History of Sviyazhsk. Sviyazhsky Assumption Monastery

One of the pearls of Tatarstan is rightfully the city - the island of Sviyazhsk. Located in one of the most beautiful places in Russia, having huge amount historical monuments and special energy, this city, by right, has become very attractive for tourists.

You can get to Sviyazhsk by road transport, along the M7 highway, but upon arrival, you will have to leave the car in the parking lot, because the whole city is a pedestrian zone. You can also get to Sviyazhsk by boat from Kazan, enjoying the beautiful views and listening to the entertaining stories of the guide.

There are few places in Russia where there are so many attractions in such a small area as in Sviyazhsk. Most interesting places islands:

When visiting the city-island, it is impossible to ignore the building of the river station. Despite the equipment that allows servicing modern river transport, he seemed to have stepped out of the pages of Ostrovsky's books.
Arriving in Sviyazhsk, a person finds himself in a different era, with a different course of time and with different moral values, and the situation of the station immediately sets him up for the right perception.

Location: Rozhdestvenskaya street - 1A.

The fresco painting, the original fragments of which have been preserved over a fairly large area, gives the temple a special value. At the time of the founding of the temple, the frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral were, in truth, a revolutionary word in iconography. Their plots were taken by the creators not only from canonical texts, but also from apocryphal legends.

Here is the only image of St. Christopher with a horse's head in Russia, later such icons were banned by church authorities. Also in the cathedral you can see the only fresco image of Ivan the Terrible. In general, the frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral in Sviyazhsk are very close to the Western European style of church painting, which is very unusual for Russian churches of the 16th century.

Location: Uspenskaya street - 1.

The Church in the Name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the first stone refectory church and was built in 1555-1556. The author of the project is unknown, but evidence has been preserved that the Pskov artel of masons Ivan Shiryai took part in the construction of the temple, which, obviously, introduced elements characteristic of the Pskov church complexes into its architectural appearance.

The height of the building and the conciseness of the facade make it dominant both in the complex of the Assumption Monastery and in the architecture of the entire city.

Location: Nikolskaya street.

In addition to churches, some of which are active, on the territory of the monastery there is a wooden abbot's complex, cells for novices and nuns, and a stone refectory.

In the existing churches, pilgrims can bow to such shrines as the icons of the Tikhvin Mother of God, the Inexhaustible Chalice, the image of John the Baptist, the relics of St. Herman of Kazan. The ensemble of the monastery, created over the course of three centuries, forms the majestic appearance of Sviyazhsk. In the territory temple complex there is an architectural and art museum.

Trinity Church is the oldest building in Sviyazhsk. This wooden structure is made without a single nail. The construction was carried out under the leadership of the first Russian military engineer, clerk Ivan Vyrodkov. It is to him that historians attribute the idea of ​​building Sviyazhsk. The fortress was cut down many kilometers from the construction site, in the town of Myshkin. Then all the logs were numbered and secretly transported to the banks of the Sviyaga. In a matter of days, powerful fortifications were erected 30 kilometers from the then enemy Kazan, which played a huge role in its capture by Russian troops in 1552.

The carved iconostasis, wooden images of saints, ancient icons give the temple a discreet comfort, and the consciousness that Ivan the Terrible himself could communicate with higher powers here makes the temple one of the most attractive places in Sviyazhsk.

Location: Troitskaya street - 3.

The church in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh began to be built in the 16th century by order of Tsar Boris Fedorovich. The building is made of white limestone, the decor is very laconic, typical of the Pskov style.

Presumably, craftsmen from Pskov took part in the construction of the temple. On one of the outer walls, an ancient fresco depicting the "Trinity" has been preserved. The temple is one of the architectural gems of Sviyazhsk.

Before the revolution, this church was the only township church in Sviyazhsk. The current stone building was built in the 18th century on the site of a wooden church. In its appearance, the influence of the Baroque style is clearly felt, which makes the church very elegant and joyful.

Since the 1920s, the building has not been used for religious ceremonies. It was only in the 90s that it was returned to its direct purpose, and now the inhabitants of Sviyazhsk and pilgrims from all over Russia are present at regularly sent services.

Location: Konstantinovskaya street - 2.

The landmark of Sviyazhsk, built in our time, is the chapel in the Name of the Royal Passion-Bearers, consecrated in 2004. It is dedicated to the family of the last Russian emperor, who was martyred at the hands of the Bolshevik government. At the entrance to the temple is an icon depicting the royal family. There are many old icons in the chapel, some of them stream myrrh from time to time.

