What statue is in rio de janeiro. Statue of Christ the Redeemer - the great shrine of Rio de Janeiro

The statue of Christ the Redeemer stands in former capital Brazil - Rio de Janeiro. In 2007, she was included in the New Seven Wonders of the World list. Its height is 38 meters, weight 1145 tons, arm span 30 meters. It was built on Mount Corcovado, which means "Humpback Mountain". It got its name from its shape.

In 1859, the Holy Father Pedro Maria Boss arrived in Rio de Janeiro. He was so surprised by the beauty of Mount Corcovado that he proposed to build a religious monument on its summit. The idea was approved and construction began. railway leading to the top of the mountain. The railroad was completed by 1884. And the construction of the statue was postponed.

The history of the construction of the monument

The construction of a gigantic monument was again discussed in 1921. It was then that it was decided that it would be a huge statue of Christ. The opening of the monument was planned to coincide with the centenary of the independence of Brazil, which was to take place a year later. Fundraising was announced throughout the country. And after the money was collected, construction began.

The project was originally drawn by Brazilian artist Carlos Oswald. On his model, the pedestal looked like a globe, and Christ stood on it with outstretched arms. The monument looked like a big cross. Later, the engineer Heitorom da Silva Costa changed the shape of the pedestal to a more classical one. Due to the impossibility of creating such huge monuments in Brazil, their construction was carried out in France. As a result, the French sculptor Paul Landowski took part in the process of creating the figure. All the components of the sculpture were transported by sea, and then delivered to the top of the mountain by rail. A staircase with 223 steps leads from it to the final installation site. It's called "Snail".

On October 12, 1931, the opening and consecration of the monument took place. In 1965, the statue of Christ the Redeemer was consecrated by Pope Paul VI. Subsequently, the statue was reconstructed several times, and in 2003 the lift was equipped with escalators.

Now the Statue of Christ the Redeemer - business card Rio de Janeiro. Tourists from all over the world appreciated the bold project of Brazilian architects and engineers and now it is one of the most visited attractions in the world.

On a note

  • Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rua Cosme Velho, 513.
  • Official website: http://www.corcovado.com.br

Many have seen images of a huge statue of Jesus Christ with arms spread wide. Its correct name is the statue of Christ the Redeemer. It rises above the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and is located not far from it on the peak of Mount Corcovado. A chic view is this statue in the evening. Illuminated by pillars of light, the figure of Christ seems to be descending into the sleeping city. In Rio de Janeiro, no matter where you look, you will always see this huge statue, which seems to be striving to embrace the whole world with its gigantic arms.

The history of the creation of the statue of Christ the Redeemer

Since ancient times, the mountain on which the statue rises was called the Mountain of Temptation and was mentioned in the Bible. Later, in the Middle Ages, it was called Corcovado, which means "hunchback". This name was given to her in connection with a bizarre shape that resembled a hump. The first expedition to this mountain went in 1824.

For the first time, the idea of ​​​​creating a statue of Christ on Mount Corcovado came up with the Catholic clergyman Pedro Maria Boss in 1859. When he arrived in Rio de Janeiro, the magnificent view of the mountain overwhelmed him. Then Father Pedro decided to ask Princess Isabella, daughter of the Emperor of Brazil, to finance this project. And to ensure the success of his business, he proposed to name the statue in honor of the princess. However, in those days, the state could not afford such a large expense, so the decision to erect the statue was postponed until 1889. However, even then the plan of Father Pedro was not destined to come true. The church was separated from the state during the change in the form of government, and the clergy could no longer ask for funding for such projects.

In 1884, the construction of the railway was completed, which ran just up to Mount Corcovado. Later, materials for the construction of the statue were brought along this road.

