Mass rest. Out-of-town public recreation areas

K category: landscape design

Out-of-town public recreation areas. forest parks and protected landscapes

Places country rest and tourism as objects of architectural and landscape design are particularly complex due to their close connection with the tasks of nature protection, the need to take into account many factors of planning, sanitary and hygienic, social orders at the highest scale urban planning levels.

A recreation area, or a recreational area, is a territorial formation with an area of ​​several tens (rarely up to several hundred) square kilometers, including separate recreation areas, complexes of recreational institutions and devices and having a single planning organization, service system, transport, engineering and technical support. They, as a rule, are formed near cities to meet the needs of their population for short-term and partially long-term rest. The leading factor in the placement of recreation areas is the availability of appropriate recreational resources, i.e., suitable natural landscape conditions - forests, rivers and lakes.

The most visited recreation areas, located directly near (up to 5 km) from cities, are distinguished by an increased level of improvement, which allows the landscape to withstand high recreational loads. Zones located at a considerable distance from the city, on the contrary, may have simplified amenities, somewhat closer to the natural environment. If on the "threshold" of the city such recreational areas as parks and forest parks, short-term recreation areas near water bodies, sport complexes, then in the more remote zone of the suburban zone there are places of rest with lodging for the night (bases and recreation towns, gardening associations, etc.). Finally, in the most remote parts of the suburban areas, long-term recreation facilities are located (pioneer camps, dachas of preschool institutions, boarding houses, recreation centers of enterprises - usually surrounded by forests, near water bodies).

Mass short-term recreation areas that require the transportation of a large number of vacationers during weekend peak hours are located within walking distance from railway stations, subway departure lines, bus routes, water transport stops. Within the boundaries of the zones, it is necessary to ensure the alternation of intensively and extensively used territories, in which the complex of the original (or restored) is preserved with the greatest possible completeness. natural conditions. The service centers around which the territory of intensive development is being formed should be located approximately at a distance of 2–3 km from each other so that the width of the extensive development strip is at least 1.5 km. In view of the fact that the most intensively vacationers use the edges of forests that go directly to water bodies, the degree of improvement in landscaped coastal strips up to 150 m wide should approach the park and ensure loads of up to 30 people / ha. Here a dense network of roads and paths with a hard surface is created, lawns are formed, clumps of trees and shrubs are formed, benches, urns, drinking fountains, outdoor lighting lanterns, and shady canopies are placed. Within the beaches - grassy and sandy - the load can be 100 and 1000 people / ha, respectively (approximate width of the beach strip is 30 ... 60 m).

Long-term recreation areas have a more complex structure: in them, individual recreational facilities are grouped into complexes, and the complexes are grouped into groups of complexes that are at least 2–3 km apart from each other with gaps filled with forest parks. This makes it possible to avoid the appearance of vast areas of continuous recreational development, which depresses the majority of vacationers and poses a threat to the ecological balance of the natural environment.

Based on the analysis of the most successful examples of design and construction practices, the following types of buildings in recreation complexes can be recommended: - a group of one-story bungalows or one-, two-story pavilions. Group size 80…100 block cells or 8…12 pavilions, group capacity 150…400 seats; building site 5…6 ha; load on the site 30 ... 70 people / ha (Fig. 6.1); - a group of two-, three-, five-story buildings with a compact plan. The number of buildings is 3…6, the capacity of the group is 400…800 places, the building area is 5…9 ha, the load on the site is 70…100 people/ha; - a group of six-, nine-story buildings with a compact plan. The number of buildings is 3…5, the capacity of the group is 800…1000 places, the building site is 8…9 ha, the load on the site is 100…120 people/ha.

Rice. 1. The nature of development in the center of the mountain tourism recreation area (Lago-Naki in the Western Caucasus)

However, the size, functional organization, architectural and landscape appearance, planning structure of recreation areas located in various natural and urban conditions are extremely diverse and are difficult to strict standardization or typification. As an example, consider one of the most famous suburban recreational areas, which was formed near the artificial Zaslavsky reservoir near the northwestern borders of Minsk (Fig. 6.2). This zone is a continuation of the urban water-green diameter, formed on the banks of the dammed river Svisloch, and covers an area of ​​16.5 thousand hectares. The natural environment here was favorable for the creation of places mass recreation: a fairly large water area of ​​the reservoir (3 thousand hectares) with a rugged coastline, it is partially adjoined by pine and deciduous forests (30% of the total area of ​​the zone), many flowering meadows, and beaches.

