Georgia waterfalls. waterfalls in georgia

Photo review about the Makhuntseti waterfall, the arched bridge of the times of Queen Tamara and the aqueduct popular sights of Adjara, which are visited during a holiday in Batumi.

Makhuntseti on the map

Waterfall Makhuntseti

Makhuntseti Waterfall is located in Adjara, 30 km from Batumi. It is on a mountain just 100 meters from the road leading from to the village of Keda.

gps: 41.574983, 41.858329

The height of the waterfall is 30 meters. This is one of the highest waterfalls in Adjara.

The water is clean and cold. Bring a swimsuit if you are traveling in the summer. Admission is free, parking is 1 lari, a cafe is open during the season.

At the entrance, emotional aunts sell jam, honey, churchkhela.

Arch bridge of Tamara

coordinates: 41.572129, 41.860037

At 500 meters from the waterfall, on the other side of the road, there is an arched bridge from the time of Queen Tamara.

There are 25 such arch bridges in Adjara, but the bridge in Makhuntseti is the most visited, although not the widest and highest of all.

Height above the river 6 meters, width 2.5m, length 29 meters, dates back to the 11th-13th centuries.

In summer, people swim near the bridge in the river. There are two sandy beaches. The cafe is open during the season. In autumn and early spring, the cafe is closed, there is not a single person on the bridge.

There are higher arched bridges in the national park, in, along the Transajar highway. You can only get there by car, so if you are without a car and want to see at least one of the bridges, go to Makhuntseti.


gps: 41.572427, 41.867636

The aqueduct is located 1 km from Tamara's bridge over the road. The building is massive impossible to miss. It was built in Soviet times.

Climbing up an inconspicuous iron ladder. Entrance only with a guide. Without a guide, at least look at the aqueduct from the side of the road.

From above, you are stunned by how good Adzharia is from a height.

What else to see in Adjara

On the way to the Makhuntseti waterfall, you can make a couple of stops:

▫ Adjarian wine house

▫ The confluence of two rivers and a waterfall - we look at how the color of the water changes at the place where the brown Chorokh and blue Adzharistskali meet, gps: 41.542444, 41.719349

On the way, see the fortresses, waterfall Merisi, in Khulo ride on cable car through the gorge (5 GEL, open 8.00-20.00, arrive no later than 19.30).

A trip for the whole day, you can by car. There will be a separate post about these sights of Adjara.

How to get to Makhuntseti

by car. By car, we drove from to Makhuntseti in 30 minutes, from the center 40 minutes due to traffic jams. There is only one road in the south of Adjara, it is difficult to get lost.

Excursions in Mountainous Adjara

Minibus. From the old bus station of Batumi (Mayakovsky St., 1) there is a minibus to the village Kedah №77

On the way by bus 40 minutes. Price 1.5-2 lari one way

How to find a minibus at the station? The minibus stands in the far right corner of the Batumi bus station. Rides along Chavchavadze street. Theoretically, it is not necessary to go to the station, but it is better to leave the station, because transport is packed to capacity. If you catch at stops along Chavchavadze Street, there is a chance to ride standing up.

Other minibuses also go towards Makhuntseti, but the inscriptions on the plates are in Georgian, but there are no numbers. Ask at the station. Only Keda written in Latin and with a number.

Where to go? Get off the minibus near the arched bridge, then cross on foot road and go left to the waterfall for 5 minutes. Just tell the driver to stop in Makhuntseti near the bridge.

Minibus No. 77 to the village of Keda goes through Makhuntseti

Exit near the pointer to the bridge

Review of the first trip to Makhuntseti waterfall

I have been to Makhuntseti twenty times since then, but the first trip is my favorite. Yes, below the thought of a naive person, harmful and understanding little at that moment, but the hand does not rise to remove.

On that day, I planned to walk independently in the mountains of Adjara, and on the way to look at Makhuntseti. I found the bus to Keda quickly.

You're out of luck, the driver says and clicks his tongue
– What is it? It's a normal bus.
- Big. Old. Bad luck!

