What is the name of the island of Hispaniola now. Geographical position and natural conditions of the island of Haiti

La Española is the 22nd largest island in the world, located in Caribbean, among the Greater Antilles groups. It is the second largest island in the Caribbean after Cuba, and the tenth most populous island in the world.

Two sovereign states share the islands. Dominican Republic nearly double that of its neighbor Haiti, which comprises 27,750 km2 (10,710 sq mi).
Hispaniola (Española; Hispaniola) is the site of the first European settlements in Northern and South America, founded by Christopher Columbus in 1492 and 1493. From here began the history of the colonization of the New World.
When Columbus took possession of the island in 1492, he named it Insula Hispana, which means "island of the Spanish" in Latin. La Isla Hispaniola, also means "island of the Spanish", in Spanish. Bartolome de las Casas shortened the name to Espanyola.

The name Haití was given by the Haitian revolutionary Dessalines in 1804 as a tribute to the Indian predecessors.

Today, the island of Haiti (Hispaniola) is two independent states:

  • Republic of Haiti with its capital Port-au-Prince
  • Dominican Republic with Santo Domingo as its capital

"Hispaniola" has become the most frequently used term in the countries in English and in scientific cartographic works.

Geography of Hispaniola

  • The island of Cuba lies 80 km (50 miles) northwest of Hispaniola, across the Windward Strait
  • Jamaica to the southwest, separated by the Jamaica Canal
  • Puerto Rico is east of Hispaniola across the Mona Strait (Mona Passage).
  • The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands are located to the north.

Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico are collectively known as the Greater Antilles.

The island has four distinct ecoregions:

  • The ecoregion's moist forests cover about 50% of the island's territory, extending from lowlands to 2,100 meters (6,900 ft) in elevation.
  • The dry forests of Hispaniolan occupy approximately 20% of the territory - they lie in the zone of mountains, the so-called rain shadow, in the southern and western parts of the island, and in the Cibao Valley - in the central northern part of the island.
  • Pine forests of Hispaniola occupy 15% of the territory - the mountainous part of the island, above 850 meters (2,790 feet) in height.
  • Grasslands and savannahs are flooded - an ecoregion in the south of the central part of the island. This is a chain of lakes and lagoons, the most significant of which are Lakes Azuei, Trou Cayman (Haiti) and Lakes Enriquillo (Dominican Republic).

The island has five main mountain ranges:
The Cordillera Range covers the central part of the island, extending from south coast Dominican Republic to northwestern Haiti, where it is known as mountain range du Nord. This mountain range has the highest peak in the Antilles, Pico Duarte at 3,087 meters (10,128 feet) above sea level.
The Central Cordillera separates the lowlands of the Cibao Valley from the Atlantic coastal plains.
The Sierra de Neibe rises parallel to the Cordillera, like Montagnes Noires, Chaîne de Matheux and Montagnes du Trou d'Eau.
The Central Plateau opens west to Gonaves, the largest bay in the Antilles.
The Sierra de Baoruco, extends as the Massif de la Zelle and the Massif de la Hotte, forming the southern ridge of the Haitian peninsula. Pic de la Selle is the highest point in Haiti, 2,680 meters (8,790 feet) above sea level.

Due to its mountainous topography, the climate in Hispaniola shows a range of striking differences: it changes dramatically over the shortest distances.

The vegetation is predominantly tropical. But we keep in mind that there are also mountainous regions and desert zones with their corresponding vegetation.

Hispaniola is part of the Greater Antilles group. Together with Bahamas and Small Antilles- they are known geographical world like the West Indies, and are treated as part of Latin America.
The island of Hispaniola proper administratively owns some of the smaller islands along the coast of Latin America:

  • So Haiti owns the famous island of pirates - Tortuga, as well as the islands of Vash and Gonave
  • The Dominican Republic owns the islands of Caia Levantada, Saona, Beata
19°00' s. sh. 70°40′ W d. /  19.000° N sh. 70.667°W d. / 19.000; -70.667 (G) (I)Coordinates : 19°00' s. sh. 70°40′ W d. /  19.000° N sh. 70.667°W d. / 19.000; -70.667 (G) (I) water areacaribbean sea CountriesHaiti Haiti
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic

Square76,480 km² Nai highest point Peak Duarte 3087 m Population (2009)20,123,000 people Population density263.115 people/km²

Former title - Hispaniola". In Soviet times, the "colonialist" name "Hispaniola" in Russian-language sources was changed to the variant "Haiti", which comes from the language of the natives.

