What is the name of the main square in Venice. San Marco - Cathedral in Venice

This is the only place in the city that the Venetians themselves call piatsa - square.

The inhabitants of the city call the remaining squares campo or campiello - a field or a small field. In the 9th century it was a small platform near St. Mark's Cathedral. In 1777, the square acquired its current size. Today, St. Mark's Square has the shape of a trapezoid with a length of 175m, a width of 82m in the wide part, and 56m in the narrow part.

The north side of the square is occupied by the building of the Old Procurations, the south - by the building of the New Procurations. A clock tower with a bell is attached to the Old Procurations, on which bronze statues strike every hour, and the dial is decorated with signs of the zodiac. These buildings in the western part connect the arcades of the Fabrique Nuove, thanks to which the square has the appearance of a huge courtyard. In the southeast corner rises the bell tower of San Marco. The height of the bell tower is 99m.

However, the main attraction of the square is the Cathedral of St. Cathedral Venice, which gave the square its name. Until 1807, the cathedral was a court chapel at.

Advice: you can get into the cathedral without a queue by buying a ticket in advance online for 5 euros.

According to legend, in 828, two Venetian merchants Rustico and Buono stole the body of St. Mark and took it out of Alexandria, having previously hidden it in pig carcasses. To store the relics of St. Mark, the basilica was erected, which was consecrated in 832. In 976, a fire almost destroyed the basilica, but by the end of the 10th century it was restored. The new construction of the cathedral according to the Byzantine model (Constantinople Church of the Twelve Apostles) was started in 1063, and in 1094 the cathedral was consecrated. Over the following centuries, the cathedral was decorated and expanded. Each foreign ship that came to the port had to provide a precious gift to the cathedral. Many relics ended up in the church after the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204.

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The Cathedral of San Marco becomes the religious and political center of the Venetian Republic. Grandiose official ceremonies were held in the cathedral: the coronation and presentation of a new doge to the townspeople, the blessing of the troops before the war (in particular, before the 4th crusade). Here Captain Marco Polo received his blessing before sailing.

For more than 4 centuries, the cathedral was built and completed. This affected the architectural style. The cathedral is a harmonious mixture of eras and styles.

The predominant style is Byzantine, but this is true of the general appearance and the domes. The addition of antique columns and bas-reliefs, Gothic towers and arrows, facing with oriental marble - all this gives reason to conclude that the Cathedral of San Marco is a unique architectural monument, made in its own Venetian style.

The building of the cathedral was built in the form of a Greek cross with dimensions of 76.5m by 62.5m, the height of the central dome is 43m. The interior of the church is represented by a diverse iconostasis, statues of the apostles and numerous mosaics.

Today, the Basilica of San Marco is an active church where services are held. And such relics as the relics of St. Mark, the relics of the martyr Isidore, the image of the Virgin "Nicopeia", make the Cathedral of San Marco the center of Christian pilgrimage.


Fabulous Italy, the sights of which silently testify to rich history, is of great interest to travelers. Charming Venice occupies a separate place among other cities of the country, and its architectural masterpieces are known throughout the world.

Medieval monument Basilica di San Marco

Ancient San Marco is a cathedral in Venice, which is rightfully recognized as an outstanding monument of art of the Middle Ages. beautiful building, which appeared in the 9th century, excites people's hearts, making them beat faster at the sight of the rarest example of Byzantine architecture in Europe. In 1987, the attraction was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Residents of the city and foreign guests admire the ancient cathedral, which occupies an honorable place in the world treasury of architectural works.

St. Mark's Basilica in Piazza San Marco

I must say that this rock in the decoration of the cathedral appeared only in the XIII century. Marble columns from the temples of Constantinople became the prey of the Fourth Crusade. The builders used new material, as a result of which the ancient St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice received even greater splendor.

The Cathedral of San Marco can be called a real museum of Venetian and Byzantine art, where priceless works of art are collected.

History of the quadriga

Above the entrance to the basilica is the famous four racing horses, which were cast in bronze by Greek sculptors in the 4th century BC. Quadriga first served as a decoration of the triumphal arch in Rome, later for several centuries it flaunted on the gates of the hippodrome in Constantinople.

In the 13th century, the Venetian Doge Enrique Dandolo, who pulled the country out of the economic crisis, captured and took out the sculpture as a trophy, which later, by order of Napoleon, was sent to Paris, where it stood for about 18 years on Carousel Square. After the defeat of Bonaparte's army, the quadriga returned to Venice, and, by decision of the authorities, it was hoisted over the main entrance of the basilica. In wartime, sculpture with amazing story filmed and hidden in shelters.

