What is camping? Photos of campsites. What is camping according to traffic rules? How to set up a camping tent

The fashionable word "camping" came to us from of English language, where it means camping in nature. In simple words, this is a hike. If you are going on holiday to beautiful place somewhere on the shore of a lake or in a forest clearing and are going to spend under open sky for at least one night (meaning in a tent or a hut), then you can safely say that you are camping.

But there is still some difference between the meaning of the words "camping" and "hike". A hike is, rather, a walking outing into nature, in which the participants themselves find and organize a place for their rest. And what is camping (see photo above)? It means not only the event itself, but also the place where the camp is set up. Camping sites are specially equipped, parking lots are provided near them.


For some campers, the meaning of camping lies in living in a tent, catering and entertainment away from civilization. But there are others for whom camping- it's just a forced stop, a place to sleep and recuperate. In this case, we are talking about different types of camping. Here is some of them:

  • active camping - a type of recreation in which the trip itself becomes the goal, for example, a bike ride, kayaking, caravanning, and camping is used as a place to sleep and cook;
  • hiking - enthusiasts with backpacks on their shoulders go on a journey, expanding the boundaries of their knowledge of the world (in the backpacks of the most thrifty you can even find titanium cooking utensils, and those who like to travel light limit their luggage only to food, water and equipment);

  • social camping - a tent city where people come by prior arrangement (these can be relatives, members of the same club who organize such meetings regularly and carefully think over their vacation program; well-known tourslets to all of us can also be an example of what social camping is);
  • survivalism, or camping for survival - view active rest, which allows you to master the skills necessary for survival in wild nature such as how to get food, navigate the terrain.

How are things abroad?

What is camping, Europeans learned at the end of the 19th century, when an enterprising resident british isles opened the first commercial recreational campsite. Since then, organized relaxation in nature has been gaining more and more popularity. Today, camping is a favorite activity. family vacation among Europeans and North America, as evidenced by the established more than a hundred years ago and now the International Association of Camping and Caravanning.

Camping in Europe is very civilized, although it provides for a vacation away from the usual amenities.

  • These are not just places for tents, marked with a sign. These are whole complexes, where everything is thought out for trifles. Europeans know exactly what camping is.
  • All camping sites can be found on special sites, and if desired, they are even offered to be booked.
  • There are showers, sinks for washing dishes, and most importantly, electricity is supplied to each tent.
  • European campsites offer activities for children.

What do we have?

In recent years, camping has been gaining popularity in Russia as well. They are dealt with as locals and foreign guests. Favorite places for outdoor recreation are Altai region, Ural, the Gulf of Finland, and the Black Sea coast to this day is the first site in Russia for those who know what camping is (see photo below).

Various types of camping are widespread in our country, and the newfangled trend in this area has not bypassed us - glamping, which received its name from a combination of the words "glamour" and "camping". Those who wish, by paying a tidy sum of money, get the opportunity to live in nature, but not in a tent, but in a special tent, furnished with antique furniture, eat expensive delicacies and enjoy the view of nature from the window. A day of such a holiday in Moscow will cost about $ 600, for comparison: in Thailand - about $ 1,000, in Australia - more than 2,000. Here, as they say, to each his own.

What is camping according to traffic rules

When organizing a holiday, there are various factors to consider, but the most important one is, of course, safety. Therefore, the issue of organizing a place for the camp is regulated by the rules of the road.

“A place for a tent and parking a car” - that's what camping is in SDA. The proximity to such a site is indicated by a road sign, which is a blue rectangle, in the center of which a tent is depicted on a white background.

If the sign is installed far from the campsite, then the distance to the campsite and an arrow indicating the direction of movement should be indicated in its lower part.


The list of necessary things can be either very long or short, because when it comes to the question of what camping is, everyone understands his own. In any case, some things should not be neglected:

  • first aid kit - without it, you should not go out into nature at all;
  • tent and sleeping bag;
  • warm clothes (the weather can change at any moment);
  • headdress;
  • food, water;
  • tableware;
  • insect protection cream and spray;
  • torch.

Superior camping

By the way, those who want to go to nature, but all this tent romance is not to their liking, should pay attention to special “motorhomes”. For recreation in such motorhomes, even a separate name was invented - caravanning. Of course, they are not cheap, but nothing prevents you from renting such a car and spending your vacation with maximum comfort.

