The island of Ischia is the living water of thermal springs. Looking for deals in Ischia


Ischia is an island of volcanic origin, located between the Gulf of Naples and Tyrrhenian Sea, 40 kilometers from Naples. For the amazingly picturesque landscapes, this island was nicknamed "green", and for the healing waters of unique hot springs - "the island of eternal youth and beauty."

The thermal springs "Gardens of Poseidon", located in Forio, in the bay of Citara, are the largest complex on the island and are under the protection of UNESCO. 20 different outdoor and indoor pools with unique water composition, underwater massage, natural thermal sauna - all this will allow you to relax and improve your health.

The amazingly beautiful and picturesque Negombo Gardens in San Montano Bay and the Apollo and Aphrodite Gardens in Sant'Angelo delight not only the body, but also the eye. These parks offer fabulous views of the sea and surroundings, and in the baths themselves there are a variety of pools with different temperatures, hydromassage and a natural sauna in the grotto.

In the bay of Cartoramano, fountains of thermal water spurt directly into the sea, forming natural spa pools. All this pleasure is absolutely free, you can reach it on foot from the city of Ischia Ponte.

But not only the lush Mediterranean vegetation, thermal springs and hot healing sand attract tourists here. The island is interesting for its attractions, which, although not as many as in mainland Italy, but they deserve attention no less than the architecture and sculpture of Verona, Siena or Parma.

The main local attraction is the Aragonese castle, located on a volcanic island protruding from the sea and connected to Ischia by a thin isthmus - an artificially erected dam. The castle was built on the site of an ancient fort, and later used as a defensive structure, within whose walls the population of the whole city could hide. Currently, the Aragonese castle is a private property, however, accessible to tourists. And the best reason to visit here is the feast of St. Anne, celebrated every year on July 26, when bright shows and dramatizations from the distant past are held. However, at other times, various holidays, festivals and exhibitions are regularly held here.

Directly opposite the castle, in the town of Ischia Ponte, is the Guevara Tower. Its fate is similar to the fate of the Aragonese castle - the tower was built on the foundation of a defensive structure and was intended to protect the castle. The Guevara Tower is also called the Michelangelo Tower, as the great Italian liked to stay here. In the 20th century, the tower was a refuge for refugees, and currently it houses an exhibition center.

The defensive tower of Torione in Folio was also designed to protect the city from the sea. Today it houses a museum and an art gallery.

The gardens of La Mortella at the foot of Monte Zaro, with lush tropical and Mediterranean vegetation, were created thanks to the composer William Walton. Currently, there is a museum dedicated to him, and on the territory there is concert hall where classical music concerts are not uncommon in the evenings.

In Citara Bay there is another botanical garden - Ravino villas. Here is the largest collection of open-air cacti in Europe.

Sant'Angelo is a small picturesque local village with houses and churches in all shades of pink and narrow cobbled medieval streets. Most beautiful views open here at sunset.

The extinct volcano Monte Epomeo is the highest point of the island, perfect place for photo shoots, because from its top (and this is almost 800 meters) magnificent views of the whole of Ischia open, neighboring island Capri and Gulf of Naples. Here, right in the rock, there is a small church of St. Nicholas, which in the Middle Ages was an observation post.

In the summer residence of Luchino Visconti, called La Colombaia, there is a museum dedicated to the work of the great director. The villa is surrounded by a public park.

Helpful answer?

Ischia is a volcanic island west coast Italy, part of Naples, the most big islands in the Gulf of Naples, along with the other two islands of Procida and Capri.

The island is also often called “Enaria”, and it was also called the corner “ eternal youth and beauty." 62 thousand people live here. There are three volcanoes on this small island, the last eruption happened back in 1301. So, you can not worry and calmly go to study this picturesque corner. By the way, this island was chosen by many creative people, including composer William Walton, who moved to a sunny island from rainy England in the middle of the last century. The islet is small, it can be walked around from west to east or from north to south in 2.5 hours. And here is where you can go and what to see.

Thermal Park Poseidon Gardens

This luxurious park can be found in one of the bays of the island near the Epomeo volcano. Incredible beautiful place–golden sandy beaches that embrace mountain ranges and, of course, azure waters mediterranean sea. The park abounds with eucalyptus, pine, olive, citrus orchards, flowers and shrubs, and the main attraction is 18 pools with hot and cool thermal water. This is the perfect place for the whole family. Adults can choose any pool or go to the sauna at the hyperthermal spring in the style of ancient Roman thermae, and children will not be bored here either, shallow pools have been built for them and there are some entertainments. These waters with a high content of sulfates, mineral salts and phosphates are famous for their healing properties.

The address: Via Giovanni Mazzella, 87, Forio

Negombo Thermal Park (Parco Negombo)

And another thermal park attracts many tourists. It is located in the town of Lacco Ameno, in the Gulf of San Montano. This is a very beautiful place - green gardens, white sandy beaches, rocks. In 1946, the botanist Luigi Selvestro Camerini was so impressed with these species that he founded a botanical garden in this area. Negombo is, in general, an area in Sri Lanka, but to a scientist who traveled a lot, that the beaches of Ischia are very similar to Negombo and decided to simply name his park in honor of the South Asian "comrade". Guests of the park can, first of all, sunbathe on a luxurious beach, swim in one of the 12 pools with sea or thermal water, and soak up the park's spas. Or you can just take a walk in the park - an amazing variety of nature, about 500 species of various exotic plants!

