The biggest ice rink in the world! The most impressive skating rinks in the world At Jumeirah Vittaveli: under the tropical sun, against the backdrop of palm trees.

The largest skating rink in the world will start operating at VDNKh on December 1. The area of ​​the ice cover will be more than 20,000 square meters. As in previous years, the skating rink will be located on the main alley. It will stretch from Pavilion No. 1 "Central" to Pavilion No. 58 "Agriculture".

Ice will be poured around the Stone Flower and Friendship of Peoples fountains. On the opening day of the skating rink, a special holiday program. Aerial acrobats from the Spanish high-rise theater Grupo Puja prepared for the guests. They will present the theatrical show "The Way of the Star" with stunts at a height of 35 meters.

The design this year will be dedicated to winter sports, and the motto of the season will be the words “Sport. Winter of your achievements. An art installation with 10-meter-high multi-colored half-rings will appear in the center of the ice field. In the evening hours, they will light up the backlight.

The total area of ​​the festive installation will be about two thousand square meters. One of its main elements will be a sculpture of a figure skater dancing on ice.

In the center of the rink will be erected pedestrian bridge where you can go from one side to the other. It will offer a panoramic view.

“The reconstruction of the territory of VDNKh, which has been underway since the spring of 2017, will not prevent citizens from visiting the largest skating rink in the country,” the VDNKh press service said. — On the contrary, we have prepared an even richer program than last year. In winter, the skating rink will host many concerts, competitions and master classes.”

The press service noted that this year it was decided to continue the tradition of holding photo contests with the participation of visitors to the rink. To do this, guests are invited to take a photo of themselves against the background of the ice rink, and then post it to social networks under the hashtag #KatokVDNH.

For the convenience of visitors, four rental pavilions will be opened at VDNKh during the winter months. In warm rooms, guests can change clothes, leave things in a storage room, and rent skates. For children there is a separate ice rink with its own rental. There will be a cafe with hot drinks and food at the rink.

You can get to the rink with tickets purchased online or at the box office. You can get acquainted with the schedule of events, opening hours and ticket prices on the official website of VDNKh. This information will be made available prior to opening.

The skating rink at VDNKh will host visitors for the fourth consecutive season. In 2014, he entered the Russian Book of Records and won the title of the country's main ice rink. In 2016, the World Record Academy officially recognized him. Its total area, together with the infrastructure, is about 70 thousand square meters, and almost five thousand people can ride it at the same time.

Beloved for a long time winter fun It was ice skating. But this fun was available only at sub-zero temperatures, when water froze in reservoirs - on a river or in a lake.

The oldest skating rink in the world was organized on Petrovka in Moscow in 1862. And today it remains a favorite vacation spot for citizens and guests of Moscow.

Europe's first in the world artificial ice rink opened in January 1876. He, too, could only function in winter, but was not tied to a specific reservoir, but was flooded in an open artificial arena, which had already become a sensation at that time.

The ice covered arena was first built in Canada in the city of Victoria. She received the first skaters on Christmas Eve 1912. Its capacity was only 400 people (for comparison, some modern ice rinks have a capacity of more than 10 thousand people).

Since the first skating rinks in the world were opened, they have changed a lot, becoming larger and more powerful, the quality of the ice cover has changed, and new opportunities for various sports events have appeared. Next, we will talk about the largest ice rinks on our planet.

Lake Joux, Switzerland

This reservoir lies in the Jura Mountains in the valley of the same name at an altitude of more than 1000 meters above the sea. The area of ​​the lake is 9.5 km2. In spring, summer and autumn, this is an ordinary alpine lake, characterized by the beauty of landscapes and the purity of water. But in winter, for about 3-4 weeks, the lake completely freezes, turning into the largest natural skating rink in the world. Competitions on Lake Zhu are not arranged, only fun carnival evenings and demonstration performances in figure skating. But every day more than 3,000 amateurs ride here completely free of charge. By the way, there is practically no infrastructure in the lake area, so both adults and children enjoy spending time in nature.

This is a water channel, the oldest in North America, connects the capital of Canada Ottawa and the town of Kingston. Its length is 202 km. In spring, summer and autumn, the canal is used for its intended purpose: ships, barges, boats go through it. But in the harsh Canadian winter, the water in the canal freezes, and the authorities equip it with a giant 8-kilometer skating rink that stretches across the capital.

It could easily accommodate 900 hockey fields. It hosts an annual winter festival called "Winterlude". It includes many fun winter competitions, ice shows, ice sculpture exhibitions, music concerts and other events. But the most popular is the mass skating along the Rideau Canal.

Interestingly, this largest skating rink is also used as a kind of "ecological transport". Locals all winter get to the city center on skates along the canal. The authorities even equipped the ice track with special signs for the safety of skaters. A green light means that the ice is good, you can safely go ahead, and a red one indicates that the warming has softened the ice, you need to be careful!

