Where to get tax free in rome. Return of Tax Free in Rome - how to make shopping more profitable

System free taxi in rome implies a benefit for tourists in the form of a refund of a certain percentage of the amount that was spent on. More precisely, tax-free is a procedure for returning tax on DS from goods exported outside the country within whose borders the transaction took place. Not only in Rome, but also in other cities, this procedure requires travelers to waste time and nerves. Global Blue, Tax Refund S.p.a. companies help to return the due part of the money before leaving the Eternal City and use the proceeds. and Premier Tax Free.

With the help of intermediaries, it is possible to significantly simplify tax-free, however, the tourist should understand that the operation can only be carried out with which intermediary firms have entered into a special agreement. As a rule, guests of the city learn about the right to return the percentage by the logo of a partner organization operating in Rome, placed on the front door.

In order to appreciate the beauty of the tax-free system in Italy, a tourist needs to spend an amount of 155 euros. It doesn't matter what product is purchased, other nuances are important for intermediaries in Rome: it is checked whether the purchases were made in the same shopping center or during the same day.

Taxi fries in Rome can be issued at the request of the client during the payment process at the checkout. In addition to the check, the buyer receives fattura in his hands. This document contains information about the total amount and planned for reimbursement through tax-free. When buying branded items or parting with a large amount, indicating information from the passport is a prerequisite in Rome.

In order to use taxi-free in Rome by visiting one of the offices of the selected intermediary company, you need to have a whole package of documents with you:

  • goods purchased in Rome in original packaging that has not been used;
  • check received in the store;
  • fattura;
  • international passport;
  • credit card;
  • return ticket with a fixed date of departure from Rome.

Buyers have no way to appreciate the benefits of tax-free without using their own credit card. She is a guarantee for the company, which helps to return a percentage of the transaction, in case the export of goods from Rome does not work properly. An example is the absence of a customs stamp on the invoice or the return of official paper to the office of the company late. With such a development of events, the tax-free amount is debited from the card and another 15% on top - the debit payment (cannot be disputed or refunded).

Global Blue tax free locations in Rome

Glodal Blue Lounge Roma

Piazza di Spagna, 29

Schedule: Monday to Saturday (10:00-19:30).
Maximum return to the card within the framework of the tax-free system: 14999.50 euros.
Tax free cashback limit: 2999.50.

If the transaction is carried out with cash, the intermediary firm in Rome charges an additional fee, determined taking into account the purchase amount:

  • no more than 25 € - 3 euros;
  • 25-80 € - 4 euros;
  • 80-500 € - 5 euros;
  • 500-2999.50€ - 1% of the refund amount.

When returning tax-free in Rome to the card, there is no fee.

Maccorp Forexchange

Via del Lavator, 88/a;
Via del Caravita, 6;
Piazza Rotunda, 68/b - Taxi-free in Rome right in front of the Pantheon.

Schedule: Monday to Saturday (10:30-19:30); Sundays (11:30-18:30).

Via Cola di Rienzo, 173, first floor

Schedule: Monday to Saturday (10:00-20:00); Sundays (10:30-20:00).

The limit on the amount for one buyer in Rome is 500 euros. Upon receipt of interest in cash, each tax-free form submitted is paid (3 euros).
Shopping at Castel Romano Designer Outlet - a chance to travel from Rome for 15 euros!

Premier tax free locations in Rome


Termini Station, Piazza dei Cinquecento

Taxi-free office in Rome next to the station building. Available any day of the week from 07:00 to 20:00.


Via del Caravita,6

Schedule in Rome: Monday to Saturday (10:30-19:30); Sundays (11:30-18:30).

Premier Tax Free

Via Gregoriana,54

Schedule: Monday to Friday (09:00-18:00).

Best and Fast

Via Nazionale, 19

Available any day of the week from 07:45 to 21:00.

Korea Lottecard

Plaza de España, 80. Available any day of the week from 09:30 to 20:00.

Plaza de España, 38. Open from Monday to Friday (09:00-17:30); Saturday closes at 12:30 pm.

Via Lazio, 10. Open from Monday to Friday (09:30-19:00) Saturday closes at 13:00.

1. The standard DC tax in Rome and other Italian cities is exactly 22%. The value may differ depending on the product group:

  • alcoholic beverages, jewelry, glassware, leather
  • clothes, textiles, sunglasses - 22%;
  • cheeses, meat products - 10%
  • herbs, including sage, oregano and basil - 5%;
  • sour-milk products, vegetables, bread, fruits and prescription glasses - 4%.

