, the family spent 10 out of 14 vacation days in a room due to an intestinal infection that struck the children. Denis Stepanchenko with his wife and two sons (one is 7 years old, the other is 11 months old) arrived in Vityazevo on July 29th.

On the second day of rest after swimming in the sea, the youngest son began to vomit, have diarrhea, and the temperature rose to 38.5 degrees. Later, the same symptoms began in the eldest son. “At first they treated themselves, on the third day they asked the hotel to call an ambulance. Later, they called us back from the ambulance and said that the doctors would not come to us, since the child’s temperature is relatively low, and they have a lot of calls even without us, ”says the Uralian. According to him, in pharmacies there is always a queue of about twenty people.

“Everyone has the same symptoms, everyone buys the same drugs. The pharmacy understands the situation and doubles the prices,” says the Uralian.

According to Denis, during the holidays, an ambulance came to the hotel every day, where he rested with his family, two or three times. “They took small children with their mothers to the hospital. And everyone started to get sick after visiting the sea,” he says. Denis notes that after what he has experienced, he is unlikely to risk going to the Russian Black Sea coast. According to him, locals they say that the situation with the general incidence of intestinal infection has been observed on the coast for the third year in a row and always at the end of the holiday season. This is also confirmed by the posts of users in social networks.

The flight and a two-week vacation in a four-star all-inclusive hotel cost the family of Denis Stepanichenko 220 thousand rubles. The family spent another 10,000 rubles on buying medicines at local pharmacies.

A similar story happened in Gelendzhik with Yekaterina Shipitsyna, a resident of Yekaterinburg, who was vacationing at the resort with three small children, her husband and mother-in-law. “We came for four weeks, rented an apartment, cooked only ourselves, thoroughly washed all the fruits and vegetables, followed all the rules of hygiene, but nevertheless we got sick,” the mother of many children told the site. According to her, three-year-old twins fell ill first, and then a one-year-old son. Later, the adults took turns falling ill. The symptoms are the same for everyone: vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, high fever. By the end of the vacation, the children managed to get sick twice.

According to Ekaterina, local residents believe that the main cause of diseases is dirty sea water, in which, at the end of summer, due to the heat, algae bloom and bacteria multiply. In addition, the old-timers point to the lack of a centralized sewage system.

City Hall of Sochi: the cause of diseases is the carelessness of vacationers

More than 3.3 million tourists rested in Sochi from January to July 2016, according to an official statement on the website of the municipality. The beaches are 100% loaded. At the same time, the administration’s health department refused to tell the site by phone how many people were hospitalized this season with intestinal infections. The site sent an official request to the press service of the city administration, but there is no answer yet.

At the same time, the city health department emphasizes that over the past six months, no cases of mass infectious diseases have been registered in Sochi. According to doctors, in most cases, the cause of illness is the carelessness of the vacationers themselves, who do not comply with elementary sanitary and epidemiological standards: for example, they buy food in street stalls and wash fruit right in the sea. Officials have even developed a memo for tourists on how to maintain good health during the holidays, however, apparently, it does not always save vacationers.

Official reports from the Sochi administration say that the water in the sea meets all the necessary standards. According to the press service of the city hall, citing specialists from Rospotrebnadzor, this summer the water even became cleaner by about 10% compared to 2015.

The city administration notes that twice a week water samples are taken in the resort. “Since the beginning of the summer period, about one and a half thousand water samples have been taken. All of them met the established standards, and the maximum allowable concentration was not exceeded,” the press service of the municipality notes.

Also, on the website of the Sochi City Hall, messages regularly appear on the improvement of local sewerage. One of them says that in 2015 in Sochi “almost 12,000 non-sewered objects were identified, at the beginning of the summer of 2016 there were 2,571 of them left.” Work in this direction continues, according to the city administration.

Ecologist: sewage and faecal water flow into the sea

Environmentalists point to a problem with sewerage in the Krasnodar Territory. “Many times I have been on business trips to Sochi and its suburbs and with my own eyes I have seen sewage flowing into the sea. This situation is typical for Russia and for the settlements of Sochi. Sewerage and faecal water flow into the sea. Effluent ends up in local rivers that empty into the sea. Often people swim on the beaches where the runoff comes out, ”says Vitaly Bezrukov, head of the My Planet charity environmental foundation.

According to him, the sanitary situation in the resort is also deteriorating due to the construction of mini-hotels in a place where there used to be only small private houses. “For example, there used to be a one-story house in which, say, four people lived, there was relatively little waste. Then a five-story mini-hotel was built on this site. Accordingly, the volume of sewage flows increases significantly, and they both merge into the sea and merge,” the ecologist explains. In addition, according to him, household chemicals (phosphorus-containing washing powders, detergents, etc.) enter the sea with these effluents, which give rise to the bloom of blue-green algae, which in turn contributes to the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

And the topic today will be about E. coli, which literally teems with the entire coast of our famous resorts, from Anapa, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik to Sochi and its environs.

