Dry-cargo ship project 576. Determination of displacement and main dimensions of the ship

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Introduction 6
1. Rationale for the choice of tasks of the graduation project 7
Analysis of promising directions for the development of the river fleet 7
Modern and future requirements for
ship power plants 10
The choice of the prototype ship and the tasks of the graduation project 13
Study of the efficiency of the energy complex
prototype ship 15
2. Design of the ship's main power plant 18
Choice of main engines 18
Fuel System Design 21
Fuel system of the engine 21
Register requirements for the ship's fuel system 22
Vessel Fuel System Calculation 26
Lube oil system design 29
Lubricating oil system 29
Register requirements for lubricating oil system 29
Lube oil system calculation 31
Cooling system design 33
Water cooling system 33
Register requirements for water cooling system 33
Calculation of the water cooling system 35
Compressed air system design 37
Compressed air system 37
Register requirements for compressed air system 37
Calculation of the compressed air system 39
Designing the exhaust system 41
Exhaust system 41
Register requirements for the exhaust system 41
Exhaust system calculation 42
Final drive selection 44
Shafting design 46
Selecting the material of the shafts and determining their diameters 46
Selection of shafting elements 46
Calculation of shafts for strength 48
Propeller matching 51
3. Design of a ship auxiliary power plant 53
Calculation of ship power plant 53
General information 53
Calculation of ship power plant loads 54
Calculation of heat demand 57
Rationale for the choice of SVEU equipment 59
Selection of components for a marine power plant 59
Selection of the composition of the boiler plant 59
Justification of a rational scheme of heat and power supply 61
Energy Efficiency Study
complex of the designed vessel 63
4. Designing a system for neutralizing harmful emissions
with exhaust gases 67
4.1. Analysis of the operating conditions of ships of the class under consideration 67
4.2. Analysis of the main trends in the development of neutralization systems 69
4.2.1. Thermal converters 70
4.2.2. Liquid Neutralizers 71
4.2.3. Catalytic converters 72
4.2.4. DENOX 74 units
4.2.5. Particulate filters 77
4.2.6. Plasma Neutralizers 78
4.3. Development of technological requirements for neutralization systems 81
4.4. Selection of components for the neutralization system 82
4.5. Calculation of the main dimensions of the designed neutralizer 86
5. Life safety 87
5.1. Labor protection 87
5.1.1. Work environment analysis 87
5.1.2. Calculation of the levels of vibration of the supporting surfaces of a diesel engine
6ChN 20/28 in octave frequency bands and choice of vibration isolators 90 General information 90 The program for calculating the vibration levels of a diesel engine 6CHN 20/28
in octave bands 91
5.2. Emergency protection 95
5.2.1. General information 95
5.2.2. Fire hazard assessment in an emergency 96
5.2.3. Fire prevention tips 101
6. Technology section 102
6.1. Plain bearings for marine diesel engines 102
6.1.1. Antifriction materials for marine diesel bearings 103
6.2. Manufacture of a monometallic plain bearing 105
6.2.1. Monometallic insert manufacturing technology
plain bearing 105
6.2.2. Calculation of cutting data for turning 106
7. Feasibility study of the graduation project 109
7.1. Selection and justification of the prototype vessel 109
7.2. Selection and calculation of performance indicators 109
7.3. Determination of the estimated price of the engine 111
7.4. Calculation of the construction cost of ships 112
7.5. Calculation of operating costs for annual production 114
7.5.1. Calculation of annual operating costs 114
7.5.2. Calculating fuel and energy costs 115
7.5.3. Calculation of depreciation charges 117
7.5.4. Repair cost calculation 117
7.6. Calculation of associated capital investments 118
7.7. Calculation of the main indicators of economic efficiency 119
Conclusion 121
References 122

When setting the objectives of the graduation project, an analysis of the prospective trends in the development of the river fleet was carried out, which made it possible to choose a vessel of project 576T as a prototype vessel. This is a twin-screw pusher tug, the purpose of which is to push and tow dry cargo trains and barges, as well as oil barges.