2. In the case of buying goods in EU countries, the tax-free rules state that you need to take it out no later than three months from the date indicated on the check.

3. The fattura form required for tax free contains the amount spent and the total value payable for goods purchased in Rome. There are special fields for entering passport data, home address, full name.

4. For the sale of tax-free, the buyer must show the customs officers all the goods purchased in Rome (packaging must be original, use is prohibited), fattura and a receipt. Upon receipt of the documents, employees affix a stamp indicating that the formalities have been complied with.

5. Affixing a customs stamp is an operation performed when leaving the territory of the EU countries. If you plan to travel from Rome to the cities of the states that are members of the European Union, a mark is placed in the last of them.

6. After the customs control has been successfully passed in Rome, it is recommended to send a check and an invoice with a stamp by mail. Documents are folded into an envelope issued by store employees in the process of registering tax-free. There is a right to submit documents to Rome from a permanent place of residence, however, an additional fee is provided. When using tax free, it is important to deliver the form to the office within 21 days.

Tip: book your flights online in advance before traveling to Rome.

Tax-free in Rome is a truly beneficial bonus, the amount of which depends on the category of goods purchased. The procedure is greatly simplified when contacting intermediary firms. They function strictly within the framework of the agreement concluded with the shops, therefore any violations of the agreements are excluded. The task of the buyer is to meet the allotted limits of time and amount, to provide a set of documentation. Along with it, you need to specify the details credit card in order to write off the possible payment for the debit.

Our tips for Rome:

  • How to avoid queues at the sights of Rome. Tickets to the Colosseum bypassing the queue.
  • How not to be deceived by local taxi drivers. Order a taxi in advance with fixed rates online. The most reliable service for ordering a taxi - Kiwi Taxi .
  • Rome City Pass- this is single card, which will simplify the organization of your holiday in Rome and help save time and money.

The Soviet era of total deficit has long passed. Domestic counters literally "groan" from imported abundance. The era is gone, but the harmful bacillus that prompts our compatriots to look for exclusive gizmos in the West has taken root in our minds forever. And it doesn't matter that you have to overpay for this "exclusive" (which has ceased to be such for 20 years already). Do the math: air tickets, visas, hotels, transfers - all this eventually translates into solid numbers. Maybe that's why (in order to sweeten the expensive pill), the leadership of the EU countries came up with for the Russians, Chinese, Japanese TAX FREE?

And the EU leadership is also making sure that we remember for a long time the long tails of queues “for something” in the beautiful Soviet era. After all, it is almost impossible to get a refund after shock shopping in Italy without tedious waiting. But, jokes aside, our story is on a serious topic. So…

Dedicated to all Russians shopping in Italy...

What is TAX FREE?

International VAT refund system for non-EU residents. This means that Russians (Chinese, Arabs, Japanese) who make a trip to Italian shops can alleviate the bitterness of losing their money by returning a small percentage.

What is the refund amount?

AT different countries TAX FREE percentage is different. Tax-free in Italy - 22%. It's official. In fact, its value varies greatly. Shops enter into unfavorable contracts for tourists with intermediaries, which we will talk about later. As a result, a Russian citizen receives 11-13% instead of 22%. The exception is exclusive stores (jewelry, fur). In them, the returned amount sometimes reaches several thousand euros.

Minimum purchase value

The total amount of purchases is over 155 €. They must be completed during the day and certainly in one store, less often - in one trading house. For example, Milan Center La Rinascente at the Global Blue office issues a common tax free invoice for all purchases in different boutiques.

Which stores provide Tax Free?

We noticed shop windows, on the glasses of which there is a logo or global blue, or Tax refund or Premier Tax Free- that way. There are more than 18,000 such outlets in Italy.

How to ask the seller about Tax Free?

After selecting the product and going to the checkout, say: "Tax Free, Perfavore". Say the phrase before making a purchase.

What documents are required?

Personally with you - a passport. For large purchases, branded equipment (for example, Apple) without a passport, a discount will not be issued.

The store must issue:

  • Fattura- a special invoice, which indicates: the amount of the purchase (as in the check) and the amount of the return (without this figure, the customs officers will not put the necessary stamp). Sellers can fill in your personal data themselves or ask you to do so.

Return methods

  1. In the city before leaving.
  2. At the airport of Rome, Milan, Naples, Rimini, Verona, Pisa, Bologna.
  3. In Moscow.