Another option for the most demanding is a camping hotel, but there are not too many of them yet. There is no clear definition of what a camping hotel is, but judging by the offers available on the Internet, one can conclude that these are cottages in the lap of nature. They allow you to enjoy the beauty of lakes and forests without interrupting the benefits of civilization.

What is camping? This is a way to have fun with family and friends, get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoy the fresh air, feel the romance of camping. Relax in specially designated places - and you will be able to avoid unnecessary problems, and do not forget to clean up after yourself and take care of nature so that you would like to return to this place next year.

Many people go hiking and enjoy it, but there are those who have never been on a hike. Done right, with all the right gear and knowledge, you can have a lot of fun. Staying in a tent is a great way to comfortably spend time outdoors. Below is some background information you will need to organize your campsite, including what to bring, what to do and where to stay.


    Find a good place for the camp. You can find on the Internet a place that is left about good feedback, and which has a high rating. If you know approximately in which area you want to stay, look on the map for the camp sites exactly there. Ask friends or families who have already been hiking for advice. Learn about camping rules and regulations. Is it possible to stay for a large group of people? Is camping suitable for trailers only, or is it possible to bring a tent? How big can your tent be? Can you bring pets with you? Find out about the possibilities. Maybe you want a campsite with good toilets, showers and water supply? Do you want entertainment nearby, such as bars? Do you want shops or cafes nearby? Or a pool? Or do you want a simpler place to camp with beautiful scenery? Find perfect place just for you. No matter where you decide to camp, you need to find a place to camp that isn't completely flat in case it rains. Make sure the seat is free and claim it for yourself.

    Make sure you have a good tent. Try to find a tent with a built-in sheet underneath to prevent hypothermia and keep insects out. Buy a separate mat to put under your tent for protection. Nice tent should have at least one window and enough space for all the people who are going to sleep there. In addition to sleeping places for people, there should also be a place to store things. Decide for yourself whether you want a tent with one main door or several. Check if the tent door is well protected from the wind when you are inside and make sure the door is fully closed. Make sure you have enough good pegs to set up your tent and a hammer to drive them in. You should try out your tent before you go to the campsite, so practice setting it up in your yard. In case of bad weather, you should use a tent with a porch or an awning.

    Decide where you are going to sleep, and on what. If you choose to sleep on cots, air mattresses, in a sleeping bag on the floor, or on mats, make sure you bring everything with you. When you practice putting up a tent, you can try setting up a bed in it to see if there is enough space inside. If you choose to sleep on air cushion make sure you don't forget the inflation pump and repair kit in case it breaks. Don't forget to bring something else, such as sleeping bags, extra sheets/blankets or pillows.

    Decide where you are going to eat and how you are going to cook. Buy a good camping stove. If you have a gas stove, make sure you don't forget the gas bottle that powers it. Don't forget to bring cooking utensils such as light pots and pans, plates and of course the food itself. You can take water at the camp site, as almost everyone has water supplies there. If you want to make hot drinks like tea or boil water, buy a small kettle to keep warm on the stove. Also decide where you will eat. Buy folding chairs and tables and decide where they should be, outside or inside the tent. Install the stove outside the tent, as the tent material is highly flammable and may result in a fire. Buy some windbreaks in case you can't get your stove lit in the wind. If you don't have a centralized dishwashing facility at your campsite, grab a wash bowl and remove all waste so you don't attract animals and insects. Don't forget to take dishwashing liquid and clean any rags from the table, as well as kitchen towels. Don't forget other essentials such as can openers, bottle openers, napkins or towels, tablecloths, and anything else you might need.

    Do not forget other things necessary for the trip. Take a few boxes for storage, for example, for food. Grab a few plastic bags to wrap open food bags. Take a first aid kit with medicines and bandages. Take items that will help you feel more comfortable on your hike, such as sunblock, toilet paper, baby wipes to keep you cool, and insect repellant. It's a good idea to take a bag with soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, cotton swabs and any other beauty or toiletries you want to take. Take a backpack with you in case you are walking or you need to carry a lot of things with you. You will also need water bottles or empty bottles to fill them up. You can also take cameras, books, paper and pen, alarm clock, ribbons/ropes, just in case. Waterproof material/cover for your oven.