Starting from its foundation, Sviyazhsk, first of all, was a military fortress, which suggested the presence of the best weapons for those times. In the 16th century they were cannons. Each of them was individual, and even had its own name. For example, "Snake", "Dragon", "Whistler".

The most fortified were the Christmas Gates of the city, where the cannon "Devka's Head" was installed, which got its name because of the image on the gun carriage of a head resembling Medusa Gargona. In our time, through the efforts of restorers, with the active participation of caring local residents, this cannon was recreated according to the drawings found in ancient chronicles. Now it decorates the entrance to the Sviyazhsk Museum of Local Lore.

Location: Moscow street - 6.

You can learn more about the history of Sviyazhsk, its temples, its legends by visiting the magnificent exposition of the local museum. There are many interactive exhibits here, which is especially impressive for young visitors. For example, you can try yourself as an archaeologist, activate all excursion routes Sviyazhsk on a large electronic map, and skillfully made panoramas will not leave anyone indifferent.

Location: Uspenskaya street - 22.

This monument is dedicated to the black page in the history of Sviyazhsk, and indeed the whole country. After the revolution, the city became a place of executions and torture. Ancient monasteries turned into dungeons. There is a legend that by order of Trotsky, in 1918 a monument to Judas was erected here.

However, there is no material confirmation of this fact, but in Sviyazhsk there is a monument to the victims of repression, which is rare in its poignancy. AT block of stone a grating is carved through which the prisoner's hand, holding a free bird, is pushed through. It must be visited to honor the memory of innocent victims and not remain indifferent to attempts to turn back history.

Location: on the side of the dam at the entrance to the island.

The complex of historical reconstruction "Lazy Torzhok" perfectly recreates the atmosphere of bygone centuries. There are a large number of souvenir shops selling unique handicrafts. Several times a day, master classes in pottery, blacksmithing, and leather crafts are held.

You can also try your hand at painting clay toys or making items from birch bark. On weekends, battles that took place in the 16th century between Russians and Tatars are reconstructed on the square. Here you can put on medieval armor and try out different types of weapons.

Location: Uspenskaya street - 2b.

Not far from the "Lazy Market" there is a horse yard. Here you can ride in a phaeton or on horseback. The horses are amazingly beautiful, many of them were champions of international competitions in the past. They can be fed and photographed.

Undoubtedly, the sights of Sviyazhsk are the landscapes of Russian nature, which were so loved by both artists of past centuries and modern creators.

The combination of the mighty calmness of the waters washing the island and the majestic power of the temples leaves no one indifferent. But the peculiar architecture of public and residential buildings of the town has a peculiar charm that touches the heart of any Russian person.

Why you still need to visit Sviyazhsk

In addition to visiting historical sites, the island city offers an interesting cultural program. Throughout the year, fun folk festivals are held here.

The friendliness and hospitality of the locals deserve a separate discussion, which is facilitated by the presence of comfortable hotels and restaurants. Most of the people visiting this wonderful city, forever remains the desire to return here again.

The first attempt to take Kazan ended in failure for Ivan the Terrible. Realizing that it would not be possible to immediately take the capital of the khanate, the king chose a small island at the mouth of the Sviyaga River, where he built a fortress to prepare a more thorough campaign. Over time, the settlement grew, turning into a small town with monasteries and residential areas. Now Sviyazhsk is officially an island-village, less than 1000 people live in it.

Road to Sviyazhsk. Today, the island is connected by a dam to the nearest shore.

Rising to the fortress founded in May 1551 by Ivan the Terrible.

Wall of the Horse Yard and the Craft Quarter.

And opposite the Assumption Monastery. His review is yet to come.

Entrance to the horse yard.

There are shopping arcades on the territory, where even today you can buy handmade goods of local craftsmen.

And you can also ride a horse around the arena, as in past centuries.

Here is the Assumption Monastery, founded in the 16th century, in 1555, when Kazan Khanate was already part of Muscovite Russia.

The Assumption Cathedral is especially impressive. Originally built in 1561, it was rebuilt in the 18th century with baroque elements (especially the dome).

Also on the territory there is a fraternal corps,...

Monastery School...

And the archimandrite corps.

Nikolskaya gate church of 1556. Its height is 43 meters. Together with the cathedral, these are recognized masterpieces of Russian architecture.

Continuing our walk around the island, we will look back at the Assumption Monastery. The perimeter of its walls exceeds a kilometer.