After 10 minutes I understood what was meant. The larger the bus, the more it will fit. The more you fit, the more stops to stuff everything you can.

What is the price? The driver looks intently from under his eyebrows. Pause.
– 2 GEL

I can see in my eyes that there are not two. Well, OK. I sit down. I'm waiting. I look at the map, and the guy from the next row looks at me.

Waterfall? nods and smiles. May I sit next to you?

Well it starts. There are 8 empty seats around, my bag is on the seat next to me. Then the compassionate driver came to the rescue. I don’t have time to figure out how the bag and glasses end up in the aisle in the driver’s hands, and a satisfied person materializes in the next seat:

– I live in Makhuntseti! I'll tell you where to get off.
“Thanks, I know where to go,” I look out the window. Don't want to talk at all
- Where are you from? - well here again
- Can I listen to music?

And why did I decide to go somewhere alone? At least for a few hours, feel like a traveler again. Oh, what a blessing it is! Again, the minibus is taking you to a new place.

Alien sounds and smells ... The sounds are loud and sharp, and the smells are strange. Probably from the belongings of a toothless grandfather carrying bales of linen to his mountain village ...

In theory, the road to Makhuntseti from the Batumi bus station should take 40 minutes. Vehicle, in which I managed to find myself, drove 2 hours and 25 minutes and managed to make 34 stops (I counted).

It took a long time to leave the station. It seems that even the traffic jams of Indian Mumbai could be overcome faster than getting out on an old bus from the center of Batumi.

First, we stopped in the village for a mattress at the request of a toothless grandfather. Then a guy in a white sweater wished to buy lavash, but not ordinary, but special, because of which the bus made an additional detour of 4 km.

Then we ended up at a construction site. The driver left. Smoked with the men, laughed. Came back 10 minutes later. Let's go further. Another construction site where no one builds anything. They sit on bricks. They smoke. Drove and smoked with them. Loaded into the bus gray bags.

Construction in Adjara

Well, then to deliver the extracted to the villages. That's what service means in Georgian! For one and a half lari, the request of each passenger was satisfied. Everyone except me, because my only desire was to get to Makhuntseti as soon as possible.

Passengers did not even think to be indignant because of the stops along the way. They sit and laugh to themselves. It's like time doesn't matter to these people. And I'm always in a hurry. Run, do, faster, faster ...

Finally, the bus arrived in Makhuntseti. Dropped off at the bridge. There, locals sell honey, jam and churchkhela from staggering tables. Another toothless grandpa wonders why I'm alone and where everyone is. Who are these mysterious "everyone"?

no one on the bridge

I'm blown away by the beauty of the mountains

That day I was haunted by a feeling of discomfort. There are days when traveling alone in Georgia is normal, but in some areas it is better to go with someone, otherwise they will not understand. Adjara outside the resorts is one of such regions.

Not to say that the Makhuntseti waterfall disappointed me. No, because such a feeling is born out of unjustified expectations, and I had no expectations. Rather, the waterfall was not impressed.

I thought that it would be possible to sit on the stones alone with nature, dream, look at the water.

It turned out that a beaten path leads to Makhuntseti. Further, gazebos, a platform for contemplation, the waterfall itself and that's it. Not enough space. wild mountain waterfalls much more interesting.

A narrow path leads to the waterfall.

On the way back I bought walnut jam. A very vociferous and persistent woman got caught. In those days, I was just reading a book about Armenia “Three apples fell from the sky” and recalled Armenian goodies with nostalgia.

At the entrance to the waterfall they sell jam

From the waterfall I went along the road to the side

And arched Bridge of Queen Tamara- Favorite sights of Adjara among tourists vacationing in Batumi. There are enough other ancient bridges in Georgia, and beautiful waterfalls, but the convenient location of the bridge during the reign of Queen Tamara, 30 km from Batumi, made this place very famous, and the fact that some 400 meters from it is the magnificent Makhuntseti waterfall, the height of which reaches 20 meters, doomed this place to undeniable popularity.

