Colorful lakes of kelimutu volcano indonesia. Colorful lakes of Kelimutu volcano, Indonesia (24 photos)

Among the huge number of beautiful lakes, there are those that have a special beauty. The color of the water at these lakes is far from what we are used to - as if you find yourself in another dimension, with beautiful landscapes of another planet. In this collection, I will tell you about the 10 most beautiful colored lakes in the world.

10. Lake Laguna Verde

Laguna Verde is a salt lake located in the southwest of the High Plains of Bolivia. For those who know Spanish, the name of the lake already speaks for itself - in translation, the lake is called the Green Lagoon. This name appeared for a reason, the water here is really green. The lake is located at the foot of the Licancabur volcano, and the beautiful green hue of the water is caused by a variety of minerals and other substances, including copper. colored lake also known for its hot springs

9. Lake Bande Amir in Afghanistan

This is a chain of 6 dark blue mountain lakes located high in the Hindu Kush mountains in central Afghanistan. In 2008 they became Afghanistan's first National Park. The lakes were formed by mineral-rich water that seeps through cracks in rocks and rocks. The reason for this shade of water lies precisely in the mineral-rich water.

8. Lake Pukaki in New Zealand

The water of Lake Pukaki can be characterized by a separate, own color, calling it glacier blue. The colorful lake was formed by melting glaciers many years ago. The lake is replenished with melt water to this day. Well, the special color of the water is achieved due to the microparticles contained in this water. Pukaki is the second largest lake in the Mackenzie Basin.

7. Laguna Colorada in Bolivia

Lake Laguna Colorada is located in Bolivia near the border with Chile. The reddish hue of the water depends on minerals, as well as algae blooming in certain time of the year. This place is also a breeding ground for many species of flamingos, including rare ones.

6. Colored lakes Kelimutu in Indonesia

Lake Kelimutu is one of the most beautiful colored lakes. Three lakes are located in the crater of the volcano, and each of them has its own color. The source of unique color combinations lies in the earth's crust and is known as fumaroles. Colored lakes are one of the most popular attractions of the island of Flores, attracting many tourists and explorers every year.

5. Havasu Falls in the Grand Canyon

Havasu Canyon - part Grand Canyon, the Havasupai tribe lives here. This is one of the most remote places in America, the best way to get here is by helicopter or along the 13-kilometer horse trail. Most amazing place Havasupai - colorful waterfalls and pools. Such a diverse color of water is caused by minerals settling at the bottom.

4. Glacial Lake Moraine in Canada

The amazing Moraine Lake was also formed as a result of the melting of glaciers. It is located in Banff National Park, in the valley of the Ten Peaks. The color of the water here is also caused by special particles contained in the melt water of glaciers. Around the lake there are many tourist routes and trails, the only danger may be grizzly bears, which are quite common here

3. Lake Nakuru in Kenya

Nakuru is one of the main attractions of Kenya, it is a very shallow lake in the East African Rift. The abundance of seaweed attracts the world's largest population of flamingos, with more than a million birds. Thanks to the birds from afar, the shores of the lake appear bright pink. Unfortunately, in recent years, the number of birds has been declining due to environmental pollution.

2. Lakes of the Jiuzhaigou Valley in China

Jiuzhaigou Valley in China is rich in many beautiful colorful lakes. locals These lakes are called Haiqi, which means "Son of the Sea". These lakes are also of glacial origin, the water here is very clear and visitors to the park can easily see the bottom of these lakes.

1. Plitvice Lakes in Croatia

Plitvice Lakes are one of the most famous sights in Croatia. These are 16 lakes located near the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, they are known for their unique colors. Each of the lakes has its own color of water, depending on the amount of minerals and the content of minerals in it.