Return in the city

Without waiting for the return flight, you can return the tax free at the city offices of the return points. A list of Global Blue offices is available at globalblue.ru. The list of TAX Refund points is available at taxrefund.it. Going for money, grab:

  1. Product.
  2. fattura.
  3. The passport.
  4. Return ticket.
  5. Credit card.

The tax-free return procedure looks like this. Employees, after checking the checks, pay money, while fixing the credit card data. You undertake, in turn, to send stamped checks to the address of the office in due time. Otherwise, the amount paid and a fine for non-fulfillment of the contract will be debited from the card.

Expensive fur and jewelry boutiques provide this service without intermediaries. This is the most favorable return for the buyer. Such stores return the maximum percentage (22%). That is, you buy a product "cleared" from value added tax (VAT).

For stamped checks in a branded envelope (it is issued with fattura), special boxes are installed at the airport. The envelope can be sent from Russia by mail, gluing the necessary stamps.

Standard return procedure at Italian airports

  1. Take your boarding pass.
  2. Approach the dogana (customs office) with documents (coupon, passport, checks, fattura) and with things bought in the country. Do not remove labels from products.
  3. The customs officer, having checked the purchases and checks, puts a stamp.
  4. Find points global blue, or Tax refund or Premier Tax Free and show stamped checks.
  5. You receive money in cash or leave your credit card details, to which the entire amount will be transferred in 3-5 days.

Yaroslav, Petersburg:

“At the Rome airport (in January 2019) I left my card details. I waited 2 weeks in vain. I thought my blood was crying! It's good that I kept a piece of paper with a phone from Premier Tax Free. Called. I had to "roar" in Italian-English. Received mine after 3 weeks. Bad story."

Rome. Tax Free at Aeroporto di Fiumicino

There are 2 customs offices in the building. The first one is intended for passengers who wish to send items bought in Italy as luggage. Huge queues in which it is easy to lose 2 hours are 100% inevitable. The undoubted plus of this item is a superficial inspection of purchases.

Olga, Petrozavodsk:

“I once got TAX FREE by showing a used Naf Naf dress instead of a purchased Max Mara outfit.”

You will see the second dogana behind the store. Salvatore Ferragamo, passing passport control. This dogana has a procedure for those who “prefer to carry everything with them” rather than check it in as luggage. The queue here is small, but things are examined more carefully.

In front of this customs crowd of people at the window global blue. An immediate refund occurs in this window. Stock up on patience and time (the final step will take another 40 minutes).

Milan. Tax Free at Aeroporto di Milano - Malpensa

The first customs office (registration hall) checks checks more quickly than the point behind passport control. In the window Premier Tax Free(return) for some reason there are always fewer people than in the other two. Experienced shoppers in Milan know this and initially look for stores that have contracts with this intermediary firm. The return office opening hours can be found at airportmalpensa.com.

Vera, Tula:

“The worst airport in terms of money back! Active Arabs, disciplined Chinese visit Milan with the only mission - to collect more goods. Three-hour lines, noise, hassle. You don't wish it on your enemy! Passengers who are lost in lines are often called over the loudspeaker, and they drop everything and run to the plane.”

Rimini. Tax Free at Aeroporto di "Federico Fellini"

Map of Federico Fellini airport.

The customs office is located next to the check-in counters for aircraft flying to Russia. Customs officers are extremely picky: they open the boxes, check the letters on the shop receipt with the letters on the product label. The screening takes 20 (at least) minutes.

Cash points are located on the second floor. You need to get to them before going through passport control.

Moscow. Return Tax Free

In Moscow, a refund is carried out:

  • First Czech-Russian Bank;
  • SMP Bank;
  • Intesa;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • MDM Bank.

Payments may not be made by all Moscow branches of banks, therefore, before you go for blood money, call and specify the address of the desired branch. The checks you present must be stamped by Italian customs officials.

Do not forget!

  • TAX FREE checks for Italian purchases are valid for 3 months. Make sure you meet this deadline!
  • With each Fattura, upon receipt of cash, a commission is charged - 3 €.

farewell parable

At the planning meeting, the director of the holding instructs managers:
- Ask the client what he wants more: a discount or the product itself. If the discount is more important to him, offer the product for a triple price with a 50% markdown - let him rejoice!

Sometimes, when picking up goods worth more than 155 €, an excited customer does not notice that she is choosing an unnecessary item (skirt, trousers). At home, she sighs in disappointment: “Why did I grab this?”. Benefit as a result - zero. Don't make mistakes!

Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations including for shopping. The European tax free system allows tourists from Russia to return part of the cost of goods purchased in stores included in the TAX FREE SHOPPING system. The refundable amount depends on the value added tax (VAT) rate included in the price of the purchased item. VAT rates are set independently by each country and may vary depending on the type of goods (food, books, household appliances, etc.).

In Italy, the standard VAT rate is 22%. But this does not mean that you will receive a tax free refund of 22% of the purchase price. The VAT rate is set to the value of the goods without VAT. For example, a factory has set the price for a dress at 100 euros. When selling, value added tax is added to this price at the rate set by the state, in this case 22 euros. If we calculate the share of VAT (22 euros) in the total price (122 euros), then it will be 18%.

Do not forget that tax free operators (Global Blue and other intermediaries) withhold a commission from this amount to finance their activities. The larger the amount of purchases, the lower the share of the commission charged. There may also be fees for the return of tax free in cash, and if the issuance is not in euros (for example, in dollars due to the lack of euros), then for currency conversion.

The maximum tax free refund percentage a tourist can receive is 15.5%. In addition, there are groups of goods for which VAT rates are much lower. For example, for food products the VAT rate is from 4% to 10%. For some goods, there is no tax refund at all (cars, gasoline).

The official website of Global Blue has a calculator that will show the amount of the refund, depending on the total cost of purchases.

The minimum amount for a tax free refund in Italy is purchases of at least €154.94 in one day in one store.

Registration of tax free in the store

Shops included in the tax free system can be recognized by the corresponding signs with the tax free logo at the entrance (see photo above). To use the VAT refund, you must ask the seller (cashier) to fill out a special check (form) tax free and present your passport. An example of filling out the form is shown.

In large supermarkets, a separate office is usually created to issue such checks (forms).

The form contains the passport number, name, credit card number, if you plan to return by bank transfer, and others. necessary information(see sample).

Purchased goods are indicated either in the form or in a separate invoice, which in this case is attached to the form. All cash receipts are also attached to the form. Carefully check the correctness of filling in the data, as due to errors, problems may arise when obtaining a customs stamp and tax refund.

Issuance and return of tax free at Rimini airport

A prerequisite for receiving a tax refund by a tourist is the presence of a customs stamp in the tax free forms, confirming the fact that goods have been exported outside of Italy. To obtain a mark to the customs service, you must present:

· Fully completed tax-free forms and all sales receipts for goods for which you want to receive a tax refund.

· Purchased goods in their original packaging and without signs of use.

· Personal passport.

· Travel Documents(boarding pass or ticket printout).

The sequence of actions depends on whether you are transporting the processed purchases to hand luggage or in checked baggage

If purchases are in checked baggage, you need to get customs marks in the tax free forms before visiting the check-in counters for the flight. The customs service office is located on the first floor of the airport to the left of the check-in desks for flights (when viewed from the main entrance). You can recognize it by the sign: "Check-in tax-free" (pictured below).

After receiving the customs stamp, you can go to the check-in counter to check in your luggage and check in for the flight, if you have not already done so through online check-in.

Then you need to go to the inspection area at the sign "Security Check" (to the left of the main entrance), from where you get to passport control.

If purchases are in hand luggage, like all air passengers, you should first go to the check-in counters to receive a boarding pass and check in your luggage, then to the security check area at the “Security Check” sign (to the left of the main entrance), and to passport control.

At the passport control on the wall you can see an inconspicuous announcement with the following content:

“TAX FREE is located after passport control on the first floor. First you go up to the second floor and then go down again to the first one along the stairs located near the bar. You go up the same stairs to the second floor for landing.

We explain the meaning of this announcement. Having risen after passport control to the second floor by stairs or by elevator, in the departure hall you need to bypass the store located in the center of the hall on the left. Diagonally from the entrance to the hall is the bar mentioned in the ad, and opposite it is a staircase and an escalator leading to the first floor (pictured below).

Going down to the first floor, to the right of the stairs you will see the customs office for passengers carrying purchases in hand luggage (pictured below).

Customs control at Rimini airport

For doubters, a note is attached to the glass: “Customs control. Passengers with carry-on baggage must be stamped to receive TAX FREE.”

As in the case of purchases in luggage, customs officers are presented with tax free forms with original cash receipts, purchases in the manufacturer's packaging, personal passport and travel documents.