How to find: Baia di S. Montano, 1.5 km northwest of the center of Lacco Ameno

Aragonese Castle (Castello Aragonese)

A visit to the island simply cannot be complete without a hike to the Castello Aragonese. The castle was built to protect the island from enemy raids. The fortress was built in the 5th century BC (at least the first mention of the building dates back to this time). In the 14th century, the Maschio tower was added to a simple fortress, and a century later, the castle was connected to the island with a bridge (after all, the castle is located on a separate tiny island). In the 16th century - in those days two monasteries were built inside, Cathedral and 12 churches, where the bishop lived in his beautiful residence, who ran the business in the fortress. In the 18th century, the entire population of the island lived in this castle, 1892 families who hid there from pirates. In general, from time immemorial, whoever did not live in the castle, whoever did not own it, is simply amazing! Today, the fortress is a favorite tourist destination. Inside the castle, you can see amazing frescoes by the masters of the school of Giotto (13th century).

How to find: Via Pontile Aragonese, eastern part of the island, Gragnano area

Fungo Reef

This natural reef is one of the main attractions of the town of Lacco Ameno, in the north of Ischia. The name of the reef is translated from Italian as "mushroom" - and all because in its shape this rock protruding from the sea really looks like a mushroom. For a long time this reef served as a mooring for fishing boats. Long centuries and persistent waves undermined the island, so that the rock becomes more and more like a boletus or honey agaric. Fungo even became a kind of symbol of Lacco-Ameno. Of course, such an interesting natural phenomenon simply could not help becoming legendary. For example, one legend says that two young people were deeply in love with each other, but their parents were categorically against their relationship, so the couple decided to run away from the island, but drowned near the coast. The goddess of the earth, Gaia, impressed by this love story, erected such a kind of tombstone on the site of the death of a girl and a guy. Absolutely amazing creation of nature!

How to find: Via Roma, in front of the Comune di Lacco Ameno

Torrione Tower

This tower-fortress was erected to protect the town of Forio from the raids of the Saracens in the 9th century. For many centuries, this round tower was an exclusively military facility. The building is divided into two levels. At the bottom there was a warehouse for food, weapons and water, and a garrison is located at the top. At the moment, the place where there used to be a warehouse has been converted into a museum of the city, and from above you can admire the galleries of the artist Giovanni Maltese.

How to find: Porto di Forio, next to Via Cristoforo Colombo

Soccorso Church (Chiesa del Soccorso)

A completely unique building, the church of sailors and fishermen, built in honor of St. Mary of the Snow in the 14th century. The church can be found in the town of Forio, one of the most beautiful and largest cities on the island, and by the way, the church is located just 400 meters from the Torrione Tower.

A small white temple in the Moorish and Mediterranean style is decorated with precious majolica (fired clay ceramics using painted glaze) with scenes from the Passion of Christ. Inside you can see the statues of saints, a beautiful altar with the image of St. Augustine, paintings with a marine theme, as well as two marble medallions that were transferred from the sarcophagus of the ancient cathedral of Ischia. In addition, the place where the church is located is incredibly picturesque, because it was built on a protruding cape, from where on a sunny day a magnificent view of the sea and the island opens.

The address: Via del Soccorso, 1, Forio

O The island of Ischia is located in the Tyrrhenian Sea, at the northern end of the entrance to the Gulf of Naples, off the western coast of Italy. Part of the Italian region of Campania.
The highest point of the island is the Epomeo volcano, which has been dormant for many centuries, at its peak reaching 788 m above sea level and reminiscent of its former greatness with secondary manifestations - thermal springs and fumaroles.
And skja is world famous as the center thermal treatment- the island is rich in springs of thermal mineral water of various chemical composition. In some springs, the water temperature reaches +90 C. Almost all the thermal centers of Ischia are located right on the Mediterranean coast in natural bays with sandy beaches and picturesque mountain landscapes.
The odes of the springs of Ischia have attracted visitors since Roman times, and today are widely used with a wide variety of methods - from thermal baths and underwater massages to mud baths and various beauty treatments.

Therapeutic profiles of the resorts of Ischia:
. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: . degenerative changes in the joints (osteoarthritis); . chronic rheumatic inflammations; . chronic polyarthritis; . radiculitis; . osteochondrosis; . gout and arthropathy; . myositis, fibrositis, neuralgia; . restoration of limb functions after injuries, surgical and orthopedic interventions.
. Respiratory diseases: . rhinitis and chronic inflammation of the sinuses; . inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis); . chronic adenoiditis and tonsillitis; . Chronical bronchitis; . bronchial asthma; . frontal and facial sinusitis.
. Diseases of the hearing organs: . rhinogenic deafness; . otitis media.
. Gynecology: . chronic inflammation (vulvovaginitis, adnexitis, parametritis); . some forms of secondary infertility.
. Dermatology: . eczema and eczema dermatitis; . itchy dermatoses; . seborrhea, seborrheic dermatoses, acne, folliculitis; . psoriasis.
. Peripheral vascular diseases: . phlebeurysm; . cellulite.
. Various cosmetology programs.
Thermal treatments can be taken in the thermal departments of the island's hotels, the island's central spa or unique thermal parks - the "thermal gardens of Ischia" - such as the famous Poseidon Gardens, Negombo, Tropical, Castiglione, Apollo and Aphrodite".

. . . Resorts of Ischia Porto and Ischia Ponte- beautiful sandy beaches stretch from Ischia Porto to Ischia Ponte, and magnificent pine and chestnut groves, picturesque seascapes enchant tourists. There are many hotels of various categories, commercial centers, discos, nightclubs, taverns, restaurants, boutiques, and during the tourist season the fun does not stop all night.
In Ischia Porto, the type of water is hyperthermal, contains bromine and iodine salts, as well as calcium and magnesium sulfate. Thermal complexes use the water of Fontanello springs (water temperature +60 C), Fontana (water temperature +65 C).

