Volcano Agung eruption in Bali: flights canceled tourists are asked to be careful. Volcano Agung woke up again in Bali

Located in the eastern part of the island of Bali, Mount Agung is a very revered and significant place for the Indonesians. The local population calls Mount Agung sacred and considers it one of the main attractions of Indonesia. Every year, thousands of tourists come to the foot of the volcano to admire the natural beauty and get in touch with the mystery that this place is shrouded in. This was until September 2017, when seismologists recorded strong tremors at the foot of the mountain.

Agung volcano eruption

The people on duty at the observation post witnessed the release of a steam plume on September 29, 2017. At the same time, the presence of ash clouds was not observed. Exactly the same vapor plume was seen 3 weeks later. At the foot of the mountain at that time, 1052 tremors were recorded.

On November 21, 2017, the Indonesian agency, whose actions are aimed at implementing natural disaster management, set the fourth level of volcanic warning. This level indicated that a volcanic explosion could occur in the very near future. At the same time, at the end of November in 2017, none of the experts could confidently name the exact date of the volcanic eruption.

Seismologists recorded the eruption of Mount Agung on November 21. On this day, volcanic ash rose to a height of about 700 meters from the crater. On November 27, the eruption repeated. Above the sacred mountain, a smoke column rose to a height of 4000 meters from the crater. In this connection, the eruption was assigned the maximum level of danger.

Indonesians living within a 7.5 km radius of Mount Agung were urgently evacuated. People were given special breathing masks. Some villages located in the immediate vicinity of the volcano were covered with a layer of ash. Despite the situation, the authorities failed to force some local residents leave their homes immediately. People did not want to leave their pets unattended and evacuate to more safe places for life.

But after the highest smoke column was recorded over the volcano in Bali on November 27, seismologists came to the general conclusion that a larger volcanic eruption, which could occur in the very near future, is almost inevitable.

In November 2017, approximately 40,000 Indonesians fled their homes in close proximity to the volcano. They set up temporary camps after an exclusion zone was established around the sacred mountain Agung, the length of which, according to various sources, reaches 10-12 km.

Fiery flashes over Mount Agung on the island of Bali were observed at night. The Indonesian Disaster Prevention Agency has made statements that it is very dangerous to be in the exclusion zone. Villages located within a radius of up to 10 km were covered with a dense layer of thick ash, which made visibility very difficult. The evacuation of people continued constantly.

The sky above the volcano was covered with ash clouds. As you know, ash thrown into the air contributes to damage to aircraft engines. Due to the created conditions, dozens of flights were canceled daily.

The chronology of events taking place on the island of Bali is compiled from September 2017 to the present:

  1. Late September 2017: a deep crack was formed in the crater of the volcano, about 80 m long. Experts calculated that there could be about 15 million m³ of magma inside the volcano, which moves towards the crater, but cannot find a way out.
  2. Early October 2017: earthquakes regularly occur near the volcano for 2 weeks, which indicate that magma cannot escape, breaking through the interfering frozen lava.
  3. November 27, 2017: seismologists set the 4 level of danger, magma eruption is expected from day to day. Ngurah Rai Airport is closed due to the current situation. The volcano smokes and releases huge columns of ash. Lava eruptions are observed at night.
  4. November 30, 2017: A column of light gray ash appeared above the crater. In the afternoon, the amount of ash emissions decreased significantly. The airport has resumed its work.
  5. Early December 2017: there are no visual signs of volcano activity, transparent water vapor periodically appears, spreading to a distance of up to 1.5 km.
  6. Mid-December 2017: experts noted a sharp reduction in harmful emissions, the height of the ash column decreased to 500-1000 m. The seismologists reduced the danger level to the second.
  7. Late December 2017 - mid-January 2018: most of the time of the day the volcano is in a calm state, but sometimes ash columns are released, 2-3 thousand meters high.
  8. Mid-February 2018: As the situation continues to be calm, local authorities have allowed Indonesians to return to their homes.
  9. March 2018: after a relative calm that lasted several months, the volcano began its activity again.

The last eruption of Agung occurred in 1963. The natural disaster claimed the lives of more than 2,000 people.

