Panically afraid to fly on an airplane what to do. What to do if you are afraid to fly? A special application against the fear of flying


Now quite often you can hear the phrase "I'm afraid to fly on an airplane", despite the fact that statistics confidently prove that an airplane is the most safe view transport. In fact, there is nothing wrong with being afraid of flying. However, this should definitely be dealt with, because panic and uncontrolled behavior can become a serious problem and pretty ruin the trip. prepared some tips for those who are afraid to fly. Remember how to behave in an airplane, and then flying into the sky will become your favorite pastime and relaxation.

  1. People who are afraid to fly should clearly understand in which part of the aircraft it is better to sit. If you are afraid of heights, then do not sit next to the porthole. If you are afraid of turbulence, do not sit at the end of the plane, it shakes the most there. If you suffer from claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), your seat should be near the emergency exit or, if it is occupied, at the aisle. You can choose a seat for yourself during on-line check-in or ask at the check-in desk directly at the airport.
  2. Take care of your clothes, they should be comfortable. This will help you feel at home and relax accordingly. Especially if you have to spend several hours in the sky. Don't be afraid to change clothes for the duration of the flight. Take your favorite slippers with you, ask the stewardess to bring a blanket and a pillow (of course, if you are not flying low-cost) - and you will see that you will immediately calm down in warmth and comfort.
  3. For those who are afraid of flying, a little banal advice is to use lollipops. To a certain extent, they will distract you, and also tasty fun prevents motion sickness and stuffiness in the ears. Also in such cases, chewing gum will help. If it is fruity or with your favorite flavor - perfect. Scientists explain this fact by the fact that an adult, being in a state of stress, subconsciously seeks to return to happy and carefree moments of childhood. Chewing processes help him in this.

  1. For those who are afraid to fly, it is contraindicated to think badly. Do some exercises and turn on your imagination. Try to first imagine the frightening situation, in the form in which you are afraid of it. After that, replay the ending so that it becomes completely non-scary, but, on the contrary, even comical. This is very easy to do when you draw a small comic in your head (no more than five pictures). For example, after a plane crash, you are flying down, you are scared. However, as soon as you reached the level of the clouds, they, like a spring, threw you up, confetti, balloons flew from there, and you laughed and flew into the sky on a cloud. Well, or any other positive scenario that the imagination can come up with.
  2. One of better ways relax - deep breathing. This technique was used by ancient yogis. With its help, they achieved a state of peace. So practice it and forget about all your fears. Try to take a deep breath in through your belly and then slowly exhale through your mouth (the exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation). This deep, slow breathing sets in motion the relaxation response, which is followed by a whole chain of changes in the body: the heart rate slows down, blood flows to the limbs, and the muscles relax. Also try to do this: focus on breathing, close your eyes and imagine how tension and anxiety leave you with the exhalation. Picture in your mind how negative thoughts flow in the form of a stream with the exhaled air.
  3. During the flight and when you take off, look out the window more often. After all, this is how you see that you are rising into the sky, the situation overboard is stable. So you have the ability to control the situation. And when a person feels himself the master of events, when he has control, he feels confident accordingly. Then fear and panic disappear.
  4. When flying, take a soft toy or something pleasant to the touch with you so that you always have something pleasant and voluminous in your hands. After all, there are many nerve endings on the limbs. When your hands are busy with something, it distracts the brain. And there is absolutely no time to think about the bad. This advice is especially useful for those who fly with children.

Finally, the most main advice for those who are afraid to fly - tune in to a positive wave and forget about the existence of the word "panic".

If you are reading these lines now, then most likely you are one of the 1/4 of the world's population who have an increased heart rate and sweaty palms at the mere thought of the next flight. To be fair, aerophobia is one of the most common fears on the planet, however, this does not mean that there is a good reason for this. By the way, most often suffer from this problem creative people(they have an overly rich imagination) and successful people in high positions (a high degree of responsibility). Peace, only peace! Three pillars of the fight against aerophobia: be as informed as possible, learn to control your body (read - nerves) and plan your trip correctly. About everything in order.

Assess risk appropriately

An optimistic start: your chances of being injured in a plane crash are about 1 in 11 million, or 0.00001%. For comparison, there is a 1 in 5,000 chance of dying in a car accident. This means that the most dangerous part of your entire route is driving to the airport. People are much more likely to die from food poisoning, snake bites, lightning strikes and falls while walking in the park than from flying, however, they eat and leave the house with a smile every day, but panic when buying a plane ticket.

Be Curious

Most of the fears are born out of simple ignorance of what will happen next. Why is the plane flying so fast? Why is the wing moving? Why did the flight attendant ask you to fasten your seat belts? When we find ourselves in unusual circumstances, our first instinct is to assume the worst. Studies show that 73% of people suffering from aerophobia are afraid of technical problems during the flight. To minimize these fears, try to learn as much as possible about the design of the aircraft and its operation. For example, the most elementary - why can he fly at all? He does this under the influence of four forces: gravity, aerodynamic drag, lift and thrust. As the pilots say: "A plane is happier in the air." Or this fact: at an altitude of 9000 meters, about 9000 kg presses on the door, so it is closed more than securely and cannot suddenly swing open.

