Guide to Pisa in Russian. Attractions of historical Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa, also known as the Leaning Tower, is a grandiose mistake of the builders, which, contrary to logic, has become one of the symbols of Italy and has become famous all over the world. It was built in two stages, for almost two centuries. Already during the construction process, it became clear that the tower was acquiring an unnatural slope, but, nevertheless, by 1360 it was completely completed. Since then, and to this day, work is constantly underway to strengthen the tower. But all efforts remain in vain - the tower continues to deviate from the vertical at a rate of 1.2 mm per year.

One day, the Leaning Tower of Pisa will fall, and until then, tourists will make pilgrimages to this Wonder of the World, whose floors are bordered by elegant decorative arcades, and a ringing bell ringing is heard from the top.

pisa cathedral

The construction of the Pisa Cathedral began in 1063, and the main concept of construction was

an organic combination of elements of various architectural styles, including even Islamic ones. Such eclecticism was supposed to emphasize the scope of Pisan trade, which at that time was experiencing its tangible rise.

The architect Busceto di Giovanni Giudice took over the task, striving to surpass his competitors from Venice, who built St. Mark's Basilica.

The year of completion of construction is considered to be 1118, when the Cathedral was consecrated by Pope Gelasius II.

The appearance of the cathedral over time has undergone a number of changes associated with the need for restoration of the building. The interior of the Pisa Cathedral strikes the imagination not only in volume, but also in the beauty of the scenery. The decoration is dominated by black and white marble, and the ceiling is decorated with frescoes from the Middle Ages. Despite the fact that most tourists come here thanks to the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, soon their attention switches to the unique beauty of the cathedral.

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Church of Santa Maria della Spina

The Church of Santa Maria della Spina is one of the main attractions of Pisa. The Gothic church, built in the Middle Ages on the banks of the Arno River, has become a monument of European Gothic, demonstrating the most striking signs of this architectural style.

The Church of Santa Maria della Spina was built on the sandy bank of the river in 1230.

The facade of the building is made of multi-colored marble, and the niches are decorated with sculptural images of Christ, the Virgin Mary and angels. The right side of the temple is literally carved with floral ornaments, numerous niches and turrets. The statues for the temple were made by several generations of Pisan masters, including the forerunners of the Italian Renaissance Giovanni di Balduccio and Nicolo Pisano - perhaps the most prominent representative of Pisan art.

The name of the church comes from the word "spina", which means "thorn". Since the 14th century, this small church has kept one of the main shrines of Italy - a thorn from the crown of thorns of Christ.

The monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi was erected in Pisa in a small square adjacent to the embankment of the Arno River.

The bronze Garibaldi, cast at the end of the 19th century according to the project of the Pisan sculptor Ettore Ferrari, looks thoughtfully at the city and its inhabitants.

The monument was erected on the tenth anniversary of the death of the national hero of Italy, in 1892. At this time, monuments dedicated to the leader of popular resistance were erected in various cities of Italy.

A small bronze monument was erected in Pisa. The sculptural image of the hero is laconic - Garibaldi, dressed in a simple militia costume, peers into the distance.

The figure of Giuseppe Garibaldi is set on a stone pedestal, decorated with bas-reliefs with figures of soldiers and laurel wreaths. The inscription on the pedestal is laconic: "Pisa - Garibaldi".

Monument completes architectural ensemble square, named after Garibaldi, and is a good example of the combination of sculpture of the XIX century and medieval urban architecture.

Leaning Embankment Arno

Pisa's Arno embankment is the heart of the ancient city.

The Arno River, known for its turbulent nature and repeatedly flooding both Pisa and neighboring Florence, was tamed and chained into a sandstone and red brick embankment. Their combination creates an amazing atmosphere of the Middle Ages, so characteristic of Pisa.

Numerous palaces and temples were built in the Middle Ages along the river, which was the center of the life of the city, which won its wealth thanks to maritime trade. Palazzo Gambacorti, located on the north bank of the Arno, today has become the focus of the administrative life of the city - the prefecture is located here. Nearby are the buildings of the University of Pisa and its library.

