Location and purpose of ship premises. Structural elements of the ship's hull Forepeak structure on the ship

The design of the hull (Fig. 1) is determined by the purpose of the ship and is characterized by the size, shape and material of the parts and parts of the hull, their mutual.

Rice. 1 Internal structure of the ship: a) dry cargo ship; b) tanker 1 - forepeak; 2 - cargo holds (tanks); 3 - tween deck; 4 - double bottom; 5 - deep tank; 6 - engine room; 7 - propeller shaft tunnel; 8 - afterpeak; 9th; 10 - middle superstructure; 11 - felling; 12-tank; 13 - dry cargo hold; 14 - pump room; 15 - rubber dam

The set system is determined by the direction of most of the beams and is transverse, longitudinal and combined. With a transverse framing system, the beams of the main direction will be: in the deck ceilings - beams, in the sides - frames, in the bottom - floras. Such a framing system is used on relatively short vessels (up to 120 meters in length) and is most advantageous on icebreakers and ice-going vessels, as it provides high hull resistance in case of transverse compression of the hull by ice.

With a longitudinal framing system in all floors in the middle part of the length of the hull, the beams of the main direction are located along the vessel. At the same time, the ends of the vessel are recruited according to the transverse dialing system, since the longitudinal system is not effective at the ends. The beams of the main direction in the middle bottom, side and deck ceilings are, respectively, the bottom, side and under-deck longitudinal stiffeners: stringers, carlings, keel. Cross-links are floors, frames and beams. The use of a longitudinal system in the middle part of the length of the vessel allows for high longitudinal strength. Therefore, this system is used on long ships experiencing a large bending moment.

Rice. 2 Mixed set of the vessel: 1 - keel; 2 - flooring of the second bottom; 3 — side stringers; 4 - beam; 5 — deck stringer; 6 - knee; 7 - sheerstrake; 8 - frame; 9 - side belt; 10 - zygomatic belt; 11 - flora; 12 — bottom stringer; 13 - keel belt
Rice. 3 Underdeck set: 1- deck flooring; 2 - beams; 3 - carlings; 4 - pillers; 5 - beam knees; 6 - frames; 7 - side skin

With a combined framing system, deck and bottom floors in the middle part of the hull length are nailed along the longitudinal framing system, and side ceilings in the middle part and all floors at the ends are nailed along the transverse framing system. The combined recruitment system is used on large-capacity and tankers. The mixed framing system of the vessel is characterized by approximately the same distances between the longitudinal and transverse beams. In the bow and stern of the vessel, the set is fixed to the stem and stern that close the hull.

The ship's hull is a complex engineering structure, which is constantly subjected to deformation during operation, especially when sailing in waves or during cargo operations. So, when the wave top passes through the middle of the ship, the hull experiences tension, while the bow and stern ends simultaneously hit the wave crests, the hull experiences compression. Also, it is not always possible to evenly distribute the cargo among the ship's cargo spaces. There is a deformation of the general bend, as a result of which the vessel can break (Fig. 4). The vessel's ability to resist general bending is called overall longitudinal strength.

Rice. 4 Distribution of loads on the ship's hull on a wave

Distinguish, in addition to the overall strength, local strength, i.e., the permissible load on the decks of holds, tween decks, main deck and hatch covers. Its meaning is given in the Stability and Strength Information for the Master.