For the first 10…15 years (starting from 1952), this recreation area developed without taking into account the long-term prospects for the development of the entire recreation system of the city's population, without a scientific study of the natural situation and calculation of the probable recreational load on landscape complexes. Due to insufficient attention to the environmental side of construction, a number of adverse changes have occurred here. A large number of vacationers appeared in those parts of the forest that adjoin the banks, which caused their degradation. Natural beaches have fallen into an unsanitary state, and several small equipped beaches have also been unable to withstand the excessive load. The water bloomed in the bays of the reservoir, as its bed was not cleaned. Pioneer camps and other institutions with large fenced areas began to interfere with those who come here for a short vacation. In 1969, the Minskproject Institute developed a project, an important part of which was a detailed assessment of natural landscapes, a forecast of their possible changes for the future. The developed planning concept was based on the analysis of the physical-geographical, hygienic, natural-historical, aesthetic characteristics of the current situation.

Rice. 2. A fragment of a recreation area on the Zaslavsky reservoir near Minsk. Coastal lugoiark: 1 - structures; 2 - inputs; 3 - entrances; 4 - parking lot; 5 - service centers and settlements; 6 - beaches; 7- Railway; 8 - highways; 9 - park road; 10 - walking pedestrian roads; 11 - tree and shrub massifs; 12 - meadows; 13 - reservoirs; 14 - the main service center for vacationers; 15 - sub-center for servicing vacationers; 16 - sports zone; 17 - "Upland Park"; 18 - meadow parks; 19 - beaches; 20 - a zone of quiet rest; 21 - historical and memorial center; 22 - country hotel; 23 - stage; 24 - dance floor; 25 - cafe; 26 - base of fishermen; 27 - decorative pool; 28 - channel; 29 - Nature and Fantasy Park; 30- "Swamp garden"; 31 - Bay "Fishing happiness"; 32 - "Chamomile Meadow"; 33 - "Alpine Hill"; 34 - "Heather Glade"; 35 - road "Rainbow"; 36 - tower "Vezha"

Additional watering of the reservoir from the basin of the river was designed and implemented. Neman, which led to an improvement in the water regime of all water areas of the zone. A regime for the protection of soil cover, forests and small watercourses has been established. To reduce the recreational load on the previously developed sections of the shore of the reservoir, new beaches were organized. Cultural and community services are now provided through a system of special centers and sub-centers, conveniently connected to transport and pedestrian areas. Based on the calculation of the one-time capacity of the recreation area, all its constituent elements are developed: a meadow park, a hydropark, forest parks, beaches and the local resort Zhdanovichi. The previously poorly developed western and northwestern sections of the reservoir (beaches, yacht clubs, sports bases, a rowing canal, a forest park, etc.) are being improved. The new meadow park on the previously swampy southern coast (closest to the city) performs an “intercepting” function, regulates the flow of tourists and thereby relieves excessive pressure on pine forests. The meadow park includes an extensive "chamomile meadow", "heather meadows", a "marsh garden" with weeping willows, birch groves - landscapes typical for this part of Belarus.

Forest parks are well-maintained forests organized in order to provide various types of free recreation in the bosom of nature - in glades, among plantations, along the banks of water bodies, etc. The main element of the landscape here is natural forest vegetation, where natural growth conditions are preserved. It is combined with various types of landscaping, a developed road and footpath network, and facilities for servicing vacationers.

The size of the forest park is usually taken at least 500 hectares. The total area of ​​the territory per visitor ranges from 500 to 1000 m2. The area of ​​reservoirs for health and sports purposes is calculated based on the fact that in summer up to 60% of visitors to the forest park accumulate on their banks.

Mass traffic areas gravitate towards stops public transport and parking lots, to beaches on the banks of rivers and reservoirs, as well as to adjacent multi-storey residential buildings. Sufficiently large glades are being created here, providing comfortable conditions for mass meetings, and a developed network of sites, roads and trails is being arranged. With a visiting density of 30 ... 50 people / ha, paths and sites should occupy from 6 to 12% of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe zone (for example, within a radius of 0.3 ... 0.5 km from a public transport stop). The area of ​​well-maintained mass attendance, depending on the specific situation, can range from 3 to 70 hectares (Table 6.1), and the percentage of open spaces in it is at least 35.

In view of the special importance for the ecology of forest parks (as well as for meadow and hydroparks) of maintaining the mode of use, recreational loads, and the balance of territories, the relevant information material is included in the tables.