Make friends with turbulence

We agree that when a "chatter" begins in the sky, it's unpleasant. But this does not mean at all that something threatens your life at this moment. Turbulence occurs due to the fact that ascending and downstreams air have different pressures. When the aircraft enters such zones, it begins to shake. Most often this happens while flying over mountains, ocean or sea. For an aircraft, turbulence is absolutely safe - it cannot cause harm to an aircraft. You can get hurt if for some reason you did not fasten your seat belts or your luggage fell on you.

Each aircraft is thoroughly checked

“And suddenly overlooked?” “And what is that patch on the wing?” Familiar questions? Aircraft regularly undergo a lot of maintenance and repair procedures. Approximate ratio: 11 hours of checks for one hour of travel. This means that if your flight takes four hours, the plane was inspected for 44 hours to make sure everything was in order.

Learn to control anxiety

First, just because you are feeling anxious does not mean that you are in danger at that moment. In other words, you can shake like an aspen leaf and still be safe and sound. Secondly, people with aerophobia often refer to the fact that they are "used to being in control." But something tells us that a professional pilot keeps the situation in the sky under control much better than a panicked passenger. Thirdly, each person is able to learn how to regulate the release of adrenaline with simple exercises. First, try to determine which part of the body is fettered by fear. Face? Legs? Rook? For example, a feeling of nervous tension most often blocks our shoulders - the muscles become stiff. Take a deep breath, put your hand on your stomach and slowly lower your shoulders. Repeat 5-10 times. For the exercise to "work" in the sky, practice it on the ground for several months. Thus, by the time you fly, you will already have a serious “sedative”. Another express option: in moments of special excitement, squeeze your left wrist with force - mild pain will help you return to reality.

Unleash your imagination

A rich imagination is a "teaser" for aerophobes. Vivid pictures and possible scenarios for the development of events only increase fears. Tame your imagination and use it to your advantage, or, simply, occupy your head with extraneous thoughts. Think of a place where you feel happy. Where are you always calm? Cosy? Comfortable? Close your eyes and mentally transport yourself there. Focus on every detail. Another obvious option is to distract yourself with a book, a game app, or idle thoughts about “what you want to try for breakfast” or “what souvenir will you bring back from your trip.” Another form of "escape" from fears is a nonchalant conversation with a fellow traveler.

Choose the right flight and seat on the plane

There are a few things you can do ahead of time to help ease your jet lag. For example, try to fly direct flights to your destination - the less time you spend in the air, the better. It is most comfortable to book a seat in the wing area - this area of ​​​​the aircraft is the most stable and least prone to shaking. Other priorities include sitting in the aisle or by emergency exit, but not at the window (the temptation to check “if the wings are in place” every 5 minutes is too great). For some passengers, the feeling of anxiety intensifies in the dark, so daytime flights are still preferable for aerophobes.

Get comfortable

Flight comfort is a very important factor. Choose comfortable and practical clothes for travel that will not hinder movement or interfere with blood circulation. Favorite music generates positive emotions instead of negative ones.

Avoid news about plane crashes

Many aerophobes become obsessed with the topic of air accidents, which are exaggerated in the press. You don't need to be a psychologist to understand how this news affects the nervous system and cultivates experiences. Avoid the temptation to regularly "feed" your own fears. By the way, this rule applies to films and books about "terrible flights." Favorite series, glossy and entertainment publications work in contrast, with news about new details of the Jolie-Pitt family's divorce.

Even the most courageous people sometimes feel uncomfortable at the sight of the plane in which they need to fly. It becomes especially scary while climbing the ladder, when a person realizes that he no longer has land under his feet, and his safety depends on fortune.

“What if the plane breaks down or is struck by lightning? What will happen then? - such questions arise in the head of everyone. For many, this is just a philosophical trick. But there are also those who, with such thoughts, begin to panic and cannot cope with it. It becomes scary for such people to fly, it constantly seems to them that something will happen to the plane while in the air. The presence of such fear can significantly spoil life, because flights are part of the lives of many people. On airplanes, a person flies on a business trip, on vacation, to relatives. How to stop being afraid of flying?
First of all, you need to understand whether a person has a fear of flying or is it just excessive emotionality. A feeling of mild discomfort or anxiety is common to almost all people. Real fear makes a person completely refuse to fly. If you still have to fly, the flight will be hard labor for him.
In addition, some people mistake the fear of closed spaces or heights for aerophobia. There are such complex cases of this phenomenon that a person cannot do without the help of a psychologist. But if the phobia is not so strong, you can deal with it on your own.