And those who at least once about rested on the black sea, I think, for the most part, faced with this problem, which can not only cause a lot of trouble to vacationers, but even, if left to chance, lead to death due to dehydration.

Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, headaches! Here, far from full list symptoms of infection of your body with Escherichia coli through sea water.

That year I was in Abkhazia on the Black Sea coast and my children had the same problem, although the sea in Abkhazia is much cleaner than on our Black Sea coast.

And all because the sea is really dirty. Clean sites are found only in remote areas where there are few vacationers. Most enterprises dump their waste and wastewater into the Black Sea.

Even in South-East Asia, I have never, nor my children, ever been ill with anything like that, swimming in the sea, and here 2 trips and situations are similar to banality. And not only my family faces this problem, but also the majority of vacationers with whom I had a chance to talk. And, especially during the peak season, local infectious diseases hospitals are literally overflowing with vacationers.

Of course, the media is silent about this, so as not to sow panic and fear among people, but the problem of E. coli in the sea, still reaps its rich harvest over and over again.

And here, our bioresonance therapy device Radiant Ultimate, which I always take with me on trips, helps me a lot.

If not for him, then it would definitely be safe to say that the vacation is ruined, because when you vomit and have diarrhea, it is difficult to call the vacation meaningful.

Especially when this happens for several days. No food or drink, as everything climbs back.

Everything comes out.

Of course, there are recommendations on how not to catch E. coli at sea. Do not swallow water, wash your hands, and so on, but do children perceive this and often the opposite happens, although we, parents, inspire them with common truths.

As a result, we are sitting with the children again on vacation and trying to help them get rid of this scourge, and the last time, my wife and I were attacked by E. coli with our children, since we also had a second brt device, an earlier model, and they we were literally saved.

The first symptoms after infection with E. coli appear quite soon, usually after 4-6 hours, and sometimes even earlier. And here I always have activated charcoal and my friend, a bioresonance therapy device, on which I put the following programs from Rife's frequencies.

Bacterial infections base Number of frequencies: 13
Frequencies: 1550; 880; 866; 832; 800; 787; 784; 727; 690; 664; 465; 200; 20;
Total duration: 00:26:00

- E. coli Number of frequencies: 29
Frequencies: 7848.5; 7846.5; 1730; 1722; 1552; 1550; 1320; 1244; 1000; 957; 934; 856; 840; 832; 804; 802; 800; 799; 776; 642; 634; 556; 548; 413; 333; 330; 327; 289; 282;
Total duration: 00:58:00

E. coli basic program Number of frequencies: 35
Frequencies: 7848.5; 7846.5; 1730; 1722; 1712; 1703; 1552; 1550; 1320; 1244; 1242; 1000; 957; 934; 856; 840; 832; 804; 802; 800; 799; 776; 642; 634; 632; 556; 548; 539; 413; 358; 333; 330; 327; 289; 282;
Total duration: 01:10:00

- E. coli mutated form Number of frequencies: 8
Frequencies: 556; 934; 1242; 1244; 1703; 632; 634; 776;
Total duration: 00:16:00

Staphylococcal-streptococcal infection Number of frequencies: 26
Frequencies: 9645.5; 7159.5; 2431; 1902; 1108.9; 1059.9; 1049.9; 1009.9; 985; 958; 934; 786; 727; 718; 686; 643; 576; 563; 542; 453; 436; 423; 411; 333; 134; 128;
Total duration: 00:52:00

Drainage Number of frequencies: 25
Frequencies: 9999.5; 3177; 3176; 3175; 880; 787; 751; 727; 676; 635; 625; 522; 465; 444; 440; 304; 148; 146; 15.2; May 15; 10.36; ten; 7.83; 6.3; 2.5;
Total duration: 00:50:00

It turns out 4 hours 32 minutes. If you give 4-5 activated charcoal and run this set of programs 2-3 times plus, then vomiting and diarrhea will stop, and you will return to good rest, instead of knocking on the doorsteps of local overcrowded hospitals or trying to solve the problem on their own.

I hope everything goes well for you and my experience will help you keep yours and your children healthy.

