Which country does the Maldives belong to? The smallest capital

The Republic of Maldives is nothing more than a group of atolls - rings covering the sea lagoons. The archipelago is located south of India, and the sea of ​​the Maldives is a majestic and huge Indian Ocean, which merges with the sky here, making the horizon line almost invisible.

Paradise vacation

Which sea borders the Maldives? This question is asked by one of the first happy owners of tours to luxury Maldivian resorts. The Indian Ocean is the third largest among the world's oceans, and it was its waters that made beach holiday on the islands so amazing and memorable. The main visitors to the local resorts can be divided into three groups:

  • Newlyweds who decide to spend their honeymoon in a royal way. Sea of ​​the Maldives, white sand beaches and bright sun complete with great hotels and the opportunity to retire together on the whole island - weighty arguments in favor of choosing this particular tourist destination.
  • Divers for whom the first and only place is the rich underwater world of the Indian Ocean in the area of ​​the Maldives. Other aspects do not bother them much, and diving in the local resorts is possible in any season.
  • Fans of high-class rest and perfect service, for whom the price of the issue does not matter.

ocean of dreams

The Indian Ocean in the area of ​​the Maldives can be called ideal. It has a beautiful color, the water is clean and transparent, the underwater world is striking in its diversity, and the water temperature makes swimming pleasant and comfortable. The thermometer in its waters at the local resorts does not fall below +26 degrees throughout the year, from which both beachgoers and divers are delighted.
The question of what kind of seas are in the Maldives is usually puzzled by those who like to go out on yachts. On the archipelago, there is even an opportunity to stay on a yacht, and its rent will not exceed the cost good number at the hotel here. This type of holiday allows you to see many new islands and get a real ocean of impressions.
The Indian Ocean is rich in a wide variety of fauna. Here you can meet not only sea turtles and dolphins, but even blue whales and sperm whales. In the Maldives area, the ocean waters are inhabited by plankton, some of which can glow at night, which makes the waves especially picturesque. There are no dangerous animals on land on the islands, and whale sharks, which can swim close enough to the coast, feed only on plankton and do not pose a threat to swimmers.

The Maldives is a small Asian Island state. The territory of the republic consists of a chain of small coral islands, 80% of which are still uninhabited. Let's find out how many islands there are in the Maldives and find out the names of at least the largest among them.

Territorial structure of the Maldives: islands and their number

How many islands are there in the Maldives?

Among the 1192 islands that are part of one of the 20 atolls, only 202 islands are inhabited, which is 1/6 of the entire land territory of the republic. Tourists and guests of the country are allowed only half of them.

Islands of the Maldives and their names

We will not list and describe all the islands of the Maldives and their names, since their number exceeds 1000.

Let's take a closer look at the most important and major islands Maldives. The name of these islands dates back to ancient times. They are part of the atolls.

So, let's get acquainted with the 9 largest and most significant islands and atolls of the Maldives:

North and South Male Atolls- these are atolls, consisting of more than 100 islands of various sizes (50 northern and 30 southern). North Male is the capital of the country - the beautiful city of Male. Of the 80 islands of 2 atolls, only 11 are inhabited, 44 are beautiful high-level resorts, and the remaining 25 are rented or uninhabited;

Gann- an island that is located on the southern atoll of Sienu (Addu). This island was once one of the English colonies. Its streets still retain the stiffness of that time. In the clear coastal waters of the island, you can go diving, exploring the rich underwater world;

Ari Atoll- includes more than 30 islands, of which 18 are inhabited, and 26 are luxurious exotic resorts. It's just perfect for lovers of underwater tourism. There are 4 marine reserves on the islands of the atoll: Maya Tila, Oramis Tila, Fish Head and Kudara Tila;

Baa Atoll- consists of 51 islands, of which only 10 are inhabited by people, and 5 are resorts;