What not to do if you are afraid of airplanes?

A person who is afraid of flying should not drink alcohol before flying. At first, of course, it will be easier for him. He will forget for a while that he has to fly, but later the anxiety will intensify even more. Moreover, in a dry room, at low atmospheric pressure, alcohol acts more strongly. Even 50-100 grams of wine can cause intoxication, which is quickly replaced by hangover symptoms.
No need to take a special interest in aircraft and search the net for articles about the crash aircraft exactly the model you should be flying. While climbing the ladder, do not forget that air transport is the safest at the present time. Naturally, everything happens, and even planes sometimes crash. This doesn't happen more than twice a year. If you look at the statistics of the number of flights, it becomes clear that planes crash very rarely. Think about it: there are at least 10,000 flights a day. About 10,000 aircraft are in flight every second. They transport about 5 billion people a year. Of these, 300-400 people die. That is, one person out of 12 million does not return from the air. This is an insignificant number. Hundreds of times more people die on the roads that everyone uses every day.

The most frequent stereotypes

When studying the fear of flying on an airplane, scientists found that 65% of people suffering from aerophobia are afraid of getting into turbulent zones, and they think that at this moment the plane may fall.
Another misconception is that people think that airlines use old planes that often break down. It is a myth. All planes of Russian airlines are completely safe and they have the appropriate certificates.
Don't worry if the aircraft you need to fly is over 10 years old. Delta Air Lines, the world's largest airline, has 50% of its aircraft over 20 years old. And this does not mean that technically they have defects. The resource of aircraft is at least 30 years.

  1. First advice. Get ready for the flight. Careful preparation helps reduce anxiety levels. It is due to the fact that for almost all people, anxiety is caused not by being on an airplane, but by a new environment or unusual events. When planning and thoughtful preparations, a feeling of control of the situation appears and a person understands that he makes all decisions himself. A week before the flight, you should consider what things you need to take with you and write them down on a piece of paper. When collecting, put all the items exactly according to the list. You also need to make a list of things that will be done before departure. As you pack each item, cross it off the list. This will act like meditation and help reduce your fear of flying.
  2. Second tip. Before the flight, do not think about it. Think of something good. Obsession with an airplane makes a person even more afraid of flying. He thinks: "Now I will need to be at high altitude for several hours." Repeating such a thought can loosen the nerves even before hitting the aircraft. While waiting for your flight, listen to music, watch a movie, chat with relatives, read a book. All this will suppress the panic and help dull the feeling of fear of flying.
  3. Third tip. In order not to be afraid of airplanes, always think positively before flying. Never pay attention to your premonitions. This will only make the situation worse. Think about the purpose of your flight, where you are flying, to whom and who will meet you after landing. Come up with a few reasons why you should fly. Repeat this thought in your head until you get off the plane.
  4. Fourth tip. Concentrate not only on yourself, but also on other people. Understand that you are not the only one who cares about aircraft safety. Millions of people fly every day and they don’t really like it either, but they can’t do anything, because there is no other option. Look at those who have to fly with you in the same plane. If there are elderly people among the passengers, help one of them carry the suitcase. This will distract you, and the feeling of being “in the same boat” will dull the fear of flying. You understand that in this case you have the same fate with them.
  5. Fifth tip. Pray. This will help you relieve anxiety and gain peace of mind. Accordingly, thoughts about the aircraft will be in the background.
  6. Sixth tip. Treat yourself to something unusual while you wait at the airport. Buy a book or magazine that you would never normally buy, or eat a particular meal. This will help calm your nerves.
  7. Seventh tip. Be confident in yourself, regardless of inner feelings. Sitting in an airplane seat, smile at your neighbor, even if at that moment you are literally shaking. Who knows, maybe an interesting conversation that started with a new acquaintance will distract you. Then the flight will be more pleasant and faster.

These simple tips will help you relax and reduce your anxiety levels before your flight. Of course, miracles do not happen and it is impossible to completely stop being afraid of flying. However, you can improve your well-being during flights.

According to statistics, an airplane is the safest and most comfortable means of transportation. But this statement does not at all reassure those people who suffer from aerophobia (fear of flying). Do you want to get rid of unnecessary fears and learn how not to be afraid to fly on an airplane? We have prepared a special article for you!

It should be noted that absolutely all people who fly in an airplane experience some discomfort. This is due to the fact that a small vacuum is created in the cabin of the aircraft. Also, all people (even pilots) experience anxiety during the flight - this is a normal condition, and it does not mean that you are afraid to fly. But if your nerves are on edge long before the flight, you can’t even look at a standing plane and are afraid to enter it, then you most likely have aerophobia. It can be overcome if you carefully read our article. Strong forms of aerophobia are successfully treated by psychologists.