We also "rested" in Adler in July 2016. We saw the Olympic Park: without a single tree in the 32-degree heat, there are no names at the stops of the Olympic Park, it’s not even clear where to call a taxi, because. to the public transport does not leave; to the Olympus objects are not accessible, they are behind a triple fence at 20m. from them; there are no names on Olympus objects, they can be recognized and seen closer only by taking a paid tour. New interchanges and bridges are very beautiful, but not thought out, if you have passed your exit, then it is no longer possible to return back or go 14 km. before a U-turn, or you find yourself in some terrible outskirts, where, really, it's scary for your life. We went to Sochi a couple of times. There were in the "Riviera": a dried-up park, plants exhausted without watering, palm trees with dried leaves, tents with tertiary entertainment (they are banned all over the country), you can't even see a park behind it, embittered service sellers. We went to the SeaMall, which, apparently, they forgot to finish on the outside (in Saratov, it’s unexpectedly more beautiful shopping centers ). All this made me think every second, they want to make money on us, but what in return? Why pay little money? Knowing that we would not come to Sochi again (for such money you can have a better rest), we decided to go to Krasnaya Polyana. It is very beautiful there: mountains, beautiful hotels and cafes that are not affordable (all without visitors). Believe it or not, we were very happy with McDonald's. Only there it was possible to have a bite to eat, but there were long queues, tk. almost all the people are here. For 3600r. (2 adults, 1 child) climbed on 3 lifts, we decided to see everything at once, because. I don’t want to go to Sochi anymore (we didn’t know yet that we would be in the infectious disease). On the lifts again embittered, dissatisfied staff, and this is for the money. At the last peak, Rosa Peak, they don’t let you take pictures for free, there is an organized mandatory, instant photo - everything is just for money. And, of course, one does not want to return from such an attitude in Sochi. Having read reviews about Adler in advance, they did not swim in Adler itself, they knew that the sea was dirty there and people were poisoned by it. We were forced to travel by car (paid parking 50r an hour) to Olympus. park (because according to the locals it is cleaner there). They didn’t buy anything on the beach, they didn’t swallow water (a child is 7 years old), in the evening they drank polysorb for prevention by the whole family, but it didn’t help. The day before departure, the girl vomited in the hotel where they lived. The next day, on the way back from Sochi, we stopped in Gelenzhik, in the morning the child became ill, at night the temperature and vomiting rose. Let's go to the infectious disease. There hell continues: they lie in the corridors on 3 floors. Lucky for those who lie on the floor with doctors and a treatment room, doctors and nurses do not reach the other floors. My child and I arrived at 4 in the morning (by 7.8 in the morning I was expecting a doctor's round), the doctor came up only at 13.00 for the first time and only after my already raised tones of indignation. The child has a pace. 39 and no one is helping, the doctor sends to the honey. sister, and she to the doctor-a vicious circle. Doctors do not have time - in addition to those who are lying, new patients constantly come. It turns out that local people make droppers for money and go home for the night (they also suffer from this infection and have found such a way out for themselves) and spread this infection further. And we, vacationers (in a foreign city, 1000 km from home), are of little interest to them. In the hospital there is only: rehydron, smecta, lydic mixture, antibiotic (I don’t remember the name), sodium potassium solution for droppers, from which all children have some kind of hallucinations. The rest: polysorb, enterofulir, maxilac, ceficon, creon, interosgel, kagocel - at your own expense, you can buy it at a pharmacy at three prices. Separately, you need to write about the quality of medical services. In our Saratov infectious diseases hospital, everyone is in isolated boxes, the doctor washes his hands with disinfectant liquid when entering and exiting, and the patients will only be accommodated in the box once. Here, the ward is called boxes, but it's just wards, the patient left, they changed the bed, put the next one. In such conditions, the infection cannot be stopped. There are no quartz lamps in the wards, the medical staff work without gloves, not everyone can even get flexuli there. The staff is not qualified: they couldn’t get into my son’s vein - only from 5 rubles, and one year-old baby 7 rubles. they poked into a vein (he was already hoarse) - they couldn’t, only with an ultrasound machine they succeeded. Not only children arrive by ambulance, many adults are brought in a serious condition and unconscious. We found ourselves in a hopeless situation: we can’t go home from Gelenzhik, the child got a little better, but he can’t stand it for 12 hours in the car, he gets sick; there is an epidemic (an ambulance arrives every 5 minutes, all the tracks are in vomiting, the locals carry this infection back home). We were lucky: a plane flies from Gelenzhik to Saratov once a week and there were tickets. We flew away, and the next day my husband drove by car alone 1300 km - this is a vacation that will be hard to forget. Our state has driven us into inhuman conditions. There is no information about rotavirus in the press, the Internet - everything is hushed up, all negative is deleted. We won't go to the Black Sea anymore.

What is really happening on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory? The earth is full of rumors, and social networks are teeming with horror stories from seasoned tourists. People write willingly and colorfully about the resort nightmare that turned into a vacation.

The sea is a big toilet

“The sea has turned into a big toilet. And the local authorities do not care, one loot in the eyes. Don't be a herd, plan smarter next summer. We ourselves are from Krasnodar, we know our sea well, and this has never happened.”

