september 11 towers in america. Who really blew up the twin towers in New York? How many terrorist attacks were


18 years have passed since this tragic event, but the debate about what really happened then does not subside. And the number of those who do not believe in the official version is growing, because there are too many inconsistencies, a lot of things that the official version is unable to explain logically

1) 09/11/2001 I came home after work in the evening, and my wife says, then you will have dinner, the incredible is shown on TV live, it has been going on for 15 minutes, the plane crashed into a skyscraper in the USA. I go in, sit down in a chair and I can’t believe my eyes: people are jumping from the windows of the upper floors, preferring to die in this way than to burn alive. And in a couple of minutes the second plane crashes into the second skyscraper. I can't believe this is actually happening. Fantasy, not reality. I sit, I look, as if spellbound. Forget about dinner and beer. More, more, attack on the Pentagon, etc.

And about an hour later it dawns on me, why on earth is all this shown on Russian TV live (on Channel 1, on Channel 2, on NTV, etc.), and even almost from the very start. It should have taken quite a long time for one approval to get permission from the authorities, which means that permission to show the attack of the twin towers was obtained in advance. That is, already on the evening of September 11, 2001, I had doubts that something was definitely wrong here, that this was akin to the Reichstag arson in 1933.

The second plane crashed into the south tower (WTC-2) 16.5 minutes after the first plane hit the north tower (WTC-1).

2) It was also obvious to me from the very beginning that the terrorists could not crash into skyscrapers. Amateurs who completed express flight courses were not able to manage complex modern liners, aim them at the skyscrapers and hit the target right the first time. And who these terrorists were and the fact that they graduated from the courses was established surprisingly quickly.

For the first weeks, they only talked about this, which of them studied as a pilot in the USA, where they graduated from courses, etc. They cited the words of witnesses, showed eyewitnesses and video recordings, which showed footage of their training in aviation schools. But many in the world did not immediately believe this, because they understood that the Arabs were taught to fly on cornfields, and not on liners. Therefore, another version soon surfaced that they were already experienced pilots when they arrived in the United States. Then the question is, why do they need courses where they learn to fly on corncobs? True, now there is almost no mention of these courses anywhere.

3) When the skyscrapers began to fall an hour later, I couldn’t believe my eyes, this is how houses fall as a result of their deliberate demolition by undermining, experts call this technology “directed explosion”, when the building is mined from the inside. And if the house collapses for other reasons, then the fall occurs chaotically and with a large radius of scattering of large fragments of buildings in different directions. In addition, I knew approximately that the melting point of steel, and in the construction of skyscrapers, special, heavy-duty steel is used, is much higher than the combustion temperature of kerosene. The melting temperature of such steel is 1538 ° C. The maximum temperature that is reached when burning pure aviation fuel is 825°. But the kerosene burned out relatively quickly, which means that the temperature of the fire should have dropped to the usual temperature for a fire in the room. That is, the complete destruction of the twins could not have occurred in this situation, especially since they could not have formed in any way, as during the demolition of buildings.

4) In a terrible fire, according to official version, hundreds of thousands of tons of steel melted, hundreds of tons of concrete turned to dust. There was practically nothing left of the passengers of the Boeings and of the thousands who died in the building, not even charred body fragments. And the passport of one of the hijackers who crashed into the turret of the plane, Mohammed Atta, flew down intact and was found during the investigation. The passport was supposed to instantly burn out at the moment when the plane crashed into a skyscraper in a terrible explosion. Even the "black boxes" of the planes were completely destroyed by fire, and the passport was safe and sound. It only happens in bad movies.

5) By the way, from 1.116 people out of 2.606 who died in twins, only small fragments of bodies remained or nothing remained. Together with them, parts of office furniture, telephones, computers, etc. turned into dust and small fragments. The largest fragment of all this was a small fragment of a telephone keypad, according to one of those who worked on dismantling the collapsed twins. Only when buildings collapse, bodies can be deformed, but they do not fall apart and, moreover, cannot disappear without a trace. This could only happen with a strong explosion, which is confirmed by the fact. that in 2006, the smallest fragments of human bones were discovered on the roof of the neighboring skyscraper where Deutsche Bank is located.

In total, 2,977 people became victims on 11.09.2001.

6) I did not know for a long time that the third skyscraper collapsed near the twin towers and it is not surprising that this fact was hushed up in the USA. And when I found out, it was only an insignificant addition to my evidence that everything was arranged by the US intelligence services. In this 47-storey skyscraper No. 7, the New York headquarters of the CIA and a number of government agencies were located. It is possible that another plane should have crashed into this building or another incident occurred, but something went wrong. And it was necessary to destroy it without fail, so they destroyed it slowly, under the guise.

Skyscraper No. 7 fell, according to independent experts, as beautifully as the twin towers. but after a few hours. But experts from the organization "Engineers and Architects for Truth", which includes about 2 thousand professionals in the field of engineering and architecture, argue that this building could not collapse so easily, as this was prevented by unusually strong reinforced concrete structures.

7) The third hijacked plane, according to the official version, crashed into the Pentagon building, where the terrorists sent the liner along an extremely difficult, as low as possible trajectory. At the same time, the height of the Boeing 757 is 13 meters, the Pentagon - 24 meters. Based on this, the final kilometers of the flight of the liner had to pass at a height of only a few meters above the ground, which is an almost impossible task for pilots who have just completed express courses. And most importantly, it was much easier to crash into the Pentagon from above. That's what real terrorists would do. But that's not all, the Boeing did not leave traces of the wings when it hit the building. Their fragments were not found nearby either. According to official conclusions, they were all destroyed by a powerful explosion and fire, which is very doubtful.

Part of the video footage depicting the attack on the Pentagon was seized by FBI agents immediately after the attack. Also, no one saw the footage, which depicted an airliner that crashed into a building, or its wreckage, or the remains of passengers, or the remains of luggage.

