Role playing island. Summary of the quest game "Incredible adventures on a desert island

Poleva Galina
Team building training "Desert Island"

Topic: « desert island» .

Target: Team building.

Plan: 1. Group warm-up.

2. Main part:

a) collective drawing"Our house".

b) «» .

3. Final part.

1. Warming up the group.

a) "Handshake and Bow". (Participants greet each other using greeting rituals adopted in different cultures).

Now we will greet each other using the greeting rituals adopted in different cultures. Greeting cards are distributed.

* hug and kiss 3 times alternately on both cheeks (Russia);

* slight bow with crossed arms (China);

* slight bow, palms folded in front of the forehead (India);

* slight bow, arms and palms extended at the sides (Japan);

* a simple handshake and a glance into the gas (Germany);

* rub each other's noses (Eskimo tradition).

One of the participants starts "welcome circle": steps to the middle and salutes the partner on the right. Then he goes clockwise and greets all the members of the group in turn.

Then another participant enters the circle, standing to the right of the first, etc. and greets everyone with a new gesture.

b) "O collective» (In a circle, name what in collective like the most

2. The main part.

a) collective drawing"Our house".

Let's draw for our collective house where it would be good for everyone. To do this, each participant will come to the table and draw a line or element of the house and its surroundings on the paper. What is already drawn cannot be erased, it can only be drawn.

The leader starts first. In addition, he encourages participants to draw not only parts of the house, but also its interior environment, fill the space around it. Can draw "glass" house. All. What the participants do is commented on cheerfully and kindly. Everyone has the right to draw what they want. The task runs as long as there is space left on the sheet, and "artists"- enthusiasm.

b) « Desert island with cannibals» .

You are flying on an airplane. Suddenly it crashes over island where cannibals live. The island is rich in game, animals, a lot of vegetation. Your team has the opportunity to bring 6 of the following items with them to set up on island and live there. So, make a list of things that you will take with you. (6 pcs).

1. Bowls, mugs, spoons - 9 kg.

2. Flare gun - 6 kg.

3. Geographical maps and compass - 2 kg.

4. Canned meat - 20 kg.

5. Owner. inventory - 12 kg.

6. Canister with drinking water - 20 liters.

7. First aid kit - 7 kg.

8. Rifle with a supply of cartridges - 30 kg.

9. Condoms and other means of contraception - 0.5 kg.

10. Chocolate - 10 kg.

11. Gold, diamonds - 25 kg.

12. Big dog - 55 kg.

13. Fishing tackle - 1 kg.

14. A selection of useful games about everything - 15 kg.

15. Toilet soap, shampoo - 1kg.

16. Warm clothes - 8 kg.

17. Salt, sugar, vitamins - 9 kg.

18. Medical alcohol - 10 liters.

Announce the list of things.

Who will be your leader?

How will you distribute responsibilities?

How will you share food between group members?

How will you make the overall decision?

Will there be microgroups in your group?

Now let's draw conclusions about the degree team cohesion.

3. Final part.

"Circle Wishes".

Let's wish everyone here something pleasant at once. We wish in turn clockwise.

I wish you to always go to work with joy and get great pleasure from your work and from communication with members team!

Role-playing game "Desert Island"

Participants are divided into three teams of 6 people. They are seated in three different houses and given tasks that they perform almost all day. Ugroki almost do not communicate with other teams.

"Desert Island"

By the will of fate, you ended up on a desert island. Here is a rich animal and vegetable world but there are dangers; poisonous plants, cold winters, possible cannibal visits from neighboring islands. It is possible to hold out as a close-knit group, but alone it is almost impossible. In the next 20 years, you can return to normal life in your native land. Your task is to create conditions in which you could survive. Understand the seriousness and drama of what happened, especially during such a period of time people sometimes go wild, anger and fights to the death flare up behind irritability. This is no place for frivolity - you need something to eat and you need to survive.

Adjust yourself accordingly, observe yourself: how will you manifest yourself in this life?

You must master this island, organize a household. Draw a map of the island on a piece of paper and label it.

Issues to be resolved:

Who is your leader?

What are his levers of power?

How will you solve the issue of distribution? All equally? By labor contribution? Give more to the strong, for they are more useful? Give more to the sick and the weak?

Will your community make decisions by majority vote? Can men, if they are in the majority, decide for women?

Will your community interfere with privacy? Does a person have the right to disobey and live in his own way? What will be the sanctions for non-fulfillment, lil poor performance of duties?

Is a split in the colony possible? What to do if one group begins to dictate its terms to another, weaker one? If someone wants to live separately, does he have the right to his own plot of the island? For part of the property? Which one exactly?

What will be the punishment for the crime committed? Will there be a death penalty? Who will be the executioner?

How will you decide the relationship between men and women?

Does anyone have the right to lead a life that makes him weak, sickly, a burden to others?

Do you now have offended, dissatisfied? Can you help them now?

Will you have weekends, holidays? What, when?

The issue of power is important: the seizure of power (one strong man negotiates with another strong one, wins over the waverers and suppresses the fragmented opposition, dictating his own conditions to it), democracy of councils (every minor issue is debated for a long time, and a general solution is not worked out).

You are given complete freedom of action within the task. Choose a "chronicler" to record your decisions, to keep a "chronicle of life." Try to keep your stay on the island active and eventful.

Maybe you will manage not only to survive, but also to create an ideal society.

Additional task: tell about your island and state your life positions

During the game, discussions are held every 15 minutes (for this, each team receives questions):

a) friendly, kind, cheerful atmosphere: who creates warmth, who is conflicted?

b) Are the decisions made constructive, guilty of unconstructive discussions, who puts forward the business decisions?

c) Is the invented plot dynamic, are the participants active in the invented plot?

d) who is passive in the game?

At the end of the game. It is necessary to discuss questions: What have I done for a prosperous life on the island? Which community is the most attractive--- Barbarians, Sages, Humanists, Laborers?

It's great to stretch the game for a day (if possible) and try to isolate the children from each other as much as possible ... agree with them to communicate together, or rather, did not communicate on the topic of training and what is happening in their team with members of other teams. Well, and when they spend time all together (well, there is every meal) no matter what they say on these topics. But in the evening, arrange a show-story of each team about their island and life-being on it ....