. Thermal center of Ischia(central hospital of Ischia) is located in the town of Ischia Porto, near the port, next to the commercial and tourist center. The center has a diagnostic, balneological, gynecological and mud treatment departments, treatment rooms, a natural sauna in the grotto, a cosmetology department, a large pool for hydromassage, a spacious gym and rehabilitation halls. All procedures are prescribed by a doctor, whose consultation is required.
Medical procedures of the center: . drinking cure, . baths (thermal, mud, mineral), . point shower. hot air baths and inhalations, . aerosols, . balneotherapy, . thalassotherapy, . magnetotherapy. laser therapy, . iontophoresis, . kinesitherapy, . lymphatic drainage, . medicinal baths. healing mud, . massages, . cosmetic procedures (anti-wrinkle, mud mask, facial massage, facial lymphatic drainage, depilation, thermal steam spray, Living Cells procedure, breast firming procedure, inorganic salt bandage, slimming bandage and much more).
In the thermal center, cosmetic masks and creams are made, which can also be purchased here.

. Thermal Gardens of Eden- a small cozy thermal park located in Ischia Ponte, on the seashore behind the castle of Aragonese. The springs of thermal waters, springing directly into the sea, form natural thermal baths along the coast, which are called "Cartoroman's Bay". The park has several thermal pools, a calm and cozy atmosphere, a magnificent view of the Aragonese castle and the island of Capri.
The Eden Gardens Thermal Park is open from late April to early October.

The resort of Forio is also rich in natural thermal springs. The most healing of them are in the basins of Chitara and Anyone. It is here that the famous thermal complexes "Gardens of Poseidon", "Paolone Monterone", as well as the ancient baths "Castaili" and "Castiglione di Soliceto" are based. The island is famous for its unique hot springs - fumaroles, which gush directly into the sea. The water rising from the seabed reaches a temperature of +90 C.
The main type of resort water is hyperthermal, sodium chloride, thermal springs with temperatures up to +100 C.

. Thermal Park Poseidon Gardens, known throughout the world as the "eighth wonder of the world", is under the protection of UNESCO. The thermal waters of the park are of volcanic origin, high temperature, rich in mineral salts, contain sodium, chloride, bromide, iodine, sulfate, and, in small proportions, aluminum, magnesium, iron, radon.
On the territory of the park are located:. 22 modern equipped pools - thermal, with sea ​​water, with hydromassage, each of which has its own name, which came from ancient Greek mythology. The waters in the pools are constantly updated, their temperature varies from +15 C to +40 C, the chemical composition also varies; . thermal department, where only highly professional specialists work and you can undergo physiotherapy, mud and cosmetic procedures, massage and inhalations; . an ancient Roman sauna at a natural hyperthermal source; . large Olympic pool with sea water; . swimming pool for children; . large equipped private beach; . variety of restaurants and shops.
The Poseidon Gardens Thermal Park is open from early April to late October. There are regular bus services to all major parts of the island.

. . . Resort Lacco Ameno- a small town surrounded by greenery, located on the northern coast of the island of Ischia. Over the past half century, it has transformed from a fishing village into a seaside climatic and balneological resort equipped with the latest technology and known throughout the world.
mild climate, thermal waters of numerous mineral springs(radon sulfate-chloride sodium, temperature up to +73 C) and sulfide silt mud are used to treat various diseases. The main type of water is hyperthermal, sulphate-alkaline. Springs - Santa Restituta (+60 C), Regina Isabella.

. Negombo Gardens Thermal Park- one of the most beautiful thermal parks of the island, immersed in lush southern greenery.
On the territory of the park are located:. 12 pools with thermal or sea water, including a double contrast pool, a Japanese labyrinth, a grotto. All pools with hydromassage; . sandy beach 2.5 m wide; . beauty salon; . restaurant; . three bars: diet bar, seafood bar, self-service bar; . banquet halls for up to 500 people; . an outdoor concert hall where music concerts and folklore performances are held on warm summer evenings.
Negombo Gardens Thermal Park is open from April to October.

. . . Resort of Casamicciola- located near the crater extinct volcano Rotaro. The hot springs of Casamicciola gushing out of the ground have been known since time immemorial. They have always been considered healing and with their help they treated various diseases. On the territory of Casamicciola there are several natural sources hot mineral water, united in the pools Gurgitello, Rito and Castiglione. On the basis of Castiglione, a thermal park of the same name was formed.
In Casamicciola, the type of water is hyperthermal, contains bromine and iodine salts. Springs - Beliazzi (Gurgitello +85 C, Capone +25 C), Vincenzo Fiola (+ 85 C), Lucibello (+68 C), Maltempo (+85 C), Rita Francesco Monti (+72 C), S. Rita n .1 (+94C), S. Rita n.2 (+94 C), Elisabeta (+78 C).

. Thermal Park Castiglione- located in a cozy bay between Casamicciola and Ischia Porto, on the slopes sea ​​coast, immersed in the greenery of centuries-old pines and Mediterranean flowers.
On the territory of the park are located:. thermal center with qualified medical staff and a wide range of treatments - balneotherapy, mud therapy, inhalation and many other thermal treatments, . 8 pools with thermal water of different temperature conditions from +30 C to +40 C,. olympic sea water swimming pool, . Kneipp pool with water temperature from +15 C to +40 C,. natural sauna, . small beach in the rocks, . restaurant with a magnificent sea panorama, . cozy bar. funicular and car park.
The Castiglione Thermal Park is open from mid-April to mid-October.