The idea of ​​building a statue of Christ the Redeemer was remembered only in 1921. Then, at the initiative of the Catholic organizations of Rio de Janeiro, it was decided to erect a statue on Mount Corcovado, colossal in size, which could be seen from any part of the city. This monument was to become not only a symbol of Christianity, but also a symbol of the liberation and revival of the country. During the week activists collected signatures and donations, this period was called "Monument Week". The inhabitants of the city liked this idea, they willingly donated various amounts of money. Of course, the church also made considerable financial investments. The erection of the statue of Christ the Redeemer is a real folk project.

The erection of the statue of the "fathers of the city" was also inspired by the fact that very soon, in 1922, Brazil was to celebrate 100 years of independence from Portugal. Therefore, they decided to start building the monument as soon as possible. April 22, 1921 is considered the start date for the creation of the statue of Christ the Redeemer. It was decided to build a monument of reinforced concrete and soapstone.

For the version of the statue that now towers over Rio de Janeiro, we should be grateful to the engineer Heitor da Silva Costa. It was he who suggested depicting Christ with arms outstretched to the sides. The meaning of this pose lies in the phrase "Everything that exists is in the hands of the Lord."

The artist Carlos Oswald completed the image of Christ, and the calculations for the installation of the monument were made by Costa Hisses, Pedro Viana and Heitor Levy. In 1927, everything was ready for the erection of the statue of Christ the Redeemer - from drawings and calculations to materials. The records of those times say that everyone involved in the project was inspired and made every effort. Some engineers and artists even pitched tents and lived near the site where the statue was erected.

An interesting fact is that foreigners also helped the Brazilians in the construction of this monument. For example, the head and hands of Christ were made of plaster in France by the sculptor Paul Landowski and later shipped to Brazil. Also, many French engineers participated in the development of drawings. They also suggested using a reinforced concrete frame, although before that it was decided to make a steel frame. And the soapstone from which the outer layer of the statue was made was brought from Sweden. This material was most suitable for such a colossal structure due to its strength and ease of use.

The erection of the statue lasted about 4 years and, finally, in 1931, a solemn ceremony of opening the statue of Christ the Redeemer took place. The size and complexity of the execution of the monument struck then all those present at the ceremony. There were tears in the eyes of many believers. And after many years, people continue to be amazed by this truly gigantic structure, which carries a hidden meaning.

The greatness of the statue of Christ the Redeemer

Every year, thousands of tourists and pilgrims make the long journey to marvel at the majesty of the statue of Christ the Redeemer. At the same time, the huge and meek figure of Christ spreads his arms over Rio de Janeiro, and maybe the whole world, as if embracing and protecting him. This monument has been recognized as one of the 7 New Wonders of the World. Its height is 38 meters, the arm span is 30 meters, and the monument weighs 1145 tons.

An interesting fact is that during the strongest storm that swept through Rio de Janeiro on July 10, 2008 and caused a lot of destruction to the city, it did not affect the statue of Christ the Redeemer in any way. Even the lightning that hit her left no trace. Pragmatists associate this with the dielectric properties of soapstone, and believers, of course, attach sacred meaning to this fact.

Brazil is different from many others southern countries the fact that there are practically no natural ones in it. Despite the presence in the territory of the state of many mountain ranges, active volcanoes there isn't. Devastating floods or dangerous tsunamis have also not been recorded. The Brazilians themselves believe that on the seventh day the Lord did not rest, but created a great capital. This city is spread among the endless sandy beaches and even climbed the slopes of huge granite rocks. And on top of one of the highest hills - Corcovado - rises the world-famous statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, as if hugging the city. It is she who, in the unanimous opinion of all the townspeople, keeps him from all misfortunes.

Statue of the prophet Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro

The idea of ​​creating some kind of monumental monument - a symbol of the nation, came to the mind of one of the city officials back in 1922. Then, throughout the country, the centenary of Brazil's independence from Portugal was celebrated on a grand scale. Rio de Janeiro in those days was the capital of the state and it was in this city that they decided to erect a grandiose monument on the Corcovado hill, since its top was flat and was an ideal platform for construction. In addition, back in 1884, a railway was built leading to this mountain. It was used to deliver multi-ton building materials for the erection of the statue.