This was a review of the most beautiful colored lakes in the world, most of which you can read in more detail in a separate article by clicking on the link. Read also about the largest lakes in the world in a separate selection

The Kelimutu volcano is mystical place located on the island of Flores, lost in the ocean, which is rarely visited by tourists due to its remoteness and underdeveloped tourism infrastructure. Even in the sky, flying over Flores, you can see a bright turquoise spot that stands out sharply against the dark green that covers the island. This is one of the three Kelimutu crater lakes, with which the legends and beliefs of local residents are closely intertwined.

(Total 17 photos)

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1. Kelimutu lakes are located in a volcano on the island of Flores (height 1639 m.), which belongs to the Indonesian Eastern Lesser Sunda Islands. The volcano last erupted in 1968, after which it shows no signs of activity. After the eruption, depressions-colders formed in the magma, in which water from atmospheric precipitation forms three lakes.

2. Why are Kelimutu lakes famous? Not even because they are multi-colored, but because the lakes are constantly changing color. For example, a black lake becomes turquoise after a few years, then red, and then green. This variability is explained by the presence of dissolved minerals of various nature in the water. Chemical reactions between them lead to the dynamic multicolored Kelimut. Green is sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, red is the result of the reaction of hydrogen sulfide with iron, although in recent years the water of the red lake has darkened, and now it has become almost black. As can be seen from the photographs, the two lakes are literally a few meters apart, and yet their depths contain different minerals, respectively, and they themselves are painted in different colors.

3. Representatives of the local Lio tribe tell the legend of Kelimutu. According to this legend, the souls of the dead go to the lakes. The souls of old people live in the red lake, the souls of those who died young live in the green lake, and the souls of children live in the white one. According to another version, sinners and murderers fall into the red lake, young people into the green one, old people and the righteous into the turquoise one. It is difficult for Europeans to understand the philosophy of the Lio tribe, although they themselves distribute souls without any problems and even claim that the color change indicates that the spirits living in the lakes are angry.

4. Official names lakes are as follows: in the west of the volcano (at a distance from others) - Tivu-Ata-Mbupu (lake of the elderly), the other two - Tivu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Tai (lake of boys and girls) and Tivu-Ata-Polo (enchanted lake ).

5. Residents of Flores believe that the souls of dead people fall into the lakes. The souls of the old people who have lived their lives with dignity go into the lake, which has a calm and deep dark green color, it is called the Lake of the Old People. The souls of innocent young people go into a lake of exciting bright turquoise color, which is called the Lake of Boys and Girls. And the souls of the villains go into the lake of dark brown color, which is called the Lake of Evil Souls. The Lake of Boys and Girls and the Lake of Evil Souls share a crater wall that symbolizes the fine line between innocence and evil. The Lake of the Old Men is somewhat aloof and symbolizes the wisdom that comes with age. Locals claim that if the living anger the souls of the dead, the lakes will change their color. Especially often the lake of Boys and Girls changes color, it is said that in the last twenty-five years the lake has changed its color twelve times.

6. Of course, scientists have their own explanation for the Kelimutu phenomenon, they argue that the lake is rich in special minerals that change their color depending on natural conditions and underground activity. But, the inhabitants of Flores still tend to stick to their point of view and most travelers who come here share the beliefs of the inhabitants. Here, indeed, there is a special mystical atmosphere and a feeling of absolute peace and silence, which makes you lower your voice, slow down and think about the eternal...

7. Admire the magnificent views of the Kelimutu lakes from the top of the Kelimutu volcano (1690 meters above sea level). The way to the top is not difficult and takes about 2 hours. The easiest way to get to the foot of Kelimutu is from the village of Moni, which is located just a few kilometers from the volcano. You can also go to Kelimut from Labuanbajo or Maumere. Such a trip will take all day and will cost at least $100, including transport, driver, guide and entrance fee to Kelimutu National Park.

February 28, 2014

Indonesia is the land of a thousand islands. And how many fire-breathing volcanoes are there?! Some of them sleep, while others constantly disturb the inhabitants of the country.

The famous volcano Kelimutu is located on the island of Flores. Since 1968, this sleeping giant has shown no signs of volcanic activity. Kelimutu is an ancient one that has an amazing feature.