Uninhabited island. Another trip

The game "Desert Island" is well known to all specialists in the field of psychological training and to everyone who is actively involved in training work. Most often it is used as a warm-up procedure, sometimes as an exercise aimed at developing effective communication skills and the ability to work together. However, I think the potential of this game is much richer. By reinforcing the element of dramatization, this psycho-technique can be turned into an effective means for the participants to realize their goals and values, to manifest the sociometric structure of the group and the social positions of its members.

Leading. Imagine that our entire group was on a large ocean-going ship sailing across the Atlantic. The journey was pleasant and interesting. However, in tropical latitudes, the ship was caught in a storm of terrifying force. Our situation was aggravated by the fact that a fire broke out in the hold, which instantly spread throughout the ship. Fortunately, there were no problems with the boats on the ship, but by the will of fate, half of the members of our group ended up in one boat, and half in the other.

In the traditional version of the game, no division of the group into two parts is made. In our modification, this seems necessary for many reasons, in particular, to enhance gambling and competitiveness. There are many ways to split a group. For example, yes. The host quickly commands: “Stand up, those who immediately begin rescue work!” The first two who jumped up from their seats are declared leaders rescue work. Each of them is invited to choose one participant, whom he will carry into his boat. Then the selected participants in turn choose the next ones and so on until the group is divided into two parts. If there is an odd number of participants, then a situation will arise when one of them remains unclaimed. (You've probably already guessed that this procedure is sociometric in nature.) An "unclaimed" participant may feel quite uncomfortable. Therefore, the facilitator should make this situation positive, for example by inviting the leaders of the two groups to argue about the right to this last participant. Let the leader give a brief monologue and prove that, due to such and such virtues, this person is needed in his boat. After that, the participant himself chooses a team for himself. Members of both teams form two separate circles.

Leading. Storm waves scattered the boats and carried them in different directions from the shipwreck. The hurricane did not stop for another day, and when it finally subsided, the exhausted people on both boats saw land on the horizon. Delighted, they rushed to the shore, unaware of two things: firstly, that in front of them was not the mainland, but islands, and, secondly, about the reefs hidden under water. Both boats shattered into pieces from hitting the stone reefs, but it was already possible to swim to the shore. After some time, both teams set foot on the solid ground of uninhabited islands. Alas, different! It so happened that you found yourself in a place unknown to you, having lost your swimming equipment and having nothing but what this moment is in your pockets. You are given fifteen minutes to decide what to do in such a situation and how you will spend the next day on these islands. The size of the island, landscape, climate, vegetation and animal world and other circumstances you can set yourself.

In order not to repeat ourselves in the future, we indicate that at each stage, up to fifteen minutes are allocated for discussion. If the groups come up with their solution faster, they report it to the facilitator. The participants discuss the situation. The facilitator should pay attention to how the discussion is organized, who leads it, whether people listen to each other. After fifteen minutes, representatives of each team report on the results of the discussion. At this stage, as a rule, messages do not differ in variety: the islands are covered with tropical forests, the climate is mild, there are no dangerous predators, but there are goats, there is water and a lot of fruits. "Robinsons" actively study their islands and diligently give signals to rescuers.

Leading. Well, your islands turned out to be very comfortable. However, day after day passes, and not a single ship is visible on the sea horizon and neither an airplane nor a helicopter appears in the sky. And you begin to guess that the islands turned out to be remote from the busy sea and air routes and, perhaps, the rescuers have already stopped searching for the passengers of the ship, considering them dead. A month has passed. It seems that your stay on the island may be delayed and turn out to be much longer than you expected. You have to get organized somehow. So what are you doing?

Discussion! At this stage of work, a deeper immersion into the game reality takes place. Priorities are outlined in the purposes and meanings of life on the island, various ways of obtaining food and organizing leisure activities are proposed (some "settlers" create amateur art circles, some - lecture halls in all areas of knowledge, so as not to lose cultural baggage, etc.). After each group reports about their life on the island, the facilitator can ask the following questions.

How do you build relationships with each other? Do you have a leader? Who is he? How do you solve the most difficult questions in your life? How is the division of labor and duties? Who is responsible for what?

In fact, group members begin to design a new world order, create it according to the laws that they consider correct and necessary.

Leading. So, you have completely settled down on the island, adjusted your life. In the meantime, two years have passed ... And one day the waves of the surf carried the skeleton of a small yacht ashore. It probably suffered during the storm, because it was so broken that it could not be restored. However, a compartment was miraculously preserved in it, where carpentry tools lay - axes, saws, nails, etc., and besides, you found an empty bottle on the yacht. The latest discovery, of course, gave you the idea to send a letter, entrust it to the waves, and let people know that you are alive and well. Please write a letter to put in this bottle. Just in case, I remind you that you do not know the coordinates of your island.

The members write letters together, often being creative in their ways of describing the location of their island and talking about their lives in a humorous way. It is curious that already at this stage, as a rule, someone says that to return to " mainland”I don’t really want to ... Letters are read aloud.

Leading. The letter has been sent. But now you have carpentry tools. What will you do with them? Will you take advantage of this gift of fate?

After conferring, the teams usually decide to build a raft to try to get to the mainland on it. From this point on, the scenarios of events on the two islands may differ significantly. Several lines of development emerge, and the facilitator must be prepared for unexpected twists and turns and improvisations. The fact is that, for example, part of a team wants to go on a risky voyage on a raft, and part may oppose this idea. The facilitator suggests that the participants somehow solve this problem. If the "navigators" still insist and are ready to "break away" from the main mass, the host asks them to sit away from the circle ("you are on the way"). In the other team, perhaps, such a split does not occur and they are united in their decision - to swim or not to swim. If someone remains on the islands, the leader gives a new introduction.

Host. After a while, very far on the horizon, you saw a silhouette big ship. But he passed by, and the people from him did not notice the desperate signals you were giving. A day later, a small single boat washed ashore. It was brand new, with a full tank of gas. Apparently, it was accidentally dropped from the side of a ship passing earlier, or maybe it was washed away by a wave. Either way, you have another chance. Do you use it and how? This is one of the most interesting moments in the game. Participants quickly come to the conclusion that going in search of land on a small one-man boat is a very risky activity. After all, if gasoline runs out before the earth meets, the lone brave man will be forced to drift across the endless ocean until he dies of hunger and thirst. Who will decide on this? Dramatic choice. Almost always there are people who are ready for self-sacrifice. (Some offer a compromise: search for land until the tank is half empty, then return - however, the risk still remains.) From this point on, there is almost always a need for different instructions for the inhabitants of each of the islands. An experienced host can come up with their own moves. I offer several options (with any of them, the participants must make a certain decision).