The fear of flying should be shared with other phobias. For example, some people are afraid to be in a confined space, others are afraid of heights. Aerophobia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Groundless and uncontrollable fear of flying.
  2. You squeeze into a chair during takeoff, your palms sweat a lot, and your hands squeeze the armrests themselves.
  3. You constantly monitor the operation of the engines and panic at the slightest difference in sound.
  4. You peer into the faces of the flight attendants, trying to guess their thoughts.
  5. During turbulence, you start to panic.
  6. Before you board the plane, you take sedatives, antidepressants, alcohol.

If you have observed similar, then it is really a fear of flying.

If you have aerophobia, then:

  1. Forget alcohol. Firstly, many airlines do not welcome drunken passengers on board and impose a "dry law" during the flight. Secondly, alcohol often leads to quite the opposite effect. Alcohol, getting into the stomach at high altitude (reduced pressure), is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream and causes severe intoxication. A person has increased irritability, anxiety, mood drops and a strong breakdown occurs.
  2. Don't set yourself up negatively. Do not search the web for information about air crashes, do not look at photos and do not read various horror stories. The plane is the safest transport in the world.

Some statistics

In order to reassure yourself, study the statistics:

  • every second there are from 4 to 10 thousand aircraft in the sky;
  • every day, aircraft make more than 50 thousand flights around the world;
  • aircraft carry over five billion people a year;
  • about 300 people die in air crashes a year;
  • the chance of dying during a flight is 1 in 12 million.

To give you an idea of ​​the scale, imagine that in Moscow (12 million people) only one person dies per year. These are the chances of dying during the flight.

Note: in Moscow alone, about 30,000 people die in traffic accidents every year. The chance of dying in a car or bus is much higher than on board. If you fly every day, then you need to fly 21,000 years for something to happen.

A few stereotypes about flying

According to research, most people who are afraid to fly are dominated by prejudices and stereotypes. They do not understand what turbulence is, they think that the aircraft does not have protective and backup systems, or that it can simply take and fall from a ten-kilometer height. If you want to stop being afraid to fly on airplanes, then be sure to figure out what causes them to shake. Turbulence is a normal state of the atmosphere, because it is constantly moving, changing pressure and humidity. Because of this, the air becomes non-uniform in density, and when an airplane enters it, it begins to vibrate. There is nothing wrong with that - the aircraft is designed for much larger loads. In addition, pilots are aware of turbulence zones and warn passengers in advance so that they do not worry. Over the past 20 years, not a single aircraft has been damaged or fallen due to entering the turbulence zone. This is a completely ordinary situation and you should not be afraid of it.

Second common myth: Russian airlines they use old, falling apart planes with falling wings, and pilots fly exclusively drunk. Of course, this is a fairy tale: absolutely all airlines Russian Federation, making regular flights, have a full set of international quality certificates. The crews also take regular courses, and before each flight, the pilots are checked by a medical board - no one will ever let a drunk at the helm, as this threatens with huge fines and deprivation of licenses. The pilot will not be allowed on the flight, even if he just has high blood pressure.

Note: all major Russian air carriers are members of international alliances. For example, Aeroflot is part of Sky Team, Utair is part of Star Alliance, S7 is part of OneWorld. At the same time, Aeroflot has the most modern and youngest air fleet, and Transaero Airlines has been on the list of the safest carriers in the world for several years.

You should not be afraid to fly on an airplane that is 10-20 years old. Aircraft are made with such a margin of safety that they are able to fly for more than 25 years, but during this time they simply become morally obsolete. At Russian carriers the sides are quite young - the average age is about 7-10 years, but Delta Air Lines (the most major airline planet) most aircraft are already 20 years old. But this does not prevent it from transporting millions of passengers completely safely. Absolutely all sides are carefully Maintenance and a whole bunch of checks - nothing can happen to them in the air!

A few facts

Here are some more facts that will convince you that flying is safe:

  1. In aircraft, all systems have duplicates. Even if something fails, then the second or third duplicate is immediately launched.
  2. The plane cannot fall - it rests on the air like a car on the track.
  3. In a standard aircraft, there are several fire and fuel systems, control systems and landing gear.
  4. Each aircraft has a minimum of two engines (usually four), although it can fly and land on one. Statistics say that the failure of one engine can occur once every 2 million hours (almost 230 flying years).
  5. If a plane crash does occur, then it is a combination of several circumstances at once. After each accident, experts analyze in detail the causes of what happened and make sure that this does not happen in the future.

On the plane, all systems are duplicated - it is completely safe to fly!

How to conquer your fear?