Today, the bronze horses of the Cathedral of San Marco in Venice are in the Basilica Museum, and the architectural monument is crowned by a beautifully executed copy that appeared in the 70s of the last century.


Through the main entrance, visitors enter the atrium, the walls of which are decorated with marble and mosaics, which delighted the artist Surikov to the depths of his soul. The canvases tell about the events of the Old Testament, and each day of God's creation of the world is indicated by a snow-white angel. Here is also the tomb of the dogaressa (wife of the doge) Felicity Michiel, decorated with stone lace.

Touching the collection of treasures of charming Venice and receiving the blessing of St. Mark today is very simple - just go to the cathedral that keeps the relics of the apostle, which is a chronicle of religious and civil history.

The visitors of the basilica are presented with a unique biography of the unusual city on the water, which has been attracting admiring travelers from different parts of our planet for several centuries.

St. Mark's Cathedral (Basilika San Marco) is located on the square of the same name next to and is a magnificent architectural example of the Byzantine style. The cathedral is world-famous and a must-see when sightseeing in Venice.

In addition to the fact that this cathedral is a wonderful creation of architecture with interesting history, it contains the relics of the Evangelist St. Mark, for the worship of which many believers come here. It also houses a large number of works of art brought from Constantinople, and the interior of the cathedral and numerous mosaics will impress even sophisticated tourists.

St. Mark's Cathedral is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The History of St. Mark's Basilica

The history of the emergence of St. Mark's Cathedral dates back to 828, when, according to legend, the relics of the Apostle Mark were taken from Constantinople by two Venetian merchants Rustico and Buono.

The relics of the saint were transported specifically in order to protect them from the coming destruction of Christian cathedrals by Muslims. The Apostle Mark to this day is the guardian of Venice.

By the way, this legend is told by a mosaic on one of the walls of the basilica.

Construction of the basilica

Immediately after the relics of the Apostle Mark were in the possession of Venice, the construction of the Basilica of San Marco began, which was completed in 832 under Doge Giovanni Partechipazio. Unfortunately, soon the basilica completely burned down due to a fire, but by 1063 a new one was built in its place.

For the construction of St. Mark's Cathedral, deciduous wood was used, which at that time was used throughout Venice due to its properties. The fact is that larch is able to maintain its original qualities for a long time even when in contact with water.

Throughout history, the Basilica of San Marco has played an important religious and political role in the life of Venetian society. Any an important event, whether it was the coronation of the doge, folk celebrations or the departure of famous discoverers, took place here, under the auspices of St. Mark.

Architecture of St. Mark's Basilica

Beautiful marble decorative elements, columns and statues - St. Mark's Cathedral is simply made to admire.


The shape and architecture of St. Mark's Cathedral is unique: the cathedral is built in the form of a Greek cross and has 5 domes. The total area of ​​the basilica is 4000 square meters, and the height is 43 meters.


The interior of the cathedral was made in full accordance with the Venetian style adopted at that time. The main part of the basilica is decorated with exquisite Romanesque carvings, made in the early 13th century, and the interior decoration is replete with picturesque mosaics of the same time. Indeed, this cathedral is the keeper of not only the relics of the saint, but also masterpieces of art.

Unfortunately, the mosaics have not been completely preserved to this day and many of them have been replaced by paintings by Tintoretto and Titian.

The icons in this cathedral are also made in the form of mosaics and reproduce scenes from the life of St. Mark. Numerous mosaic paintings on the ceiling of the basilica tell of scenes from the Old Testament.

At the entrance to the reliquary, where the relics of the saint are kept, huge bronze doors decorated with lion heads attract attention.

golden altar

You can endlessly admire the decoration of the cathedral and the magnificent mosaics that literally permeate the walls of the basilica, but its most valuable part is the altar part. The real Venetian treasury and shrine of shrines is kept here - the famous "golden altar" (Pala d'Oro).

Just imagine that the construction of the "golden altar" took about 500 years! The altar impresses with its size: its height is 2.51 meters and its length is 3.34 meters.

The jewelry wealth of the altar exceeds all conceivable boundaries. The altar consists of 80 miniature icons framed in gold and decorated with various precious stones.

How to get to St. Mark's Basilica

If you have planned a visit to St. Mark's Basilica in Venice, then you will not have to look for it for a long time. The basilica is located on the square of the same name, not far from the famous Doge's Palace.

Opening hours

The basilica is open from 9.45 am to 5.00 pm, and on holidays and Sundays the time for visiting the basilica is reduced from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm. The opening hours of the museum coincide with the time for visiting the basilica. But the "golden altar" can be viewed only until 16.00.