The first option (someone sailed away on a raft)

Leading. You did not have time to move too far from the island, when you saw a ship moving directly towards you. Your cries were heard, and in less than a few minutes you were already taken aboard. Joy overwhelmed you, you excitedly told the captain about the years spent on the island, asked him to change the route in order to pick up your comrades from the island. The captain agreed. However, your joy turned out to be, alas, premature: it was a ship of modern slave-trading pirates. By naively showing the way to the island, you have turned your friends into captives. Meanwhile, as is typical of cruel people, the pirate captain suddenly showed sentimentality. Taking into account the misfortunes you experienced, he decided to make a noble gesture and leave you on the island, but not all of you: he will take two - of your choice - with him to sell to drug dealers to work on poppy plantations. He gave you time until morning, and in the morning these two should come to his ship. Decide how to be in such a situation!

Second option (everyone stayed on the island)

Leading. One morning you saw a ship entering the bay of the island. You couldn't believe your eyes: your dream of meeting people has finally come true. You rushed to the shore to meet the boat that had left the ship. As soon as the boat moored, you rushed to the sailors and began to excitedly talk about your fate ... Further, the events are similar to those described in the first version. Again there is a situation of dramatic choice. Sometimes volunteers appear ready to sacrifice themselves to save the rest - often this is due to their confidence that they will be able to escape from captivity. It happens that the participants decide to surrender to the pirates together. It is also possible that the participants come to the idea of ​​engaging with the pirates in battle. The host, of course, does not interfere and does not comment on what is happening, but he will have to come up with further plot moves in the given logic.

The third option (all members of the group become captives of pirates)

Leading. The captain locked you in the hold, and the ship went to sea. In less than two days, from the fuss and shouts from above, you realized that something had happened. Shots rang out. The pirate ship was overtaken by police boats. Not knowing that the pirates had prisoners, the police opened fire with cannons and machine guns. A fire broke out in the hold, but, fortunately for you, due to a shell hit, a hole was formed in the ceiling. Through a narrow opening, you can climb out onto the deck in turn. But the fire is blazing with might and main. It is impossible to say whether everyone will have time to get out of the burning room. The one who will be the first will surely be saved, and the farther from the beginning of the queue, the less chance of being saved. Decide how you will get out, in what order?

Fourth option (there are two who are given to the pirates, or the participants decide to fight the pirates)

Leading. You took cover from enemies in a cave. But here's the bad luck: it was at that moment that a long dormant volcano suddenly woke up. The eruption that began was accompanied by powerful tremors, from which the vaults of the cave began to collapse. The entrance was almost filled up with stones - only a very small hole remained, into which one could hardly squeeze through. Any minute the ceiling of the cave will collapse and you could all die. The one who will be the first will surely be saved, and the farther from the beginning of the queue, the less chance of being saved. Decide how you will get out, in what order? The similarity of emerging situations that set the space for choice - sociometric and moral - is quite obvious. The way the members of the group behave will largely reflect the system of relations that have arisen between them, and will clearly highlight many of the life values ​​and orientations of people. This procedure is quite tough, but it seems to me that in groups of high school students you can take a chance. Of course, at the end of the game, the feelings and thoughts of the guys at that particular moment, all the proposals made and the criteria on which they relied when choosing a line of behavior, should be discussed in particular detail. This situation is climactic. After it, you need to move on to the last stage of the game. The game must be completed in a major. Leading. You all managed to get to the deck (out of the cave). And you immediately saw armed men approaching you. But you should not be afraid anymore: these are policemen from a special department for combating drug mafia and Russian sailors. A helicopter roared over your head. These people did not appear by chance: on the high seas they met a raft on which your friends were sailing (a single boat on which N went for help) and learned about the misfortunes that befell you. A few days later you were at home. It is important for the presenter not to forget all the characters and "bring" them home in one way or another. After congratulations on the end of the adventure, we should move on to discussing the game.

Issues for discussion

  • Are you satisfied with your adventures?
  • What episodes of the game were the most interesting for you?
  • In what situations was it especially difficult for you to make a decision?
  • Were you satisfied with the decisions the group came to?
  • Why did you decide (didn't dare) to go sailing on a raft (on a single boat)?
  • Why did N take the risk?
  • How did you feel when you found yourself in a situation of choosing whom to sacrifice to the pirates?
  • Did you easily agree with the place that you were taken in line for rescue during a fire (earthquake)?
  • Were you yourself active during your life on the island and other events, or did you prefer to follow the leaders?
  • Who was the leader? Why? Was he given this right by the group, or did he take the initiative himself?

The game may take more than two hours. However, time should not be wasted on discussion. It should be detailed and multilateral - only then the training participants will see a deep psychological meaning behind the fascinating plot of the game.

- the emergence of interest in one's own inner world and the inner world of the other;
- the formation of ideas about their capabilities, abilities;
- formation of constructive behavior in various situations;
- development of communication skills;
- increasing group cohesion.
materials: bell, numbered cards with the names of birds, animals, insects (according to the number of participants), map, blindfold, cards for the “I am the opposite” exercise, paper, pencils.


Leading. Today I invite you for a walk on the sea. Unusual walk along the Magic Sea of ​​the Land of fairy tales. A beautiful sailing ship awaits us, rocking on the soft waves. We climb the ladder, driven by the cries of seagulls and gentle breeze.

Relaxation exercise
"Peaceful place for reflection"