The fourth hijacked plane crashed in Pennsylvania. On it, according to the legend, the passengers resisted the terrorists, and from the same official version it follows that it fell in the field, only the scatter of the wreckage of the aircraft over a radius of over 10 km or what imitates the wreckage indicates that it was destroyed in the air at high altitude. In fact, there were no traces left of the plane. Was he at all? According to the official version, they wanted to send him either to the White House or to the Congress building, located in Washington.

8) And who led the planes that crashed into the twin towers? They were radio-controlled and without passengers. I stick to this option, maybe I'm wrong.

For the more logical version is that there were no planes at all. And they showed a staging on TV, so light duralumin planes pierced through reinforced concrete skyscrapers like a knife through a tin can, which, according to independent experts, is impossible. That is, we were shown cartoons. In some countries, this is how they show a new super-powerful unique weapon.

9) Adds intrigue and the circumstance, as independent researchers of this tragedy point out, that the twin towers and skyscraper No. 7 in the six weeks before September 11, 2001, the American company Silverstein and the Israeli company Lovi insured more than $ 3 billion. This amount exceeds that which went to the construction of both towers. The total amount of insurance payments as a result of the terrorist attack amounted to a record amount of $ 70 billion.

And in the basement of skyscraper number 7, they said, huge reserves of gold were stored for hundreds of billions of dollars. It evaporated. The states have written everything off as force majeure.

Airplane No. 3 not only crashed into the Pentagon, but precisely into that part of the building where especially important documentation was stored, including accounting reports, destroying them. As a result, the scandal that was brewing in the United States, connected with the theft of hundreds of billions of dollars from the Pentagon, has sunk into oblivion.

Why were all the remains of the collapsed metal immediately sent, like scrap metal, to be melted down? This made it impossible to conduct an investigation. When asked in writing by The New York Times who gave the order, the New York Governor's Office declined to respond.

Why did the destruction of the towers begin according to a single scheme from the very top, and not from the floors damaged by aircraft? Why did they collapse so quickly, just an hour after the top floors of one of the skyscrapers caught fire?

Why did the authorities refuse to comment on the testimony of many witnesses and firefighters that they heard numerous explosions inside both towers just before they began to fall?

Were the planes guided from the ground using the Global Hawk system developed in the USA?

And this is only a small part of the experts' questions.

10) Why was this provocation started? Imperialism cannot live without wars, such is its nature. He needs wars to solve his contradictions, to get out of an insoluble crisis.

In September 2000, the report of the leading structure of the American "neoconservatives" Project for a New American Century, entitled "Rebuilding American Power", was published, which literally said the following: the process of transforming the United States into the dominant power of tomorrow can take a long time, unless some kind of some catastrophic catalytic event, the "new Pearl Harbor". One of the authors of this report was Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense of the United States in 2001-2005. In addition to him, PNAC members were also Dick Cheney (Vice President), Donald Rumsfeld (Secretary of Defense) and Richard Pearl (head of the Defense Policy Advisory Committee at the Pentagon).

A catalyst for events was needed and it happened, after 09/11/2001 the world ceased to be the same. This provocation buried international law, gave the United States carte blanche to wage war around the world. Instead of the USSR, which had sunk into oblivion, a new enemy was invented in the person of "international terrorism", to which it became possible to classify any state. As early as October 7, 2001, the Americans invaded Afghanistan to "punish the terrorists." In March 2003, the US attacked Iraq, plunging the entire region into chaos, and eventually took control of almost all of Iraq's oil and the entire Middle East. Then there was Libya, revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, Syria… The Pentagon received more than $7 trillion over the past 18 years for the "fight against terror" in various countries, and the US military-industrial complex acquired a new meaning for existence.

In October 2001, the Patriot Act was adopted in the United States - a carefully and pre-elaborated federal law that significantly expanded the rights of the special services for electronic surveillance and surveillance of Americans, the special services got the opportunity to control everyone. The United States has finally become a police state.

PS. Were there really terrorists or not? Were. But they were just being used. American intelligence agencies deliberately allowed terrorists into the country, who, indeed, were plotting terrorist attacks using aircraft. They were needed. like a cover. Particularly intriguing is the discovery of the car of the terrorists, which they parked in the parking lot of thousands of people near the airport. Surprisingly, inside were both Korans and instructions for operating the Boeing. Again, like in a bad movie. And they were sent to the United States by US agents embedded in terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Moreover, the main international terrorist organizations were created with the participation of the States themselves. And this has not been a secret for a long time.

But on the whole, the provocation of September 11, 2001 was arranged fantastically, it is more grandiose and talented than the staging of the flights of American astronauts to the moon. In 1969 - 1972 it was much easier to make everything, to make a "movie" in Hollywood and show it to simpletons around the world. And here the action took place live, in front of our eyes, about which the television of the allied countries was warned in advance and that Russian TV beautifully and convincingly demonstrated to us.

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From the beginning From the end

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With this, Gazeta.Ru completes the online broadcast of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you soon!

Since 2002, September 11 has been celebrated in the American calendars as Patriot Day. Since 2009, this date has also been named a nationwide Day of Service and Remembrance.

Jason Cohn/Reuters

In 2011, the World War II Memorial appeared on the site of the destroyed buildings in New York. shopping center: it is presented in the form of two square fountain pools located directly at the bases of the former twin towers. The names of the victims of the terrorist attacks are carved on bronze slabs at the base of the structures' parapets.

On the eve of the 15th anniversary of the attacks, the Washington sociological center conducted a survey that found that over 90% of respondents clearly remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news about the attack on the World Trade Center.

In addition, almost half of Americans do not feel safe and believe that the ability of terrorists to carry out a new major attack on US soil only increases every year.

Tenet also tried to convince the public that thanks to his actions, "major attacks planned by al-Qaeda" (banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) in 1999 and 2000 were prevented. However, he could not provide any details on special operations.

Jeff Christensen/Reuters

The CIA also cites Tenet's own overly harsh reaction to the release of this report, which he called "nonsense" and "a mistake."