It is best to come here in the warm season and sunny weather, because. The water level in the Adzharistskali River drops in summer and exposes sandy beaches where you can swim and sunbathe. Next, I will tell you what you can see here, mark the coordinates on the map and tell you how to get here from Batumi.

Arch Bridge of Queen Tamara

This ancient structure, called the bridge named after Queen Tamara, is located on the right side of the road, if you drive from Batumi - you just need to go down 10 meters down a steep staircase. It got its name thanks to the then ruler - it was by her will and decree that such arched bridges began to be erected.

In total, there are 25 arched bridges in Adjara that have survived to this day, but it is the one described that has won the greatest fame and love from the guests of Georgia. The dimensions of the Makhuntseti bridge allow it to be called the largest among its relatives, but not the highest and widest: 29m long, 2.5m wide, 6m high, and the approximate age is 900 years. Building material was taken from the fragments of nearby rocks, and lime mortar connected them together. It seems that the construction and materials are simple, but the bridge has survived more than one earthquake and almost a thousand years.

Under the bridge is sand beach where people swim, sunbathe and play volleyball. The most daring jump straight down from the bridge. In spring, the water level in the Adzharistskali River rises strongly, the current intensifies, and the time for kayakers and rafting comes.

Behind the bridge there is a small platform where the cafe is located. The prices there are reasonable, gazebos hang right over the water, there are even tables on a tied floating pier.

It remains only to wait for the right moment, take your own photo on the bend of the bridge and you can go to the second point of our excursion program.

Crossing the road to the other side and walking 400 meters through the park, after 5 minutes we get to the foot of the Makhuntseti waterfall. The height of the Makhuntseti waterfall in Adjara remains a mystery, but most sources agree on 20m, although some locals absolutely seriously claim that it is at least 40m.

If for some reason you didn’t want to swim in the river near the bridge, then right at the place where the waterfall jets fall, there is a natural bowl filled with non-cold clean mountain water, where you can refresh yourself after a hot day.

There is also a cafe, temptingly exuding the aroma of roasting shish kebabs, where you can refresh yourself to the sounds of falling water. If you don’t eat anything and don’t swim, then you won’t need much time to inspect the waterfall: take a couple of photos and you can go back.

After enjoying the waterfall and walking back not through the park, but along the asphalt road, on the left hand near football field, you will see ethnographical museum Makhuntseti, where part of the collection is exhibited under open sky and some indoors. Entrance to it costs less than $ 1, the guide girl speaks good Russian, and some exhibits look very unusual and unusual, especially a house on stilts for storing vegetables so that bears do not climb there.

My tourist review

One can say briefly about the famous bridge of Queen Tamara and the popular Makhuntseti waterfall - not very impressive, but the time was not wasted. On the one hand, it seems like you want to visit some of the sights in the vicinity of Batumi, and on the other hand, such a promotion of this place is not entirely clear. There is no such feeling that right here "Ah", no. Well, we twirled here and there for 10 minutes, bought a couple of jars of jam from the vendors near the road and drove back. Those. you won’t wander much there, you won’t look at the falling water and the old masonry for a long time. In July-August, many tourists actively compete with each other for the right to take a photo in the center of the bridge and closer to the waterfall.

Given the easy transport accessibility and close distance from Batumi, it is still worth coming here, at least for show. I think that people who have flown to Georgia for the first time will find these places more interesting and exciting, but those who have already traveled around the country and seen everything have slightly changed their scale for assessing local nature.

At the same time, I would recommend going to the Gonio fortress and Sarpi beach on this day, and for travelers by car with high ground clearance, there is a direct road to the village of Khulo, where truly unrealistic views of the beauty of the nature of mountainous Adjara open up.

Makhuntseti is inhabited by very hospitable and friendly Georgians, not paying attention to the registration in the passport, they are ready to gladly invite new friends to an impromptu table in the yard, tell a lot of interesting things and even personally take them on an excursion again. This suggests that Georgian flavor is alive here and all the good things that you heard and read about them before the trip.