Pisa (Italy) - the most detailed information about the city with a photo. The main attractions of Pisa with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Pisa (Italy)

In 1564, the great Galileo was born here, who taught at the local university, which is one of the oldest educational institutions peace. Until the 18th century, Pisa was a provincial Tuscan city without much political influence. The impetus for further growth and development was the drainage of nearby marshes, the elimination of malaria centers and the development of light industry. In 1944, during the fighting, areas south of the Arno River were badly damaged.

How to get there

Near Pisa is the Galileo Galilei International Airport, which is served by about 18 airlines. Easy and simple to get to the city by train/bus from Florence, Rome, Livorno, Genoa.


The most important sights of Pisa (some of them are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites).

Campo dei Miracoli or the Field of Miracles is an area north of the central part of Pisa, where the most famous sights of the city are concentrated.

Leaning Tower of Pisa - the famous leaning tower, main character Pisa. It was conceived as the bell tower of the cathedral. It was built for almost two centuries from the 12th century. The height of the tower is more than 50 meters, and the deviation from the axis is not less than 4% (this value was changed in 2001 during the work to prevent the fall of the tower, when the deviation reached 5.5%). The slope of this structure appeared during construction. After that, its construction was stopped. Almost 100 years later, construction was resumed again, but the "fall" could not be corrected. The open bell tower was added to the white marble tower in 1350-72 by Tommaso Pisano. Login to observation deck paid.

The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is a grand Romanesque cathedral made of white marble. Construction began in the 11th century after the victory over the Saracens. The decorated arcades on the splendid façade continue around the side walls, and its transepts end in small apses that reach far beyond the aisles. The cathedral is topped with a dome. The main attraction of the interior is the pulpit of Giovanni Pisano.

The baptistery is located to the west of the cathedral. The construction of this structure continued for two centuries from 1153. That is why the baptistery combines the features of the Romanesque and Gothic styles. This is beautiful building marble topped with a dome. The main treasure of the interior is the magnificent pulpit by Pisano and the amazing acoustics.

Campo Santo (Sacred Field) is a monastery and an ancient cemetery, formed in the 13th century after Archbishop Ubaldo dei Lanfranchi brought the land of Golgotha ​​from the Fourth Crusade. Here are the tombs of the noble inhabitants of Pisa and Roman sarcophagi. The walls were decorated with frescoes from the 14th and 15th century, which were significantly damaged in 1944.

Santa Maria della Spina is a church on the left bank of the Arno River, one of the most beautiful religious buildings in Pisa. It was built of marble in the Gothic style in 1871.

Palazzo dei Cavalieri or the Palace of the Elders is a historic building in the square of the same name. The building was built in the 16th century by Giorgio Vasari. The facade is decorated with busts of six Medici princes. In front of the building is a statue of Cosimo I by Piero Francavilla. On the north side of Piazza dei Cavalieri is the Palace dell "Orológio, built in 1607 for the Order of St. Stephen and including the remains of two early medieval tower houses.

San Piero a Grado is a 10th century Romanesque basilica located near the old port. The interior of the church is decorated with frescoes, and excavations confirm the presence of an earlier Christian church and even ancient Roman buildings here.

The Blue Palace is a historic building that houses art collections from the 16th to the 20th century.

Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri - was designed by Vasari in the 16th century. This is a church with a beautiful marble facade and rarities of the order of St. Stephen.

What else to see in Pisa:

  • Piazza Garibaldi and Piazza XX Settembre are two opposite squares. From Piazza Garibaldi begins Borgo Stretto, an old street full of shops that, together with the Corso Italia, starting on the opposite side of Piazza XX Settembre, create a pedestrian area (interrupted only by a bridge) that is considered the center of the city.
  • Santo Sepolcro is a Romanesque octagonal church with a conical spire by Diotalvi.
  • The Palace of the Archbishops is an important historical building that contains works of art.
  • San Paolo a Ripa d'Arno is one of oldest churches Pisa with a Romanesque façade, completed by Pisano.
  • Church of San Nicola - an old church of the 11th century, built by the Augustinians.

Wrong. You need to do at least four more steps - try bachelato cheese, cacucco fish soup, pichchi pasta, as well as crispy bruschettas with white or black truffles. If you try all this and drink a glass of Chianti, it becomes clear that the most important thing in Pisa is to enjoy life, and not rush from stop to stop, as fixed-route taxi. "Life is beautiful" - that's even the name of the film, filmed in the nearby town of Arezzo.