The area of ​​Haiti is about 76.48 thousand km². The population of the island is more than 20 million people ().


The shores are strongly indented, mostly elevated (with the exception of the southeastern ones), surrounded by reefs; in the west - a large bay of Gonaves with the island of the same name. At the base of Hispaniola are Middle Cenozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks; the bowels contain gold, silver, copper, iron, rock salt. The relief is mountainous (hence the name); four mountain ranges stretch from west to east, the largest of which is the Central Cordillera (Cordillera Central) with the highest point of the island and the entire West Indies - Mount Duarte Peak (3087 m); it, as the name implies, occupies a central position and stretches from the northwestern part of the island to the southern coast of the Dominican Republic. In the southern part of the island, behind the Cibao Valley lowland, the Central Plateau and the Cul de Sac depression, there are the Ot, Sel, Sierra de Bauroco ridges, stretching along the southern coast of the island, as well as the Sierra de Neiba and Mato. In the north of the island - the Northern ridges (a continuation of the Central Cordillera), the Cordillera Septentrional (the highest point is 1249 m) and the low Cordillera Oriental (the highest height is 701 m). In the southeastern part of the island there is a vast lowland.

The rivers are full-flowing, turbulent, mostly of insignificant length (the largest are Artibonite in the west, Yaque del Norte in the north and Osama in the south). Many lakes; the largest are the endorheic Enriquillo and Somatr.



The eastern part of the island is occupied by the Dominican Republic, the western - by the Republic of Haiti:


Coffee, cocoa, sugar, tobacco, cotton, cassava, vanilla, bananas, precious woods, Dominican rum are exported.

2010 earthquake

An earthquake of magnitude 7.0 occurred on January 12, 2010 off the coast of Haiti. The epicenter was located 15 kilometers from the city of Port-au-Prince. The city of Port-au-Prince was badly damaged, the number of victims was tens, and according to some estimates, hundreds of thousands of people. The magnitude of the first earthquake, which occurred ten kilometers west of the city of Carrefour, near Port-au-Prince, was 7-7.3. Later, three more repeated earthquakes of magnitude 5.5 and above were recorded in the same area. During the earthquake, many buildings were badly damaged, including the Presidential Palace, as well as the building of the Christophe Hotel, in which the UN mission in Port-au-Prince was quartered.

The number of victims was 222,570 people. Also on February 22, another earthquake with a magnitude of about 4.7 occurred in Haiti, 20 kilometers from the city of Port-au-Prince. 3 people were injured.

see also

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  • Gonionsky S. A. Haitian tragedy. Moscow: Nauka, 1974.


  • from 1639

An excerpt characterizing Haiti (island)

- Not all, because you will not be there; not all,” said Prince Hippolyte, laughing joyfully, and, grabbing the shawl from the footman, even pushed him and began to put it on the princess.
From embarrassment or deliberately (no one could make it out), he did not lower his arms for a long time when the shawl was already put on, and as if hugging a young woman.
She gracefully, but still smiling, pulled away, turned and looked at her husband. Prince Andrei's eyes were closed: he seemed so tired and sleepy.
- You are ready? he asked his wife, looking around her.
Prince Hippolyte hurriedly put on his coat, which, according to the new, was longer than his heels, and, tangled in it, ran to the porch after the princess, whom the footman was putting into the carriage.
- Princesse, au revoir, [Princess, goodbye,] - he shouted, tangling his tongue as well as his legs.
The princess, picking up her dress, sat down in the darkness of the carriage; her husband was adjusting his saber; Prince Ippolit, under the pretext of serving, interfered with everyone.
- Excuse me, sir, - Prince Andrei dryly unpleasantly turned in Russian to Prince Ippolit, who prevented him from passing.
"I'm waiting for you, Pierre," said the same voice of Prince Andrei affectionately and tenderly.
The postilion moved off, and the carriage rattled its wheels. Prince Hippolyte laughed abruptly, standing on the porch and waiting for the viscount, whom he promised to take home.