In Ischia, there are also “wild” sources of treatment, for example, in the bay of Sorgetto, where hot underground waters rush right into the sea, creating natural thermal baths, so you can swim here even in winter.
The small drinking spring Olmitello is located 100 meters from the longest beach in Ischia - Maronti. The spring water, with a temperature of about + 27C, contains bicarbonates, alkali, sulfates, is effective for diuresis, diseases of the digestive system, liver diseases, gastritis. Due to the proximity of thermal springs, the sand of Maronti beach has healing properties and is used for sand baths.
Not only in Ischia, but throughout Italy, the Nitrodi spring is famous with a water temperature of about + 28C. Its water contains bicarbonates, alkali, sulfates and is effective in the treatment of: wounds, skin diseases (including psoriasis), diseases of the digestive system. The spring waters are suitable for ingestion. The source bubbles up in the village of Buonopane in a small valley, nestled comfortably among the slopes of Mount Epomeo, and turns into a stream, lost on the beach of Maronti. Open areas for sunbathing, “showers” ​​carved into the rocks, from the ceiling of which life-giving water flows, a natural bath in the form of a depression in the ground, where the body, wrapped in sulfate steam, is completely freed from muscle tension, and the skin is saturated with mineral salts.
On the island there are many hotels of various categories, commercial centers, discos, nightclubs, taverns, restaurants, boutiques. Here you can go horseback riding, sailing, windsurfing, scuba diving. At the disposal of the guests of the island football fields, tennis courts, playgrounds for basketball, volleyball and handball.
While relaxing in Ischia, you can make exciting excursions to Naples, climb the majestic Vesuvius, visit Sorrento, Amalfi, Positano, Ravello and the island of Capri. Among the sights of Ischia - Aragonese castle, Historical Museum in Lacco Ameno and the Botanical Garden in Forio.

The island of Ischia is located in Italy, and is the most big island in the Gulf of Naples,area of ​​the Island of Ischia 46 square kilometers. Tourists love it due to the fact that it combines a variety of picturesque, historical and cultural attractions.

The island itself is relatively small, but a very large number of hotels, parks, spa centers, and beaches are concentrated here. .

If you are traveling by your own car, then you should know that from Easter until the end of summer, only residents can move around the island by car and motorcycle. The rest of the time, it's very hard to find free parking, so basically everyone uses a paid one, a special coupon for which you can buy in tobacco or newspaper stores. In extreme cases, you can use a taxi service, the price of which within the island is 12.00 euros, or you can rent a car (Lasolino 24, tel. 081985720).

Those who love boat trips should like this service on the island of Ischia, like sea ​​excursions, they provide an opportunity to visit such beautiful places as the island of Capri, Procida, Ventetene, Positano, and Ponza (the agency's office is located at Casciaro 49, tel. +39081983636).


The best attractions on the island of Ischia, are the volcanoes Trabotti, Monte Vezzi and Epomeo which is the most high point on the island. But do not be afraid of them, the last eruptions here were in the 12th century.

Tours: Great way to spend time in Ischia- this is an order of group or individual excursions. On the site you can find suitable excursions from Naples and Rome to the island of Ischia, as well as Bus tours, transfer and entrance tickets to the thermal parks.

But of course the most important and beautiful attraction of the island of Ischia is Aragonese castle in which at all times only the wealthiest lived and influential people. Perhaps partly thanks to him, the island is very popular with directors.

It is located on a separate island with a total area of ​​56,000 square meters. For visitors there are cafes and eateries. It is open every day from 9.00 to 7.30. Entrance fee 10.00 euros.

Another attraction about. Ischia worth a visit Museum of Saint Restituta(Museo Santa Restituta). It is divided into a museum and an archaeological site Antiquarium. The museum houses various cups, jugs, plates, ceramic vases, as well as bronze sculptures of Saint Restituta.

The Antiquarium contains finds from different eras. Here you can see memorial plaques, funerary decorations, coins, statues of the 4th century BC. Clay products are striking in their quantity. Entrance fee 3.00 euros. Opening hours from 9.00-12.30 and 16.00-18.00, except Sunday.

Must visit botanical garden of Villa Mortella(Villa la Mortella). The garden has more than three thousand rare plants brought here from different countries. All these plants in combination with streams, pools, fountains create a very beautiful picture. In addition, a gorgeous view of the bay of Forio opens from here. It also often hosts classical music concerts. Entrance fee: garden 12.00 euros, children from 6-12 years old 7.00 euros, entrance to the concert 20.00 euros.
One of the largest collections of succulent plants in Europe can be seen in the Ravino Gardens (Giardini Ravino) located in the town of Forio on Panza 140.

thermal springs

The Isle of Ischia is also famous for its thermal springs, which have healing properties. Terme Ischia are known all over the world, the ecology and climate on the island contribute to effective treatment and relaxation. I think no one will remain indifferent when they see beautiful hills planted with vineyards or breathing in the air of a pine forest, I'm not talking about the sea air and sandy beaches.

The wellness centers of Terme Ischia can indeed offer real medical therapy, under the supervision of experienced professionals. These include: hydroponic baths, mud baths, inhalations, aesthetic and therapeutic massages, saunas, baths, whirlpool baths and great amount cosmetic procedures. .

Hot springs are divided into four groups due to different chemical composition and healing properties: saline, alkaline, bicarbonate and high-temperature. On average, the water temperature is from 28° C to 40° C, and high-temperature springs up to 70° C.

Thousands of people come to the island of Ischia for the treatment of injuries, endocrine, gynecological, hormonal, dermatological, vascular, rheumatic and neurological diseases, as well as diseases of the respiratory system. As far as I know, even cosmetics (creams, lotions, masks, scrubs, etc.) produced under this brand (Terme Ischia) can be bought in the CIS countries.


There are a lot of hotels on the island of Ischia, they can be divided according to prices, stars and many other criteria, but I decided to write about a few that are located in close proximity to the city center. You can find prices for these and many other hotels in Ischia with the cheap hotel search engine.