Velavatu- This is an island that is part of the Dhaalu (Dhaalu) atoll. The locals used to call it "Turtle Island". This island is simply beautiful, because in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe land managed to accommodate various types of green spaces, magnificent palm trees, the tops of which rest against the sky and magnificent untouched sandy beaches. This place is just a paradise for lovers;

Filitheo (Filiheeo)- the only one of all the islands of Fafu Atoll, which has become a resort. In addition to it, the atoll includes 15 inhabited and the same number of wild islands. The island has a very lush and rich vegetation, which, combined with white sand beach and warm ocean waters, makes this place unforgettable;

Laviani Atoll- located north of North Male, truly a paradise on earth. It consists of 63 islands, most of which make up the beach area. Within its limits are some of the most beautiful barrier reefs with the richest life of underwater inhabitants. This is a wonderful place for lovers of scuba diving;

Kuramachi- this is one of the islands of the Maldives, known for the fact that three hotels are located on its territory at once, which is unusual for this republic. The combination of lush vegetation and pristine beaches makes this place unique.

The Maldives is a coral archipelago located in the Indian Ocean, 640 kilometers southwest of Ceylon, almost at the very equator, 99.669% of the Maldivian territory is sea. The Maldivian land (that is, 0.331% of the country's territory) consists of 19 coral atolls, uniting 1,196 islands. The population of 200,000 people lives on 202 islands, the remaining 994 are uninhabited, and tourist resorts are located on 88 islands.

The length of the Maldivian archipelago from north to south is 820 km, from east to west - 120 km. The total area of ​​the Maldives, together with land and sea, is about 90 thousand square kilometers.

The name "Maldives" comes from the Hindu words "mahal" (palace) and "diva" (island).

The Maldives consists of two rows of atolls. These atolls are the result of thousands of years of coral growth. Every year, coral colonies grow 1-4 cm and finally come to the surface of the water. The interior of the coral dies, and after some (quite a long time) a lagoon begins to form. This is always a win for the ocean because erosion turns corals into tender White sand for which the Maldivian beaches are so famous. After a few more years (perhaps several hundred), a new island is formed.

The Maldives is considered one of the most safe places recreation in the world. The tranquility and beauty of the islands are unique. White beaches and magnificent lagoons with crystal clear waters. In the whole world, according to experts, there are only two great places for scuba diving: the Red Sea and the Maldives. That is why here at every resort there are diving schools that issue international certificates at the end of the courses.

The climate of the Maldives

Since the Maldives is located almost on the equator, the climate here is tropical. All year round The temperature stays around 28-30oC.

Thus, there are no cold winters here, and you can enjoy such pleasant weather all year round. The weather here is determined by the southwest monsoon (April - September) and the northeast monsoon (December - April).

The northeast monsoon brings a hot and dry period.

The southwest monsoon can bring intermittent rains, high humidity and rough seas. However, this period is the least hot.

The average daily maximum is 28-30.4oC.
The average night low is 25.4oC.
The water temperature is 24-27oС all year round.

Visa to the Maldives

The Maldives is a visa-free country.

A tourist visa is stamped in the passport upon arrival free of charge and is valid for 30 days from the date of entry into the country. Israeli passport holders are not allowed to enter the country. CUSTOMS FORMALITIES AND AIRPORT TAXES

When passing customs control at the airport in Male, it must be remembered that in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Maldives

1. Import of any narcotic substances, including psychotropic
2. Importation of pornographic materials recorded for viewing video cassettes with films, etc. Only sealed cassettes are allowed.
3. Importation of anti-Islamic literature.
4. Import of military paraphernalia.
5. Import of any pork products.
6. Import of alcohol
7. Importation of animals
8. Importation of gunpowder/explosives/firearms/stabbing, cutting and spearfishing weapons

In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Maldives and the rules established in hotels

1. Breaking, tearing living and dead corals in the ocean and near the coast, damaging shells and bringing them to the surface. All these activities are prohibited by law! Penalties apply for violations!
2. Fish near the islands. For this purpose, fishing is organized in hotels for both common and large non-commercial fish.
3. Spearfishing is strictly prohibited.
4. Throw empty cans, tin, glass and plastic bottles and other garbage on the islands - use the waste bins designed for this.
4. It is forbidden to visit the capital Male and the islands where they live locals, in beachwear. It is recommended to wear clothes that cover the shoulders and knees.
5. Nudism and Topless (Topless) is prohibited by law! Penalties apply for violations!