Cost of visiting

Entrance to St. Mark's Basilica is free, but to visit the museum you need to pay 5 Euros. The Pala d'oro altarpiece can be viewed for an additional 2 Euros. Ticket prices are as of 2019.

The official website of St. Mark's Basilica www.basilicasanmarco.it.

Visit also

Of course, acquaintance with Venice should begin with a visit to St. Mark's Square, where you can see not only St. Mark's Cathedral, but also the famous Doge's Palace, located nearby.

The Doge's Palace is known as the residence of the Venetian doges and is the central building of Venice. In addition to interesting architectural performance, the palace is famous for huge amount works of art stored within its walls, and the historical significance of its halls.

In the Doge's Palace, not only tribunals and meetings of the first representatives of power were held, but justice was also administered.

From the Doge's Palace you can go to the infamous connecting magnificent palace with a prison where the convicts were sent after the verdict. By the way, Casanova was also imprisoned in this prison - the only prisoner who managed to escape from this terrible place.

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"He who does not have a beating heart in St. Mark's Square does not have one at all."
Unknown traveler of the 19th century

The political and religious center of Venice is Saint Mark's Square. The area includes the area from the Grand Canal to the bell tower (Piazzetta) and the vast square itself (Piazza). Here is the Cathedral of St. Mark (9th - 15th centuries), the bell tower (1514), the Doge's Palace (14th - 15th centuries) and the national library of San Marco (16th century).

Campanile (bell tower) of St. Mark's Cathedral up to 100 meters high, it was built in its present form in 1514, rebuilt many times. In 1902, as a result of an earthquake, a lightning strike and dilapidation, it collapsed, but was recreated in the same place in the same form by 1912. Here, the most famous scientist of his time in Europe, the Italian physicist, astronomer Galileo Galilei, installed his first telescope to observe celestial bodies.

The bell tower served as a watchtower and beacon for ships entering the lagoon. In the Middle Ages, there was a torture cage in the strong brick shaft of the tower. The ringing of five bells determined the rhythm of the city's life and called not only for service in the temple. The largest bell announced the upcoming meeting of the Great Council, and in the morning called people to work. At the sound of another bell, the members of the Grand Council should have already rushed to the Doge's Palace. The Nona bell marked noon, and the Mezza Terza announced the meeting of the Senate. The smallest bell announced the upcoming execution.

From the top of the tower, in good weather, you can see the spurs of the Alps.

On the square itself (Piazza) are the Old and New Procurations, intended for residential apartments of the procurators of San Marco. Between them, by order of the French emperor, a new wing was built (the ballroom of Ala Napoleonic).

Photo from the book "Venice". Series "Golden Book". Venice, 2013.

Saint Mark's Clock Tower(15th century) is architectural monument Early Renaissance. At the top of the tower, two bronze men in sheepskins are ringing the bell. The difference in their age (old and young) shows the fluidity of time.
Below on a blue background with gold stars is depicted main character Republic of Venice "winged lion" with an open book. The clock shows the seasons of the year, the time, the phases of the moon and the movement of the sun from one constellation to another.

The monumental arch leads to the main (shopping) Merceria street and further to the commercial and financial center on the Grand Canal at the Rialto Bridge.

Gothic Doge's Palace(1309 - 1424) was the residence of the head of the Republic of Venice. The Grand Council and the Senate met in the palace, Supreme Court. Here the secret police fought against the enemies of the republic and corrupt officials. They were effectively drowned in the lagoon or hanged often before they carried out their insidious thoughts. During the celebrations, the Doge appeared to the people who sailed on gondolas from the balcony facing the Grand Canal. The Doge's Palace housed the Great Council Hall, offices of the Secret Chancellery and a torture chamber.

On the left in the picture is the largest Venetian National Library of Saint Mark. It has about 13 thousand manuscripts, over 28 thousand early printed and other ancient books of the 16th century.

On the square (piazzetta) rise Columns of Saint Mark and Saint Theodore. In 1099, Venice received monolithic granite columns (probably from Syria) for military assistance to Constantinople, which were installed in the main square about a century later. The place between the columns was used for special occasions of the triumph of justice - for the death penalty. The convicts were placed facing the Clock Tower so that they could see the clock ticking off the last minutes of their lives. locals and today they prefer not to pass between the columns. Not all tourists are aware of this.

A bronze statue of the "Winged Lion" was installed on the eastern column. To this day, disputes continue about the origin of the "lion" from Persia, China, Byzantium, Assyria or Venice proper.