    Take a light source with you. Your hike will be doomed if you forget the lighting. Imagine trying to find your way back to your tent in the dark without a flashlight. You will especially need it if you have children. Take some torches. Larger ones for a tent and smaller, waterproof ones for going to the toilet in the dark. Other lighting methods include lanterns or lamps that run on liquid fuel. Make sure you bring spare batteries or fuel for your flashlights.

    You need to take enough clothes. If you're hiking in the summer, don't forget clothing such as shorts, thin tops, swimwear, flip flops, or sandals. If you are hiking in the cold season, take a jumper, coat, trousers or long sleeved tops, sneakers or boots. Don't forget warm underwear and thick socks. Take thick pajamas. Even if you're hiking in the summer, take a jumper as it can get chilly at night and if you have to walk a long way to the toilet, warm clothes can come in handy. Your holiday will be ruined if you get too cold.

    Break the tent. You should have tried putting up a tent by now, and when it comes to camping try to do it before it gets dark. If you find a certain space, make sure you pitch your tent in the right place. If not, then find an open space, but preferably with a slope. Choose a place where there are no tree branches and insects.

    Organize your tent. Make sure there is room for everything you need. Set up beds, and if the tent has a separate sleeping room, zip it up to keep insects out. Put food in storage boxes and make sure they are well sealed so nothing can get inside. When you enter the tent, take off your shoes to keep the tent clean, and if your tent has a mosquito net, zip it up. Make sure you know where the first aid kit and torches are. Nail windbreaks if you are using them. They can be very useful for sheltering the tent, and you can hang towels around to keep the tent dry.

    Explore your camp. Find the closest toilets and make sure they are clean. If the shower is not in the same location as the bathroom, find its location. Find a laundry/cafeteria/entertainment facility if there is one near your campsite and find out opening times or other information. Walk around and enjoy the scenery.

    Cooking and nutrition. Set up your stove and windbreaks outside of the tent and make sure your stove is on a stand. When you're done cooking, wash dirty dishes or put them in a bowl and take them to a place where they can be washed if your campsite has one. If the weather is bad, place the oven under a tent or awning, but keep all the heat away from the actual material. Keep leftover food safe after you've eaten. Seal open bags and make sure everything is stowed in storage boxes. Place waste in trash bags and keep sealed and off the ground. You can hang a trash bag on a branch so that it hangs high off the ground.

    Develop rules for night time. Make sure you cover the oven with a waterproof case. Fold the chairs and table and put them in the tent for the night. Collect all personal items such as soccer balls or sports equipment, or put them in the trunk of your car until the next morning. If you're worried about valuables, lock them in the glove compartment of your car. Or you could put them next to your sleeping bag. Go to the toilet for the last time, brush your teeth and don't forget a flashlight to find your way back. Whether you decide to shower or not, don't forget to change in the toilet block or in the tent. If your tent has separate rooms or compartments, you can change in the tent. You can use a plastic bag for dirty laundry, or put it in an empty suitcase if you're going to do laundry at home, or fold it somewhere to do laundry tomorrow. Zip up the tent and leave a little light in there so you can see what you're doing. Make sure everyone is inside and in sleeping bags.

    Do some activities outside the tent. Don't waste time sitting in a tent. Camping exists to enjoy the nature around you. So get outside and get some fresh air while doing something fun! If you have your bikes with you, ride them. Go for a walk or hike to see part of the scenery and get away from it all. Watch for wildlife or go fishing. There are many options, no matter where you are. If it's raining or bad weather, take care of indoor activities like a museum or nature center. At night, you can go outside and look at the stars. Or you could build a fire and sit around it all night. If you start a fire, make sure you do it safely, which is something to learn beforehand. Also, make sure your campfire complies with the rules set out here.

    Make arrangements to use the shower. If you're counting on a camping shower, make sure it's working beforehand. Check if it is free to visit, or you will need coins to pay. Also, check if there is a hair dryer in the shower unit, if you have to pay to use the shower, or if you have to dry your hair naturally. Don't forget to bring towels, shampoo and soap. Always wear old flip flops when showering to protect your feet from germs. To make sure showers are always available, don't use them during rush hour. While everyone will use it in the morning or evening, go there early in the morning, in the afternoon or late at night. Don't make too much of a fuss about your appearance when you're camping. Leave your curling irons, straighteners, and lotions at home.