Useful information

  1. Coordinates for Navitel: N 41°34"17", E 41°51"38"
  2. GPS coordinates for Yandex Maps and Google Maps: 41.571473, 41.860567
  3. The entrance is free.
  4. Working hours: around the clock.

How to get to and get to the waterfall and bridge

From Batumi to the Makhuntseti waterfall from the bus station there is a minibus to the village of Keda at number 77. The fare is 1.5 GEL ($ 0.7), travel time is 40 minutes. In order to fully enjoy the views of the beauty of mountainous Adjara, it is better to sit on the opposite side of the bus from the driver. Other minibuses are also suitable for travel, but they are without numbers and it is unrealistic to choose the right one without outside help. There are minibuses in the far corner of the right wing of the Batumi bus station. Before leaving, ask the driver to stop near the bridge in Makhuntseti, be guided by the fact that vendors with jars of jam and honey will sit by the road, near which many cars are parked.

By car, it takes 20 minutes to get to Makhuntseti along the Batumi-Akhaltsikhe highway - it alone leads in this direction, it doesn’t turn anywhere, so it’s hard to get lost.

Travelers go to Sakartvelo (this is how the Georgians call their country) to see the local churches and monasteries, take a walk along the blossoming one, visit the original mountain villages, sunbathe on the Black Sea beaches, conquer the slopes on skiing, get medical treatment in , and also visit incomparable waterfalls .


The location of the 20-meter Makhuntseti is the region of mountainous Adjara. It is worth swimming in the waterfall waters, because the “natural soul” is credited with a rejuvenating effect (a stone bowl at the foot of the waterfall acts as a healing “bath”). In spring, Makhuntseti is an impenetrable water wall, and in summer it is a fountain of spray. An open-air cafe is open nearby, where visitors are treated to national Georgian dishes.

On the way to the waterfall, travelers will be able to see the arched stone bridge of Makhuntseti (there is an assumption that this is a building of the 12th century; it is periodically reconstructed) at a height of 6m above the water level (it is thrown over the mountain river Acharistskali).

Address: 30 km away from Batumi.

Gveleti waterfall

This waterfall, falling from a height of 25 meters (falling from a height, the water formed a deep font at the foot of the rock), was formed by the Gveletistskali River and is divided into 2 streams (in the upper part the width of the waterfall is 2 m, and in the lower part - 4 m). Leaving the car at the road connecting the villages of Gveleti and Gergeti, travelers need to go out onto a narrow mountain path and walk along it for about 1.5 km - the path will lead to the gorge in which the Gveleti waterfall is hidden (it is advisable to allocate at least 4 hours for the tour). Important: since the flow of water carries with it stones, sometimes quite large, it is not recommended to approach the waterfall densely.

Address: near the village of Gveleti.

Gurgenian waterfall

The 40-meter waterfall is formed by the river Ninos Khevi, and its stream flows through the gorge, which is overgrown with moss. It is recommended to start the path from the village of Gurgeniani, since the entrance to the reserve is located near it - from here the hiking route along the river will begin (its duration is 5 km)
Important: on the way to the waterfall, you must stick to the right bank, otherwise you will meet a rock on the way and you will have to turn back (it is advisable to take a map at the entrance - there is a place where you need to turn to the left bank 1 time). The most difficult part is the last 100-meter section of the path: it is important to stay on your feet so as not to fall down (at this point the soil and stones become slippery from waterfall spray).

Address: Lagodekhi Nature Reserve. The entrance ticket to the reserve will cost 10 GEL, the services of a guide - 45 GEL, a double room in a hotel, a reserve - 50 GEL, and renting a tent - 15 GEL.


It is a waterfall of 2 steps, 100 (located at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level) and 20 m high, on the Okatse River. At 150 m above the waterfall you can find old baths - buildings made of white stone (princes used them as baths).

Georgia is a country with a unique landscape and picturesque nature. On its territory, washed by the salt water of the Black Sea, there are mountains, numerous forests, natural monuments, muddy rivers and the purest lakes. There are about 15 waterfalls in the country, which are not always possible to reach because of their location in inaccessible places for a person without training. The waterfalls of Georgia are a breathtaking and amazing sight that has been captivating the hearts of travelers for many years.


