Open left menu Lincoln. The city of Lincoln in England: its history and local attractions Central England - Midland

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General information:

Full title: Lincoln (Lincoln)
Year of foundation: 1856
Population (with surroundings): 300 thousand people
Square: 195 sq. km.

The city of Lincoln is located in the north-central United States and serves as the county seat of Lancaster County and the capital. It is inhabited by more than two hundred twenty-five thousand people. Lincoln is the second largest city in the state in terms of population.

Photos of the city of Lincoln

In one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, a settlement called Lancaster arose on the site of the modern city, which became the capital of the district of the same name three years later. After Nebraska entered the United States on March 1, 1867, the city was renamed Lincoln and became the state capital.

The University of Nebraska is located on the territory of Lincoln, which became the founder of several major museums, including the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery - the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, a large collection of sculpture, the Museum natural history and concert hall. The largest library in Nebraska is the library of this university. The University of Nebraska was founded in 1869. Today it has about 30,000 students.

Agricultural land surrounds the city on all sides. In principle, Lincoln boasts both typical urban landscapes and rural views. On the one hand, all the advantages are collected in these places big city. On the other hand, in Lincoln there are practically no such problems of many major cities like air pollution, traffic jams or crime.

The city fully preserves the charm and friendliness inherent in this province since ancient times. There are many parks, squares and other places where citizens can have a little rest. The only unicameral legislature in the United States holds its meetings in the Capitol building, which serves as one of the four American capitol skyscrapers.

The city got its name in honor. A large number of settlers began to move here after the federal and state governments began giving away free plots of land in these parts and the Union Pacific and Burlington railroad tracks were built. The population of the city has grown markedly due to the government's land policy and the influx of immigrants who moved west along the Mormon and Oregon roads. Gradually, Lincoln became an important political, cultural and educational center.

Nebraska- 37th state of the USA. It belongs to the group of northwest central states. With an area of ​​more than 200,000 km, the state is home to 1.8 million people. The administrative center of Nebraska - the city of Lincoln - the second largest city in the state with a population of two hundred and a half thousand people. The largest cities in Nebraska, except for the capital: Omaha, Grand Island and Bellevue. The name of the state comes from the language of the indigenous Indian population of these lands. Today, whites make up the majority of Nebraska's population. Native Indians are a little over 1%, African Americans - about 5%. In the east of the state, the climate is continental, humid, in the west - arid. The relief is represented by plains in the west, turning into gentle hills in the eastern part. There are three big rivers: Republican - a tributary of the Kansas River, and two tributaries of the Missouri - the Niobrara and Platte rivers. On the banks of the Niobrara River in the northwestern part of the state is national park"Aegetian fossil deposits", with an area of ​​12 million km2. In the park, you can visit the James Cook Ranch, where fossil remains of ancient animals were discovered. Another National Park, Chimney Rock, is famous for its museum dedicated to the history of migration and land development in the north and west.

The main attractions of the state are located in large cities - the capital of Lincoln and the largest city of Nebraska, Omaha. Lincoln is home to the University of Nebraska, founded in 1869, which houses the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, several museums, a concert hall, the largest library in the state, and a collection of sculptures. About 30,000 students study at the university, so they can watch movies at their leisure, such as comedies like on It will also be interesting to look at the 121 m high Capitol, built in 1922-1932. It is the second tallest building in the United States after the Louisiana Capitol. In Lincoln there is even a Museum of the History of Russian Germans in the USA.

The city of Omaha is famous not only for its large number of millionaires, but also for its rich cultural life. Here is one of the largest theater communities in the United States, the Omaha Community Playhouse, has its own Opera House, several Drama Theatres, the Dutch Arts Center, and the Children's Museum, where children can, while having fun, learn science in special laboratories and arts in art studios. Another notable museum, El Latino, is one of the first museums to introduce the culture of Latin Americans. The Henry Doorley Zoo in Omaha is one of the most famous in the country. 17,000 animals live here, for which natural natural conditions. On the territory of the zoo there is also a Botanical Garden, divided into several gardens of different themes, displaying the flora of the Japanese and English gardens or harsh prairies.

As soon as they don’t call Nebraska: the state of antelopes, and the state of tree-planters, and the state of black water, and even the state of grasshoppers! We advise you not to focus on the names, the main reason why you should go to Nebraska is the nature and high level of culture of its small towns.

The state capital is Lincoln.