Comparison of the parameters of the power plant of the prototype ship with modern analogues showed the feasibility of replacing its main engines. When choosing the main engines, the methodology developed at the Department of Power Engineering was used. As an alternative, the engine 6CHRN30/38 manufactured by the Kolomna Plant and 6CHN20/28 manufactured by the Finnish company Vartsila was considered. The comparison was made according to a complex indicator of quality. As the main engine, taking into account the required power, providing a given tractive effort, a high-speed, four-stroke non-reversible diesel engine 6ChN20/28 was selected, having an effective power of 990 kW at a rated speed of 1000 rpm KV.

Poster 6 shows a general view of the designed exhaust gas converter, which includes TAFP, the stage for the oxidation of products of incomplete combustion of fuel and the stage for the reduction of nitrogen oxides.

Measures to improve the environmental performance of diesel engines are usually implemented in conjunction with work to improve fuel efficiency and reliability and include low-toxic adjustments of fuel equipment (for example, reducing the fuel injection advance angle), intercooling of the charge air, shutting off part of the cylinders at low loads, the use of water-fuel emulsions and various and various fuel additives (for example, additives product - 42).
Motor ships of the types LOS (project 587) and KAMGES (project 576 T) are large deck tankers with an engine room and a superstructure in the stern.
Project 576T tankers (of the KAMGES or Tanker 34 type) are structurally close to the 576 projects (of the Sixth Pyatiletka type), from which they differ in an increased long hull and a raised deckhouse. Project 587 tankers (of the Los or Tanker 34 type), with a similar hull, have a higher bow, a modified superstructure and a chimney.

Drawings and posters:
Substantiation of the tasks of the graduation project576Т
Modernization of the power plant of the ship project 576T
Ways to neutralize harmful emissions from the exhaust gas of marine diesel engines

Project 576T tanker shafting diagram
Schematic diagram of the system for neutralizing harmful emissions with diesel exhaust gases
Marine diesel exhaust gas neutralizer

On December 14, 2017, the Nobel Brothers Shipyard shipbuilding and ship repair plant lifted the Severodvinsk motor ship of project 576 "Sixth Five-Year Plan" for off-season ship repair. This was reported by the press service of the enterprise.

Vessels of the "Sixth Five-Year Plan" type - medium dry cargo ships, having four holds with hatch covers, with a double bottom, with an engine room and a superstructure in the stern, a continuation of the series of ships of the type " Big Volga» (project 11).

The ship was built in 1965 at the Romanian plant Santierul Navale Oltenita Santierul Navale Olteniţa.

Vessel characteristics: displacement - 2072 tons, length - 93.9 m, width - 13.22 m, draft - 2.8 m, height - 4.8 m.

Nobel Brothers Shipyard LLC is the largest shipbuilding and ship repair enterprise on the Upper Volga, founded in 1907 and specializing in the construction, repair, renovation and modernization of the following types of ships: sea and river tankers for the transportation of oil and oil products; sea ​​and river dry cargo ships, designed and built according to European standards, for the transportation of general cargo, international containers, timber, bulk and dangerous goods; special purpose vessels, including sea diving and hydrographic vessels, port infrastructure vessels; special-purpose boats, including boom-laying rescue boats; ship hulls various types, including the hulls of modern comfortable yachts.

Justification of the architectural and structural type of the vessel

The choice of a prototype vessel is carried out according to the following criteria:

1. Purpose - dry cargo ship

2. Vessel class - O

3. Carrying capacity of the vessel is 2000 tons.

The main features that determine the architectural constructive type of the vessel are: the location of cargo spaces, engine room, superstructures along the length of the vessel; constructive type of body; the number of holds and the distribution of useful volume between them; location and dimensions of cargo hatches; equipping the ship with cargo devices.

An analysis of modern experience in the design and operation of cargo ships for inland navigation shows that the location of the engine room (MO) and the superstructure in the stern, cargo holds in the middle cylindrical part of the hull contributes both to an increase in the intensity of cargo operations and the most rational use of the hull capacity.

However, the aft location of the MO and the superstructure from a purely shipbuilding point of view has significant drawbacks. So, when empty, the ship has a significant trim to the stern.

The aft location of the wheelhouse impairs the visibility of the navigator along the course of the vessel, especially when sailing empty with a trim, when transporting a significant amount of cargo on deck (for example, stacks of timber), when moving together with a pushed non-self-propelled section. The location of residential and service premises in the aft superstructure located above the MO, i.e. in the most noisy area of ​​the ship, requires special, sometimes very expensive design measures to reduce noise and vibration to the required level.