Currency of the Maldives

The Maldivian currency is the rufiyaa and the laari.

1 Maldivian rufiyaa is equal to 100 laari.

1 US dollar is approximately equal to 12 rufiyaa.

In the Maldives, there are banknotes of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rufiyaas and coins of 2 and 1 rufiyaa, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 laari.

However, US dollars and major currencies are accepted almost universally. credit cards(American Express, Visa, Master Card, Diners Club and Euro Card).

Therefore, it is not at all necessary to exchange dollars for local currency upon arrival.

The capital of the Maldives - Male

Male is the smallest capital in the world (length 2.5 km, width - 1 km). Its main attraction is the Great Friday mosque, decorated with a golden dome. The Islamic Center is located on its territory. This one great mosque The Maldives simultaneously accommodates more than 5,000 people.

Nearby is the old mosque "Good Friday" with a unique minaret, the graves of national heroes and members of the ruling families.

Among other sights of the capital, the Presidential Palace, the National Museum located in the Sultan's Park, and the burial places of the legendary Maldivian saints deserve attention. It is also interesting to visit the colorful local markets - fruit, vegetable and handicraft - places where the inhabitants of many Maldivian islands bring goods.

There is practically no entertainment in the capital. No nightclubs for you, no concert halls, no theatres. The main entertainment is a walk along the picturesque streets of the town, along seaport, along the promenade or in the park.

Nearby located international Airport Hulule is an airstrip right in the ocean and a small terminal building. Until the last moment, you are sure that the plane is landing directly into the water. After leaving the plane, you will find yourself right at the pier, where the famous Maldivian "dhoni" are already waiting for you, ready to take you to the capital or to any other island.

The Republic of Maldives is the smallest Asian country in the world. It is a collection of islands lost in the middle of the boundless Indian Ocean. Every year, land areas are more and more submerged in water, and, according to researchers, they will soon face serious flooding.

Because of the water level in the ocean is constantly rising, which may soon lead the islands of the Maldives to disaster. If you want to visit this truly paradise, where time seems to have stopped - hurry up! Its pristine beauty will not leave anyone indifferent - snow-white sandy beaches, blue lagoons, evergreen tropical trees will forever remain in the soul of any traveler.

Where is the Maldives on the map? The geographical position of the state

Finding the Maldives on a world map is quite difficult. This small country located in the Indian Ocean, south of the Hindustan Peninsula and southwest of the island of Ceylon. Its closest neighbors are India (595 km), Sri Lanka (670 km) and the Chagos Archipelago (500 km). You can see the Maldives on the map below.

Republic of Maldives is a coral archipelago, the length of which from west to east is 130 km, and from north to south - 823 km. It consists of 1196 small islands of presumably volcanic origin. They form a double chain of 26 atolls - large coral land areas that look like a bursting ring. The largest and most significant are the South (North Niland), Aria Atoll. The distance between groups varies from 25 to 80 km.

The total area of ​​land and water reefs of the Maldives is 298 sq. km., and the total area, together with the water area, is 900,000 sq. km. Of the more than 1,100 islands, only 202 are inhabited, more than 70 of which are first-class tourist resorts.