duration of the vessel's stay in
flight without replenishment of fuel, provisions and fresh water.
afterpeakthe extreme aft compartment of the vessel, occupies the space from the leading edge of the sternpost to the first aft watertight bulkhead from it. It is used as a ballast tank to eliminate the ship's trim and store water.
Ramp (ramp)composite platform designed for the entry of cars various types on their own or with the help of special tractors from the shore to one of the decks of the ship and back.
Akhtershteventhe lower aft part of the vessel in the form of an open or closed frame, which serves as a continuation of the keel. Front
the branch of the sternpost, in which there is a hole for the stern tube (sternwood) pipe, is called the star post, the rear one, which serves to hang the rudder, is called the rudder post. On modern single-rotor ships, a sternpost without
Tanka superstructure at the bow of a vessel, starting from the stem. It serves to protect the upper deck from being flooded in the oncoming wave, as well as to increase the buoyancy margin and accommodate servicemen. A tank partially recessed into the ship's hull (usually half the height) is called a forecastle. On the deck of the ba-ka or inside it usually
have anchor and mooring devices.
Ballastcargo taken on board to provide the required fit and stability when there is not enough payload and stores to do so. Distinguish between variable and permanent ballast. As
variable ballast usually use water (liquid ballast), and permanent - cast iron ingots, a mixture of cement with cast iron shot, less often chains, stone, etc. (solid ballast).
Rudder stocka shaft fixedly connected to the rudder blade (nozzle), which serves to turn the rudder blade (nozzle).
Beama beam of the transverse set of the vessel, mainly a T-section, supporting the deck (platform) flooring. Beams of continuous sections of the deck rest with their ends on the frames, in the span - on carlings and longitudinal bulkheads, in
in the area of ​​hatches - on side frames and longitudinal coamings of hatches (such beams are often called half-beams).
Boardthe side wall of the ship's hull, extending along the length from the stem to the stern
stem, and in height from the bottom to the upper deck. The side sheathing consists of
sts oriented along the vessel, forming belts, and a set of frames
and longitudinal stiffeners or side stringers. The height is impenetrable
th freeboard is determined by the margin of buoyancy.
Bracketaa rectangular or more complex plate used to reinforce
beams of the ship's set or connecting them together.
Breshtukhorizontal triangular or trapezoidal bracket connecting the side
walls of the stem (sternpost) and giving it the necessary strength and
Windlassdeck winch type mechanism with a horizontal shaft, designed
for lifting the anchor and tensioning the cables when mooring.
Buoyfloating sign for navigation
dangerous places (shoals, reefs, banks, etc.), in the seas, straits, channels, ports.
Bridleanchor chain, attached by the root end to a dead anchor on the ground, and by the running one - to the raid mooring barrel.
Bulbthickening of the underwater part of the bow of the vessel, usually round or tear-shaped, which serves to improve propulsion.
Shaftingdesigned to transmit torque (power) from the main engine
to the mover. The main elements of the shafting are: propeller shaft, intermediate
creepy shafts, main thrust bearing, thrust bearings, stern tube
waterwaysspecial channel along the edge
decks used to drain water.
Waterlinea line drawn on the side of a ship that shows her draft with a full load
at the point of contact of the water surface with the hull of a floating vessel.
Swivela device for connecting two parts of the anchor chain, allowing one of
them to rotate around their own axis. Used to prevent twisting
anchor chain when deploying a vessel at anchor, when changing
wind direction.
Light displacementdisplacement of the ship without cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast, fresh,
boiler water in tanks, provisions, consumables, as well as without a pass-
fats, crew and their belongings.
Gaksteel hook used on ships to lift cargo with cranes, booms and
other fixtures.
Helmporta cutout in the lower part of the stern or in the sternpost of the vessel for the passage of the rudder stock.
A helmport pipe is usually installed above the helmport, providing
the impermeability of the passage of the stock to the steering gear.
Cargo capacitythe total volume of all cargo spaces. Cargo capacity is measured in m3.
Gross tonnage, measured in register tons (1 reg. t \u003d 2.83 m3), pre-
represents the full volume of the hull premises and closed superstructures, for
including the volumes of double bottom compartments, ballast water tanks, as well as
volumes of some service premises and posts located on the upper
deck and above (wheelhouse and chart house, galley, crew bathrooms, lighting
hatches, shafts, rooms for auxiliary mechanisms, etc.).
the value is obtained as a result of deducting from the gross tonnage of the volume of premises
structures unsuitable for the carriage of commercial cargo, passengers and supplies, in
including residential, public and sanitary premises of the crew, premises,
occupied by deck machinery and navigational instruments, engine room, etc. In other words, net tonnage includes only rooms
which bring direct income to the shipowner.
load capacitythe weight of various types of cargo that the ship can carry, provided that the design landing is maintained. There is net tonnage and deadweight.
load capacity
the total mass of the payload carried by the vessel, i.e. weight of cargo in holds and
mass of passengers with luggage and intended for them fresh water and provisions, the mass of fish caught, etc., when loading the vessel according to the estimated draft.
cruising rangethe longest distance a ship can travel at a given speed without
replenishment of fuel, boiler feed water and lubricating oil.
Deadweightthe difference between the displacement of the vessel along the load waterline, corresponding to