Many of these shortcomings can be avoided by moving the superstructure and pilothouse to the bow of the vessel.

Motor ship of the Sixth Five-Year Plan type (project 576) is a medium dry-cargo vessel with four holds with hatch covers, with a double bottom. With engine room and superstructure aft. Vessels designed for bulk, bulk, packaged cargoes, such as crushed stone, sand, coal, paper in rolls, timber in logs.

Project 576 provided for the installation of machines of increased power and wide mechanized sliding closures of the holds. Externally, the vessels of project 576 are distinguished by a higher bow and wide windows of the superstructure. Late built ships have a superstructure with portholes instead of windows.

Determination of displacement and main dimensions of the vessel

Initial data and characteristics of the prototype vessel:

1. Prototype ship class - "O"

2. The carrying capacity of the prototype vessel is 2000 tons.

3. Displacement in cargo (Dgr) - 2740t.

4. The speed of the prototype vessel is 17.5 km/h.

5. Vessel length according to design waterline (Lm) - 90m.

6. Width of the vessel on DWL (B) - 13m.

7. Board height (H) - 4.8 m.

8. Draft in cargo (Tgr) - 2.8m.

9. Crew size (nek) - 27 people.

10. The coefficient of completeness of volumetric displacement - 0.836t / m 3.

11. Hull mass meter - 0.105t/m 3 .

12. Cubic module LBH - 5620m 3 .

13. Mass meter for mechanisms (p) (p = Rm / N) - 0.099 kW.

Pm - mass of mechanisms

N is the total power of the main engines.

14. Admiralty coefficient (Ca) - 1300 kW.

15. Relative length (LB) - 6.92

16. Relative draft (NT gr) - 1.71

The last part of the photo report from 2005-2008.

Motor ship "Rocket-191" (project 340E).
It was built in 1973 in Feodosia at the More factory. The ship entered the Moscow Shipping Company with the number 244. In the 90s it was decommissioned. In 2004, the "Rocket-244", which was in the cold, received the number "Rocket-191", which in 2002 had an accident at the Khimki reservoir and was damaged. Since 2004, the "updated" "Rocket-191" has been operating on suburban walking routes in Moscow.

#one. "Rocket-191 (244)" on the Moscow channel (2008).

Motor ship "Rocket-234" (project 340E).
It was built in 1972 in Feodosia at the More factory. The ship worked all its life in the Volga Shipping Company, making suburban flights from Nizhny Novgorod. In 2012, after the resale of the ship to a private owner, the ship was cut into scrap metal.

Motor ship "Rocket-261" (project 340E)
It was built in 1975 in Feodosia at the More factory. The ship worked all its life in the Volga Shipping Company, making suburban flights from Nizhny Novgorod. In 2012, after the resale of the ship to a private owner, the ship was cut into scrap metal.

#2. "Rocket-234" and "Rocket-261" at the river station in Nizhny Novgorod (2006).

#3. "Rocket-234" and "Rocket-261" at the river station in Nizhny Novgorod (2006).

#four. "Rocket-234" on the Volga near Nizhny Novgorod (2005).

#5. "Rocket-261" at the river station in Nizhny Novgorod (2005).

Motor ship "River-71" (project 908).
Built in 1972. Worked in the Moscow river shipping company. since 2012 Port of Kimry LLC.

#6. "River-71" with the prefix "7505" on the Moscow channel (2008).

Motor ship "Richard Sorge" (project 305).
Built in 1963. Entered the Volga River Shipping Company with the name "Sungari". In 1975 it was renamed "Richard Sorge". Purchased from the shipping company in 2007 individual entrepreneur, works from travel company"RechTourFlot".

#7. "Richard Sorge" leaves from Yaroslavl (2008).

Motor ship "RT-297" (project 911).
Built in 1970. Belonged to Kostroma river port. Vessel in operation.

#eight. "RT-297" on the Volga near Balakhna (2006).

Motor ship "RT-330" (project 911).
Built in 1979. Belongs to the Volgograd river port. Vessel in operation.

#9. "RT-330" on the Volga in Volgograd (2006).