Tourists with children are simply obliged to visit the local "Chocolate Valley" or Sunlight Park, tourists who are already 21 years old will have a great time in student bars and cafes. Night life Pisa is famous far beyond the borders of Italy, because it is the most student of all student cities in the world (out of 100 thousand Pisans - 60 thousand are students.)

How to get to Pisa

Search for flights to Pisa (nearest airport to Pisa)


Considering that you can walk from the airport to the Leaning Tower of Pisa in half an hour, and from the train station in 20 minutes, then the story about public transport in the city will not be long. 15 work in Pisa bus routes, tourists are interested in bus number 10, going from the Central Station to the sea. A bus ticket costs 1.20 EUR if purchased from vending machines at the station and 1.5 EUR from the driver. It is valid for an hour from the moment of composting, during this time you can transfer to another bus with it. From the Piazza Sant'Antonio bus station, CPT suburban buses leave for Volterra (2 hours 20 minutes) and Livorno (30-45 minutes).

Due to the small size of the city, taxis have minimum fares. In the afternoon, a tourist will be charged a meter if he shows at least 7 EUR (even if less, the amount is the same). At night and on weekends, the minimum cost is 9-10 EUR. Claim and count change!

The best way to explore the city is to rent a bike from MaxiRent (Via Cesare Battisti, 13). Working hours: 9:00-13:00 and 15:30-19:00 on weekdays, Saturday - 9:00-13:00, Sunday - day off.

Italy: test of 11 difficult questions. Try to answer correctly 11/11:

Maps of Pisa

How to navigate in the city

A half-hour walk from the railway station to the Square of Miracles (Piazza dei Miracoli), where the same tower is located, passes through pedestrian streets full of all kinds of entertainment: you can’t breathe here from shops, restaurants, souvenir shops, tourists and even attractions. So that, The best way explore and feel Pisa - just a pedestrian. The historical center of the city is very small, and parking can not be avoided even in winter.

Rent a Car

Careless Italian public transport can ruin any trip. Therefore, many tourists prefer to get acquainted with Pisa by driving a car. Car rental is conveniently organized right at the airports of Pisa and Florence. Europcar, Budget, Sixt points are located in the arrivals halls, but they work in Italian - not around the clock - from 8:00 to 23:00, but 7 days a week, without days off and holidays.

Seats are required for children under 150 cm (not included in the rental price). The navigator is paid separately if it is not built into the car. Premium cars are best booked in advance. There are practically none in Pisa, they will be brought in from Florence.

Speeding - from 41 to 3300 EUR, any overtaking on the right - 80-310 EUR, passing on red - from 162 EUR to 200 EUR. Violations of traffic rules from 22:00 to 07:00 increase the fine three times.

There are no traffic jams. In Pisa, in general, there is little transport, but there are almost no free parking lots. For improper parking, a car can be evacuated, and traffic cops-"carabinieri" do not know where the cars are being taken. You will have to look at Italian-language sites.

Pisa Hotels

Guides in Pisa

Entertainment and attractions

Not limited to the notorious leaning tower. However, many tourists begin their acquaintance with the city from her. And this is quite justified, especially if there is very little time - in the area of ​​​​the Field of Miracles, along with the main symbol of the city, there are several other interesting buildings from a historical and architectural point of view.

In the center of the Cathedral Square rises the medieval Cathedral Duomo, the main decoration of which is the bell tower - the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It is notable for its majestic Pisano-Romanesque façade and interior with Byzantine features. Both can be viewed for hours.

After 17:00, entrance to the main buildings on the Square of Miracles, where the tower stands, becomes free.

Thanks to its "leaning" tower, it is one of the most recognizable places in the world. In addition, it is a city of discoveries, a famous university, many masterpieces of art, called the "gates of Tuscany."

Thanks to international airport"Galileo Galilei" and a well-developed network railways seems to be an ideal starting point for exploring the entire region and the cities of Florence, Siena, Livorno, Pistoia. As we said before pisa The tower is one of the symbols of Italy abroad.

