Ota type ships. A ship that is a home

On May 14, 2010, a solemn ceremony took place on the embankment of Krasnoyarsk, dedicated to the assignment of the names of famous rivermen, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who made a great personal contribution to the development of shipping on the Yenisei, to the ships of the Yenisei Shipping Company.

By order of the General Director of JSC "ERP" dated April 8, 2010 No. © 15.3-01-10-12 and on the basis of agreement with the Central Office for State Supervision, the tugboats were given the following names:

  1. m/v "OT -2034" - "Captain Zakharov",
  2. m/v "OTA-914" - "Captain Smirnov",
  3. m/v "OTA-949" - "Captain Ilyinsky",
  4. m / v "OTA-936" - "Captain Likhansky".

The event was attended by employees and veterans of the Yenisei Shipping Company and its branches, relatives of honored rivermen. The guests of honor were representatives of the regional and city administrations.

Opened the event CEO ERP Alexander Ivanov: “Today is a significant day in the history of the Yenisei River Shipping Company, which in February 2011 will celebrate its 80th anniversary. For 80 years, a lot of talented, truly dedicated people have worked in the Yenisei Shipping Company. And today we assign the names of our best employees to our best crews.”

Relatives of the people whose names the motor ships are named also made a response.

The event ended with the departure of ships from the embankment under the march "Farewell to the Slavyanka", giving horns, the ships set off for navigation.

It should be noted that in a few days, according to the same order, from the backwater of the Podtesovskaya repair and maintenance base of the fleet (a branch of OAO ERP), three more motor ships with new names will go into navigation in a solemn atmosphere:

  1. m/v "OTA-959" - "Mechanic Maklakov",
  2. m/v "OT-2051" - "Captain Ugryumov",
  3. m/v "OT-2076" - "Mechanic Danilin".

As a result, 7 motor ships of the Yenisei Shipping Company will start navigation in 2010 under new names. Following tradition, portraits of famous captains and information about their merits were placed in the wardroom of each ship. From now on, it is believed that each ship has its own Guardian Angel.

It should be noted that such large-scale projects to rename the fleet of all river basins Russia are carried out only in the Yenisei basin.


1) Motor ship OT-2034 of project 428.1 was named after Captain Zakharov

Alexey Nikolaevich Zakharov (1926-2006) was born on the banks of the Yenisei in the village. Yukseevo Krasnoyarsk Territory. His father, Nikolai Alekseevich, for many years was the head of the pier in Yukseevo. All his life Zakharov A.N. gave service to the Yenisei, having passed a difficult but glorious path from an intern at a river school to a captain-mentor.

As a teenager, he began to work on the ships of the Yenisei Shipping Company during the Great Patriotic War. Helmsman, navigator, captain of one of the most powerful tugboats Krasnoyarsk worker, where he worked for 25 years, and then worked as a mentor captain in the Kazachinsky rapids for another twenty years, ensuring trouble-free operation of the fleet in this difficult area of ​​​​work.

Zakharov A.N. was one of the participants in the legendary passage of the ships Rodina and Pobeda from the USA to the Yenisei in 1945. In 1965, a worker from Krasnoyarsk carried out a unique wiring from Dudinka to Krasnoyarsk of a marine lighter with an impeller for the turbine of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.

Aleksey Nikolaevich brought up many navigators. He was awarded the title of Best Captain of the MYFF. For selfless work, he was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, and medals.

2) Motor ship OTA-914 of project 758AM was named after Captain Smirnov.

Mikhail Ilyich Smirnov (1891-1969) was born in the village of Bogatenki Kirov region. The mother was engaged in the peasantry, and the father went as a barge hauler along the rivers of Siberia.

At the age of sixteen, he worked as a sailor on the Volga, and in 1908 he came to work on the Yenisei.

In 1911 Smirnov M.I. was called up for service, where he was caught by the First World War. For military merits, courage and courage, he was awarded the highest signs of soldier's prowess - three St. George's crosses.

The revolution caught him in the army, and, having been demobilized, he returned to work on the Yenisei, where he quickly rose to the rank of captain. In this position, he worked until his retirement on the ships Polyarny, Eastern Siberia, Yeniseisk, Spartak, Belarus, Grozny, on the ships Shturman, Kuzbass, Stalingrad.