History reference

Very little information has been preserved about the early history of the Republic of Maldives. It is believed that the culture of the Maldives appeared before the 5th century BC. Fragments of pottery found during excavations suggested that settlements of the Redins were founded on the islands as early as 2000 BC. In 500 BC on the southern islands there were Buddhists who arrived from Fr. Ceylon. This fact is confirmed by an ancient Buddhist manuscript and the head of a Buddha statue dating from the 11th century. The first Chinese sailors reached the islands of the Maldives in 412. Since 1153 - since the adoption of Islam - all the main historical events recorded in the history of the Sultanate.

According to numerous testimonies of navigators, for a long time the islands were ruled by female sultanas. Europeans up to the 15th century. knew nothing about the country and did not mark the Maldives on the world map until Vasco da Gama crossed the Indian Ocean. In 1507, Lorenzo de Almeida sailed to the islands, and in 1529, the Parmentier brothers. From 1558, the Portuguese dominated the islands until a guerrilla war broke out and they were destroyed. Further, until 1760, the Maldives were under the protection of the French, and from the middle of the 17th century. - the Dutch, and then the British. In mid-1965, after mass popular uprisings, the Maldives gained independence from Great Britain. In 1968, a new constitution was adopted, and the country acquired official name- Republic of Maldives.

State flag

The modern version of the main state symbol of the country was adopted in July 1965. The flag of the Maldives is a red cloth, which depicts a green rectangle and a white crescent. It has a special symbolic meaning. The red color denotes the courage of the heroes who, without hesitation, defended and will continue to defend their country, sacrificing themselves and shedding blood. The green rectangle symbolizes the nature of the Maldives - coconut palms, which are the source of life for the indigenous population. The white crescent symbolizes the religiosity of the Maldivians and reflects their adherence to Islam.

Economy of the Republic of Maldives

Now the Republic of Maldives is a democratic developing state with a president at the head.

The country's economy is based on three "pillars": tourism, navigation and fishing. Thanks to the mild climate, rich underwater world and amazingly beautiful coral reefs crowds of tourists come here. In the open sea, it is carried out in lagoons and turtles are caught near the coast, corals, shells and natural pearls are mined.

Official banknotes. Currency exchange

The monetary unit of the Maldives is the rufiyaa. It consists of one hundred laari. One US dollar is approximately equal to a dozen rufiyaas. In circulation in the country there are banknotes of various denominations, including 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rufiyaas, as well as coins - 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 and 50 lari.

You can exchange currency at any bank, airport or exchange points at the official rate. It will be difficult to make an exchange on islands remote from the capital, at a rather unfavorable rate. Basically, small bills are required for calculations, so stock up on them in sufficient quantities. On many expensive resorts accepts US dollars and euros, as well as credit cards.


The population living in the archipelago is approximately 400 thousand people. Almost all of them are descendants of immigrants from the Middle East, South, South-East Asia. The state language is called Dhivehi, it is a kind of mixture of Arabic, English and Sinhala. The writing of the local dialect is based on the Arabic-Persian script. The indigenous population of the islands professes Islam (Sunnism). It was brought by the Arabs and spread from the 12th century. And in 1968 Islam was declared the state religion.

Capital of the Republic of Maldives

Currently, Male is the capital of the Republic of Maldives, a small city located on the adjacent islands of Vilingile and Male. Its area is only 5.8 square meters. km. The population of Male is approximately 105 thousand people. You can get to the administrative, political and cultural center of the Maldives by air or sea, by boats, seaplane taxis or speedboats plying between the islands.

You can see all the sights of Male by walking along it. When visiting the city, it is advisable to wear things that cover the body well from neck to knees. Almost all souvenir shops are located at the northern end of Chaandani Magu. Here you can buy Maldivian mats made of palm fiber, decorative fishing boats, canned fish and amazingly delicious seafood. In general, Male is not rich in attractions, although the inquisitive tourist will like the shady Jumuri-Maidan park, the National Museum in Sultans Park, the Islamic Center with the Good Friday Mosque and the Medu Ziyarat chapel.