Enter the title desired hotel and compare Ischia hotel prices :

  • Strand Hotel Delfini (5 stars) - good hotel, overlooking the Aragonese castle, all services, thermal springs, treatment, etc. Reasonable prices (tel. +39081981341, +39081981842).
  • Hotel Terme Parco Verde (4 stars) - the hotel is located 300 meters from the center, 500 meters from the sea, thermal pools, park, beauty salon, Turkish bath and other wonderful services. Address st. Mazzella 43, tel. +39081996999.
  • Hotel Terme Principe (3 stars) - the hotel is located in the center, 50 meters from the sea, thermal pools, jacuzzi solarium, spa, garden, etc. Address st. Via Roma 116, tel. +39081994466, mobile: +393661057055.
  • Hote Aragonese (3 stars) - the hotel is located within walking distance from the historic center of the island of Ischia, in close proximity to local attractions. Address G. B. Vico 76, tel. +39081992431, mobile +393387272862.
  • Hotel Nettuno (3 stars) - a great option for families with children, swimming pool, private beach, is in the center. Address Via Bafile 23, Tel. +390421370301.

And finally, a video that will give an idea about the island of Ischia:

Basic moments

Ischia is of volcanic origin. There are three extinct volcanoes on the island: Epomeo (789 m) and Trabotti (521 m) in the center, as well as Monte Vezzi (395 m) in the southeast. Tourists have nothing to worry about: the last eruption in Ischia was back in 1301.

Rest here has become popular thanks to the unique thermal parks. It is believed that the largest number of thermal pools in Europe is concentrated on the island of Ischia. This is a real natural gift - local dirt and mineral water have healing properties and are able to relieve fatigue and stress, increase immunity and rejuvenate the skin. The island of Ischia has become a real symbol of beauty and youth in Italy.

The first settlers set foot on the land of Ischia around 4 thousand years BC. Today, more than 6 million travelers visit the island every year. During the high tourist season, not only foreigners come here: Ischia receives a large number of Italians who want to spend their holidays or weekends here with children and friends. It becomes especially crowded in the island resorts in the hottest months of the year - in July and August.

Such an influx of tourists is quite understandable. In Ischia, you can find everything that a sophisticated travel lover can want: magnificent beaches, transparent sea, coniferous forests, groves of olives and lemon trees, vineyards, winding mountain paths, as well as many archeological monuments and ancient temples. It is worth adding also the healthy climate of the Mediterranean and the exquisite local cuisine. In addition, the island of Ischia is famous as a place for family tourism: it is not too noisy here and comfortable conditions for children are created.

island terms

Iskitansky thermal parks have long become a favorite place for tourists coming to the island. These parks are specially equipped and landscaped areas, where there are several pools with thermal water. All day the water in them is constantly cleaned. And when the parks are closed for visitors in the evening, the pools with thermal water are completely cleaned.

In total, there are six parks on the island of Ischia: Poseidon Gardens, Eden, Castiglione, Tropical, Apollo and Aphrodite and Negombo. Almost all of them are located on the seashore in bays protected from the wind and are adjacent to excellent beaches. Such parks have become real health and relaxation centers of island resorts. In addition to medical procedures, tourists can take advantage of professional cosmetology services and massage sessions here.

Most of the island hotels have their own sources of thermal water, so even in the cold season, tourists who come to Ischia enjoy warm healing water in equipped thermal pools. The water in them is saturated with salts of sodium, sulfur, calcium, chlorine and potassium. Some of the island's springs are rhodon, that is, they have a high level of natural radioactivity. They have different temperatures - from +20 ºС to +90 ºС.


The island of Ischia is located in the Mediterranean zone, characterized by a mild climate. Most travelers can be seen at local resorts from late April to mid-October. However, hot radon springs, mixed with sea water on the coast, allow guests of the island to take comfortable baths at any time of the year.

In May, when the swimming season begins, the water in the sea warms up to a temperature of +17...+19 ºС. By the end of the month, the sea becomes even more comfortable (+20 ºС). When the swimming season on the island comes to an end, the sea water temperature reaches +22 ºС. Summer in Ischia is very hot, and the air can heat up to +40ºС, with an average temperature of +25ºС in June, +28ºС in July, and +29ºС in August. For each of the summer months, 5-7 rainy days will fall.

Winter on this Italian island is quite warm, and the thermometer rarely drops below +7 ºС. By nature, the winter months in Ischia are more like the beginning of autumn in middle lane Russia. December is considered the rainiest of the year - about half of this month it rains over the island.


Ischia is simply created for comfort beach holiday and windsurfing! The entire coast of this island is covered with small bays with beautiful sandy and pebble beaches, and between them there are picturesque rocky capes. In coastal waters, you can watch the movements of several species of dolphins, sperm whales and common whales. In recent years, the number of cetaceans has been sharply reduced throughout the Mediterranean, but near the island of Ischia, dolphins are common visitors. In this regard, the coastal waters of the island are planned to be included in the marine reserve.

The largest beach in Ischia is Marina dei Maronti, which means "quiet beach" in Greek. It is located in the municipality of Barano. The beach is very beautiful and is considered one of the most popular among tourists. Italian beaches. Marina dei Maronti stretches in a long sandy arc for 3 km and is protected from the coast by green hills. In addition to excellent sand, it is famous for its healing mud and thermal springs, some of which have been known since the time of the ancient Romans.

The Marina dei Maronti beach was popular with pirates. Due to the nature of the seabed, they could come directly to the shore with their ships. According to surviving legends, the pirates hid their stolen treasures in the surrounding hills.

They get to the Marina dei Maronti beach from the port of San Angelo by sea taxi or by land on buses No. 5, 10 and 11. It is also convenient to get to the beach by car along the road leading to Testaccio. In this case, travelers can use the guarded parking located near the beach.