I must say that initially the government of the country planned to create a monument to Christopher Columbus. However, most of the townspeople met this proposal with indignation. The O Cruzeiro magazine held a general vote. As a result, it was decided that the statue of Christ the Redeemer will be located in Rio de Janeiro at this very place.

At the competition of projects, the idea of ​​depicting Christ with open arms, as if wishing to embrace the whole city and at the same time resembling a cross, was recognized as the best. And the symbol of the Christian faith, and compassion, and the desire to help all people expressed this figure.

A nationwide fundraiser was announced for the erection of a statue of Christ. The church actively joined this project and also announced the collection of donations. In a fairly short period of time, a colossal amount for those times was collected - more than 2 million reais. But the financial problem was not the only one. In Brazil at the beginning of the 20th century, there simply were no technological conditions for creating such a grandiose building. France came to the rescue. It was in this country that the frame and plaster sketches of the details of the statue were made. They were delivered on ships to Brazil, and already on the spot, according to schemes made of soapstone, talcolour, they completed the main parts of the statue, raised them to the mountain, where a reinforced concrete pedestal had already been erected, and assembled them together. By the way, the stone itself was brought from Sweden, and not only French, but also Romanian sculptors worked on the creation, for example, of the head of Christ. The project "Statue of Christ the Redeemer: Rio de Janeiro" was implemented with the participation of other countries.

Opening ceremony of an architectural masterpiece

This super-scale construction was carried out for nine long years. When all the work was completed, the ceremony of consecration and opening of the statue took place. Hundreds of thousands of tourists and believing pilgrims from all over the world gathered for this event. A few days before the opening, which, by the way, took place on October 12, 1931, the statue was covered with a huge cloth. Therefore, she appeared before the audience only at night. In pitch darkness, hundreds of searchlights suddenly flashed on and before the eyes of the astonished those present, a gigantic statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro seemed to soar in the air with outstretched arms to the people. Since then, for 85 years now, every day in Rio de Janeiro, any of its happy residents, as well as everyone who visits this city, can admire with delight such an action unfolding every evening on the Corcovado hill.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer: Rio de Janeiro - curious facts from the history of existence

During its existence, the statue, which has become a symbol not only of the city, but of the whole country, has “overgrown”, as usual, with a considerable number of legends, superstitions and curious coincidences. Here are just a few of them:

Although it is officially believed that the idea to create a statue on a hill appeared in 1922, back in the 19th century, namely in 1859, a certain priest, Father Pedro, asked Princess Isabella for money to build a statue of Jesus Christ on Corcovado hill. He even offered to dedicate this building to a lady, but there was no reciprocal interest on the part of the royal person, and the project did not take place.

In 2008, a storm of unprecedented magnitude swept over Rio de Janeiro. There was a large number of all kinds of destruction in the city and its environs: houses, power lines, roads were damaged. But the statue of Jesus remained unharmed, although, as eyewitnesses could observe, lightning more than once fell directly into it. Atheists attribute this miracle to the dielectric properties of soapstone, but Christians consider this fact to be a real Providence of God.

In 2010, another one ended in South Africa. At this time, at the foot of the statue, football fans, who, as you know, there are a great many in Brazil, placed a banner calling for a visit to the World Cup in Rio de Janeiro in 2014. Their efforts, as you know, were crowned with success - such a boom in the arrival of fans was not recorded at any championship.

In preparation for the statue's 50th anniversary celebration, a French artist suggested painting the entire figure blue. In her opinion, it is he who symbolizes peace and should bring it to people. She even received the blessing of the Brazilian bishop. However, when all the necessary equipment was delivered to the site, a real hours-long tropical downpour hit the city. The statue remained in its usual gray-green color, and believers believe that the Almighty did not like this idea.

There is no doubt that the statue of Jesus Christ, installed in Rio de Janeiro, will delight Brazilians and guests of the country for many years to come, and will bring many more amazing miracles. To believe in them or not is the personal choice of each person.