Climate in the Maldives

The archipelago has a tropical monsoon climate. All year round the air temperature is quite high, has a small amplitude and varies between 26°C - 32°C. At night it does not fall below 25°C. In winter - from November to March - the northeast, warm monsoons prevail. In summer - from June to August - southwestern, more humid winds prevail. It often rains a little at this time on the islands. The water temperature varies between 24°C - 27°C. In the "dry" season from November to early April, the Republic of Maldives attracts numerous tourists from all over the world. The mild, warm climate, comfortable sea temperature, lack of rain and strong winds make the islands so attractive to travelers.

It is interesting that a sufficient number of tourists visit the islands of the Maldives during the "wet" season. Despite the high humidity, a large amount of precipitation and raging winds, the influx of tourists does not subside. The fact is that from mid-April to early November, the cost of air tickets, accommodation and meals is significantly reduced, which attracts travelers who want to save money.

Flora and fauna

Famous throughout the world for its amazing variety of marine fauna and flora of the islands of the Maldives. The sea is full of amazing corals. Shoals of various exotic fish, turtles, jellyfish, mollusks, starfish and hedgehogs, moray eels, rays attract diving and snorkeling enthusiasts.

Predators also live in the waters of the Maldives - black-finned sharks and white-finned sharks, and huge ocean inhabitants - hammerhead sharks and whale sharks - swim here. But you can not be afraid of them, because they are non-aggressive and practically harmless to divers. To prevent accidents, as well as to preserve the unique flora and fauna in the Maldives, there are strict scuba diving restrictions. Including it is forbidden to dive to a depth of more than 30 m, it is forbidden to spend more than 60 minutes underwater, each diver must have a dive computer with him, etc. Land fauna and flora are not very diverse.

common breadfruit, coconut, banana on many islands of the maldives. Atolls - Daalu (Dhaalu) and Fafu - stand out for their lush vegetation. Exotic flowers grow here: hernandia lily, erminalia catappa, etc., there are impenetrable mangroves with huge ferns. There are no large animals in the Maldives, but you can meet a bat or an Indian flying fox. Terns, parrots, sea gulls, cormorants also live on the islands.

How to get to the archipelago?

The vast majority of tourists get to the Maldives by plane. The archipelago has an international airport named after Ibrahim Nasir. It is located on Hulule Island, 2 km. from the capital. The airport receives flights from different cities, including Moscow, Vienna, Qatar, Kuala Lumpur, etc.

On the official website of the airport, you can find all the necessary information, including seeing the time of arrival of the aircraft, choosing the right transfer for yourself, and even planning your trip. There is an ATM, a bank, a left-luggage office on the territory of the airport. You can have a snack or drink coffee in any of the cafes you like. To the left of the exit from the airport building is the pier. Ferries depart from it every 10-15 minutes to the capital of the country. The fare varies between 1-2 USD, depending on the time of day.

Great resorts. Maldives - a paradise for tourists

Vacationers are delivered to the surrounding atolls by small nimble seaplanes or boats. North and South Male, Ari, Baa, Miimu, Laviani, Haa Alifu, Faafu, Dhaalu atolls are the most beautiful resorts in the country, and each of them has its own zest.

More than 120 hotels operate in the Maldives, which can simultaneously serve about 50 thousand tourists. Basically, all hotels have 4 or 5 stars, it is extremely rare to find a hotel with a worse level of service. Also in the Maldives, you can stay in a magnificent bungalow and enjoy solitude.

Recreation and entertainment

The beaches of the archipelago are the cleanest, with pleasant white sand. The water is amazingly warm and calm. The Maldives offer a respectable vacation, lack of noise and fuss and communication with unique nature. For lovers active rest available developed infrastructure sports entertainment. At the resorts you can go sailing, canoeing, skiing, surfing and, of course, diving. On the beaches of the atolls, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, collect and damage corals, spearfishing.