Skating rink in Mexico City, Mexico

This is the largest man-made ice rink in the world. It is not yet available in any other country in the world. The rink is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It has an area of ​​32,000 square meters, and 14,000 people can ride here at the same time.

Mexico is a country with a hot climate, it is all the more amazing that it was here that the engineers were able to create this amazing ice rink. For its construction, special equipment was required; pipes were stretched underground for almost a hundred meters for cooling.

It is also interesting that this is a non-commercial project. It was built in 2008 at the expense of large businessmen, the entrance to it is free for everyone. Too bad it doesn't work all year round, it is poured a couple of weeks before the New Year and removed a few weeks after the holiday.

Skating rinks at VDNKh and Gorky Park, Moscow

In 2014, an enormous artificial skating rink was solemnly opened at VDNKh in Moscow. Its area is 20 thousand square meters.

After the Mexican one, this is the largest artificial skating rink on the planet. But it is paid, there are many skate rentals, cafes and other places where visitors spend their money.

The rink itself is very beautiful. Everything sparkles with lights, it is illuminated by 100,000 LED bulbs, and the ice is renewed twice a day. It is divided into 4 zones: children's, equipped with safety bumpers, hockey, extreme with towers and springboards, and amateur for ordinary people to ride.

No more than 5,000 skaters are allowed on the rink at the same time. Although it can accommodate more skaters, the administration believes that the crowd is unsafe and controls the flow of vacationers.

A year earlier, in 2013, a skating rink with an area of ​​15,000 square meters was opened in Gorky Park (Moscow). Also an impressive size! It quickly became popular among Muscovites and guests of the city. Entrance to it is also paid, it is surrounded by a comprehensive service: skate rentals, instructor assistance for beginners, cafes and bars for those who want to refresh themselves. Again, 4 zones are allocated here: hockey, dance (for lovers of figure skating), children's and main. For ease of movement along the ice tracks, long wooden scaffolds were built. The rink is very beautiful. It is decorated with lighting, 3D animations depict snowfall, fireworks, fire explosions and other three-dimensional illusions. Periodically, colorful ice shows and amateur competitions are tripled here.

Medeo, Kazakhstan

Another artificial ice rink that deserves attention. Located in the same sports complex near Almaty, Kazakhstan. The complex was built in 1972 on the slope of the Zailiysky Alatau mountain at an altitude of almost 1700 meters above sea level. Its area is really impressive: 10.5 thousand square meters. The ice cover here is of very high quality, more than 200 world records have already been set on this rink, for which Medeo was called the "Record Factory".

At the same time, 8100 spectators can watch the competitions here (by the number seats).

Skating rink in St. Petersburg

AT northern capital in Udelny park the 4th largest artificial skating rink in the world is flooded. Its area is "only" 4 thousand square meters. Despite a powerful advertising campaign, many visitors rate the ice rink low. They do not like its shape in the form of a "donut" 7-8 meters wide, which is good for straight running, but does not allow pirouette lovers to turn around, long queues at the ticket office are also noted (people stand for 2 hours for a ticket), cramped locker rooms. The administration replies that the ice rink is still operating in test mode, and all shortcomings will be gradually eliminated.

Red Square, Moscow

By the standards of the world's giants, this ice rink has a very modest area - 2700 square meters. It is noteworthy that it is poured right on Red Square near the Kremlin. This tradition began in 2010 and is now repeated annually. The ice rink has good quality coating that can withstand thaw up to +7°C. Both professionals and amateurs can ride here for a moderate fee. The skating rink can accommodate up to 500 visitors. Ice hockey matches and figure skating competitions are held on the ice field. A scaffolding based on a Russian fairy tale was built along its perimeter, from which it is convenient to observe everything that happens on the skating rink. Despite the fact that it is clearly inferior in size to the sites at VDNKh and in Gorky Park, it is he who is called the "Main Ice Rink of Russia".

Wollman Rink, New York

New York City has a 2,600 square meter Wollman Rink. meters. Although it was opened back in 1950, it is still very beautiful, well-equipped, and has high-quality ice coverage. The skating rink is open to everyone from late October to early April.

He became especially famous and recognizable after a couple of sentimental Hollywood scenes were filmed here. Such famous personalities as Hugh Jackman, Kate Hudson and Jim Carrey come here to ride.

Each person tries to diversify his life with various hobbies: someone loves to read books while lying on the couch, and some like active species recreation. For example, in winter, you can go to the skating rink and once again race along with pleasure. beautiful ice on skates. And if this is done on the largest ice rink, where there is plenty of space and enough for many, then this experience will be even greater. Where is the largest ice rink in the world and what is its size?