“Eh bien, mon cher, votre petite princesse est tres bien, tres bien,” said the viscount, getting into the carriage with Hippolyte. - Mais tres bien. He kissed the tips of his fingers. – Et tout a fait francaise. [Well, my dear, your little princess is very cute! Very nice and perfect French.]
Hippolyte laughed with a snort.
“Et savez vous que vous etes terrible avec votre petit air innocent,” continued the viscount. - Je plains le pauvre Mariei, ce petit officier, qui se donne des airs de prince regnant.. [Do you know, you are a terrible person, despite your innocent appearance. I feel sorry for the poor husband, this officer who poses as a possessive person.]
Hippolyte snorted again and said through laughter:
- Et vous disiez, que les dames russes ne valaient pas les dames francaises. Il faut savoir s "y prendre. [And you said that Russian ladies are worse than French ones. You have to be able to take it.]
Pierre, arriving ahead, like a domestic person, went into Prince Andrei's office and immediately, out of habit, lay down on the sofa, took the first book that came across from the shelf (these were Caesar's Notes) and began, leaning on his elbows, to read it from the middle.
– What did you do with m lle Scherer? She will be completely ill now,” said Prince Andrei, entering the office and rubbing his small, white hands.
Pierre turned his whole body so that the sofa creaked, turned his animated face to Prince Andrei, smiled and waved his hand.
“No, this abbot is very interesting, but he just doesn’t understand the matter like that ... In my opinion, eternal peace is possible, but I don’t know how to say it ... But not by political equilibrium ...
Prince Andrei was apparently not interested in these abstract conversations.
- It is impossible, mon cher, [my dear,] everywhere to say everything that you think. So, have you finally decided on something? Will you be a cavalry guard or a diplomat? asked Prince Andrei after a moment's silence.
Pierre sat down on the sofa, tucking his legs under him.
You can imagine, I still don't know. I don't like either one.
“But you have to make a decision, don’t you? Your father is waiting.
Pierre, from the age of ten, was sent abroad with the tutor abbot, where he stayed until the age of twenty. When he returned to Moscow, his father released the abbot and said to the young man: “Now you go to Petersburg, look around and choose. I agree to everything. Here's a letter for you to Prince Vasily, and here's some money for you. Write about everything, I will help you in everything. Pierre had been choosing a career for three months and did nothing. Prince Andrei told him about this choice. Pierre rubbed his forehead.
“But he must be a Freemason,” he said, referring to the abbot whom he had seen at the party.
- All this is nonsense, - Prince Andrei stopped him again, - let's talk about the case. Were you in the Horse Guards?
- No, I wasn't, but that's what came to my mind, and I wanted to tell you. Now the war against Napoleon. If it were a war for freedom, I would understand, I would be the first to enter the military service; but help England and Austria against the greatest man in the world... it's not good...
Prince Andrei only shrugged his shoulders at Pierre's childish speeches. He pretended that such nonsense was not to be answered; but it was really difficult to answer this naive question with anything other than what Prince Andrei answered.
“If everyone fought only according to their convictions, there would be no war,” he said.
“That would be fine,” said Pierre.
Prince Andrew chuckled.
- It may very well be that it would be wonderful, but this will never happen ...
“Well, why are you going to war?” Pierre asked.
- For what? I don't know. So it is necessary. Besides, I'm going…” He stopped. “I am going because this life that I lead here, this life is not for me!