“Your analysis unfairly and inaccurately depicts my actions, as well as the heroic work of the men and women of the intelligence establishment. It is simply unfair to judge my work without having a full understanding of all the facts. I did everything I could to report, warn and take measures to prevent terrorist attacks, ”the former CIA director said in 2005.

In particular, the document states that Tenet recognized the need for a "comprehensive and interagency plan" to combat al-Qaeda (banned on the territory of the Russian Federation). However, he did nothing for this. “He bears full responsibility for the fact that such a strategic plan was never created, despite his clear position,” the document says.

The CIA oversight service also prepared a report on the 2001 tragedy - it contained criticism of the Director of Central Intelligence and the head of the CIA, George Tenet, who held this post from 1997 to 2004.

Gazeta.Ru publishes the last words of passengers who find themselves in four passenger aircraft x, which were destined to serve as a tool in the hands of Arab terrorists. You can listen to the words that convey the full depth of fear and despair in the face of an impending tragedy.

“This date completely changed life in the United States and its largest metropolis, dispelled American ideas about safe world where they live,” said Joe Daniels, director of the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum.

Peter Morgan/Reuters

All these manifestations of "arrogance of power" caused rejection and protests both in America itself and beyond its borders. According to international polls, anti-American sentiments were growing in the world.

Domestic and foreign policy propaganda in the United States also intensified. America showed particular disregard for the norms of international law by creating a concentration camp at its military base in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba - a kind of legal vacuum - for the detention and processing of people captured during anti-terrorist operations in Afghanistan and other places.

The prisoners of this "zone" are not, in fact, US prisoners of war and do not have any official legal status. In this regard, the authorities came to the possibility of keeping them behind bars almost indefinitely.

The atmosphere in the country gradually heated up - the States were more like a besieged fortress. Whistleblowing was encouraged, but at the same time leaks of official information and, in general, any deviation from the “patriotic consensus” were punished. It was possible to lose a job for one recognition of the courage of the terrorists.

After the events of September 11, 2001, the Republican administration of George W. Bush declared a "war on terror." In this regard, Congress adopted a whole package of "emergency" laws, which, among other things, significantly expanded the powers of the special services. Now they have the opportunity to conduct "interrogations with passion", bordering on torture, as well as to closely monitor not only foreigners, but also the citizens of the country. In addition, the United States increasingly closed the borders, tightened the immigration and visa regime.

Jeff Christensen/Reuters

However, Saudi Arabia responded by filing a federal court in Manhattan with a demand to dismiss 25 lawsuits, as the plaintiffs have no evidence of Riyadh's involvement in the 9/11 attack.

Later, dozens of insurance companies also sued the two banks. Saudi Arabia, as well as firms associated with the Osama bin Laden family. The total amount of the claim was more than $4 billion.

In September 2016, the US Congress passed a law that allowed the heirs of the victims of the September 11 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, since most of the terrorists were citizens of this country. A month later, the first lawsuit was filed by an American woman who lost her husband during a terrorist attack. In the spring of 2017, a class action lawsuit was also filed by the remaining relatives of the victims.

Peter Morgan/Reuters

In particular, in May 2012, at the Guantanamo base, a trial began on the ideological inspirer and main organizer of the terrorist attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was detained in 2003 in Pakistan. He has not yet been sentenced.

In 2002 and 2003, police arrested six more people suspected of involvement in the attacks. After several years spent in CIA prisons, they were taken to a camp at an American base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Five of the suspects were only charged in May 2011. To date, hearings on the case of the 2001 attacks are ongoing.

Later, the identities of all suicide bombers were established - they turned out to be citizens of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Lebanon. At the same time, the men were legally in the United States. Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden also released a video message in which he admitted that he directly led the actions of 19 terrorists.

Win McNamee/Reuters

In November 2002, a special independent commission was set up in the United States to investigate the September 11 attacks. Two years later, experts published the final report on the investigation into the circumstances of the tragedy - in total it took 600 pages.

The exact figure of the damage caused by the September 11, 2001 attacks is still unknown. In September 2006 - five years after the tragedy - the head of the White House, George W. Bush, announced that at the lowest estimate it was $ 500 billion.

Those who lived through September 11, 2001 in the United States will never be able to erase the events of those days from their memory.

“The fact that the towers could collapse seemed unimaginable. If you are an American, grew up here, and even if you are a foreigner who watched films about the United States, then they were a symbol for you, something like the Taj Mahal or even something more. They seemed to last forever,” emphasizes Jonathan Wachtel.

The men spent almost 20 hours under the rubble - firefighters got to McLaughlin only on the morning of September 12. In the hospital, the doctors practically signed their own impotence - the injuries of the injured sergeant were too serious. John was later put in a coma for 6 weeks and underwent about 30 surgeries, including skin grafts on his legs. After several years of therapy, he was still able to return to normal life.

John McLaughlin was the last person to be pulled from the rubble of the collapsed World Trade Center.

Peter Morgan/Reuters

Sergeant John McLaughlin was at the scene of the tragedy of his own free will - having learned about what had happened, he went to help. They were on the basement floor connecting the buildings of the World Trade Center complex when the South Tower collapsed. The police were under the rubble.

“At first I thought I was dead. I didn't feel anything: I didn't see, I didn't smell, I didn't hear. There was a ringing silence around, ”recalls John McLaughlin.

The mortal danger also threatened the rescuers - many of them risked their lives to bring people out.

“Looking over my left shoulder, I managed to see a huge cloud of dust and a piece of falling concrete. The wreckage flew right in my direction, from the side it looked like a block of ice falling from a glacier is falling on you. I froze, anticipating the end, and then I saw a fire truck. I decided to hide under it, not having the slightest confidence that it would save me. I just wanted to escape the wreckage and acted unconsciously,” says police sergeant Dennis Frederick. Later, he learned that many of his colleagues died when a building collapsed on another staircase.