Where ischrist statue? Description of the main attractionBrazil.

Many-sided and beautiful Rio de Janeiro

Brazil. Samba and the roar of the Iguazu Falls, the sparkling beaches of Florianopolis and the murky waters of the Amazon, famous resort Trancoso with its castles and manors and, of course, football.

Rio is the country's largest metropolis and a recognized center of tourism and football. The city is interesting with many museums, monasteries and churches. Here you will see magnificent modern skyscrapers, luxurious villas and favelas clinging to the slopes of the mountains - illegal neighborhoods with dangerous slums and red-light districts - fans of crime fighters could see them in the movie Fast and Furious 5.

Be sure to take a look at the Selaron staircase leading to the Cathedral of St. Teresa. The steps of the stairs are lined with a mosaic of multi-colored tiles from all over the world. The creator of the stairs had a magnificent mustache - it is not known what attracted tourists more. Unfortunately, not so long ago, the artist was found dead right on the steps of the cathedral.

Christ statuea photo

Road to Jesus: the path to the top of Corcovado

The symbol of Rio de Janeiro and perhaps the main attraction of Brazil is the majestic monument crowning Mount Corcovado, depicting Christ the Savior. The almost sheer slope is a natural seven hundred meter continuation of the pedestal of the giant sculpture. The sight of the Savior is directed at the city, the port of Cristo Redentor, which lies at the foot of the famous hill, and, perhaps, the whole world.

The imperturbable colossus welcomes about two million guests a year. Crowds of tourists rise to its foot every day, despite the fact that the road is not so easy. You can overcome the climb on your own - take a walk through the surrounding Tijuca park - it is considered the largest urban woodland. Here you can try to offer your company to nimble monkeys, iguanas and even small but beautiful hummingbirds.

But only the bravest ones overcome the slope on foot... And the economical ones. Those who value comfort will be taken along the winding road by a taxi. The classic option for 43 reals is an electric train with small creaky trailers, which in twenty minutes will take those who wish through Tijuca Park right to the foot of the statue. But that's not all - more than two hundred steep steps await visitors there. Well... Or you can take the escalator up.

How to see pictures from postcards

To avoid crowds, it is better to sacrifice a couple of sweet morning dreams. But you will be rewarded with the opportunity to freely admire the magnificent views of Guanabara Bay, the Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon, the world-famous beaches of the city of carnivals and the Maracanã stadium (yes, the one that hosted two world football championships).

By the way, the view of the monument itself is also beautiful, but it is better to admire it from another peak, rising directly above the bay. Pan di Asucar, or "Sugar Loaf" is of interest to tourists and can please with photographs that can compete with all the glossy pictures that you have seen so far. Helicopters, like giant dragonflies circling around Jesus, add a strange color to the view. Helicopter tours are becoming more and more popular: for $150 you can buy 10 minutes of unforgettable experience.

No less interesting is the view of the hill of Corcovado and Christ in the evening - the night illumination system changes the picture beyond recognition. By the way, the backlight was modernized relatively recently - in 2000.

Before ending your visit to the famous sculpture, it is worth visiting a small Catholic chapel hidden in a marble plinth. The chapel is active, all religious services and rituals are held there.

Some facts

By historical standards, the Sculpture of Christ the Savior is a relatively young shrine. Money for its construction was collected by the centenary of the independence of Brazil, but the construction of the monument was delayed for 9 years. Some parts were made in France. The opening and consecration took place in 1931.

The Catholic diocese kept a stock of stone from which the shrine was made, and, as time has shown, not in vain. Being the most high point for many kilometers around, the structure attracts lightning. Twice already the attraction had to be restored.

And more recently, the symbol largest city Brazil has been defiled. In 2010, while the monument was closed to the public due to the danger of landslides, unknown vandals managed to climb the 40-meter statue and decorate the monument with inscriptions to their taste.