Motor ship "RT-612" (project 1741-906/5581).
Built in 1974 in Tyumen. Until 2003, it was operated as part of the Irtysh River Shipping Company (port of registry - Omsk). After that, the ship was transferred to the Volga, where it is currently in operation. Port of registry Rostov-on-Don.

#ten. "RT-612" on the Volga near Akhtubinsk (2006).

Motor ship "RSh7-02-11".
I don't know anything about him. There is only a photograph. :)

#eleven. "RSh7-02-11" on the island of Kizhi (2007).

Motor ship "Ryleev" (project 588).
Built in 1957. Worked as part of the Volga River Shipping Company until 2008. Never changed names. It was bought from the shipping company by an individual entrepreneur and since 2008 has been working from the RechTurFlot travel company. In 2002, the overall width of the ship was reduced by 200 mm to allow passage through the locks of the White Sea-Baltic Canal.

#12. "Ryleev" on the Volga near Saratov (2006).

#13. "Ryleev" on the Volga in Gorodets (2006).

#fourteen. "Ryleev" on the Moscow Canal in Khimki (2008).

#fifteen. "Ryleev" at the Ikshinsky reservoir of the Moscow Canal (2008).

#16. "Ryleev" in Plyos (2006).

Motor ship "Salavat Yulaev" (project 305).
Built in 1963. Entered the Belsk river shipping company with the name "Vetluga". In 1969 it was renamed Salavat Yulaev. Today the port of registry is Perm. Vessel in operation.

#17. "Salavat Yulaev" on the Moscow channel (2005).

Motor ship "Sevastopol" (project 576).
Built in 1956. Worked in the Volga Shipping Company. Port of registry - Nizhny Novgorod. Since 2010, the ship has been leased by the Onega Shipping Company. The ship was based in Petrozavodsk. After the crash of "Bulgaria" in 2011, project 576 thermal ships were prohibited from crossing the Ladoga and Onega lakes. Since 2011, "Sevastopol" has actually been in Petrozavodsk on a cold sludge. The ship is not in operation.

#eighteen. "Sevastopol" on the Volga near Nizhny Novgorod (2006).

Motor ship "Sergey Yesenin" (project Q-065).
Built in 1984. This is the last ship of the Austrian Q-065 series. He began working in 1985 at the Moscow River Shipping Company. Owner of OAO Mosturflot. Port of registry - Moscow. The ship is in operation.

#19. "Sergey Yesenin" in Coniferous forest (2008).

#twenty. "Sergey Yesenin" at the Pestovsky reservoir (2008).

Motor ship "Sergey Kirov" (project 302).
Built in 1987. He worked as part of the North-Western Shipping Company (port of registry - St. Petersburg). Since 2003, the ship's operator has been the American company Viking River Cruise. In 2012, the ship was renamed "Viking Truvor".

#21. "Sergey Kirov" on the Svir River (2006).

Motor ship "Slavgorod" (project 576).
Built in 1958. He worked in the Kama River Shipping Company. Vessel in operation.

Motor ship "Stepan Zdorovtsev" (project 305).
Built in 1963. Entered the Volga Shipping Company with the original name "Sukhona". In 1970 it was renamed "Stepan Zdorovtsev". After navigation in 1991, the ship was put into operation and was on a cold sludge in the backwater of the Zhukovsky BTOF. In 2005, the ship was planned to be converted into a floating office center on the Moscow River. "Stepan Zdorovtsev" was transferred to Moscow and put on the Moscow River. However, the project was never implemented. In the summer of 2007, the ship was towed back to the backwater of Pamyat Paris Commune under Nizhny Novgorod. Since 2011, the ship has been re-equipped into a cruise ship. The new name is "Hermitage".

#23. "Stepan Zdorovtsev" in the backwater of the Zhukovsky BTOF (2005).

Motor ship "Sukhinichi" (project 576).
Built in 1959. Until 2007, he worked at the Moscow River Shipping Company. Vessel in operation.

#24. "Sukhinichi" at the technical pier in Kimry (2006).

Motor ship "Taimyr" (project R-32A).
Built in 1978. He worked as part of the North-Western Shipping Company. It was originally called "Nevsky-9" (until 2002). Vessel in operation.

#25. "Taimyr" on the Neva near St. Petersburg (2008).