A woman's dress rustled in the next room. As if waking up, Prince Andrei shook himself, and his face assumed the same expression that it had in Anna Pavlovna's drawing room. Pierre swung his legs off the sofa. The princess entered. She was already in a different, homely, but equally elegant and fresh dress. Prince Andrei stood up, courteously pushing a chair for her.
“Why, I often think,” she began, as always, in French, hastily and bustlingly sitting down in an armchair, “why didn’t Annette get married?” How stupid you all are, messurs, for not marrying her. Excuse me, but you don't understand anything about women. What a debater you are, Monsieur Pierre.
- I argue everything with your husband; I don’t understand why he wants to go to war, ”said Pierre, without any hesitation (so common in the relationship of a young man to a young woman) turning to the princess.
The princess was startled. Apparently, Pierre's words touched her to the core.
Ah, that's what I'm saying! - she said. “I don’t understand, I absolutely don’t understand why men can’t live without war?” Why do we women want nothing, why do we need nothing? Well, you be the judge. I tell him everything: here he is an uncle's adjutant, the most brilliant position. Everyone knows him so well and appreciates him so much. The other day at the Apraksins, I heard a lady ask: "c" est ca le fameux prince Andre? Ma parole d "honneur! [Is this the famous Prince Andrei? Honestly!] She laughed. - He is so accepted everywhere. He can very easily be an adjutant wing. You know, the sovereign spoke to him very graciously. Annette and I talked about how easy it would be to arrange. What do you think?

The Galapagos are an archipelago in pacific ocean. The islands are known primarily for the large number of local species of fauna and for the study of Charles Darwin, which served as the first impetus for Darwin to create an evolutionary theory of the origin of species.

What does the most beautiful dove in the world look like? What is the albatross afraid of? What did the sea lion do to the iguana? About this - in the report.

1. This photo was taken to show the disembarkation process. We got to the islands on a yacht, such concrete paths were not everywhere:

2. Witnessed a funny picture. The iguana was swimming about his business, and then the sea lion imposed his communication on her and began to catch by the tail. For him, this is a small charge, but the lizard is very tense:

3. The iguana experienced more and more every minute, it was very pitiful for her. The lion, having played enough, let her go in the end and sailed away. The dissatisfied lizard went back to the shore and, it seemed to me, regretted a hundred times that she had started the voyage at all:

4. Spots of different colors on the body of iguanas. The color depends on what the lizards eat. Those with a reddish belly prefer algae of a similar color:

5. Basking in the sun:

6. I remembered a curious legend. The ancient Indians believed that the world is located inside a giant house, and these creatures play the role of its walls:

7. There is a similar frame in the movie "Pirates caribbean". These islands are of volcanic origin. Lava came into contact with water and solidified. In some places, through holes were formed. Upon contact with the wave, the following effect is obtained:

8. The height of the fountain reached 20 meters, and a rainbow appeared:

9. Oh, it's a pity I didn't have time to film the reaction of the seagulls sitting next to me. The poor fellows were outright scared and scattered in different directions.

10. Sunbathing:

11. They say it's fashionable to keep them as a pet. Would you like to have such a pet?

12. Walked along the path and stumbled upon an albatross. By the way, it was singled out as a separate species and called "Galapagos". He watched us with interest.

13. Walked around the yellow-billed side. He sat without moving - he hatched eggs. The female albatrosses, putting them aside, calmly go about their business, leaving the males to puff:

14. And again the iguana. I'm starting to think these lizards are tan lovers:

15. Bird love. A bunch of couples caress each other:

16. Mimic actions continue:

17. By the way, if these comrades take off, the feeling of miniature will disappear as if by hand: their wingspan reaches more than three meters!

18. Blue-footed boobies. During the mating season, they measure themselves with the blue of their paws. The brighter the color, the greater the chance of finding a mate:

19. Bird, exterior reminiscent of our sparrow:

20. The landscape would be quite beautiful if it were not for dirty stones:

21. I would like to stay in this place longer and take pictures, take pictures ... But, as usual, there was little time.

22. The picture shows how huge the wingspan of albatrosses is:

23. By the way, they can't fly like normal birds. Therefore, they dive down from the cliff, pick up speed, spread their wings and only then soar into the sky. Many were afraid to jump down. Hesitantly shifted on the spot before doing this action.