The elements of the improvement of the forest park should correspond to the natural character of the landscape (Table 6.2). Free outlines are given to roads and alleys. Equipment recreation areas can be made of wood, natural stone and other natural materials. It is advisable to avoid asphalt pavements, replacing them with lime-soil, and in some cases, cement-concrete tiled pavements or paving of bedded flagstone.

In river floodplains and along the shores of lakes there are often vast meadows and glades, which serve as a good base for organizing landscaped places for country recreation - meadow parks and hydroparks. They occupy low, open areas that are difficult to afforest, but provide for the growth of herbs and ornamental perennials. Drained lower areas along park roads and along the banks of water bodies are planted with groups of trees and shrubs, however, the predominance of open spaces with wide panoramas for long distances is a characteristic feature of these park types (Fig. 6.3). The optimal ratio of meadows, clearings and high vegetation varies for different climatic zones, but even in the south, open spaces occupy over 50% of the territory, reaching northern regions up to 65%. The cost of creating and operating meadow parks is relatively lower than that of forest parks. An approximate balance of the territory of meadow parks and hydroparks (in % of the total area) is given in Table. 6.3.

Natural and cultural-natural national parks are one of the most promising forms of landscape protection and organization of educational tourism (Fig. 6.4). The first national parks appeared back in the 70s of the last century in the USA (Yellowstone and others) and have since become more and more popular. Currently, in some countries they occupy up to 2 ... 3% or more of their territory.

Rice. 3. View of the sports center in the hydropark

Rice. 4. Schematic plan natural park Elk Island: 1 - forest landscape; 2 - wetland complex; 3 - plots of the most valuable plantations; 4 - forest park landscape; 5 - park landscape; 6 - walking and educational routes; 7 - entrances to a specially protected area; 8 - suburban highways; 9 - reservoirs outside the specially protected zone; 10 - park facilities; II - city park "Sokolniki"; 12-administrative and museum-exhibition complex

The main functions of national parks are the protection of valuable landscapes and historical and cultural monuments located within their boundaries; scientific research in the field of ecology; tourism and partly recreation in "natural" conditions. At the same time, the recreational function is subordinated to the environmental one. When national park is located in an already developed area, some forms of economic use of the territory are partially preserved, provided that they do not cause significant damage to the ecology of the park. Thus, within the boundaries of national parks, the following are distinguished: zones for scientific purposes, including reserves - reserves; recreational and tourist areas (including forest parks, parking lots and tourist bases); zones Agriculture, forestry, commercial fish farming, etc.

The planning structure, the ratio of the sizes of functional zones in national parks depend primarily on the type of natural landscape and the relative position of its components. An important role is also played by the degree of urbanization of the territory, the location of roads, settlements, the presence of industrial enterprises in the immediate vicinity of the park. For example, Lahemaa in Estonia is a seaside park, Gauja in Latvia is a river park, Ignalina in Lithuania is a lake park, etc. Distinctive feature of all these Baltic parks - the presence, along with natural, of significant values ​​​​of history, culture, architecture and even some objects of traditional agriculture. For example, here is how the functional zones are distributed in the Lithuanian national park Ignalina, the total area of ​​which is 30.8 thousand hectares; zones of strict landscape protection, i.e. nature reserves and sanctuaries - 25%; recreational area - 32; agro-park - 12; economic (agriculture, forestry and fisheries) - 16, water areas of lakes - 15%. The predominant types of recreation here are - educational tourism and recreation in pre-existing villages.

The main direction of tourism is water travel on non-motorized ships. A number of small historically established farmsteads have been declared architectural monuments and are turning into unique ethnographic museums. The zones of the park are connected by a walking road - a parkway, 33 km long, however, the central part of the park is free from motorists.

An important feature of the design of national parks is that they are not just "located" on the ground, but, as it were, "revealed" in places where the most valuable in ecological and aesthetic terms are concentrated. natural objects, and at the same time, the minimum (in relation to the general "background" of the region) degree of urbanization of landscapes, there are no large industrial enterprises, and the network of transport and engineering communications is poorly developed. In this regard, the sizes of national parks are not standardized, their boundaries are determined by a specific situation.

Unlike national parks, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and other specially protected areas - reserves are not intended for mass tourism and recreation, their task is to limit all or some types of economic activity to ensure or restore valuable ecological systems, biogeocenoses, certain animal species, plants, such rare objects of the natural landscape as, for example, geysers, waterfalls, caves, etc. Scientific research is carried out in these territories, in reserves founded to protect anthropogenic values ​​- such as palaces and park complexes, architectural monuments, places of outstanding historical and memorial significance.