The lucky ones were also among those who were in the Pentagon on the fateful day. One of them was John Yates, the security manager.

“The room was just black and everything I touched burned my hands. I crawled on all fours and realized that I was moving in the right direction when it became lighter. Once in the yard, I realized that I was badly burned, because I looked at my hands and saw how the skin was peeling off them. I remember sitting on the grass and the doctor cut off my clothes. At the time of the explosion, five people were standing next to me. Only I survived, ”recalls the man.

People in the South Tower made their way up flights of stairs completely littered with chunks of concrete, exploding soda cans, and ruptured pipes.

“All you could hear was people coughing and moaning. One of the women suffered from asthma and had to stop to catch her breath. The lady with the cut arm walked with difficulty, her leg was bleeding. Each time she stepped on the floor, she left a bloody imprint. I tried to contain my panic, and my inner voice told me: “Calm down,” says an employee of Euro Brokers, located within the walls of the south tower. She and all her companions managed to get out into the street.

On the 40th floor, Michael and his colleagues, descending down, met firefighters. They advised to keep moving. Having overcome the level of the 20th floor, Wright got to the site of the South Tower, where he realized the gravity of what was happening: there were corpses everywhere, dozens of bodies.

The building began to collapse when Wright and his colleagues were at the escalator at one of the exits from the building. The air instantly turned black with clouds of dust. Michael was led outside by a firefighter who knew the way through the surviving bookstore building.

Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

“The thought of the unreality of what was happening helped to keep calm on the stairs, it seemed that the building could not collapse. As we climbed a few floors, we relaxed a bit. We understood that something bad had happened, but when the fire remained thirty floors above, it was no longer so disturbing, ”recalls Wright.

However, there were those who managed to survive. So, 30-year-old Michael Wright at the time of the attack was on the 81st floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. According to the man, at a certain moment the building shuddered - he looked out of the toilet and saw a fire. There was also a huge crack on the floor of the corridor, the hall near the elevator was completely destroyed, there was smoke everywhere.

2977 people became victims of terrorist attacks: 246 passengers and crew members of aircraft, 2606 people in New York, in the WTC buildings and on the ground, 125 in the Pentagon building. Citizens of the United States and 91 other states were killed.

In the process rescue work also killed were 341 firefighters and 2 paramedics, 60 police officers and eight paramedics.

On the day of the tragedy, Alexander Bratersky was in New York, now he is a political observer for Gazeta.Ru. He witnessed what was happening in the city during those terrible hours. “On September 11, 2001, I was in the USA as part of the accompanying Tatu group, which received an MTV award on September 9,” ​​says Alexander Bratersky. - Early in the morning I was riding the subway when, together with other passengers, I saw a fire in one of the skyscrapers. We were dropped off the car - we learned from the police that the plane crashed into the tower. We immediately thought it was a terrorist act. I rushed to call on a street payphone to go on the air of Nashe Radio, where I then worked.

The Gazeta.Ru observer recalls that panic reigned around. “Many cried, the police shouted: “North!”, urging people to go to New Jersey in organized transport. Hearing that I speak Russian, a girl grabbed my hand - she was confused. It turned out that the girl came from Ukraine. She was crying, so I took her to a cafe where people sat in complete silence and watched the towers fall on TV.”

When asked about the number of victims, New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani replies: "More than you can bear." At the same time, the mayor of Washington declares a state of emergency - the National Guard arrives in the city.

Mike Segar/Reuters

American Airlines confirms the loss of two aircraft. Within an hour, United Airlines also reports the loss of two of its aircraft.

Media reports about the cancellation of the election of the mayor of New York in connection with the tragic events.

According to CNN, mass evacuations have begun in Washington and New York. Minutes later, the mayor of New York also orders the evacuation of Lower Manhattan.

“I saw bloody people coming out of the towers. It was like a movie. Everything seemed somehow unreal. I distinctly remember the firefighters coming in with their gear, looking up and shaking their heads before they did. Probably, many of them died later, ”says an eyewitness to the events, Fox News producer Jonathan Wachtel.

Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

The north tower of the World Trade Center is completely destroyed - 1 hour and 41 minutes have passed since Flight 11 hit it. None of those on the upper floors survive. The Marriott Hotel, whose building was located between the two towers, was also completely destroyed. The destruction of the second tower, like the first, was shown live.

As President George W. Bush later noted, he took the third attack as a declaration of war. Immediately after that, he flew out of Florida.

“It cleared up in my head: what happened with the first plane could still be an accident, with the second - definitely an attack, but with the third - already a declaration of war,” the president wrote in his memoirs.

A wing of the Pentagon building collapses.

United Airlines flight 93 falls 129 km southeast of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Presumably, his target was the Capitol building or the White House. However, the passengers of the liner intervened in the matter - having received reports of two other hijacked aircraft, they forcibly tried to regain control over the board. Realizing that they could not withstand the pressure of people, the terrorists sent the liner into the ground.

The South Tower of the World Trade Center is completely destroyed. It's been 55 minutes since Flight 175 hit it. Lower Manhattan is completely covered by huge clouds of dust.

Handout Old/Reuters

A riot of passengers begins on flight 93. According to the crew of a passing aircraft, the liner “shakes its wings” - at this time, a struggle takes place in the cockpit between passengers and hijackers.

The FAA command center requests the headquarters of the aviation administration demanding military intervention in the situation with Flight 93. However, the Federal Office civil aviation The US never makes a decision until the plane crashes.

Larry Downing/Reuters

After the news that Flight 77 was deployed towards Washington, the Secret Service decides to evacuate the Vice President from the White House.

Fred Eichler, unconscious after the explosion, opens his eyes from the light of a flashlight. A firefighter climbed onto the floor - he managed to save the people found, but he himself later died. When Fred got out into the street, he called his wife and heard her voice: "Run, run, run!". He ran - a few minutes later the North Tower collapsed.