Actual news

On March 15, the following news arrived from Bali: this moment The Indonesian Disaster Prevention Agency again recorded a small eruption of Mount Agung. Grayish smoke appeared from the crater of the volcano, the maximum height of the smoke column was approximately 700 m.

The authorities are urging local residents not to lose their calm and not to succumb to general panic. The exclusion zone at the moment reaches from 6-7.5 km.

According to the chief seismologist of Indonesia, there are many examples according to which the peak volcanic activity extended over 6 years. And a large-scale eruption that destroys everything in its path, in the end, may not be at all. After the expiration of the specified period, the activity of tremors gradually begins to subside.

Is it possible to fly to rest

In connection with the latest news, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a special warning to tourists who are currently in Bali, . According to this warning, if ash clouds appear from the crater of the volcano, before going to the airport, the tourist must coordinate the departure from the country with his travel agent or with representatives of the airline.

Russian citizens are urged to temporarily refrain from traveling to Bali by the Russian embassy in Indonesia.

Volcano Batur

The highest point of another famous volcano in Bali, which is called Batur, is located at an altitude equal to 1717 m above sea level. Batur has three craters that periodically emit small emissions of grayish smoke and ash, and tremors are felt at the foot of the volcano. The top of the volcano is covered with dark spots. These are traces of hardened lava, which was left after the destructive volcanic eruptions, which date back to 1917, 1926-1929, 1947 and 2000.

In 2000, the smoke column rose 300 m above the crater. There was no serious damage, but the Indonesians were very alarmed by the activity of the volcano, because up to this point no eruptions had been observed for half a century. Seismic activity was recorded by experts in the fall of 2009. Within a few months, there was an increase in volcanic activity, but by the summer of 2010, seismologists made a statement that the eruption of Batur volcano is not expected in the near future.

Indonesians use numerous rituals to appease the spirits of Mount Batur. The territory on which it is located is very revered by the locals. No wonder a large number of temples were built along its perimeter. To avoid the activity of the volcano, the Indonesians held a special ceremony. People sewed a large sarong and wrapped Mount Batur around it. They prayed at the foot of the volcano and came to him with offerings.

Climbing volcanoes

Requires no specific preparation. However, climbing to a height is not recommended on your own. Before you start climbing, you need to find an experienced guide. You can climb the Batur volcano within two hours, making several stops along the way for a short rest and a snack.

Guides accompanying tourists to the volcano crater must have a walkie-talkie with them in order to give a signal for help if necessary. These people are well versed in the area and know how to reach the crater of the volcano by the shortest route.

The main impression for which people strive to get to the top of the volcano is the sunrise. The dawn met in the crater of the volcano will remain in your memory for a long time, and the magnificent pictures taken in this place will leave the best memories of your trip to Bali.

Bookings of air tickets from Moscow to the island of Bali, where the airport is closed due to a volcanic eruption, have decreased tenfold today. Volcano Agung did not throw out such a column of ash for half a century. And now, according to various sources, it rises to a height of four to eight kilometers. Everything within a radius of eight kilometers is covered with a thin layer. Among those who cannot fly out of the island are five to six thousand of our compatriots.

The red-hot wall of smoke and ash over the island of Bali exceeds 4 kilometers. An orange glow at the base is a sign that lava has already poured out of the mouth of the Agung volcano. The sacred mountain woke up over the weekend. Today, the level of anxiety has been raised to the maximum - the fourth level. The cooled streams of volcanic rocks mixed with water and mud - here they are called lahars - reached the foot of the mountain by morning, threatening the villages located nearby. About 100,000 people were ordered to leave the adjacent area within a radius of 12 kilometers.

There is a high probability that in the near future there will be an even more powerful eruption than the day before.

The only airport in Denpasar is a real collapse. Along with the locals, about 60,000 tourists are held hostage by the volcano, who cannot fly out of the resort island. Half a thousand flights have been canceled and until Agung calms down, no airline will dare to take the plane into the air. There are now about 6,000 Russian citizens in Bali. But our people are not so easily frightened by the local vagaries of the elements.

“We live 60 kilometers from the volcano. Yesterday they reported that some flights were canceled, today the airport was closed. Tonight we went to the foot of the volcano for 25 kilometers. Very beautiful, an eruption of smoke, ash. We talked with the locals, they say that this is not dangerous. Life goes on, schoolchildren go to school. We think that it will raise, raise and calm down," Sofya Selina believes.