to the designated summer freeboard in water with a density of 1.025 t/m3, and
empty displacement.
Stern tubeserves to support the propeller shaft and ensure water tightness, including
where it leaves the body.
Triminclination of the vessel in the longitudinal plane. The trim characterizes the landing of the vessel and
measured by the difference between its draft (recesses) stern and bow. The trim is positive when the forward draft is greater than the stern draft.
Cabletenth of a mile.
Therefore, the value of the cable is 185.2 meters.
Carlingthe longitudinal deck beam of the vessel, supporting the beams and providing
together with the rest of the decking set, its strength in action
transverse load and stability in the general bending of the vessel. Carlings are supported by transverse bulkheads of the hull, transverse coamings of hatches and
Pitchingoscillatory movements around the equilibrium position, performed freely
a vessel floating on the surface of the water. Distinguish side, keel and vertical pitching. The swing period is the duration of one complete oscillation.
kingstonoutboard valve on the underwater part of the ship's outer plating. Through kingston,
connected to the inlet or outlet pipes of ship systems (ballast, fire fighting, etc.), fill the ship’s compartments with sea water and drain
water overboard.
Keelthe main longitudinal bottom beam in the diametrical plane (DP) of the vessel,
going from stem to stern.
Hawsea hole in the ship's hull, bordered by a cast iron or steel frame for
skipping the anchor chain or mooring cables.
Knechta pair of bollards with a common base on the deck of the ship, used for fixing
mooring or towing cable superimposed by eights.
Coamingvertical watertight fencing of hatches and other openings in the deck
vessel, as well as the lower part of the bulkhead under the door cutout (threshold). Protects
rooms under the hatch and behind the door from water ingress in the open position.
Knicatriangular or trapezoidal plate connecting converging under
the angle of the hull framing beam (frames with beams and floors, bulkhead struts with stringers and stiffeners, etc.).
Cofferdama narrow impenetrable compartment separating adjacent rooms on a ship. Cofferdam prevents the penetration of gases emitted by oil products from one room to another. For example, on tankers, cargo tanks are separated
cofferdam from the bow rooms and the engine room.
Leerfencing of the open deck in the form of several stretched cables or metal bars.
Lyaloa recess along the length of the hold (compartment) of the vessel between the bilge belt of the outer plating and the inclined double-bottom sheet (bilge stringer), designed to collect bilge water and then remove it using a drainage system.
midship frameframe located on
the middle of the estimated length of the vessel.
Nautical milea unit of length equal to one arc minute of a meridian. Nautical mile length
taken equal to 1852 meters.
Payolwood flooring for
hold deck.
gunwaleplank of steel or wood,
attached to the top edge of the bulwark.
Podvoloksewing the ceiling of the living and many service spaces of the ship, i.e. the lower sides of the deck floor. It is made of thin metal sheets, or
non-flammable plastic.
Stanchiona single vertical post supporting the ship's deck covering;
can also serve as a support for heavy deck machinery and cargo. ends
pillars are connected to the beams of the set with the help of knees.
sparsa set of above-deck structures and parts of ship equipment designed on ships with mechanical engines to accommodate ship lights, communications, surveillance and signaling equipment, fastening and supporting cargo devices (masts, booms, etc.).
Rostersgrating on half-beams, between the cabin and special racks along
on board the ship. Lifeboats and work boats can be placed on rosters. On the
cargo ships on rosters install cargo winches and other equipment, store spare parts, etc.
Steering geara device that ensures the agility and stability of the vessel on the course.
Includes rudder, tiller, steering gear and helm station. The force created by the steering machine is transmitted to the tiller, which causes the stock to rotate, and
with him shifting the steering wheel.
Rybinsylongitudinal wooden slats, 40-50 mm thick and 100-120 mm wide, are installed in special brackets welded to the frames. Intended for
protection of the cargo from soaking and damage to the package by the onboard kit.
Cheekboneplace of transition from the bottom to the side of the vessel.
Stringera longitudinal element of the ship's hull set in the form of a sheet or T-beam,
the wall of which is perpendicular to the hull skin. There are bottom, zygomatic, side and deck stringers.
Lanyarddevice for tensioning standing rigging and lashings.
Twindeckspace inside the ship's hull between 2 decks or between a deck and
Bulwarkfencing of the open deck in the form of a solid wall with a height of at least 1 m.
door panela sheet of plywood or plastic covering an opening in a ship's door intended for emergency exit from the premises.
floorsteel sheet, the lower edge of which is welded to the bottom plating, and a steel strip is welded to the upper edge. Floors go from side to side, where they are connected to the frames with cheekbones.
Forepeakthe extreme forward compartment of the ship, extending from the stem to the ram (fore peak) bulkhead, usually serves as a ballast tank.
stema beam along the contour of the vessel's bow, connecting the skin and a set of starboard and port sides. In the lower part, the stem is connected to the keel. The stem is tilted to the vertical to increase seaworthiness and protect
destruction of the underwater part of the hull upon impact.
mooringsa cable, usually with an eye at the end, designed to pull and hold the vessel at the berth or at the side of another vessel. As mooring lines, steel, as well as vegetable and synthetic cables made of durable, flexible and
wear resistant fibers.
spacethe distance between adjacent beams of the ship's hull set. Cross spacing -
the distance between the main frames, longitudinal - between the longitudinal
Scupperhole in the deck to remove water.