  1. Be respectful. Everyone needs a camping experience, don't ruin it for someone else. This means keeping pets under control if you bring them with you. Clean up their excrement and clean up the mess. Don't play music too loudly and turn it off at late hours, put away your rubbish and waste, leaving the bathroom and shower clean after every visit. Above all, respect the rules of camping and this will best trip for all.

    • Remember to drink plenty of water, warm or cold, to prevent dehydration.
    • Try to find a place where you can see the sun in the morning, but in the afternoon it will be in the shade.
    • Tie a battery-operated flashlight to the ceiling of the tent in order to have a light source.
    • Always respect quiet time.
    • If you've taken pets camping, keep them under control, don't tie them to trees or camp equipment, keep them on a leash when you're camping, and make sure they don't bark all night and wake everyone else up.
    • Attach the corkscrew with twine or fishing line to a camping chair or cooler. Don't waste time looking for a knife at night when it's cold outside!
    • Hang a mini flashlight around your neck. Wear it around your neck every night and you will always have a source of light with you.
    • If you have a long walk to get to a campsite, make frequent stops along the way.
    • Take a sharp ax with you to camping. Near tent city there may not be any small twigs to start a fire, and you will have to find twigs left over from previous hikers.
    • Remember to bring extra clothes in case you get wet or dirty.
    • If you're camping with kids, involve them in planning the trip and camping activities, such as fetching water or doing something fun.
    • Use glow sticks for soft light at night.
    • Place an old waterproof cloth or rug at the entrance of your tent to dry your feet and keep your shoes there.


    • Do not set up the tent under trees with dead roots or dead trees that could fall on the tent!
    • Never leave gasoline canisters when not in use and always keep them upright in a well-ventilated area.
    • Never approach wild animals as they can be dangerous and very unpredictable.
    • If you camp near a farm, always close the tent entrance behind you to prevent wild animals from entering the tent!
    • Stay away from damp, grassy areas with lots of insects and avoid wearing scented perfumes or brightly colored clothing if you're worried about attracting insects.
    • If you're hiking with kids, teach them basic outdoor safety rules and never leave them unsupervised.
    • Watch out for animals trying to get close to your products! Make sure they (products) are always sealed and that everyone knows about it. Keep them away from bears.
    • If you lit a fire, it should not be near the tent. Do not use flammable liquids to ignite it, do not leave it unattended, there should always be something to extinguish it quickly, such as water. Always extinguish a fire completely.

Camping - translated from English means "camping camp for autotourists." But this term has been smoothly transferred to the usual summer rest Outdoors.

Living in an open-air tent, looking at the stars at night while plucking guitar strings, listening to the chirping of birds and meeting the dawn - romance, and nothing more!

Setting up a campground

In order for adventures in nature to go well, you need to prepare for the trip in advance: pick up tents, sleeping bags and tourist rugs, collect a first aid kit and accessories for a fire, check your equipment and decide on the route.

Special attention should be paid to the first-aid kit. If you are going to an unfamiliar place, you should definitely have antihistamines in your medical bag in case of acute allergic reactions. In addition, the presence of:

  • painkillers;
  • disinfectants;
  • hemostatic devices;
  • bandages, scissors, plaster.

We must not forget about campfire accessories, in particular, the utensils necessary for cooking on a fire. For this purpose, enameled and cast-iron containers of various sizes are optimally suited: for the first, second, tea.

Finally, having packed your things in a backpack, packed dishes and a first aid kit, you arrived at the place for the long-awaited rest with a tent. The first step is to decide on the location of the camp: where there will be a fire or barbecue, and where to put up a tent and put things down.

For safety reasons, a fire should be made 2 meters from the trees, the distance from the tents to the fire should also be at least 2 meters.

How to set up a tent?

Setting up a tent begins with choosing a site: it is better to settle on a hill than in a lowland, and away from water. Carefully inspect the tent site: it should be level, without protruding tree roots, stones or branches.

1. Unfold the tent, lay down the awning and prepare the posts and pegs (hooks).

2. Lay out the main part on the ground, put the racks into the special holes, fix them at the bottom in the special holes.