24. Beautiful:

27. This pigeon is considered the most beautiful in the world:

28. Coast:

29. Cute Lizard:

30. Backstage:

31. This is the Galapagos, the island of Hispaniola.


The southernmost and at the same time the most ancient island Galapagos archipelago with the highest altitude of 206 meters above sea level. The western side of the island - Punta Suarez - is one of the most popular places for tourists because of the beating jets of water, reminiscent of geysers. The island is home to a large colony of California sea lions and marine iguanas, colonies of gannets and albatrosses. Beautiful sand beach- Gardner Bay. There is also an interesting dive site. On the sandy bottom, you can meet stingrays, and shoals of reef fish walk along the walls. There are brown Galapagos and whitetip sharks, giant manta rays and flocks of eagle rays.


"The thorny bushes serve as a refuge for very peculiar reptiles. First of all, the land iguana, or conolophus (Conolophus subcristatus), lives here, a distant relative of the marine iguana, from which it differs in a more massive physique and a shorter tail. In addition, the land iguana, as a rule , painted in brighter colors, ranging from bright yellow to reddish brown.It never comes close to the seashore, but hides at night in crevices or in a shallow hole that it digs itself in the ground.These animals live alone or in pairs and do not seem as peaceful as their marine relatives.During the mating period, fierce fights occur between males.Unlike other iguanas, which use their tail as a powerful weapon, these lizards use well-developed teeth, inflicting strong bites with them.Terrestrial iguanas - Vegetarian They feed on leaves and shoots but prefer the succulent fruits of cacti Lizards do not hesitate to devour great amount prickly pear leaves, along with sharp thorns, which are thrown out intact by them. These animals have suffered greatly from man and have now disappeared from many of their original habitats.

The English navigator William Dampier relates that when he landed in the Galapagos Islands in 1684, he was struck by the sight of giant tortoises (Testudo). “When the Spaniards first discovered these islands, they found here a lot of guanos (sea birds) and turtles ... there are so many of them here that five or six hundred people can eat them for several months without using any other products. They are unusually large and fatty, and their meat is so tender that no poultry can compare with them in taste. The sad story of these giants, whose shells reach one and a half meters, and sometimes weigh more than 250 kg, can be put in a few lines.

The same land turtles, which should not be confused with sea turtles, have been found among fossil remains in many places on the globe, mainly in the USA (Wyoming and Nebraska), Europe and India (Sivalik Mountains). Apparently, land turtles were widespread in the Tertiary period, especially in the Miocene and Pliocene about six million years ago. In subsequent geological periods, they gradually disappeared, perhaps due to climate change, and perhaps having been defeated in the fight against other species, especially mammals, which became more developed and were able to survive due to better adaptation to environmental conditions. Today, these giants are found only in the Mascarene Islands in Indian Ocean and in the Galapagos archipelago, which in this case also acts as a refuge for animals that have become extinct in all other corners of the globe.

Although there is a close resemblance between all Galapagos tortoises, scientists divide them into about fifteen species. In all likelihood, in remote geological times, the entire archipelago was one single massif, and individual islands were connected by land bridges, similar to those that connect the individual volcanoes of Isabela in our time. Those giant tortoises that themselves crossed the ocean or drifted at the behest of the currents, making their way from the South American mainland, spread to the land that emerged from the sea. A series of land subsidences that followed divided the massif into separate islands, and the turtles were divided into isolated groups, each of which evolved according to its genetic potential. Mutations began, apparently varying due to changes in the environment. This is how isolated species appeared, which in the old days were distinguished even by turtle hunters. This extremely interesting example of evolution did not escape the attention of Charles Darwin, and he drew from it his own conclusions regarding the differentiation of species descending from common ancestors.

Scientists still cannot explain why land tortoises suddenly became sedentary and did not attempt to swim across the straits between the islands, after they ventured to undertake a much more distant and dangerous ocean voyage from the South American continent.