And ahead is another monastery of Sviyazhsk - John the Baptist.

Trinity wooden church is the oldest in the monastery. It is said that it was built in the 16th century.

The main cathedral of the monastery is the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow". The temple in the neo-Byzantine style is relatively new, built in 1898 - 1906.

Of interest is the somewhat unusual St. Sergius Church, which has survived almost unchanged since its construction in 1604.

Along the walls of the Sergius Church.

Fraternal corps.

And other buildings in the area. Every now and then the Volga is visible, surrounding Sviyazhsk from all sides.

Again we pass by the main cathedral. I wanted to shoot inside, but it was not there. The monastery has a rather strict charter, besides, there was a service, and we were not allowed inside at all.

Cute cat family on the territory of the monastery.

Both monasteries in Sviyazhsk were included in the UNESCO list in 1998.

In addition to the monasteries on the island, historical buildings, mainly of the 18th and 19th centuries, have been partially preserved.

One of the notable buildings is the former estate of Kamenev.

And this is the former city school.

Closer to the banks of the Volga, the Church of Constantine and Helena, preserved from the 18th century after a major restructuring.

Remember how Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich?

Here the prince opened his eyes;
Shaking the dreams of the night
And wondering in front of you
He sees a big city
Walls with frequent battlements,
And behind the white walls
Church tops gleam
and holy monasteries.

Roughly the same can be said about Sviyazhsk. The city is on an island. It was built by Ivan the Terrible during the capture of Kazan. A wooden church, built in 1552 without a single nail, has been preserved here. There are monasteries with stone walls 3 meters thick. We will not paint the history of the island, everything is written in the links below. We highly recommend reading it. We will tell you how to get there on your own and what to see, as well as show you the best route so that you can see everything. And, of course, how much does it all cost. For convenience, the narration will be conducted on behalf of one of the members of our team. Well, Kazan took, now Sviyazhsk?

How to get to Sviyazhsk from Kazan on your own

On the boat: route Kazan - Sviyazhsk. and how to buy tickets.

By train: Suburban Train Station Kazan, western direction of electric trains (for example: Kanash, Bua, Albaba, railway station Sviyazhsk), then by car 15 km. There are no buses from the station, only taxis. The cost is approximately 150-200 rubles. Schedule to Sviyazhsk station and prices.

By bus or car: Federal highway M7 "Volga" (Gorky highway). Kazan - Sviyazhsk (up to 70 kilometers, after the bridge over the Sviyaga River and the police post following it (Isakovo village), a road junction was built - turn left, then signs.

You will find a little history of what Sviyazhsk is and what it is eaten with on Wikipedia or a short note on MyJane. We will tell about the best route around the island to have time to see everything and be satisfied.

Sailing to Sviyazhsk on a boat

So, the beginning of the journey is at the box office of the river port. After paying for the ticket, we moved to the pier. Why did you choose this mode of transport? It’s elementary, because it’s possible to get there in just 2.5 hours. Flights are regular, according to the schedule, they are not often canceled. Here is a detailed map for you to navigate at the box office of the rechport:

Having bought a ticket and boarded a pleasure boat, we went to Sviyazhsk. The journey takes about 2.5 hours by water. If you do not feel like sleeping, the path looks somewhat tiring. On the way, the boat stops and drops off and picks up people from various coastal villages. Therefore, it is better to think in advance what you will do.

Upon arrival in Sviyazhsk, we are met by a pier and a renovated port. In 2013, a complex of restoration works was carried out on the island, and the entire island was restored and finished. For today, all the work has already been completed and you will see a new, updated city on the island.

Walking route in Sviyazhsk or how to see everything and not forget anything

We will immediately show the plan-scheme of the island with decoding. And the most pleasant travel route, although you can make your own. To differ, we think, it will be little than. The red line marks the route itself. Yellow markers are stops to see temples, museums and monuments.