Another beach popular with guests of Ischia is located at the foot of the Epomeo peak, near Punta Imperatore and is called Citara Beach. It is famous for its exceptionally clear waters and the proximity of the Poseidon Gardens thermal springs.

Not far from the suburbs of Ischia Ponte lies the 300-meter-long beach of Cartaromana. It is very popular with vacationers, thanks to the hot springs that go straight into the sea. Near this beach it is interesting to take unusual baths and dive.

Cartaromana beach

Resort infrastructure

Ischia has a rich tourist life. Many hotels, tourist attractions, night discos and clubs, taverns, restaurants, pizzerias, souvenir shops and small shops have been built on the island. And it's all surrounded beautiful beaches, as well as dense groves and gardens.

Administratively, the island is divided into regions: Serrara, Ischia, Forio, Barano, Lacco Ameno and Casamicciola. Forio is the largest city in Ischia. It houses the popular thermal park Poseidon Gardens. The coastline in this part of the island is heavily indented with small coves, so here you can find many cozy beaches for a secluded holiday.

The seaside town of Serrara is very beautiful and is located near the small fishermen's village of Sant'Angelo. Painted in various shades of pink, small houses, modern comfortable hotels, narrow streets, temples, restaurants and small boutiques attract many travelers to this part of Ischia. Moreover, there are two thermal parks near the town.

most popular thermal spa is considered a small and quiet town of Casamicciola, where a park with thermal pools "Castiglione" was created. It is located near the crater of the long-extinct volcano Rotaro. Casamicciola is divided into the "upper" part, in which most of the hotels are concentrated, and the "lower" or port, which is considered an excellent place for health promenades.

They go to the smallest island town - Lacco Ameno - for the sake of the Negombo park, which is spread over picturesque beach coastline in San Montano Bay. One of the attractions of this settlement is the Fungo (mushroom) tuff rock, which has become a recognizable tourist symbol of Ischia. Her image can be seen in all guidebooks around the island.

Sights of Ischia

One of the main attractions of the island is the Aragonese castle, located on an island of volcanic lava, 220 meters from the southeastern part of Ischia. Alphonse V of Aragon erected this picturesque fortress on rocky cliffs in the middle of the 15th century. However, she did not appear empty place. Historians know that the medieval castle was preceded by earlier buildings, the first of which appeared on the island in 474 BC. The Aragonese castle served as a place of refuge for the inhabitants of Ischia during the attacks of sea pirates.

The ancient town of Forio is no less loved by the guests of the island. He is said to be one of the most charming places Ischia. Narrow streets and winding lanes still remind of the pages medieval history. calling card Forio became the snow-white church of the Virgin Mary Helper, rising high above the sea. It is so laconic and beautiful that many rightly consider this church one of the most beautiful in Italy. The architecture of the Christian church, built in the 18th century, traces the traditions of Moorish and Greco-Byzantine architecture. And from the church square there is a panorama of the city streets and a great view of the sea coast.

In the historical center of Forio there are 12 ancient fortress towers, which at one time served as watchtowers. They were built and fortified from the 9th to the 18th centuries and had cannon armament to repel enemy attacks from the sea.

Church of Our Lady of the Help in Forio

The most famous of the towers - the round Torrione - was erected in the 80s of the XV century. It rises above the port on a high ledge of tufa. From this tower it was convenient to monitor a significant part of the sea coast. And if the ships of Turkish pirates were approaching the island, it was possible to have time to alert the military garrison of Forio in time. Today, inside this tower there is a museum, on the lower floor of which temporary exhibitions are held, and the upper floor is given over to the exhibition of works by the painter Giovanni Maltese.

This is not the only museum in Forio. In the villa "La Colombaia", which belonged to the famous director Luchino Visconti, a museum named after him has been operating for more than 10 years. Here you can see rare photographs capturing the moments of filming famous films and the personal life of the master, as well as a collection of stage costumes in which the most famous heroes of Visconti films were filmed.

In Lacco Ameno, at Villa Arbusto, it is interesting to visit the archaeological museum. Its collections are highly valued by experts, as it is one of the few museums in the world that exhibits samples of ceramics from the Neolithic period to the Roman Empire. The real decoration of the museum is the ancient cup of Nestor with Greek inscriptions.

In Ischia Ponte there is a curious museum of the sea, located inside the Clock Palace (XVIII century). The collection of the Maritime Museum includes ancient compasses, navigational instruments and depth gauges, which were previously used by Italian sailors and fishermen.

island festivals

Ischia is famous as a venue for noisy and colorful holidays and festivals. On a relatively small island, there are about 70 churches and places of worship, which speaks of the ardent religiosity of the Iskitans. In island towns and fishing villages all year round there are obligatory celebrations in honor of patron saints, harvesting, religious manifestations and ceremonies.

In the spring, on the day of the celebration of Easter, thousands of inhabitants of Ischia gather for the procession of the Easter angel. In mid-June, the annual fireworks festival takes place in Lacco Ameno, and the sky lights up with bright multi-colored fireworks.

The largest and most crowded holiday is St. Anne's Day, which is celebrated on July 26. During this grandiose festival on the island of Ischia, processions, theatrical performances take place, and boats decorated with flowers are lowered into the sea.

In late September - early October, many tourists specially come to Ischia to participate in the large-scale "Wine Festival", where you can taste young wine. This fun holiday is always accompanied by dances and performances by street musicians.

On the eve of Christmas, nativity scenes appear all over the island of Ischia. Figurines depicting biblical heroes are prepared very carefully and many are real works of art. Large and small nativity scenes are made in the courtyards of houses, in public institutions and in city squares.