Leading. Magic sea Land of fairy tales - the sea is unusual. It has the gift of foresight. Now I want you to think for a while and come up with a question that you really want to know the answer to.
Does everyone have these questions? If you have already thought of this question, please raise your hand. I want to show you how you yourself, with the help of the Enchanted Sea, can answer, in whole or in part, your question.
Sit comfortably and close your eyes... Take three deep breaths and exhale and find inside yourself a point of inner peace - a place in the soul where it is quiet and calm.
If you listen carefully, you can hear the waves gently rolling on the shore. Perhaps at first the sound of the sea is heard somewhere far away, but gradually the rustle of a wave rolling on the shore becomes louder and louder. Then the wave rolls back... Then it rushes ashore again and retreats again...
The rhythm of the surf sounds even and soothing. Let the waves wash away and carry away your worries. And just as the waves smooth the sand on the shore, they can make your mind calm and clear.
The sun is setting and colors the sky in gold, red, pink and lilac tones. You feel the warmth of the evening sun with all your skin and, casting a glance at the water, you see glare playing on the waves.
Take a deep breath of air and feel the salty smell of the sea. The sea air is fresh and slightly humid. You can hear seagulls screaming as they let the wind blow them high into the sky. At times they hover almost motionless, freezing in the oncoming air flow. You feel completely calm and serene now.
Let's take advantage of the calm and silence of the sea to ask ourselves an important question. Find simple and clear words for your question. And while you are silently pronouncing your question, look into the sea distance and be prepared for the sea to give some answer.
Perhaps you will hear this answer through the sound of the surf ... Perhaps the sea will show some picture, some image ... Perhaps each of you will feel some feeling in yourself that will help you find the right answer ... Maybe it may also be that the sea will simply prompt new words so that you can clearly and clearly formulate your question (pause 30 seconds).
In any case, now you are familiar with this quiet and calm place in the depths of my soul. And you can come back here any time you want to think about something important.
Now we must say goodbye to this place and slowly return here to this room. Stretch, straighten up, open your eyes and be here again, fresh and alert.
Now have everyone take a piece of paper and draw a picture. You can draw the place by the sea where you were now, or the feeling that you experienced, or your question, or the answer you received. Draw what you want(You have 10 minutes to draw.)

Exercise Analysis

- Did you get any answer to your question?
- Has your question changed?
- How do you feel now?

Exercise "Sounding Force"

Leading. Meanwhile, the weather at sea has changed. The sky was covered with gray leaden clouds, a sharp cold wind rose. Flashes of lightning lit up the sky, peals of thunder shake our ship. An impenetrable darkness descended.
Get up from your seat for a moment and turn into this strong and vigorous wind that carries our sailboat. Take a very deep breath. Then draw full lungs of air and exhale again. This time, exhale with the sound "Whoo". Now try to pronounce this sound so that it looks like a gusty wind: either raising or lowering your voice. And after a while you will notice that by doing so you have saved your strength... (pause 30 seconds). Sit down.
Hiding from the raging storm, we went down to the cabin. But there is no escape here either. The strongest pitching does not allow us to find peace.

Exercise "Pushers"

Leading. Break into pairs. Stand at arm's length from each other. Raise your arms to shoulder height and rest your palms on the palms of your partner. At my signal, start pushing your partner with your palms, trying to move him from his place. If your partner moves you back, try to return to your seat. By placing one foot back, you will get excellent support.
Be careful, no one should hurt anyone. Don't push your partner against a wall or any furniture. If you get bored or tired, shout "Stop!" When "Stop!" I shout, everyone must stop.
Well, are you ready? Attention! Get ready! Started!
Have the kids practice a couple of times first. Once they are a little more comfortable with the game and the group is more open, you can ask the children to choose a partner they have ever been angry with.

Leading. All night we were carried along the raging sea. Only at dawn did the waves slow down. But the stormy night did not go unnoticed. Our ship has fallen into disrepair. It's a miracle it's still floating on the water. Torn sails, broken masts, holds full of water...
Luckily for us, land appeared on the horizon. Favourable wind takes us straight to it. Here we have a wonderful island. Once on the shore, we threw ourselves on the hot sand, delighted that at last we found ground under our feet.
However, happiness did not last long, because we realized that we were on ... a desert island.

(To be continued)


desert island


Exercise "Shake off"

Leading. I want to show you how you can easily and simply put yourself in order and get rid of unpleasant feelings.
Surely each of you saw how a wet dog shakes himself off. She shakes her back and head so hard that all the water splashes around. You can do pretty much the same.
Position yourself so that there is enough space around you. And start shaking your palms, elbows and shoulders. At the same time, imagine how everything unpleasant - bad feelings, heavy worries and bad thoughts about yourself - fly off you like water off a dog. Then dust off your legs from your toes to your thighs. And then shake your head. It will be even more useful if you make some sounds while doing this ...
Imagine that all the unpleasant burden falls off you and you become more cheerful and cheerful, as if you were born again.(30-60 seconds).

New acquaintance

Leading. Having come to our senses and cheered up a little, we, pretty hungry, went into the depths of the island in search of something to eat.
Not having passed even a hundred meters, we saw an amazing picture. Not far away, on a hillock, wonderful trees grew: bottles of lemonade hung on one, delicious cakes on the other, sandwiches with cheese and sausage on the third. Blinded by luck, we rushed forward, but when we were already two steps away from the intended goal, everything around us disappeared. Disappointed, we froze in bewilderment.
Suddenly, a thin voice rang out: “Well, let's get acquainted? I am Lemonadicus vulgaris. And everything that you have just seen is by no means an illusion or a mirage. We do exist. After all, I hope you have not forgotten that you are in the Land of Fairy Tales? And, of course, you can enjoy our fruits, but first solve the problem.

Analytical tasks

1. Owl, Donkey and Winnie the Pooh were given three balloons - a big green one, a big blue one and a small green one. How will they share these balloons among themselves, if Owl and Donkey like big balloons, and Donkey and Winnie the Pooh like green balloons?
2. Three girls - Anya, Katya and Marina - are engaged in three different circles: embroidery, dancing and choral singing. Katya is not familiar with the girl involved in dancing. Anya often visits a girl who does embroidery. Katya's friend Marina wants to add singing to her hobbies next year. Which girls do what?
Young children can be invited to solve riddles.

Leading. Well done! You did a great job and deserve a treat. What kind of wood do you like?
Having thoroughly refreshed ourselves and gained fresh strength, we decided to explore the island. And here our opinions were divided: some suggested going deep into the island, while others suggested going along the coast. The dispute began.

Exercise "Yes and No"

Leading. Think for a moment about how your voice usually sounds. Rather quiet, rather loud, rather medium?
Now you will need to use the full power of your voice. Break into pairs and stand in front of each other. Now you will have an imaginary battle with words.
Decide which of you will say the word "yes" and which will say the word "no". Your whole argument will consist of only these two words. Then you will change them.
You can start very quietly, gradually increasing the volume until one of you decides that it can't get any louder.
Please listen to the bell I brought with me. When you hear it ringing, stop, take a few deep breaths. At the same time, pay attention to how pleasant it is to be in silence after such a din and noise.

When starting this game, keep in mind that the classroom will be very noisy for a while.

Leading. Having decided on the direction, we hit the road. The whole day was spent on the hike. And when the sun was going down, we decided to look for a place to sleep. In the end, we stumbled upon a cozy cave, where we stopped.