“Pisa, O Pisa, I praise you with the melody of the waters that accompanies your quiet life, for those who have ever seen your heart in the blood of dawn and the sky blooming in the evening with stars and a magical moon.” Gabriele D'Annunzio

But it is also the most beautiful historical center with narrow streets and large squares, Renaissance palaces, medieval tower houses, Gothic and Romanesque churches, shops and markets. Anyone who decides to walk along the streets of this city will have the opportunity to admire the university buildings (1343), which were once the palaces of aristocrats. The founding act of the university is the papal bull Clement VI, since which almost seven centuries have passed.

About 100,000 people live in Pisa, 35,000 of them are students. Numerous different cultural events, festivals, many restaurants and discos. - the center of the province of the same name, washed by the waters of the Arno River, one of the four ancient maritime republics. It is best known for its leaning tower, the Cathedral and the baptistery in Piazza dei Miracoli. Also, many are attracted by the Pisa Museums: the Museum of St. Matteo (Museo di San Matteo), the Museum of Modern Graphic Art, the Blue Palace (Palazzo Blu) and Keith Haring's last big work "World" house ("Tuttomondo") (1989).

Field of Dreams(Campo dei Miracoli) world heritage UNESCO

Falling tower- one of the four buildings on the "Field of Miracles" (Square of Miracles) listed by UNESCO (along with the Cathedral of the 11-12th century, the bell tower (the leaning tower itself is the bell tower) 1173, the baptistery of the 12-14th century with a diameter of 18 m and cemetery.The cathedral is a vivid example of the Pisan Romanesque style.A real masterpiece of architecture, keeps the work of Ghirlandaio, Beccafumi, Andrea del Sarto, Cimabue, Giovanni Pisano, Giambologna.Other architectural monuments include the Church of St. Frediano (chiesa di San Frediano) 11-12 in ., Santa Caterina (13-14 century), Saint Stefano (Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri) 1569 and the palaces of the Clock (Palazzo dell'Orologio) and the cavalry (Palazzo dei Cavalieri) When you are in the city, walk to the Cavalry Square (Piazza dei Cavalieri), the second most important after the Square of Miracles, named after the former cavalry military papal order, known as the Sacred Order of Saint Stefano.There are many churches and palaces in this square.

Walking in Pisa, if you walk along Via Santa Maria along the banks of the Arno River, you will see a beautiful Gothic church of saint mary(Santa Maria della Spina), which contains a thorn from the crown of Christ. Initially, the church was located very close to the river, but then it was moved due to the threat of flooding (this fate befell many ancient buildings).

The embankment is especially beautiful at night, in the light of lanterns, among the reflections of buildings in the water. Here is located National Museum Saint Matteo, worth a visit for works by Giunta Pisano, Simone Martini, Lippo Memmi, Francesco Traini, Masaccio, Beato Angelico, Benozzo di Lese, Ghirlandaio, Nicola Pisano and Donatello. The museum also houses the most valuable manuscripts, medieval ceramics and wooden sculptures.

One of the most romantic poems of all time, To Silvia by Giacomo Leopardi, was written during his stay in Pisa. Those who walked along the Arno embankment should be close to these lines.

Do you remember, Sylvia,

Your earthly and mortal life is time,

When beauty shone

In your eyes laughing and clear

And you, thoughtful, smiling,

Crossed the threshold of youth? ..(translated by Gumilyov)

In the winter and spring of 1828 Leopardi was in Pisa. He lived in the house of a family that rents inexpensive housing to students. The two high windows of his room overlooked the garden, but the view could cover the entire space to the horizon. The poet went out into the city every day, in a crowd of people he walked along the embankment. Teresa Lucignani, the daughter of the owners of the house, with whom he was friends, was always waiting for him on the balcony. She reminded him of Teresa Fattorini, a girl from his native Recanati who died young. Despite all his love for Pisa, Leopardi missed his home and family very much. All those feelings that he experienced, he poured out in one of his masterpieces on April 19, 1828.

Second Leaning Tower of Pisa

Not everyone knows that in Pisa there is another leaning tower, less famous and significant than the one in the Square of Miracles, but still able to interest the tourist. This is bell tower of the Church of Saint Michele 13th c. She is also strongly inclined.