The hijackers begin storming the cockpit of Flight 93 and seize control of the aircraft. Controllers in Cleveland receive a radio transmission from the ship: “Sit in your seats. We have a bomb."

Flight 93 receives a text alert from a United Airlines controller: "Beware of cockpit intrusion - two planes crashed into the World Trade Center."

The Federal Aviation Administration is banning all aircraft destined for or passing through New York. air space, as well as the airspace of Boston and Washington. The ban applies to the entire country.

US President George W. Bush was attacked in Florida. He is in one of the schools in the city of Sarasota for a reading lesson. The head of state reads "Baby Goat" to the children, but the lesson is interrupted.

When the President was already sitting in the classroom, Chief of Staff Andy Card approached him and whispered in his ear that another plane had crashed into the second building. "America is under attack," Chief of Staff Andy Card says in the President's ear.

Win McNamee/Reuters

At about 959 km/h, Flight 175 crashes into the south side of the South Tower of the World Trade Center between floors 78 and 85. Parts of the aircraft pierce through the building and fly out of the east and north sides, some of them fell to the ground six blocks from the building. Interruptions begin in the work of television stations, as studios, transmitters and antenna equipment were located on the south tower.


Flight 175 takes a direction to New York. From the board, one of the passengers, Peter Henson, was able to get through to his father:

"It's bad, father. The flight attendants are injured. They (the hijackers) seem to have knives and gas. They say they have a bomb. The situation on the plane is very bad. Passengers are in a panic, some feel bad. The plane makes sudden movements. I don't think it's the pilot who is flying the plane. I think we are going down. I think we're heading to Chicago or somewhere and we're going to hit a building." The call is interrupted by a woman's scream.

Terrorists hijack Flight 77. The plane's transponder turns off, it is out of radar view. Invisible to the controllers, the liner turns east. After that, Flight 77 continues to fly in the direction of Washington for another 36 minutes without being displayed anywhere.

The flight attendant of Flight 175 contacts the United Airlines office in San Francisco. According to him, the plane was hijacked, both pilots were killed, and the flight attendant was injured. In addition, the thieves took control of the aircraft.

At least 100 people (in some sources there is a figure of 250 people), caught in a terrorist attack on the upper floors, jump out of the windows. A significant part of the floor on one of the floors of the north tower has collapsed - this made people think that the building might collapse.

One man, firefighter Daniel Sur, who was standing on the ground, dies when a man who jumped out of a window falls right on top of him.

At approximately 790 km/h, Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower of the World Trade Center between the 93rd and 99th floors. The plane almost completely goes inside the building, breaks through the building to the middle and cuts all three stairwells, covering them with debris. 80 tons of aviation kerosene, mixed with the remains of the aircraft and the wreckage of the building, create a huge fire.

Ray Stubblebine/Reuters

Insurance agent Fred Eichler, 54, arrived at his office on the 83rd floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center and at that time went to the restroom, where he met colleagues and stopped to chat. As they talk, they see a plane flying straight at them. Literally a few minutes later, the men were sharply thrown back by an explosive wave for several tens of meters.

Flight attendant Amy Sweeney, who was on board Flight 11, called the American Airlines office in Boston.

"Something is wrong. We're going down fast. I see water. I see buildings. We are flying very, very low. We're flying too low." After a few seconds, she slowly says, "Oh God." The call is interrupted by loud steady noise.

Flight 175 is hijacked. The flight attendant contacts the United Airlines office in San Francisco: he reports that both pilots were killed, the flight attendant was injured, and it is likely that the abductors are flying the plane.

Ruben Sprich/Reuters

From international airport Newark takes off Boeing 757, owned by United Airlines. The 37 passengers aboard Flight 93 are bound for San Francisco after a 40-minute delay. There are four hijackers on board.

The Boston center contacts the US National Guard Otis Air Force Base and reports the hijacking of Flight 11. A few minutes later, the controller also receives a message from the pilot of Flight 175, which had previously taken off from Logan: the crew saw the hijacked flight 16 km from their side.

“... we heard a strange transmission at the moment when we took off from Boston. It was heard how someone pressed the microphone button and said - "everyone remains in their places," the pilots report.

Flight 11 transponder turns off, but the aircraft remains on the surveillance radar screens as a mark without additional information. After that, it makes a 100-degree turn to the south and heads straight for New York.

Suddenly, a radio transmission breaks through to the dispatchers: “We have several planes. Be quiet and everything will be fine. We're going back to the airport." These words are addressed to people in the cabin - the terrorist simply mixed up the buttons.

Another American Airlines Boeing 757 takes off from Washington Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles. Flight 77 has 58 passengers and six crew members. And again, five hijackers on board.

Flight 11 flight attendant Betty Ong dials into the American Airlines office.

“The cockpit is not responding, someone was injured in the business class, I think they used tear gas, we can’t breathe, I don’t know, it looks like we were captured,” the girl says, adding that two were injured flight attendants.

United Airlines Flight 175, another fully fueled Boeing 767, is also leaving Logan Airport for Los Angeles. There are 56 passengers and nine crew members on board. And five hijackers.

Flight 11 in last time communicates with the control center air traffic in Boston. Within a few minutes, the flight ceases to follow the instructions of the dispatcher and does not gain the required height of 10.7 thousand meters.

American Airlines Flight 11 (Boeing 767) has a 14-minute delay. All five hijackers are on board among other passengers.

Five terrorists are boarding the plane - their faces do not yet cause any negative emotions in the rest of the passengers. Mohammed Atta, along with Abdulaziz al-Omari, are the first of the five to enter the plane.

Courtesy of the U.S. Department of Justice

AT Boston airport Logan's American Airlines Flight 11 is getting ready to take off. According to the schedule, he should fly to Los Angeles. There are 86 passengers on board.

On September 4, 2001, national security advisers to the George W. Bush administration approved a draft plan to combat al-Qaeda (banned in Russia). The plan was to be submitted on 10 September. But the President of the United States was away - and did not see him.