Armored reptiles live in a wide variety of environments. They are found in the driest places, especially among cacti and other thorny plants, where they feed on leaves and shoots. But the preference turns out to be more "fertile" areas on the slopes of the islands, open to moist winds, as is observed, in particular, on Santa Cruz. Here, among the tiny lakes, turtles find grassy pastures, and grasses, according to recent observations, are the favorite food of turtles. In addition, there is water absolutely necessary for turtles, and researchers have seen how they literally rushed into the lake and began to drink greedily. The lifestyle of terrestrial turtles forces them to make real migrations throughout the year. It is impossible not to be surprised that such heavy and clumsy animals periodically embark on long journeys. But they are famous for covering up to sixteen kilometers in two or three days. Like tanks, turtles climb slopes covered with rock fragments, or even small cliffs, carefully checking the reliability of the ground at every step. These seasonal movements are driven by the need for food. The turtle is looking for places where greenery can survive in the midst of the long dry season. The route of migration is also determined by the location of natural reservoirs, which are probably visited by turtles for centuries, judging by the paths laid by many generations of turtles.

However, periodic migrations are also caused by the sexual instinct. During the breeding season, turtles disperse through low-lying areas. Females prefer loose sandy soil in warmer, and therefore lower located areas, where they lay their eggs, then covering them with a layer of sand. On rocky ground, they are content with cracks in the lava. Each clutch contains six to eleven eggs, often laid in two or three rows separated by layers of sand or small pebbles. After the mating season ends, the turtles return to wetter areas. Barely getting out of the shell, the little turtles are ready to leave their shelter and start an independent life. At first, they grow very quickly, and their weight triples in the first two years. After that, growth slows down. Turtles are very durable and can live 300-400 years. It is possible that those turtles who witnessed the appearance of the adventurers Pissarro and Drake on the islands are still alive.

There is still much to be studied in the habits of these giant reptiles, if only in order to organize their effective protection from direct and indirect human influence. For this purpose, the Charles Darwin Research Station, controlled by an international organization, operates on the coast of Santa Cruz Island. She also studies turtles. First of all, they must be registered, then marked in order to track their movements. After an unsuccessful attempt to mark with paint, biologists began to carve numbers into the shells. If the turtle is longer than 30 cm, this operation does not cause any harm to it. Thanks to the labels, it was possible to collect a lot of information. In one or two centuries, scientists at the Galapagos station will determine for sure whether turtles are really as long-lived as it was thought."

Notes on the margins of expedition diaries

The island of Tintoreras is located near the city of Puerto Villamil and is home to a wide variety of wildlife. Turquoise crystal clear waters and beaches surrounded by mangrove forests are home to various animals, fish and amphibians.

White sharks, marine iguanas, crabs, blue boobies, penguins, reef sharks, sea turtles and sea lions can be seen on the way to and from the island. The island is also one of the few places in the world where marine iguanas successfully reproduce. You can see how they bask on the shore, spit out the salt that got along with the algae and play. The island is a great place to get up close with rare animals and take interesting pictures.

Galapagos Islands

The Pacific Galapagos Islands, which belong to the Republic of Ecuador, are also called the Turtle Islands, because in Spanish "turtles" are "galapagos". It is not surprising that this particular animal has become a symbol of the archipelago, because a large number of giant sea turtles live here. But, of course, turtles are not the only pride of the islands. There are many plants and animals that can not be found anywhere else, such as the marine iguana, endemic species of seals or the Galapagos fur seal.

Such a rich natural heritage cannot be left without protection, because most of the rare animals today are close to extinction. national park The Galapagos includes almost all the islands of the archipelago. The islands are diverse: some of them are covered with dense tropical vegetation, while others have a desert “lunar” landscape.

The Galapagos Islands are amazing and lovers wildlife they visit these places with pleasure to observe rare creatures and enjoy wonderful views.

Santa Cruz Island

Santa Cruz is the second largest island in the Galapagos archipelago. On it is located The largest city the Puerto Ayora archipelago, here you can find all the benefits of civilization. But the main attractions of the island, of course, are natural objects, of which there are many on the island, because almost its entire area is occupied by the Galapagos National Park.