Napoleon Bonaparte, who put the last point in the existence of the thousand-year Venetian Republic, considered it his sacred duty to remove the symbol of the power of Venice from the column and send the "Lion of St. Mark" to Paris, where it was installed in front of the Les Invalides. This seemed excessive to European leaders and, by decision of the Congress of Vienna, the Lion again went to Venice, but the sculpture broke on the way. Already in place it was somehow glued and installed. In 1985, a major restoration of the "Lion" was carried out. The age of the sculpture weighing 2.8 tons was determined at 2500 years. This suggested that the sculpture was cast in the 5th century BC in the Assyrian city of Tarsus. From where in the 11th or 12th centuries. the crusaders ("liberators of the Holy Sepulcher") delivered this trophy to Venice.

On the western column there is a copy of the sculpture of St. Theodore(the original is kept in the Doge's Palace). Before the construction of the Cathedral of St. Mark, where the relics of the Saint from Alexandria were brought, St. Theodore was considered the main symbol of Venice. The sculpture is considered combined - it is made up of a marble torso of a Roman commander of the 2nd century and the head of a sculpture of Mithridates of Pontus (king of the Bosporus). According to legend, the crocodile symbolizes the sea power of Venice.

The famous Bridge of Sighs (17th century), connecting the Doge's Palace, where the court was located, with the city prison. Prisoners sentenced to death were escorted across the bridge.

The square is always crowded, even in late autumn

Piazza. On the left are the Old Procurations, on the right is the Cathedral of St. Mark in the restoration scaffolding.

The Cathedral of St. Mark was built in the Byzantine style and decorated with numerous mosaics. It contains the relics of the Apostle Mark stolen in Alexandria and many valuable items stolen during the Crusades, including those from Constantinople. In 1987, the Cathedral, along with other Venetian monuments, was included in world heritage UNESCO.

in the lagoon Adriatic Sea on numerous and scattered islands, the tribes of the Venets settled, who previously lived in northern regions Italy. Talented people connected the swampy area with bridges, crossings and united the disunited territory into an integral single settlement. This is how Venice was founded. For a full-fledged existence in the area surrounded by water, the Venetians had to become first-class sailors and merchants. Success in commercial activities allowed the authorities of Venice to invest significant funds in the improvement and architecture of the city. The narrow alleys of streets, palaces, cathedrals overlooking the Grand Canal reflect the legendary history that survived the ups and downs of the state.

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Venice consists of six districts, the main one being Piazza San Marco. This is the only place in the city with a large and spacious area, which is considered a rarity for this area. Here are the main attractions, personifying the symbol of power, power, economic prosperity and independence of Venice of past eras. Trade links with the East guaranteed stability and wealth to the Venetians. Local residents could afford to erect unique architectural buildings and structures in the very heart of the city.

Piazza San Marco is the most popular tourist destination. It is here that you should begin your acquaintance with the history of Venice. Piazza has the shape of a trapezoid, the sides of which are framed by majestic palaces. It is literally a museum open sky, where masterpieces of architectural architecture of the Byzantine and Gothic styles are located.

The main entrance to San Marco with two tall granite columns is located near the lagoon. One column is crowned by a statue of Saint Theodore slaying the dragon, and the other is headed by a winged lion. Between them in the XIII century, a platform was often erected for the execution of death sentences. Many superstitious Venetians still do not recommend walking between the columns.

History of Piazza San Marco

For the Venetians, religious values ​​are sacred. Deeply believing people needed a spiritual mentor. There is a belief that Saint Mark preached Christianity in Aquileia (northern region of Italy), so he was considered highly revered among the Venetians. The apostle founded the first church in pagan Egypt, where he died. In the 9th century, merchants from Venice arrived in Alexandria. They were struck by the excesses of the local Muslim population in relation to the Christian temple. Therefore, the merchants decided to steal the relics of the apostle and bring them to Venice.

The main square of Venice was formed near the seat of government. At that time it was a castle with defensive fortifications. The Doge ordered the construction of a small basilica near his palace, where the relics of St. Mark were placed. Thus was laid the foundation of the luxurious quarter of the city. According to the traditions of the Middle Ages, the city, claiming the championship, had to amaze its contemporaries with rich and pompous buildings. In the XII century, the Doge's Palace and the temple were significantly expanded and rebuilt. This was facilitated by the economic rise of the Venetian Republic, which became a monopoly in Europe on the trade in silk and spices of the East.