3. Stretch the tent at diagonally opposite corners, fixing the pegs alternately.

4. Having fixed the corners and racks with additional stakes, pull the awning, performing the same manipulations.

If the tent stands straight, the awning matches the size of the tent and is not pulled to one side, and you can easily climb inside - it means that everything is done correctly and you can settle in.

Even if the weather pleases with warmth and the absence of clouds, it is recommended to make drainage around the tent. It is a shallow, up to 5 cm, moat along the perimeter of the "dwelling". It is done in case of rain, so that the water does not wet the bottom of the tent.

It is better to prepare sleeping places in advance, fold things and do not open the mosquito net, so as not to catch mosquitoes and small midges inside.

Benefits of camping

Despite the ease and simplicity of camping, this type of leisure is not suitable for everyone: connoisseurs of comfort, warmth and the absence of force majeure situations will be clearly disappointed. However, those who are not afraid of mosquitoes and weather surprises will get a lot of pleasure from camping in nature.

The campground is a great option for a family trip with children, for fishing and just for a relaxing pastime in the company of nature.
It does not require long preparation and special material costs.
It is the best suited for teaching children the "wisdom" of camping life and instilling a love of nature.

Camping Disadvantages

Lack of comfortable conditions (there is no specially equipped toilet and washbasin).

Risk of being bitten by blood-sucking insects.

It is necessary to apply physical labor (find firewood, bring water, cook food).

For the location of the camp, you need at least minimal knowledge of how to break it.

Security measures must be carefully observed.

Safety measures in the forest and on the water

If you are planning a camping trip in the woods, the first thing to take care of is comfortable clothing and repellent to repel blood-sucking insects.

Clothing should be light, but with long sleeves and trousers. Ideally, if it is equipped with elastic bands on the wrists and ankles. A headdress and collar covering the neck is required. This will keep you safe from ticks.

Repellents should be applied to skin or clothing as directed.

In the forest, even small and rare, it is easy to get lost, especially at night. Therefore, be sure to take communication equipment, flashlights with you and try not to move further than visibility from other members of the group.

Do not eat unfamiliar plants, berries, mushrooms. Rule of thumb: Don't know what it is? Do not eat!" It is advisable to bring water with you. If you are drawing water from a nearby source that does not look like a spring, be sure to filter with activated charcoal.

You need to be very careful on the water, especially if you are traveling with children. Do not swim alone at night, especially under the influence of alcohol. Never dive in an unfamiliar place.

Pay special attention to children's water recreation: no matter how well a child can swim, an adult should always supervise him.

Don't ignore sun protection. In the period from 11 am to 4 pm, it is better not to be under direct rays.

If you follow these rules, you will be able to have a safe and fun holiday.


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  • August 15, 2018

Camping today is quite a popular way of spending leisure time. It's kind of an active holiday. Literally translated from English word"camping" is abbreviated as "camping". It turns out that this is a pre-specially equipped place for tourists. They will be able to come there at a predetermined time to rest, moreover, both in groups and alone. As a rule, camping involves the availability of places for tents or summer houses, as well as toilets, car or bicycle parking. It is desirable that shops and other infrastructure are located nearby, which will make the stay in the camp as comfortable as possible for vacationers.

What do you need for such a holiday?

Some of the people are surprised how, in fact, it is possible to relax in a tent in the hot summer, especially in the absence of such elementary and everyday benefits of civilization as, for example, a refrigerator or a microwave oven, and also, most importantly, a shower. It turns out that it is very possible. True, there are things without which camping will be difficult - these include a 3-person tourist tent, if you are traveling with the whole family, and the necessary list of products, which will be discussed a little later.

List of necessary things

If you don’t stock up on all the necessary items for a vacation, it may well turn into a torment that you will remember so vividly that you are unlikely to dare to repeat such an experience.

What do you need for rest?

Everything you need and nothing more. Otherwise, rest will be a burden.

So, in terms of products, it would be highly desirable to bring the following with you:

  • pasta, cereals. In particular, buckwheat, barley, wheat and peas with rice;
  • crackers, both white and rye;
  • vegetables. In particular, potatoes and onions, carrots and tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage;
  • stew. Choice of pork, beef or chicken;
  • dry-cured sausage, necessarily expensive varieties;
  • canned fish. For example, sprat and saury, mackerel, goby and tuna;
  • dried fish;
  • sweets. It can be fruits and jam, honey, condensed milk, sweets, nuts and dried fruits, as well as, in fact, sugar itself.
  • beverages. Choice of tea, coffee or cocoa;
  • water in cans. This is necessary if there is no local source nearby.