It is located in the very north of Georgia near the small village of Gveleti. Falling streams from deep gorge The most famous mountain in Georgia is Kazbek. It is 25 meters high and up to 4 meters wide in some places.

The walking path starts from the semi-abandoned village of Gleveti, which many Georgians left long ago, having gone to work in big cities, and after a kilometer and a half will lead to the gorge, bypassing which, tourists find themselves right at the foot of the waterfall. You can’t get close to it - shale rocks often break off, carrying down stones along with turbulent streams.

A bright part of the Lagodekhi Reserve, located on the territory of Kakheti, in the village of the same name. The road to the waterfall is laid past the most picturesque and the most beautiful places that will not leave indifferent any lover of pristine, untouched nature.

Form its 40 meters high, the streams of the river Ninos Khevi. The road to the sights lies through the mountains.

You can get to it with your own car, a fixed-route taxi or by buying sightseeing tour. The last 5 km along the river through the gorge suggest walking tour. You have to walk on the right side. If you go on the left, you will have to go back, the path will lead to a deaf impenetrable rock.

Around the waterfall reigns an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility. There you can see wild animals such as bears, deer, roe deer, wild boars, as well as a variety of birds of prey. The whole area is densely entwined with bright green ivy leaves.

Note! The last 100 meters of the road, on the way to the waterfall, are the most dangerous and extreme. The stones covered with the spray of the supply water are very slippery, so it is highly recommended to wear comfortable, well-fixed and non-slip shoes.

Is the main attraction famous resort Gagra. The height of the waterfall is 530 m above sea level. Due to the peculiarities of the local climate, it is allowed to visit the waterfall from May to November, in the remaining months there are impenetrable snows here. The Geg waterfall is always icy.

The structure of the waterfall is original. If it is usually formed as a result of a threshold or an abyss on the path of a mountain stream, the Gheg landmark hits right through the rock, exactly in its middle.

Depending on the season, the height of the waterfall is from 50 to 70 m.


It is located just above Lake Ritsa, on steep mountain slopes. Its fast and raging waters, enriched with oxygen, form white foamy streams, which gives the impression that a whole river of milk is flowing from the peaks.

The water in the waterfall is cool and drinkable. At the height of the tourist season, here you can see whole groups of dip travelers who have come to admire the beauties of nature and saturate the body with useful minerals.

The waterfall is multi-cascade, the streams beat against the stones with incredible force and turn into the smallest water parts, so there is always a cloud of wet suspension around the attraction.

Like any natural memorial, this waterfall in Abkhazia has a legend about an ugly girl who was advised by fellow villagers to wash her face with fresh milk to give cute features to her face. She did not have money for such a product, so every day she washed herself with water from the Milky Falls and soon met her prince and love there. Since then, it has been called the "Waterfall for Lovers".

Not far away is another smaller, but no less impressive Bird Falls.

One of the most powerful and highest falling water streams in Georgia, located in the canyon of the Okatse River, 40 km from the city of Kutaisi.

It is characterized by several cascades flowing into the river. The name is due to the proximity of several Georgian villages Zeda-Kinchkha and Kveda-Kinchkha. The first level reaches a height of 100 m and is located 1000 m above sea level. At the point of its fall, a small lake was formed, from which the second stage of streams flows, about 20 m high.

The place attracts tourists not only with breathtaking views, but also with baths located in this place. They are located in the upper canyon and were used by famous princes, as evidenced by the white buildings nearby: 100-150 meters from the waterfall.

To get to Kinchkha, you need to cover a distance of 7 km from the villages of Zeda-Kinchkha and Kveda-Kinchkha. The road there is unpaved and poorly equipped, it is either worth walking along it or hiring an SUV, an ordinary passenger car will not pass there.