Vineyards on the island of Ischia

Features of the Iskitan cuisine

Island cuisine is very similar to the Neopolitan, but retains its own characteristics. In almost all restaurants here you can try deliciously cooked Iskitan rabbit. This dish is considered a traditional dish local residents during Sunday lunches. Rabbits are bred on the island itself in natural conditions.

Bread in Ischia is very fragrant, because here they prefer to bake it according to old traditions - in wood-fired ovens. Italian cuisine is inconceivable without pasta, and on the island they like to use a special sauce for it, for which they grow small round tomatoes - "piennoli", which have a pleasant sweet and sour taste.


In Ischia, as in the entire Neopolitan region, excellent pizza is prepared. And local fishermen supply restaurants with mussels, squid, groupers, sea ​​urchins, king mackerel, tuna and octopus. When relaxing in Ischia, it is worth trying potatoes and eggs baked in the hot sands near the fumaroles and wrapped in foil, as well as delicious chicken in a bag - “pollo al cartoccio”.

The pride of the island is delicious sweets, most of which can only be tasted in Ischia. This is a rum baba with ischitan lemon liqueur, rococo, mostacciuoli, chiacchiere and pastiera. On the streets in the island towns they sell delicious crispy pastries - taralli, which are small rings woven from strips of dough, to which almonds and peppers are added.

On the coast Italian island so many restaurants, pizzerias, bars and cafes have been built that it is almost impossible to determine which one is the best. A common feature of all places to eat in Ischia is excellent cuisine, outdoor terraces with magnificent views of the Gulf of Naples and a real cult of coffee. This is not surprising, because this part of Italy preserves the oldest coffee roasting methods in Europe. Connoisseurs of aromatic drink will be pleasantly surprised by its excellent quality.

Connoisseurs of fine wines get no less pleasure in Ischia. The culture of Hellenic winemaking was brought to the island in 700 BC. the inhabitants who landed here Greek island Euboea. And today, rare grape varieties are cultivated in Ischia, from which famous brands of wines are then produced: Biancolella, Ischia Bianco, Forastera d’Ischia, Per’e Palummo and Ischia Rosso. One bottle of such a fragrant drink is enough to turn dinner in a coastal restaurant into a gourmet meal!

What to bring from the island

The choice of souvenirs has never been a problem for travelers visiting Ischia. The inhabitants of the island are known throughout Italy as excellent craftsmen in the manufacture of coral jewelry, as well as handicrafts made of wood and wrought iron. On the island you can buy excellent bright ceramics and majolica. The shop at the ancient Manella ceramics factory, where you can buy elegant dishes and jewelry, is distinguished by a special assortment and inexpensive prices for such products. In addition, many tourists try to take away local delicacies from the island - limoncello and rucolino liqueurs, specially packaged rum baba and bottles of fine Iskitan wine.

The production of natural cosmetics is developed on the island of Ischia, so travelers take aromatic soaps, rejuvenating masks and nourishing creams, which are made using fragrant island herbs and healing mud from thermal springs, as souvenirs.

How to get there

Ferries and speed boats run from Naples and Pozzuoli to the island of Ischia. Ferries cover a distance of 40 km in an hour. Boats from Capri and Procida also sail to Ischia. The main island ports are located in Ischia Porto, Forio and Casamicciola. Private boats usually moor at Sant'Angelo and Lacco Ameno.

by the most major island The Gulf of Naples is Ischia. For its extraordinary beauty and unique natural landscapes, it has long been called green. Here you can not only soak up the sun on the beach, but also improve your health. On the territory of Ischia there are world-famous healing springs that Italy is so proud of. The area without exaggeration resembles paradise. You can endlessly enjoy the riot of green plants, the view of the golden bays, the transparency of sea water. An important aspect of a successful holiday is the hospitality of local residents: they are always friendly towards guests.

History of the island of Ischia

Interesting, but resting on a green island is far from new. It became a resort in ancient times thanks to healing springs. Perhaps that is why there is a myth about the creation of the island. He tells that the time of the creation of Ischia coincides with the battle of the Giants. In the battle, Jupiter threw a huge piece of rock at Typhon. To avoid a collision, Venus changed its flight path, so a piece of rock fell into the Gulf of Naples. So the goddess replenished her own collection of islands.

Venus loved her islands very much. Ischia was no exception: she made it green and populated with many outlandish animals. The vengeful Typhon did not like this, he did not want to leave the island alone. His anger was constantly vented through earthquakes and constant volcanic eruptions. At the present stage, the local volcano is in a state of rest. His hot breath finds a way out through numerous underwater craters, which are thermal springs.

For the first time, Greek settlements arose here in the 8th century BC. Ischia was originally a sentry post in the Mediterranean. Much later, with the advent of the Roman period in history, mansions of wealthy citizens and nobility began to be built on the island. And since the 16th century, not only Italy, but the whole of Europe, represented by wealthy people, regularly improves their health in Ischia.

At the present stage, Ischia constantly receives tourists from all over the world in 5 resort centers.

Geography of the island

The location of Ischia is very advantageous: it is only 30 kilometers from Naples. The island has a volcanic nature, its area is 47 square kilometers with a population of 60 thousand people. The territory is also decorated with three volcanoes - Epomeo and Trabotti in the center and Monte Vezzi in the southeast. Getting from Naples to Ischia is easy: by regular ferry (the crossing takes about 1.5 hours) or by speedboat (in just 35-40 minutes).

This paradise is famous for its sandy beaches located in cozy bays. The water in the sea is clear, so you can easily see the seabed. AT holiday season sea ​​waves are very warm: their temperature reaches 20 degrees by May, so as not to cool down until the end of October. The climate is mild, Mediterranean, when dry hot summers are replaced by wet warm winters. Olive trees have been grown here since time immemorial, and you can stroll through fragrant orange and lemon groves.