Want to conquer your fear of flying? Use the following tips:

  1. Choose your place. If you are afraid of heights, then you should not sit at the “window”. If you are afraid of closed spaces, then it is better to sit by the aisle. Are you afraid of shaking? Take a seat closer to the nose.
  2. Create comfortable conditions. Change into comfortable slippers and clothes, ask the flight attendant for a pillow and a blanket, turn on your favorite music and you will relax.
  3. Bring along a handful of hard candies or fruit-flavored chewing gum. Sweets are good for stuffy ears and motion sickness.
  4. If you feel that fear is coming, start breathing deeply. Inhale through the mouth, exhale very slowly through the nose. Concentrate, imagine that all negative emotions and experiences come out with the air.
  5. Think positive. Do not think about what might happen, imagine where you are flying, what you will do there, who you will meet and how you will relax.

In contact with

Is the pleasure of the upcoming trip overshadowed by the fear of flying? Don't waste more time on the road buying train or bus tickets, but try to get your aerophobia under control. But how to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane?

The main causes of aerophobia: where does fear come from

To make aerophobia a thing of the past, identify what causes concern. Psychologists identify several types of fear that prevent you from traveling comfortably.

Distichophobia and its consequences

Perhaps you are afraid of flying because of dyschyphobia. This is the fear of accidents. This reason is the most common, and the fears are understandable: the media massively covers every crash. If such attention were drawn to car accidents, people would be afraid to get into a car.

To calm your nerves, check out the statistics. You will see that air crashes are very rare! But it happens, people think: "If bad things happen, then it must be with me." Are you one of them? Contact a psychotherapist who will conduct a course of conversations and recommend pills for calming.

Acrophobia and how to deal with it

An obsessive fear of heights, called acrophobia, prevents you from enjoying flights. To fix it, you often have to seek professional help. After all, it is natural to be afraid of an unfamiliar environment!

But in some cases, the fear goes away when you make a little effort and start traveling by air. After 3-4 flights, the situation ceases to be unfamiliar.

Claustrophobia and effective measures to eliminate it

Fear of enclosed spaces, or claustrophobia, can play out in the cabin. It will be possible to get rid of it by buying a ticket for a seat near the porthole. In some cases, sedatives help. Sometimes passengers resort to alcoholic beverages, but the effect is debatable: fear may become stronger, and general well-being worse.

Fear of Losing Control: Trust the Pilot

Often fears are caused by the loss of control over the situation. Passengers can only rely on the skill of the pilot, who is responsible for their health and life. Often, fears can be reduced if, upon landing, the crew personally meets travelers and greets them with smiles. Seeing who will fly the plane, people calm down.

Fear of terrorist attacks

The fear of terrorists, especially on some international lines, is natural. But fears are in vain: after the 9/11 incident, security measures have been strengthened to the maximum. Vigilance is shown by the passengers themselves, if necessary, reporting information to the crew.

Remind yourself of the case of the terrorist Richard Reid: an attempt to blow up a plane failed due to the quick reaction of others. After takeoff, the passengers smelled burning and complained to the steward. He noticed that Reid was trying to light a match, and reminded him of the inadmissibility of these actions. A few minutes later, a woman sitting nearby, drew attention to the strange behavior of a neighbor. She asked what he was doing and received no answer. Then she saw that Reid was trying to set fire to the cord from the bomb in his boot, and tried to stop it. The woman loudly called for help, and then, together with the stewardess and other passengers, immobilized Reid. They tied the unfortunate terrorist with seat belts and even headphone cords. The active intervention of the passengers averted the tragedy.

There is no reason to worry, as the security services are taking all possible measures. And if necessary, remind yourself that you are able to influence the situation.

Hydrophobia: how it spoils travel

Do you tolerate small flights, but intercontinental flights turn into a nightmare when the ship flies over the ocean? The phenomenon is called hydrophobia, and it is caused by unpleasant experiences in the past.

If panic attacks occur while flying over bodies of water, look for other flights. Didn't find an alternative? It will be easier to calm your nerves by buying a ticket for a seat away from the porthole.

Ochlophobia: fear of crowds

Psychotherapists say that for some aerophobes, the reason is not the fear of getting off the ground. A passenger can calmly relate to the fact that the aircraft rises to a great height, but feel discomfort in the circle of strangers. The problem is exacerbated when a person with ochlophobia finds himself in a small chair, squeezed by neighbors on both sides, and cannot stretch his legs.

Traveling in business class helps to partly eliminate fear. If you can afford only economy class, choose seats near the aisle or porthole: you will have 1 neighbor.

Emetophobia: when nausea becomes a threat

The anxiety of travelers can also be associated with emetophobia - the fear that it will not be possible to cope with the onset of nausea. If you want to avoid the problem, take a tablet of cyclizine or lorazepam (check with your doctor first). And to do without medicines, drink a glass of warm milk before the flight: it calms the nerves.

Aerophobia or simple suspiciousness

If you are afraid to fly on an airplane, first determine the type of problem. Perhaps you do not have aerophobia, and you only need to overcome simple suspiciousness.