Bright spots at the top of the volcano

Kelimutu reaches a height of 1639 meters. At its top, after the last eruption, three craters of various shapes appeared, which after a while were filled with precipitation water.

Reservoirs that are nearby change their color. Turquoise, red, brown, black, green - this is how lakes become in different periods of time!

Scientists suggest that the lakes change color from the contents due to a chemical reaction that occurs when various gases and minerals interact.

For example, the reaction between iron and hydrogen sulfide gas produces a brownish-red tint. With an increase in the level of both hydrochloric and sulfuric acids, a rich green color appears.

The legend of the most unusual lakes in the world

The inhabitants of the village of Moni, which lies very close to the foot of the volcano, believe that these reservoirs are the abode of the souls of dead ancestors. If , then the souls are angry.

Lake Tivu-Ata-Mbulu, located in the west of the volcano, is called the lake of old people. According to legend, it sheltered the noble souls of people who lived their lives with dignity, those who died at a ripe old age. "Lake of the Old" is a symbol of faith, knowledge and wisdom that comes with age.

Two other strange chameleon lakes are located in the neighborhood. They are separated only by a thin partition - the wall of the crater. The inhabitants of the island of Flores believe that this is a fine line separating good and evil.

The names of the lakes explain this idea. After all, one of these volcanic formations Tivu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Tai, which is called the lake of boys and girls, keeps the innocent, young souls of those who passed away very early.

Incredibly, 12 times over the past quarter of a century! the water in the lake changed its color. Behind the partition is the "lake of black, evil souls" Tivu-Ata-Polo, where the souls of sinners languish.

Miraculous transformations in the volcanic lakes of Kelimutu

It is impossible to know for sure what color the water will be tomorrow in each of the lakes. Now the “lake of old people” is black, the lake of “young souls” is green. The enchanted "lake of sinners" is currently brown.

Previously, these reservoirs were, respectively, white, turquoise and red. In 2010, Tivu-Ata-Mbulu was painted dark green, Tivu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Thai was painted a beautiful vibrant turquoise, and Lake Tivu-Ata Polo was tinted with moss green.

How to get to colored lakes in Indonesia

Thousands of travelers during their holidays in Indonesia visit National Park Kelimutu to see chameleon lakes. The village of Moni can be reached from the towns of Ende (51 km) and Maumere (62 km). Next up is the road trip. 40 minutes - and you are at the parking lot near the foot of the volcano. Another half an hour - and colored lakes will appear before you.

At the top is a comfortable observation deck, from which guests of Indonesia can enjoy a fantastic landscape. Sunsets and sunrises give the lakes bright, rich colors. In the late morning, thick fog thickens the atmosphere of secrets and mysteries in the area around the lakes.

Important: beware of walking on the volcanic stone outside the designated paths. An experienced guide will help you plan the route. Remember that the surface of the rocks on the slopes of the volcano is very slippery. Do not approach the lakes, because the vapors cause fainting.

The volcanoes of Indonesia, including the mysterious giant Kelimutu with colored lakes, are on the list of attractions of this island country. natural objects national park Kelimutu in Indonesia are protected by UNESCO.

Kelimutu and its colored lakes photo

Planet Earth created mass incredible places which simply amaze with their beauty. However, the colorful lakes will surely surprise even the most seasoned traveler. Some of these lakes have a permanent unusual color due to the minerals and chemicals they contain, others turn into unusual colors only temporarily - due to the action of microorganisms or algae. One thing unites them - they all look like a surrealist fantasy.

Red lake of the island of Cyprus.

There is a lake in Cyprus that is completely blood red. It is so bright that it may seem that it is not water, but really blood. Yeah, this place is good for filming horror movies. The water in the lake is dead, and, in general, it is not considered a lake. The fact is that this is an iron ore quarry, which is why the bright red color of the water is created.

Pink lake in Senegal

Lake Retba is salty and almost lifeless. However, its main advantage, in addition to the high content of mineral salts, is the color, which ranges from purple to delicate pink, reminiscent of the color of a strawberry milkshake. The color of the lake is given by cyanobacteria that live in its water.