The largest skating rink in the world opened in the capital of our country in 2014 - at VDNKh. Its area is 20500 m2. According to this parameter, the ice rink at VDNKh at 1300 m2 surpassed the previous record holder in terms of area - the ice rink in the Netherlands (FlevOnice). Thus, the main ice rink in Russia is also the largest among those skating rinks that only exist in the world.

The skating rink was created divided into several zones: there is a free skating area, a children's and hockey playground, an alley of lovers, big circle and Avenue of Infinity. Therefore, every visitor here will find the place that he likes. Those who wish to enter the territory of the skating rink will have to pay from 200 rubles, but here you can rent skates absolutely free of charge. At the same time, the skating rink can accommodate up to 5,000 visitors.

This building, repeating the outlines of a golden key from a famous fairy tale, was the result of the work of experienced professionals of the highest class. During its construction, modern and resource-saving technologies were used. By design, the skating rink resembles a layer cake. After all, it was really poured layer by layer, allocating a whole hour to a layer of several millimeters. For the base of the rink, ice mats were used, which help maintain a certain temperature. Therefore, up to a temperature of plus ten in the environment, you can still skate on ice.

In addition to its huge size, the skating rink also impresses with lighting. And it is everywhere here - bridges, building facades, fences and even ice from the inside are illuminated with LEDs. The result is a beautiful light space. Everything here literally glows, every corner is illuminated. About a hundred surveillance cameras provide good supervision, and the “ice police”, which includes 40 people, is engaged in ensuring order. Surface-mounted screens and LEDs can transform an ice rink into a kind of art object in the blink of an eye.

To create a real winter mood for people, the ice rink can be covered with artificial snow. This is especially true for the celebration of the New Year. All winter long, those who wish can come here to learn the art of figure skating or take master classes with a hockey player.

The largest artificial ice rink in the world has opened in Moscow, which may soon enter. Its area is more than 20 thousand square meters, and at the same time it can receive up to 5 thousand visitors. 100,000 LED bulbs are embedded in the ice. The skating rink is divided into several zones: a children's, hockey, extreme zone, as well as a spacious zone for comfortable skating. The ice will be updated twice a day during.

1. Officially, the skating rink opened at 19 pm, but those who wanted to ride were allowed to go earlier.

2. The skating rink is really big, they made a lot of skate rental points.

3. This is already the 190th skating rink with artificial turf and artificial ice cooling in Moscow. And he really the largest artificial skating rink in the world - 20 thousand sq.m.. The former record holder has a thousand less - this is Fluonis in the Netherlands. Bronze - again Moscow - Gorky Park and its 15 thousand square meters of ice.

4. True, there are skating rinks in the world and more. But they were not created by people, but by nature itself. So, the largest skating rink in the world is on the Swiss lake Zhu. It's hard to believe, but its area is 5 million square meters. It's like 4 . Another natural skating rink opens in winter in the Canadian capital - the Rideau Canal freezes there, with a total area of ​​more than 1.5 million square meters. But this is not even a skating rink, but rather a transport artery: locals they just get to anywhere in the city - on skates.

6. Around 20 pm the grand opening began.

7. A lot of people came to the opening.

8. It was a French theatrical show.

9. Buffoons?

10. A structure with bells and musicians, similar to a church, was lifted up.

13. The children quickly took the vacant seats.

16. Light installations.

Winter is not a reason to give up entertainment. It is at this time of the year that the beauty of our climate is revealed. One of the main attractions is ice rinks. Indeed, now many fans are looking for where to ride not only in winter, but also in summer. And in the cold season, skates are loved by almost everyone. And those who do not like skates simply did not ride them.

Below we have prepared the top 10 largest ice rinks in Russia.

Each of them is unique in some way. Moreover, our list contains both indoor and outdoor skating rinks. The main thing is the convenience of skating. And what is above your head: metal trusses or open sky, not so important, is it?

The first is the skating rink in the park. Gorky. Its total area is about 18,000m2.

Paths are filled here for the winter. This is really a great solution: in addition to Pioneer Pond, you can ride in the park itself. Feelings are simply unforgettable! It can easily accommodate everyone, and if you like loneliness, then do not doubt that you can find secluded corners. It is enough just to move out of the main arteries of the movement of people. The skating rink is really huge and you can ride here without bumping into other visitors.

Skating rink rental: free, pay only for entry (200-550 rubles).
Sharpening of skates 200 rubles.
Luggage storage: 150 rubles.


Rental, adult skating rink, children's skating rink, event area, hockey rink, cafe, figure skating school, hockey school, parking, scenes.
Address: Russia, Moscow, Krymsky Val, 9.
Nearest metro stations: Oktyabrskaya, Park Kultury.