What can be seen on the island:
1. Assumption-Bogoroditsky Monastery. a) Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin (1560). b) St. Nicholas Church (1556). c) Rector's Corps (XVII century). d) Fraternal Corps (XVII-XVIII centuries). e) Monastery school (XVII-XVIII centuries).
2. Economic yard of the Assumption Monastery of the Mother of God (XVII-XVIII centuries).
3. John the Baptist Monastery. a) Trinity Church. b) Sergius Church (XVII century). c) Cathedral of the Icon of Joy of All Who Sorrow (1896-1906). d) Monastery refectory (1890). e) Corps of abbess (1830). f) Cells (1820). g) Chapel and cells (1897).
4. Treasury, offices, prison castle (1838-1840).
5. Barracks of the Sviyazhsk escort team (XIX century).
6. Complex of the Zemsky hospital (1870s).
7. The building of the county school (1830s)
8. The complex of buildings of the Sviyazhsk vocational school and the fire wagon train (mid-19th century).
9. House of Merchants F.T. and V.F. Kamenevs (late 19th century)
10. The building of the city gymnasium (1913-1914).
11. House of Illarionov - Brovkin - Medvedev (beginning of the 19th century).
12. Church of Constantine and Helena (late 16th century).
13. House of the Mayor F. M. Polyakov (end of the 19th century).
14. The building of the almshouse (end of the 19th century).
15. Wall of the Communards: Place of execution of the Red Guards on August 6, 1918.
16. The grave of prisoners who were shot on the island of Tatarikha.
17. Temples destroyed in the 1930s.

Of course, it is better to visit such a corner with a guide or a guide who can show you the best delicacies and tell the history of the island. Believe me, there is something to listen to. You can book an excursion to Sviyazhsk with ours, or take part in a group tour from any travel agency.

We will post some photos and a couple of comments so that you can admire the beauty of the old Russian city and decide whether you should go there or not.

The port meets. First Church

As noted above, the port of the island is new. It houses a cafe and ticket offices on the way back (although most often a ticket back is bought when entering the boat on the way back). When we were there, the cafe, unfortunately, did not work. And the first thing that seemed interesting to us was Peter's boat, which stands on the square in front of the port building.

Our path is uphill. You definitely will not be mistaken with the direction - everyone will go there.

The renovated church of Constantine and Helena welcomes all visitors. A monumental building with wide walls, it is cold inside even in hot weather. It is the only parish church left on the island. The rest, alas, were lost. If you want to baptize someone in Sviyazhsk, you need to apply here.

Merchants' houses and Lazy Torzhok

Most of the houses have been restored. Some were lost due to dilapidation, and new ones were erected in their place. By the way, there are 2 hotels on the island where you can stay. They are located just in the old merchant houses.

It didn't go without entertainment program. One of these entertainment places is called "Lazy Torzhok", where various entertainments for visitors are hidden in the form of an old wooden prison. Here you can take pictures with the royal outfits, try on the Monomakh's hat according to Senka, they will beat you with your forehead here (for a bribe, of course). Do you want to feel like a king? No question, sit on the throne, you will be the king-lord.

You can see how the master blacksmiths work. You will be forged funny things that you can buy right there. Or go to the igloo. Why it was placed here is a mystery, but it adds charm. Or shoot from a bow, wave a sword or an ax. Can't swing? It doesn't matter, local heroes can teach you how to fight. In general, we liked it, funny and interesting. But we must go further.

Dormition Monastery in Sviyazhsk

One of the pearls of the island is the Mother of God Assumption Monastery. Highly beautiful place. This is active monastery, so his visit must meet all the canons (men without hats, women in skirts and with their heads covered. There is special equipment at the entrance for those who have forgotten. But it’s better not to forget to take your own). The Sviyazhsky Assumption Monastery was founded in 1555 simultaneously with the establishment of the Kazan diocese. In the XVI-XVIII centuries, the monastery was the richest in the Middle Volga region and was among the 20 richest in Russia. In Soviet times, the territory of the monastery was occupied by a psychiatric hospital, which was withdrawn in 1994. In 1997, the Sviyazhsky Mother of God Assumption Monastery was officially revived.

It was a little overcast, but that didn't stop us from seeing the monastery and the street leading to it. Here, by the way, is the Sviyazhsk Museum, where you can visit the exposition, book a tour.

The most famous churches of the monastery are the Assumption Cathedral and the St. Nicholas Bell Tower. The first of them is considered a place where a whole complex of wall paintings from the era of Ivan the Terrible has been preserved (there are 2 such churches in Russia, another in Yaroslavl). The temple is very richly decorated, and the inside is very beautiful. There is an interesting fresco of St. Christopher - a man with a horse's head. In total, there are 3 such frescoes in the world, and one of them is in Sviyazhsk.

Detail on the territory of the monastery, it is very soulful and beautiful. And don't forget to buy the monastery cheese bun! Delicious. If you leave from behind the territory of the monastery, you can go to observation deck to see the waters of the Volga and Sviyaga. Picturesque landscapes.

What to eat?