- Out-of-town public recreation areas. forest parks and protected landscapes

Places of country recreation and tourism as objects of architectural and landscape design are particularly complex due to their close connection with the tasks of nature protection, the need to take into account many factors of planning, sanitary and hygienic, social orders at the highest large-scale urban planning levels.

A recreation area, or a recreational area, is a territorial formation with an area of ​​several tens (rarely up to several hundred) square kilometers, including separate recreation areas, complexes of recreational institutions and devices and having a single planning organization, service system, transport, engineering and technical support. They, as a rule, are formed near cities to meet the needs of their population for short-term and partially long-term rest. The leading factor in the placement of recreation areas is the availability of appropriate recreational resources, i.e., suitable natural landscape conditions - forests, rivers and lakes.

The most visited recreation areas, located directly near (up to 5 km) from cities, are distinguished by an increased level of improvement, which allows the landscape to withstand high recreational loads. Zones located at a considerable distance from the city, on the contrary, may have simplified amenities, somewhat closer to the natural environment. If on the “threshold” of the city such recreational areas as parks and forest parks, short-term recreation areas near water bodies, sports complexes predominate, then in the more remote zone of the suburban zone there are places of recreation with overnight stays (bases and recreation towns, gardening associations, etc.). Finally, in the most remote parts of the suburban areas, objects of long-term recreation are located (pioneer camps, dachas of preschool institutions, boarding houses, recreation centers of enterprises - usually surrounded by forests, near water bodies).

Mass short-term recreation areas that require the transportation of a large number of vacationers during weekend peak hours are located within walking distance from railway stations, subway departure lines, bus routes, and water transport stops. Within the boundaries of the zones, it is necessary to ensure the alternation of intensively and extensively used territories, in which the complex of initial (or restored) natural conditions is preserved with the greatest possible completeness. Service centers around which the territory of intensive development is being formed should be located at a distance of approximately 2...3 km from each other so that the width of the extensive development strip is at least 1.5 km. In view of the fact that the most intensively vacationers use the edges of forests that go directly to water bodies, the degree of improvement in landscaped coastal strips up to 150 m wide should approach the park and ensure loads of up to 30 people / ha. Here a dense network of roads and paths with a hard surface is created, lawns are formed, clumps of trees and shrubs are formed, benches, urns, drinking fountains, outdoor lighting lanterns, and shady canopies are placed. Within the beaches - grassy and sandy - the load can be 100 and 1000 people / ha, respectively (approximate width of the beach strip is 30 ... 60 m). Long-term recreation zones have a more complex structure: in them, individual recreational facilities are grouped into complexes, and complexes are grouped into groups of complexes that are at least 2–3 km apart from each other with gaps filled with forest parks. This makes it possible to avoid the appearance of vast areas of continuous recreational development, which depresses the majority of vacationers and poses a threat to the ecological balance of the natural environment.

Based on the analysis of the most successful examples of design and construction practice, the following types of development in recreation complexes can be recommended:

a group of one-story bungalows or one-, two-story pavilions. Group size 80...100 block cells or 8...12 pavilions, group capacity 150...400 seats; building site 5...6 ha; load on the site 30 ... 70 people / ha (Fig. 6.1);

a group of two-, three-, five-storey buildings with a compact plan. The number of buildings is 3...6, the capacity of the group is 400...800 people, the building area is 5...9 ha, the load on the site is 70...100 people/ha;

a group of six-, nine-story buildings with a compact plan. The number of buildings is 3...5, the capacity of the group is 800...1000 places, the building site is 8...9 ha, the load on the site is 100...120 people/ha.

Rice. 6.2. A fragment of a recreation area on the Zaslavsky reservoir near Minsk. Coastal meadow park: 1 - buildings; 2 - inputs; 3 - entrances; 4 - parking lot; 5 - service centers and settlements; 6 - beaches; 7 - railway; 8 - highways; 9 - park road; 10 - walking pedestrian roads; 11 - tree and shrub massifs; 12 - meadows; 13 - reservoirs; 14 - the main service center for vacationers; 15 - sub-center for servicing vacationers; 16 - sports zone; 17 - "Upland Park"; 18 - meadow parks; 19 - beaches; 20 - a zone of quiet rest; 21 - historical and memorial center; 22 - country hotel; 23 - stage; 24 - dance floor; 25 - cafe; 26 - base of fishermen; 27 - decorative pool; 28 - channel; 29 - Nature and Fantasy Park; 30 - "Swamp Garden"; 31 - Bay "Fishing happiness"; 32 - "Chamomile Meadow"; 33 - "Alpine Hill"; 34 - "Heather Glade"; 55 - road "Rainbow"; 36 - tower "Vezha"