“This is the situation throughout Black Sea coast. In Georgia, all the hospitals are also full. Almost everyone has an intestinal infection, but as always, water tests are normal, just like in Russia.”
“We rested in Adler from July 19 to August 1, 2016. An epidemic broke out, but to declare a quarantine and close the resort is to lose billions of money. By the end of our “vacation” on the beach, a warning was finally sounded that there was an intestinal infection, along with stupid advice: do not wash fruits in sea water, wash your hands, etc. We are convinced that the cause of what happened is the discharge of sewage into the sea. We swam a lot and several times felt a strong unpleasant smell from the water, and not only us. But some want to put all the blame on vacationers: they are sluts, they eat whatever they want, they use the plumbing improperly, they don’t take care of children, etc. Such is the approach to the business of the local administration and the restaurateurs, hoteliers, and medical officials who sing along with it out of self-interest. For them, the citizens of our country are not brothers, not dear guests, but sheep that only need to be milked and sheared.”
Reach out to the President
Especially desperate ones went even further, straight to the Kremlin. Larisa Yangol from Norilsk urged the head of state to take the maritime situation under personal control from its sanitary point of view. In her appeal, also addressed to the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation Onishchenko, this situation is characterized as catastrophic. Larisa wrote that instead of sunbeds under palm trees, kids and adults lie under hospital droppers and literally “do not get off the pots”! “And this is in post-Olympic Sochi, where they did everything for the guests of the Olympics, but they cannot create conditions for a safe holiday for their children,” Larisa poured out a cry from her heart in her petition to the president. The letter had many supporters.
Do not violate the hygiene regime at every step
And yet, it is better not to neglect the advice about washing your hands. And don't drink sea water. Although, alas, no one is engaged in wide propaganda of these seemingly simple but effective rules on the coast. Let's take a look at the website of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory. The press service of the department cheerfully reports on the work of the oncology patrol and unique operations, but the vaccination campaign has become a real information hit in recent months. For ten days (from August 24 to September 3) - six publications on the prevention of influenza, and none on the prevention of intestinal infections and the rules of behavior on the beach. Why, for ten days, since the beginning of the season there has not been a single note, not counting the opus about the risk of getting heat and sunstroke.
As for the department, on duty accumulating information on the state sea ​​water- the regional Rospotrebnadzor, it called the situation on the incidence of acute intestinal infections on the Azov-Black Sea coast stable. Moreover, according to the agency, the incidence rate this year has decreased by 10% compared to the previous period. At the same time, it is noted that among the sick, the share of those who arrived on vacation is up to 70%. That is, the local infection almost does not take. And water… “The proportion of samples that do not meet hygienic standards does not exceed the long-term average and is 0.8%,” the report says. The owner of a mini-hotel in Adler, Victoria Gorbushina, is also sure that nothing extraordinary is happening this year. Everything is as usual, she shared her impressions with the Kavkaz Post correspondent. In the second half of July and August, when the water warms up most intensively, someone always needs absorbents. Therefore, the mistress keeps them in sufficient quantities. That's last year, then yes. The flood that covered Sochi on June 25 brought a lot of sewage into the sea, rainwater was a one and a half meter wave. The presence of pathogenic bacteria was then confirmed by laboratory tests, the beaches were closed. So, it turns out that the health of vacationers is in their own hands.

Russian tourists, who did not have a very successful vacation this year on the Black Sea coast, are trying to draw the attention of the authorities to the sanitary situation in the region. According to them, children and adults pick up E. coli by swimming in the sea or just sitting on the beach. At the same time, the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory and Rospotrebnadzor deny mass outbreaks of infection, writes

“The situation is simply catastrophic! Being with a small child in Adler for only 2 days and swimming in the sea, instead of rest, we got an intestinal infection and a tour to the infectious diseases hospital on Kirova 50, which turned out to be crowded with vacationers, sick children lie even in the corridors, there are not enough places! Everyone has the same story: they swam in the Black Sea of ​​Adler, where sewage is poured and E. coli is teeming,” writes Larisa Yangol, a resident of Norilsk, in an address to Vladimir Putin and Gennady Onishchenko.

According to her, “being with a small child in Adler for only two days and swimming in the sea, instead of rest, we got an intestinal infection and a tour to the infectious diseases hospital, which turned out to be overcrowded with vacationers.” “Sick children lie even in the corridors, there are not enough places! Everyone has one story - they swam in the Adler Black Sea, where sewage is poured and E. coli is teeming!<...>And this is in post-Olympic Sochi, where they have done everything for the guests of the Olympiad, but they cannot create conditions for a safe holiday for their children!” - the tourist notes.

At the same time, mass outbreaks of infection are denied in the regional Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor. The departments claim that cases of group and outbreaks associated with swimming in the sea, rivers and the use of recreational areas have not been registered in the region, Kommersant notes.