And there are many such: warnings and so on and so forth.

For all countries ": - The best option for a vacation is to go with a child for at least a month. The first 10 days are spent on acclimatization, and the remaining 20 are actually on vacation. If you can’t get out on such long term, you need to choose a country for recreation, the climate of which will not be very different from the one your child is used to. :-)

Wash your hands before eating, do not drink tap water - these are banal, but vital rules for people going on vacation, especially to hot places. In countries such as Egypt, Turkey, it is not recommended to brush your teeth and wash fruits with tap water - it is better to use bottled water for these purposes.

End of summer. The sea is warm, vacationers - thousands, bacteria - hundreds of thousands. In August, even a large amount of salt in the water cannot cope with them. Heated and pools. Parents are often to blame for the fact that the water in them becomes dirty. "Parents take sea ​​water into the children's pool, put it in the sun so that it warms up - and here comes the reproduction of bacteria and viruses, ”explained Elena Makarova, head of the infectious diseases department.

Add unwashed hands after the beach, food spoiled by the heat, close communication - and you will get severe poisoning. Whole families get sick on vacation. Children suffer the most. Infectionists say that babies are often brought to the hospital directly from the plane. The branches are full in August.

“The first symptoms of rotavirus are vomiting, which most often becomes indomitable, and parents cannot stop it,” she said. Elena Makarova. - How less baby, the faster dehydration, hypovolemic shock and death may occur.

In the last year alone, the whole world has been ill with rotavirus 137 million children, 592 thousand of them died. In case of severe poisoning, the first step is to replenish the loss of fluid. Doctors advise to drink the child with glucose? saline solutions. You can buy them at a pharmacy. You need to give the medicine strictly by the clock - a teaspoon every five minutes. In case of severe dehydration - only hospitalization.

The excuse "for all countries" amused ....

Turkey, Egypt and the Krasnodar Territory, these are not all countries.
These are stupid excuses about the lack of sanitary conditions in underdeveloped countries, in which no one cares about E. coli.

I say again, in Greece, in Croatia, in France, in Italy there are no such problems..... why do you think...?
there are no less people resting and the weather there is also hot.

Have you ever heard that, for example, Cote d'Azur, or in Crete, all the infectious diseases departments in the hospital are overflowing ....?