However, the size, functional organization, architectural and landscape appearance, planning structure of recreation areas located in various natural and urban conditions are extremely diverse and are difficult to strict standardization or typification. As an example, consider one of the most famous suburban recreational areas, which was formed near the artificial Zaslavsky reservoir near the northwestern borders of Minsk (Fig. 6.2). This zone is a continuation of the urban water-green diameter, formed on the banks of the dammed river Svisloch, and covers an area of ​​16.5 thousand hectares. The natural environment here was favorable for the creation of places for mass recreation: a fairly large water area of ​​the reservoir (3 thousand hectares) with a rugged coastline, pine and deciduous forests partially adjoin it (30% of the total area of ​​the zone), many flowering meadows, beaches.

For the first 10...15 years (starting from 1952), this recreation area developed without taking into account the long-term prospects for the development of the entire recreation system of the city's population, without a scientific study of the natural situation and calculation of the probable recreational load on landscape complexes. Due to insufficient attention to the environmental side of construction, a number of adverse changes have occurred here. A large number of vacationers appeared in those parts of the forest that adjoin the banks, which caused their degradation. Natural beaches have fallen into an unsanitary state, and several small equipped beaches have also been unable to withstand the excessive load. The water bloomed in the bays of the reservoir, as its bed was not cleaned. Pioneer camps and other institutions with large fenced areas began to interfere with those who come here for a short vacation. In 1969, the Minskproject Institute developed a project, an important part of which was a detailed assessment of natural landscapes, a forecast of their possible changes for the future. The developed planning concept was based on the analysis of the physical-geographical, hygienic, natural-historical, aesthetic characteristics of the current situation.

Additional watering of the reservoir from the basin of the river was designed and implemented. Neman, which led to an improvement in the water regime of all water areas of the zone. A regime for the protection of soil cover, forests and small watercourses has been established. To reduce the recreational load on the previously developed sections of the shore of the reservoir, new beaches were organized. Cultural and community services are now provided through a system of special centers and sub-centers, conveniently connected to transport and pedestrian areas. Based on the calculation of the one-time capacity of the recreation area, all its constituent elements are developed: a meadow park, a hydropark, forest parks, beaches and the local resort Zhdanovichi. The previously poorly developed western and northwestern sections of the reservoir (beaches, yacht clubs, sports bases, a rowing canal, a forest park, etc.) are being improved. The new meadow park on the previously swampy southern coast (closest to the city) performs an “intercepting” function, regulates the flow of tourists and thereby relieves excessive pressure on pine forests. The meadow park includes an extensive "chamomile meadow", "heather meadows", a "marsh garden" with weeping willows, birch groves - landscapes typical for this part of Belarus.

Public recreation areas

Among the most visited suburban and suburban natural areas for short-term and long-term recreation are mass recreation areas created in largest cities RSFSR. The attendance of mass recreation areas has especially increased due to the growth in the number of private cars and the development of a network of mass passenger transport. So, according to the Institute of the General Plan of Moscow, on weekends 1/3 of all city vacationers go to public recreation areas.

Public recreation areas are located within a radius of 25 to 150 km from the boundaries of the city (Fig. 17, 18) in the most favorable places in suburban areas in terms of their natural qualities, in most cases in forest areas and on the banks of large bodies of water.

To preserve natural conditions, it is necessary that the number of visitors to green areas in public recreation areas does not exceed 10 people / ha, in crowded places (on beaches, etc. - 30 people / ha.

The following can be placed in public recreation areas: a beach, a recreation center, auto, motorcycle and bicycle stations, forest lodges, fishing points, a one-day rest house, a one-day recreation center, a recreation camp, a hotel-boarding house, a sports base (sports club), sanatoriums, rest houses, pioneer camps.

With a large number of possible planning solutions for public recreation areas (Fig. 19), it is possible to identify the main provisions that must be taken into account when planning these landscaping objects.

The existing natural conditions of these territories are preserved to the maximum extent and improved: they create new or improve old water bodies, expand the range of plants in forest areas, organize various garden and park compositions (Fig. 20).

According to the most picturesque places lay automobile and pedestrian roads that make up routes of a certain length.

Various objects are placed on the territory so that they have the most convenient connection.

When planning landscaping objects, it is of great importance to establish the number of visitors in various objects of mass recreation areas.