This lake is also distinguished by the fact that its depth rarely exceeds three meters. However, in order to drown here, you need to try very hard - the salt concentration is 1.2 times higher than in the Dead Sea. By the way, it was the shallow depth of the lake that caused him such an unusual color; once Retba was an ordinary sea lagoon, which then turned into an ordinary salt Lake, and in the 1970s, during the period of terrible droughts, it became shallow and acquired the color that glorified it throughout the planet.

Lake Laguna Verde.

This salt lake is located in Bolivia and is green because it is located at the foot of the volcano. Due to the mass of minerals and many other substances, water acquires a rich emerald color.

In Bolivia, there is another colorful lake - the Great Salt Lake Laguna Colorado, located in national reserve Eduardo Avaroa in the southwestern part. It is painted bright red. True, this time it's not only about sedimentary rocks, but also about the pigmentation of algae, which grow abundantly there.

The red color of the lake harmonizes well with pink flamingos that live there, and the shores covered with white borax crystals.

It's extremely beautiful place, since there are not one, but three lakes that formed right in the crater of a volcano on the island of Florence. All three lakes have different colors, which together looks just magical. The lakes are located very close to each other and can change the color of the water. At different times, the lakes are either turquoise or green, or red or brown, or even black.

According to ecologists, the color of water changes depending on the chemical reactions taking place in it. These chemical reactions occur between all kinds of minerals and gas. According to the stories of experts in chemical reactions, a shade of red occurs during the reaction of iron and hydrogen sulfide, while green color occurs with a high concentration of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. Local residents are developing their theory related to the souls of deceased relatives. If the water is green or blue, the souls of the ancestors are calm, if the liquid is dark red or black, this is preceded by an angry spirit of the dead.

The lakes were named according to a legend that was tied to each reservoir. The western lake, it is separated from the others by a kilometer of stones, is called the "Lake of the Old Men" (Tivu-Ata-Mbupu). According to legend, the souls of people who lived their lives with dignity and died of old age remain in this lake. This lake is associated with the knowledge and wisdom that comes with age. The central lake Tiwu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Tai is named after the young, literally meaning "lake of boys and girls." According to legend, young souls go to this lake, and because of this, its color often changes.

The last "Enchanted Lake" is Tivu-Ata-Polo. According to legend, it contains the souls of villains, it is also called the "lake of evil souls." According to their location, the lakes Tivu-Nua-Muri-Kooh-Tai and Tivu-Ata-Polo have a thin rock partition, which, according to legend, symbolizes the fine line between good and evil. Especially for viewing the colorful flowers of the lake, an observation deck was mounted at the very top of Kelimutu. It is from this place that you can see the bright colors of the lake at sunrise or sunset.

Lake Pukaki is located at an altitude of almost 500 meters, near Canterbury, almost a hundred miles from Timaru. The lake is huge - its area is a little over 50 square kilometers. The main rivers of New Zealand, the Tasman and the Hooker, flow into Lake Pukaki. The water temperature rarely rises above seven degrees. The age of the lake, according to the calculations of scientists, is approximately 16-18 thousand years ...

The water of Lake Pukaki can be characterized by its own color, calling it glacier blue. The colorful lake was formed by glaciers that melted many years ago. The lake is replenished with melt water to this day. Well, the special color of the water is achieved due to the microparticles contained in this water.

Lake of Five Flowers in China.

Five Flowers Lake in China is located on the territory of the most picturesque valley - Jiuzhaigou. This is one of the most beautiful and mysterious reservoirs on the planet, the research of which still baffles scientists. The peculiarity of the "Five Flowers" is that from time to time the water in the lake changes its color.

Its color changes from yellow to dark green from time to time, but most of the time the water is diamond blue. This place is shrouded in many secrets and mysteries, while many neighboring lakes periodically shallow and dry up, the water level in this reservoir is always constant. Five Flowers do not freeze in winter, although all neighboring lakes are covered with ice. For this reason, local residents are afraid and reverent about these places.