Eat on Santa Cruz amazing place: located near Puerto Ayora Tortuga Bay, which is a long white sand beach, which is characterized by fairly strong waves. It is here that surfers can practice their favorite sport, and swimmers can relax in peace at the end of the beach strip, where there are no surfers anymore. Here you can explore the mangroves, watch mockingbirds, pelicans, marine iguanas or swim with sharks.

In the south-west of the island is Las Ninfas bay with calm waters, surrounded by cliffs in tropical greenery, the nearby Bellavista Tunnel is known for being home to sea turtles, various fish species, rays and sharks. Generally worthy places detailed description there are many on Santa Cruz Island, but it is better to see them with your own eyes.

Genovesa Island

Genovesa Island is the most northeastern island of the Galapagos archipelago and covers an area of ​​only 14 square kilometers. There are no permanent residents or tourist structures on the island, so it is the best place to observe wildlife.

Most of the inhabitants of the island are birds, including entire colonies of gulls, phaetons. Also found different types boobies, owls, frigatebirds and others. In addition, sea lions, fur seals and iguanas can be found on the island. Diving lessons are also available. Another attraction of the island is the road to the top of the mountain, which is called the "steps of Prince Philip".

Bartolome Island

Bartolome Island is not big Island volcanic origin, an area of ​​​​only 1.2 square kilometers. Despite the small size of the island, here you can see some of the most beautiful scenery in the region. Also, visitors can see various animals and relax on the beautiful beaches.

The island consists of two parts, on one of which tourists can climb Pinnacle Peak, which is the most famous and popular place on the island, and view the scenery of the island from the top. On the other side of the island, tourists can go scuba diving next to sea lions, penguins and other underwater creatures. You can also watch rare green turtles that nest on the island.

Hispaniola Island

Hispaniola is also known as Hood. Hispaniola was named after Spain. The area of ​​the island is about 60 square kilometers, and the maximum height is 206 meters above sea level.

The age of the island is estimated at 3 and a half million years. This is the oldest and most south island from the entire archipelago. From a geographical point of view, it represents the most classic example of a shield volcano, which was formed by a single caldera in the center of the island. Over time, the island moved away from the hot spot, then the volcano died out, and erosion began.

The remoteness of the island from the main group of islands has contributed to the development of a large number of endemic inhabitants that are adapted exclusively to local natural resources.

The Galapagos albatross, a rare bird species, lives here. The steep and forbidding cliffs of the island are great for taking off these large birds. The hooded mockingbird, a bronze fearless bird, is also endemic to the island.

In addition, guests of the island can meet brightly colored marine iguanas, gulls, lizards, boobies and finches here. And large spacious bays attract a large number of sea lions.

Chinese hat island

The island got its name - "Chinese Hat" for a reason. It is connected with its unusual shape, which outwardly is very similar to the inverted traditional panama, customary to wear in the provinces of China. But you can see the "headdress" only if you look from the north side of the island.

Geologically, the "Chinese Hat" was formed relatively recently, as a result of the activity of numerous active volcanoes of the archipelago. It is located southeast of Santiago Island.

On the beaches of the island you can get a great tan, a lot of fun from swimming and scuba diving. From the shore of the "Chinese hat" the neighboring island is perfectly visible. Santiago, with its beautiful volcanic landscape, and Galapagos penguins frolicking in the coastal waters.

Santa Fe Island

Santa Fe Island is located in the middle of the Galapagos archipelago, has an area of ​​24 square kilometers. Tourists are attracted by one of the most beautiful bays on the islands and a variety of flora and fauna.

The bay of the island is its main attraction, it is protected from winds and storms and attracts with its clear turquoise waters. Also, tourists can see various animals living on the island and in its waters - sea lions, turtles, rays, iguanas and many others. Will be interesting walks and away from coastline, where there will be an opportunity to look at various types of cacti and other exotic plants.

Isabella Island

Isabella Island. was named after the Queen of Spain. It is the largest island of the Galapagos Islands. The island was discovered by Christopher Columbus.