Based on the analysis of the experience of operating public recreation areas in a number of cities, their optimal capacity was established (% of the capacity of the entire public recreation area):

For a short break:
bases of short-term rest 45
tourist bases, camps, halts 10
stopping points 15
trailer parks, fishing and hunting bases, water stations 10
floating recreation centers 10
collective gardens 10
Total 100
For a long stay:
rest houses of preventive type 3
boarding houses 30
holiday camps 30
holiday towns 33
dachas 4
Total 100

Of course, these figures are only indicative and may vary depending on the natural conditions of the area, its size, distance from the city. courses of autodiagnostics and auto electricians.

The work was added to the site 2015-10-28

The main problems associated with places of mass recreation for residents of the city of Irkutsk

As already mentioned above, the places of public recreation areareas of the territory allocated and fixed for intensive use for the purpose of mass recreation of the population. But, when creating such places, local governments also face problems in creating favorable conditions for the recreation of residents of this settlement.

In my opinion, the topical problems of the youth environment in Irkutsk today are:

· gaps in legislation;

· most places of public recreation are not assigned to anyone and do not belong to anyone;

· lack of supervision of recreational recreation areas;

· poor arrangement of places of mass recreation or its absence;

· insufficient funding in this area;

· and others.

Most of the places of public recreation in the Irkutsk region remain ownerless, that is, they are not assigned to legal entities that are responsible for the improvement of the territories.

In Irkutsk, there are only three places of recreation that are fixed - this is the beach on the Yakobi Bay (Terra LLC), the beach near the Angara icebreaker (Baikal-Extreme LLC), a catamaran rental point (IP Kokourov D.M.).

Basically, the places of mass recreation are not defined. A significant part of the places of recreation remains ownerless. Among them are the hydroelectric power station lakes, the banks of the Ushakovka and Irkut rivers. The beaches are not equipped, there are no equipped parking spaces for vacationers. The issues of cleaning up the territory, collection, storage and removal of solid and liquid household waste have not been resolved, container sites have not been equipped in accordance with sanitary requirements, trash bins are not installed, there are no public toilets. Control over the quality of water and sand is not carried out.

Rosportebnadzor specialists also note that the city has an unfavorable situation with wastewater disposal. Sewage treatment plants are in most cases overloaded and outdated. Thus, the technology and efficiency of treatment are violated, insufficiently treated wastewater is discharged onto the terrain and into water bodies.

Since the city has almost no beaches and coastal places summer holiday citizens of Irkutsk, which is assigned to an organization or society, then in this regard, no one is responsible for the quality of beach preparation or for the quality of water in reservoirs. In practice, the Committee for Urban Development of the Irkutsk Administration should deal with the arrangement of beaches and bear responsibility for this, but in fact, not a single place of mass recreation or a beach is ready for the swimming season according to sanitary and epidemiological standards. And, therefore, there is no one to punish either.

Complete unsanitary conditions. A couple of pavilions by the water, a tent and a barbecue. Almost all summer cafes on the banks of Ushakovka and Angara look like this. From afar, they are invisible, and only the locals know about them. The city authorities have problems with such establishments.Since they are illegally organized and do not have documents.

In such institutions unsanitary conditions. Products are stored without refrigerators, directly on the ground. Having a snack in such an institution, you can end up in a hospital bed.

The difficulty for local authorities is that a cafe closed in one place immediately appears in another. And the only thing that can save Irkutsk from spontaneous catering points is an increase in fines.
Chapter 3
3.1. Creation of conditions for mass recreation of Irkutsk residents
Creation of conditions - a set of measures aimed at the implementation, implementation, organization and management of activities that ensure the implementation of certain rights, norms, obligations and powers.

A place for mass recreation of residents of the city of Irkutsk is a section of the territory of the Irkutsk urban settlement, allocated and fixed for intensive use for the purpose of mass recreation of the population, as well as a complex of temporary and permanent structures located on this site, carrying a functional load as recreation area equipment.

The decision to create recreation areas is made by the head of the administration of Irkutsk of the settlement on the basis of a reasonable presentation by the commission for the commissioning of places of mass recreation for residents on the territory of the urban settlement of the administration of the city of Irkutsk, which determines the possibility and admissibility of using a particular territory as places of mass recreation. The place of public recreation is taken into operation by a commission, the composition of which is approved by the head of the administration of Irkutsk.