The city is of Ligurian origin; in the 4th c. BC. there was a settlement of the Etruscans, and in 179 BC. the territory went to the Romans. They made the city an important maritime center. The presence of the port favorably affected it in the Middle Ages, especially during the time of the first crusade. Later, like many cities on the Mediterranean, it experienced decline, especially due to the opposition of Genoa. The city came under the control of the Visconti from Milan (beginning of the 15th century), and then ended up under Florence. Despite the loss of political independence, it remained a powerful cultural center, raised Galileo Galilei, mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, physicist Antonio Pacinotti. Today it retains the status of the most important research center in Italy.

Natural beauty of Pisa

Green space in the city center Botanical Garden attached to the university, the world's oldest of its kind (1544), and Scotto's garden(Giardino Scotto), where nature is closely intertwined with history. The garden was designed in the early 19th century. Giovanni Caluri for the Scotto family.

There is much to admire in and around Pisa, from the Pisa Mountains to the vineyards and olive groves of Volteranno, from the Pisa Hills to beaches, dunes and pine groves. Here you can ride freely. Here is located Nature Park San Rossore Massaciuccoli (Parco Naturale di Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli), which is a bizarre mosaic of landscapes. It's open all year round, and visitors have the opportunity to go on excursions on foot, by bicycle, on horseback or in a carriage. Pisa also has the sea, with beaches, pine groves and Mediterranean bushes. Proximity to the sea endowed the city with a relatively mild climate and cleanliness: the sea wind carries away the harmful pollution of the city, especially in winter. On the coast there are several beaches that amaze with their simplicity and natural beauty.

Around Pisa

In the vicinity of Pisa, a few kilometers from the historic center of the city, in the palace of the 18th century. located the terms of San Giuliano (terme di San Giuliano). Carthusian monastery, museum natural history and the medieval fortress of Vicopisano are also worth a visit. Of particular interest is the town of Volterra, where the Etruscans and Romans left their mark. AT medieval fortress San Miniato is a gastronomic festival in November dedicated to the local product, the white truffle. You can also travel from Pisa to Lucca (less than 20 km) and Pistoia (40 km).

Pisa, who hasn't heard of this city? I think everyone has heard and of course first of all associate it with the most famous leaning tower in the world. This article will talk about what we saw in Pisa, what surprised and pleased us, what can be seen in Pisa, except for the leaning tower? How much does all this pleasure cost and where in Pisa is it better to park a car.

Despite the fact that the guidebook said that Pisa is still not popular with tourists, I would say that this is not true. There are many people in Piazza dei Miracoli. In the rain it was still normal, but as soon as the rain stopped, there were three times as many people.

The construction of the magnificent cathedral, the bell tower of the cathedral (the Leaning Tower of Pisa) and the baptistery was marked by only one historical event- In 1069, the army of Pisa expelled the Saracens from Sicily. The victory was so massive that the city received huge funds and the role of a powerful maritime city was strengthened behind Pisa. Good luck accompanied Pisa for three hundred years. Later, Pisa came under the rule of Florence, and the port moved to Livorno.

We parked in the underground car park under Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II. Underground parking is always better than street parking, because street parking requires prepayment, and tourists usually do not know how long they will walk around the city. Using the underground parking, you can relax and not keep track of the time, because the payment is taken at the exit.

Parking along the streets is densely packed, finding a free space is problematic.

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, Pisa

Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II is located one and a half kilometers from the Field of Miracles, the so-called Piazza dei Miracoli. This is where all the main sights of Pisa. On the one hand, it is not the closest place, but it will allow you to take a little walk around the city, look at the embankments of the Arno River and the streets of this ancient Italian city.

Embankment of the Arno

The river is treacherous and tends to overflow, and it is to save from this disaster that such high embankments are built.

And in the church of Santa Maria della Spina, an important Christian shrine is kept - a thorn from the crown of thorns of Christ. "Back" in translation means "thorn".

Church of Santa Maria della Spina (Pisa)

Of course, all tourists rush to look at the falling tower first of all. A visit to all objects in Piazza dei Miracoli is paid.