In 1202, a turning point in the history of Venice comes. A detachment of knights, gathered on a crusade against Egypt, lingered in the city. The then Doge Enrico Dandolo had the opportunity to use valiant warriors for the state interests of the republic. An agreement was concluded, according to which Venice provides the crusaders with a navy. In response, the knights must storm and sack Constantinople, which eventually happened. Valuable works of art, sculptures, marble taken from the richest city of Byzantium, become decorations of the premises of the Cathedral of St. Mark and the entire square. In 1264, the piazza was paved with decorative tiles.

From the 14th to the 16th centuries, a new Doge's Palace, a clock tower and a bell tower were erected on the square. Sights are decorated with luxurious ornaments, classical paintings and graceful sculptures. Napoleonic France occupied Venice in 1797. The golden interior decorations of the Cathedral of San Marco were taken to Paris, and valuable decorations were looted by looters. The Venetian Republic ceased to exist and after decades becomes an Italian province. Since then Piazza San Marco has become one of the most visited tourist spots in the world. Artists, writers and other representatives of the creative intelligentsia come here from all over the world for inspiration.

Sightseeing in San Marco - what to see?

The modern square is filled with numerous flow of tourists. The abundance of pigeons is striking, the virtuoso playing of musicians from nearby cafes delights. All this takes place against the backdrop of the splendor and grandeur of Piazza San Marco. Here you can see unique architectural objects that delight the guests of Venice.

A striking example of the Byzantine style is the Cathedral of St. Mark. The marble facade of the shrine, lined with numerous mosaics and bas-reliefs, is crowned with five domes with pointed towers. The facade consists of rows of massive arches with columns. There are sculptures of four horses on a large balcony with a balustrade. The interior of the cathedral is decorated with gold paintings, frescoes and mosaics. In the main apse rises the famous golden altar, consisting of 250 Byzantine enamels, which are fastened with precious stones.

One of the main attractions of San Marco is the residence of the Venetian government of the past centuries - the Doge's Palace. The facade walls are lined with marble ornaments and decorated with sculptures. The architectural masterpiece rests on colonnades with arches. The second tier of the building is represented by an open loggia, consisting of an openwork arcade. In the upper part of the facade of the palace is decorated with lancet windows. The inner halls of the palace are intended for meetings of senators, masters and other privileged communities. The rooms are decorated with frescoes framed in golden frames. Here you can see luxurious paintings and sculptures by famous Venetian artists.

The bell tower stands out as a special building in Piazza San Marco. The red brick building served as a watchtower, as well as a beacon for ships entering the Venice lagoon. The tower is equipped with a fast elevator that will take tourists to observation deck. From there, a magnificent panorama of the whole city and the lagoon opens up. There are five bells in the belfry, each with its own purpose. The bell tower is crowned with a Gothic spire with a weather vane in the form of a golden angel.

Attached to the foot of the bell tower is an elegant pavilion - Loggetta, where the guards of the Doge's Palace used to be. The marble building is decorated with bas-reliefs and three arches framed by columns. The base and roof of the building are bordered by a balustrade.

To the left of St. Mark's Cathedral rises the clock tower, built in the Renaissance style. On the roof of the building you can see two three-meter figures. The sculptural composition represents a bearded old man and a young man. They strike the bronze bell with their hammers. This scene symbolizes the past and the future. Below is the coat of arms of Venice - a lion with an open book. In the central part of the tower there is an oval ledge, on which the figure of the Virgin and Child made of copper is installed.

The main value of this attraction is the clock. The chronometer is considered the most complex astronomical instrument in the world. The large blue dial with a globe in the middle has been in working order for over 500 years. The hour disk consists of gilded zodiac figures instead of numbers. The clock indicates the phases of the moon, the passage of the sun in the signs of the zodiac and the change of seasons. The craftsmen who created this miracle were blinded so that they could no longer repeat such a masterpiece.

On the one hand, the square is surrounded by a complex of three buildings - the old and new Procurations. The facades of the buildings are decorated with openwork arches. During the existence of the Venetian Republic, the residence and office premises of the procurators, who are the second persons after the Doge, were located here. They were elected once and for life. Today, the first floor of this building houses famous and ancient restaurants and a museum.

The unique Cafe Florian has been operating continuously since 1720. The interiors of the establishment are decorated with mirrors and luxurious gilded ornaments. Visitors can comfortably sit at tables placed on the square. Here, tourists enjoy the exquisite taste of coffee prepared according to the special recipes of local baristas. The live music of the orchestra creates an excellent mood. Opposite the cafe Florian is the equally popular restaurant Quadri. Expensive wine is served in a luxurious hall with delicious dishes - white truffles, blue lobster and other delicacies.