Only after receiving a customs stamp can you apply for a VAT refund.

VAT refund (VAT refund) at Rimini airport

Reimbursement under the tax free forms of the Global Blue operator (blue) is carried out at the office on the ground floor, located next to the customs control point for hand luggage (pictured below).

VAT refund at Rimini airport (1st floor)

Show the customs stamped form and let us know if you would like your refund to be cash or credit card.

When refunding in cash, the amount should not exceed 3000 EUR, and for each form, depending on the amount of the refund, an additional fee of 3 to 8 EUR is taken. For the amount of compensation more than 800 EUR, the commission will be 1%.

When returning to a credit card, this fee is not charged, and the maximum refund amount is increased to 5000 EUR.

If you don't have time to queue for a return, use the Global Blue prepaid envelope you received in store with the form. Enclose the form in an envelope and drop it into the blue mailbox located next to the Global Blue office (shown with a red arrow in the photo).

There are two more fallback options for getting a refund. AT major cities Russian VAT refunds for foreign purchases are issued by several banks, the addresses of which are given.

In addition, the tax free form can be mailed back home. In this case, do not forget to stick postage stamps, as the envelope is prepaid only for Italy, and the Russian post will return your letter to you.

If there is no special envelope, the form is sealed in a regular envelope, on which stamps are glued and the address of the corresponding operator is indicated. For Global Blue, for example: Global Blue, P.O. BOX 363, 81000 Bratislava, Slovakia

Check that the credit card number, home address, and name are correct and legible (they must be written in capital letters).

Another TAX REFUND operator is located on the second floor of the airport to the right of the entrance to the departure hall.

VAT refund at Rimini airport (2nd floor)

The procedure there is similar to the one described above.

Another option to save money on shopping is to purchase goods in duty-free shops in the Republic of San Marino, the distance to the border with which is less than ten kilometers. In addition to economical shopping, very interesting sights and the atmosphere of the Middle Ages are waiting for you there.

Read more about attractions and how to get there in the articles:

If you are just planning your holiday in Rimini, we recommend choosing a hotel in the Marina Centro area, as the main attractions of this area are within walking distance. ancient city. You can see the prices and location of hotels on the map below.

We have prepared an overview of the tax free refund points of the main airports in Italy, as well as a list practical advice, which will help you not only get your legitimate money back, but also save your nerve cells.


Tax Free in Italy can be issued if the value of your purchase exceeds 154 euros. It's better to have your passport with you. Of course, in large department stores such as La Rinascente, Prada boutiques, Louis Vuitton and outlet villages, you are unlikely to need it.

However, if you decide to purchase equipment in Italy, especially iPad, Macbook or iPhone, then you will not be issued Tax Free without a passport - in the sense of Apple products, the Italians are very strict.

The three most common Tax Free refund systems are Global Blue, Tax Refund and Premier Tax Free: their logos are below.

Most often in Italy they issue tax free through global blue, however, if you are offered one of three companies to choose from, choose TAX Refund(yellow envelope). The fact is that at the Italian airports at the TAX Refund counter there are always an order of magnitude fewer people than at the Global Blue office.


An important point. To return Tax Free, it is not necessary to wait return flight, this can be done at one of the Global Blue or TAX Refund offices in the city.

It is better to have everything with you at once, namely: 1) a passport, 2) checks for purchases, 3) the purchases themselves, 4) a return ticket.

Unfortunately, without any problems, tax free is not returned directly in the country in all cases, as a rule, there are no difficulties in terms of clothing accessories, but for Mac products, money will be returned to you only at the airport and, most likely, to the card.

List of nearest return offices Tax Free Global Blue in major cities of Italy you can see here:, right there on the site you can also calculate using a calculator how much is refundable.

List of return points TAX Refund can be found here:, but it is incomplete, one of the company's offices is located in Milan, on via Bigli in the immediate vicinity of.

And more, important. Tax free checks for purchases made in Italy are only valid for three months, so if you do not meet this deadline, you can safely throw them away along with blue envelopes, they are absolutely useless.


The standard tax free return procedure is as follows:

1) Get your boarding pass.

2) If you are going to check in your baggage, tell the girl (or boy) at the check-in desk about this, but do not check your bags in your luggage, just take a ticket.

3) After receiving your boarding pass, you and your baggage go to the customs office (in Italian dogana), usually the girls at the check-in counters explain with gestures where he is.