The shape of the island is round. A fairly picturesque road runs along its perimeter, which connects the resort towns from Ischia Port to Casamicciola through Lacco Ameno, Forio and Barano.

Thermal parks - the wealth of the island of Ischia

Italy is famous for its balneological resorts of the island all over the world. There are more than a hundred natural thermal complexes on its territory. This number is due to the fact that the nature of the island is volcanic. Thanks to the healing water and the unique composition of the mud, local recreation helps to cope with such problems:

  • Rheumatism;
  • Consequences of injuries of various origins;
  • Arthritis;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Skin ailments;
  • Children's diathesis;
  • Psoriasis.

In Ischia, you can visit six thermal parks that Italy is so proud of. They have no analogues in the country and were built according to the most modern requirements literally in recent years. Let's take a quick look at each of them:

  • Gardens of Poseidon

Location - the village of Forio, in the bay of Chitara. It includes as many as 20 outdoor and indoor thermal pools. The water in them is constantly updated and is unique in terms of chemical composition. The variety of sources is amazing, here you can find:

  • Contrast pools with water temperature of 15 and 40 degrees;
  • Cascades;
  • Natural thermal sauna;
  • Foot pools;
  • Places for underwater massage.

The springs are surrounded by unique tropical vegetation. Italy is trying to preserve the Poseidon Gardens in their natural forms, because in the world they are known as the eighth wonder of the world. The thermal park also has a special status of UNESCO, being under the protection of this world organization.

  • Gardens of Apollo and Aphrodite

Located in the cozy town of Sant'Angelo on the mountain terrace of the island of Ischia. This park includes 12 thermal springs with varied water temperatures. Holidays in the Gardens of Apollo and Aphrodite are striking in their diversity: there is a pool with hydromassage, underwater massage and even a sauna in a natural grotto. The terrace of the park offers a view of the amazing town and the picturesque bay located nearby.

  • Negombo Gardens

This thermal complex is located in the Gulf of San Montano, in Lacco Ameno. It is suitable for a quiet and cozy rest, meditation, time alone with your thoughts. Rest here can be diversified with a sauna, hydromassage and a foot pool.

  • The Baths of Castiglione (Casamicciola) and the Gardens of Eden (Ischia Ponte)

These parks are small. On their territory you can find several thermal springs of closed and open type, underwater massage and hydromassage.

  • Cartaromana Bay

It is considered another unique place for which Italy is known among tourists. It is notable for the fact that a jet of water from thermal springs hits directly into the sea. Thanks to this feature, thermal pools are located directly on the beach.

Many hotels in Ischia (Italy) have their own small springs.

Many people come to the island solely for the thermal springs. Them healing power allows you to restore the body, rejuvenate, relieve stress and tension without the use of any medicines. By the way, local thermal waters are actively used for the production of cosmetics (it is made on the island). Lotions and creams based on them rejuvenate, cleanse and tone the skin, help restore elasticity.

Attractions of the island of Ischia

Holidays on the island can be not only healthy, but also exciting. Due to the fact that even in antiquity life was seething here, tourists know Ischia as a location of attractions:

  • The Aragonese castle is located in the capital of the island and is medieval fortress. It was built on the site of ancient ancient fortifications (they date back to the 5th century BC).
  • Cathedral of Santa Maria;
  • The main street of Ischia is Corso Vittoria Solona, ​​which is named after the poetess and friend
  • Michelangelo (restaurants and fashion stores are concentrated on it);
  • Church in the city of Forio;
  • Fungo Reef (translated as "mushroom") in the sea near the city of Lacco Ameno;
  • Epomeo Volcano (on its summit there is viewpoint with great views).

You can easily drive around the island on your own: buses and ferries run quite regularly.

Holidays in Ischia: how to choose a resort?

  • Ischia Porto

It is the island capital and consists of two parts. One is the port, and the other is named after the local bridge. Of course, the infrastructure is well developed here, so the rest will be held at the proper level. Although not every tourist will enjoy the hectic life of the capital. From the city, it is easiest to get out to the mainland or on a city tour. In addition, in order to improve the health of tourists, a modern thermal center has been opened. It is a hospital of the highest class and willingly accepts tourists from around the world.

  • Ischia Forio

The largest city on the island, which will make it easy to organize a comfortable stay. In addition to modern complexes and the Poseidon Gardens, you can visit the ancient baths. There is also the widest beach strip in Ischia. Tourists also like local shopping streets, where you can look for something special as a memory of the trip. The city is suitable for those who want to spend time calmly, without unnecessary noise, discos and frequent trips to Naples.

Here you can visit the unique Gulf of Sorgetto. In it, a hot thermal spring flows directly into the sea.

  • Casamicciola

The crumbled town is located at the very foot of the extinct Rotaro volcano. The resort is famous for its thermal park called Castilene Gardens. Locality combines several thermal springs into three pools (Rito, Gurgitello, Castiglione).

  • Serrara and the local village of Sant'Angelo

The town and the fishing village are located so close that they are actually perceived as a single whole. This piece of paradise will please you with affordable beauty: small houses of pink shades, stylish and modern hotels, cozy narrow streets, pizzerias, taverns and, of course, thermal parks. Holidays in Sant'Angelo have been considered very prestigious in recent years. Nevertheless, there are no noisy discos in the town, everything is calm and quiet.

  • Lacco Ameno

Rest in this resort will take you to a height of 788 meters. The town is the smallest of the local centers, it is located at the foot of the Epomeo volcano. Despite the small area, Lacco Ameno has something to surprise guests. There is a cozy church of Santa Restituta, a thermal park Negombo Gardens, an archaeological museum. The town has transformed from a small village in just 50 years, becoming a world-famous balneological resort.