Leading. In the morning we were awakened by a strange noise. When we opened our eyes, we found ourselves surrounded by armed men dressed in strange clothes and speaking in an unknown language. They signaled us to follow them through the winding corridors of the cave.
And soon an extraordinary sight appeared before us. It was real underground city. We walked through the gloomy, dirty streets until we ran into huge stone doors that opened only after our guards cast a spell.
- welcome to our underworld darkness,” said a metallic voice that made us shudder.
The owner of this voice sat on a high throne, wrapped in a black cloak.
We haven't had guests for a long time. Well, make yourself as comfortable as possible. After all, according to the laws of my country, a person who once got here has no right to return back to his world. Escort guests to their quarters.

At this point, interrupt the fairy tale. Give the children the opportunity to continue, to guess how this adventure will end. No comments or ratings. And after the students express their opinion, continue the tale.

Leading. Despair gripped us. We sat, unable to utter a word, in a room lit only by a dim candle, where the guards led us. Suddenly, a pink cloud appeared before our eyes, from which a beautiful creature emerged.
- Shh, don't be scared. I've come to help you run. I am Fairy Rada from the Land of Fairy Tales. Unfortunately, here, near the Evil Wizard, I cannot stay long. But I can still do something. Now I will turn you into insects, birds and animals. In this form, it will be easier for you to run. The rest is up to you. Ready?! Ding ding ding! - Rada's voice melted with the ringing of a bell.
And we, feeling unusual in a different form, rushed in search of a saving way out.
A few hours later we, tired from running through the winding corridors, but glad that we had coped with such a dangerous adventure ourselves, were basking in the rays of the afternoon sun.
Only one thing oppressed us - we could not return our real appearance. We tried every possible spell, but there was no result. And, when the situation already seemed hopeless, an insight dawned on us. We figured out how to deal with the problem.

Exercise "Pantomime"

Leading. FROM Now you will receive cards with the name of the creature into which the fairy Rada turned you. Look at what is written on them, but do not show anyone else. In order to turn into yourself, you will need to show without words what is written on your card, that is, what you have been turned into. The game begins with the participant number "1".


Leading. As soon as we got our real bodies, it was decided to flee this island as soon as possible. But when we came to the place where we left the boat, we found that there was no trace of it left.
The only thing we found on the shore was a corked bottle with incomprehensible contents. When we opened it, we found the message:

5 7 5 2 9 6 3 1 2.
8 9 4

1 - about 2 - t 3 - l 4 - I 5 - and 6 - p 7 - sh 8 - f 9 - e


Leading. Here is the map attached.(see fig.).
The raft was very close to the shore. We easily launched it into the water and set off on our way back. It seemed that our adventure had come to an end, but everything was just beginning, as we saw later.


desert island

Psychological game for younger students


Leading. While we were launching the raft, the Evil Wizard found out about our escape and decided to stop us at all costs.

The game "Raft among the rocks"

Leading. Stand up please form big circle. All who form the circle will be the shore. They must take each other's hands.
In the middle of the circle is the sea. But this is a very dangerous sea, because it has several rocky cliffs. We will make these "cliffs" a little later from chairs. One of you will be the raft and the other will be the helmsman.
We will blindfold the raft, and the helmsman will steer it with the help of words alone. At the same time, he will have to control the raft in such a way that it does not run into a single cliff.
Any of you can now say, “I want to be a raft,” and stand anywhere within the circle that becomes a harbor. At this point the journey begins. The one who has become a raft must ask one of you to become a helmsman who will steer the raft on its way across the sea between the rocks. After that, we will blindfold the "raft" eyes.
We still have to figure out which harbor the raft will go to. Any of the guys who form the shore can now say: "Let the raft float to me."
Now we know almost everything we need to start the game. We are missing only the rocks. Now four more of you can say, "We want to be rocks." These guys go out in a circle with their chairs and arrange such rocks on the proposed route of the raft, through which it will be quite difficult for the raft to reach the harbor.

You can, of course, adjust the number of "cliffs" depending on the level of development and age of the children.

The "rocks" remain seated in their chairs inside the circle, and then tell us if the "raft" hit them. The helmsman must guide the "raft" very carefully, telling him where to sail. He can give, for example, such commands: "Take two small steps forward", "Stop", "Turn to the right ... A little more", etc.
When the "raft" approaches the end point of its route, the "harbor" should say to the "raft": "You have reached the goal" - and joyfully embrace the "raft".

The Evil Wizard failed to sink our raft, and he decided to go the other way. He decided to move into one of us and thus deal with us.

Game "Burst in a circle"

Leading. Stand in one big circle and clasp your hands tightly. One must stay behind the circle and try to break into the circle. As soon as he succeeds, the next one should go outside the circle and try to break into it. Please be careful not to hurt anyone.

Give the opportunity to as many children as possible to penetrate the circle on their own. The one who does not succeed is the embodiment of the Evil Wizard.
If all the children managed to get into the circle, then the next trick is possible.

Yes, the Evil Wizard is very cunning. It's not that easy to unmask him. But we have another opportunity to deprive him of his power.

The game "I'm on the contrary"

Participants are given cards. On one of them there is an inscription "Initiate", and on the other - "Evil Wizard", the rest are empty. The one who gets the first card becomes the driver. His task is to find the Evil Wizard.
The initiate asks children questions about their external and internal characteristics, family, hobbies, and the like. The participants answer the truth, and only the Evil Wizard answers the opposite. According to the answers, the Initiate draws conclusions and exposes the Evil Wizard.


Leading. So, the Evil Wizard is defeated, and we can safely end our voyage. The adventure brought us very close, we learned a lot about each other. And what exactly, you tell us now.

Exercise "Recipe for Cooking a Friend"

Leading. Break into pairs. First, think and remember everything you know about your neighbor: about his appearance, family, what he likes to eat, who he prefers to play with, what clothes he likes to wear, what games he likes, where he usually walks. Then, please, take a sheet of paper and write down a recipe with everything you need to “cook” such a friend.
For example:
Recipe for cooking Dima
- blond short hair
- two brown eyes
- freckles,
- one big, always smiling mouth,
- 28 shiny teeth,
- one strong slender body.
Cooking method:
Mix all. Add a cheerful laugh and a sonorous voice. Yes, more, otherwise you won’t get the real Dima. The face must be turned towards the sun so that the eyes sparkle brighter.
On top of that, don't forget the soccer ball and sneakers.