In the Memorandum, the US President was reminded that since 1997, Osama bin Laden has been openly talking about his intention to hit the United States. What's more, in 1997 and 1998, he spoke on television that his supporters were ready to follow the example of Ramzi Yousef, who in 1993 left a truck filled with explosives in the underground garage of one of the towers of the World Trade Center. Then six people died and about a thousand were injured.

Having received no support in Congress, the head of state in early March 2011 ordered the resumption of military trials against suspected terrorists held in Guantanamo Bay prison.

In early April 2011, US Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed that defendant Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other defendants in the 9/11 case would not appear before a US civilian court, but before a special military commission at Guantanamo Bay.

On May 31, 2011, the US Military Attorney's Office again charged five suspects, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, with involvement in the September 11, 2001 attacks.

On May 5, 2012, a military tribunal formally charged five suspects with involvement in organizing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the United States. They are accused of organizing a conspiracy, attacking civilians, intentionally causing physical harm, murder, violating the laws of war, causing destruction, hijacking and terrorism.

All five defendants refused to answer whether they plead guilty.

New York District Judge George Daniels ruled in absentia, ordering Iran to pay $7.5 billion to the families and other members of those who died at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The judge determined that the Iranian authorities must pay another three billion to insurers who covered property damage and other material losses. Earlier, Judge Daniels ruled that Tehran could not prove its non-involvement in assisting the organizers of the attack, and therefore the Iranian authorities bear a share of responsibility for the damage caused during it.

On the site of the destroyed Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2011 was the World Trade Center Memorial. It consists of two square pools-fountains located right at the bases of the former twin towers, along the inner walls of which streams of water cascade down, leaving into square holes located at the bottom of each of the pools.

The names of the 2,983 victims of the attacks (including the six who died in the 1993 World Trade Center attack) are carved on the bronze slabs that line the parapets of both fountains.

Was opened new complex World Trade Center. It is the fourth tallest skyscraper in the world - its height is 541 meters. Construction began in April 2006 on the corner of a 65,000-square-meter site where the twin towers of the demolished mall used to stand.

Celebrated in the United States as Patriot Day, since 2009, after the approval of Act 111-13 of the General Law of the United States, this date is also referred to as the nationwide Day of Service and Remembrance.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Residents of the United States are prone to theatricality, even to the farce in politics. To be sure, just look at the struggle of candidates in the 2016 elections. Perhaps because in the entire “centuries-old” history there have been not many significant events: Civil War accidentally opened grand canyon, apparently flew to the moon, mistakenly awarded Obama the Peace Prize. The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 stands apart. This is a terrible tragedy that has changed a lot. After it, the United States turned from a world gendarme into an aggressor of the same scale. Everything happened and continues under the roar of shameless, shameless propaganda according to the precepts of Goebbels.

What this terrorist attack actually represents, who is behind it, is still represented.

Events and causes

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) is the common colloquial name for the North and South Towers, the main buildings of the World Trade Center in New York. The height of the 110-storey buildings exceeded 400 m. In total, the Trade Center included 7 buildings. The attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 destroyed or damaged everything to such a state that it was necessary to carry out a complete dismantling, demolition of all buildings, utilities.

It is officially recognized that the air attack on the WTC buildings was carried out by terrorists who hijacked airliners of American companies that made regular flights. One plane crashed into the North Tower between the 93rd and 99th floors on the morning of September 11, 2001, and 17 minutes later the second collided with the South Tower.

As a result of the applied aircraft damage to the building structures of buildings, fires that arose and quickly spread, the twin towers collapsed less than 2 hours after the start of the terrorist attack, causing serious destruction of the buildings located around, heavy smoke, a dense dust cloud in the surrounding area, the death of some people who were in the buildings, as well as those who carried out emergency rescue work on evacuation, extinguishing fires, restoring order, and providing medical assistance.

As a result, died:

  • 2606 civilians who were in the buildings of the World Trade Center and in the territory adjacent to them.
  • 147 passengers, crew members.
  • 343 New York City Fire Department employees, 60 police officers, 8 emergency medics.

Together with the destroyed WTC complex, more than 20 buildings were damaged as a result of dust, toxic pollution from fires, some of which had to be demolished later, some were restored and repaired. In total, hundreds of thousands of square meters of office and administrative space were destroyed, great amount financial documents, reports, rare paintings, sculptures that were in destroyed, burnt out buildings.

The question immediately arose - who blew up the twin towers on September 11, 2001? The official version of the US government. sounds like this - the cause of the tragedy was the deliberate hit of passenger planes hijacked by terrorists belonging to Al-Qaeda, and the resulting fires led to the collapse of the most tall buildings countries.

In parallel, there are several versions, both argued by testimonies, eyewitness footage, excerpts from official documents, expert opinions, and conspiracy theories, in the spirit of a worldwide conspiracy theory. The former are caused by serious facts that are difficult to dismiss, the latter are based on inference and emotions.

In favor unofficial versions says the following:

  • Superficially, the fall of the Twin Towers looks like the demolition of buildings by a controlled, precisely timed explosion, indistinguishable from the planned destruction of other skyscrapers in the US, which can be seen on numerous videos.
  • The fires that broke out in two separate buildings could hardly deform reliable building structures, including metal ones coated with flame retardants, in less than 2 hours. By the way, the North Tower has already survived a fire in 1975, a terrorist act
    1993 in an underground garage with a truck loaded with 680 kg of explosives, which claimed lives but only slightly damaged the building.
  • By the end of the same day, the 47-storey 200-meter building of the World Trade Center - 7, located far from the twin towers, collapsed. This was shown live, and information about the explosion sounded before the event. Later, the official version of the collapse turned on - all the same fires inside. Why they arose, why at least some of their traces are not visible (smoke, fire, partial destruction of continuous glazing) - without comment, as the Americans like to say.
  • Journalists clarify, ask for examples of the collapse of buildings made of reinforced concrete structures in the United States before or after the events of September 11
    2001, which occurred as a result of fires. They are not here.
  • The story of the businessman who had taken building No. 7 of the World Trade Center in long term rental, who insured it, including a separate item from a terrorist attack, and as a result received a considerable profit from the destruction of buildings.
  • The information added doubts to the reflection on the unprofitability of the tallest buildings in America, plans for their demolition, unrealized, including because of the complexity, high cost of such work in the dense, super-expensive development of Manhattan.
  • Appointed by the US administration. for the role of the leader of the attack on September 11, 2001, the leader of al-Qaeda initially refused such dubious fame. Even gave an interview to a Pakistani newspaper about it. Only in November 2001, he agreed with the prepared role. Protege of S.Sh.A. to fight the USSR in Afghanistan, by that time he himself declared America enemy No. 1 - for which he paid.