Speaking of buns. We advise. Lots of cheese and delicious. At the time of our visit, such a bun cost 50 rubles, there is a bakery behind the monastery cells, you need to go behind them, closer to the wall. If you see a bunch of people and a smell, go right.

Craft settlement

We've seen half, we're going to watch the second. There is another one near the monastery iconic place- Craft settlement and stable yard. It is very interesting and fun here, you can buy something more substantial than just a bun. If you are traveling with a child, they will definitely be interested here. Potters, blacksmiths, tanners. Yes, there is nothing here. You can not only try to do something with your own hands (for example, forge your own coin), but also buy souvenirs for all relatives.

And for the most daring, you can ride horses or order a horse ride around the island. Pretty fun entertainment.

John the Baptist monastery or church without nails built in 1552.

Another dominant of the island is the St. John the Baptist convent in Sviyazhsk. It is here that the church, which was built during the reign of Ivan the Terrible - Troitskaya is located. The design of the iconostasis has been preserved since the time of the king. Trust me, it's really worth seeing. Built, by the way, without nails.

Like the previous monastery, it is active. Follow the rules of dress and good manners. And be sure to go to the Temple named after the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow." The latest construction of the island, in the Byzantine style. We also advise you to go to the temple to them. teacher Sergius of Radonezh. It is located on the right side of the Byzantine temple. There is one of the most accurate copies of the Trinity by Andrei Rublev.

Landscapes and ruins of the island

There used to be more temples and churches on the island-city. However, under Soviet rule, when there were persecutions of the church, some churches were lost. Now these places are mothballed, you can walk around them and imagine the buildings that were here. However, you will see for yourself.

We are sending back to the pier, because our boat is leaving soon. Lots of people come with us. And we say goodbye to the island, and we promise that we will return to again feel the sense of regularity and calmness that the island gives.

Is It Worth Going? You decide. But the indescribable atmosphere of the hinterland, ancient monasteries and temples, do their alluring work. By the way, many who came there found old coins and other antiques, just walking along the shore. Maybe you are the lucky one who finds something? Who knows:)

In contact with

Of all "pearls" of Tatarstan This one is perhaps the largest. Island-city of Sviyazhsk based 24 May 1551 years during the reign Ivan the Terrible, then on Chuvash land Kazan Khan Shigalei like a fortress, completely surrounded by water.

  • A bit of history
  • Geographical position
  • How to get there?
  • Attractions of the island
  • Religious Shrines
  • Memorable objects
  • Museums and entertainment
  • Holidays in Sviyazhsk?
  • Where to go with children?
  • Where to stay in Sviyazhsk

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A bit of history

Sviyazhsk is history in the flesh. Each milestone reflects the past the whole country, and not just one. Let's start with the fact that the real full city with two churches, in the name of the Nativity of the Virgin and Sergius of Radonezh, the necessary infrastructure and communications Total in 4 weeks! This alone makes it unique and the only of a kind.

Another interesting circumstance- first Sviyazhsk had to stand completely different place, and was built there. But later dismantled on a log and forwarded along the Volga to where indicated His Royal Majesty. Namely, the modern place of residence.

Geographical position

Sviyazhsk is located in Zelenodolsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan at the confluence of two rivers Sviyagi and Pike. Coordinates: 55°46′20″ N 48°39′35″ E

The population is slightly more 200 people- by the standards of such a huge country as Russia, this is comparable to small village.

The city is beautiful at any time of the year and in any weather. Gorgeous and as different as the paintings of artists, summer sunsets- on the one hand, and covered with snow quiet streets without any signs of traffic. Feeling it's like you're in another dimension.

How to get there?

Arrive in Sviyazhsk can be done in several ways:

  • on your car;
  • by bus Kazan – Sviyazhsk»;
  • on the boat.
  • If you chose to travel by car, then:

  • from Moscow to Kazan we move along the M7 highway;
  • Further continue drive along the same track;
  • passing Isakovo village;
  • at the junction turn right (landmark - old wooden mill);
  • move to the pointer turn to Sviyazhskoe»;
  • turn right and we go to desired item.
  • ATTENTION! Entrance to the city by car forbidden. The car can be left parking lot.

    The boats go there everyday at the same time - 8:20 morning. They depart from river port Kazan. Finding the port is easy, any passer-by will tell you the address - Devyataeva street, 1.

    Back the ship will depart for Kazan from Sviyazhsk to 16:30 , from the river station, taking with them those who went on business colorful local residents and impressed trip of tourists.