Powers of local self-government bodies of an urban settlement to create conditions for mass recreation of residents of an urban settlement and organize the arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population.
The powers of the Assembly of Deputies of the city of Irkutsk include:

- adoption of regulatory legal acts regulating issues of creating conditions for mass recreation of residents of an urban settlement and organizing the arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;

- adoption of urban settlement programs to create conditions for mass recreation of residents of an urban settlement and organization of arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;

- approving the amount of financial resources for resolving the issue of local importance of an urban settlement to create conditions for mass recreation of residents of an urban settlement and organizing the arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;

- provision of local tax relief individual entrepreneurs, organizations carrying out their activities to create conditions for mass recreation of residents of an urban settlement and the organization of arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;

- exercising other powers established by law Russian Federation, on creating conditions for mass recreation of residents of an urban settlement and organizing the arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population, referred in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the urban settlement to the jurisdiction of the Assembly of deputies of the urban settlement

The powers of the administration of the city of Irkutsk include:

· implementation of urban settlement programs to create conditions for mass recreation of residents of an urban settlement and organization of arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;

· acquisition (manufacturing), repair and installation of elements of festive decoration in places of mass recreation of the population: flags, slogans, panels, stands, stands, stages, decorative elements and compositions and other elements, dismantling and storage of elements of festive decoration;

· installation of a sufficient number of bins and containers for collecting garbage in places of recreation for the population;

· organization of sanitary cleaning of the territory of places of mass recreation of the population;

· involvement of citizens in the performance of socially significant work (including duty) on a voluntary basis for the arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;

· formation of a municipal order for an urban settlement in the field of creating conditions for mass recreation of residents of an urban settlement and organizing the arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population;

· exercising other powers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation to create conditions for mass recreation of residents of an urban settlement and to organize the arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population, which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of an urban settlement, are within the jurisdiction of the administration of an urban settlement.
Financial support for measures to create conditions for mass recreation for residents of the city of Irkutsk and the organization of arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population is carried out within the limits of the funds provided in the budget of the urban settlement (estimate of income and expenses of the urban settlement) and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. experience of other cities
Creation of conditions for mass recreation of residents ZATO Znamensk and organizing the arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population established by the Decree of June 3, 2008 N 1039

This Regulation provides the following basic concepts:

1) places of mass recreation of the population - the territories allocated in the Master Plan of the city, as well as determined by the decisions of the local self-government bodies of ZATO Znamensk as places of mass recreation of the population;

2) mass recreation - attracting the population to participate in activities that relieve fatigue, restore the physical and spiritual strength of a person;

3) arrangement of places of mass recreation - a set of technical and organizational measures carried out by local authorities of ZATO Znamensk, aimed at maintaining the required level of sanitary-epidemiological and environmental well-being, safety and improvement of places of mass recreation.

In order to create conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and organize the arrangement of public recreation areas, the local governments of ZATO Znamensk carry out the following set of measures:

Monitoring the needs of the population of ZATO Znamensk in mass recreation;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Adoption of programs in the field of creating conditions for mass recreation and organizing the arrangement of places for mass recreation;

Creation, reorganization and liquidation of enterprises, institutions organizing mass recreation and arrangement of places of mass recreation;

Giving territories the status of places of mass recreation;

Development of the General Plan of ZATO Znamensk, taking into account the preservation and development of places of mass recreation;

Formation and placement of a municipal order in the field of arrangement of places of mass recreation;

Assistance in attracting investments in the arrangement of places of mass recreation;

Checking places of public recreation for their compliance with established sanitary-epidemiological and environmental requirements and standards;

Carrying out a complex of anti-epidemic measures;

Ensuring public order in public places;

Creation of conditions for the organization of trade services, public catering and the provision of other services in places of mass recreation;

Organization of transport services for the population of ZATO Znamensk in places of mass recreation;

Organization of collection, removal and disposal of solid household waste in places of public recreation;

Establishment of preferences for enterprises, institutions that ensure the organization of mass recreation for the population and the arrangement of places of mass recreation;

Implementation of other activities.

The implementation of these activities is carried out through the activities of the structural divisions of the administration of ZATO Znamensk, municipal enterprises and institutions operating in the field of creating conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and arranging places for mass recreation, through the activities of other organizations.

Improvement and maintenance of places of public recreation are carried out in compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Citizens have the right to unimpeded visits to places of mass recreation on the territory of ZATO Znamensk, except for cases when the regime for paid use of such facilities is determined.