Emphasize to the children that only positive qualities should be mentioned. At the end of the procedure, collect the recipes and read them out (omitting the name), and the children will have to guess who they are talking about. After that, each student gives his recipe to a partner.

Leading. The way back was fun and joyful. We felt happy because we managed to free the land of fairy tales from the spell of the Evil Wizard. And we knew that we succeeded only because we were together, all as one.

Exercise "I like you"

Leading. Please sit in one common circle. Together we will make one big colored web that connects us together. In addition, each of us can express our kind thoughts and feelings for our classmates. Now I will show you how to do it.

Wrap the free end of the woolen thread around your palm a couple of times and roll the ball towards one of the children. Try to choose not the most popular student in the class.

You see what I have done now. I have chosen a student who should be next in the web. After we handed the ball to someone, we say to this student a phrase that begins with the same words: “Kolya (Masha, Petya)! I like you because...” For example, I say: “Kolya! I like you because you politely opened the classroom door for me before class started today.”
After listening to the words addressed to him, Kolya wraps his palm with a thread so that the "web" is more or less stretched. After that, Kolya must think and decide who to pass the ball to next.
When the next student has the ball, Kolya turns to him with a phrase that begins with the same words as mine. For example: "Yana, I like you because yesterday you helped me solve a difficult math problem." At the same time, you can talk about how this person made you happy, what you like about him, for which you would like to thank him. And so our game goes on and on...
Try to remember well what they will tell you when they pass the ball.

Make sure that during the game all children receive a ball. Explain that there is something about everyone that is worthy of respect and love. If some children have difficulty saying the opening phrase, “I like you because...”, then let them replace it with the words: “I liked the way you...”
The child who received the ball last begins to wind it in the opposite direction. At the same time, each child winds his part of the thread around the ball and pronounces the words spoken to him and the name of the speaker, giving him the ball back.

Leading. All the inhabitants of the Land of Fairy Tales were waiting for our arrival, gathered on the shore to greet us.

Exercise "Applause in a circle"

Leading. We have very good class and each of you deserves a round of applause. I want to offer you a game in which the applause is quiet at first, and then becomes stronger and stronger.
The game goes like this: you stand in a common circle. One of you starts. He approaches one of the students, looks into his eyes and gives his applause, clapping his hands with all his might.
Then they both choose the next student, who also gets their share of applause: they both come up to him, stand in front of him and applaud him. Then the whole trio chooses the next one. Each time, the one who was applauded has the right to choose another one. So the game goes on and the applause gets louder and louder.

Sabina Sultanova

Goals: Development of curiosity and cognitive motivation. To create conditions for the development of cognitive abilities of children. To form the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.


1. To form the ability to argue your statements, build

the simplest conclusions; form methods of mental operations.

2. Develop social and communicative qualities through collective

solving common problems, logical thinking, fantasy, imagination.

3. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Lesson progress:

Psychologist. Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's welcome them.

Are you in a good mood? I'm a little worried, just like you. In this case, I have two magic bags. One is in a bad mood, and the other is in a good mood.

Now I will open the bag with a bad mood, and we will hide in it a bad mood, our excitement.

And now let's open the bag with a good mood, let its contents fill our entire room, okay? Please close your eyes and feel a surge of vivacity, fun.

Oh, guys, what's in the bag with a good mood? Some letter, shall we read?


“My dear children! I live on an amazing, very beautiful island, where there are many large and beautiful flowers, many insects, amazing animals. I fall asleep and wake up singing unusual birds. But on island i'm alone, I have no friends. And so I want to hear friendly advice, cheerful children's laughter. I invite you all to visit me. I really hope for your friendship! Looking forward to seeing you! See you at island!

Guys, from whom the letter is not clear. But would you like to help someone who is in trouble? After all, not having friends is a real disaster!

Psychologist. Wait, there's something else in the bag - yes, it's a map islands!

What a truly amazing island, judging by the map, it is rich in vegetation, and a wide variety of animals inhabit it.

Sailors, our journey is dangerous,

But, we see, you know the matter perfectly!

We enlist all of you in the crew

And we tell about our trip.

Psychologist: Guys, what is island?

Children: This is a piece of land surrounded on all sides by water.

Psychologist: Where can we go to desert island ?

Children: On a ship, boat, steamer, yacht, raft.

Graphic dictation (Guys! You necessary connect the numbers from 1 to 9 by dots with lines. You should get a transport on which we will sail to island. What did you get? Show. -Ship).

Here on this ship we will go to island.

Psychologist: Take your seats dear passengers (children, put on caps). Tell me, which of your relatives remained on the shore with you?

Children: (mom and dad, grandparents, caregivers, etc.)

Psychologist: What do we wish to those who stayed on the shore?

Children: Happy to stay!

- Do not miss us!

- Goodbye! See you soon! etc.

Song "Mysterious island»

On the island. (sailed)

Psychologist. Guys, look at the map, I think that we ended up in this place, which means that a parrot should meet us now, here he is sitting on a stump. Maybe it was he who invited us to his island?

(looks at map)

Here is this stump, but there is no parrot on it, where is it?

Guys, it's me, a parrot, but, unfortunately, you can only hear me. you got on island where the evil sorcerer visited, he wrote you a letter, he wanted to lure you to island, on which everything was confused, spoiled, bewitched. And he put me in a chest. I'll get out of here if you find the key to the chest. But I don't know where to find it. And it's not on the map. (what to do? crying) This is very dangerous, the sorcerer is too dangerous, he can bewitch you too. Get out of here! Save yourself!

Psychologist. Guys, are we really going to leave and leave the poor parrot in trouble?

Children. We won’t leave, we can’t leave in trouble, we need help.

Well done, you are very brave children, and I will help you. Move on the map.

Psychologist: Well, guys, meet adventure! Forward!

Let's look (at the map, what will we have to face?

Yeah, ahead ... Guys, it is shown on the map that there are many different animals in the forest. But have you seen anyone?

Children. No, on the island has no animals.

Psychologist: And I didn't see anyone. What happened to them? What did this villain do to them?

Look, yes, here they are, but what happened to them? Do you know what these animals are? (in front of the children, mixed up split pictures of animals)

Let's help the animals regain their former normal appearance.

D/game "Confused Animals"

Psychologist. Well done, here we have corrected one atrocity of this sorcerer.

Well, it's hot on this island! So thirsty!

Discuss the problem of finding water.

Guys all around islands sea and you can drink sea ​​water? (children's answers).