4) At dogana, the officer checks your belongings with those stated on the checks (therefore, you should not bury them deep in your suitcase, but rather in advance, so as not to detain other passengers, take things out of the bags).

5) If the customs officer is satisfied with everything, he stamps your checks, and with certified documents you go to the Global Blue or TAX Refund point, at a number of airports they are in the check-in area, in others - in the Duty Free area.

6) Show the checks stamped by the officer at the Global Blue or TAX Refund point, the money is either given to you in cash, or they take your card details, to which the required amount will be transferred within 3-5 business days, in the second case, you need to keep the paper , which will be given to you by an employee at the Global Blue or TAX Refund point, if the money is not transferred within two weeks, then call the number indicated on the paper and start swearing.

ROME. Fiumicino Airport

Required time for receiving tax free - 1.5 hours

There are two customs offices at the airport. The first counter is located almost in the center of the first floor and is intended for those who want to check in their luggage after receiving tax free. You need to go here already with a boarding pass.

Dogana employees check things with an average level of meticulousness, they can ask you to take boots out of your suitcase, but no one will compare the brand names on the check with the tags sewn to things (thus we once received tax free for a Max Mara coat left in Rome until autumn, presenting worn-out Naf Naf to customs officers).

Lines for the first dogana are an absolute inevitability. Fiumicino is a large, international airport, and not only Russians, but also Arabs, Chinese, and Japanese want to get their legitimate money here, and therefore, so that standing in line is not nervous, but meditative, it is better to come to Fiumicino in advance.

Another point, the employees of the first dogana like to often take breaks for a smoke or coffee, which automatically has a positive effect on the length of the queue.

The second dogana Fumichino is for those who live according to the principle “I carry everything with me”, that is, for those who do not want to check in their purchases in luggage. Located behind anti-terrorism and passport control in the center of the hall (right behind the Salvatore Ferragamo and Burberry boutiques). Here the line to the customs office is small, the staff works quickly, and you don’t have to wait much, but they inspect the things mentioned in the checks more carefully.

The long queue in Fiumicino is traditionally at the Global Blue return window, because people who have printed checks at both customs go there, you will have to lose 30-40 minutes in it. There is a window - exactly opposite the second dogana.

MILAN. AIRPORT MALPENSA (Aeroporto di Milano -Malpensa)

The required time to receive tax free is from 3 hours to infinity

In terms of getting tax free, in my opinion, the most terrible airport in Italy. However, there are more than objective reasons for this.

Firstly, the vast majority associate Milan, of course, not with Leonardo's Last Supper and the Duomo Cathedral, but with shopping, respectively, residents of the United Arab Emirates, China, Russia and other main consumers of luxury goods come here with one mission - to "ruin » boutiques on Via Montenapoleone or nearby outlets.

In this sense, it is especially amusing to watch a crowd of Chinese at the entrance to a Louis Vuitton boutique, begging passers-by to buy for them the third bag of the French fashion house with their own money - according to international rules, Louis Vuitton does not sell more than two goods in one hand.

Actually, then you will meet all this motley crowd of Russians, Chinese and Arabs in Malpensa. The Chinese are disciplined people, they can stand in lines for hours, and therefore to think that one of them will run out of patience and give up the idea of ​​getting tax free means to engage in vulgar self-deception. In a word, if you still return to your homeland from Malpensa, then remember that you should lay down about three hours to receive tax free.

Advice: in Malpensa, it’s better to check in luggage, the dogana counter at the check-in point (first floor, right side, if you stand with your back to the entrance, then the very corner) works more quickly than the one located behind passport control - those who took the purchases are sent there with you on board.

In the queue for the dogana for passport control, you will have to find yourself in the general crowd not only with the Chinese, Russians and Arab beauties, but also with the flight attendants of Singapore or Chinese airlines, and they often buy things with suitcases. Therefore, here the waiting for checking things is delayed for an hour and a half.

Malpensa check things at customs carefully, sometimes they even check the labels on clothes with the names on the receipt. The queue at the TAX Refund window is 30 minutes, in Global Blue you sometimes have to stand for an hour and a half, but there are almost no people in Premier Tax Free. Cash return offices are open on average from 7 to 23.00, the full schedule is on the airport website:.

Often, an attempt to get tax free in Malpensa turns into the fact that you are late for your flight, and your name is announced to the entire airport over the speakerphone, and a walk through duty free turns into a jog to the desired exit. In a word, draw conclusions, arrive at the airport in advance and download several Buddhist meditation mantras into the player to combine standing in lines with evening (or morning) meditation.

VENICE. Marco Polo Airport

Required time to receive tax free: from 15 to 40 minutes

The Venice airport is small, but pleasant in every way. There is only one dogana office, located at the entrance. The lady in the office sometimes checks things, and sometimes trusts checks, but stamps them quickly (at least I never got into a queue).

Money is issued after passport control at the round counter. More often in cash, transferred to a card at will. If you are flying on a flight with a transfer in another European city, the process will take only 15 minutes, if with compatriots - 40 minutes.


Time required to receive tax free: from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours

The local dogana is located at the far end of the airport (the first floor is in the maximum left corner), you need to go there with a boarding pass, regardless of whether you take things on board or check in your luggage.

The customs house is not even a room, but a booth like a kiosk. If the booth is empty, customs personnel can be called by the number indicated on the leaflet attached to the window (however, local customs officers do not speak English very well). They check things every other time: they may not ask about clothes at all, but they ask to show jewelry, iPads and iPhones along with the box.

More advice when standing in line at the window, do not lean against the glass door, they often forget to lock it, and if it accidentally opens, you will be charged a fine of 2000 euros.

The refund point is located before passport control and the duty free area in the center of the first floor. A nice Russian girl works here, she arranges everything very quickly, but, unfortunately, they don’t return cash at the Verona airport, everything is strictly on the card.


Required time to receive tax free: from 30 minutes to an hour

The hardest thing at Pisa airport is finding the dogana office, for some inexplicable reason it is located in the arrivals hall and not the departures hall, next to the toilets. Often the door is locked, in which case it is necessary to disturb the officers by ringing the doorbell. Customs works for those who plan to put their things in luggage, and for those who take purchases on the plane.

Checks should be stamped after receiving a boarding pass, but if you arrived before you checked in for a flight, then loyal officers at Pisa Airport can certify checks without a boarding pass. They also inspect the purchased items every other time, for small purchases scattered around the suitcase, they easily “close their eyes” (especially if there is a queue behind you). Refund offices are located in the passenger check-in area, that is, before passport control.


Time required to receive tax free: from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours

The airport is small and dirty, there are two customs offices. The first dogana is located at the check-in desks, you need to go here regardless of whether you take things on board or check in your luggage. The length of the queue directly depends on the number of your compatriots in it, they look at things meticulously, they demand to show all the items stated in the checks.

If you do not seem like a suspicious person to the customs officer (that is, if you bought only clothes, bags and shoes), then your check will be stamped, and you will calmly receive the money right there at the return point (it is located at the airport office before passport control).

If the officer doubts you (usually this happens if you are bringing Mac products and jewelry home), then you will be stamped a check only after passing through passport control in a separate dogana window.

By the way, there are no queues for the second dogana, however, there is also no money back office after passport control at Bergamo airport, so you will have to receive your tax free already in Russia.

RIMINI. Federico Fellini Airport (Aeroporto di Rimini "Federico Fellini")

Required time to receive tax free: from 1 to 1.5 hours

Rimini Airport - the most "Russian" of all Italian airports. This is both good and bad. Good, because dogana is located directly at the check-in desks for flights to Russia, and the word "Customs" is written in Russian here.

The bad thing is that the customs officers of Rimini are picky, they check the names of the stamps on the tags with all the items on the checks, open boxes with jewelry, so the process of inspecting things takes at least 20 minutes.

Passengers who check things in as luggage and shopaholics who decide to take their purchases on board stand in adjacent lines, the first things are checked right at the check-in counter, after the receipts are certified, the suitcases are put on a tape and sent to the plane.

The points of issue of money are located on the second floor of the airport, you need to go there before passing through passport control. The duration of the tax free process depends on the number of charters departing from Rimini today and how quickly your plane neighbors will present things to the dogana officer, but usually everything fits in an hour and a half.


The required time to receive tax free is about an hour

Bologna Airport is a great original in terms of tax free. The dogana office is located in the arrivals area (right wing, first floor), people go here after checking in for a flight. Customs is located far away, so it’s better to take things for which you decide to get tax free in hand luggage, because no one wants to push a suitcase full of stuff back to the check-in counter.

They check purchases not too carefully, sometimes they are satisfied with just taking a quick look at the package and not even asking to open it.

If there are no difficulties with checking things, then the main attraction of Bologna Airport is the search for a money issuing point. Previously, they, oddly enough, were returned to duty shops free, which is behind passport control, is now at the currency exchange kiosk on the second floor of the airport, which is located before the passenger screening and passport control area. In principle, you spend the most time looking for a kiosk, well, even though the airport is not that big.

Another important point is that the kiosk is closed early in the morning and late in the evening, so if you have a night flight, either drop stamped checks into the mailbox (it is also located in the check-in hall before passport control), or you will have to receive money already in Moscow.


If you decide to get tax free not at the airport in Italy, but in Russia, then remember that your checks in any case must be checked and stamped by a customs officer.

Julia Malkova- Julia Malkova - founder of the website project. Former editor-in-chief of the elle.ru Internet project and editor-in-chief of the cosmo.ru website. I talk about traveling for my own pleasure and the pleasure of readers. If you are a representative of hotels, tourism office, but we are not familiar, you can contact me by email: [email protected]

And what you don’t want on the card is also very convenient, recently I made a return in Rome at the airport, the money came exactly three days later, but I know this when you do it through Global Blue Tax Free, through everything else, of course, money goes for a very long time. See this link for cash return addresses.

Who knows if there are mailboxes for sending Tax Free envelopes in the area after passport control? The money was received in Rome itself, so it remains to affix a customs stamp and send envelopes. But there is customs after passport control, who takes the purchased goods to the salon, and the queue is shorter than before passport control. So the question arose, but are there boxes there ???

latest information from Rome, Fiumicino terminal 3. Taxi for goods checked in as luggage is issued at check-in counters 320 approx. The office hours are from 7 to 22. There are also boxes, there is also customs. What goes in hand luggage is checked in in a clean area immediately at the fork in the gates there are signs. Cash, cards, boxes, two customs officers nearby. I received cash, so I don't know what is the procedure for sending envelopes. Cash is like this - first you turn to the girl in the window of the tax refund office you need, present your passport and forms, and then, according to an unknown scheme, she sends it to the customs officer. Out of three things, I needed a mark for one, my girlfriend had more - they didn’t send her to customs at all. Customs looks at the passport, boarding pass, draws up paper, can look at the thing. Then you come back and get money. Commission from 3 euros and more for each check, depending on the amount.

rouje, do not confuse people's heads. Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you should.
1) go to the customs officer. If you check in luggage, then first check in your luggage, get a boarding pass, pick up your luggage from the check-in counter and go to customs. There you get a mark on the check and check in your luggage. You may be asked to show things.
If you carry with you in hand luggage, then check in for the flight and go to passport control. Then to customs officer, mark all checks (they can be of different return systems).
2) after the mark, go to the tax free department (window) according to the name of the return system and receive money at will either in cash or on a card. if on personal, be prepared to pay 3 euros from each check. Therefore, it is more profitable to receive money on a card.

Out of three things, I needed a mark for one, my girlfriend had more - they didn’t send her to customs at all.

the mark is needed not for things but for a check. A check can be issued one for several things. Without a customs mark, no bank will issue money. Perhaps your girlfriend managed to mark her checks before she turned to the bank for money.
In addition, there may be different return systems Global blue (blue box), tax refund (yellow). Each "girl" is responsible only for her own. probably you should have applied to other windows as well. And at the same time, stand in queues a few more times ...
But thanks for the positive. Six months ago, it was impossible to get cash in Rome.

On the hands there are December Estonian checks of Global Blue Tax Free with a customs mark. Because crossing the border on the Lux Express bus it was not possible to get on right at the border. We are going to Rome in March and want to get Tax Free there, if I'm not mistaken, they are valid for one year. There should be no issues when picking up at the Global Blue ticket office at Fiumicino airport, or maybe there are such ticket offices in Rome itself, such as in London? Who had such an experience, share your experience Thanks in advance to all who responded!

I answer my own question
but, unfortunately, I learned that in the offices of Global Blue in the city you can only get Global Blue Tax Free forms issued in Italy. Will they refuse to make a refund on my previously issued Estonian checks at the Fiumicino airport for the same reason! I'm waiting for anyone who had such an experience, please share!

The question does not quite correspond to this topic, and yet, Denis, I appeal to you, as a person who is directly related to Estonia, in which country, other than Estonia, can you get a refund on tax free checks? Purchases were made in Tallinn in mall Vira and checks were issued without an envelope (the sellers were in a hurry, the store was closing), I can’t even throw them into the mailbox at the border. So I would like to get at least cash at the Fiumicino airport. I really look forward to your advice. Thanks in advance for your reply.