Recommended for reading.

Forepeak (English forepeak, Dutch voorpiek)

extreme bow compartment of the vessel. Since the bow of the ship is the most susceptible to damage, classification societies (See Classification Society) regulate the shortest length of F. sea ​​vessels. F. is separated from the rest of the premises by a fore peak (ram) bulkhead. Usually water ballast is placed in F. , the reception of which increases the depth of the bow, which reduces the impact of waves in the bottom of the vessel.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


See what "Forpeak" is in other dictionaries:

    Forepeak … Spelling Dictionary

    - (Fore peak) bow compartment on civil ships, located directly at the stem. Serves as a ballast tank for trimming the ship. Samoilov K.I. Marine vocabulary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR ... Marine Dictionary

    - (English forepeak Dutch voorpiek), the extreme bow compartment of the vessel, where a tank for ballast water is usually located ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Forepeak, forepeak m. The extreme forward compartment of the ship, where the tank for water ballast is usually located. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Exist., number of synonyms: 2 compartment (9) peak (23) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    forepeak- The extreme bow compartment of the main hull of the vessel, extending from the stem to the forepeak bulkhead. [GOST 13641 80] Subjects ships and vessels ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    FORPIK, FORPIK, a; m. forepeak] Mor. The outermost bow compartment of a ship, where the ballast water tank is usually placed. * * * forepeak (English forepeak, Dutch voorpiek), the extreme bow compartment of the vessel, where a water tank is usually located ... encyclopedic Dictionary


Autonomy - the duration of the voyage without replenishment of fuel, water and food.

Water area - limited area of ​​the water surface.

Anticyclone - an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure with air moving around its centre.

Axiometer - indicator of the angle of deflection of the rudder blade or the axis of the propeller relative to the center plane of the vessel.

Arneson drive - type of transmission with a horizontal shaft.

afterpeak- the extreme aft compartment of the vessel.

Akhtershteven- aft end of the vessel, an element of the hull set. It can be a frame on the transom or a continuation of the keel beam.


Buchan - anchored floating navigation mark.

Ballast- liquid or solid cargo placed inside or outside the ship's hull, providing the necessary stability and draft. It may also be redundant and talk a lot.

Baller - a vertical shaft that serves as a drive for the rudder blade.