How to get there

You can get to Omaha - a large city of Nebraska - from Moscow only by plane, or rather by two. The most convenient route is with one change in New York. A ticket for one passenger will cost about 88,000 RUB. There is another option, in principle, identical in price: first fly to Europe - Stockholm or Warsaw, from there to the same New York and Omaha. Prices on the page are for June 2016.

Weather in Nebraska

Nebraska has a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters, wetter in the east and arid in the west of the state. In Omaha average temperature January fluctuates from -10 °C to +1 °C, July - from +19 °C to +31 °C. Nebraska is located on Tornado Alley: in spring and summer there are often severe thunderstorms and tornadoes.

Popular hotels in Nebraska

Attractions, entertainment and excursions in Nebraska

The main cultural attractions of Nebraska are, of course, in the cities of Omaha and Lincoln. But the nature of the state also deserves special attention, because in Nebraska there are several national natural parks at once: Chimney Rock, the Niobrara River Valley, Homestead and the Aegetian fossil deposits.

National Park Aegetian Fossil Deposits

This park is located in the northwest of the state, on the banks of the Niobrara River. With the surrounding prairies, it covers 3,000 acres, in other words, 12 million square meters! From the interesting: here you can visit the ranch of Captain James Cook, where the remains of fossil mammals of the Miocene era were found. See an interesting collection of exhibits reflecting the life of the American Indians, collected by them.

Chimney Rock

On the plains of Nebraska, there are remnants, these are rock formations that have survived after the destruction of rock masses. In the 19th century, they served as landmarks for settlers traveling west along the Oregon Trail. Now these stone pillars- Treasure of the history of Nebraska. And one of them - Chimni Rock, or Chimney, which means chimney rock, has the status of National historical monument USA. The height of the cliff above the surrounding valley is more than 90 meters, and above sea level - 1288 meters. Previously, this unusual "stone spire" was even higher, but winds and frequent lightning strikes are gradually destroying it.

Scotts Bluff

The Scotts Bluff National Monument is also well known and popular with tourists. It consists of five cliffs rising above the prairie. Their height is more than 330 meters!


Omaha is famous, first of all, for the fact that it lives big number millionaires. And only then with its high cultural level: here is the largest theater community in the United States, the Omaha Community Playhouse, the symphony orchestra, the Opera, several drama theaters and the Dutch Arts Center are also based here. It is worth visiting the Bemis Contemporary Arts Center, the Children's Museum and the Durham Museum.

Be sure to visit the huge Botanical Garden, which is spread over an area of ​​more than 400 thousand square meters. And the museum of steam locomotives, it is located on railway station. There is also a curious bridge in Omaha, crossing which you will find yourself in the state of Iowa!


The state capital, named after President Abraham Lincoln, boasts both typically urban landscapes and rural vistas. All the advantages of a large city are collected here, but there are no urban problems - dirty air, traffic jams, crime. Well, almost not. There are many parks and squares in Lincoln where you can relax and listen to the city orchestra or students of the music school for free.

Amateur photographers will certainly be interested in the Capitol, built in 1922-1932, its height is 121 meters. It is the second tallest of the Capitols in the United States, after Louisiana (137 m).

Lincoln is a city in Great Britain, in East Anglia. Population 80.5 thousand people (2004).

Founded in the 1st century. BC e. Roman legionnaires on the site of the ancient settlement of Lindon (Roman soldiers changed this name to Lindum, later - to Lindum Colonia, from which the name Lincoln came). Around 500, the settlement became part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Lindsey. Around 850, the Vikings (Danes) invaded Britain and turned Lincoln into one of the five main strongholds of their dominion. In 1068 William the Conqueror founded a fortress here, and four years later a cathedral; these buildings gave rise to modern city. In 1185 Lincoln was seriously damaged by an earthquake. By the beginning of the 14th century. thanks to the wool trade, the city reached its peak. But the bubonic plague that broke out in the middle of the century doomed Lincoln to a long period of decline, and the wool trade migrated to Boston. The decline intensified after civil wars 1642-1648

During the Industrial Revolution in the early 19th century. began to actively develop industrial and engineering industries. The economic boom was facilitated by the railway(1868). In 1915, agricultural engineers from William Foster & Sons created the first battle tank in history, which was a combination of an artillery gun and a caterpillar tractor. In 1996, a new university opened in Lincoln. D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%20%D0%B2%20%D0%92%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0% B1%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8)

I am posting the first part of a long and tedious story about the glorious city of Lincoln (pronounced, by the way, as Linken), which is located in the north-eastern part of England.