Asphalt Lake Peach Lake

Peach Lake(eng. Pitch Lake - bituminous lake) - Lake, consisting of pure liquid asphalt, is located in the southwest of the island of Trinidad near locality La Brea. It has an area of ​​about 40 hectares and a depth of about 80 m. Asphalt reserves are estimated at more than 6 million tons, tens of thousands of which are mined every year. At current production levels, the lake will provide a renewable source of asphalt for 400 years.

Natural phenomenon - asphalt lake Peach Lake in Trinidad

This world's largest reservoir of natural asphalt was discovered by Walter Raleigh in 1595, who immediately found a use for it - bitumen was used to grind the wooden plating of ships. Currently, it is a tourist attraction, which is visited by about 20 thousand people a year. In addition, high-quality asphalt is mined from the lake, which is exported.

Natural phenomenon - asphalt lake Peach Lake in Trinidad

According to legend, at the place where the lake is located, there was a settlement of the Chima Indian tribe. After defeating the enemy tribe, the Indians held a feast with a feast where they ate big number sacred hummingbirds, forgetting that they are believed to be the spirits of their ancestors. As punishment, the gods opened the ground and caused a lake of tar, swallowing up the entire village and its inhabitants.

An amazing natural phenomenon on one of the Gippsland lakes in Australia. This lake, as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, began to glow with blue light, like a large neon lamp.

A spectacle of incomparable beauty and a very rare natural phenomenon.

acid lake

Very dangerous place on planet Earth, the ill-fated Acid Lake or Lake of Death is considered a large body of water located in Sicily. On the banks this lake there is no vegetation and animals, even birds do not fly over the lead-gray water. Swimming in such a lake is deadly. The reason is that the water of the lake contains sulfuric acid in a huge concentration.

Sour Lake is located in Kamchatka, in the crater of the Paleo-Semyachik volcano. The waters of this lake, due to the dissolution of the gas phase, are saturated with acids. The beautiful light green color of the lake is caused by the smallest particles of sulfur in the water, which were carried out from the depths of the volcano by fumaroles. To taste, the water of the lake is burning - sour. And the amount of salts in the water is much higher than in sea water.

Located on Flores Island Indonesian Kelimutu volcano reaches a height of 1639 meters and is one of the active ones. The popularity of this natural object due to its unique beauty and mystery.

Kelimutu Volcano, Indonesia

Colored in the crater lakes of volcano Kelimutu, which appeared after the eruption in 1968, differ in their picturesque tone, which they periodically change.

Red, black, brown, turquoise, green - in what colors the waters of the Kelimutu lakes are not painted due to the minerals dissolved in them. Each lake has its own name: “Lake of the Old Men” (Tivu-Ata-Mbupu), “Lake of Boys and Girls” (Tivu-Nua-Murikooh-Tai), “Enchanted Lake” (Tivu-Ata-Polo). With each of the multi-colored reservoirs, local residents associate their own legend.

In Tivu-Ata-Mbupu, according to the Indonesians, the souls of elderly people who have lived their lives worthily end up. The main color of the Old Men's Lake is turquoise.
The innocent souls of young people go to Tivu-Nua-Murikooh-Tai. The main color of this lake is green.
Red like blood, Tivu-Ata-Polo draws in the souls of sinners and murderers. Locals believe that the change in the color of the waters of one of the lakes indicates that the souls of the ancestors were angry with their living descendants for something. In some cases, changes in the tone of lake waters are associated with predictions of natural and man-made disasters in Indonesia.

Kelimutu volcano: nature

In the morning, the slopes of the volcano are covered with thick fog.

It is best to admire the colored lakes in the afternoon. The way to the top takes about two hours. The area near the lakes is characterized by increased danger. Tourists need to be extremely careful if they do not want to replenish the waters that fill volcano Kelimutu (Indonesia).

Volcano Kelimutu Indonesia