Jar- 1. Sitting on deckless boats, at the same time serves as a spacer between the sides. 2. Separately located strand of limited dimensions. 3. Capacity for storing worms.

Bar- 1. Alluvial stranded in the coastal zone. 2. Unit of pressure, approximately equal to 1 atmosphere.

Barhout- thickening of the outer skin of the ship's hull in the area of ​​the waterline.

beidewind- the course of the yacht, at which the diametrical plane of the vessel in relation to the direction of the wind is less than 90 degrees.

Seizing- ligation of thick cables with a thinner line.

Buttocks- lines of a theoretical drawing, giving an idea of ​​the volumetric shape of the hull.

Batoport- movable dry dock wall.

Beam- a transverse beam connecting the side branches of the frame, an element of the hull set.

Bitt- cabinet for fastening cables on large cruising yachts.

Bon- a fixed floating structure for mooring small boats and other purposes and works.

Bora- He's a Nord-Ost.

Barrel- barrel. Large float at dead anchor. Facilitates the process of anchoring in difficult places. "Stand on the barrel."

Brandwacht- a ship installed to observe something (someone).

Windlass- deck mechanism for lifting the anchor.

Bridle- anchor cable, chain, rope, fixed with the root end to the anchor in the ground, and running - to the barrel, boom.

Breeze- coastal breeze, changing its direction during the day, due to the temperature difference between day and night, land - sea.

Throwing end- throwing end.

Broching- for sailing yachts: sudden loss of control when fair wind with the release of the rudder blade from the water and falling on the cheekbone.

Buoy— floating navigation mark.

Buyrep- cable, on the trend of the anchor and a buoy on the surface. Indicates the place where the anchor lies and makes it easier later to detach it when lifting.


Vessel's capacity- a significant drawback - the property of the vessel to heel due to insignificant external forces at large angles and very slowly return back to the equilibrium position. Strongly manifested on ships with low stability.

waterways- a bed on the open deck for the flow of water. It is also used in the meaning of beams on the sides, as part of the deck flooring.

Waterline- the boundary of two media, clearly visible on the ship's hull. Of course, it depends on the load.

Spindle anchors- anchor rod.

Verp- auxiliary anchor.

Swivel- spar swivel joint. Fishing swivel - little brother.

Milestone— floating navigation mark. Protects dangers and indicates the sides of the fairway.

Vessel displacement- the amount of water that is displaced by the underwater part of the vessel afloat. The amount of water displaced is equal to the mass of the entire boat.

- a jet engine that uses acceleration from the ejection of water through a nozzle.

To choose- pull up, pull up the tackle.


Harbor- coastal parking of ships, protected from the wind.

Gak- hook

gulfind- for sailing ships- a course with an angle of the diametrical plane and a wind direction of 90 degrees.

latrine- toilet

Tack is the direction of the wind relative to the hull. For example, starboard tack is the wind to starboard.

Helmport- a cutout in the stern for posting the stock.

planing- a mode of motion in which the ship's hull is supported on the surface of the water only due to hydrodynamic forces, and not due to Archimedean ones. It is possible only when a certain speed is reached and on planing hull contours (very low deadrise on the transom). Launching flat pebbles with a pancake on the water is a planing option. The rock will sink when it stops, but when planing, the Archimedes forces don't work, and as long as it maintains the required speed, a flat pebble will be able to cross the Atlantic, as long as it's completely calm, of course.


Deviation magnetic compass - deviation of the compass indicators associated with the action of the ship's own magnetic field.

Deadwood- 1. Underwater parts of the ship's points from the stern and from the bow, associated with the keel. 2. Outboard motor leg housing.

sensible things- the general name of various details and small things included in the necessary and not very equipment of the vessel.

Vessel diametral plane- a vertical imaginary plane passing through the stem and stern.

Trim- the inclination of the ship's hull in the longitudinal vertical plane relative to the surface of the water.

Drek- small anchor on boats and tenders.

Drektov- anchor rope dreka.

Drifting- the drift of the boat relative to the course as a result of the influence of the winds, but without taking into account the currents.