It is worth noting that the use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited not only on the beaches, but also in any in public places, outside resort area. Topless and nude swimming is also not allowed. In addition, it is forbidden to litter on the islands. Any violation of the order will result in a severe fine.

Customs in the Maldives

All travelers should familiarize themselves in advance with the list of goods that are allowed to be imported and exported from the country. All luggage must be inspected by customs officers. It is allowed to import cigarettes (200 pcs.), Perfume (125 ml), personal consumption goods into the territory of the Republic of Maldives. It is not allowed to bring alcoholic drinks, pork, sausage, drugs and pornography. An attempt to violate the law is subject to a fine of 500 USD. Any tourist should remember that the export of products made from tortoise shells, pearl oyster shells, black and red corals is strictly prohibited. You can not export from the country and items found in the sea. Be careful and enjoy your holiday!

The Maldives is located on the mainland of Asia and the occupied territory of the Maldives is 298. The population of the Maldives is 314,000 people. The capital of the Maldives is located in the city of Male. The form state structure Maldives - Republic. In the Maldives, they speak the Maldivian (Dhivehi) language. The Maldives has no land borders.
The Maldives is a state that includes more than a thousand islands, which in turn form twenty-six atolls. These islets were never part of the mainland, they appeared thanks to millions of millions of polyps who built their houses one on top of the other, as a result of which the islands were formed.
The Maldives is known around the world for its magnificent island resorts, each of which is a unique, inimitable world with clean coral beaches and bright blue waters. warm sea. There is no dust and annoying city noise here - only endless ocean expanses and exotic nature. The entire Maldives archipelago is literally “permeated” with amazing underwater caves and coral reefs. Bright vegetation emphasizes the unique pristine beauty of nature, and a truly ancient culture of the inhabitants complements this magical surroundings.
The city of Male, located on the atoll of the same name, is one of the smallest capitals in the world (its area is even less than two square kilometers). This whole town, not rich in sights, can be walked up and down in one hour. Worth a visit here National Museum(where you can admire a collection of sculptures from Buddhist temples), Jumuri-Maidan (shady cozy park), Muliage Palace, Medu Ziyarat (chapel, which is the most revered shrine of the country), bustling Singapore Bazaar and many others unusual places. A very interesting building is the airport, located on the island of Hulule: it was built right at the water's edge, which cannot but impress.
An atoll called Ari stretches for almost a hundred kilometers from south to north and thirty-three kilometers from west to east. It consists of a fairly large atoll, also called Ari, and a small Rasdhoo. In general, this atoll includes about seventy islands, but only eighteen of them are inhabited, and twenty-six are tourist areas. These resorts are considered relatively new and are located quite far from the capital, but this does not detract from their popularity among tourists.
The islands of Machchafushi, Alaveli, Batala, Ellaidu and Viligilivaru are considered "strongholds for divers", as they have a very convenient approach to reefs and several nearby marine reserves. Angaga Island rightfully bears the title of "beach" - the beach occupies at least a quarter of its territory. Kudafolodudu is considered a top-class hotel island and, among other things, can be proud of its own attraction - a giant banyan tree that grows literally on the hotel grounds. There are as many as three magnificent hotels on the island of Kuramati, and besides, it was here that Thor Heyerdahl conducted world-famous excavations. The most modern and largest hotel in the Maldives is located on the island of Nalaguraidhoo: it boasts a huge swimming pool and various sports facilities. On the island of Rangali Finolhu you can find a chic hotel complex and an ultra-modern diving school. Many other resort islands also deserve attention and are great places for a luxurious holiday.
It is also worth noting the Fadiffolhu atoll, which lies one hundred and twenty kilometers north of the capital. On the island of Kanuhura is the newest hotel complex, rebuilt with the latest design and technology. And the unusual triangular island of Madiriguraidhoo is famous for its magnificent landscape: a coconut grove in the middle of the island and a luxurious sandy spit can leave few people indifferent.