"Ashes began to settle, we are 30 kilometers away. Our house is in ashes, we understand that we need to move away from the volcano. We have Small child He is 5 months old. We must go further. You are breathing normally at the moment. The most dangerous thing is a ten-kilometer zone, an explosion can occur there," says Aleksey Vimana.

Now the only way to leave Bali is by ferry. The Russian Embassy in Indonesia places all the necessary information in in social networks. Passengers are transported by ferry to neighboring islands. The airports are still open.

The most powerful eruption in the history of mankind is the eruption of the Indonesian stratovolcano Tambora. It is located next to the island of Bali. In 1815, more than 70 thousand people died from it, and because of the ash cloud that rose into the sky, then the so-called "volcanic winter" set in, which provoked crop failure and famine throughout the northern hemisphere.

Agung refers to volcanoes of the same type. His track record is not so impressive yet, but during the eruption in 1963-64, few seemed to anyone. Then about one and a half thousand people died, and even the inhabitants of Northern Europe observed volcanic twilight.

More and more volcanoes are erupting around the globe. each time more and more powerfully spewing clouds of smoke and ash ..

Volcano Agung scared the authorities of Bali

A volcano erupted on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, causing the cancellation of flights to and from Australia after a huge cloud of ash rose into the sky.

Volcano Agung throws out ash and smoke, which covered dozens of villages with an impenetrable fog. Lava flows spilled in a radius of 2-3 kilometers around the restless mountain. There were no reports of casualties, but the national disaster management agency has established a 2.5-mile exclusion zone around the mountain and said protective masks will be distributed to anyone dangerously close to the mountain as a precaution. For this, local officials purchased 50,000 masks.

Bali Airport spokesman Arie Ahsanurrohim spoke about the cancellation of flights between Bali and Australia, flights to New Zealand will take place on schedule.

Brent Thomas, Commercial Director, New Zealand travel company House of Travel, said that tourists should be as collected as possible and carefully observe natural circumstances. "It (the volcano) may go dormant again or may erupt again, when that happens, no one knows," said Brent Thomas.

It should be noted that the Agung volcano began to show the first signs of life at the end of 2017. Then the emissions from the bowels of the earth were so powerful that the authorities organized the immediate evacuation of people from dangerous places.

The largest occurred in 1963, more than 1000 people became victims, several villages were destroyed. Agung is just one of more than 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia that is prone to eruptions and earthquakes due to its location on the Ring of Fire, a series of fault lines stretching from the western hemisphere to Japan and southeast Asia.

Bali is a unique island. This also applies to its geography: it is located in the area of ​​the giant Pacific "ring of fire" - the junction of several lithospheric plates that form the continents on our planet.

Actually, this was reflected in its landscape: the island is intersected by an impressive mountain range dividing Bali into north and south. There are also external outlets for ejection of magma - the very two volcanoes that attract so many tourists: Agung and Batur.

Both volcanoes are considered active. But if Batur last time showed signs of life in 2000, then Agung periodically reminds of itself with emissions within a radius of up to 4 km from the vent. Tourists have no reason to worry about this: according to the conclusions of scientists, there are no prerequisites for larger eruptions. Nevertheless, a buffer zone has been established for Agung: tourist routes should not pass closer than 10 km from the mouth of the volcano. Considering that the next resort villages are located almost 40 km from the dangerous point, the safety of vacationers is guaranteed.

At the same time, you need to understand that for the sake of your own safety, in no case should you climb the volcano on your own. Walk on mountain routes only possible with a guide.

Must-see volcanoes

As we have already mentioned, there are only two large volcanoes of interest to tourists here - Agung and Batur. Each has its own unique location and landscape, and climbing them promises to be one of the highlights of any traveler's life.

The top of this active volcano is located at an altitude of more than 3 thousand meters above sea level, and therefore the ascent will require decent physical fitness from you. However, on the way to the giant (the diameter of the crater is 520 × 375 m, the depth is about 200 m) you will have the opportunity to see many other iconic Balinese sights.