At the Krasnoyarsk ice rink, you can not only have a great time skating, but also sign up for curling sessions. This is when one person pushes a heavy stone, which needs to hit the center of the drawn target. Professional teams come here to spend time doing what they love. You can challenge them, and who knows, maybe you will win!

But its main advantage is, of course, a large area for skiing. If you live nearby, be sure to visit the Krasnoyarsk skating rink. This vacation will be remembered for a long time 14 000m2 of pleasure will not leave anyone indifferent!

Also, do not ignore the ice rink in Yekaterinburg. You need to know that it is used as a training ground for athletes. They have been working since morning. But, on the other hand, in the evening, the skating rink opens for everyone. The ice is renewed after the athletes, so ordinary skaters will not feel all the unevenness of the ice cover - skating here is really comfortable.
The size of the ice rink at the Yunost stadium in Yekaterinburg is 12,000 m2. This is enough to accommodate everyone and not create queues at the entrance.

Tomsk also boasts an ice skating rink. In summer, in its place there is a whole complex of various entertainments: from paintball to mini-golf. In winter, this space is filled with ice, so in the cold season there is enough entertainment here: an ice rink, an extreme obstacle course, ice slide. And this is in addition to the main rink.

The prices are quite democratic: 50 rubles for the entrance to the skating rink and 150 rubles for each passage of the obstacle course and the ice rink. And if you came with children and wanted to ride alone, then you can give the kids into the caring hands of educators and ride on your own.

So we came to the Main skating rink of Russia - the skating rink, which is located on Red Square. For the past 6 years, every winter it has been converted to ice rink. To get on it is considered very prestigious. In addition, demonstration performances of figure skaters and hockey matches are held here.
The rink itself is not that big.

On the other hand, the nearby GUM allows everyone to choose leisure according to their mood and pocket. In addition, as if by magic, traveling tents appear near it, where you can refresh yourself with goodies and warm yourself with hot tea. It is not foreign hot dogs and burgers that are in special demand, but our relatives pancakes, the prices of which are quite democratic. But, there are legends about their taste!

Another popular and largest skating rink in the capital is the Park of Legends. Every year its attendance exceeds incredible numbers. It can accommodate 14,000 people at a time. Cultural organizers take great care to ensure that visitors are not bored. Various entertainment events are regularly held here, which are interspersed with mass skating.

The skating rink is open, so if it is warm outside, then there can be no talk of any skating. However, after sunset, it will be possible to observe a charming picture of the starry sky. It is very romantic, so couples in love most often go here. 250 rubles ticket price, for entry.

Sports complex "Luzhniki"

The next ice rink on our list is located in the Luzhniki sports complex. It, like the previous ice rink, is of an open type. The administration is very proud that the ice that is on the rink is of natural origin. The entire ice rink is filled with water, which freezes under the influence of frost. All that remains to be done by the administration and employees of the rink is to polish the ice.

It is noteworthy that Luzhniki has a warm locker room.

Here you can change into a sports uniform. Also, those who like to skate, but do not particularly respect the cold, will be interested in the cafeteria on the territory of the sports complex. Students and schoolchildren are especially appreciated here: for them, the ticket price is reduced and fixed: 150 rubles. For the rest, entry from Tuesday to Friday costs 200 rubles, and on weekends - 300.

The skating rink is designed for 11,500 people, so everyone can fit in it!

MSC "Arena Omsk"

Omsk also excelled among the cities of Russia. Here is one of the largest ice rinks in Russia. 10,320 people can gather at the MSC "Arena Omsk" at the same time. This can be compared to the population small town. Moreover, it will not be crowded for anyone.

True, there was also a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey: due to the fact that athletes train at the MSC, it is open for quite a few visits for a short time. For free skiing, it is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday, and even then, only from 6 to half past eight in the evening.

Tatneft Arena

Another largest skating rink in Russia is located in Kazan. Its capacity is 9300 people. The owner of the skating rink is the open joint stock company LDS-1000. Everything is no frills, just a good big ice rink. But there is one caveat: the entrance here after 22 hours for minors is closed.

In LDS "Tatneft-Arena" you can rent both figure skating skates and hockey or children's skates. Moreover, you can ride here even in the middle of summer: using special ice and the stadium's closed system make this possible without difficulty.

Capacity: 8500
Cost: 35 million euros.
The total area is 28,000 m2.
The total construction volume is 250,000 m3.

UKRK "Arena 2000"

The skating rink located in Yaroslavl completes our list of the largest skating rinks in Russia. UKKS "Arena-2000 Lokomotiv" will gladly accept everyone, since its capacity will easily allow this: 9100 people can easily use its services at the same time.

Opening: October 12, 2001
Team: Lokomotiv
Architect: Skanska
Owner: Russian Railways