Ticket price

In total, in Piazza dei Miracoli you can visit:

  1. Sinopia Museum- there are sketches of famous Italian painters and an exhibition of works by the famous Polish sculptor Igor Mitoraj
  2. Cathedral and Cathedral Museum
  3. Baptistery
  4. medieval cemetery

Accordingly, the price for:

  1. One museum from the list - 5 euros
  2. Two museums from the list - 7 euros
  3. Three museums from the list - 8 euros
  4. Four museums - 9 euros (children under 10 inclusive free of charge)

However, the entrance to the Leaning Tower of Pisa itself costs as much as 18 euros. and there is no children's discount on the entrance to the tower. Children under 8 years old are not allowed to visit the tower for safety reasons. I think in this way the authorities limit the flow of people. The tower ticket can be booked. When buying at the box office, your turn may come 2-3 hours after buying a ticket. And in general, there is a fair amount of flea market at the box office.

We started at the Sinopia Museum, that's where we bought our tickets.

Sinopia Museum in Pisa

Layout main square Pisa, just shows everything that you will see, but in miniature.

Model of Pisa's Square of Miracles

All the walls of this small museum are covered with barely visible sketches of frescoes. The sketches have not been preserved in places, and it is quite difficult to imagine the whole plot of the fresco from only fragments of the sketches. These sketches or sinopia were found under the rubble of the destroyed Camposanto cemetery.

The museum hosts temporary exhibitions of contemporary art. We just got to the exhibition of works by the famous Polish sculptor Igor Mitorai - "Angels". More information about the sculptor can be found on the Wikipedia website. Most of the sculptures are very large, for example the blue face is 3 meters high.

Sinopia Museum – sculpture exhibition by Igor Mitorai – Angels

The exhibition of Igor Mirotai is part of the program of celebrating the anniversary of the laying of the first stone of the Pisa Cathedral. 950 years have already passed since this momentous event.

Sinopia Museum – sculpture exhibition by Igor Mitorai – Angels

This is the first time that an exhibition of modern sculpture has been held on the territory of the Field of Miracles of Pisa. With this event, the organizers want to demonstrate the connection of eras.

Sinopia Museum – sculpture exhibition by Igor Mitorai – Angels

Sculptures by Igor Mitorai adorn many European cities and even the Vatican. We liked the exhibition and were impressed by what we saw.

Baptistery of Pisa

The baptistery is a place for baptism. Construction was carried out from 1152 to 1284, but the baptistery took its final form already in the 14th century, when the Gothic dome was built. It seems that the inside of the baptistery is much larger than the outside. Probably because there is a lot of free space there.


There is a large font in the center of the room. We climbed the ramp to the upper gallery, it's not difficult at all. A narrow staircase is located between the outer and inner walls of the baptistery.

Baptistery of San Giovanni, Pisa

The Pisa Baptistery is the largest in Italy and is famous for its excellent acoustics.

Fragment of the outer skin of the font of Guido da Como (1246)

There are ancient graves in the floors and everyone walks on them, from the point of view of the Russian tradition, walking on the graves is somehow not good, but obviously the Italians have a different opinion.

Grave in the baptistery

Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

The appearance of the cathedral combines three architectural traditions - Roman, Islamic and Byzantine, thanks to which a new style, Pisan Romanesque, appeared. Both outside and inside the cathedral looks just fine. Looking ahead a little, I’ll say that the Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiore seemed to me much less interesting compared to the Cathedral in Pisa.

Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

The space above the altar is decorated with a magnificent mosaic by Cimabue "The Savior on the Throne". The Byzantine influence is felt in the mosaic, a similar image of Christ can also be seen in Russian churches that inherited icon-painting traditions from the same Byzantium.

Pisa Cathedral - central nave

The granite Corinthian columns of the cathedral previously adorned the mosque in Palermo, and were taken to Pisa after the capture of Sicily. The apse houses the noble tomb of the Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII, who died in Pisa in 1313.

Tomb of Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII

The relics of Saint Ranieri stand in full view in a glass coffin. All the same, somehow the usual non-transparent sarcophagus is more familiar. It did not seem to me that the relics were so imperishable, but I am not an expert in the degree of preservation of the holy bones, the devotees of the Saint know better. Saint Ranieri is revered as the patron saint of Pisa, holidays are held in his honor - on June 16, fireworks and illumination, and on June 17, sailing races.