Smirnov M.I. took part in the first Arctic crossings river vessels By the Northern Sea Route to the Ob and Yenisei, he brought up a whole generation of talented navigators. For selfless work, Mikhail Ilyich was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Badge of Honor, and medals. His name is immortalized in the Georgievsky Hall of the Moscow Kremlin.

3) Motor ship OTA-949 of project 758AM was named after Captain Ilyinsky

Vasily Vasilyevich Ilyinsky (1884-1960) in 1903 he graduated from the nautical school in Poti. Went on ships. Sea captain with pre-revolutionary experience. In 1913, he went to work in the Urgent State Shipping Company on the Yenisei and was appointed captain on the Lena steamer, which sailed to the lower reaches of the Yenisei and the Yenisei Bay. Until 1932, Vasily Vasilyevich worked on the ship Kooperator.

In 1942, Ilyinsky V.V. was appointed captain-mentor of the shipping company and worked in this position until his retirement, having served the Yenisei for 60 years.

In 1918, Ilyinsky V.V. for the first time in the history of shipping overcame the Great threshold on the river. Lower Tunguska, the discoverer of the passage of river vessels to Tura and Yanov Stan on the river. Turukhan.

For selfless work Ilyinsky V.V. awarded the Order of Lenin, numerous medals.

4) Motor ship OTA-936 of project 758AM was named after Captain Likhansky

Mikhail Yuliferevich Likhansky (1895-1988) began his career early at the age of 15, worked as a timekeeper at the Orenburg railway, and in 1913 - a timekeeper in the Krasnoyarsk backwater during the construction of a land machine.

Until 1918 he served in the Navy in the Pacific Squadron. Then he worked on the Yenisei ships as a boatswain, navigator. He became a captain in 1930 on the ship Severny, and then was seconded to Germany in the city of Danzig to oversee the construction of three powerful tugboats - Komseverput, Soviet Siberia and Krasnoyarsk worker.

Likhansky M.Yu. for many years he headed the crew of the ship Krasnoyarsk worker, then he supervised commercial work on the tributaries. Since 1946 he has been a mentor captain for twenty years.

An experienced navigator, a talented organizer, Likhansky M.Yu. participated in the first Pyasinsky expedition to deliver people and cargo for the construction of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant in 1933. He was recognized as the Best Captain of the MRF.

For the selfless Likhansky M.Yu, he was awarded the Order of Lenin, medals

He stood at the origins of the formation of the Yenisei fleet and made a great contribution to the development of tributaries, the development of cargo transportation.

5)Motor ship OT-2051 project 428.1 was named after Captain Ugryumov

Georgy Methodievich Ugryumov (1915-2007) was born in the city of Yeniseisk. In 1932 he entered the Krasnoyarsk River College. After graduating in 1936, he worked as the first navigator on the steamships P. Shchetinkin and Mayakovsky, and in 1937 he became the captain of the Mayakovsky steamship. In 1938, he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army, where he was caught by the Great Patriotic War.

In the battles to defeat militaristic Japan, his platoon distinguished itself, for which its commander, Ugryumov G.M. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the medal for the victory over Japan.

After the war in 1946, Ugryumov G.M. again returned to the Yenisei, where he continued the captain's path on the steamer Ulu-Khem, motor ships U. Gromov, S. Tyulenin, and then took one of the most powerful river tugs Mikhail Kalinin (former Klim Voroshilov), where he worked permanently for a quarter of a century.

An excellent captain, a competent specialist, mentor of young people, he brought up more than one generation of captains and captains-mentors known on the Yenisei. For selfless work Ugryumov G.M. awarded the Orders of Lenin and the Badge of Honor, medals.

6) Motor ship OT-2076 project 428.1 was named after Mechanic Danilin

Georgy Andrianovich Danilin (1929-2005) was born in s. Nalobovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory. He began his career as an oiler in 1948. Four years of service in the Soviet Army. Then he worked as a mechanic on the ships Soviet Arctic, Nakhodka and on the flagship of the passenger fleet, the ship A. Matrosov.

An experienced mechanic was transferred to the Shipping Service of the Shipping Company as a line mechanic. His total seniority in the Navy was 55 years. Danilin G.A. was recognized as the best mechanic of the MRF, was elected a deputy of the Regional Council of three convocations, he was awarded the Honorary title - Honored Transport Worker of Russia, was a Personal Pensioner of Regional Significance.