It is normal to be afraid of unfamiliar situations, so the excitement before takeoff is not considered a manifestation of a phobia. But when it is accompanied by physical symptoms (rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, dizziness and fainting), a specialist is indispensable. He will treat in several stages:

  • With a severe phobia, the psychotherapist will select medications that alleviate the patient's condition.
  • The doctor uses individual therapy, during which he will identify the cause of the problems. Half the success depends on whether you can identify what causes anxiety.

The methods are applied individually or in combination, and the scheme is developed by a specialist. If you're suffering from a severe phobia, rather than heightened anxiety, your chances of coping on your own are slim. Are you trying to avoid flying by any means? The problem cannot be solved by a simple desire to pull yourself together.

By asking for help at an early stage in the formation of aerophobia, you will quickly achieve results.

Common stereotypes and their failure

If it's a matter of suspiciousness, it remains to figure out how to defeat it. Think about whether it is caused by a lack of knowledge and belief in stereotypes. Common misconceptions include the following:

  • Russian pilots allegedly abuse alcohol and are therefore unreliable. But all airlines have international certificates confirming the compliance of services with international standards.
  • It is safe to fly only with airlines of large corporations. If the aircraft is at the airport, then it has passed the necessary checks. In practice, Samara Airlines' air transport will be as safe as an Etihad Airways liner.
  • It is dangerous to fly on an old plane. In fact, air transport is divided into 2 categories: serviceable and defective. The service life does not matter, because the resource of aircraft is initially large. Delta Air Lines has 50% fleet of aircraft over 20 years old. This does not prevent it from occupying a leading position in the world in passenger transportation.

If you approach the issue critically, fears will be unjustified. Are you afraid that a drunk passenger will throw a heavy object into the window, and everyone will die after the cabin is depressurized? This is impossible: the glass consists of several layers, and in addition, it will not break due to the difference in pressure overboard and in the cabin. Are you afraid that a bird will get into the engine of the liner? In modern models, the mechanisms duplicate the work, and the failure of one will not cause a tragedy. Even if all the engines are clogged with birds, the liner will not crash, but will slowly glide to the ground. The pilot and passengers in the United States were in a similar situation, and the crew coped with the task of landing the plane in New York without causing harm to buildings.

Do not invent reasons for a possible disaster: 99% of fears are unfounded.

How to stop being afraid of flying

How to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane? If you feel like you can handle it on your own, try a few things. Among them you will find a working one!

Knowing how the plane works: study the materiel

When preparing for a trip, don't look for information about accidents that have occurred on a particular airline. Although the temptation can be strong, it is more beneficial to understand the processes that await you. By understanding what the jolts or shaking are associated with, you won't assume the worst. Consider the following:

  • The feeling that the aircraft is moving at great speed is due to its set for takeoff.
  • See through the window that part of the wing is moving? This is normal during flight and there is no reason to panic.
  • Due to turbulence, it may seem that the liner is falling into a bottomless pit. The sensation occurs when the vessel enters an area with a different pressure. In fact, the difference in height is several centimeters. The feeling of falling is due to the fact that the human vestibular apparatus is not “designed” for flights, therefore it gives false information. Increases the problem and speed: all movements are felt more strongly.
  • Worried about the plane door accidentally opening? This is not possible due to the difference in pressure overboard and in the cabin.

The more you know about the structure of modern airliners, the easier it is to remain calm when entering a zone of turbulence. The chance of crashing is 1 in 11,000,000, so you'll be safe.

Flying First Class: Soothing Comfort

Ali Vanderman shares his experience in the fight against aerophobia. This freelance traveler makes a living writing travel guides and stories about her adventures. But Ali was afraid of flying until she discovered 1st class opportunities.

According to her, Vanderman had to survive 15 hours in the air. Therefore, she decided to go to the expense and ensure her comfort. As a result, for 9 hours she slept peacefully in an armchair under a soft blanket, and the rest of the time she enjoyed the menu and drinks.

If you can't afford premium comfort, buy a business class ticket. The distance between the rows will be greater, which will help overcome claustrophobia. Physical comfort largely provides spiritual!

Reading statistics before flying

Check out the statistics: they show that the risk of dying in a car accident is higher than being a victim in a crash. According to Harvard University research, you have a 1 in 13,000 chance of being struck by lightning. The risk is much higher than that of a plane crash (1 in 11,000,000), but you're not afraid to walk down the street. Accidents happen, but the hype in the media creates the illusion of their frequency.

According to statistics, in the period from 1982 to 2010 in the United States, no more than 110 people per year became victims of air crashes. And security is increasing: in the 60s. accidents occurred 1 time in 200,000 flights. Now the ratio is 1:2,000,000, so there is no reason to worry.

Keep in mind that not every failure is fatal. Even if the plane were the only one out of 2,000,000, research by the National Transportation Safety Board in the United States shows a 95% chance of survival. The situation is no different in other countries.