There are many doubters. Among them is the leader of the Communists of Russia, Gennady Zyuganov, who said in 2012 that the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York were planned by the US authorities.

Consequences and conclusions

The tragedy, which claimed many lives, became a turning point in both domestic and foreign policy of the United States. The answer to the question of who blew up the twin towers on September 11, 2001, will be the resolution of the situation with international terrorism that threatens the foundations of the "free world". Under the banner of fighting against it, previously unknown opportunities opened up before America, covered by a fig-leaf of democracy:

  • Tough to suppress dissent within the country.
  • Intervene in the policies of the governments of other countries, the work of banks, companies, dictating their will to them, backed up by military and financial power.
  • To overthrow objectionable governments, to stage coups d'état by proxy, generously sponsoring any opposition, up to the Nazis, terrorists of all nationalities, the fight against which is so much officially talked about. Sad examples are neo-Nazis in Ukraine, ISIS banned in Russia.

The desire of the United States to use the theory of "controlled chaos" in all corners of the globe to achieve only its own interests is now no secret to anyone. The tragedy of September 11, 2001, which so “invigorated” the US economy, especially the Department of Defense with hundreds of bases around the world, the military-industrial complex, numerous and very expensive intelligence services, came, no matter how blasphemous it sounds, so opportunely that it causes serious doubts.

The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 and the events that followed it will influence the course of world history for a long time to come. The true reasons that led to it will sooner or later become public.

Probably every modern person has heard something about the 2001 terrorist attack that took place in New York. However, some people do not know about the details, while others simply forgot - after all, almost two decades have passed since this terrible event. We will try to deal with this tragedy as objectively as possible, but at the same time briefly.

What it is

The terrorist attack took place on September 11, 2001. And almost immediately the terrible news spread all over the world. Someone mourned the victims, and someone grinned maliciously and rejoiced at the death of thousands of innocent people.

The fact is that it was on September 11 in New York that two passenger planes crashed into the two towers of the World Trade Center. The attack was remembered by many as the most bloody in the history of mankind.

How did it happen?

Now we will try to recreate in detail the events of the September 2001 terrorist attack.

On this day, the airports worked as usual. Many dozens of airliners taking off from different cities USA, heading to California. And only on board four planes flying from Newark, Logan and Dulles airports, everything went completely wrong - they were captured almost simultaneously shortly after takeoff. They were not chosen by chance - due to the significant length of the routes, there was a large amount of fuel on board the aircraft - approximately 30-35 tons of aviation kerosene.

So far, experts have not been able to reach a consensus on how nineteen terrorists were able to capture four huge airliners. Some argue that ordinary clerical cutters were used for this, with which the terrorists trained for a long time before going "to work." Others believe that tear gas was also used - a report about this was received from the pilot of one of the hijacked aircraft.

The passengers and crew of one of the planes attempted to regain control over the plane, as a result of which the terrorists' plans were thwarted - the plane crashed on a field in Pennsylvania. The terrorists and all on board were killed.

The second plane was sent to the Pentagon building near the city of Washington. The terrorists succeeded in carrying out their plan and crashed into the Pentagon. However, the place for the attack was not chosen very well - it was in this wing that repairs were being carried out at that time. Therefore, the number of victims turned out to be relatively small - not counting the terrorists, passengers and crew members who were on board, a little more than a hundred people died. If the plane crashed into the building from the other side, the number of victims would increase at least several times.

But, of course, the most terrible and memorable events of the 2011 terrorist attack unfolded in New York. It was here that two Boeing 767-200 aircraft with the numbers N334AA and N612UA headed. Their targets were the well-known twin towers that housed the World Trade Center.

The first crashed into the north tower at approximately 8:46 a.m. at an altitude of 94-98 floors.

The second crashed into the south tower at 09:03. It was directed lower - approximately at the level of 78-85 floors. Since television film crews had already arrived at the scene, in a hurry to film the site of the first explosion, the second terrorist attack was filmed from several angles.

As a result of the impact of aircraft on buildings, a fire started - it was no coincidence that aircraft with a large amount of fuel on board were chosen. Dozens of tons of fuel spilled out of punctured tanks and flooded many floors. And because of the most powerful blow that damaged the supporting structures, the buildings began to rapidly collapse.

The tower that was first attacked by terrorists (north) collapsed at 10:28. This happened because of the fire, which was extinguished only after 102 minutes.

The south tower collapsed much faster - already at 9:56, and the fire lasted only 56 minutes.

However, the attack had further consequences. powerful explosions in the attacked buildings led to the fact that in another tower - WTC-7 - gas exploded and a powerful fire started, which could not be quickly stopped. As a result, it collapsed at 17:20.

Number of victims

As mentioned above, the total number of terrorists on board the four planes was 19 people. Of course, they all died.

The terrorists who hijacked United Flight 93, which crashed in a field near Washington, failed to complete their task. Therefore, only passengers and crew members died - the total number of victims was 40 people.

More effective were the actions of terrorists who chose the Pentagon as their target. In addition to the 59 passengers and members on board, 125 people died in the building.