For selfless work Danilin G.A. awarded the Order of Lenin, the Badge of Honor, the Red Banner of Labor, numerous medals. He brought up a worthy replacement of mechanics, made a great contribution to the development and formation of the Yenisei fleet.

7) Motor ship OTA-959 of project 758B was named after Mechanic Maklakov

Leonid Fedorovich Maklakov (1924-2005) Sergey Kirov began his career at the age of 16 as a fireman on a motor ship, then worked as an assistant mechanic on various ships.

In 1941 Maklakov L.F. volunteered to go to the front and throughout the war from 1941 to 1945. was at the forefront. He was awarded the Orders of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War. But his first award was for Spirituality. The fourth separate destroyer anti-tank artillery Dukhovshchinskaya, Loznenskaya Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Brigade, in which Maklakov L.F. served, conducted a risky reconnaissance in battle on tanks. Several tanks with a group of scouts at top speed under cover of night passed behind enemy lines, broke into the city of Dukhovshchina, raising a panic among the Germans. They returned to the brigade with valuable information. The city was taken, and Maklakov L.F. was awarded the Medal for Courage. 16 times he was awarded the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Returning after the war to the Yenisei, Maklakov L.F. worked as a mechanic on the motor ships Adjaristan, Yakutia, Baikit and for many years worked as a group mechanic at the Krasnoyarsk ship repair plant.

He brought up a galaxy of experienced mechanics. His name is listed on memorial stele KSRP.

The ship was brought to Yaroslavl five years ago from the Kama in tow in a completely unseaworthy condition. The diesel engines were not working, the holds were filled with water. Only the steel plating of the hull had to be replaced by 90 square meters! It is not surprising that almost the entire team of Captain Alexander Kruglikov - today the best in the port - was created on the repair of this ship.

- Then, in 2002, we all gathered here - from Rybinsk, Tutaev, Yaroslavl - experienced rivermen, took this ship, - Alexander Mikhailovich recalls. - In my opinion, what is the crew, such is the ship. The most important thing is not technology, but people. And we have a wonderful team. All my commanders are experienced Volgars: shift mechanics-captains Konstantin Egorov, Igor Bryukov, shift captain Viktor Grinyaev. The first assistant mechanic for electrical equipment Maxim Vlasov and the third assistant mechanic for electrical equipment Maxim Lisitsyn also belong to the command staff. These are the people I rely on, who can completely replace me and know the ship to every screw. All together with me for the whole winter preparing a tugboat, and this preparation decides whether the navigation will be successful.

In the view of the layman, the captain is the person at the helm. In fact, the captain is the commander of the entire ship, and the helmsman-mechanic is on duty in the wheelhouse. And each of the helmsmen must know the fairway and reach, be able to steer the ship in the conditions of a river, lake, canal, lock. Today the helmsman-minder Nikolai Pavlov is on duty.

“In my team, this is the most indispensable specialist during the preparation of the vessel,” Kruglikov praised the helmsman. - He is both a gas welder and a gas cutter, he knows all the mechanisms. Well, the whole team, headed by mechanic Konstantin Egorov, takes part in the repair. It’s not difficult to steer, but to figure out the car is the most difficult thing. Konstantin is in charge of diesels - the heart of the ship. Our tug is already old, built in 1965, and its two diesel engines are even older - German, built in 1956. The last overhaul took place in 1988. Power point- it's such a bummer. One cylinder head weighs about 300 kilograms. And we have to remove them with hoists during repairs. Imagine what a job! We collect five - six people and carry out all repairs on our own. We do it for ourselves, and therefore - very responsibly.

The captain has been working on ships since 1969, after graduating from the school. Kalashnikov in Rybinsk. During this time there was only one break - for two years of military service. He started as a helmsman. He drove ships along the Volga-Balt from White Sea in Azov. Most of the crew members are his classmates, also graduates of the Rybinsk River Fleet School. Before the pusher tug, Alexander Mikhailovich had the tug "Sluice".

“All the ships I have ever been on, I have liked. "Sluice" - the ship is not so powerful, but maneuverable, you can do jewelry operations on it. I love this ship for its power. He has a displacement of 480 tons, he easily drags a train of two barges of four and a half thousand tons each.

- There are no problems in the family due to long business trips?