So that you don’t think about how not to be afraid and fly safely on an airplane, watch a video about checking air transport before a flight:

Preparing in advance: what to consider

If you feel discomfort at the thought of flying, reduce the amount of stressful situations. Arriving for check-in at the airport with a minimum margin of time is not the best idea, because you will get excited even before landing.

Then, if possible, go to the lounge: it is available to passengers of the first class and holders of certain types of bank cards. But for a fee, everyone will receive additional comfort (subject to availability). Pleasure will cost 40 €, but you will find yourself in a pleasant and calm environment, enjoy food and drinks, take a shower if you wish. If the journey is pleasant from the first minutes, you will feel more confident on board.

Register online to avoid additional stress.

Crew Credibility: Get to Know the Staff

It is not uncommon for pilots to greet passengers in person to reduce their anxiety. Some companies allow travelers to enter the cockpit before takeoff and greet those in charge of security. When you see friendly, calm people, faith in their competence will grow. Remind yourself that the crew also wants to return home, where relatives are waiting.

If there is no opportunity to see the pilots, talk to the flight attendants: ask any questions you have, ask them to pay more attention to you. But you don't have to worry about the competence of the staff. Pilots must spend at least 1500 hours in the air to get on major airlines, so they have enough experience.

Choosing the right clothes

  • Start with comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics: women will pay attention to bras, because the straps should not cut into the shoulders.
  • Choose loose trousers in black or navy blue, because they will please you with practicality. You will need a model without a belt: it can squeeze the stomach, causing inconvenience.
  • Don't wear high heels. A model with a flat sole in combination with socks made of natural material will not cause discomfort.

Also bring an eye mask so you can sleep peacefully on the flight and be ready to travel.

Useful mobile applications and entertainment on board

Are you trying to overcome your fear? Dealing with it is easier if you are distracted. Watch the movie that is shown during the flight: whether it is bad or you have already seen the tape, it is better than remembering the crash stories. Grab a book or yellow press on board to switch your attention.

Technology fans will appreciate mobile app SkyGuru, designed for the iOS operating system. It works on regular flights, telling the user what is happening at every moment of the flight. You will get an explanation for all the sounds and sensations: you no longer have to guess what the mysterious shaking of the ship means.

Do you want to completely switch attention? Use the Ana Takeoff Mode app: the puzzle won't let you think about anything else. It was developed by a Japanese airline specifically for aerophobes. The creators paid special attention to the soundtrack, and the soothing melody promotes relaxation. The volume automatically increases when the engines switch to takeoff mode, so you won't be disturbed by unfamiliar sounds.

If a child shows fear, bring your favorite toys and coloring books to the salon. Keep your child entertained and, most importantly, be calm. Seeing the confidence of the parents, the child will stop being nervous.

Maintaining fluid balance

Noisy in the head, legs seem to be wadded, does the stomach bother? The phenomena caused by a strong loss of moisture during the flight do not add calmness. So that physical discomfort does not increase psychological, drink tomato juice. It is rich in potassium and magnesium, which improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Do not lean on alcohol: its absorption increases at altitude, and the result will be unpredictable.

Ready for turbulence

When thinking about how to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane, keep in mind when it covers you . Anxiety increases when you enter the turbulence zone, but simple tricks will come to the rescue:

  • Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write your name using your left hand (for lefties, your right hand). Repeat until you calm down. The effect is based on the fact that you focus on the task and stop thinking about the bad. You also use the other hemisphere of the brain, which destroys the existing patterns. The trick was invented by Ron Nielsen, an English pilot: the effectiveness of the reception was appreciated by aerophobes.
  • Feeling the approach of a panic attack, remove the straw from the glass and breathe through it. You will reduce the flow of air into the lungs and avoid hyperventilation.
  • Book seats in the part of the aircraft closest to the cockpit or center. Shocks and shaking will be felt weaker than in the seats at the tail of the aircraft.

Remind yourself that turbulence is safe: behind the story civil aviation no more than 50 people suffered from it. Troubles were associated with the fact that passengers did not stay in their seats or luggage fell on their heads.

Turbulence is a nuisance, but a ship cannot crash to the ground in an air pocket.

Professional help

Despite your best efforts, does air travel seem like a nightmare? Consult a psychologist, but do not expect to get rid of fears after a single visit. Get ready to take a course of conversations, and, if necessary, work out on a virtual simulator. It simulates the conditions of a flight, so you get used to the sensations.

How to sleep on an airplane

Surviving the flight will be easier if you fall asleep. But how to do it on board the liner? Tips will help you:

  • Take care of your own comfort: make a playlist with soothing music, put in hand luggage favorite plaid, put on a soft sweater, even if it is out of fashion. Falling asleep in the company of 200 people, being at an altitude of several thousand meters above the ground, is difficult. To achieve the goal, you need to create convenience.
  • Do not cross your legs: if the flight takes more than 4 hours, the posture increases the likelihood of a blood clot. Ideally, you should book a seat at the window, because you can lean to the side and lean against the wall of the salon. The posture will be comfortable even if the seat back does not fully recline.