Vessel survivability- the reliability of the vessel and its ability to maintain its characteristics, even with severe damage.


Lay- 1. Fix the end, the rope. 2. Lay a turn.


true course- course taking into account deviation and magnetic declination.

Bend- the bend of the river.


Cable- 185.2 m - 1/10 nautical mile.

Galley- kitchen

cavitation- shock loads arising as a result of the collapse of vapor or gas bubbles, which were formed as a result of a critical decrease in pressure and met with the boundary of the high pressure area. The result of this meeting may be blows to the edge of the propeller with a force comparable to a hammer blow. As a result, the edges of the blades are chipped, which is why this phenomenon is also called cavitation erosion.

cardinal system- a system for installing maritime navigational danger signs, in which their detour and maneuvers are closely related to the cardinal points.

Cartushka- a detail of a magnetic compass that determines the direction of the magnetic meridian.

Deadrise- a characteristic of the transverse profile of the boat hull. It is measured by a numerical characteristic on the transom and amidships - deadrise angles.

Knecht- a metal contraption for securing the mooring ends.

Stern- rear end of the vessel. Whaleboat feed is spicy. Transom - a flat cut at the stern.

Keel- the main beam of the longitudinal set of various materials, located in the diametrical plane. The keel boat may not have this device, and the deadrise will be formed by the joint of the skin sheets. Inflatable keel boats have an inflatable keelson, which, when inflated, rests on the payol on one side, and on the other side stretches the bottom fabric sheets, cut in a special way, which creates deadrise.

Keelblock- support for dry storage of the boat.

Wake- 1. The line of motion of ships in the conditions of the formation of ice. 2. Formation of ships following the same line.

Wake stream- a footprint on the water behind a moving ship.

kilson- on rigid hulls - connection of frames in the bottom area.

Kipa- a horned device on the deck or sides for the removal of sheets or springs.

Hawse- a hole in the body with a protective edging for wiring gear. For example, an anchor chain.

Knica- a triangular or diamond-shaped plate connecting the elements of the body kit.

Knop- thickening or knot at the end of the rope.

Cockpit- open space upper deck for crew work. For example, for fishing or sunbathing. On good yachts, the cockpit is easy to recognize by finding a folding table with a bottle of wine in it.

Coaming- waterproof threshold at the entrance to the wheelhouse or cabin.

Compass- the main navigational device.

compass heading- compass heading.

End- any non-metallic cable or line.

Fender- expendable material, softening the blows of the hull on the berth or on other vessels during mooring, withdrawal and maneuvers. Fenders are inflatable, wicker - an expensive exclusive and simply stuffed with hemp. It is not recommended to enter the marina without fenders, where very expensive yachts are moored.

Cruising speed- the most economical mode of movement of the boat. Each has its own and depends on many factors.

all round fire- circular fire.

Vessel course- the angle between the northern part of the meridian and the direction of movement.


Lavrovka- on sailing yachts - movement to the intended point against the wind, by constantly changing the course, changing the tacks.

lag- a device for measuring speed and distance traveled.

Lagom mooring - mooring side to side.

Lateral system- navigation system for installing navigation signs. Used mainly in inland waters. Uses the axis notation principle ship's passage or its right and left edges.

Leventik- for sailing yachts - the position of the bow into the wind when the sail begins to idle.

Leer- handrail or fence in the form of a stretched cable.

Likpaz- the groove into which the lyktros enters.

Location- section of navigation. Cunning navigational aids for a particular navigation area - also called a pilot.

Pilot- a person who has a sailing position, or he knows the given navigation area by heart.

Luke- hatch.


Brand- termination of the end of a sheet or cable, or a mark on it for a specific purpose.

Lighthouse- Lighthouse.

Midel- an imaginary line of intersection of the outer surface of the boat hull with a cross section that divides its overall length into equal parts.

sea ​​mile- the length of the arc of the meridian of the planet Earth is 1 degree. Due to the difference in latitudes in different places on the planet, it has different meanings. The distance of 1852 meters is accepted as international value.