Makhuntseti Waterfall is located 30 kilometers from the tourist Batumi, located on the Black Sea coast, on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. The streams that form it fall from a 20-meter cliff. At the place of the fall, a shallow lake turned out, in which you can cool off in the summer heat.

You can get to the waterfall by any minibus from the next to the village of Keda. The journey will take about half an hour and will cost 3-4 GEL. Public transport does not take you directly to the attractions. A stops nearby, where everyone can see a few signs with directions. One will point to the path to the waterfall, and the other - in the direction of the Queen Tamara bridge. The walk will take several minutes, during which the soothing melody of flowing water will be heard all the time.

Near the waterfall, a cafe was built where they serve delicious Georgian kebabs. And on the way back along the road next to the stadium, you will meet the ethnographic museum of Makhuntseti, some of the exhibits of which are located in the open air, the other - indoors.

Arch Bridge of Queen Tamara

The arched bridge of Queen Tamara in Batumi is one of the largest Adjarian bridges built at that time. Its length reaches 25 m, width 4.5 m, and it is located at a height of 6 m. IN The building is over 900 years old. It was erected from nearby rock fragments, connected with lime mortar. This design survived more than one earthquake.

Under the bridge there is a cozy sandy beach where volleyball lovers sunbathe and relax. Thrill-seekers jump straight from the bridge. In spring, the water level rises, and the territory is hidden under the cold streams of the river - it's time for rafting and kayakers.

Also nearby is a playground with a small cafe with affordable prices. Tables are placed directly above the surface of the lake or on an attached floating pier.

Georgia is rich in unique and unforgettable places for travelers. Nature in this area has made several gifts - in the form of beautiful mountain streams, the raging waters of which, combined with the majestic mountain ranges, form waterfalls. One of the most famous and hyped in Adjara is the Makhuntseti waterfall in Batumi, near the arched bridge of Queen Tamara.

Batumi is an ancient Georgian city located on the Black Sea coast. In addition, this is the main tourist centre country. The sights of Batumi are the Makhuntseti waterfall, the arched bridge and a large number of ancient and modern works of architecture.

basic information

Batumi is a small town. A little over 150 thousand people live here. Nevertheless, in the legendary Georgian city there are many old buildings and modern skyscrapers. Every year he visits great amount tourists who want to get acquainted with local attractions. The main part of Batumi adjoins the bay of the same name.

The population is multinational. And, of course, Georgians also live here. Total among local residents representatives of more than twenty nationalities. Most of them are, of course, Orthodox. By the way, one of the sights of the city is Cathedral Holy Mother of God. Why is the population of this city so diverse? In what century did Batumi appear? And what does its name mean?


Aristotle was one of the first to write about Batumi. That is, this city is really ancient. Its name, perhaps, is translated as "stone". However, one of the ancient authors in his work mentioned the port with the Greek name - Βαθύς, which means "deep".

In the early Middle Ages, Batumi belonged to the kingdom of Laziki. Later it became part of the unified Georgian state. In the middle of the XVI century, Batumi was occupied by the Ottomans, who left the city only after three hundred years after its conquest. This happened after the signing of the Berlin Peace Treaty. The combined Russian-Georgian troops liberated the city from the Turks, and it became part of Russia. For eight years, Batumi was a free port, which had a positive effect on its development.

After the defeat in the war with Russia, the Ottoman Empire had to give Georgian lands as an indemnity, including the territory of modern Batumi. In the 19th century, the city acquired considerable economic importance. The Batumi uyezd was created, which included the Artvin, Batumi and Adjara districts. Thanks to the status of a free port (free port), the city grew, taking on the appearance of a European locality. True, at the same time, the situation of local residents worsened and cases of smuggling became more frequent. Free port was abolished in 1886.

Batumi in the 20th century

At the beginning of the century, unrest began in the city. Employees of Batumi enterprises more and more often and more frankly expressed dissatisfaction with working conditions. Here, in the first decades of the 20th century, as in other cities of Georgia, lawlessness and anarchy were observed. By the beginning of World War I, there was no Caucasian front as such. Ottoman Empire again took a significant In 1918, Batumi was annexed by the Turks. By the end of the war, this territory had already become a zone of British occupation. Nevertheless, in the early twenties, after a series of events, the city of Batumi became Soviet. Such a diverse and rich history of the city, of course, could not but leave a mark on its architecture.