The area of ​​the island is about 4640 square kilometers, the length is 100 kilometers, and its shape resembles the figure of a sea horse. On the this moment There are five young active volcanoes on the island, of which two are located on the Equator.

The island is very rich in its flora and fauna. It is amazing beautiful place! Marine iguanas, penguins, crabs, pelicans, Galapagos tortoises, boobies and other inhabitants live here. From the island you can watch the Galapagos whales, of which there are 16 species.

The local population of the island is only about 2200 people. This area is the most important reserve in the country, because it is here that more than 60 percent of the species of flora and fauna are concentrated.

Fernandina Island

Fernandina Island of the Galapagos archipelago is located in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and was named after the king of Spain, who supported the great discoverer Columbus in his expedition.

Located in the very center of the island active volcano La Cumbre, in this regard, the journey along Fernandina poses some threat to tourists. There you can also see a depression formed as a result of the collapse of the top of the volcano, at the bottom of which a volcanic lake shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. Tourists are not allowed here, so you have to be content with walks along the coast, admiring the endless expanses of the Pacific Ocean.

The flora is not rich, the only thing that can survive in difficult natural conditions are laurel cacti, of which there are a great many, and mangroves along the coast.

A pleasant surprise may be a meeting with cormorants, marine iguanas, and, of course, the famous Galapagos penguins. And on the ocean shore, sea lions bask in the rays of the hot sun, sometimes giving their loud voice, capable of blocking the bewitching sound of the surf.

San Cristobal Island

San Cristobal is the easternmost of the Galapagos Islands. The center of the island is the city of the same name, where one of the two main airports in the region is located, so many tourists start their journey from here.

The island has all the conditions for tourism - developed infrastructure with many hotels, restaurants, shops and access to transport. Also on the island there are many attractions, the main of which are various beaches and tourist centers. The island is home to various animals and birds - sea lions, elephant turtles, various types of boobies, iguanas, seagulls live here. Dolphins, sharks, rays, lobsters and others live in the waters surrounding the island. Also, tourists will be pleased with the variety of fruits that grow on the island - oranges, bananas, pineapples, lemons and other plants.

Plaza Sur Island

Plaza Sur is part of the Galapagos Islands and belongs to Ecuador. It is even named after the former President of Ecuador - Leonidas Plaza. In fact, this island is one of nature reserves and is open to tourists.

Bright, unusual and really beautiful flora of the island is represented mainly by prickly pear (a type of cactus) and sesuvium (a beautiful plant with almond-shaped leaves). The most amazing thing is that during the rainy season the leaves of the sesuvium turn red and the landscape of the island becomes absolutely fantastic.

Of the fauna on the island, land iguanas deserve special attention, there are many of them here. I must say that the local species are larger in size than those living in other places. Various birds nest on the shores of the island, such as red-billed phaetons and rare species of gulls, marine iguanas, sea lions, large turtles and sharks are found in the water.

This island is just perfect place for scuba diving, because the underwater scenery, against which the sea life boils, is incredibly picturesque.

North Seymour Island

North Seymour is one of the islands of the Galapagos archipelago, it is not at all large and is a favorite nesting place for sea birds: frigatebirds, boobies and gulls. Of course, sea lions, iguanas and fur seals, traditional for the Galapagos, live on the islands, which are not disturbed even by strong waves beating against the picturesque rocky shores.

Rocks, by the way, are often replaced by white sandy beaches filled with flocks of Galapagos penguins, huddling together and arranging massive jumps into the water in search of food. Such unusual swims annually gather crowds of tourists who film an amazing spectacle on video, but, of course, from a respectful distance so as not to interfere with the fragile natural ecosystem.

Surrounding the island is a 2 km long road that passes through what is believed to be the largest nesting site for the frigate bird. By the way, local birds are practically not afraid of people. However, tourists there go exclusively along special paths accompanied by guides, but sometimes the birds themselves go to these paths and stop at arm's length.

Floreana Island

Floreana is an island in the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. The island is also known as Santa Maria or Charles Island. It is the sixth largest island in the Galapagos Archipelago. Its area is about 173 square kilometers.