Bulk- contact of the hull with the berth, another vessel, occurring as a result of inertia.

Windward- located closer to the wind.

superstructure- deck closed structure from side to side.

Knights- tackle for fixing equipment. Necessary thing into a storm.


Observation- determination of the location by objects with known coordinates.

Overkill- an unpleasant thing, entailing an indispensable unplanned bathing.

Overstay- for sailing yachts - change of tack with the bow crossing the wind line.

fire- a loop at the end of a cable, rope. Also called fire is an insert in a loop for wear protection made of metal, leather, etc.

to win- slow down the inertia of the vessel.

Draft is the distance from the surface of the water to the lowest point of the vessel.

Stability- an important factor determining the ability of a boat, brought out of equilibrium under the action of external forces, to return to its original position.

go-ahead- a method of signaling when ships diverge with the help of a person with flags or with flashlights.

back off- move away.

give away- unbind.


Pal- support for mooring. Sometimes it is also used in the meaning of a locking finger.

Payol- flooring on the bottom of the boat.

Bearing- the angle formed by the meridian line and the line passing through the observer and the observed object.

Bulkhead- a wall separating the compartments of the body.

pass sign- a bank sign indicating the place where the fairway passes from one bank to another.

Stanchion- support for the perception of vertical loads of the body.

gunwale- beam of the upper edge of the bulwark.

Podvolok- ceiling lining in the ship's room.

Valance- overhang of the stern of the vessel.

Pick up- the same as choosing.

half wind- gulffind.

Pontoon- floating structure.

Fender, halt- A beam of various materials running along the side. It acts in conjunction with the fenders, but by itself only protects our boat from bulk.

Sterndrive- type of transmission with a horizontal shaft. Despite the fact that the engine itself is located inside the hull of the boat, thanks to the use of a cardan drive, it allows the column to work like an outboard motor - to recline when it hits an obstacle and adjust the angle of attack.


Redan- there are transverse and longitudinal. A ledge, a step on the bottom of gliding high-speed boats and boats. Without digging deep into hydrodynamics, longitudinal steppers serve to stabilize the movement and to correct the wetted surface, a kind of “wet” triangle that is formed during the gliding mode. Transverse steppers are designed to reduce the wetted surface at high speeds. However, the use of redans of both types should be made only after rather complicated calculations. By applying hull editing without calculations of hydrodynamics and a bunch of characteristics, you can pretty much worsen the ship's driving performance. For each hull, reputable manufacturers use redans only after a series of test tests in the pool and life-size in open water, which, together with the calculation of the designers, determine their number and configuration. In the displacement mode, the redans, especially the transverse ones, play a negative role.

Reverse- reversal of the direction of action. Definition for motors. On outboard babies, up to 3.5 hp, reverse is carried out by turning the motor around its axis. On older motors - by shifting the gear lever. Essentially reverse gear.

Raid- open coastal part of the water surface. The raid is intended for mooring vessels on anchors or buoys and mooring barrels.

Reling- deck fencing in the form of racks with cables, forming a kind of bulwark.

recession- a niche in the stern for an outboard motor.

Reef- a rock in shallow water.

Reef, take a reef- for sailboats - to reduce the sail area by using special gear.

Anchor rollers- a device for facilitating the return / lifting of the anchor. Rolls can also have an anchor rope or chain stopper.

felling- a structure on the deck, leaving a passage from the sides.

Rumb- division of the compass card, a flat angle equal to 1/32 of a circle, 11.25 degrees.

Tiller- the steering lever on the baller, or on the outboard boat motor.

Locker- a closed box for personal belongings or ship's property.

Rym- a ring or half ring, most often, metal. It has a bunch of attachment points and it depends on what task a particular eyelet performs. For example, a mooring eye on the bow of a boat.

Bell- a kind of battle in the ship's bell. Recently, the bell itself has also been called the rynda, which, in general, is incorrect.


skeg- the lower part of the gearbox of an outboard motor or an angular column, a feather-fin. Some yacht steering devices also have a skeg - a profile in front of the rudder blade.

slip- an inclined surface that goes into the water and is designed specifically for launching ships. On the slipway, you can also observe many funny situations that occur when boats are lowered from the trailer.