- No, we're fine at home. A beautiful wife, two adult sons and two grandchildren are growing up, the eldest is already 15 years old.

The tugboat began this navigation on the Volga and on the Canal. Moscow. He carried sand to the first Moscow asphalt concrete plant. This is an old partner of Yaroslavsky river port. In 2002, when the Kruglikov team was formed, the flights of the updated Ozerny were mainly associated with the construction of the Moscow Ring Highway. But there are trips and farther. During last year's navigation, OTA-892 worked on the Kama, transported gravel to the builders of Tataria. On such trips, the ship becomes a home for his team. And what is a house without a kitchen and a good cook.

- If the captain is the first after God, - Alexander Mikhailovich jokes, - then our cook Elena Tikhomirova is the first after me.

Five years ago, Elena Nikolaevna here, on board the Ozerny, met a long-distance sailor Andrei Evstratenko and became his wife. Being plenty on a large sea steamer from Vladivostok throughout South-East Asia, Andrey returned to his native Yaroslavl region. He comes from the village of Petrovskoe. But OTA-892 became a real home and destiny.

A watch on a long-distance mission lasts a week, during which the crew spends day and night on board with short shore leave. Six hours of work, six hours of rest: catch a fish for yourself, run ashore to the cinema, swim in the river. A week later, a shift crew from Yaroslavl arrives on the ship by bus. A vessel with a disciplined and experienced crew is willingly rented by many companies on the Volga and Kama.

Tomorrow, on the Day of River Fleet Workers, Alexander Kruglikov and his team will take their tugboat to Samara to carry oil barges. Seven feet under your keel, Volgari!

On October 20, 2017, the barge of project 81500 "8158" was launched at the shipbuilding and ship repair plant "Shipyard of the Nobel Brothers" after the hull repair. This was reported by the press service of the shipyard.

It is noted that the work was completed on time and presented to the Russian River Register in full compliance with the repair work specifications agreed with the customer.

The vessel is a bilge barge with a forecastle and a poop, with a double bottom and double sides, equipped for the installation of a hatch cover and a coupling device for forming into wad and wake trains.

The vessel is intended for transportation of mineral building materials, iron ore, coal, technical salt, timber, general and other cargoes that are afraid of wetness (in the variant with hatch covers).

Barge "8158" was built in 1991. Vessel length - 90 m, width - 14.2 m, depth - 4.2 m.

On the same day, after the repair of the hull, VRK and DZA launched the pusher tug of project 758AM "OTA-922".

The vessel is a twin-screw pusher tug with a three-deck superstructure in the middle part of the vessel, with an 800 kW power of 800 kW pushed forward and raised.

The vessel is designed for pushing sectional and barge trains, as well as towing barges on the rivers: Don, Volga, Kama, Irtysh, Ob, Yenisei.

Pusher tug "OTA-922" was built in 1969. Vessel length - 40.6 m, vessel width - 8.6 m, depth - 3.2 m.

“The work carried out was completed on time and presented to the Russian River Register in full compliance with the repair work specifications agreed with the customer,” the message says.

Nobel Brothers Shipyard LLC is the largest shipbuilding and ship repair company on the Upper Volga, founded in 1907 and specializing in the construction, repair, renovation and modernization of the following types of ships: sea and river tankers for the transportation of oil and oil products; sea ​​and river dry cargo ships, designed and built according to European standards, for the transportation of general cargo, international containers, timber, bulk and dangerous goods; special purpose vessels, including sea diving and hydrographic vessels, port infrastructure vessels; special-purpose boats, including boom-laying rescue boats; hulls of ships of various types, including hulls of modern comfortable yachts.

a brief description of ship

Pusher tug OTA-958

The main dimensions of the ship.

Length - 40.8 m.

Height - 13.9m.

Width - 8.6m.

Organization of service on courts.

"General ship alarm" - a continuous call of a loud battle for 25 - 30 seconds. the signal is repeated 3-4 times.

"General alarm":

"Alarm to fight the fire": arms GWP - 600. Extinguishes the fire.

"Oil spill alarm": acts on the instructions of the commander of the emergency party.

"Anxiety to fight water": brings emergency equipment, tails, arms a plaster, closes a hole.

"Alarm man overboard" - three long (5 - 6 sec.) calls of a loud battle, the signal is repeated 3 - 4 times.