What things should be with you

If you want to relax in nature, then from personal items you will definitely need such as light and comfortable clothes that in no way restrict your movements. In this case, a sports T-shirt, like shorts, will be optimal. You can grab some kind of not particularly crumpled and loose-fitting sundress or dress. Also don't forget warm clothes. This is for extreme cold weather. A sweater or summer jacket will do a good job, as well as trousers and, of course, socks. From shoes, take flip-flops or lightweight sneakers, as well as moccasins. If there is a body of water nearby, then you can not do without a swimsuit or shorts for swimming, as well as towels and a sunbathing mat. Be sure to bring a hat with you.

What is needed for hygiene

In terms of hygiene items, traditional soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and sunscreen will be needed, as well as shaving accessories for men. Personal hygiene should not be forgotten even on camping.


Be sure to bring a first aid kit with you. There should be the following medications: for allergies, fixing, a remedy for motion sickness, painkillers from among analgesics and antispasmodics, antipyretics, heart medications and antiseptics, like iodine and brilliant green. Also make sure that the first-aid kit contains cotton wool and bandages, as well as bactericidal patches.

Useful things when renting a campsite

If you decide to rent a campsite and are going to live in tents there, then in the process of equipping your camp, you should not forget that it is best to place the washbasin as far as possible from the tents. Also, somewhere in the shade, it will be possible to dig a hole, cover it with oilcloth, and then pour water from the lake into it. It will be such a makeshift refrigerator where you can store food.


What could be better than relaxing in the fresh air. Therefore, every year camping is gaining more and more popularity and not only among young people. Well, all you need is to have a tent and some small amount of necessary things. And then the bustle of the city will remain at home, and you will enjoy the magnificent natural beauty and tranquility.

Camping - what you need for outdoor recreation


Upon check-in, check in at the reception, upon request, verify your identity, follow the instructions received. Give the camping card to the administrator, fill in the guest form and place the registration number you received according to the instructions received. When paying, follow the instructions given by the staff. Groups are registered by the group leader. On the territory of the campsite, observe the speed limit and the requirements of other traffic signs. When arriving in the evening, avoid excessive noise.


When choosing a place to stop and when placing a caravan, camper or tent, follow the instructions of the staff. The distance between caravans, caravans and tents must be at least four (4) meters. The location of tents for group accommodation must be agreed upon separately. Overnight camping is allowed only in vehicles, tents or rooms. It is not allowed to install or arrange any devices or structures (flagpoles, fences, ditches, etc.) around the stopping place without the permission of the camping staff.

Location on the territory

Fires may only be lit in a designated area. It is forbidden to bring firearms, dangerous edged weapons and other interfering and dangerous objects to the campsite. When using the radio, TV, and musical instruments, be discreet throughout the day. Also make sure that children's games do not disturb the rest of the guests. Ball games are allowed only on special grounds. Dogs and other pets must be on a leash and allowed to walk only in a designated area. Idling of motor vehicle engines is prohibited. Trade or related activities on the territory of the campsite are prohibited without the written permission of the administrator.

Interfering consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Respect the privacy of other guests. The campsite is quiet from 23:00 to 07:00.

Cleanliness and tidiness

Maintain cleanliness in the vicinity of the site of your stop, and clean it up after you leave. Take the garbage to special containers for collecting garbage. Washing and washing clothes are allowed only in places designated for this purpose. Dry laundry in the laundry dryer. Leave service areas clean. Washing and maintenance of motor vehicles is allowed only at a special site. Protect the nature and plantations of the territory.

A responsibility

Each guest is responsible for his own property. The property located on the campsite is the responsibility of the guest. The guest who caused the damage is primarily responsible for its compensation. Holders of a valid Camping Key Europe card are insured at the campsite. With a Key Europe card, you participate in your part in maintaining order at the campsite. Read the emergency instructions on the bulletin board.

Departure from the campsite

When leaving the campsite, leave your registration number with the receptionist, ask for your card back and pay for your stay.