Demolition- drift of the vessel from the course under the influence of the current without taking into account the winds.

IALA system- a system of protection for navigational hazards, adopted by the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities.

Cheekbone- in addition to the human one, it also exists on the hull of the vessel, it is the steepest bend in the side in the bow of the vessel. Depending on the design and purpose, ships are round-billed and sharp-billed.

Slane— Removable bottom flooring.

Leading signs- paired signs along the banks.

stop anchor- spare anchor or auxiliary.

crew list- a detailed list of the crew and positions, the time of arrival / departure on board.

ship's passage- inland navigation routes marked on the map and navigational signs.

Gangway- portable ladder.


Rigging- a set of gear. Standing and running.

Lanyard- swivel threaded for screed.

Tombuy- a float to indicate the location of the anchor.

Registered ton- 2.83 cubic meters, 100 cubic feet.

Beam- the direction to the object, which is perpendicular to the diametrical plane of the vessel. The traverse is right and left, and the distance to the object is the traverse distance.

poison- weaken, hold. The opposite is to choose.

Trim plate- adjustable plate behind the transom, which makes it easier to enter the planing mode and reduce the running trim.

Ladder- outboard - for lifting / lowering people. Internal - a staircase for communication between rooms at different levels.

trend- the connection of the paws and the anchor spindle.

Hold- the lower space on the ship under the floorboard, deck.


Knot A nautical unit of speed equal to 1 nautical mile per hour. On inland waterways, km/h is still used.

Duck- two-horn casting, more often metal. Serves for easy fastening of cables and ropes on it.


Fal- tackle for lifting all sorts of things.

Falin- cable on the bow eye of the boat.

Bulwark- deck side plating above its level.

Fairway- a place for the safe passage of ships, having navigation signs.

jibe- for sailboats - a course coinciding with the direction of the wind.

Vordek- forward part of the deck.

Forepeak- bow compartment to the first bulkhead.

stem- bow beam of the vessel, passing into the keel.

Freeboard- freeboard.

Footstock- a pole with divisions to control the water level.


Cyclone - A large air vortex around an area of ​​low pressure.


moorings- cable, rope for mooring.

Mooring- a set of actions related to putting the boat into the parking lot.

Mooring device-all sorts of devices to facilitate the mooring process.

sheerstrake- one of the side plating belts, thicker than the rest. Adjacent to the upper deck.

Hose- one turn of the rope.

frame- transverse part of the ship's skeleton, stiffener, part of the skeleton.

space- the distance between the frames.

Scupper- a hole for draining excess water.

Spring- mooring lines from bow to stern and vice versa.

Shturtros- a cable for connecting the steering wheel with the tiller, stock or PLA.


Yacht- Recreational vessel without tonnage limitation.

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The meaning of the word forepeak

forepeak in the crossword dictionary

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. The first bow compartment on the ship.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Forepeak (eng. forepeak, netherl. voorpiek) the extreme bow compartment of the vessel, where a tank for ballast water is usually placed.


(eng. forepeak, Dutch voorpiek), the extreme bow compartment of the vessel. Since the bow of the vessel is most susceptible to damage, classification societies regulate the smallest length F. sea vessels. F. is separated from the rest of the premises by a fore peak (ram) bulkhead. Usually a water tank is placed in the F. ballast, upon reception of which the depth of the bow increases, which reduces the impact of waves in the bottom of the vessel.



Forepeak- room in nasal parts of the ship between the stem and the first bulkhead, the extreme bow compartment of the ship. Usually serves to accommodate cargo or water ballast. The forepeak should not be confused with the tank.

Examples of the use of the word forepeak in the literature.

Forepeak- bow and after peak - aft compartments of the vessel with watertight bulkheads.

The katerniki filled the lockers in the cockpits with food, fore peaks and after peaks, free passages.

The wooden bulkhead that separated forepeak from the bow hold, and the fire received new food - a load of boxes with textiles.