Sea water is not suitable for drinking, you need to look for spring or lake water. And if there is neither a lake nor a stream on island What kind of water can be used for drinking and cooking?

(children's answers - Offer options: Collect rainwater or snow on top of a mountain.)

Yes, in this situation, only rainwater can help us. And here is the cloud, let's ask the cloud for rain.


Cloud, cloud!

What are you not lying? (swinging, stepping from foot to foot)

Give us a cloud of rain! (sit down - get up)

We will be with you.

Do not spare water for us! (hands up - down)

Psychologist:- Is it possible to drink such water immediately?

She is dirty.

That's right guys - rainwater is dirty, to see this, let's filter the water with you. After all, you and I are prudent people, and for this case I put in our bag such small vessels, which are called test tubes. They will help us to clean rainwater.

Experiment with filtering rainwater. They conclude that the filtered water must be boiled.

Psychologist: What is water for? boil? (To destroy viruses).

And we can drink coconut milk (what we are going to do now).

We have quenched our thirst, but we need to move forward.

The map shows some kind of paper that we need to find.

Orientation in space.

(Go forward 5 steps, take three steps to the left, look up. Do you see something? There is paper hanging on the vine. They took it off.

Let's read: "Guests". What would that mean? Suddenly, the rustle of bushes is heard, from where the Papuans come out.

Dance of the Papuans.

Psychologist: Hello dear! Who are you?

Papuans: We are Papuans from neighboring islands. We come here to hunt. There were no living creatures here for a long time, an evil sorcerer bewitched this island, and today we caught a good carcass. Even they themselves did not believe in a miracle ...

Psychologist: It was we who helped the animals to get free.

Papuans: What good fellows you are! You helped our tribe not to die of hunger. Ask in return for whatever you want.

Children: you don't know where the chest is on island? He was hidden by an evil sorcerer. That's where the parrot is. We need to get another key to the chest in order to open it and release it to freedom.

Papuans: Key? (I didn’t see ... and I didn’t see, the Papuans answer)

One of the Papuans A: I saw the key. The sorcerer hung it on a palm tree. And which one, I don’t know ... I was afraid to come closer.

Guys, but on the map we have a palm tree with coconuts. So we must find the key exactly on the same palm tree. Look at them. How do they differ from each other, what do these palms have in common? What color are the coconuts on the palm trees? How many coconuts are on the right palm, on the left? Where is more? Is there something weird about coconuts?

Yes guys! One of the coconuts is not as brown as the others. It is much lighter and smaller than all coconuts. Maybe the key is hidden there?

(Tore off and found the key in this coconut.)

Children: Thank you, Papuans!

Papuans: Bon voyage and good luck to you (leave)

Psychologist: we found the key, now forward to the chest. Where are we heading? (look at the map)

Exercise: Look at the map - a flower is waiting for us. Guys, it's not just a flower. It is magical and very big. Do you know what parts a flower consists of? (root-stem-leaves-flower), what is missing on our flower-leaves. Where do you think our evil sorcerer could hide the chest? In the ground so that we can't see it. What part of the flower? Fundamentally. Maybe we can look for a chest in the root of the flower? What can help us? Of course, a spatula. Let's look for it in our bag. They find a shovel in the bag and start digging. (Found a chest (we open) and from there

A parrot appears.

Well done friends, you saved me, saved my island, it again became as before, and the evil spell of the sorcerer was destroyed. I am very grateful to you and want to be friends with you, as a token of gratitude, accept a gift from me. (gives the children a chest with medals)

Psychologist Q: Does yours have a name? islands?

Parrot: Not. He was completely uninhabited until I got here.

Psychologist: Well guys, let's give a name to our island.

Children: Island Friendship will make friends

Everyone will teach us to be friends

He will warm everyone with his warmth

And surround with care.

Parrot: Thank you guys!

Psychologist: Guys, it's time for us to go home, I'm proud of how brave, kind, inquisitive you are. You have not left your dear friend parrot in trouble. As the proverb says "Disappear yourself, but help a friend out".

Let's put the parrot on his favorite stump. Say goodbye to him and return to our beloved Kindergarten. (to the song about kindergarten)

We open the chest and hand over the medals to the children.


Educational psychologist

Sedanova Valentina Anatolievna


part of the game

Short description


Organizing time

Checking if all the participants have gathered, explaining what we will do

Part 1 Warm up

Energizer "Brake", "Alligators"

Strips of paper, with the expectation that a group of children could stand on one.

Part 2 "Balloon Disaster"

The game is aimed at the formation of group cohesion, the identification of leadership, the development of communication skills.

First, the host gives an introductory setting for the game. (game legend) And then hands the players a list of the things that are in the basket. They will have to rank this list, i.e. choose from the list more and less significant things: which of them should be immediately thrown overboard in order to save the expedition, and which should be saved and thrown away, only as a last resort.

First, everyone works with their card individually, then in pairs, then in groups of four, and so on, trying to reach an agreement and make a common decision. This is followed by a group discussion.

Presentation with the name of the first game, illustrations, music and noise accompaniment to create the atmosphere of the game.

Each participant is given a writing utensils a form with a list of things. Cardboard tablet.

Part 3. Game "Desert Island"

The task of the surviving expedition is to organize the life of the colony on a desert island, for which the participants are divided into groups and develop their projects.

Whatman paper, felt-tip pens, writing paper, stationery.

Part 4. Reflection, summing up.


Energizer "Brake"

Participants sit in a circle.

Agree on what sound you will designate the sound with which the car starts (for example: “tr-tr”), and the sound with which it slows down (for example, “stop”).

Explain that if you say “tr-tr”, the one on the right should say the same, etc. If someone says “stop”, then the movement will start in the opposite direction.

Ask questions :

What qualities of participants does the exercise train?

What is its psychological meaning?

Energizer "Allegators"

The group receives a strip of paper.

Condition . The group should imagine that the stripes are boats and allegators are floating around. If someone gets off the strip, that allegators will eat it.

A task. Line up for growth

Ask questions:

Was it easy for you to complete the task?

What hindered the completion of the task?