But, of course, the "indicators" of the two planes that crashed into the buildings of the World Trade Center turned out to be the highest. The September 11, 2001, terrorist attack at the Twin Towers killed not only the 147 people on board. Also, 2,606 people died in the building and on its rubble.

Yes, not everyone knows about it, but not all the victims died on September 11 precisely because of the terrorist attack itself. During the localization and elimination of the fire, as well as in the process of searching for survivors, 341 firefighters of the city fire department, as well as two paramedics, were killed. In addition, 60 policemen are among the victims, as well as 8 ambulance doctors.

As a result of the fire, a huge amount of toxic substances was released into the air - insulating and heat-insulating materials, densely saturated with fuel, burned. It was because of this that the last victim of the terrorist attack, Felicia Dunn-Jones, died. And it happened just a few months after the disaster. Carbon monoxide poisoning led to lung failure. Therefore, her name is also included in the lists of those who died due to the terrorist attack in New York on September 11, 2001.

In total, 2977 people died as a result of the tragedy, not counting the terrorists. Among them were citizens not only of the United States, but also of almost a hundred other states.

Still, the number of victims could be much higher. About 16 thousand people managed to evacuate from the WTC buildings, who were below the floors to which the planes were sent.

Who are the performers?

Officially, the attack was planned and carried out by Al-Qaeda, one of the most notorious terrorist groups in the world. It was headed by Osama bin Laden himself, whose name has been on the news for many years. And the group itself quickly claimed responsibility, saying that this attack was a response to US support for Israel, as well as the deployment of troops to Afghanistan.

Of the nineteen performers, fifteen are from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, and one each from Egypt and Lebanon.

Are the secret services behind the attacks?

However, the question of who organized the terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001 is by no means closed. There are a huge number of versions, the authors of which look for contradictions in the official version, and sometimes come up with them. Alas, because of the latter, most people don't take the former too seriously. After all, there are indeed enough inconsistencies in this case.

For example, all the information about the terrorists was obtained due to the fact that the bag of one of them was accidentally detained at the airport and did not get on the plane. It was in it that the true documents of all participants in the terrorist attack were located.

In addition, the buildings did not collapse immediately after a collision with aircraft, but an hour and a half later, as a result of fires. But an ordinary fire, even with the use of aviation fuel, cannot melt the supporting pillars of skyscrapers - this was confirmed by the engineers and builders who worked on their construction. And some experts argue that the destruction is more inherent in the nature of a series of small directed explosions, which in turn destroyed the supporting structures.

It is also interesting that the buildings were insured against terrorist attacks several months before the 2001 terrorist attack.

The site of the attack on the Pentagon was chosen exactly the wing where the repairs were carried out - secret documents and senior officials were temporarily moved to other departments. And what is even more surprising - judging by the photo from the site of the terrorist attack, fragments of the plane that crashed into the building are completely absent here.

And it's far from full list strange events associated with the attack. This makes one wonder - why did the secret services not notice or ignore them? Isn't this a consequence of the fact that the explosions were carried out by the special services themselves?

The trail leads to Iran

There is also a version that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack near the "Gemini" was not carried out without the intervention of special services from Iran. Moreover, information about this came from Iranian intelligence officers and employees of the intelligence ministry. Speaking in court in Manhattan, they swore that the Iranian government not only sponsored the attacks, but also participated in their development and implementation. And shortly after the explosions themselves, they provided support to hundreds of al-Qaeda operatives.

The reaction of the American government

A month after the sad events, the US government assembled and led an international coalition whose goal was to overthrow the Taliban regime. State officials said that al-Qaeda is located in Afghanistan, where it is supported by the Taliban and coordinates the actions of its members around the world.

A series of arrests was also carried out both in the United States and in other countries. But, judging by the fact that the intelligence services of other countries handed over the prisoners to their American colleagues, it could not have done without the support of the CIA.

Security Measures Taken

Of course, the American public demanded certain measures that would increase the level of security in the country.

In a matter of months after the attack, over 80,000 Arabs, as well as emigrants from other Muslim countries, were forced to undergo a fingerprint check, and they were also registered in special registers. About 8,000 people were interrogated, 5,000 were detained.

Economic consequences

2001 had other consequences.

For example, a telephone junction near the World Trade Center was destroyed due to explosions and fires. As a result, the American Stock Exchange, the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ had to close. It was possible to restore their work only on September 17. Because of this downtime, American exchanges lost about 1.2 trillion dollars in a matter of days. This is still considered the largest drop in the Dow Jones index for the week.

Due to the explosions, all air travel in the United States was also canceled for several days. And in the following weeks and months, people were frankly afraid to fly on planes, fearing a repetition of the terrorist attack. As a result, passenger traffic dropped by 20%, creating serious problems for the entire US air travel industry.

Reaction in the world

People around the world reacted strongly to the 2001 New York bombing.

In general, the reaction was unequivocal - ordinary people and heads of government expressed grief for the innocent dead people. However, there were exceptions to this list.

For example, the Iraqi government has said that American citizens are only reaping the fruits of their crimes.

The citizens of Palestine also openly rejoiced at the terrorist attack of 2001 - solemn processions were organized here. Which is not surprising - the United States supported the Jews, with whom the Palestinians have a very strained relationship.

Finally, there were demonstrations in China, where students carried banners with slogans in support of the terrorists.

The memory of the dead

  • On the day of the terrorist attack in 2001, a minute of silence was declared in almost all European countries as a sign of mourning. A procession with candles was held in Washington.
  • In place of the destroyed twin towers, two powerful searchlights were installed, aimed at the sky. The exposition was called "Tribute in the Light".

  • In the Pentagon, a small chapel was built at the site of the death of people.
  • A memorial has been erected at the crash site of Flight 93.
  • Act 111-13 approved September 11 as the date of the "National Day of Service and Remembrance".


This concludes our article. Now you know more about the September 11 attacks in the United States. Of course, the story is rather ambiguous and replete with white spots. But who knows, maybe over time a more comprehensive version will appear, which will put everything in its place.