The city traces its history back to the first century BC, but there are scientists (British, of course) who claim that the settlements of more or less reasonable people were in these parts in the Neolithic, but because: a) I am not an archaeologist; b) there is no way to check this, and c) nobody cares, then I will not refute or confirm this. In any case, the city is quite ancient.

The name of the city comes from the Celtic Lindon (pond, backwater), which the Roman conquerors, who invaded the territory of England, changed in their own way. In their interpretation, the place became known as Lindum Colonia, but for the local population it turned out to be too long and after the departure of the Romans, the city became known as Lincylene. Subsequently, the extra letters were thrown out and the city began to be called as it is now - Lincoln. By the way, since the name “Lincoln” has become established in the Russian tradition, I will continue to call it that – we don’t write “Landan” instead of “London” in Russian, do we?

I want to warn you right away that we were only a few hours in the city and a full-fledged excursion will not work. That is, we ran through the very center, went to the city museum, the castle and the cathedral. We did not go to the Steep Hill street, so we did not see the sights located there.

The city center is quite beautiful:

Just keep in mind that Lincoln is not only tourist place, but also quite a living city with factories, factories, shopping malls and traffic jams. However, we were lucky with traffic jams.

The history of the city is quite full of various events. For example, it was here that the sad journey of King Edward I began, whose wife died in the vicinity of the city. The inconsolable king decided to transport the body of the deceased to London and bury her in Westminster Abbey. And in order for the people to preserve the memory of his wife, he ordered the construction of the so-called Eleanor Crosses (Eleanor Cross) in every place where the procession stopped for the night. In total, 12 such crosses were installed, of which three (in Northampton, Geddington and Waltham Cross) have survived to this day.

The city more than once became the center of various battles (or rather, not the city itself, but its surroundings, but this, of course, also influenced the townspeople). I will not retell the dates of the battles, the participants and the outcome of the battles - after all, this is not a history textbook, and those who are interested in such details can find them on the Internet.

One of the copies of the famous Magna Carta (which is perceived as the first English constitution, although this is not entirely true) is located in Lincoln Castle. There is even an exposition on this topic, but, firstly, it is rather boring, and, secondly, you cannot take pictures there.

And yet, Lincoln was the place where a very unpleasant story took place, which led to the forced emigration of Jews from England in the 13th century. It was here that the story of the holy little Hugh (Little Saint Hugh), who was allegedly killed by a believing Jew, was invented, because, as he claimed under torture, once a year, Jews should kill one Christian boy and crucify him as Christ. However, when Hugh's corpse was found, it turned out that no one had crucified him, but he had simply drowned in the river. However, fans of conspiracy theories (as well as those who are always ready to take away the neighbor's good through slander) existed even then, and the case was set in motion. The Jew was hanged, and popular riots led to the fact that the once prosperous Jewish community was simply driven out of the city. Then, the "positive experience" in taking away other people's property spread to other cities and off we go.

By the way, this Hugh was never canonized (unlike the other, "big" Hugh), so the church opposed the whole story (which is strange at that time), and in the Lincoln Cathedral there is a tablet describing what happened and asking for forgiveness ( for they knew not what they were doing, amen). However, there are people who believe in slander even today, and they perceive the position of the church as corrupt and / or controlled. However, to hell with him, with this Hugh. We'd better talk about something else.

Lincoln was and remains the center of industry, for example, the first tanks were developed and produced here. Also, there were many factories and factories for the production of tractors and agricultural equipment, since Lincolnshire was and remains the "breadbasket" of England. When we get to the description of the museum, I will post some pictures of this glorious local product.

However, I will show one quite engineering structure now:

This is not a castle, but a water tower. The fact is that at the beginning of the 20th century, typhus was very common in these places and something had to be done about it. The city fathers hired a special group of doctors who reported that polluted water from the river was to blame for everything, and therefore the water must either be purified or artesian springs should be sought. Cleaning at that time was quite expensive, and the results were doubtful, so they decided to fetch water from a source 22 miles from the city. A special water pipe was built, through which water was supplied to the tower (which holds almost one and a half million liters of water), and from there it was already distributed to the houses. In order to preserve the atmosphere of the old city (the tower is located directly opposite the fortress wall), it was specially built in the medieval style. By the way, this whole tower-piping system is still in operation today.

Directly opposite the tower is the already mentioned castle wall, under which there is a small parking lot for tourists. However, for those who can afford to walk a couple of hundred extra meters and do not want to pay for parking, there is such an option: you can park your car at the city museum (there is free parking) and leave it there, and then go around the city. At least we did.

The photo above shows part of the cathedral (I will write about it in the next series).

And here is the entrance to the castle:

To be continued