Of course, it is unlikely that this somehow offended Christ the Savior. Rather, it only confirmed that our world really needs to be saved. But still it is very good that all the inscriptions were promptly removed. It is hard to imagine a shining, frozen in an attempt to embrace the planet of Jesus against the background of the blue sky, decorated with neatly drawn graffiti: “cat on the roof, mice dancing”. Well, it doesn’t fit somehow for a magical postcard calling for a journey.

Important information aboutstatue of ChristinBrazil: opening hours, prices, currency.

Working mode:

every year from Monday to Sunday from 8.30 to 19.00

Ticket prices:

1 adult ticket - 43 reais (over 65 years old - 4.4 euros).

1 child ticket (up to 12 years old) 1.5 euros ( up to 6 years - free of charge ).

The Christ the Redeemer statue is the second largest art deco structure in the world. This monumental symbol of Christianity, the statue, spreading its arms over the city, is the main decoration of the city. So, which city was honored to have a unique monument? What country? The statue of Christ the Savior is installed in Rio de Janeiro. Tourists tend to visit Brazil to see it with their own eyes.

Seven Wonders of the World

Everyone knows the amazing monuments of art ancient world: Egyptian pyramids, the sphinx, Babylon, at Olympia, the mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and

The statue of Christ the Savior is a unique, but not the only building on our planet that deserves attention. In 2007, it was decided to create a list of famous modern architectural structures to select the New Seven Wonders of the World. Among them were the pyramids of Giza, Chichen Itza, Taj Mahal, Petra, Machu Picchu, the Colosseum and the statue of Christ the Savior. It is the latter that will be discussed today, so let's move to Brazil and see what is interesting here.

Rio de Janeiro - the pearl of Brazil

Every tourist dreams of visiting this fantastic city. European architecture, a sea of ​​lights, luxury jewelry stores and even a Jewel Museum. Local beaches are even more famous: soft white sand and gentle ocean give real pleasure. Botanical Garden with fountains and magnificent alleys, it is perfect for leisurely walks.

Mass in Rio architectural monuments that you can visit, and the most famous among them is the statue of Christ the Savior on Mount Corcovado. You can see it hundreds of times on TV or on the Internet, but you will never experience the awe that covers everyone who finds himself at the foot of a giant at an altitude of 704 meters above sea level.

A bit of history

Every year, thousands of tourists come to the city where the statue of Christ the Savior is located. This amazing statue does not leave indifferent even atheists who are far from the Christian faith.

The peak, on which the statue was later erected, was called the "Mountain of Temptation" back in the 14th century. Its unusual shape later led to a name change, and it became known as Corcovado, which means "hunchback" in Russian.

In 1859, before a series of research expeditions, the clergyman of the Catholic Church, Pedro Maria Boss, visited here. Captivated by the picturesque beauty of these places, he decided to erect a statue of Christ on the mountain, which would serve as a symbol of protection and protect the city. Not without reason, the city of Rio de Janeiro was chosen as the place where the statue of Christ the Savior is located. Stunning panorama of the city, the bay with the picturesque Sugarloaf Mountain and openwork coastline is associated with nothing more than a picture of a modern paradise.

Project competition

The church was not ready to implement such a large-scale project at its own expense, so the project was postponed and the construction of the railway began, which was supposed to help in the delivery of building materials.

In 1921 a festival called "Monument Week" was organized. During the event, donations were collected for the construction.

Since the city, where the statue of Christ the Savior found its permanent place, was so actively involved in the implementation of this plan, it was decided to announce a competition for best project. Architects and engineers immediately responded, offering dozens of different options for consideration. The city administration chose the project of Heitor da Silva Costa: his statue expressed the idea of ​​Christianity as much as possible, since the figure with outstretched arms resembled a cross.

I must say that the project has undergone some changes. After much debate, the engineers replaced the ball-shaped pedestal, symbolizing the earth, with a rectangular one. A small chapel was laid in it, which operates to this day. The pedestal was made of marble.