Introductory speech of the presenter (instruction for the game):

So, after flying in a balloon, you all escaped: someone fell right on land, someone fell into the water and got afloat. You are all alive, the wounded have received all possible assistance, there are no seriously ill patients. True, this land, by the will of fate, turned out to be an uninhabited island. You assume that this island is off the traffic lanes sea ​​vessels and you will have to equip your life here with the expectation of several years. There is a rich flora and fauna here, but there are dangers: poisonous plants, cold winters, visits of cannibals (cannibals) from neighboring islands are possible. It is possible to hold out as a close-knit group, but alone it is almost impossible. Your task is to create conditions for yourself in which you could survive. Understand the seriousness and drama of what happened, especially since during such a period people sometimes go wild, irritability is followed by rage and fights to the death. There is no place for frivolity - you need something to eat and you need to survive. Adjust yourself accordingly, observe yourself: how you will manifest yourself in this life.

What will you start with? Robinson Crusoe and his first steps immediately come to mind: reconnaissance of the island, search for water and food, collecting objects and things that “may come in handy”. But Robinson was alone, and you were a whole group, and each with his own character!

After the first material needs are met and security measures are taken, don't you think that a big council should be held to decide how life should be organized on the island?

You need to solve the following questions:

    1. Organization of life, survival. What measures need to be taken to provide your colony with food, clothing, shelter? How to distribute responsibilities: should individual capabilities be taken into account, or should everyone have an outfit, the implementation of which is strictly mandatory? How to ensure the right to life for everyone? Or do you not have such a right? How will you determine the prospects for life on your island? What will be the main purpose of your colony's life?

      Power: what will it be? How will life be organized in your colony? From history you know different types organizations of human communities: tribal, monarchical, democratic. What will you take as a basis? Who will protect the interests of the members of your colony: the general meeting - the veche, the leader, a group of elders or a group of the strongest? How will performance be monitored? What measures will be applied to those who do not comply with the decisions or their duties?

What measures will be taken to maintain power and order? Who will make the final decision: all the inhabitants of the colony by voting or a simple majority? Or a grouping of the most powerful, authoritative, or most beneficial people? Or maybe the leader will do it alone? And how will the implementation of decisions be monitored? What happens if an order or instruction is not fulfilled?

    1. Who and what functions will perform for the life of the colony? Determine the main functions of the inhabitants, which are necessary not only for survival and protection, but also for the development of the entire community and its individual members. What does one need to learn, what to learn? By the situation, you are all a group of research scientists, so most of you are unfamiliar with manual labor. (Remember the TV game "The Last Hero", in which famous actors, politicians, TV presenters had to learn how to survive on the island, while also performing various tasks). Will you take into account the knowledge and skills of each in the distribution of responsibilities, and how will you transfer this knowledge to others? How will new knowledge and skills be acquired?

      What will be the code (rules, norms) of relations between the inhabitants of the colony? Develop your own set of rules that would help solve specific problems, effectively cooperate, maintain order and good relationships. How to ensure the active participation of everyone in society? What norms of relationships will you establish in your colony? Will the opinion of a minority or even one person be taken into account when making decisions? Will a person who does not listen to anyone and does not obey anyone have the right to live in your colony? What if this lifestyle makes him a burden to others? What are the limits of your colony's power? Will she interfere in her private life? Should there be sanctions for breaking the rules? Will you have common holidays? What traditions and rituals will you introduce? Will you have your own coat of arms, flag, anthem?

Reflecting on these questions, try to draw up your own code of laws - the constitution of your island.

No more than 20 minutes are given for the work of the groups, then each group in turn presents to the rest of its version of the organization of the life of the colony. If the proposals are the same, then you can not repeat them completely, but say which of the things said by the previous groups you completely agree with, what you would like to add. When all groups have spoken, a collective discussion of proposals begins. To make them visible to everyone, it is desirable that the proposals be written on large sheets.

You should tune the guys very well to the situation on the island: answer their questions, lead them to the problems that may arise in the organization of life, in the protection and relationships of people, but at the same time do not suggest solutions to problems. In the process of discussion, “enhancing” verbal techniques can be used: “Did I understand you correctly ...”, “What will happen if ...”. Particular attention should be paid to how the laws of the life of the colony will be created, discussed and approved.

The work can be built according to the following scheme:

      1. Formation of working groups.

        Group work. Discussion and execution of laws on the 4 above positions. The fifth group develops sketches of the coat of arms and flag, selects the text and music for the anthem.

        Protection: one speaker from each group presents and comments on the laws invented by the guys. The remaining groups have the right to ask 1 question for clarification. Critical comments are not allowed. Both the speaker himself and any member of his group can answer the questions of the groups. The time for the speaker's speech is 3 minutes. Questions and answers - 2 minutes.

        After all the speakers have spoken, the whole group votes for the adoption of laws, in case of disagreement, objections are raised, and adjustments are made.

        Comparison of the developed laws with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. What are the similarities and what are their differences? The presenter's commentary on the history of the creation of the declaration, on the implementation of its laws in the world. (if the game is delayed, this item can be excluded)


Summing up the game : “We tried ourselves in the role of legislators. Creating a new society on a desert island, we relied on universal values: goodness, truth, beauty. We tried to understand such concepts as freedom, choice, responsibility. This can be achieved if in the first place - mutual understanding and respect between people. It is on these key positions that the basic laws of the inhabitants of our planet Earth are built.

Unfortunately, they are declared, but not everywhere and not always implemented.

Issues for discussion :

    1. Did you like the game?

      Do you think your class is a cohesive team? Why?

      What was the most difficult for you? What came easy?

      Have your ideas about what rights are most important changed during the game?

      Are there any other rights that you would like to add to the Code of Laws?

      Why was the work on the Code of Laws useful for you?

      Which of the invented laws for the island can be used in any human community, and which ones were created based on the circumstances?

      Which of the invented laws would you leave for the life of your class?



Attachment 1

List of items in the shopping cart hot air balloon


Name of things

The weight




Dishes (pots, bowls, spoons, mugs)

12 kg

Rocket launcher with flares

b kg

First aid kit with medicines

7 kg

Axes, shovel, crowbar

12 kg

Canned meat

20 kg

Rifle with ammo

25 kg

big tent(for 10 seats)

10 kg

Drinking water canister

20 l

Chocolate and candies

15 kg


Oxygen cylinders

50 kg


Fishing gear

1 kg


Transistor radio

2.5 kg


Boat rubber, inflatable

20 kg


Photo and film cameras

25 kg


Sextant (device for locating by the stars)

5 kg


Warm clothes and blankets

50 kg


Unique animal for the zoo

25 kg


Set geographical maps

2 kg


Materials of your scientific researches (8 folders)

6 kg


Salt, sugar

5 kg