Give up on the idea of ​​making it easier to fall asleep with alcohol. The result is unpredictable, besides, after waking up, you will feel thirsty and have a headache. Discomfort will increase, and the impression of the flight will be negative.

Medicines for aerophobia

Hoping to forget your fears by taking a pill? Alas, there are no effective remedies for aerophobia. You can relieve the symptoms, but the subconscious mind will remember that flying is a frightening situation. I even had to take pills!

Manifestations of anxiety will increase, and the dose of medication will need to be increased. To solve the problem, you need to get rid of the phobia. Deal with the causes of fear, if necessary, contacting a professional. He may prescribe drugs that relieve anxiety, but they will only serve as an addition to therapy.

It is impossible to prescribe medications on your own, even if we are talking about a simple sleeping pill. After all, the consequences of the application make themselves felt within a few hours. A clouded head, drowsiness are not the best companions for travelers.

How to choose the right flight and buy a ticket

On the forums, travelers share tips on how to choose a flight and places to reduce discomfort. Recommendations include the following:

  • Traveling on direct flights is more pleasant because you will spend less time in the air.
  • Seats in the center of the cabin are suitable for those who are afraid of flying. In this part, the aircraft is stable, so the vibration will be less. But keep in mind that most models have engines located under the wings. Sitting nearby, you will hear all the noise.
  • If you suffer from fear of enclosed spaces and crowds, choose seats near escape hatches. The aisles in front of these rows are wider, and you will not feel discomfort.
  • The phobia often recedes during daytime flights, when you see through the window beautiful landscape. Darkness is associated with the unknown, which increases anxiety.

Decide in advance on the flight time and book your seats: after thinking through the details, you will get a good experience.

How to deal with rising anxiety

How to get rid of the fear of flying on an airplane if you feel like you are losing control? Take action in advance: warn the flight attendant and neighbors about the problem. You need to get support and sympathy, and not suffer alone. Many passengers are happy to entertain those who are afraid of flying with a conversation.

When air transport enters a turbulent zone, be aware of the potholes in the road. Instead of straining, relax your muscles, and you will endure unpleasant moments more easily.

If the panic persists, switch to a controlled breathing technique. Inhale through your nose and exhale while counting to 10. This will avoid hyperventilation, and focusing on the cycle will distract you from the excitement. It also helps to use a thin elastic band worn around the wrist. Pull it back and let it go: slight pain will prevent you from coming up with frightening scenarios.

What to avoid when you are afraid of flying

To make your review of the airliner experience favorable, eliminate factors that increase anxiety. Consider the following tips:

  • Avoid coffee and caffeinated products. Your nerves are excited and no additional stimulation is needed.
  • When looking for aircraft model information, don't focus on crash data.
  • Do not think that learning to switch thoughts is a difficult task. Neutralizing irrational fears is real when you have the facts. If you are afraid of turbulence, study the issue thoroughly. After all, most of the fears are due to simple ignorance! The next time you get scared, list in your mind the facts that prove that flying is safe.
  • Train yourself to ignore the hype that the media makes about small problems. For example, at the end of January 2018, an incident occurred in Russia: after the aircraft had landed, passengers were preparing to leave the cabin when one of them caught fire with a phone charger. The problem was fixed in minutes, but the media burst into headlines "The plane nearly caught fire because of the gadget." Why? Journalists want to attract an audience, and this can not be done with stories about how the crew responded to an ordinary incident in a coordinated manner.

Remember that ignorance is the main enemy. The more you know about airplanes, the more relaxed you will fly. If necessary, you will even go to the airfield and take a few piloting lessons: once you understand what is happening, you will stop worrying.

Airplane is the safest transport: a few facts

How to overcome the fear of flying on an airplane? Remind yourself of the results of statistical studies. The Department of Transportation in the United States provided data according to which greatest danger represents a car. If you're traveling on a highway, the risk of dying in a crash is 1 in 654, and for motorcyclists it's 1 in 114.

Why are people afraid of flying? Mostly because of the media hype surrounding the disasters. Each event is covered in such detail that one gets the impression that accidents occur frequently. Remind yourself of this and the fear will subside.

People with an overactive imagination will make him play into their hands. If you tend to dream up scenarios, switch to the positive. Imagine the perfect trip: start by arriving at the airport, imagine boarding, meeting nice neighbors, and flying safely. The more often you imagine the upcoming flight in a positive light, the easier it will be to cope with the task.

Do not avoid air travel, otherwise suspiciousness will play out and cover other areas of life. Overcome fear and take control of the situation!


Research by a Japanese airline showed that 72% of passengers suffer from fear of flying. In some cases, we are talking about a phobia, and it can only be overcome with the help of therapy. But you will cope with suspiciousness on your own: try the tips in practice and choose those that help you.