Motor ship "Tara-1" (project 550A).
Built in 1982 in Bulgaria. From construction until 1993, he worked on the Amur, the port of registry was Khabarovsk. It was called "Volgoneft-161". In 2000 it was renamed to "Cola Beldy", in 2003 to "Tara-1". From 1993 to 2003, the ship still belonged to the Amur Shipping Company, but was operated from Taganrog. In 2003, it was bought out by Palmali. Vessel in operation.

#26. "Tara-1" on the Volga near Saratov (2006).

Motor ship "TB-601" (project 9.2760T/765).
Built in 1964. Initially it was called "ST-765" and was a dry-cargo ship. Worked in the Volga river shipping company. Subsequently, she was converted into a tanker. The ship is not in operation.

#27. "TB-601" on the Volga (2006).

Motor ship "Trypillia" (project 576).
Built in 1962 in Romania. He worked in the Volga-Don Shipping Company. Vessel in operation.

#28. "Trypillia" on the Volga near Samara (2006).

Ship "Ural" (project 765RF / T-90-3).
Built in 1957 in Ukraine. Converted into a bunkering tanker from a dry cargo ship. Vessel in operation.

#29. "Ural" on the Volga near Akhtubinsk (2006).

Motor ship "F. Joliot-Curie" (project 588).
Built in 1961. Entered the Kama River Shipping Company. Never changed names. Port of registry - Perm. In October 2011, when the ship was in the Perm backwater and repairs were being carried out on it, a fire broke out. The ship's superstructure was damaged. Not in use.

#thirty. "F. Joliot-Curie" on the Volga near Balakhna (2006).

Motor ship "F.I. Panferov" (project 588).
Built in 1961. Entered the Kama River Shipping Company. Never changed names. Port of registry - Perm. It was refitted, including one more passenger deck built on. Vessel in operation.

#31. "F.I. Panferov" on the Volga near Balakhna (2006).

Motor ship "Fyodor Dostoevsky" (project 301).
Built in 1983. Works in the Kama River Shipping Company. Port of registry - Perm. The vessel is in operation.

#32. "Fyodor Dostoevsky" on the island of Kizhi (2008).

Motor ship "Felix Dzerzhinsky" (project 92-016).
Built in 1978. Always worked as part of the Volga Shipping Company. Now repainted in the corporate colors of the operator - "Vodohod".

#33. "Felix Dzerzhinsky" on the Moscow Channel (2006).

Motor ship "Flestina-1" (project 326.1).
Built in 1988. Like many of his river-sea brothers, he changed many names: "STK-1034", "TK-3", "Tavria-3", "Flestina-1". Since 2011, it has been operating under the Iranian flag, called "Najva-2".

#34. "Flestina-1" in Astrakhan (2005).

Motor ship "Khasan" (project 587).
Built in 1960. Port of registry - Rostov-on-Don. After decommissioning, it was installed as a bunker base near Volgograd.

#35. "Khasan" on the Volga near Volgograd (2005).

Motor ship "Caesar" (project 588).
Built in 1955. He worked in the Volga River Shipping Company, originally called "Ernst Telman". After navigation in 2004, the ship was sold to Caesar Travel. In 2005, she was completely refitted with a reduction in passenger capacity and a complete redevelopment of cabins and public areas. Since 2005 it has been called "Caesar".

#36. "Caesar" at the Khimki reservoir (2008).

Motor ship "Sluice-125" (project 887A).
Built in 1975. Until 2003, he worked as part of the Moscow River Shipping Company. Since 2003 in the Rybinsk Shipping Company. Port of registry Rybinsk.

#37. "Sluice-125" with a prefix on the Volga near Myshkin (2008).

Motor ship "Yuri Nikulin" (project 588).
Built in 1956. Initially called "Karl Liebknecht", he worked in the Volga River Shipping Company. For several years he was on cold sediment in the Nizhny Novgorod region, after which he was sold to a new owner in Rostov-on-Don. In 2002 it was renamed to "Yuri Nikulin". Since navigation in 2007, leased from the company "Infoflot". Now in Infoflot brand colors.

#38. "Yuri Nikulin" on the Volga near Saratov (2006).

Well, that's the whole collection. Fitted in four parts.