Imperishable Relics of Saint Ranieri in a glass coffin

The monumental pulpit by Giovanni Pisano also survived the ill-fated fire of 1595.

Pulpit work by Giovanni Pisano (1302-1310)

Previously, the pulpit was exhibited in the baptistery, now it has been moved to the cathedral. The attention to detail is amazing, very fine work.

Cemetery of Campo Santo

Unfortunately, Pisa was the site of a battle during World War II and was badly damaged by Allied bombing in 1943. The cemetery of Camposanto was destroyed and restored in the post-war years, many of the frescoes were irretrievably lost.

"Camposanto" means "holy field". This place was chosen for the main city cemetery as early as the 13th century and was built up at the end of the 13th - beginning of the 15th century. In plan, the cemetery is a rectangular cloister surrounded by a very simple garden.

Cemetery of Campo Santo

According to legend, the earth was brought to the cemetery in the 13th century from the Holy Land specifically for the burial of noble citizens. The idea of ​​burial in the Holy Land is not unique, for example, the famous Ossuary in the Czech Republic also appeared thanks to the tradition of burial in the Holy Land.

Cemetery of Campo Santo

Famous people and clerics are buried at Camposanto today. The cloister strikes the imagination with a colossal variety of tombstones from ancient Roman sarcophagi to quite modern sculptures.

Cemetery of Campo Santo

As a result of the bombing of the allied forces, almost all the frescoes that once adorned the walls were destroyed. A significant part of the fresco "The Triumph of Death", written by an unknown artist in memory of the plague epidemic in 1348, has been preserved. To preserve the fresco, it was removed from the wall and placed under a protective screen in one of the halls on the north side of the cloister. You can also see there documentary about the restoration of the cemetery after the war.

Cemetery of Campo Santo

For some reason, next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa there is a copy of the Roman sculpture of a she-wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus.

Roman she-wolf in Pisa

And finally, about the main decoration of Piazza dei Miracoli, the leaning tower.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

The leaning tower is the bell tower of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, such is the Italian architectural tradition - to build a cathedral, a bell tower and a baptistery in the form of three separate buildings.

Leaning Tower of Pisa - white marble beauty

The construction of the famous Leaning Tower began in 1183. By the time the tower reached about a third of its height, it began to lean due to the instability of the ground. Trying to correct this mistake, other architects began to build the tower at an angle, so in its shape it resembles a flat crescent. construction was completed around 1350. Since then, she has continued to lean.

Pay attention to the boats depicted on the wall

Interesting images on the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Ships in memory of the fact that Pisa in its heyday was a powerful maritime city.

And where does the dragon, I can’t imagine, probably something religious.

Bra-reliefs decorating the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Experts predict that it will eventually collapse. At least a hundred years architects from different countries world offer their solutions to the problem. The latest measures are the use of counterweight systems and the removal of soil, which made it possible to reduce the slope of the tower and, possibly, extend its life for several more centuries.

A few devils on the capitals of the column

Galileo Galilei himself, a native of Pisa, used the tilt of the tower in his experiments. The Inquisition condemned the scientist for heresy, because he believed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and not the Sun around the Earth. Only in 1992 did the Vatican officially admit that Galileo's theory was correct, it took them almost 500 years to realize they were wrong, what could be more conservative than religion?

All these people take pictures with the Leaning Tower of Pisa, without their help it would definitely fall, we also contributed to its support. We observed a similar scene and .

All these people take pictures with the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Well, the simple, not famous houses of Pisa do not look as well-groomed as the Field of Miracles. The paint was peeling off, the shutters were lopsided. But this is Italy, where even the paint falls off in a highly artistic way.

Pisa street

On some houses, the plaster has fallen off in places, and all this is just a hundred meters from Piazza dei Miracoli.

Appeal for Palestine

Probably immigrants from Palestine demand freedom for their historical homeland.

Church of San Sisto (1133)

Piazza Cavalieri

The central square of medieval Pisa was supposedly built on the site of a Roman forum. This area already belongs to the period of Florentine rule. In front of the palace stands a monument to the Duke of Tuscany, Cosimo de' Medici I.