The competence of the local governments of ZATO Znamensk in the field of creating conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and the arrangement of places for mass recreation of residents includes:

1) adoption of normative legal acts in order to create conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and arrangement of places for mass recreation of residents;

2) approving, within the budget of ZATO Znamensk, expenses for creating conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and equipping places for mass recreation of residents;

3) development, adoption and implementation of programs to create conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and arrangement of places for mass recreation of residents;

4) provision and coordination of measures to create conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and arrangement of places for mass recreation of residents;

5) development of a system of enterprises and institutions in the field of creating conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and arrangement of places for mass recreation of residents;

6) information and methodological support in the field of creating conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and arrangement of places for mass recreation of residents;

7) organization of retraining and advanced training of employees in the field of creating conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and arrangement of places for mass recreation of residents.

If we consider the financial basis for creating conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and arranging places for mass recreation of residents, then it can be noted that local authorities of ZATO Znamensk implement local issues to create conditions for mass recreation of the population of ZATO Znamensk and arrange places for mass recreation of residents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation within the limits of the appropriations provided for in the budget of ZATO Znamensk for the specified purposes.

Also, I would like to consider the experience of arranging public places in the city Penza.

The work on creating conditions and arranging places for mass recreation of the population was analyzed in Penza. More than 400 benches were installed in squares and boulevards, complete with bins for collecting garbage. Created 73 vertical flower designs, 40 hanging planters, flower arrangements "Swans" and "Washing Machine".

“In 2009, a lot of work was done to prepare beach recreation areas. Houses on Zasek, APZ-24, Akhunakh, Mayak were painted, beach equipment was partially replaced. Garbage removal was carried out regularly, while the frequency of removal increased by 3 times compared to 2008. 150 cubic meters of sand were brought to the beach in the APZ-24 microdistrict. In addition, wild shrubs were cut down on this beach, which led to an increase in the beach area by 20%. Throughout the summer, laboratory studies of the quality of sand and water were carried out,” the press service of the Penza city administration told PenzaNews news agency.
In the summer, a mass recreation of citizens is organized on the shore of the reservoir in the Svetlaya Polyana recreation area. Houses, sheds with tables for rest were built on the shore of the reservoir, tables and benches were installed along the entire coast, diving bridges, and locker rooms. For recreation on the water there are boats and catamarans. Garbage containers and toilets are located throughout the recreation area, daily cleaning of the territory is carried out. To ensure the safety of recreation, there is a medical post and a rescue station. “In order to improve the quality of recreation on city beaches, it is planned to continue the importation of alluvial sand, install metal collapsible canopies, and build a playground in the recreation area of ​​GPZ-24. In addition, a cycle of children's holidays will be organized on the territory of city beaches - Neptune's Day, Athlete's Day," the press service noted.

Much attention is paid to the recreation of citizens in places intended for sports. On the Olympic alley, daily cleaning of asphalt surfaces, cutting of dry and hanging branches from trees and shrubs is carried out. On the territory adjacent to the Pervomaisky stadium, vertical flower structures were installed, flower arrangements with a sports theme were made.
In the first half of 2009, a lot of work was done on trimming, rejuvenation and demolition of emergency trees, uprooting of stumps: 1.2 thousand trees were rejuvenated, 4.5 thousand trees were crowned, 1.4 thousand emergency trees were demolished, 348 stumps were uprooted. 574 trees and 650 shrubs were also planted.

Organized and equipped 10 places of rest for the townspeople in the city forests. Benches, stumps, urns, tables, awnings have been installed.
“Currently, a plan of measures for the reconstruction of the Health Path has been developed, which provides for the restoration of asphalt pavement, lighting the path, strengthening retaining walls, cleaning paths, sidewalks, placing garden benches and bins for collecting garbage, cleaning lawns,” the press service said. .


As a result, I want to say the following, of course, there is no limit to perfection, it is impossible to solve all problems, but nevertheless, we must strive for this. In general, the situation in the city of Irkutsk in the field of recreation is quite good, especially considering that this is not some resort town Sochi.

In my work, I have identified the most obvious problems in providing recreational conditions. I offered them a solution. There are quite a few options for getting out of these difficult situations enough, and this allows me to say that the situation will soon improve if it is given due attention.
Used Books
1. Federal Law "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation” of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ;

2. Charter of the city of Irkutsk;

3. Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ " On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population ";

4. Decree of the Mayor of ZATO Znamensk dated June 3, 2008 No. 1039"On the creation of conditions for mass recreation of residents of ZATO Znamensk and the organization of arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population ".

5. Decision of the City Duma of the city of Irkutsk dated August 04, 2008 N 206 "On the creation of conditions for mass recreation of residents municipality"Irkutsk urban settlement"
and organization of arrangement of places of mass recreation of the population";

6. Zharkova L. S. Activities of cultural institutions: Textbook. - 3rd ed. correct and additional - M.: MGUKI, 2003. - 225 p.