"Man overboard alarm": prepares the boat for launching. Supervises the drowning.

"Boat alarm" - at least seven short (1 sec.) rings followed by a long (5 - 6 sec.), the signal is repeated 3 - 4 times.

"Boat alert": prepares the boat for launching.

In the event of a failure of the loud ringing bell, alarms are given by a whistle, typhon or siren, the signals are duplicated by voice indicating the type of alarm, the location of the hole, fire, boat number, etc. The end of alarms is given by voice.

Schedule for management.

Position management
Vessel captain - 1 assistant mechanic (Zlachevsky V.N.) Organization of service and control over the general technical and sanitary condition
Mechanic-3 navigator (Butakov A.A.) Main and auxiliary engines, fuel, oil system, shaft line
1 navigator -2 assistant mechanic (Blazhenov A.N.) Boat gear, towing gear, windlass, steering gear. Fire equipment.
2 navigator - 3 assistant mechanic (Vostrov S.V.) Cargo operations, DG - 1, DG - 2, fan system. Fireman's kits No. 1, 2.
Helmsman - minder No. 1 (Pavlov A.O.) First DG, DG-1, left side M.O.
Helmsman - minder No. 2 (Smirnov A.I.) Right DG, DG-2, right side M.O.
Helmsman - minder No. 3 (Sinchenko V.G.) Premises: skipper's room, forepeak, cistern, air tanks, back wall of M.O.
Cook (Luchankina E.V.) Galley, refrigerators, provisional pantry

The composition and operation of the APS scheme.

When diesel reaches 500 +50 rpm. closes n.d. (normally open) sensor contact n = 500 rpm. speed relay and through n.c. (normally closed) contacts of the RDMP, RTV and RKO relays, the current is supplied to the LNR signal light, which, when lit, gives a signal about the normal operation of the diesel engine. At the same time, relay RP 1 is switched on through the valve (diode), which, having worked, closes the n.o. RP 1 contacts in the circuit powered through the KVR button (turning off the howler), and n.o. contact RP 1 in the relay circuit RZS (horn relay), preparing the circuit for turning on the latter.

After the diesel engine is started and gains momentum, the pressure of the oil and the oil line increases, and when the oil pressure reaches 1.7+/-0.2 kgf / cm 2, the NC contact of the DDMI (oil pressure sensor) of the combined relay in the RDMP relay circuit opens .

After the diesel reaches 1350+/-20 rpm, the NO is closed. contact n = 1350 rpm of the speed relay sensor, preparing the RDMP and RDMI relay circuits for operation.

The operation of the system, in case of occurrence of emergency modes, is carried out as follows:

1. When the engine speed increases to 1700 +50 rpm, the sensor n= 1700 rpm of the centrifugal relay closes its n.o. a contact in the circuit of the RKO relay (speed control relay), which, when activated, closes the blocking n.o contacts of the RKO, as well as n.o. RKO contacts in the RS, RZS relay circuits and in the LKO signal light circuit and opens the n.c. RKO contacts in the power supply circuit of the LPR light bulb. In doing so, the following happens:

a) the LPR signal light goes out;

b) the LKO signal lamp lights up, signaling an increase in diesel engine speed above the allowable one;

c) the relay RZS, having worked, will turn on the howler, signaling the presence of an accident;

d) relay RS is activated. At the same time, the N.O contact of the relay PC turns on the traction electromagnet on the suction manifold, which releases the damper stopper, and under the action of a torsion spring, it falls and closes the intake manifold. In this case, the electromagnet winding will be de-energized by a microswitch installed in the electromagnet.

As a result of the fact that air does not enter the cylinders, the diesel engine stops.

After the diesel stopped n.o. contacts n= 500 rpm of the speed relay sensor open and the electromagnet switching circuit returns to its original position.

After the fault has been eliminated, the circuit must be unlocked by pressing the "Relay unlock" button on the remote control and the damper on the suction manifold must be open.

If, after eliminating the cause of the emergency condition, the circuit is not unblocked (the KR button is pressed), then after the diesel engine reaches 500 rpm, it will be stopped again, since the circuit is triggered, having received power through the NO. contact n=500 rpm and through the RKO contact.

Turning off the sound signal (howler) is carried out by the KVR button (button to turn off the sound signal), when it opens, the relay RP 1 is de-energized and opens the n.o. contacts in the relay circuit RZS.