  • Visit the city of Chandidasu. In it and its surroundings, you can see the unique temples of Tirta Ganga and Taman Ujung, combining national architectural motifs and elements of European-style buildings.
  • Explore Goa Lavah (Bat Cave). It is located not far from the city, in it, according to legend, the patron saint of Bali lives - a huge snake Nag. The long tunnel gives a somewhat depressing impression with its darkness and gloomy atmosphere, but is one of the most popular places for tourists.
  • Swim on the famous beach Blue Lagoon, which is halfway to Agung.

Climbing the volcano itself will require you to have at least an entry-level athletic training. The lower half of the peak is covered with abundant greenery and palm groves, and it is quite easy to climb here. It is more difficult in the second half: the landscape becomes almost bare, monotonous, and besides, it is much colder there. Of course, there is something to try for - space views. But do not forget to bring warm clothes and a supply of water!

Of course, don't forget to photograph amazingly beautiful landscapes. "Mother Mountain", as the locals call it, is a wonderful panoramic platform for observing the island spread below.

More modest in size and altitude (only about 1700 m above sea level), Batur nevertheless gives more freedom to tourists. You probably already guessed why - it's safer here: the formidable giant has not made itself felt for almost 20 years.

Arriving at the volcano, you can choose from two options for spending time. The first is purely visual. I must say that it is quite suitable for lovers of large-scale panoramic landscapes - it is very convenient and comfortable to watch Batur from the observation deck of the village of Kintamani. In addition, next to mountain peak there is a volcanic lake of the same name - the landscape is simply fantastic.

The second option, although for the strong in spirit and body, is still more sparing than in the case of Agung, and provides more opportunities for tourist entertainment. For example, you can cook your breakfast right above the geysers of hot volcanic springs. By the way, boiled bananas are also very good.

The ascent to Batur takes about 3 hours - in total, it will take you about 7 hours for the whole journey plus a walk along the top. We recommend planning your ascent in such a way as to meet the dawn at the top - specially equipped viewing platforms there as well as possible.

Along the way, you can see the following sights.

  • Lake Batur. Of volcanic origin, it is the largest fresh lake Bali. Here you can also visit a small temple dedicated to the goddess of fertility and take a ride on a fishing boat.
  • Hot volcanic springs. Thermal treatments under open sky- It is something! 4 km from Batur itself there are three stone baths carved into the rock, hot water in which comes from volcanic springs. Healing properties and just great relaxation are guaranteed! The ticket will cost 200 thousand rupees.

Volcanoes of Bali: how to get there?

To Angung: Jl. Gn. Agung Besakih (from the southwest) or through the cities of Klungkung and Chandidasu (there are bus flights from Kuta, where famous beach and tourist centers).

To Batur: it is most convenient to go from the tourist villages of the Bukit Peninsula (Ubud or Denpasar). The whole journey will take about 1-1.5 hours by car or bus.

Upon arrival at settlements choose a way to get to the volcanoes. There are two such options.

  • As part of organized excursion. It can be purchased at any tourist office for quite reasonable money - about $35-40 per person. An additional advantage of this climb format is that you will be provided with a really experienced guide, and a small snack will be prepared at the top.
  • Alone with a guide. In the same Chandidas (Angung) or Kintamani (Batur) you can easily find an experienced person - or rather, he will find you himself. There is no fundamental difference between the tour package and the "handicraftsmen" - except that the group is selected a little less: 3-4 people. In addition, in terms of money, this is a good way to save $ 10-15. But are they worth it - you decide.

Important information

It concerns the most important thing - your safety! Experienced tourists We recommend you bring the following items with you.

  • On your feet - soft sneakers: so you will not erase your feet, because it will take a very long time to walk.
  • A mandatory supply of sweets - to quickly restore the strength that has gone in the process of lifting.
  • Warm clothes. If below it is hot and humid, then above it is cold and piercing wind. Without a jacket, warm pants and a hat, you simply won't be able to get up.
  • Do not forget to take a flashlight with you, and two are better at once: let one be a spare. Staying in the dark and getting lost halfway at night (those who meet the dawn leave exactly at night) is not a pleasant pleasure.
  • A navigator or compass is required - if you know how to use it. Mark the place where you stopped or parked the rented scooter. By the way, do not forget that it should always be filled with gasoline.