Construction lasted about 9 years, from 1922 to 1931. It was truly a grandiose project. To create such a miracle as the statue of Christ the Savior, the country at that time was not technically ready, so it was decided to produce all the details in France, and then deliver them by rail to the top of Mount Corcovado. Here they were met by local craftsmen and sculptors who performed the assembly. The figure is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone.

On October 12, 1931, the grand opening and consecration of the statue took place. From the final path of the railway to the top of the mountain, a winding staircase was made, consisting of 220 steps, along which numerous pilgrims, tourists and citizens climbed. Since then, on the majestic mountain of Corcovado, rising 704 meters above sea level, in a mysterious haze of clouds and fog, there has been a beautiful statue of Christ the Savior. The city, under the mighty protection of Jesus, spread out with a fantastic vision, from which the heart stops... The statue has become a symbol of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.


The idea of ​​the figure of Christ standing with outstretched arms suggests that everything in existence is in the hands of the Lord. The statue can be seen from anywhere in the city, at any time of the day. It looks especially charming in the rays of the setting sun from the helicopter window. Private companies provide such a service: a slow flight of the monumental figure of Christ in a circle. Its height together with the pedestal is impressive - 39.6 meters, and the arm span is 30 meters. The weight of the giant is over 1100 tons!

Time travel

To plunge into the era of the creation of the monument, you should use the old transport, preserved since 1896. The antique-looking tram still runs today, connecting the upper and lower levels of the city. Just imagine that it is over 100 years old, when the past decades appear before your eyes...

The journey will be slow and will give you the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent views to your heart's content. Squeaking around corners and struggling up a steep climb, the tram brings you to the foot of the stairs leading to observation deck. Only 220 steps - and you are at the statue. From this angle, the pedestal looks much more imposing, in part because the natural pedestal is the mountain itself. Many talk about a special, mysterious aura that envelops the figure. It is difficult to disagree with this, because next to such a work of art you experience a mystical awe.

You should not luxuriate in bed for a long time if you decide to make a trip to the beautiful. The statue of Christ the Savior is located in one of the most visited cities, so the influx of tourists here is very large. Closer to noon, you run the risk of getting stuck in line for a long time. And the lift, and the tram, and the stairs themselves have a limited capacity, so early morning - the best time for an excursion.

There are no problems with transport here: every 30 minutes a train leaves the city, which delivers those who wish to the monument. The road will take quite a bit of time, about 20 minutes. If you do not want to part with your personal transport, then there is a good parking lot at the foot of the statue. From here you can go up on foot or use the modern elevator. Today it is possible to go up on an escalator or funicular, so if you have small children or elderly people with you, do not worry that the loads will be beyond their strength.

Do not rush to leave the site after viewing the statue: go on an excursion to the Museum of Naive Art, walk through the magnificent forest on your own or in the company of a guide. Clean air, clear rivers and lakes, exotic wildlife - all this will give you a lot of vivid impressions.

Statue doubles

The popularity of the monument led to the erection of a number of later analogues. In Lisbon, in the mid-90s of the twentieth century, a 28-meter statue was erected. Instead of a 700-meter mountain, a pedestal 80 meters high was used.

In Vietnam, a similar statue was erected with outstretched arms, 32 meters high.

In Indonesia, just a few years ago, the construction of a 30-meter monument of Christ was completed, and this despite the fact that the country is Muslim.

Time, nature, element

For less than 100 years, the statue has not experienced serious upheavals. Storms and hurricanes, destroying everything in their path, did not harm her, as did the lightning that often struck her. Someone attributes it to properties, others see it as a sacred meaning. In one of the strong thunderstorms, lightning broke off two fingers from the hand of Christ. The church keeps a stock of stone from which the monument is made, and reconstruction of this most valuable historical object is expected in the near future.

Cultural heritage is a reflection of the people who created it. The statue of Christ the Redeemer is eloquent proof of the greatness of Brazil: a magnificent work of art is located in beautiful city peace.