Diode D in the power supply circuit of the relay RP 1 again prepares the relay switching circuit

The circuit works similarly when the pressure in the lubrication system drops to 1.7 +0.2 kgf / cm 2, but the LDMI signal light lights up.

2. When the temperature of the cooling water rises to 90 +5 (0 C), N.O. DTV contacts (combined relay water temperature sensor) and the RTV relay is activated. When the RTV relay is triggered, the n.o. closes. RTV contacts in the circuits of the RZS relay and the LTV signal light, as well as N.O. RTV contact blocking the RTV relay coil.

At the same time, n.z. the RTV contact in the circuit of the LNR signal light opens and it goes out. After closing the n.d. RTV contacts trigger the RZS relay and turn on the howler, which can be turned off by pressing the KVR button, and the LTV signal lamp lights up.

After the fault has been eliminated, the circuit must be returned to its original position by pressing the button KR "Unblocking the relay" on the remote control.

The system works similarly when the oil pressure drops to 2 +0.2 kgf / cm 2 (DDMP sensor), but at the same time, the LDMP signal light lights up accordingly.

The automation circuit of the APS system is mounted in a separate console. The remote control has a waterproof design and is designed for installation outside the diesel engine. It is recommended to install the remote control on the bulkhead in the ship's wheelhouse.

Scheme of the APS system

5. Managing ship operations and taking care of people on board:

5.1 Obligations of the watch engineer on ship's alarms:

Type of alarm Responsibilities for alerts
1. General ship
1.1 Fight against water Ensures the operation of all mechanisms of the MO by order of the GPC includes a drain pump
1.2 Fire fighting Ensures the operation of all mechanisms of the Ministry of Defense directs the initial actions of subordinates to extinguish a fire in the Ministry of Defense turns on fire pumps, at the command of the captain turns on the foam extinguishing system
1.3 Oil spill control
2. Man overboard Ensures the operation of all MO mechanisms
3. Boat alert Ensures the operation of all mechanisms of the Ministry of Defense, deputy commander of the boat

Fire system and fire fighting equipment of the vessel:

fire highway

In order to localize and extinguish fires, ships are equipped with fire-fighting equipment, devices and systems (water extinguishing - steam and foam extinguishing, carbon dioxide, inert gases, etc.).

The water extinguishing system consists of a pump, a network of pipelines, fittings, connecting devices, hoses and hoses. Fire hydrants on the ship are placed so that jets from two fire hoses no more than 20 m long can be directed to each point at once. each with a jet length of not more than 8.5 m.

5.2 Actions of the crew in case of a person falling overboard:

Position Man Overboard Alert Responsibilities
Captain-1 assistant mechanic (Zlachevsky V.N.) General leadership rescue operation
1 navigator - 2 helpers mechanics (Blazhenov A.N.) lifeboat commander
2 navigator - 3 helpers mechanics (Vostrov S.V.) Preparing the lifeboat for launch
Mechanic (Butakov A, A.) Ensures the operation of all MO mechanisms
1 minder-helmsman (Pavlov A.O.) Throws a lifeline
2 minder-helmsman (Smirnov A.I.) Helps to lower the boat. Rower in a boat
3 minder-helmsman (Sinchenko V.G.) Holds a fan. Rower in a boat
Cook (Luchankina E.V.) Prepares a first aid kit. Provides first aid to the injured

Note: The first person to notice a man overboard throws a lifebuoy to him and immediately reports this to the navigation bridge. The officer in charge of the watch who received this message declares a "man overboard" alarm. Begins maneuvering to rescue the person who has fallen overboard.

Brief description of the vessel

Pusher tug OTA-958

Purpose of the vessel: pushing sectional and barge trains, as well as towing barges

Year and place of construction: 1994 p. Coastal.

Register power: 800 hp

Class of the River Register of the RSFSR "O".

Speed ​​at full speed without composition: 20.1

Number and type of main engines: 2 diesel 6NVD48-U.

Type of fuel: diesel, full supply of 57 tons for 15 days.

Type of lighting: alternating current, frequency 50 Hz, voltage 220V.

The main dimensions of the ship.

Length - 40.8 m.

Height - 13.9m.

Width - 8.6m.

Freeboard height - 1.04m.