Swedish archipelago. Stockholm archipelago

The Republic of Albania is a state in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula, on the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. The Strait of Otranto separates Albania from Italy. In the north and east it borders on Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, in the southeast - on Greece.

Most of the country is mountainous and elevated, with deep, fertile valleys. There are several big lakes.


State structure

The state structure is a democratic republic. The head of state is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. The highest legislative body is the parliament (unicameral People's Assembly).


Official language: Albanian

There are two groups of Albanian dialects - Gheg in the north and Tosk in the south. The official language of Albania is based on the Tosk dialect, which is spoken by the majority of the country's population.

Many residents understand Greek, Italian and some Slavic languages.


Albania is the only European country with a Muslim majority. Sunni Muslims (70%), Christians (Greek Orthodox Church - 20%, Catholics - 10%) and representatives of other faiths.


International name: ALL

One lek is equal to 100 kindarks. In circulation there are banknotes of 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 lek denominations of various modifications, as well as coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 lek. There are banknotes of the same denomination of three different issues, differing from each other in appearance.

US dollars and euros have free circulation along with the national currency.

Popular Attractions

Albania Tourism

Historical and geographical features, convenience coastline, favorable climate, multiple interactions with neighboring peoples have had a significant impact on the richness and diversity of Albanian cuisine. Thus, the Albanians hold fish and seafood dishes in high esteem, many of which owe their appearance to ancient Greece, Ancient Rome ....


All tips (10%) and other additional payments are best left after the service, in case it was of acceptable quality. But you shouldn't deprive service personnel of tips - many of them work for a meager salary, receiving the main income from tips.

In restaurants, tips are usually given directly into the hands of the waiter after paying the bill, rather than being left on the table. In a taxi, the easiest way is to simply round the amount up.

Office Hours

Albania has been isolated from the outside world for a long time, the cities and resorts of Albania, fortunately, are already open to travelers and are rapidly gaining popularity. On the world map, this picturesque Balkan country is comfortably located next to Greece and Montenegro, washed by the blue waters of the Ionian and Adriatic seas.

More and more tourists are beginning to show interest and discover this region. Anyone who is looking for picturesque natural corners and interesting historical sights should visit Albania. But above all, the country offers guests healing thermal springs and wonderful beaches.

The best thermal spas

Thanks to the Mediterranean climate, clean air and the presence of thermal springs created favorable conditions for the treatment and healing of the body. Medical resorts Albania is suitable for those who suffer from diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The springs of thermal waters are saturated with hydrogen sulfide and other useful elements.

There are many medical resorts in the country. Among all stand out:

  • Bilyay. Located near the town of Kruya. Sources contain potassium, iron, magnesium and other useful compounds. Used in the treatment of chronic ailments.
  • Elbasan. The famous resort since Roman times, not far from the city of the same name. Due to the content of hydrogen sulfide in thermal waters, it is possible to treat women's diseases, alleviate problems with blood vessels, stomach, joints, and respiratory organs.
  • Vronomero. A few kilometers from Leskovik. The concentration of salts and minerals helps with various ailments.
  • Benya. Located near the city of Permet. This place has 6 springs surrounded by picturesque landscapes, open to free admission. Waters treat a variety of diseases.
  • Peshkopiya. You can find it in the vicinity of the town of the same name. His thermal waters useful for skin diseases, respiratory problems, as well as diabetes.

beach resorts

In the summer, from May to September, the beach resorts of Albania are quite in demand. Russians are allowed to visit the country without a visa if they plan to stay for up to three months.

The best resorts are concentrated on the coast of the Ionian Sea, as well as the Adriatic. Among them:

  • Saranda. Perhaps the most popular on the coast. The city has comfortable hotels and excellent infrastructure.
  • Vlore. famous place on the coast, which delights with views of pristine nature. The infrastructure here is rapidly developing, there are pebble, rocky and sandy beaches.
  • Durres. Second Big City after the capital of Albania, located on the Adriatic coast. It is easy to remember for its green parks, flower beds, sandy shores and clear water.
  • Shengjin. No less interesting beach resort washed by the waters Adriatic Sea. In the summer, life is in full swing. All conditions for rest with children are created. Here beautiful landscapes, landscaped sandy shores and many historical monuments.

Of course, on this beach towns Albania is not over. The country can offer its guests other equally attractive places with pebble or sandy shores.

Cities for unforgettable holidays

In addition, Albania has collected impressive architectural ensembles, because there are so many interesting sightseeing destinations. For example, in Durres there is a large amphitheater of Roman times in the Balkans. In Shkodra, you can see the Rozafa fortress of the medieval period.

Very interesting is old City Berat with unique Ottoman architecture. The main local attraction, the "Berat Castle" of the 13th century, rises on a mountain range.

Another city-museum can be considered Gjirokastra, which is located in the south of the state, in the valley of the largest river in the country - the Drina. Gjirokastra was built in the XII century during the Byzantine rule. Its main attraction is the ancient fortress, and the city itself is included in the UNESCO heritage.

In almost every corner of Albania you can find historical treasures, but cultural capital countries can be considered Korca, which is famous for its museums, Orthodox churches and carpet weaving center.

Albania is a democratic state in the southeastern part of Europe, its shores are washed by the Adriatic and Ionian seas.

Geographical position
The Republic of Albania is located in the west of the Balkan Peninsula, bordering Montenegro and Serbia, as well as Macedonia and Greece. In the south of the country is the Strait of Otranto, which is 75 km wide and separates it from Italy. The length of the Albanian coastal zone is 472 km.

Albania on the world map

Climate and nature
The western part of the country is dominated by a lowland area, while the remaining 70% of the territory is occupied by forests and mountains. The climate prevailing in the coastal part of the state can be called Mediterranean, and in the east of Albania - continental. Average monthly temperature in January it is -8°C, and in July +25°C. Precipitation in this area falls no more than 1800 mm per year.
The largest river in Albania - Drin, flows through the northern regions of the state, its length is 282 km. Among the smaller rivers are: Mati, Shkumbini, Vyosa and Semani. Lake Ohrid, separating Albania and the Republic of Macedonia, has a depth of 290 m, its shores are rich in unique vegetation and are under the protection of UNESCO. Lake Prespa, divided between Albania, Greece and Macedonia, has more than three thousand flora representatives. Maquis is very common on the coast of the Albanian state. About a third of its territory is occupied mountainous areas and the highest point The country is considered Mount Korab, its height is 2753 m.

Albania map in Russian

The capital of Albania - the ancient Tirana, is rightfully proud of the Historical National Museum, which is the largest in the world, it is also famous for the Etem-Mei Mosque and the local Palace of Culture - the most beautiful city building.
Tourists should definitely visit the city-museum of Gjirokastra, its symbol is the citadel, built back in the 14th century. The most visited sights of the country include: Ethnographical museum, Mekate Mosque.
City of Shkodra - oldest city Albania, famous for the Rozafa fortress and the Lead Mosque, which were able to survive well after the revolution that was in full swing in the sixties of the last century.

Administrative-territorial division
The Republic of Albania has one municipality - Tirana and is divided into 36 reti: Balshi, Berat, Bulgiz, Vlora, Gramsh, Gjirokastra, Devol, Diber, Delvina, Durres, Kukes, Kavaja, Kuchova, Kolonya, Kruja, Korca, Librazhdi, Lushnya, Lyachi , Malesi, Malacaster, Mat, Made, Mirdita, Beijing, Pogradek, Permeti, Puka, Skrapar, Saranda, Tepelena, Tirana, Tropoia, Fier, Has, Shkoder and Elbasan. Photo materials used from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons