A sample of filling out a tax free voucher in Cyprus. Practical information on obtaining Tax Free at Larnaca Airport, Cyprus

"Shopping" is an integral part of travel. If you are very fond of this, then I will tell you about a simple way to return part of the money spent on purchases back to your wallet. Most countries have a so-called value added tax. In our opinion, this is VAT, but in foreign - VAT.

VAT is invisibly present in any of your expenses - in payment for hotel accommodation, in the price tag of a tavern or in the things you bought that you want to bring home from Cyprus. I will say right away that it will not be possible to return part of the money you spent in the tavern, but for the goods that you take away from Cyprus, completely.

I will tell you the whole sequence of actions using my example. After Christmas in Cyprus comes the season of sales. Prices fall first by 30%, then by 50%, and as a result, discounts can reach as much as 70%! Well, how can you stop shopping? So we bought a bunch of some kind of "junk" in the nearest large store. The idea to try to return part of the money spent was suggested by the signs standing at each cash desk that the store draws up tax free. It is important. Small shops don't usually do this, but those that do proudly put stickers on their front doors to match. Look closely and you will surely notice them. It is not necessary to immediately try to get the treasured piece of paper on the day of purchase. This can be done later, within 30 days. An important condition is that the amount of purchases must be more than 50 euros. It is the amount, not the cost of each item separately. Most importantly, keep all receipts!

When we realized that running around the floors of Debenhams was already fed up, I collected all the checks from different bags in a pile and counted the amount spent. It came out 354 euros. According to estimates, they could return about 30. At that time I did not yet know how much time I would spend on returning this money, but I decided to conduct an experiment on myself so that I would have something to tell later.

So, during the next trip to our "court" Debenhams for groceries, I took with me all the accumulated checks. To apply for tax free, you had to go up to the third floor to their service department. In smaller stores, this operation is most likely done right at the checkout. I handed the girl a stack of checks with the words "tax free please". She quickly counted the amount on the checks, then peeped on her piece of paper how much of this amount was due for a refund. Then she took out a special form, quickly filled it out, scribbled a few lines, pinned all my checks to it and put it in a branded envelope. Everything! It took her about two minutes to complete the operation. Here's what the paper looks like.

Already in the hotel, I wrote on the form the name, surname and country of export (this is how I translated the words "Country of issue"). In principle, you can write everything later. Well, it was curious what was written in the booklet. There was an instruction in several languages, telling what to do next.

The simplest thing was to do nothing, but to take these pieces of paper with you directly to the airport. There you can get money at the box office. There is only one but. If you have a night flight or falls on a Sunday or some local holiday, then the ticket office at the airport does not work, and the process of receiving money can become very complicated. Again, if you are brought there almost back to back, and you still have to bother with it. As a result, we decided to try another method - to get money right in the city, since there were still a few days left before departure.

The booklet shows the locations of distribution points on the maps of the cities of Cyprus. It is strange that not all cities are marked there. For example, I did not find either Larnaca or Paphos. But in Limassol there are already three points. Well, maybe in other cities they distribute their booklets, I don’t know. Here's what it looks like. If the photo is enlarged, then you can read both the addresses of the points and their phone numbers.

Yes, I forgot to mention one more important thing. To get money in the city, you need to have a credit card on hand. Well, not necessarily "credit". In general, one on which the numbers are convex (scientifically embossed), suitable for at least another four months. I had one, so after a couple of days, having gathered to walk around the city, we decided to visit one of the offices indicated on the map. The closest to us was the first one on the map, located on Makarios Avenue. We found this building (Doma Building) quite quickly, well, there was a sign with a characteristic logo at the entrance.

We read on the sign that Prometheus Travel is located on the fourth floor, we go up there by elevator. We were met by a friendly girl from this travel agency and said that we had come to our destination. Communicated with her in Russian - well, I have not been surprised at this in Limassol for a long time. I gave her an envelope, passport and bank card. The girl said that it was not necessary to write Cyprus on the letterhead, but Russia, they say it is important where they are taken out, and not where. Crossed out Cyprus, attributed to Russia. She quickly filled out the form, I signed in a couple of places, and we were given 31 euros. Just? Yes. But in fact, this is not the last stage. The girl returned the envelope with the papers to us and told us what to do next with them.

Here I will interrupt and explain why, after all, and to whom this money is returned. The tax is returned to those foreign citizens who bought goods in Cyprus, and then took them outside ... there is no Cyprus, but the European Union. That is, for the Germans, for example, the Cypriot tax free does not "shine". Keyword here took out. But we have not taken anything anywhere yet, so you can legalize the export only at the airport. This will be the final step.

On the day of departure, you arrive at the airport. Now the main thing to remember is that you should not take things immediately into luggage. You must go to the customs officer, show him the papers and checks and present exported items. Knowing this, we packed our things so that the purchases were on top of the bag. It was enough to unfasten it so that the customs officer could look at them. The second photo on the right shows the layout of the customs checkpoint at the airports of Cyprus. It can also be found on big scheme, which you will see immediately at the entrance to the terminal building. While we were considering the scheme, an airport worker approached us with an offer to help. We asked about customs, and she practically escorted us to the place. So with a cart loaded with suitcases, they arrived there, only the customs officer was not there.

True, he quickly came later, took our papers, tickets and asked where the things were. I pointed towards the bag. He nodded his head contentedly, and that was the end of the "presentation". The customs officer stamped reverse side form, wrote something there and returned it to us. "Customs gives the go-ahead" - scrolled through my head at that moment. In fact, according to the rules, he had to inspect things, make sure that they were not used, that is, the tags and packaging were intact. In our case, he did not do this, but who knows, maybe with larger purchases, the inspection will be more stringent.

You ask, why did you have to find out something with the customs, if the money has already been received? The trick is that we were given the money on parole, that we will eventually go through customs, put a stamp on the documents, and then put them in the issued envelope, seal it and put it in a box, which is already located in the area where you can get only by passing passport control. The letter from the box will end up in the company's office, and on the basis of these documents they will "knock out" money back from the state, that is, return this VAT. If the documents are not received, then they will not be able to return this amount. But not in vain did they ask to bring credit card. If the documents do not arrive at the office within a month, then they will simply withdraw the amount issued from my card, plus additional "penalties". By the way, this is how one of the "papers" that I signed looks like. Those are the terms and conditions there.

Well, that's almost all. Lena put the envelope in her purse, and we went to the check-in counter, then we went through passport control and ... and shops opened their arms to us duty free! It seemed that they surrounded us from all sides. Even if you have already bought everything, you don’t need anything anymore, but you will still go there, at least just to “stare”. I'll tell you that the prices in Larnaca duty free are not much less than in the same Debenhams with almost the same choice. Another thing is that you did not have to drag the goods bought here to the airport, and they no longer fall into the kilograms allowed for transportation. In general, we often still "buy" something there.

Instead of an afterword

The flight went well, then we drove for a long time by car through the snowy St. Petersburg, slowly remembering our native places. We came home, Lena opened her bag and found there ... that's right, an envelope that we had to drop at the Larnaca airport. Damn duty free of theirs, it's all his fault!

There was one last chance to save 40 euros - to send a letter by mail. There wasn’t, they stuck stamps on the envelope as for an international letter (although it seemed like it was possible not to glue it, but it’s better to overdo it a little), just in case they wrote the “where” address taken from the contract (although the address was printed on the envelope), and the return address and put the letter in the mailbox. It remained to be hoped that our mail would have time to take him to Cyprus in a month, without losing him on the way.

Several months have passed since then. The money was not withdrawn from the card, so the letter arrived normally. On this, we will consider our experience on the return of taxi fries successfully completed.

For those who want more detailed information about Cyprus, the CIA story on Cyprus is provided. Well, whoever is not very interested in statistics can immediately go to the "pitfalls of Cyprus" - you definitely need to know them!

Some things are exceptionally beneficial in nature. This also applies to tax refunds in cases clearly specified by law.

In relation to tourist travel to Europe, reimbursement of expenses implies the receipt of tax-free by non-EU citizens; the restriction is set to the requirement to use the purchase not in Cyprus, but outside the Republic.

Today we reveal the secrets of successful shopping with a good discount, moreover, legally.

Tax free Global Refund in Cyprus

Tourists who have visited the island, first of all, are faced with the mysterious three symbols of VAT (Value Added Task) in every payment receipt received after making a purchase. In essence, this surcharge is for VAT. Practice shows that if there is a tax, then there is the possibility of its return. The legal framework provides for 2 conditions for VAT refunds:

  • the buyer is not a citizen of the Republic, a citizen of the EU;
  • the purchased item will be used outside the island.

It is enough to have these components, and the return of a small but tangible amount from the purchase to the tourist is guaranteed. A prerequisite for obtaining tax-free is to make a purchase: it will not work to return the tax in advance without spending money in advance.

How to make purchases in order to take advantage of tax free

Tax-free in Cyprus really works - this is confirmed by the experience of tourists who managed to use the service. And how to issue a tax refund will be explained in detail later.

The main limitation is that the tax will not be returned for paying for lunch, a cocktail in a restaurant, bar, tavern. This rule also applies to food, drinks, pastries purchased in supermarkets. Beforehand, in order not to be mistaken, you can ask the administrator of the institution whether they return VAT or not.

While relaxing in Cyprus, feel free to buy costume jewelry, jewelry, household appliances or clothes: after going through customs, on the way back to Russia, you can get part of the cost from them. The main thing is to keep receipts for each purchase.

Features of using the tax-free system in Cyprus

The refund algorithm is simple. First, we carefully collect checks, not forgetting to inquire at retail outlets about the likelihood of a refund of the VAT amount. Further, you will need to be patient, since the mechanism comes into effect after reaching a certain amount - 50 euros.

Tip: The outlets coveted by those who want a refund are marked with prominent banners Shop Tax Free. Usually they are located at the checkout and at the entrance. Another prerequisite for issuing a refund is a set of the agreed amount for purchases made in the same store.

If everything is done correctly, the amount of VAT can be received within a month using the services of one of the intermediary companies (there are several of them in Cyprus).

To apply for a tax refund, you will need 2 things:

  1. International passport.
  2. Special Tax Free Form (obtained from the seller).

The form contains: information about the buyer, the name of the product, its cost and date of purchase, as well as the identification data of the receipt. Part of the work is usually done by the seller, you just have to enter your address, full name, passport number and series below.

After successful completion, the last stage remains - receiving money. To save time at the next stage, it is recommended to combine purchases into one form.

The main restrictions for the tax-free system

In order not to get into trouble with the value added tax refund system, you should remember a few basic rules of conduct:

  1. Despite the goodwill of the sellers, the initiative to collect the tax paid must come from the buyer. Therefore, the first thing we do is look for the treasured letters in the store, do not hesitate to ask what the conditions are, study the checks (and collect them).
  2. Citizens of other countries (not with EU citizenship) and who plan to use their purchase outside of Cyprus can apply for the previously paid surcharge.
  3. Tax-free does not apply to food, groceries, service in taverns and restaurants.
  4. To fill out the form, you will need a passport and a pen. It is better to always carry them with you (or when you are about to apply for compensation).
  5. The amount in the check (several from one store) should not be less than fifty euros. Otherwise, nothing will come of it.
  6. When registering goods for tax-free, they immediately specify in what way it is desirable to receive money. Experienced "returners" advise insisting on cash - the most reliable way.

How and where to put a customs stamp on the Tax Free Global Refund check when leaving Cyprus

There are several ways to receive VAT on purchases by foreign citizens. One of them is to do the operation directly at the airport, spending about 10 minutes on the whole process.

First you need to find a kiosk called Customs/V.A.T. Refund (customs/tax-free return). Be sure to be prepared to present, at the request of the employee, a passport, a reimbursement form pre-filled in the outlet, as well as a cash receipt and the purchase itself. But, having received a coveted stamp, things can be safely put into a backpack or suitcase, even checked into luggage. Next, they check in the plane ticket at the counter of their operator, including checking the passenger's passport data.

There are 2 refund points nearby: Tax Refund and Global Blue Tax Free. They approach the right one, present the documents received before that. Now choose the method of receiving money - on a credit card or in cash. Somehow the majority Russian travelers recommend the latter method. The card must be embossed (embossed on it with the owner's data, expiration date).

The difference here is as follows: "non-cash" comes with a delay (7 days or more), but without any deductions. But having requested banknotes, the tourist will be surprised to find that a commission has been withheld from him, payment for cashing out. At this point, the procedure is considered complete.

How to get money directly in Cyprus – Downtown Cash Refund Cyprus

And now the attention of readers is offered a secret method that does not require ordeals at the airport and languishing at the counters of strict customs officers. It consists in the following: along with the purchase in the store, in addition to the check, the seller gives each visitor a colorful booklet. Its value is not in printing, but in the addresses indicated there of representative offices of companies authorized to issue a VAT refund. Usually they hide under the sign of Tax Free Refunds.

But not everything is so simple. Be prepared for a few "surprises".

  1. The maximum tax refund rate in practice does not exceed a tenth, the remaining share is deposited on the accounts of the operator providing tax-free processing services. This is not an isolated case, but a common practice.
  2. Receiving money at the Tax Free Refunds office does not eliminate the need for paperwork when departing from the island. Just as with the standard procedure, customs is passed, papers for the tax department are certified with a stamp, after which they are packed in a regular envelope and dropped into a mailbox. It is imperative to send reports, otherwise a conflict situation will arise, and the money transferred to the card will be returned back (and even with a fine).

It is allowed to send an envelope with documents from anywhere, even from Russia, but it is better to do it right away.

So, now we know how you can return part of the money for purchases made in Cyprus. And how to do this - in cash, on a card, in a city or airport - is up to you.

  • Taxi

    There are Russian taxi companies in Cyprus. A trip from Paphos airport to the city will cost you 25-30 EUR, to Larnaca - 120 EUR, to Limassol - 65 EUR. Drivers speak Russian, English, Greek. Prices on the page are for November 2018.

  • Bus

    get to desired city you can on special transfer buses. Bus number 612 goes to Paphos, it runs from 7:00 to 1:00. Please note that these opening hours are valid only during the high tourist season - from April to November. In other months, the bus runs much less frequently. Bus number 613 from the airport makes only four flights a day - at 8:00, 10:00, 16:30 and 19:00. In addition, from Paphos airport by bus you can get to Limassol. Ticket price - 4 EUR, children aged 3 to 12 years - 2 EUR.

  • Transfer

    The fastest and most comfortable way to get there. You need to choose a car of a suitable class and capacity in advance, and the driver will meet you at the airport with a name plate. The cost indicated at the time of booking will be fixed: for example, traffic jams will not affect it.

There are 2 airports in Cyprus - in Larnaca and Paphos. It is through them that you will get to any resort in this small country. We'll tell you what to do in them, we'll give helpful tips and reveal some tricks. And most importantly, we will evaluate how good Cypriot duty-free and souvenir shops are at airports.

In duty-free shops in Cyprus (both in Larnaca and Paphos) it is profitable to buy cosmetics, perfumes, accessories and alcohol of European brands. Especially the French ones. Their prices are significantly lower than Russian ones, even with not the most favorable exchange rate of the ruble against the euro. It is unprofitable to take British or American goods. As well as European products (especially sweets), as well as electronics.

Would you like to better understand such subtleties? Check out our Duty Free Tricks article, where we share the secrets of smart shopping and debunk popular myths about duty free shops.

Tax Free

Having made a purchase in Cyprus in the amount of more than 50 euros, you can issue a tax-free service at the airports of Larnaca and Paphos. To begin with, you should go to the customs office for stamping papers. You need to have a passport, a check and a Tax Free form from the store with you, as well as unpacked goods (be prepared that they will really be checked). You can receive cash or issue a refund to the card after control at the Global Blue or Premier Tax Free counters. They are closed at night.

Life hack: at the airports in Cyprus you can take a luggage trolley. To detach it from the common chain, you need to insert a coin. You can cheat - the lock opens if you insert Russian 2 rubles into it.

Larnaca Airport

The largest air hub in Cyprus receives regular and charter flights. It is here that most of the passengers from all over the world arrive. From International Airport Larnaca is easy to get to Larnaca itself, as well as to Limassol, Nicosia and Ayia Napa.

The air unit is quite compact and convenient, the service is on top. Passengers really like the airport in Larnaca, this is confirmed by numerous positive reviews.


There is only one passenger terminal at Larnaca Airport, which is extremely easy to navigate. Numerous signs will help you, and if necessary, the staff of the airport terminal. Online scoreboards are located very conveniently and are updated in a timely manner - you are unlikely to miss your flight.

Getting from the airport to desired resort you can not only take taxis, which greatly inflate prices. If you are flying on a tour, you are in luck - the transfer should be included in it. You can get to Larnaca by Zenon bus for only 1.5 euros (they run around the clock, at night the ticket price will be higher). From Larnaca airport you can go to Limassol, Nicosia or Ayia Napa: travel time - 40-60 minutes, ticket price - within 10 euros.

duty free

Shops in the air harbor of Larnaca leave a good impression. Many goods in Cypriot Duty Free are cheaper than in Russian ones.

The duty free zone in Larnaca is quite impressive. Hundreds of brands, excellent special offers, professional consultants - excellent shopping is guaranteed to you. French cosmetic brands often offer passengers simple beauty treatments (this is not always free) and give samplers as gifts. It's nice that many consultants speak Russian.

There is also a small duty free shop in the arrivals area. The choice is not too big. But the prices are pleasant - especially for alcohol and French cosmetics.


In the Kypriaka shopping area, you will find an excellent selection of goods made in Cyprus. The store belongs to the duty-free zone. However, buying souvenirs is still more profitable within the country. Especially when it comes to standard tourist trifles like T-shirts, magnets or mugs. Well, gastronomic souvenirs are always cheaper in the markets.

However, the range of goods in Kypriaka is quite wide, and you can still find gifts for loved ones at decent prices here. Pay attention to ceramics, lace, jewelry: impeccable quality, good choice, affordable price.

Good to know

Please note that services at Larnaca Airport are quite expensive. For example, packing luggage will cost 10 euros. This is perhaps the only disadvantage of the air hub. Even the lack of entertainment does not upset tourists - everything is brightened up by an excellent shopping area. Food in this terminal is also relatively inexpensive: several coffee shops and eateries are open during the day.

Larnaca resort is located near the airport. If your flight is delayed, it makes sense to book a hotel room nearby to wait for it in comfort. The nearest hotel (Hadgipanagi Court Apartments) is only 1.5 kilometers away. It is better to book remotely so as not to overpay on the spot.

Has your flight been delayed? You don't have to put up with it! If you have experienced cancellations, overbookings or delays in the last 3 years, you may be entitled to compensation up to 600 euros. This is easy to check using the service.

Paphos airport

Paphos is considered an elite resort in Cyprus, but its airport looks rather modest. It is inferior to the Larnaca air hub in everything: in size, capacity, number of shops and entertainment. However, you can’t call it bad - in the reviews, passengers often praise Paphos Airport for convenient navigation, professional staff and convenient location.


The air harbor of Paphos almost does not serve regular flights, its main specialization is charters. Therefore, passport control here is fast, there are almost no queues.

There is only one terminal at the airport, quite small - it is very easy to navigate in it. The signs and airport staff will help you. Registration, control, waiting rooms - everything is on the same floor.

Only those who fly to rest on their own will have to get from the airport to Paphos on their own (transfers are usually included in tours). We advise you to abandon the taxi in favor of the bus. You will drive no more than 25 minutes, and the taxi driver will ask for at least 30 euros. A bus from the airport to Paphos will cost only a couple of euros, to Limassol - 4. One minus - in the low season they go only 3-4 times a day.

duty free

Paphos airport has a small waiting room and a fairly compact shopping area. There are duty free shops in both the departure and arrival areas. In duty-free after customs control, the choice of goods, although not too large, but advantageous offers many. The most popular European goods are cheaper than at Russian airports. And if you catch a promotion, you can really save a lot.

There is a small but nice Duty Free shop in the Paphos airport arrivals area. Most often, tourists from Russia buy branded alcohol in it - it's really profitable.


In the airport lounge in Paphos, there is a Cyprus Memories store where you can buy excellent souvenirs made in Cyprus. Prices are higher than in resorts, but you can still find gifts for loved ones here. Olive oil and delicious cheeses are much more expensive than in ordinary city shops, but lace, ceramics and jewelry are quite affordable.

Good to know

There is almost nothing to do at Paphos airport, and the waiting rooms in it are small. From entertainment - shops, slot machines, massage chairs. But the prices for food in cafes and eateries in the air harbor of Paphos are not as high as at most airports.

If you are flying somewhere else through Paphos or your flight is delayed, it makes sense to book a hotel room near the airport. The closest one is Secret Garden Residence, it is 1.6 kilometers away. It is better to book a room remotely in order to secure it for yourself at a bargain price; On the spot, you will face large overpayments.

Part of the taxes from the value of purchases made in Cyprus, as well as in other EU countries, can be refunded upon departure. Purchases must be at least 50 euros. In Cyprus, VAT is 15%, but not all of it will be returned, but less than 10% of the amount of purchases. Part of the returned money is taken by the Global Refund or Eurorefund organization as compensation for their services. So, for example, the amount of my purchase (I had to buy a watch to replace the lost ones in Cyprus) was 119 euros. On the check in the store indicated the amount to be returned - 11 euros. They returned it at the airport - 9 euros, which amounted to 7.5% (I have never seen such a predatory commission anywhere else).

The return system itself is quite simple, but if you find yourself in Larnaca for the first time and you don’t have much time at the airport, I hope the information provided will help you quickly and easily get your money and have time to spend it in Duty-Free. The purchased purchases must be taken out of Cyprus no later than within three months. In the tax-free form issued in the store, you must fill in the columns: name and surname in accordance with the passport, passport number and data, address of permanent residence, country, duration of stay in Cyprus.

At Larnaca airport, the customs control window is located in the far corner, to the left of the entrance to the departure hall between the check-in counters and the toilets:

Before check-in must be presented to the customs officer passport, air ticket, cash receipts and a completed Tax Free form. Purchases you also need to have it with you (with price tags, in packages), although no one checked the purchases with me. I arrived at the airport 3 hours before departure and quickly received the necessary stamp. However, after some time, a large queue lined up at the window of the customs officer, so calculate your time:

After the customs officer puts a stamp and signature on the checks, you can pack your purchases and go through check-in and check in your luggage. After registration, you need to go to the customs control zone. Immediately after the turnstiles with green lights, where you put your boarding pass on the scanner, without going through customs, Turn left. There are two windows where you can receive the money due to you: Eurorefund and Global Refund. Depending on what form was issued in the store, you need to go to one of the windows.

If for some reason you have not yet put a stamp on the check (the money will not be issued without it), do not worry: you can contact the same customs officer through another window overlooking the customs control zone (it can be seen in the photo on the wall on the right ).

If you want to receive money not in cash, but to transfer it to a bank account, then you need to fill in the account details in the Tax Free check and give it to the window.

Everything, now the money has been received, and you can go through customs and passport control.