    Attractions of the island

    Combination architectural monuments, narrow streets, almost rural life, and even a powerful fence - fortress walls, in general give the impression ancient fairy tale. Remember, after all, "past the island-Buyan ..." Why not?! Pushkin been here. They say that even fell in love with this place. Perhaps it is the local beauties and described by Alexander Sergeevich in their stories. because Sviyazhsk is a little fairy tale.

    Religious Shrines

    One and a half kilometers long there are quite a few islands religious monuments:

    Memorable objects

    What interesting, before the townspeople lived right in ancient houses. But with the advent of modern communications it was decided to relocate them to more modern houses with electricity and the possibility of heating with natural gas. So there was no need remake monuments of architecture, which means crumble the walls and spoil primordial beauty. Even new buildings in Sviyazhsk locals do similar to monuments.

    Museums and entertainment

    Many painters, poets and writers and now chant Sviyazhsk in his work.

  • This picture decorates exposure"Enchanted by the Island" Museum of the History of Sviyazhsk. This is a whole complex of structures, keeping the entire history of the city from its very foundation. Pride of the collection - pages The front chronicle.
  • Don't miss the opportunity ride around Sviyazhsk on a carriage. On the horse yard both in antiquity and now live beautiful horses. They can be stroked and fed. lovers equestrian sports will be happy to offer you a ride around the island on horseback.

  • In the territory horse yard located " Craft settlement". Here tourists are offered not only to see, but also to participate in creating souvenirs with old technology. You can try yourself in blacksmith, leather, pottery crafts or woodcarving, weave from the vine real bast shoes or sew clothes like the ones our ancestors wore. Craft program open for those coming from Fridays on Sunday.
  • And here's another place Lazy Torzhok"what's next to Christmas Square, invites its visitors to put on armor and feel real warrior-defenders. Here you can shoot from medieval weapons. This program is called Sagittarius fun«.

    And in between the energy-intensive business defense of the Motherland you can taste the same medieval dishes in the tavern Ivan". Just don't think bad. The food is here, of course. fresh, just cooked for a long time forgotten technologies.

    Where to go and what to see in Sviyazhsk?

    What to see on your own?

    Self-guided tour of Sviyazhsk is good, but with guide still better. Because no one else won't tell you so much interesting legends. For years, caring citizens bit by bit put it all together memories, stories and legends about their small homeland and now they are happy to spend tours.

    Everyone street bend, everyone foundation or brick- lives here for something" and " for some reason". Interesting recreate in your imagination a complete picture formation of the past, present and possible future "pearls" of Kazan.

    Season tours open here at April and ends at the end October. But this does not mean at all that winter Sviyazhsk is less beautiful. excursion tour can be bought at any travel agency"Kazan, as well as already on the spot, upon arrival in Sviyazhsk.

    Holidays in Sviyazhsk?

    Holidays in Sviyazhsk are noisy and funny. One of the must-sees stand out:

  • founding day hail (May 24);
  • The festival " Sviyazhskaya ear» — traditional local event to find the best ear-var throughout the island. It passes at the beginning September;
  • Wide Maslenitsa;
  • Festival of folklore of the peoples of the Volga region(12 June);
  • Historical Fencing Tournament « Buyan Island» (middle July);
  • And one more important holiday dedicated to the historical role of Sviyazhsk in history all Russia — « Holiday of the Formation of the Russian State" (October 5).
  • Where to go with children?

    For travelers with kids travel companies can offer many options. There are full tours oriented to a particular age.

    And in the capital of Tatarstan there is also something to see. Read in this article where to go with a child in Kazan.

    At all kids, for example, the fabulous side of the island will be interesting - Pushkinskoye Lukomorye and adventures Buyan Island. Older guys will not leave indifferent the ascent to the most high point , ruin and old legends fortresses.

    Where to stay in Sviyazhsk

    In a day Island the length of the whole one and a half kilometers, of course, you will bypass. But comprehend all history, feed atmosphere and extraordinary aura of the ancient island-city in a few hours of stay impossible.

    Most popular among tourists and pilgrims overnight stays also mystical like everything on this island. They belong to architectural monuments.

    In this case, there is an option stay the night in fabulous city. Here you will find several hotels. But it's better in advance. book places. Still, in spite of all antiquity, we are now in the 21st century and there are those who want to plunge headlong into history lots of.

    Sviyazhsk is called place of power. But for real you can only feel it having been here. Anyone who has been here at least once returns. And who knows, maybe yours visit old Russian town will be decisive in your life?