What to see in Batumi? The question is quite complicated, because even if you name the most famous sights, you get a list consisting of more than 25 points. Let's name a few of them. Even those who plan to spend only two or three days in the city will useful information presented below, and the question of what to see in Batumi is unlikely to arise. So in main resort town Georgia The following attractions are available:

  • Sculpture "Ali and Nino". Eight-meter statues depict the characters of an old Georgian legend. The sculptural composition was opened in 2011.
  • seaside park. The attraction was opened in the eighties of the XIX century. There are also sports grounds in the park.
  • Cable car "Argo". Its height is 250 meters, width - 2.6 kilometers. There is no longer and wider one in any European city.
  • Piazza. This attraction of Batumi is often compared with the square located in Venice. Various events, holidays and concerts are regularly held here.
  • Chacha tower. The tower is located near the sea station. Its height is 25 meters.
  • Arch bridge of Queen Tamara. Quite a large building, created about 900 years ago.
  • Europe Square. Located in the very center, it is considered the most romantic place in the city.
  • Makhuntseti waterfall. In Batumi - one of most beautiful cities Caucasus - there are no more picturesque landscapes than those that can be seen on the way to this natural monument. The waterfall itself is described in more detail below.

While relaxing in a Georgian resort, it is also worth visiting the Georgian Alphabet Tower, May 6 Park, Gonio-Apsaros Fortress, the Colosseum and Armenian Church built in the 19th century. A rather unusual building, made in a modern architectural style, is the House of Justice.

On the way to the waterfall

Batumi is a city with developed infrastructure. And outside you can see the real pristine nature of the Caucasus. Makhuntseti waterfall is located 30 kilometers from Batumi. The tourist route to the arch bridge and this natural monument is quite in demand among the guests of the city. How to get to Makhuntseti?

You need to go along the Transajar highway, past Khelvachauri. A few kilometers after the Adzharian winery there will be a sign. Landmark to the most famous Batumi waterfall serves as an arched bridge. Makhuntseti is located opposite it, but on the other side of the road. You can get there not only by your own car, but also by fixed-route taxi. To these places public transport walks regularly. You will have to spend 3-4 lari on the road.


Only a trip to the waterfall itself will bring aesthetic pleasure. Mountains, a variety of vegetation, small houses in the distance - all this creates a unique landscape that will not spoil even bad weather. Makhuntseti Waterfall is located not far from the road, 5 minutes walk from it. The beauty of these places cannot be overestimated.

According to the reviews of tourists, it is advisable to visit the waterfall during the hot season. Below is a small pit where you can swim. There are no prohibition signs here, however, the stones are rather slippery, and therefore you can get injured. The rocks next to the waterfall have a rather interesting relief. And just a few meters away is a small cafe. The prices in this establishment are the same as in Batumi. Here, not far from the waterfall, there is an old

Queen Tamara

There are many legends about this historical figure. The queen ruled Georgia in the second half of the 12th century. In the history of the country, this time is called the "golden age". According to one of the legends, she did not die at all, but sleeps in a golden cradle. Someday the voice of human sorrow will reach her, and she will wake up. According to the Georgian highlanders, Tamara had the gift of a healer and knew how to cure any ailments. In Georgia, many objects (both ancient and modern) are named after the legendary ruler, including the airport near the village of Mestia. It is not surprising that one of the oldest bridges in Adjara bears her name.

Arch bridge

The stone structure is located 500 meters from the waterfall described above. The bridge was built around the 12th century. Its length is 29 meters. The bridge has no railings, and therefore walking on it may seem unsafe. But this is an erroneous impression. In summer, many swim here, the river is shallow. In autumn, there is usually not a soul on the bridge, and the cafe, located nearby and so popular among tourists, is closed at this time.